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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  May 12, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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of the country, congratulations on your new appointment. we believed in victory. when he left, he forgot to say good bye to me. he had already left but came back to me and said, i'm sorry that i forgot to say good bye to you. and he shook my head and very tired of the about until i felt sorry a you pray, then miss all side has partially destroyed an apartment building. the russian city of belgrade. the russian defies of. if he says as ukraine has used 3 different types of projectiles, including west and supplied bottom farm, as i was to hit a residential areas around, the city is a very camera caps at the moment of the strike on the 10 story ability, at least 17 people have been wooded and the 5th dozens of residents may be trapped
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under the level of rescue workers as rescue of his search for survivors. the buildings roof collapse, shopping them inside the surface. the dozens of people may, will you stuck on the city of elbow. it has been under attack by euclid and holt as this sunday morning. russian authorities, i'll consider this as an act of terrorism. here's how a witness destroyed the catastrophe. and the last one, everything was destroyed, the windows and the balcony and failings. they all blown out. i was in the hallway, my husband was in the bathroom. he's had was injured. ramirez have taken him to the hospital. it's so just so terrible by way of very lucky and has to be joined the cause when the shape goes on it, tell me what correspond. andre, is she the gentleman?
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thanks a lot for joining me here. and this is a terrible time to start with v. what do we know? what's the latest update on the incident? yeah, well, that's another terrible day for belgrade. i mean, i spent a lot of time in the town. i have an affection for the know a lot of people there. i've met with the doctors who treated the victims of this uh, you know, essentially just a terrorism. and we know that there is at least 17 people, the injured. but given the destruction the collapse of an entire apartment lock, it looks like there's a lot of people trapped on the robot i might expect. sadly, a death told to rise several types of weapons use at punch to you, which is on soviet plates of ad me. so i would really, which was use previously in chronic poor skin and attack against a billions again, which also killed in numerous amount of civilians. and again, as you mentioned at the check vampire m l or s, which is a multi launch rockets system at low risk, which is a very inaccurate and dangerous weapon,
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which indiscriminately for these high explosive warheads instead of running. again, i've seen those. i've got to remember on new year's eve last year at belgrade was attacked also with the same weapon. and i was on the ground and saw the damage that these things do with so indiscriminate children were killed. 25 people died. and that attack alone a 100 very by the injured as the psychological impact of this, which is essentially terrorism, was absolutely no military infrastructure anywhere near the building destroyed today or in the previous attacks. wow. yeah, so he is quite a devastated, kindly business. my next little bit, we thing, andre, a lot of these weapons being supplied by the western countries. a clear phase to save everyone on the so if it is all being attacked all being targeted, even hundreds of deaths. why are they not condemning this? even this is a good question, i think today in this effect, which so that's a heal canyon forces. are hate on civilians for
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a lot of time like like tri state in both world. this weapon system on fire supplied by it just sort of public was use it against civilian seconds. civil buildings and this weapon system is extremely inaccurate. so i think in this moment the west needs to of think if they want to continue to putting this weapon to pain after it. well, why do you can use these weapon against civilians and why the west, the states been single that to the west, the weapons cannot to use it. that gains sometimes. right, so this is important because maybe now there was need to think about which girl wants to play in this conflict, right? right. we're going to get to the 2nd under the show, you know, we, we need to hear a lot about how russians been involved saying to the pharmacy region,
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many towns are being taken. uh, of course all done in a controlled way with the minute most civilians. is there some sort of retaliation do that because russia is doing so well, you know, bring peace and stability to those regions. yeah, well it's hard to see that it's not some sort of reaction. obviously you're right it's, it's not on usual to see these attacks. again, civilians are pretty and done. best on that switch under a would be very familiar with uh on the ground and our colleagues, the sweeney. and many of our corresponds to see the 1st time effect of these metallic few strikes. it seems into civilian areas with no real, a russian out on a military, the scale. and it's just the in belgrade. and the support for the government has actually increased since these attacks began. and we heard about this when all it was there, and people absolutely support the moscow government. and they've also suggested that the, they've suggested to meet themselves that these attacks were,
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in essence revenge attacks. now, what's actually happening on the ground of course, is also interesting. in the last 2 days, you've had 9 villages now settlements some large or small, you know, liberated by russian forces as they push across the border to create this before zone really. and you can see now the ration now if, if anything needed to demonstrate why the russian military de mondays from the people of belgrade and these regions being attacked. much like the people of dumbass who are shield for 10 years. that if anything demonstrates the need to push a, you know, this artillery these west and split systems a way out of range of disability incentives. if anything demonstrates of what this does, it show you know, and actually busy now. so my next know we told or previously so it was about a buffers i'd or now it's been told so by the should be like maybe us controlled or a multi minute feed controlled buffer zone where there's no we've,
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we've seen it was north in the south of cyprus, is this a possibility? is this realistically something that could happen a m b with a long range, missiles that are already also being supplied now, so you claim how, how deep this book does this was, it would have to be, this is the question because of the us are sending this new weapon this newman size with a like a 3 on the to them at this range. so it's of this size are able to heat the old crime. yeah. and also all the are from $33.00 out of the new range on for f, a and the if the idea uh for a b solo son is a buffer zone. how and how many kilometers. we need to create these buffers on. because if the us, if the west to continue to supply this weapon with maureen's, i already time maureen's morning's mornings. so or i need to secure the, the,
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let's say speak for their 3030. and of course, a longer age me size are like a weapon for is come for us to leave the conflict and the for, for bring the piece in the region. and uh, of course, now also in the builder of the region it's needed like, and was in the, at the same the same situation, like with of the, of, of this go was of like a 4th us for the ukrainian army where they deploy a lot of artillery and we, these are still the, they shows finance and now there is but seems to place an embargo. so there is this uh, one fire god, the thought to go and maybe not from force need to pull back because what phone system for stuff makes safe. bye bye. all right. okay, sure. well, you know about weapons. we know that he told us about what was happening on may,
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9th, he described the width is really clear. it was amazing. i was very interested watching you, but these miss, so these weapons, are they talking about the these long range missiles, all these olds or are they just don't position precision weapons are they is the, is i? well, the cases very well. much of it is also via the crypted re engineer to like to touched on who is a, is a soviet weapon which has been engineered with some western technology to extend its range. same thing can be done with the s 300 on to your company. so they can be used to attack round targets as well. so of course, the ukrainian or a government will say that we're using, you know, our own weapons to attack targets to avoid the suggestion that these are west the prices. of course, the storm shadow. you have pack them's the high myers, we saw a brutal assault on a dawn netscape city a days ago where a restaurant was targeted during the victory day celebrations as well. and these are, these weapon systems are intimately manageable targeting systems for them. and looks
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like the attacks on the black sea fleet and columbia. it's like all of the attacks on the couch bridge. these are intimately managed and the guidance systems, the satellite data. all of the planning of this is dawn and we know this is an open secret if you like, is done by british at german french officers because you fight simply doesn't have the intrinsic capacity to wage this war beyond the very short range. and so what we're seeing, as i said is, is escalation, the only forward motion seems to be now in the west. is escalation, hoping that something comes up that will end the complex, but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen until yes, very just a said on the maybe if i could end with you is the info for all view is home. is there a g, a, i mean, a do geographical position for russia to stop. i mean, is it the near the river? is it just the, is it online where they rush? i can just say to,
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this is what i want. this is what i want the safety here. this is my buffers. i don't want any one else or is, are we looking at this? go on for many more. he is, in my opinion now it's, it's hard to say which position can be safe for the restaurant. 33 and there are some new territories because now we don't know what so exactly which type of new weapons they us on the europe a would send to create in the future. and the maybe if now there are some going month on are the i for minutes ago, the defense choose like a major on the safe thing for then you 33rd is this buffer zone can be and effectively in the future. if you crane can have new weapons with more range, right, we'll see if maybe the u. n. does getting low, but i have to leave it the gentleman on the data cd and shave us. thank you so much
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for your time. thanks again. all right, let's talk about other stories on the needs of the west african nathan of c earlier as being boosting its partnership with russia. it's something that i recently visited most the way he discussed a range of issues including nuclear energy corporation, the security situation, and has a much gallery to push it through us. so we'll discuss the situation in this a harvest region. molly, looking at fossil share chad, we're interested in west african countries. the remaining focused on safeguarding their sovereignty, an interest in dealing with international partners. so we elimination of the colonial and neo colonial messages, which are still visible due to the presence of some former settlers on the african continents is also in our interest here. today we conducted talks on this matter. and of course, because we are interested in seeing the principle of separate and solutions to african problem supported into practice. there are many conflicts in crisis in africa. sometimes for an players while trying to offer assistance primarily pursue
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their own interest and showing consistent with the interests of africans to themselves on skin problem. we also spoke about the need for the russian federation to support see every unit aspiration for, for the security. i did my colleague and i spoke about the need for prussian investment and sort of at the moment, if this investment is almost minimal, we want to use our political cooperation all by lot to relation to heights and our economic possibilities. today i'm here. we also spoke about almost without trial corporation, mind caught it and he our discussing the prospect associated is partnership with russia and, and conversation with africa's nations. information minister. this was a very productive needed team and it's based on a very long relationship between sarah and you on and russia. us value has benefits it from a mutual diplomatic relationship that's been very beneficial over the years since 9
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some to 63. and this was an opportunity to target seem to do and friends in those by less for are really strong. and that's the foreign minister said they really focused on aspects that are beneficial for both countries. so looking at the piece security issues, but also affecting investments and say your, and you're going to send you the partnership around areas of education, which has been areas of collaboration in the past, but also back to the investments. and, and actually i have found the area of interest to speaking with moving forward is that information technology. how would you assess, be cooperation between the 2 countries in this particular field? and i want new agreements that could we expect to be signed in this area by those present abuse. big 5 developments agenda is uh, around really transforming our digital footprints or information from technology, a system in our country. and we know that russia has put the expertise by the technology and information will be useful for our country. it is one of these areas
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of our conversation is what we're expecting and hoping for not just senior investments, but also exchanges. people to people exchanges extend just in technology exchanges . um, you know, group plans and things like that. so where, you know, everything is on the table. this was a, this was a, a grid composition. and, and, and, and as you know, the minutes about for an f, as i've said earlier, himself, benefits it from about 5 to shoot from you as a go. he studied in russian. i mean, just of mind. so this is not news. you have a whole set of the does not country who can speak the language to can continue those exchanges. and we're hoping to read multiple benefits included in india or else information that technology should warranty. i think so many african crises do not receive enough attention in the international media. i'm thinking about just one particular example of a d o. c, which is where safely under reported in us as one of many across the continents. why do you think they does gain the attention they deserve? nothing is necessarily neutral, right?
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people have about specs even sometimes. uh, stories are not staying us that would he of being reported or making the front pages. but i think at the end of the day, we want to focus on it and what i think our focus should be fees. we need to set our and started, i need to create who right kinds of partnerships. and i'm the file and started the west or different parts of the world and different media. they're going to have their own preferences based on offerings. sometimes it's like what the audience is once a year or more fits into a very specific narrative. as i've said, this is all it's, it's, it's not neutral. there's a whole history. and we, we don't have all the time to get into all the history in a politics that's into why that's the representation that we have. but it's true that our stories are not told, but i also don't want to spend so much time leaving other people from attending aust service. i think we need to continue to invest in opportunities to amplify and
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tell oh i'm sorry. is this wrong? has been the hardest to get back in a vacation for with compass all over the world. it emphasizes out west and the sizes are failed in the countries development all too close for the usage of the things that missouri of innovation and technology may appear out of reach for sanctions at iran. but you know, tex 2024 offers the window and to how far it won't has advanced and indigenous in key technologies was over 1000 companies from iran and around the world participating in this tech event. it's and these have the opportunity to force connections and showcase their groundbreaking innovations spinning from state of the art a i, applications to cutting edge robotics. this is 7 access industrial robots, the 1st fund design and for use in new york. for example, the for vending technologies, the forecasting technology. building,
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injecting machines, we put up like this type of functions, the, the foreign country for them. and i may fall within some of these type of, for the, bought the year on now we have the knowledge of the design and producing many types of uh, products, uh, related products. and this is, i'm gonna talk to the printer. it means i need to man, the metal, the laser energy, and the metals, how the reduces display. that's and you can prove you see the be canceled, reduce all types of objects and devices that you need. it's all made in your on accept the multiple everything's is made in the wrong. this is a high technology, and uh, i think it out loud. the counselor is right now. have these even features different
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sections, each catering to specific demands of a star top ecosystem, including the platform that connects tar tops with investors, promising and marketable ideas will be presented to investors wanna provide fledgling businesses with a financial leg up in the market. the incident is how does that this kind of tick events the countries innovation potential can be showcased? experts, individuals with ideas or products suitable for marketing, participating the exhibition to outlined the roadmap for advancing and commercializing the products these events take place worldwide. the event is organized by time to use technology park, which is referred to as well on silicon valley housing. some of the leading names in the countries technology sector. covey says, since the launch of you know, tax in 2012, it has nurtured numerous emerging tech companies, catapulting them to market success. companies participating in the patient can
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engage in various programs, including reversed speech and other platforms. we start ups competes and showcase the product, has several have already secured funding and investments, enabling them to achieve success. over the past few years or more than 2500. the rang and companies have showcase their products and services at the event. at this gathering, hundreds of millions of dollars in investments are expected to flow, not only from local accelerators, but also from it was critical trade partners. to rectify that prevailing investment vacuum left by the absence of western companies. leaders from technology, parks, and innovation centers from different countries, including restaurant south africa and china are attending the event details one discounts for talents and commercialize viable tech products. the south african delegates says, now that one is a member of briggs. there numerous contact opportunities in innovation and technology and waiting the country for you from the constraints of sanctions. you
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would know that it hadn't recently became a member of the brakes. it's one of the new members of the brakes, locals, countries, and as such, these are some of the initiatives that we are doing and undertaking to strengthen by lots of our corporation, especially in science and innovation. i'm here with the 7 start. tough this uh 1st uh, participation you know, takes, uh, we wanted to take this opportunity to, to come in into ex, also gauge what they'll put you into a gate to. i could be done between the 2 countries. as the western sanctions tightened their grip on different to the one you, the industries, the government is increasingly capitalizing on domestic know how to keep the wheels of the economy. turning experts, a, it was capacities had been overshadowed prior to the sanctions, but are now coming to lights. there is a silver lining to the sanction. the restrictions have compelled technology companies, including those in attendance. just try for self sufficiency and creating cutting
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edge global technologies from the ground up, for instance, there and barking on the development of artificial intelligence from scratch and standing on their own 2 feet. one is the wings. oh, it's karen to keep a rush for the 1st row in technological drugs. it is one of access to the world's latest technology. it's excess, gonna save an invited western check for us to take part whatever, opted out to stay safe from the repercussions. he was sanction or no, they won't, continues to capitalize on a ceiling to tell us on these vicious people seems to be confident that they can shoulder this heavy burden. they say all they need is a financial push, you know, tags and give them their usability. all right, well that's all for me for today. as always. it's great to have your company coming back. what's it? we'll be with you in that simple the i would do. oh,
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very good. say the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or excuse me, the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight rush. yes, this is also a, this is 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the
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name of the analysis. but that is it letting you think he said that then yes ma'am. so facade, indeed. and therefore the window at assuming that the to look into intermedia. nikoto is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of the video to d today. it allowed them listen to the the,
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when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. indeed, as voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the 1st time in history and meantime country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapons cancel a culture. do need to ask a lot of stuff in my life so little in the truck. it just me sitting the one who puts the glue. the phrase now particularly refers to canceling russian culture. let them know what degree of c orders go to that i get 20 miles folks to pittsville
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renewal. that is charlie phillips, that the most of the, some rich, the one of them, the, the moines blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question partially condemned with mild and rejected to sit alone and you spell it to put somebody at the middle of panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know all the time. i guess it a little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now include those to instigate to call skate shostakovich. that the i need to. yeah. to left, but yeah, she thinks that would be the w d. i'm in the u. k. or the
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russian states never one of the most sense community invest, not getting all sense enough in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question did you say to stephen twist, which is the
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color screen of the must be why, but just need to get the meeting with key at the washington state. the bruce to complete the rest of guys has to phone up, send 2 professional men to keep the list of over but huge, but they use the
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation. ultram, national is the use dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the santa of us, campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the,
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the so you create the saw helps a mass of apartment building and the russians video belgrade, and the police. when did people a window the as read to work as search will survive us, the buildings we collapse and over 100 you create it. and so just a killed and thousands more surrender during the russian offensive. the train, 2nd largest city, moscow's forces to take control of several towns at the top of reaches the .


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