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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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of the buried alive, at least 2 people are killed and 20 wounded after ukrainian metal strike reduced to rubble. a section of an apartment building in the russian city of belgrade. as rescue teams such for the victims of the debris came rating down on them, injuring 3 workers. on the advanced russian troops make more gains in the top of region, leaving ukrainian forces on the back foot. the arresting performance protest as a drive to way from outside the eurovision song contest as they make voice is heard
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about equal being allowed to compete the rod at 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our team to national, reaching you from our new center. i am michael caught you up with the updates that are nice to people have been killed in 21. did have to recreate in muscle strike, partially destroyed an apartment building in the russian city of belgrade, a solver, lines camera. i kept at the moment until this dry icon, the 10 story building rescue teams and now desperately racing against time in the bid to reach those still trapped in the buildings wreckage. now what you just saw was a critical phase known as a quiet period where teams forced to listen for any possible signs of life. coming
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from the rubble around several people so far for it to be a missing rescue efforts were hampered area when the for the part of the building came crashing down, the 3 emergency was where injured in the incident, such efforts were also interrupted. i made the threat of a further ukrainian attack. russia move forward with ease of cold it, an act of terrorism. a video has been posted on line of a witness of the scene just moments after the attack. the difficult about fire is a smouldering into rubble with emergency service is trying to put them out so those
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still shops are in to overcome by the smoke. however, there is also some good news. one man has now been successfully rescued. emergency services had managed to keep talking to him for several hours, while efforts to free him were on the way. especially ste. 2 was needed to bring through the concrete wall fund. i just sent the building to reach him. he's now receiving medical treatment. those rescued from the scene of the devastation have been taken to a nearby school, and i've been given help by the local authorities. is moscow says a native supplied weapons, including von 5 muscles were using the latest you create. in stripe on belgrade, the russian foreign ministry also condemned the attack and said it just added to the list of tron spike here. and if the west them back is the to attack in belgrade is another bloody link in a chain of crimes of the key flushing the targeted,
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showing of innocent civilians, public infrastructure, residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and social facilities has become a signature of zalinski is criminal organization which is backed by western sponsors, the area of my colleagues mirage have mommy, this cross key of tactics with archie is che bowes on the tale. and walker responded. andrea, the gd, i said, no, they're a terrible day for belgrade. i mean, i've spent a lot of time in the town. i have an affection for the know a lot of people there. i've met with the doctors who treated the victims of this uh, you know, essentially just a terrorism. but given the destruction the collapse of an entire apartment block, it looks like there's a lot of people trapped on that. a robot i might expect, sadly, a death told to was several types of weapons use at punch to you original soviet plates of me. so i would really, which was use previously in chronic poor skin and attack against a billions again, which also killed in numerous amount of civilians. again,
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as you mentioned at the check vampire m l or s, which is a multi launch rockets system at low risk, which is a very inaccurate and dangerous weapon, which indiscriminately for these high explosive warheads into the brother. and again, i've seen those. i've got to remember on, at new year's eve last year at belgrade was attacked also with the same weapon. and i was on the ground and saw the damage that these things do. it's so indiscriminate . children were killed. 25 people died. and that attack alone, a 100, a very by the injured i'm is the psychological impact of this, which is essentially terrorism. was absolutely no military infrastructure anywhere near the building destroyed today or in the previous attacks. wow. yeah, so he is quite devastating. kindly brings me to my next little bit. we thing, andre, a lot of these weapons being supplied by the western countries. a clear phase to save everyone on the so if it is all being attacked, all being targeted,
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even hundreds of deaths. why are they not condemning this even? this is a good question. i think today in this up eckowitz. so that's a new canyon forces. are hate and civilians for a lot of time like like the tri state in both world. this weapon system on fire supplied by it shuts republic was use it against civilian seconds. see with the buildings and this weapon system it's, it's certainly not correct. so i think in this moment the west needs to all think if they want to continue to putting this weapon to pain. after a little while, you can use these with 100 civilians and why the west, the states been single that to the west a web on so can not to use it that gains sometimes. right. so this is important
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because maybe now there was need to think about which for all of want to play in this conflict, right, right. we're going to get to the 2nd on the, the show, you know, we, we need to hear a lot about how russians been involved saying to the 5 he read in many towns of intake. and of course, all done in a controlled way with the minute most civilians. is there some sort of retaliation do that because russia is doing so well, you know, bring peace and stability to those regions. yeah, well it's hard to see that it's not some sort of reaction. obviously you're right it's, it's not on usual to see that these attacks against the millions of piggy and done best on that switch under a would be very familiar with on the ground and our colleagues, the sweeney and many of our corresponds, have seen the 1st time affects of these with talents he still likes it seems into civilian areas with no real russian out on a military, the scale. and it's just the in belgrade and the support for the government has
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actually increased since these attacks began. and we heard about this when i was there, people absolutely support the must go government. and they've also suggested that the, they've suggested to meet themselves that these attacks were, in essence revenge attacks. now, what's actually happening on the ground of course is also interesting. in the last 2 days, you've had 9 villages now settlements some likes of small, you know, liberated by russian forces as they push across the border to create this before zone. really. and you can see now the ration now if, if anything needed to demonstrate why the russian military de monday, from the people of belgrade and these regions being attacked. much like the people of dumbass who are shield for 10 years. that if anything demonstrates the need to push a, you know, this artillery these west and split systems a way out of range of disability incentives. if anything demonstrates of what this does it show, you know, i'm very busy now. so my next know we told or previously so it was about
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a buffers idle now it's been told so by the should be like maybe you a controlled or a multi minute feed controlled buffer zone where there's no, we've, we've seen it was north in the south of cyprus, is this a possibility? is this realistically something that could happen a m b with a long range missiles that are already also being supplied now, so you claim how, how deep this book does this was, it would have to be, this is the question because the us are sending this new weapon this newman size with a like a 3 on the to them at this range. so it's of this besides are able to heat the old crime. yeah. and also all the are from $33.00 out of the new range on a fresh. and the if the i, the for a, a solo son is a buffer zone. how and how many kilometers. we need to create these
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buffers on. because if the us, if the west to continue to supply this weapon with maureen's, i've already time more and more and more range. so i need to secure the need safety for their territory. and of course, a longer item is size are like a weapon for it's kind of for us to leave the conflict and the for, for going to the things in the region. and of course, and now also in the middle of the region, it's needed like an wasn't then you have the same. the same situation, like with of the, of, of disco was of like a 4th us for that. you create an army where they deploy a lot of artillery and with the circular, they show the finance. and now there is but it seems sufficient embargo. so there is this of on fire, god the thought to go and maybe read from force need to pull back. just flip on
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system for stuff makes a better car. now for more on this, let's cross live to alexander muckle. they had all this to were all based due to joining me. right. you all know now. i think that's good to have you join me right now. yeah, thank you very much for the invitation. great. no rush. i citing the belgrade attack, it adds to the multiple of the crimes, the key of needs west them back as i committed permitting. all even have committed as the case may be. what are you interpreting from all of that? i guess that's the russian government um codes now um retail yates um for all these through training and attacks against civilians against all these terrorist blocks committed in the past against the,
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against the task and wherever is out of which things. now we had the civilians in belgrade and i think that um constance towers the text um from ukraine only follow the logic golf lot during the conflict escalate. of course they got some um escalation in the past, but i think this um strategies. so where are we talking to or and to where it is um to a possible solution because every time um jeff is basically i think the scales and slats, the conflict become more cruel, some and more cruel. some more and more people inside the russians, security services and also insights the excellence of russian politics the will post themselves the question in how far they can actually allow us to enter the existence of not only the q 1st name, but also also ukraine. um and its current form, so it's yeah for states where's i'm continuously committing towers back. and um,
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trying to um, spread take the constructions and also to eliminate the russians. you will only will not only have to push a key or false is um, so i'm a few kilometers away from the russian bought up. but you have to both. the also the question is do can actually allow, defy the existence of such as states um, alongside your board? is it all? all right, now you have on the united nations. i said that it in the form of war. there are rooms because one would expect that if, if the but i, so just on one hand, 5 to get against. so does, on the other hand, that it is respect to that basically talking to each other. what do you think ukraine is trying to achieve here? by continuing to hits civilian target the new for stop to i guess that's jeff um once to provoke russia in order to also commit
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crimes against civilians on the big stains. but i guess that's the russian um beat us. it is cool. had it enough not to do so i'm saying in that direction. but what's frustrating vito's zip codes do, for example, would be to change the character of the special military operation into an employee . it's hours of operation. so it's key us is behaving like it's ours. states on a continuous basis and um, it's no longer adhering to the real source welfare. they won't be actually sooner or later treated as a terrace entity. and this would mean, for example, that, um, people like um who don't know if the chief of the ukrainian secret service was behind wherever you stare is the tax in the past. and also um salons to himself. um, to be treated as terrorists by the russian leadership. and you had for example,
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because that um there was basically a call for arresting savanski by the russian leadership. and therefore, they could use a different tactics that before on the ukrainian dealership itself, who's responsible for these tactics in order to change the behavior of the key of 1st name. all right, not the united nations has said that's vague, condemn every attack on c, b, and infrastructure and civilians themselves. but what action do you expect the united nations to take? well, i guess since all the united states are inside the united nation and also members, member states like friends for example, are able to veto certain decisions. i think they will maybe only, um,
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declared their declared their disapproval of these, your cranium terrorist attacks. but i don't think that there will be some sanctions against ts indians since the united states and france would basically be able to be to all these decisions. but of course, these attacks will lead to a photo diminishing of the reputation of the ukrainian machine on the international political scale. so i don't think they're doing themselves any favor. yeah, behaving like it serves the entity. and so a little late to this with the consequences, of course, not only for the come on those of the start unit, so committed these crimes, but also the photos, ukrainian dealership itself. all right, we have to leave you here. now i like that. i'm not gonna fix head all the silver all these to do. thank you so much for your time. thank you very much for the
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invitation, right? united by music. that was the slogan for last night's eurovision song contest. but judging by the scenes outside the video in sweden, unity wasn't in short supply as on the board over israel's inclusion. the police were seen slapping protest as to the ground, binding their hands and dragging them away. wild type of spray was used on office for just as clean the police were heavy handed despite the demonstration beginning peacefully almost separate the call me off resolved so much bye for
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nothing. and i, and even when i. d why was being detained or squared away? they were like, you don't have to answer that, but it's too long. i was given away the danish police back i was not taking part of the demonstration saying anything were just silently demonstrating the cayman islands. they took us away and the motion that i was feeling is just a fraction of what people are experiencing. now this year's contest was play bias candle. my user all came fixed and at one point was even leading the race, the spot, and many calling for the country to be bad for on the bed with heartache here is our to contribute to rachel, a master. this is your vision. san contest is being held in suite in the country. that's become austin on this with muslim immigration. so when israel is included in
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this annual competition organized by the european alliance of public service, media outlets at a time when there is a major humanitarian crisis in gas as a result of israel trying to liquidate him, us and heating over 3000 pallets. and in civilian so far in the process, is that a wonder that euro vision a talent show has now become the latest front in the stand off between pro palestinian and pro is really virtue. signaling battalions is horrible. what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating focusing, especially now when you have slow but this ramped, participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's rooted in racism. and in some of the doubles when it comes to the treatment of russia for that reason,
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i think it's the prophecy. the people are here for your vision. thanks so celebrate . there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children or die in there because sense as early as january to ban israel from your vision. but organizers have just shrugged de la, arguing that the context is a political. yeah. right. and your vision is totally not slim point or kid. she either, tomorrow we're talking about an event where participants are better known by their national flag than by their actual needs, making it inherently nationalist and political. which is why the geneva based european broadcasting union organizers slapped in egypt down on russia. when do you create conflict popped off, they've been said and done. the ukranian president by mirrors wednesday from addressing the event last year. i guess that was a bridge to far. it was taken place, the liver pulled at the time. they said that it was quote regrettable that they could not grant his request to speak despite his quote laudable intentions. because
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the quote possibility of making political statements as part of the contest is prohibited. sure, because political statements can only ever be done with words and not by actions like they did when they down russia. sounds like maybe they were just worried that zalinski would kind of kill the vibe with his usual speech. nationalistic rivalries are exactly what your vision is. about actually to bad. no one from gaza wasn't by just saying and europe's contests like israel was because god has bad. sure. and i've been out in full force, including if you mind hearing aid shift that dropped into pork and grieved about $400.00 per pallet stays importers on route to guess that this visit was apparently motivated by israel's presence in the contest. even going. and her ballad ended up qualifying for the top 10 in the saturday's big tele vice finale. i'm so overwhelmed with emotions. it's truly such an honor to be here on stage performing
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and showing our voice and representing us with pride and making it to the finals is it's, it's something crazy. so she's obviously trying to keep it all about the music. the fact that the crowd chanted free palestine during her semi final dress rehearsal and she was dude, would probably give a bit of a clue as to why that might be the case. but hey, here's is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu taking a break between bombing campaigns to hi jack. this is rarely performers efforts, and make it all about him. so that's fine. but if you've already worn not telling me all you're proud to an impressively participating in your vision, but your successfully consultants and a horrible wave of anti semitism and you are standing up to it and representing the estate of his royal with great on. so be blessed and know that when they bow you, we show that to you. how are that? i believe the tactical term for b. b statement is friendly. fire, you know,
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bombing your own assets is, remark certainly won't do anything to help the politicize 0 vision or the as rarely contest its participation, basically, be just rhetorically bomb bureau vision like it was some us by totally missing the target and virtually guaranteed, even more blow back last we didn't was not the only place shaken by a pool policy seen in demonstrations this week classes and the rest cut in all the major cities, including paris. i'm to them and believe the during the period in police custody, there was a great deal physical, psychological interval violence. it doesn't. students with force to st. completely naked, tackles blow, strong relation and insults were perpetrated. again, students,
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sexual assaults, more committed against the student, followed by inappropriate declarations. the not this week, month to be $79.00 in front of us. are you able to read all these defeat of nazi germany in world war 2? calibrations took place all across the russia to remember the huge sacrifice to solve you have people paid or do you had the special coverage throughout the day from central moscow? the
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no victory day saw new, but it was parades held throughout the country with the most famous being on the red square following tradition. and then the russian president delivered the speech and he of this country is ready to deal with any external threat but is not seeking confrontation. but i will do today. we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war use. right? yeah, the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building the colonial policy on hip hop prosy in lines. they demolish memorials to the transpired, physicals and obviously the engine oil. well, putting traces in a compass is of the nazis on the fedex, fluid body, or j. a race. the memory of heroism was deliberate to soldiers. of the great sacrifice launches and much mockery of history and the desire to justify the coloring follows of the nazis or a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional
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conflicts, my ethnic and religious hostility by nicholas. we reject the claims of any country or lions for exclusivity, your, the way we know what the in order to see of such a emissions leads to russia. we'll do everything to prevent a global flash. nice. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to directly address our strategic forces are always on a list that we not this by the unseasonably, cold weather. the clouds potted just long enough to allow with special fly past are these he goes down to manage to catch the jets. i said to, to this guys a hey on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit . it's about to take off for the red square, the
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they are those are among the best and the well, they both laugh at the end of the free this yeah. today make 29 and 230 is a fighter jets. well, and also they go, it's been a couple of years since 5 digits. 2 parts of the victory. the blue sky is above the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. what's that noise? 0. that's the crowd that of lying just over us. we have the right of the russian light, that is coming right on top of us. whatever disappear this when the good stuff comes, right? i mean, you know, you may love this when, if it kind of go up to come over the fos, you know, slide the jets come. busy but you see the big illusions as well of a tron school croft and when you, when they come over us, you caught even who yourself think with
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a technology. it's awesome. some of these to pull off the black to the swan. retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear that noise? oh, using what all your emotions today on this victory day? well, you cannot express of it's victoria day without expressing the fact that with the the ussr, the freedom which would not be here. the implication of the ussr has a low during the east front to crush the german armies. and because the crush, the german on is the allies of were able to get into europe and to up on the west front without the east front, that would not have been possible. and the big problem is, to me, these facts is under tools in the west. i remember when it was in school just in school, it's during the 2nd world war. i was always told that the, yeah. the and lou americans and count against they came in the lead the rate
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a desk. but once we have reach such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of, we're going to rewrite the q story. we understanding which well, we're leaving. the special ministry operation is ongoing. on the west and political and media landscape, they keep talking about this unprovoked, all of a sudden, russian invasion and yet, yet installed in book, the nato chief said, 48 hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys 2014. they really wanted to study to train them since 2014 the pool at night on was organized by the c. i. in fact, he is. it's not a military, it's not nato's military success and ukraine. it's a part of the failure for everything. every kind of new building blew up a new, a silver bullet that they're trying to break it to bringing what, whether it's the legal pub, whether it's the app arrives,
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whether it's absolutely everything is a failure and now they have a big problem. when you speak of yourself about ukraine, and when we speak about victoria date is that the west never understood ones are 8 . and part of the thing is that russia is feeling that she is affect the country is attacked, the whole country would be behind the present, this russian. so this is the way it works in the west, newborn and just do this. now they have started something that they don't know how to stop. as far as you can check, our 2 dot com for more updates has see you again in about 10 minutes. thanks for watching the .


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