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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the buried alive at least 5 people are killed and 20 wounded after a ukrainian missiles, trying to reduce it to rob oldest section of an apartment building in the russian city of belgrade. as rescue teams search for the victims, the debris came running down on them. enduring 3 workers at all the advance russian troops make more gains in the fuck of regions, leaving ukrainian forces on the back foot. the arresting performance for testers are drawn to way from the inside or outside the
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eurovision song contest as they make the voice is heard about these real being allowed to compete. the hello there. well, come to our to international reaching. you live from my new center with moscow. i a michael caught you up with the updates. i believe 6 people had been killed and 21 did after ukrainian. this whole slide partially destroyed. an apartment building in the russian city of belgrade solven's camera footage, captured the movement of the strike on the 10 story building, but rescued teams and now raising against time and a bit to reach those still trapped under the buildings wreckage. to what you just saw was a critical phase known as a quiet period where teams falls to listen to any possible signs of life. coming
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from the rumbling rescue efforts were hampered area. when the point of the building came crashing down, the 3 emergency workers were injured in the incident and such efforts were also interrupted amid the threat of a further ukrainian attack. russian authorities have called it an act of terrorism . a video has been posted online off a witness. i've seen just moments after the attack. the fire, the smouldering and the rubble of the emergency service is trying to put them out.
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so those killed shopped are in to overcome by the smoke. however, there is also some good news that's at least 19 has been successfully rescued. emergency services has managed to keep talking to him for several hours, quite efforts to free him. where on the way, especially as to, was needed to break through the concrete ward or find jason's apartment to reach him. he's now receiving medical treatment and the other. another mind was also pulled out with his condition unknown. those rescued from the scene of the devastations had been taken to a nearby school, and i've been given help by the local authorities. about moscow says a need to supply the weapons, including the vampire muscles, were also used in the latest attacks and slides on belgrade. the russian foreign ministry also condemned the attack and said he added to the list of crimes by key
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of edits of western vaca deter attack in belgrade is another bloody link in a chain of crimes of the key for team the targeted showing of innocent civilians public infrastructure, residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and social facilities has become a signature of zalinski is criminal organization, which is backed by western sponsors. early on my colleague mor, i'd have mommy discussed the key of tactics with are these tables and it's holly and walker responded. andrea lucida, i said no, they're terrible day for belgrade. i mean, i spent a lot of time in the town. i have an affection for the know a lot of people there. i've met with the doctors who treated the victims of this uh, you know, essentially just a terrorism. but given the destruction the collapse of an entire apartment block, it looks like there's a lot of people trapped on that. a robot i might expect. sadly, a death told to was several types of weapons use at punch to you, which are known soviet plates of ad me. so i don't really,
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which was use previously in chronic poor skin and attack against a billions again, which also killed in numerous amount of civilians. again, as you mentioned at the check vampire m l or s, which is a multi launch rockets system at low risk, which is a very inaccurate and a dangerous weapon, which indiscriminately for these high explosive warheads into a rather miguel, i've seen those. i've got to remember on new year's eve last year at belgrade was attacked also with the same weapon. and i was on the ground and saw the damage that these things do. it's so indiscriminate. children were killed. 25 people died. and that attack alone, a 100 a very by the injured as the psychological impact of this, which is essentially terrorism, was absolutely no military infrastructure anywhere near the building destroyed today or in the previous attacks. wow. yeah, so he is quite devastated kindly brings me to my next little bit. we thing, andre, a lot of these weapons being supplied by the western countries. a clear phase to
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save everyone on the so if it is all being attacked all being targeted, even hundreds of deaths. why are they not condemning this? even? this is a good question. i think today in this up eckowitz. so that's a heal canyon forces. are hate on civilians for a lot of time like like tri state in both world. this weapon system on fire supplied by it just sort of public was use it against civilian so against civil buildings. and this weapon system is extremely inaccurate. so i think in this moment the west needs to think if they want to continue to putting this weapon to pain after a little while, you can use these with 100 and civilians. and why the west, the states been single that to the west,
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a weapon. so cannot to use it. that gains sometimes. right, so this is important because maybe now there was need to think about which for all of want to play in this conflict. right, right. we're going to get to the 2nd on the, it's the show, you know, we, we need to hear a lot about how russians been involved saying to the pharmacy region, many towns are being taken. uh, of course all done in a controlled way with the minute most civilians. is there some sort of retaliation do that because russia is doing so well, you know, bring peace and stability to those regions. yeah, well it's hard to see that it's not some sort of reaction. obviously you're right it's, it's not on usual to see these attacks against have against a piggy and done best on that switch under a would be very familiar with the on the ground and our colleagues, the sweeney and many of our corresponds to see the 1st time effect of these metallic few strikes, it seems into civilian areas with no real rush in out on
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a military the scale. and it's just the in belgrade and the support for the government has actually increased since these attacks began. and we heard about this when i was there, and people absolutely support the must go government. and they've also suggested that the, they've suggested to meet themselves that these attacks were, in essence revenge attacks. now, what's actually happening on the ground of course is also interesting. in the last 2 days, you've had 9 villages now settlements some likes of small, you know, liberated by russian forces as they push across the border to create this before zone. really. and you can see now the ration now if, if anything needed to demonstrate why the russian military de mondays from the people of belgrade and these regions being attacked. much like the people of dumbass who are shield for 10 years. that if anything demonstrates the need to push a, you know, this artillery these west and split systems a way out of range of disability incentives. if anything demonstrates of what this
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does, it show you know, and actually basically not somebody makes no, we told or previously. so it was about a buffers i'd or now it's been told to by the should be like maybe un controlled or a multi minute feed controlled buses in where there's no loose loose thing that was north and south of cyprus. is this a possibility? is this realistically something that could happen a m b with a long range, missiles that are already also being supplied now, so you claim how, how deep this book does this was, it would have to be, this is the question because of the us are sending this new weapon this newman size with a like a 3 on the to them at this range. so it's of this size are able to heat the old crime. yeah. and also all the are from $33.00 out of the new range on refresh. and the, if the idea uh for a b solution is
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a buffer zone. how, how many kilometers? we need to create this buffer zone. because at this is the us is the west to continue to supply this weapon with maureen's. i've already time maureen's morning's mornings. so or i need to secure the need safe, big for their 3030. and of course a longer age limit size are like a weapon for is kind of for us to leave the conflict in the for, for the things in the region. and of course now also in the middle of the region, it's needed like an wasn't then you have the same the same situation. like with the difficulty of disco was of like a 4th us for the opinion. i mean, where they deploy a lot of artillery and we, these are still are they show the finance. and now there is the same situation in
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barbara. so there is this uh, one fire god, the adults go and maybe not from force need to pull back this weapon system for stuff makes a lot of the earlier this month, the birthdays for administer, david cameron, sadie, he had no issues with the key of he's a british supplied weapons to strike inside russian territories. but veterans award donald list elijah, might be, i believe it's warring to hear western power is giving you creating costs. bloss a t. s is using weapons that comes from another country. there is always and use a justification and a explanation why and why are they going to use these weapons? base camp is already saying that we bomb being russia, which is something that the british already said before the bomb be that they and now you continued to use british weapons to bomb brush out then the all,
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no boundaries if they have a troops or the if they had not come back in and civilians the all protecting protected by international laws. therefore when there are no more. busy more or less to abide by, then it becomes dangerous because those will all and not involved in the will have to pay the price because they is a deliberate indiscriminate giving of civilians that is really serious about egypt for design and stuff. i think this case of the international court of justice, which accuses eas, we're alone genocide, and that's according to a statement bought a country is foreign ministry to move to intervene in the mentioned lawsuit comes amid escalating is really aggression against the palestinian civilians and gaza involving systematic practices targeting posting and civilians destruction of infrastructure displacement and creating unprecedented humanitarian crises in
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violation of international humanitarian law. egypt renews its call for immediate action to all hostilities and gaza military operations in the palestinian city of rafa and provide necessary protection for palestinian civilians to read more nations are on board as well. earlier this week, libya filed its own declaration of intervention in south africa's case against israel. to key also announced its intention to join with the countries for administer, say, bunker. i will submit the application once the legal text is completed, while those base prepare columbia has already decided with south africa on the match, asking me a while to south africa. as president said that his country returns to this i. c. j on friday, calling for an urgent order to protect the policy ends in gaza. i made easy. busy of military sold on rafa. silver about my post. i slammed the easel for its actions
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and as a world wide support for gas in the ministry. for since the start of the military action and rough or israel to seize control of both the rough and care em shalom crossings, effectively controlling all moved in and out of guns. including off all critical humanitarian and medical supplies, goods and fuel, the gross human rights violations, perpetuated by israel scales taken comprehensible levels of cruelty. he's an extreme violent oppression. the world must do more to end the persecution of the palestinians, including that of many innocent women and children. suffer more on these recent developments, lex cross live now to hi me, sort of mind the executive director of the r upset for research and policy studies . honie, i'm happy to have you join me right now. what do you make of egypt? decision to intervene and so forth. so that's a good case against israel. i wonder what you were interpreting of what you're reading from all of these the time,
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i think because this is or send the collision, is that the collision for a started with the ability to change your the exemption have to do with the story vision? i why is the also find that i to be i would use or for is that we need to get solutions. that it be that the mini uh come to more on demand me based on from this read on does our content is trying to fish for what is good solution, but what you think of when they try to cause doors? if like, if we access access to select the dean or side to one, throw in the gross and from the city on site. right? so, so it leaves the egyptian a security national security. i think these are our trying to act in other sites. it's a user to the guys that we have more limits to for our escalations,
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it easy to to be a one to going to one. it's a vision of it to june. will have many steps advance that step. so again, this does this really uh, relations that i'm the try is to destroy it once that piece versus a insisting that is ready to envision. i think the story was, is that these roses and it made it look sort of dish on 2 separate dish or the price is to easy the dental to missouri. so i think it's the start with a being the was that was out for to get on the, the, the for the new thing. good is maybe on. so i was off, it does our campus like novia. i think it's the 1st step we and once that is there are a, is, there is a change on the the exemption doing of speech last time. when is
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a foreign ministry, adult dogs is that is your sense to make a displacement or but to stay on to as are not. so i think it's a start. did it wants to be there in the weekend? we, i mean, you know, it's fine. so it does their sense of from vision, is there any value to the china? is there a strong desire on distribution? imagine i'd skipped. all right. libya has also falls the same appeal i, b, i, c, j. what is your thoughts on the growing number of african moslem countries showing support for palestinians? i think it's many uh, have many uh, vision to as our doctors when we start from. so is it going by the guys are in dominican to is like libya? is it the columbia, is there a cost? i think it to be the start menu. so there was no contracts under contract which would be attached to the doors. this is on the national court of justice,
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but it wouldn't make a great, but it's just visually we have many uh, movements in amelia gals rooms jordan's on the universe. this on the other side is on the human rights and institutions. i think it, when i me a so far to to or is this moment into it and kind of dominican that has to have the man. but to do is, you know, i mean uh many uh but need to go stairs. but i think it's, it was the and the by using the problem is right. so as the agreement which, how much money functions that i did last time time to buy when thrown into the irises. and the blended cpr seemed usually with big decisions and many other moving companies will be encouraged to made is their main position. i think it was i think it wouldn't be okay. but is or, or desire. nick is the very next time. all right, now i, i said you have to has refrain from allowing guidance and mosse from entering the
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country. how does they support that? the i c j now actually affect or impacts the well being of palestinians to yeah, i think uh easy to try to finalize our uh, the size of managed uh many uh find the support and what do you see by brace uh, from international court of justice wrong, i don't normally see, but they are making pressure on is there any right to me? it's a and addition to a piece for us is unsuitable. any advance? it's deb score, so it's good agreement. but i think easier. one to be a vision towards the buying, to control it or to be the commitment obviously is the fact i'm so may be, it is or you'd find it facing the easiest thing if i am because it's what i think it's national, it's a good. so the thing is the exemption towards the way to change and expand. it will
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have many ways to try to make a donation on the nose to support things in a way to deal with me any. uh, when did you as many uh, sort of to make the 1st one is i may be existing. are you a military uh, facing or military wouldn't be one of his is a towards the would be from district some company, but it wouldn't be in effect since i am not this time. we see these are going to dollars is the best i, i think. so he's, you've shown what is the exception towards the when it change from the from so last time because they're usually the ones to be able to do phase or for doing satisfaction. shinji or it's all right, we have to leave you here now, honey, sort of mine, executive director of the rob center for research and policy studies. thank you so much for your insight. a spine to now united by music.
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that was a slow going for last night's eurovision song contest. but judging by the scenes outside the venue in sweden, unity wasn't in short supply as anger ball the over israel's inclusion. 2 the print test as to the ground binding the hands in driving them away. while pepper spray was used on offers a protest as played with the police were heavy handed. this by the demonstration beginning peacefully. almost separate. the call me off. resolved so much bye. for nothing, and i, and even when i asked why it was being detained or squared away, they were like,
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you don't have to answer that, but it's so you have to i was given away the danish, the police like i was not taking part of the demonstration saying anything were just silence. he demonstrated cayman islands. they took us away and the motion that i was feeling is just a fraction and people aren't, aren't experiencing this year's contest was played by scandal. israel came fixed and at one point was even leading the raise. the spot many calling for the country to be bad for all not the event that with hard take here is our to contribute to a rachel masted. is this your, is your vision san contest is being held in suite in the country that's become all synonymous with muslim immigration? so when israel is included in the annual competition organized by the european
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alliance of public service, media outlets at a time when there's a major humanitarian crisis in gas as a result of israel trying to liquidate, come off and hitting over $30000.00 pallets. and in so 1000000000 so far in the process, is that a wonder that euro vision a talent show has now become the latest runs in the stand off between pro palestinian and pro is really virtue signaling battalions. it's horrible what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating focusing, especially now when the u. s. low that gets ramped, participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's rooted in racism and slumber for the double standard when it comes to the treatment of russian. for that reason, i think that the progress of the people are here for your revision. thanks. so
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let's celebrate. there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other, children of dying therapy call sense, as already is january to ban israel from your vision for organizers of just shrugged de la. arguing that the context is a political. yeah. right. and your vision is totally not flamboyant or kid. she either come on, we're talking about an event where participants are better known by their national flag then by their actual names making it inherently nationalist and political. which is why the geneva based european broadcasting union organizers slapped in europe down on russia. when do you create conflict popped off, they even said and done the ukranian president by mirrors wednesday from addressing the event last year. i guess that was a bridge to bar is taking place the liver pulled at the time. they said that it was quote regrettable that they could not grant his request to speak despite his quote laudable intentions. because the quote possibility of making political statements
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as part of the contest is prohibited. sure, because political statements can only ever be done with words and not by actions like they did when they down russia. sounds like maybe they were just worried that zalinski would kind of kill the vibe with his usual speech. nationalistic rivalries are exactly what your vision is. about actually to bad. no one from gaza wasn't by just saying in europe. contests like israel was because god has bad. sure. and i've been out in full force, including a mind hearing aid shift that dropped into pork agreed about $400.00 per pallet stays supporters on route to guess that this visit was apparently motivated by israel's presence in the contest. even going. and her ballad ended up qualifying for the top 10 in the saturday's big televised finale. i'm so overwhelmed with emotions. it's truly such an honor to be here on stage performing and showing our voice and representing us with pride and making it to the finals is it's,
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it's something crazy. so she's obviously trying to keep it all about the music. the fact that the crowd chanted free palestine during her semi final dress rehearsal and she was dude, would probably give a bit of a clue as to why that may be the case. but hey, here's is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu taking a break between bombing campaigns to hijack this is rarely performers efforts and make it all about him. so that's more, well, if you've already worn not telling me all you've called them impressively participating in your vision. but your successfully consultants and a horrible wave of anti semitism and you are standing up to date and representing the stage of his royal with great on. so be blessed and know that when they bow you, we show that to you. how are that? i believe the technical term for b. b statement is friendly. fire, you know, bombing your own assets is,
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remark certainly won't do anything to help be politicized 0 vision or the is rarely contest its participation basically, be just rhetorically bomb bureau vision like it was some us by totally missing the target and virtually guaranteed, even more blow back sweden was not the only place shaken by pro policy and demonstrations this week. clashes and arrests occurred in the other major cities including paris, sit down and berlin the, during the period in police custody, there was a great deal of physical, psychological intro, but violence. it doesn't students with force just truth completely make it. cycles blow stronger solution and insults were perpetrated. again, students sexual assaults, more committed against the student,
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followed by inappropriate declarations. the new while during the mac, gala in new york, glitz and glamour, all the annual celebrity and fashion parade was disrupted by demonstrators outside the venue. the
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well, that's all for me now, my colleague donal courts. i will be with you at the top of the hour, more stories and updates. by now the in previous tours of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war,
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which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. i was stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what the soldiers are like, what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons. shackle down. yeah. yeah, but the of the, the .


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