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tv   Documentary  RT  May 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

3:30 pm
the, the 0 you should be to choose. so yeah, don't live a scale model is only a dealer. the guy that i need says save you, give us a user image fairly pressed ok. branch control panel. show us where you want to change your share or she will become more of a. so what are you sure of old young people that don't know for the rest of the stuff i gave you some of your background and look at them. what are certainly real quick here, what's your role to log in to visit with you because you start to finish tortures paper port. the that are just charge sheet closer will be from whole show you as i go on to federal or
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september shift, but i was into your radio, cory church, the re, i will in their power to have you are a chief or less the know my coroner's division here there's, you know, for june victory, german, walmart, chauffeur. yeah. corner santori, georgia or who died. i've got to learn how to crochet on page 15 at september of no similar state yet. and in the put in your land shallow. are you agreeable? gm for new the new year's 11 s alarm, and sure enough for nation that can give a name of z from mountain in there. she clear farmer probably get closer words in your speak. check that out. more paragraph. chivalry. you just basic story
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the right? yes, we're actually measured for 30 to turn the concert just practice 3. send me that the that me at that granular that them letters or name with me in the shares of this yet. i'm a frontier, the wonderful 2 lawn chairs for the social studies on federal assistance system that was indeed emilio cory church the year when they are our tools are either you or cheever, glad just by the year. so i have so there's no massively new lunches here for me is dear lady, you have a shame parent to have her somewhere for the defendants and many me tax, even with sheer one way to prove and i've sent in my ear, no tax to migrate. okay, the core and she lives here right now, and i'd share that so that yeah,
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i just want let's go here to go to what the issue was. was good cause what is the, the hop in this case for you re starting and you're not going to. so those are listed as esl. now 32 years nodes, k, windsor move were new to the not to live. there now is a ship the say who you want you should be to sell the business. yeah. so we usually nearby you me general miles scam model is only the guy that i serve. you give us a user and she'll be in may, right. the,
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the skill on that all the or give me a go 5 seats in the room and to show us where that was the change there, sir, for sure when you come on the new series fair to wait for the school in the city, the settings in a spray step to that same mission where the shipment has 24 percent change their reserves, and that i have the over in the lives in the can in a state. and she does have set an s at move in and out with that just push them from the present place that the caterpillar facility record, square, riley, and the date changed to her shoes. for me as,
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as good as young breakdown is yours. where are they? there, there. oh mission. so i didn't know a separate offensive because in the sheets sheet or what's come for a special way. sure. so same was you know, for on our board there's not a come with a share through 1st. so here's the preferred here's from pushed in a growing boy. i work most and we'll go when you're not sure to bring going. so what do for sure, i'm told we have to put it on the floor. so, but as it was a particular search, it should just show you, show vision really is for what the renters are. good. yeah, from zillow actually, yup. is running their number. i need some more. you say it is cool to ship which you have reached up. it's not too hot since you're so so just so important trailer to to ship bullshit was run this way. but you know, no, it wasn't really sure to finish humiliates or fortunately you can when you're away
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good or 0 screen where you never sent me. that gentleman scale, but he's gotta is we gotta move broad deal with the up with the put all the sick done. go to the bit more more so i just need your label for sure. those things are more from the tray or you're worker's trailer. the show from the sugar for a young structure, owner theater, etc, that you can, you can share to darker. do we do shoshone the water for them to the george bush. and it was turned on us suddenly where she
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started to terminal from the credit for the tires that's coming from the adult shade his way o'clock. oh, i don't show any german order. yeah, sure. it will never go with a shit. do you want to go faster? coordinators or what i'm going to tell us what to come and they're just getting really well. percussion was sooner use the phone usa or reward who were in there. i wonder where you would run your former guy or yeah, it's just you for william, for the year, we will a vision on there for visit the most most of the social media powder show me. i'm
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a gun. yeah. those who are doing with us? no. right, there was a little bit lower. show me your part of the water is going to to for russian here. i don't for social so i'm not sure the afternoon but full sonya is a clearance. could you tell me the address prior to that they're going to get on the cut on the shelves of the home layers is that i got to have strong surgery, which has my, you know, sort of deal if it is that is why him or your or or what time it is there and we'll get those out of school for what the shit and way of what take you to where you are . just so yeah, she says human student sure. various company dish cuz they're out there working here. i'm somebody do it to him some more time. courtney the doors, the to phone. nobody to it for that. see. and hopefully i will forget the morning
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we'll start and then um, but what, what time did you guys know where she was on the waiting list for the letter i just sent me and that little dougherty, collectively more or less. so. oh me, could i see my really preferable style? it could be ready to that and insurance especially and there were for services that happened 11 and 11 or 11. and so her day and the one that says schumer, lamb new square feet. yeah. for view. and then the, the vet sending that's up to us. but the really matter to me, i'm not sure what number tex letter from, i'm going to shift. so i would the best of the story and then the various for lead, sanders and pay any more agreed to tell you name book a new testament,
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send me an stroke that are those premier to the total facade, 3 students that are sort of an answer. but those, i feel use the brewery on danger and they are, you are part company that's up to them and publish them and send it to me right here. long as i switch to spend the right to text your vehicle in the english medium, which to send in and then as you go from there to the custom work like what they see as low as the day. so math. no, no, no mirror lesson here. to have a cover letter, which i think
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the number one we're working on, her voice, and the kids stay there, hutchinson here, whisker for her to a choice low point in the shed. circle kind of try to figure out the stuff, cover the hole in the come on the sure or courage your way stores it's through. so fish sure is terrible for him to cut the risk, but had you a cold? yeah. for the purchase, just can't share your own works well for just enough guardians to new motor was the fatigue or the phone tag or apartment, which is do is not for to name but here. sure, sure. so check the 2 or 3 is or come on there. if it is each,
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the keisha jones is hoya horn coefficient. now she's tons d for his physical. done now she's down to you. okay? you've got 0000. or for him to produce birth. your terms, the terms degree of interest to you know, still story. yes, the lives of terms and of course will appear for move to for him for you course to not hires issue. so in the show customer here, there's just the whole time to come here. nice to for your coverage too young to hear the real part of the care. yeah. over
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terry re mash is nobody who is still on his screen showing the full term is usually tablo searches or car cargo. co gems. instead of the storage for your, pardon me, really, really of this shit hole that go home or when they're going to their condition chicago, which i'm sure the horse the, [000:00:00;00] the 19 sixty's were a turning point. the advocate struggle for liberation. however,
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in the south of the continental european races decided for a long the agony of colonialism is 1965. the white minority, unilaterally declared the state of rhodesia states authorities pursued the policy of racial segregation. the indigenous population was deprived of real political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation. african bade variance with the support of the soviet union and china oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries took the side of rhodesia, the gorillas carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia in mozambique and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse than the road, asian army turned to chemical and biological weapons, the races boys in the water and food and planted contaminated medicines on the guerrillas. this caused an epidemic of cholera end to end directly and lead to masturbate to ality. however,
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the attempts to break down the africans resistance were futile. the white minority rosie was due in 1979. it kept the july that a year later, free elections warehouse, instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe appeared on the world map and became a true best just of the ideas of pan african is of the, the full body for a quarter of a shoulder from korea, from where to where the search and the product like i'm yes, there was code here for him to come to you to force me super quick to ask you who does it have from the source and per margaret. yeah. you sound that's too funny you don't want,
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but those are going to use the insurance for that was just per force damage, closer to version is on your car. pretty good. 5 minutes. our formulas is here from your car here to start school with us. cool. yeah. that's fair. yeah, i remember you remotely is that is it for, for me or for the 1st day of school for visitors and stuff for sure, because school is on the should look for, you know, brushing, where's that and there's a well, but also very well we to be name is for you and present 3 are the but also we'll put that towards the ocean. sneeze for the film, which is good. ok. no, no kidding. yeah, miss just the whole thing. it's funny to hear questionnaires key that has torn her . yeah. does your prior to visit with the not pictures of the stores? there's no, well, there's just way in the show the,
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the month of the month for the nurse to share that for forced to postpone the 4th quarter. so therefore, most of your home visit for every furniture or a plan or a crew or horton because everybody does that free for you. i just prefer to they're going to are so here or there. so for home to, for that, but there or or the rest of the time thursday, due to clear with you. i'm so is here last time here. pretty got scheduled, scheduled, scheduled, scheduled or who should. thank you guys know that. i just think there is an issue
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closer for the for my get on with it for the quarter proctor heroes of the worst comfortable deal. but i want you to avoid them for the day of school to me. okay. so what's the goal is that the field generous quote comes over to the phone. so yeah. so there's nothing to present. no, no good over here. where officially is my fears? i should have said, i'm sure, but we're really listening. charles for good. i don't remember off of dollars or feel better, just go for it for the day and it was it was it's quite different sort of pressure, torsion from furniture or anything. and similarly for the water will be there surely for 0 payoff because also from one to here. well, i've heard for instance of car was not that i believe just stable towards a video for the $4340.00 bill. i'm calling because i remember these are
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the other change or probably the younger proved are new to the right. no problem at all was show some of those barriers shop here. we're gonna go over here one year. so the 0 1st started to the new york and that's totally did try to do to move into the car and we got a substantial style of you as a more charitable can use. and they won't issue doc for as i said, there isn't. yeah. especially as a sort of nielsen and i will sure if i mean, if you ever read the dash a 0 plus polls for thousands, cuz that was probably a slip for an ocean figure to appear. but the guy is what the sister of tours shift towards a with a young 4 year old who was of course turco cortico as well. so she lives in your picture by state of glasses for she can't afford words regardless of us,
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but i am the one that was her name is perfect. miller, the lab issue of failure letter year pad or shift fluoride troops contemporary for numerous you'd say to me, when you're ready right here to work, i'm pretty sure i didn't need to sort them over to the right. sorry. it just seemed it from a 2nd in the camera. yeah, i'm going to hear me and being in i had been in napa or near what do i my need didn't get that set favor to ask that the park i right. and then you're going to yes, that motion right and go for a living. i'm the parent and the letter saying that then so said duty initially, whereas the most inside of that are you again while that they'd shalaya clean and simple. assume that that it's,
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and i was not and i had some so i look for everything. finish. and with that problem the preventive is really i have left on her. yeah. are so much because i love the way to do cuz she i'm quite stealing ocean that the machine wash and those and the address there. yeah. with that because sadly a most is 1000, a hash is a tight on the election for that. so i have a showing the i so then memorize them, the ship had read certain that vision lens here by the bodies much b, e b a little
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boy on them. pretty good. the storm. what exactly the ship here was this through question holds the, you get a position as or dental or there was more were my or boots still cleaning were dropped as usual. now i'm here here. i'm here to wait another for and choose blue because there are some washers service and there some breeches. most of them weren't story and we were there were sure the come in the tory infection for here for the score as well as of the court. oh, here we are. there shall come here to show me. i know are your flesh corner 0 right now. question question are waiting on the national open. i am us here all over
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a month for insurance. no more. it probably is if there for some now here, right? yeah, right. not see it for me and that's for a lot i sit there and i shifted the the funds to my agree. yes. are you, is it me in the table? it shouldn't be if it's a one with the white by you little nice native said it best yet a nature or that she does, it really are nice and they had pets in our color. maybe the is going to stay, you know, very in this case the word here has thought the a chair, me or something or little. and that is where i live. you know, she kind of change ways to still in the studio and kind of rap on that some a year and i should just have let us know. and the, a 3 kid in depth, numerous seems to be there for
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a while. we sent them the tv to anyone shortly with influential us way, not the nationally say, and that's a new patter. and actually for the lc memory, nice or effect in new, it's in person or you, you remember me 3 chance i live on history here for her, for the poor, for the even maria, can you sure center i was and they are from years only it's 3 check you on the nation and i don't fear his average in easy as can be a number. and i drove past 4 years, them and pressure our little sure. your and i change to it from, from a silver is it is shamore only over in was as it used to be. and he's not that much shane offense this year kind of show, had somebody there. and then back to my, you seminary. and the really nice and there today and,
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and i've sat the for the many id my mom said to me and that was here. listen that something went wrong. that's or go to the, to the new the see my more stuff. okay. very are with my ask them. yeah. wow. way or me. ok. i sent you this guy. that was saying that the low she can go as you a fair amount was a $130.00 full show. familiar with the airport. you are the whole sure. you're here with me, i pretty words if you don't really or i wonder credential issues or not i a shoot for quarter for your quarter orders to bills are here for the for in june 30 quarter to the over here to run will be a 3 to their mom or sure. 3,
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yeah. quarter santori does your or the massively no rush and that will be easy to do the produce. just see we're at them. i cover the views at fairly 70 for the see there for summer 3 inch textbook at most to 6 new again, the average in l or getting older. you certainly accept that i'm going to, let's see. and i said, no, i wonder you know? sure. lance and i was very sure and the keys from harvey and to share where she serves the folding and the rest of the february. and well no, i've never oh, i'll provide no updates. okay. when you close your job, but he seems to me, then you're going in the register to rarely to bring more lender ready to to go.
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he started but she was still previously. i know you're gonna start calling me and the billing address for luxury where you see birth cm's. yeah. you will. you will mess where covers a federal shan doing this and that's those are right in your ser service. so the i was just cuz today is wanting to do it. the super duty is 0 for dish of nursing since usually starts to turn the weight in there. i've been out since we've been here since 29. so my, you come on, you just came who they want to know there's. there's just one for you. how old are the ship to the sho, members in the reset the such as their own. i don't go to the gym over here,
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but i would just share with you to try to match some of that. just allow me to shift. i just ask you to shoot so a trailer because this is the acceptance. and i'm going to play with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
3:59 pm
whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist, the massages claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. the stash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them the concentration camps. so
4:00 pm
most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the buried alive at least 12 people are killed and 20 wounded after ukrainian missile strikes. decimate the section of an apartment building in the russian city of belgium and also the as rescue team searched for the victims further, debris came raining down on the injuring 3 workers. on the offensive russian troops gain ground in the heart of regent leaving ukrainian forces on the back foot . and also a head president vladimir potent is re shuffling his cabinet to the rush of defense minister searched


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