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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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we just facilitate by nicholas. we reject the claims of any country or a lions for exclusivity. we know what the, in order to see of such a emissions leads to russia will do everything to prevent a global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to strengthen. our strategic forces are always on alert. despite the coldest may, 9th weather in 25 years, the clouds parted just long enough to allow a special fly past ortiz eager as dawn of manage to catch the jets. as they took to the sky. the hey on an i feel just outside most go to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit. it's about to take off for the red square the
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they are the best in the world. they both of us, 3 of us. yeah. today make 29 and 230 as a fighter jets well and also they go. it's been a couple of years since 5 digits took part in the victory by the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. what's that noise? 0. that's the crowd that are flying. just other us. we have the right of the rush. them like that is coming right on top of us. whatever disappear this one, the good stuff comes through it. i mean, you know, you may love this with a bit kind of go up to come over the fos, you know, try to just come. busy but you see the big illusions as well. they've been transport croft and when you, when they come over us, he caught him and he is on the thing with a technology. it's awesome. somebody's took them off the black to the swan.
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retrofitted upgraded not to can you hear that noise? oh, using what all your emotions today on this victory day? well, you cannot expressed of it's victoria day without expressing the fact that with the the ussr, the free done with would not be here. the implication of the ussr has a low during the east front to crush the german armies. and because the crush the german on as the allies of were able to get into europe and to up on the west front without the use front, that would not have been possible. and the big problem is, to me, these facts is under tools in the west. i remember when it was in school just in school, it's doing the 2nd world war. i was always told that the, yeah. the and lou american, some count against they came in the lead the right address. but once we have reach
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such a level of brain washing when we have reached such a level of, we're going to rewrite the key story we understanding which will really special ministry operation is ongoing. the west and political immediate landscape. they keep talking about this unprovoked, all of a sudden, russian invasion. and yet you installed in book the nato chief said, 48 hours ago. hey, this all started in 2014 guys, 2014. they didn't really want it in the study to train them since 2014 the pool at night on was organized by the c. i. in fact is it's not a military, it's not need to military success and ukraine. it's a part of the failure for everything. every kind of new building blew up a new, a silver bullet that they've tried to break it to bringing what, whether it's the legal pub, whether it's the app arrives, whether it's absolutely everything is a failure and now they have
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a big problem. when you speak of yourself about ukraine, and when we speak about victoria day, is that the west never understood. one very important thing is that russia is feeling that she is affect the country is attacked, the whole country would be behind the present, this russian. so this is the way it works and the west never understood this. now they have slowed as something that they don't know how to stuff were 9000 veterans from the great patriotic war are still alive and russia, one of them. you've daniel caught up off of was among red square, special gas sharing the podium with president vladimir putin. here's a story. the
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visa 2 orders to the redstone. i received one from my last trip when i run out of your nation across the folder on september 19th, 1942, are you all division which joined to battle for selling rug with 13000 soldiers and virtually ceased to exist by then. fewer than 500, you must return to moscow, while 900 people remained, you know, loved. before transporting the army, nation to the other side of the river was wounded. a shield fragment hit me here. if it had struck a little higher than what i would have done, i pulled out of the shop myself, advised me to cancel the operation, but i said i couldn't that i had to leave it on the nation. my own was bandage i didn't feel it. but i completed my task and delivered down the nation. i was awarded the order of the red stall for this the
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we had the regular small to discuss the weather. one point i blocked up the cottage, tell him not to be able to even reach. i remember 1995 when we the military did not know how to go outside when no one understood what would happen to us next. so now i know that you saved us from his grace. you became the one who saved the whole month. and i tell you this from the bottom of my heart. he took my hand like this. i said, we're grateful to you for what you have done, and that you are the head of the country. congratulations on your new appointment. we believed in victory. when he left, he forgot to say good bye to me. he had already left but came back to me and said, i'm sorry that i forgot to say good bye to you. and he shook my head and very tied
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to the that's all for this hour. thanks a lot for watching r t international and we hope you have a great day. the so i was told that there was a display of need a weapons that would reach moscow. well, all i can find is a big hunk of scrap metal with american flags to kind of all right, i'll see you in the studio the,
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everybody welcome back to the most come use. and as you can see, it's been a busy week here in the russian capital. i'm joined tonight by my illustrious and super intelligent psychic augi. i'm going to be lifting the lid as usual on those grimy little stories that the western press on the main stream media would rather be left where they are hidden in the globes. it'll bins the spins of your united states. now it turns out that just like your wife, we're right about absolutely everything we were right about so many things over the last number of episodes that we decided to select. a few. one of them is that uh, we highlighted the fact that boeing was gonna screw itself by binding russian titanium and pirates for their plans. and it turns out that we're right. as you can see, the wall street journal even agrees that that's the case. you may say to yourself,
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it might, it should be hard for us to find videos of bits pulling off point planes and the fact that every week we can find a new bit dropping off is kind of worrying. i'll just run the video. so here's a boeing plane, which it adjusts per usual uh, weekly, uh, bits dropping off the legal set. um this one, the landing gear actually dropped off and screwed the page. again. you know, it looks like the life cycle for these planes is very, very long. and boeing aircraft are busy dropping out the skies and falling apart on their own guides. a city meanwhile, needed a bit of help and guesswork. got it or guessed it was from boeing, who sent a 1000 heavy ordinance bombs to israel with which to kill 15000 kids who is with us a bit later on. what else have you been right about just like your wife, right about everything right. about the fact that the us is screwing itself also on infrastructure. and here's another example. again,
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we shouldn't be able to find the so regularly, but we can do us has spent $11000000000.00 on building a bridge right on a road. super problem is, oh you, which leads to know where change it leaves the lower kind of like joe biden is government. that's run the video. great. this is just, this is the road. and the like it literally is the road to know where we should have that music from the no, ma'am, it can do this for this. you can say the who who actually plows is comalla harris. like what is this? this is just how can it be? should've wrote to know, or the most have been some point that somebody in the office somewhere said let's build a road between seville and charlottesville. right. how does it actually get built if it's the road to nowhere? and anyway, you know, there's no point in complaining to sleepy joe, the self fail grandfather,
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he made it very clear that he was gonna raise your taxes. you're gonna cut them well and i've got, but guess why have you like me? you're not going to have your, your tax is going to be raise not cut if you're in, if you bet the benefit of that. so meanwhile, on the road to know where the bridge to know where and by the nomics is obviously going to work and show doesn't even know where is going to the new york. so wait a seems to be going somewhere honestly. so you go down, this are really like this, this is like so having stationary slums isn't good enough. so what they've come up with in the us is the mobile phone. i can me. so i'm real on the course. the show continues at the white house and saw the uncle joe sleepy. joe, isn't that king of inch this week? can you cringe is that worn out? a sort of tired look into that used to being one of those scifi movies for all mark humble. he seems to be getting behind all the wrong causes these days. he did
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a bit of work, a bit of pure work for joe b. one cannot be, oh cool. listen, i just wanted to say i was honored to be asked to come to the white house. to me, the president, the most legislative is a successful president in my lifetime. my god are scraping the bottle now. you know, i call the industry present. he said, you can call me joe, and i said, can i call your job? you want to know of a jo, be one cannot be. if me, i mean range master didn't there the cringe festival? continued sleepy joe and miserable mark decided to make a tick tock video as you do. oh jesus, run the dogs. this is just bought the forest all way. oh jesus. what the focus that what hold on a 2nd this. this is, this is just insane. how can the see may the 4th be with you be in any way relevant
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or funny? it's like the bridge to him or what so he could say may the horse be with you? what it means? nothing. that's like saying, getting some catches i made the source be with you porn all over the face of speaking with us politics for actually re appointed. julie su, labor secretary, quite a big profile job. she's worried about everything to just like we are. and just like your wife, when it comes to asking her questions about the sheets up, julie doesn't want to answer either. well, no. okay. have you ever owned a business? i said this before and i'm strongly it cut off saying it now, but i am the yes or no, this is a yes or no. julie, so let's did you come home late from the bar last night? not the daughter, not the mother, not the sister, not the aunt. have you ever been a member of the comments party congresswoman you asked me. why have you? okay, let me try this again. so your may, did you slate for your friend, sir?
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last night? were you playing cards? why did you feel normal for you the you will be all the charges the all set so familiar to me? you can't answer a simple question. she's a politician. what he expects, like asking a dog to the toilet and that would help you answer the question. what do you want politicians, the only place you're going to get honestly is why here on the moscow meals? well, yeah, absolutely correct. and one of them, i broke out. another interesting fact about julie sue, julie decided to create our own private military force, basically as labor secretary, why don't you need the, maybe to protect the road, to nowhere in california where she was in charge during the show getting built a given the gross incompetence of job items crew from the labor secretary to bringing people on to the death star. so are you into the white house to add too big him up, even though he's probably clinically dead. so surprising that the creative juices are flowing in the states and an incredible musical has been launched and it's
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called skill button. mm hm. this is absolutely insane. the, this is just fantastic. i love the super the, the school seat. well, so what exactly do you do? the economy is going down to pine. your president is basically part of the cast from the living dead. and the infrastructure is collapsing to planes dropping out the sky over state. so what do you exactly do on yeah, and interesting video. now i gotta make
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a disclaimer. this isn't at the annual general meeting of my ex girlfriends and wives club. it's a group of american women losing their ship because it's good for you. literally, the rage has been demonized and villain iced, especially in the from the end. but our secret range is what has been cited so many movements created so much change on our planet. it is imperative that we allow ourselves see spaces to release this fiery hot emotion from within us so that it can no longer ways in or tax if i are internal emotional reality. not my ex girlfriends meeting annual meeting to discuss my behavior. disclaimer, i only know about 4 out of the funny here the, this all look so familiar to me. this is my house on a saturday night when i don't turn up to put the kids to bed. this and say
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what this is good, this is good. let it all hang out and that's what i'll pile lindsey graham, the peace loving, very kind, very family oriented girl, or guy who isn't gay, who also lost his this week. but because it was good from now, because he wants to cnn to all wars and carnage. no, not fraud to decided that it was a really bad idea that we're not going to give enough bombs to israel to kill children. if he's not stirring the pot of minced meat in ukraine, he's easily doing it now in israel. you kind of destroy run adero you. you're going to tell them how to fight the war. you're going to tell them. yeah, i want to get an erection looking at the blood and guts about, i'm sure, and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. you know the rumors that lindsey lives in a coffin is a pipe coming in of the blended babies. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this fight, the existential fight for the life of the george state,
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it won't send the wrong signal. lindsey graham is never seen a war. he didn't want to be part of never if we stopped weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great burial, we will pay a price. this is the same. it is absurd. give israel what they need the fight, the war they can't afford to lose. so as the count enough for out to the man who sleeps in a coffin and drink splendid babies for breakfast at lindsey graham cries, because it isn't getting enough ordinance from boeing to kill the children of gaza . meanwhile, sleepy joe has tried to get a few morality points by suggesting that axis preventing the bombing of rafa by preventing bombs being delivered. now got to remember over $250000000000.00 has gone from the united states to the state of israel since its inception, with which to create the open air prison which is called gaza. and meanwhile,
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the bombing of rafa continues unabated. when the video i mean this is, this is not a war really. i mean, how can you call this a war horse between 2 armies? i mean, this is a more of a, the destruction of, of civilians. right? i mean, this is not, it's just 2 armies fighting. what is this, the $7000.00 kids on the level, at least $7000.00 on. and we'll, of course, while uh enough for us to graham decides that he's going to have a stroke, basically screaming louder and louder for more and more bombs too low. you should relax. because after all, it's designed this lobby that controls the united states in shape both saying that the, all the auto, moscow mules that's baby himself, run the video. and that's no fitting them a slow leak. the actual keep my mutual allow me to kind of make sure i've got some
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a picture of i guess to send up your ship a from chris, get you the coffee. it would be sure to go cuz i'm sure i got it, but i'm guessing dr. katya from called company thing, but not the country meet the needs of beloved confirming america. it looks better than developing looks like something from the godfather. perfect pro role for the wizard. how or pro, how does, if proof was needed, that designers are in control in the us legislative system. look at all sen kauffman. here. he suggested that any student found community, the terrible crime of protesting against genocide code you, is going to have to pay back their entire student alone. while if you want to dress up as a lady, a guy turn yourself into an apple, it's all going to be paid off by sleepy joe. so leaving the beautiful territories of the united states, and we're going to head to europe. and it's the place where traditional family values and the beautiful history and culture is being celebrated. yet again,
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in mamo, in sweden. no, it's a freak show. and i'm very sad to say that a person calling themselves a witch and a satanist with all sorts of stop to it on her face, is deciding to represent my country, ireland. and she represents all the values that reflect our great country around the video. you know, do you know what makes me special? it on the queer continuing the vein to my ex wives. oh i just don't get it. what, maybe i'm just not liberal enough. we're being told that you just gotta get more liberal. yeah. one of the, oh jesus, it's the blue hair brigade. me what does this?
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harry potter fell and dropped himself into a book and a post of pain. we should actually do need the oh, i got one or who are these people now, of course and the you're a vision has become almost a mecca for the l g b t q plus x or m f t t m m p or q plus plus plus that community in europe and guess who's paying for it all. we're you're at millions and millions of euro been spent on this. an interestingly at bomb be filled, our friend from orland to proclaims yourself to be which and non binary pulse like them them, they're not a she sort of what he was a female child, she's of them now at them suggested that she had a message in on her body, which the european broadcasting union at the amount of that you remove. and what did it say? it said, and the guys and genocide. meanwhile, back at the use a l,
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g b, t q plus plus q, x t, or m them festival, which is the year of the song contest ukraine's the entry why the tip to win again this year, no vote fixing going on there whatsoever. and i decided to do a bit of orthodox christian, a binding not to take it easy egg knocking egg buying. whoever's eggs survives wins . and just about the size of one of the jew. oh, that took part in the do you mean both of us the festival for you guys at all the eggs that went missing? apparently a large amount of bags did go missing at the festival at i think we can see where they actually went in real time right there. oh yeah. so you go with one. i don't, i goes with the other. okay. and you do this little guy in the dress, look at the shadow. it's like a fight and was like a pie to who. yeah. like what you do with your boyfriend number, who gets to put on the bus? kyra in the morning for some reason. this is a gear or if it's a one of us can win. okay, welcome to action purposes. yeah,
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you got 2 eggs in your pants, brother, and i know it ukraine winds again. surprised surprise was this is she said, this is this scene saying the world is collapsing in front of our eyes. like and we're going to go now from momo to germany, to the deutsch as creek and fruit flocked in the house. and now i made that up here we have the german economy minister of mine in charge of all of the facilities. the gas prices are up, the, the economy's collapsing. he's doing a great job basically. but he can't even break a bottle. maybe the do that was hosting here a vision would be better because he had bigger arms than him. real the video. oh, it's not going well. no. not this time. 9. was the probably wow, it was just more and more to the climate cuz it starts to starting out
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its own surprising the poor all a while, but is unable to crack a bottom of sure. i'm parking it because he doesn't have enough put in his diet. apparently, the germans aren't getting enough to eat from european powerhouse economy to the bottom of the barrels. so of all this clause. so that's the end of the tonight show . and yet again, we've taken you want to wish to stop tour of sale. how the leads of europe in the us, those who are profiting on the grimy nexus between bombs bullets are standing. the bread from your table, particularly in germany, where the half with minister for trade and industry can't even break ups bottle. i'll see you next week. as the
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at the why is it saying the 4th instead of the 4th and you said for the may, the 4th it was on the house. she thinks that's what i was asking. is it funny now? no, it's not funny. i don't think it is a really a road to know where it was was it meant to go somewhere? yes. initially it basically how does that happen? how does a road to no actually occur? so when i say we're going to build a road somewhere, how does it become a road to nowhere initially was supposed to go somewhere, but it took them around to decade to build it was developed or how does that exist? actually, wherever it exist, it's gotta be meant to go somewhere. just copy real the, the
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russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense community best english. i'll send, send up the in the system. must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full neck team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say stephen twist, which is the
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beauty of a story? these a lot of them, the board as ordering yourself. originally you spoke to the senior boy manual. not sure yet, but it's a general facility based in yet periods, which are likely to ski photos, the new features industry, kind of look at the ground of steel bundle ski at the, at the site. the smith looked at the new year and then as i said, it was a miss level that they use as see assessment readiness from one year of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue books. and you said 90 percent of the time is somebody's. she's thinking that you would say specifically you have to just catch the
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a senior the it's almost almost a cliche in the west. but this whole idea of, with my, to the last you bring in some truth behind it, i mean, think about it for the american 60000000000 dollars for the reason. a package, not a lot of money. a lot of money stays within the united states in terms of the defense contracts and the like and pulled up money that, you know, they buy time, they prolong the wall to keep russia busy. you know, this is the ultimately, that's what the west is doing is all about try for the west to take him and a a. the
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buried alive 13 people are killed and 20 more wounded after ukrainian missile strike designates a section of an apartment building in the russian city of belgium. and also ahead the, as the rescue team searches for victims, the roof of the complex collapsed and came raining down on the injuring 3 of the workers that were tasked with the saving lives. as president vladimir potent re, shuffles this cabinet ministry of defense will have, will be headed by a civilian the kremlin says the department should be open to innovations to ensure a victory on the battlefield. and egypt announces.


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