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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the buried alive 13 people are killed and 20 more will do after ukrainian missile strike decimate the section of an apartment building in the russian city of belgium. and also ahead the, as the rescue team searches for victims, the roof of the complex collapsed and came raining down on that. injuring 3 of the workers that were tasked with saving lives. as president vladimir put in re shuffles, this cabinet ministry of defense will have, will be headed by a civilian the kremlin says the department should be open to innovations to ensure
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victory on the battlefield. and egypt announces it will join south africa's case at the international court. of justice, which accuses israel of genesis, the broadcasting live from moscow. russia. this is our t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the appropriate. we'd begin in belgrade, where 13 civilians had been killed after an apartment building was hit in ukrainian attack. over 20 people had been wounded. moscow has called the strike an act of terrorism, saying that western supplied weapons were used in the attack as well. our correspondence, steve sweeney, is there and filed this report behind the author of a ukrainian shedding, which took place on sunday morning striking this apartment brought behind me and closing 10 floors to collapse. now you can see the rescue operations around the way
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the smoke is still blowing from that building. now we know the number of people were killed, a number of people wounded, but there are many more open needs to be tracked under the rubble, whether the dead or alive. we don't know just yet. those emergency teams have been working throughout the day. the attempts to pull people from the rubble has been handed because ukrainian forces have attracted heavier, a number of times. in fact, since we arrived in the city of belgrade, we received a number of messages warning, of immune and miss all attacks, urging people to take cover in shelters now. and then there are people around here and to see a way to can use of their loved ones that are believed to be under the rubble of belle grove. city has been on the intent. so track throughout the course of the day and another apartment block made by to this one was struck later on sunday. we know that a number of people that are believed to have also be killed. now these liked his
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attacks come soon off to the on the neck to pay the british part. and secretary lo, david cameron, i pay a degree my attacks on russian territory. now those comments received widespread condemnation from russian officials for a housing role bought from those. and he's taken a multiple nature installed towards russia. and it also comes just weeks off to russian human rights organization receive this lead tip formation. that's us all the officials, including left tenant general antonio gucho has really been mazda, minding and coordinating the attacks on the belgrade region as part of his plan to wreak havoc saying that they're all know civilians only enemies. now female, just feel for ration remain on the way on the situation for now, remains incredibly volatile. this is steve sweeney for all tay in belgrade.
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surveillance camera footage captured the moment of the strike on the 10 story building. rescue teams are now racing against time and a bid to reach those still trapped under the buildings. rubble. a local eye witness shared his experience. the above agrees when the strike occurred, always taking shelter on the main boulevard. i was lying on the floor and i felt the ground shake. i felt that explode with my feet somewhere nearby. i knew something big happened. i went to look it up on telegram and realized i had to go to help. i turned up to the side of the strike and started helping push cars around for the emergency services to be able to bust through some cars had their steering wheel locks, so we have to pick them up by force and move them. i found also this little guy, he came up to me, i think he jumped out the window window strike occurred, where he came from under the rubble. what he just saw was a critical fe, is known as
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a quiet period where teams paused to listen for any signs of life from within the run. the rescue efforts were hampered earlier when another part of the building came crashing down. the 3 emergency workers were injured in that incident. the search and rescue efforts were also interrupted due to the threat of more attacks. as air raid sirens went off. prussian authorities have slammed this as an act of terrorism, and the video has been posted online. a witness of the same just moments after the attack took place, of the cisco was rescued from the scene of the devastation had been taken to
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a nearby school and are being given health by the authorities. there must go, says nato supplied weapons, including vampire missiles were used in the latest strikes on belgrade, and the russian foreign ministry condemns the attack as well and set it adds to the list of war crimes by the key, every theme and its western back deter, attack in belgrade is another bloody link in a chain of crimes of the key for using the targeted showing of innocent civilians, public infrastructure, residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and social facilities has become a signature of zalinski is criminal organization, which is backed by western sponsors. so it's just, it's behaving like a terrorist states on a continuous basis. and um, it's no longer a tear into the rules of welfare. they will be actually sooner or later treated as a terrorist entity. and this will mean for example that, um, people like um,
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one of the chief of the ukrainian secret service was behind wherever you stare is the tax and the past. and also um, so lance to himself um could be treated as terrorist spider, russian leadership. and you had, for example, because that, um, and there was basically a call for arresting celebrity by the russian leadership. and therefore, they could um, use a different tactics that before on the ukrainian dealership itself, who's responsible for these tactics in order to change. um, the behavior of the key or 1st name is comes as rest as defense, ministry has reported successful results from a new offensive near ukraine. second largest city of product of all scouts forces liberated 9 villages. and the last 48 hours securing areas near russia's belgrade region independent. that's journalist sonya vonda and says attacks by ukrainian
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forces on civilians or an increasing sign of desperation because of the key of regina's losses on the front. to see i was using those bits of fields in recent days and just didn't know that day. the russian army and the rates and $6.00 to $9.00 inches. so yeah, that's frustration. and so this is originally ation for this. it's not worth the war. you have to try to go into business. and that's a huge thing of cecilia and civilian objects of this is what is happening and you know, what else? i think because what, what russia is saying, or what they will still has this long range missiles. now they have the high lies and every time they do, the same thing is hitting the sicilian areas and, and before they are losing the fuel. this is what we know west is finally missing this. they are to move it to few, but still the west keeps on supporting it. i mean i just found out that there are
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no building on the ground, 6 res, width and $63.00. so, i mean, there may have, this has no end to end this end. yeah. well, the ukrainian so, you know, if they are, they have to snap see i do eulogy. and yeah, the files is really is and is something when actually useful visits by international law. it's forbidden and how you conduct more, but i think i don't care what they used to want to do is maybe doing this for maybe a desperate costs. they are using the best deals. sherman lawmakers have proposed a plan for nato forces to impose a no fly zone over western ukraine to take out incoming russian assets. defending the air space over ukraine from poland and romania should not be ruled out in the long term. this would relieve the burden under ukrainian air defense and allow it to protect the front. the poland and romania had been suggested as potential territories to base these weapons earlier. moscow had taken aim at similar suggestions,
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saying that launching have 16 fighters from nato states would be met by an attack from russia. former pentagon senior security policy analyst, michael maloof, warren's. that's exactly what might happen. how do you enforce it? unless they're going to fly it themselves? that that's the case. then the germans become directly involved and they become thereby become targets. that's what we're going to probably see if poland and germany and france want to get into the fray. the west is desperate. and, and we see this with macro on. he's talking about wanting to send troops, send out that that's just pure suicide. i can't imagine why they want to do it. what people are very concerned about is the enlargement of this conflict to these countries. do these things on a bilateral basis, and missiles and an aircraft take off from them, them to, to enforce that no fly zone area over west ukraine. where will they take off from?
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and that then opens that country up to a direct attack from, from moscow. so, you know, it's their choice, but the, the consequences will be dire and that will enlarge the conflict. for sure. as russian president vladimir putin forms his government for his 5th term, the outgoing defense ministers are de shy who has been nominated as the secretary of the security council. his pulse will be taken by the outgoing 1st deputy prime minister, an economist by profession andre bellows. of the kremlin spokesman explained that the decision to put it, he explained rather the decision to put forward to a civilian to staff. the position of the nation's defense minister 14 was enough. besides it is very important seats. invite the economy of all security forces into the economy of the country so that it corresponds to the dynamics of our current situation. and the 2nd thing probably there is important to note is that today on
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the bottle field, the, when a is the one who's open, more could see innovation, not open to maxim operational implementation. and the full and naturally occurring stage, the president has decided that a civilian should have the minister of defense. there is no just the civilian, but to mine who, how did the very successful ministry also economic development of russia before a long time was in the system to the presidents on economic issues to start a shy go. i mean, he's obviously been in this position as defense minister for a long time. he's quite a major role for russia over the years. what's in store for him now? yes, that's why he's been in the defense ministry post since 2012. so that's 12. he is a very long time to hold such a senior post in any administration, not just in russia, but across the world. in this re shuffle, it's being proposed by present pretending it's a normal to have a re shuffle up the stall of a new to him as president,
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a certification of who's going to be moved. we think to the secretary of the security council, this means he's still going to be advising president preteen on matters of national security. it will also have an eye across to look into the future. looking at potential threats could be coming, rushed his way and looking to advise how they can be avoided. sit still an advisory . will it still somebody who will have the you? the president to give suggestions as to how the country should be dealing with lots of different situations. so very prominent role, i think it's safe to say also that i mean the name sergio chicago is much more well known around the world and probably in russia to then and a bellows of what can you tell us about this and coming replacement for psycho? well, he's an economist, he doesn't have a military background, and there's nothing unusual about that. we've seen that we've plenty of other ministries of defenses across the world and has been the 1st step of the prime
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minister for russian as since 2020 and in his role. and his background as an economist, he's actually been very important in terms of looking at the reconstruction efforts of before noon, the integrated regions into russia. he understands what's going on in the crime that i'm that will give him a different sense as to what perhaps the priorities we heard don't form the music pass goals, the criminal spokesperson talking about the reason why civilian has been chosen to be moved into this position. and pass group said, you know, the in searching of the economy of the military into the whole state looking at innovation the whole state is going to be important as not to determine the witness on the battlefield. and given that ability self has go based economic backgrounds, can see things differently and he understands the new, the incorporated regions. it's clear that he is the person that present creating
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believes will be able to bring that difference. and we could see when he was then on the battlefield for russia. now the news, egypt will join south africa's case at the international court of justice, which is accusing israel of genocide. that's according to a statement by the countries foreign ministry to move to intervene in the mentioned lawsuit comes amid escalating is really aggression against the palestinian civilians and gaza involving systematic practices targeting, posting and civilians, destruction of infrastructure displacement and creating unprecedented humanitarian crises in violation of international humanitarian law, egypt renews. it's call for immediate action to hostilities and gaza military operations in the palestinian city of rafa and provide necessary protection for palestinian civilians. even more nations are on board as well. earlier this week, libya filed its own declaration of intervention in south africa's case against
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israel. tortilla also announced its intention to join with the countries for administer, saying ankara will submit its application once the legal taxed is completed. all those states prepare columbia as already cited with south africa on the matter of and meanwhile, south africa's president said his country returns to the icy j on friday, calling for an urgent order to protect the palestinians and gaza, amid israel's military assault on rough up serial round the falls of slammed israel for its actions and urged a world wide support for thousands. since the start of the military action, rougher is ready to seize control of both the rough and care m shalom crossings. effectively controlling all move in and out of gaza. and including off all critical humanitarian and medical supplies, goods and fuel, the gross human rights violations, perpetuated by israel scales, taking comprehensible levels of cruelty. he's an extreme violent oppression. the
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world must do more to end the persecution of the palestinians, including that of many innocent women and children. earlier we heard from honey solely mon, who highlighted that rising legal support for palestinians is putting more pressure on israel. i think it's many uh i have many uh, vision to as our contest when we start from so it's actually going by the guys are in dominican through like libya. is it that the cost? i think it to be the start menu. i wasn't. i'm confident on the account. would it be attached to is this is on the international court of justice. it wouldn't make a great pleasure, especially we have many uh moments in account rooms. jordan's, um, the universe does, on the other side, is on the human rights to do sons. i think it's with me as
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a part of the door was this moment is, you know, i mean uh many uh, but need to go stairs. i think it, it was the end to by using the problem is readable as uh, agreement which uh how much my functions did last time. and if i can throw in girlfriend upstairs and uh, let it be our st usually with big as our decisions in many other wisdom partners will be encouraged to make their man position. i think it was, i said you will be papers or, or desire to make us to be in the united by music. that was the slogan for last night's eurovision song contest. but judging by the scenes outside the venue in sweden, unity wasn't short supply as anger boiled over, israel's participation. the police were seen slamming protesters to the ground,
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finding their hands and dragging them away. while pepper spray was used on other protesters claimed the police were heavy handed despite the demonstration, beginning quite peacefully on our separate page and the cost me off the results so much bye for nothing. and i, and even when i asked why was being detained or squared away, they were like, you don't have to answer that, but it's i was giving away the danish of police flag. i was not taking part of the demonstration saying anything were just silently demonstrating islands. they took us away and the motion that i was feeling is just
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a fraction and people are experiencing this is contest was plagued by scandal. israel came 5th and at one point was even leading the race, despite many calling for the country to be banned outright from the event. with our take, here's our t contributor, rachel marched. this is your vision san contest is being held in suite in the country. that's become all synonymous with muslim immigration. so when israel is included in the annual competition organized by the european alliance of public service, media outlets at a time when there's a major humanitarian crisis in gas as a result of israel trying to liquidate, come off and hitting over 30000 palestinians to 1000000000. so far in the process, is there any wonder that euro vision a talent show has now become the latest runs in the stand off between pro palestinian and pro is really virtue, signaling battalions is horrible. what's happening in ga. so right now,
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and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when the u. s. low, but this ramp to participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's rooted in racism in slumber for b. i double when it comes to the treatment of russia for that reason, i think it's the prophecy. the people are here for your revision. thanks. so let's celebrate. there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children or die in there because sense as already is january to ban israel from your vision for organizers of just shrugged de la. arguing that the context is a political. yeah. right. and your vision is totally not flamboyant or kid. she either, tomorrow we're talking about an event where participants are better known by their national flag than by their actual names making it inherently nationalist and
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political. which is why the geneva based european broadcasting union organizers slapped in europe down on russia. when do you create conflict popped off, they even said and done the ukrainian president by mirrors wednesday from addressing the event last year. i guess that was a bridge to bar is taking place the liver pulled at the time. they said that it was quote regrettable that they could not grant his request to speak despite his quote laudable intentions. because the quote possibility of making political statements as part of the contest is prohibited. sure, because political statements can only ever be done with words and not by actions like they did when they down russia. sounds like maybe they were just worried that zalinski was killed the vibe with his usual speech. nationalistic rivalries are exactly what your vision is about actually to bad. no one from gazda wasn't by just saying in europe. contests like israel was because god has bad. sure. and i've been out in full force, including
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a mind hearing aid shift that dropped into ford and greed about $400.00 profiles. the supporters on route to guess that this visit was apparently motivated by israel's presence in the contest even going. and her ballad ended up qualifying for the top. 10 in the saturdays. big tell a vice finale. i'm so overwhelmed with emotions. it's truly such an honor to be here on stage performing and showing our voice and representing us with pride and making it to the finals is it's, it's something crazy. so she's obviously trying to keep it all about the music. the fact that the crowd chanted free palestine during her semi final dress rehearsal and she was dude, would probably give a bit of a clue as to why that might be the case. but hey, here's is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu taking a break between bombing campaigns to hi jack. this is rarely performers efforts, and make it all about him. so that's fine,
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but you've already one not telling me all you proud them impressively participating in your vision. but your successfully consultants and a horrible wave of antisemitism. and you are standing up to date and representing the stage of his royal with great on. so be blessed and know that when they bow you, we shall, it's a to you how are that? i believe the technical term for b. b statement is friendly fire, you know, bombing your own assets. his remark certainly won't do anything to help the politicize 0 vision or the as rarely contest its participation, basically, be just rhetorically bomb bureau vision like it was some us by totally missing the target and virtually guaranteed even more blow back. the washington apparently didn't get what was supposed to be a very clear memo. after the military leadership in new share, ordered american troops to pack up and ship out. in march of this year,
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us officials are still hoping that something can be salvaged. we will make the most out of the situation that was presented to us, but the intent is in nature to drive down to a level that the new gerry ends can live with. us started building up its military presence there over a decade ago. about $1000.00 troops are located at the $100000000.00 american drone base and the north of the country. in march, these air brooks broke its military ties with washington explaining their decision to jerry and authorities said the agreement was imposed on the country and does not meet the interests of the people. this past month, officials from both countries started planning for the withdrawal of american troops. demonstrations have often been held in the country against the presence of american troops in the town of august is home to the u. a. v. air base to a 100 scatter to demand the departure of washington's forces. the protests were organized by a coalition of groups that support the military regime that came to power last year
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. we also spoke with former us psychological warfare officer, scott bennett. he says that the west is panicking and trying to negotiate any way it can stay in africa. it was never about raising africa up or doing low intensity conflict or counter terrorism. it was always about feeding the empire and africa as finally over thrown that's in slave meant and has sought to cleanse themselves of this control. and now you see the west panicking and desperately trying to negotiate any way to stay in africa, so they can continue their nefarious activities. there is nothing good that the united states brings to africa whatsoever. and i think they realize in africa that russia is a far better friend and partner because they are genuinely interested in the, the elevation of africa. and i, i would say this to africa. and while the united states contractors and military
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that are in the country that are on the bass, are running out of food and medicine and supplies because they've established no flights coming in and out. this is an opportunity for a public relations victory for russia as far as i'm concerned. that's how i look at it. and i think uh, keeping the west out, stopping any military presence from coming in is a very wise move because they do not have any designs to help africa. only parasitic lee exist off of that. that's all for this hour. thanks for watching our t international and we hope you have a great day the
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the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and building the word? or is it something deeper or complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go products or
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the welcome to was a part, a few years ago at close connected conflicts with soldiers killing each other in near pacific was considered obsolete at least among militarily of sounds, nations. it was stopped on a remotely controlled west funds or far as knuckles diploma, so you could deliver a desired outcome without much plus feeling. but the war in your brain clearly defined that's wishful thinking. how is it changing the character of more than the warfare of to discuss that i'm now joined by alexander hills, professor of military history at the university of calgary professor here is great
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to talk to you now. i'm sure that when you were just embarking on this, the specialization, academics for solicitation you perhaps thought that wars bank worst for a thing of the past, at least you know, wars that involve or a fact that was directly and nowadays uh, it's somewhat different. i wonder what it's like for and military historian to observe and try to analyze a war in which your country is also indirectly involved in real time. yeah, i mean it's simple to remember the west has been involved in a lot of was since i've seen one area. yeah. but i didn't impact. i assume they didn't impact your lifestyle demand. no, not particularly obviously they tended to be show was in some of them the, the, the enemies had a reasonable technological level. but i think, but the main thing, but the western opponents didn't have was the murano often. now that doesn't apply


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