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tv   Documentary  RT  May 13, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
the material costume for dominique. frontier and bows. oscar no initial starts northern, undermining of this distrust when she was leaving the sponge in the am for us the proper work of the tempo or you have to bring my item for transit almost. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style. new industrial ship or store controllers, i bet you pull up a stablish in the loop on here thing you put into the the media. beautiful. if you, if need be to live, you get the wrong functions leads you to saw all. so you may see that the year,
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yep. uh, peace response from the money or someone else could give me like sport, even numbers. you bought the cade. yeah. of course, he didn't, you know, i did cheap. i'm was there enough to buy it and that's to most people, especially cleaning coming up the more people are medium. what's the good thing so ah, i'm sure i'm looking at the insurance disappear. that's the get the best credit. so it was to even look for the quote to is, and you might be sho, even of the front of the q 50 is going to happen. so it needs to be noticed the can no video humans.
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this is the grand sleeman law. well, the park has already out as much of so i'm for the keys for human. my see me just going to give us a stone the i will buy new but asylum on sure. can. you've got to be, we've got an expression for by name and, and deal with the thing. and those burleson me, what's it the show? if i'm convinced mention to player, that's what they just give me and they're only within the world, but you're spending that was a big deal. it's uh, but you mean you have to punch a flash of getting doubtful, but you're moving with and send you what is nice, but i see what you're most of your own means. your just give you the wrong that i'm totally approval of doing that. those numbers, someone that was a separate discussion and the group was on our list is on the senior. what was it for the almost like a nice but then you think your grandma you have gaining close as you are the most case of the orders, components in china, functional company to share or transfer or can without those kind of shows this of this even unless i'm competitive local, but already in, you know,
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black women are close to most even give him more than this lesson will give a mutual serial number. but it isn't. he always, you know, there's any pretty sufficient good solution. that's probably a possibility. now let's see if the plan deal less of the drum color able i think the such them go ask you a choice the you want to for. yep, it is little difficult for states to care a comp program. want them that shows him special for for 3 more years was watching the risk of meeting the last hope i vision was the start on the last couple of ones i'm used to sure didn't last week the why should we we breath for, for a going to come on with them, just be sure to return the gloss. i bought a new speed it up with what's up, what are the deal with the tool, but he's looking at a problem comment for. so i'm looking for a single impedance,
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the chance to pick them up as opposed to by shifting them away. so you can request for the 4th quarter slip screen here, slack at them. it's always thing mostly if someone can just only, you know, put americans with a junior what the russian scale, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking of doing such as thing isn't troy of that. but as number one, but he looks like they someone forbidden some sort of thing that i have to see if it can you please the the choice jane process before you so much for like going countries to keep going. as i mentioned earlier is i've just typical plan with finality expressed here submit item. so you may have not as a way can cods us through much to, to watch 3. they show play wireless say on a goal is on his end to pass to ship his camera cause he drove to the front. i know the engineer from his designs, a small recognizance plan named sky, suggesting or should i show up anyway?
12:35 am
that's beside the question. thought if we could see them. yes. yes. so this might be the idea thing and i, if you want to go by reading, assembled one of them. so awesome. very well. some of the machine you know about a foot in the door and present one if you know very well through it. so let's see what was most now. all 4 of this somebody will take will given no solution so that you just must deal with the chest and well, most of most of the name please. most of them are for the see only snow. somebody over, i knew it was your little your sure. this is when you click of showing us almost page. when you move on the poughkeepsie following a thumb, you lost the store up on next. assume only thoughts. you might have to wait for, for most young people chats, that's for the rest of the cost of toys, the normal interest. if so, if i'm simply of the one minus the mutually i get these mean you know where i'm would you prefer english between 40 police senior with multiple launching and on the football junior because you the distinction,
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jeremy unfortunately is up only in the warehouse. we have, you mentioned the village of the wind, always someone 1st when you fully one of these put the old soft on top of when low we some of your process because on utilization, even though there's always someone your priority for that so that you really face off the phone with you, the truth, i mean our the the, the is because she knows this and do the use deal with something you to do is what you're doing for your mobile, someone with a smooth and grab a new pull chance please. someone of the systems which you only when you quit to of hold of the last on the board. she didn't open yet seem to have this, isn't it?
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it will be she'll really turned on one year old one of course to, to entry point and also things 1st, not 2 pallets the chair, somebody to, to, to look up what i mean. what we've just in the process is i'm not sure the receipts here that each 30 to solve on the books here and increase. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near good night to play is it wasn't sure what it means. you know, and let's have some question was do i have that one? if the issue, if at the phone, will that you've told them please, but it's gotten into the bus. i've got one more at the desk at that point of the void village, k e sledge. it's a wishing bush name in the pricing as a court order in upgrade. yeah. they, they've been the pointing the got upset. right. got you. she did the principal and
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the no way to meanwhile in some petersburg local ensues. yeah, that's a good idea. as a little flower, the hide range of my political. yeah, i do most of my way today, but i think i'm saying is, i figured i was on session where it wasn't going to the room set, you know, where's thinking comes on? i have got all kinds of stuff for inter got things. yeah. but the little guy see when i looked at is the partial uh, what i see is the cause of that kind of me is the more that we should also say is the best way. and with that, some of the models are, can i see what's the 1st thing i was wondering if i'm getting it was chosen. got things in religious on these level. the knew what i was doing. yeah. at the housing and actually put that at the school. no. problem this 15 still police, there was
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a my president of the semester come on because i asked them which these products then would see the world scripts and shows the lesson plans also have my own personal personal affairs and the assignment of for assignment. those are for something so now opinion because for, for not what if somebody else about those going through my shoulder almost by the way or from other fairly for when they go bump them up and up of can for the bicycle to finish was supposed to exist yeah, let's get a little difficult. was it? it's most of them are gonna come up any problem with the news now i'm spending with computers. oh, nice for a fan, for 100 group square. you prove a super food bundle? i know some movies and for system for fun of just throwing, you know, thinking in for me, i thought of stone guys for me. nothing on preventive on talking about the service thing working or we're going to put the same way. no problem. no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th,
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and if i know for will the will be to the section that's pretty much the whole time. i just want to know what i've been doing from over both of those types of products. that you are going to remove that a couple of the differential stone as those of that as well. there are fail for particularly is it going from within the school nurse off of the things that are available to try to implement. so the 1st one was with, with someone for the medical problem this but it was so between that but i thought
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of is the, one of the last one is the only things that learning is below the one. where is edition each one. the other? yes. in your so build, what do i get all of your system and your more just allows phone line support is is the phone to postpone the visual, but those things are there so not to do more than one way or the other side of the record. we ways the thing and anybody was excited in this one, but they're still working on that. spencer, what fits you best done and the minutes when the place where the which in, if i looked on the citizen and we were chest, that but i was rights without the technical team. we put in plastic, but i looked and felt like we propose to put that on. you put it on the funds and let them know that on the phone, i'm talking to the pacific union for the instead of the window and you know, and you know, so i think we look at them and answer no is it shows in the month of the sample size, but that is one of those items.
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why didn't some of the extensions plant sale on the else can you go to the footboard and the the pool 2 minutes in the other day i thought yeah, but yeah. c yeah, i bought a the
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fact the shell it's it which has to woodshop with the soft impression requested by one that i just put another way to the loop as to the from this point is my new most. but it's not anything that's not sure that on this is the seller with the name of the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the ordering system is b as close as it goes, ends in the last to the, the other way. this has been to a beautiful voice, me a little a customer. and what is this just principle going missing?
12:45 am
so much more going to have always just to remember, i don't know felina programs. i'm just wondering if at the lower is just for the typical grade, of course, and this group available on the district do me a 2nd so. so how do i have the model for linking lots of books to all of the good good looms that are always on the i didn't answer. so yes, this is the, the, the, to the 4th floor. there are the other phone number where they were, they found it. so it's got open. that's what's here in your uh, video says below function that i do for the new exposure. so if they don't like where, if it's in a separate, you know, in the a lot that's the nature of the cast gun troops are ready to collaborate with the
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hydro. and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and driving the lab. wastage of the full amount authority on the front uh for the mobile home with the from scrub. if uh it depends on the muffler picking. how much more questions do you want a 2nd? just thought as of just uh, just bear with me for 1000 a couple of of this. yes ma'am. which company plus scrolling below but the problem which i was concerned about anybody was so no, no no no, no problem, but it was
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a bunch of the people below. but the problem is this, the plastic wafaa, 1st of the mother's birthday, just you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in the simple answer. the fluid store done this for the last one was everybody was sized, voice news to me of the news listed. as far as that goes, i can bring you up nice. you know, so you're familiar, familiar with us and that basically the inside and little for the purpose of symbols that i'm really interested in speaking with almost no additional, but i'm, i pulled up and most of them that did not screwing up the company's last night guard in the middle of the but just kind of those language,
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but the most thoughts do the modeling, pick them thought it is a, it was strong consults just to the new move with them know, but he was crazy to consider them one of the lowest and they say there's going to sit the balance due on the c trust. you know, these are still watching. national goods must be even used to the belt the controller and nothing was happening as over a stuff q by st. quantity e her from saying i'm from the city and i'm going to use different shipper simply if you use. thank you very. i mean, you name is b for denver, but the question is the one the most of the book junior. the but i'm the registration of chief of yeah, subscribers mist isn't when, when you've got them girls, i'm a product. so we're going to look at the customer is what the, what 3 give you the wrong or
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the store? the shop is that gives you a short message in athens, you got that, you hit the do you got the what the kind of would would you want to insure use for business? does that, does that number once you have is on the farm, it will stream bump a dump it off to bump a little bit of some of the additional value my number. so we've got all the the most. so bring in the advantage,
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but that is very useful when you ask them that it is good with somebody as soon as possible. so i will send them the result to at least not a mind their goodness. i don't want to know so brilliant william, but i'm set off. okay. good. or bad learning. so some of the things i just keep going here, sign it because it looks like even though i would have created it before the photos i needed to go. uh, you know, for the movies and then you most of the pictures that you're wanting here. so can you spell that somebody was going to use a computer for them for you? my bedroom. is that what they do?
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the ceiling chest. yeah. that crap. as you see the words going on with them, but most of the thinking for even though cause you're getting in the have them or as or is or most of you those keys are body parts of you. what was more of this to be grange? get boats us and there are with i for chase for what kind of that will be joke or can we my, your, oh unless it's a triple thumbs by that. and it comes to somebody in leslie coverage, except for disappointment, for the position of how to go on with somebody that he o'clock's. i don't typically see that you quoted. i mean, you quoted a wifi or whatever you want to go to meeting, but almost as much through my billing that only have the controls. 3 for the boys can afford important deal in the last committee i do is i should do a little for sure. what the startling display are good to spoil and good is good enough for serious shape. so that is all those language for us to
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use which of them are, there's a problem for us to do the risk use of the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one. the blue actually has to be able to explain it will probably know probably in your so bubble of so we're just gonna kinda say that i'm eligible. some of those cells are still somewhere, mostly enough, one to the it's almost the at the moment when the system, the good english is and you know, the war them. yep. i you know what else and your point has to diet pill store. what? no, no big deal, small amount,
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but i got off the moisture which was at those of me. yeah. doing so good. i i'm would you prefer english or the civic center? yes. of charles you have the phone both on board. yeah, it was the most part numbers that i should be eating at all, but the 1st month it's got one year property of the same i was why, why the course appraisal was this last night. so the, your local for, from us where, you know, i didn't political with the guys can use the fuzzy. yeah, it didn't show i, there was a 0 at the one that didn't show me how much the lower the bank is. my combat drum is it, but that's difficult to hit our initial anywhere. what's if there's one case to the for young,
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i'm not sure that the way it was came 3 of you digital enough i should, which wasn't which of me sitting there. i'm or which of the bonus and this taking the nation through a bit there. and we're not which of some of them a new much improvisors think mutual for if it's at the door won't go to throw that on just suddenly. no, we don't know it. it's completely up to a free manual, but it goes up a new majority and toyota. then, especially when you have the due date, you're doing the blow interested in the last year when you're older than you on this, do i spell image for the truck? if there was more that shows or what than what heard it was a game that perhaps you knew unless you used the one bedroom or is this company to insured? was it a no story store? uh, come with it either these letters or somebody out there between 2 to 3 minutes. do i have to show up your name from the fish or pretend that i put them in the should
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get interesting to sort of get that's what shows little movies compress. you compare to go to the musician she wasn't as after we are, the phone was lecturing, you can i 0 and if you book and enough, and you don't. additionally, we have them continuously from what's called listing for what prescribed to suit list of things to do is to finish up the rest of your subject from. so if you have something to should i should warn you. we're dish dora in here of showing symbol of the up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction. we're almost 4 squares the way to you want to form. i mean what the jimmy auction or shoot me, what on line function? the my, somebody bought them. i think that's a bureau says voice, the voice is no problem. well, the verbal bull is do what we're going to do. i don't know if there's any. joyce, new boots have sooner. harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in,
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you'll just go through some of the deal with them for me or somebody off the story or both is usually 16 in the look for to me. and when do you ill finish? good. the news, the news and why don't you just the wondering if you can use a problem in those cope with yeah, windows or could you both go see wait another thing if someone doesn't group off load this continue ritual difficult during those months and then your mostly splitting the obviously the what i'll talk with, you only can use some, some of the grades. anybody gifts for remove sales picnic loosed up our authorization. couple see area to store your streaming is new or not most of your them on the when you molly,
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come on the desk was the ower one. can you come when can you guys and you mute. i'm going to send you some wireless views from nissan for school clean. it doesn't lift until it goes to a split and you have to for what the things you just know a pro which, which is what the the with the discovery of the new world. at the end of the 15 centers, there appeared atlantics laved re. the slave traders from european countries
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started building fords on the western coast of the african continent to transport the african inhabitants to america. it'd be forced into hard labor until the middle of the 17th century portugal headlight. the main role in this and process business . then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured during transportation and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this route, because the whole tre practiced by the leading european countries, took away tens of millions of african lives. the organization of united nations
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class advised the trends atlantics, the laved raid, as one of the greatest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deportation, of people ever seen by mankind. the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the same people that killed in over 30 wounded as a pain in ms. all right, so palmer building in russia offset, then doug's key. what is, what's the sponsors, the attack defense and this is to be headed by a professional economists previously. so there's definitely $25.00, and this equipment says andre, but it is so they'd like to promote it within the next page of support, south africa's genocide. so i do that again,


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