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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 13, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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all our interviews with its found a julian assange before his torture by british authorities in london are available on our rumble channel. joining me from the caribbean is friend and supporter of julian assange, legendary pink floyd front. man, roger was, is roger, thank so much for coming on. it's a sad time since i think we mentioned in person so many of us on just supporters of have died is mentor uh, gavin mcfadden, vivian westwood. most recently, our friend john pilled, you your reaction to this week's judgments in london? well known judgment in london as well. yeah. we don't know. we don't know if there's going to be any kind of a judgment. we. we wait to say, i've been following the proceedings as fast as i can. gave them the it's in a tiny cool room in that huge building go number 5 is the smallest go room that go up and there's only 15 the books of the public about in thank goodness one of them
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is craig murray, who is writing 30 detail reports that when i read yesterday, and it is such a team have been texting somehow, obviously it is such assumptions depends. mr. fitzgerald and others have made a compelling case, but then they wish to make to compare that case. not space hearing should was more than 5 minutes. you know, you should go in and say, oh because he's not guilty of any crime. let's press the go, you know about, and that would be the end of a box of books then they'd, these people don't believe in the rule of law. hey, absolutely. john. they believe in the ruling across all the building to say, i believe the servants of the ruling class and they will do well ever die until and that's in your introduction just now you chose him about goals are in japan and what's going on there. and so support,
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but it is becoming more and more transparent to ways that people have this beautiful climate, but we called her day off slowly. building costs is, you know, obviously including where she she neck and kissed all her in the okay. and by and then bring cannon, victoria knew that blah, blah, blah, the list is endless. and the people of the world am i talking to feelings now i need to make age and national if they gave them a here in dubai. i mean, does a huge thing. yeah. julian massage, and the newspaper and a belatedly, even some of those newspapers in, in britain which according to the you and special rep with your on georgia, neil's mailed so contributed to the psychological and the full mo, you and relative contributed to his mental torture. well, i'm sure i'm sure there's nothing trickier about the fact that he's no, i'm cool that he said is too, um, well to where to go and to well, well,
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psychologically, even to try and wash the proceedings on closed circuit t v. and if you see it's, it's the high security prison in england, he's been locked up in solitary confinement for 5 years, and he is committed. no crime. say one small file infringement. the carrier is a, at the time of less than one year when she's 15 times over already. i mean the whole is completing the insight. but the last thing as well, when being hit from the shepherd side, julian's case of this, this blog. but there's also now, if, if you watching closely what's happening at the i c, j now, where com shelves to come shelf the culture of the country is coming in a day. me, a designer stands nearby entity, the state of israel for its shameless side of the indigenous people. o palace stone
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. i a all the way back from the old alarm from the jewel river to the mediterranean sea. there was cool kind of stuff for 194748. okay. and they still is in a box in all of our hearts is still kinda starting a date. and the son has been sent to the state of israel, haven't go and trying to administer a bit. so they tried to claim some of it, and they have acted in a huge way. and the whole world is now saying, no, you israel all a failed state, you failed to live up to the basic risk of being human beings. we condemn you for a man now. now goodness for the late that the wonderful south african scalars go next. but that's
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a pull that is now coming from the rest of the world. i. so my friend lose the matcher in my to lovely fat and gustavo pictures. what else in columbia? and they're blowing out of the woodwork now to condemn. i'm quite right. they said, so what's gonna happen? i've been, i mean, mobile. yep. well, check the when i was a young man, i looked over to dr. future where we lived, the less since the 1st and 2nd world was and realize that we had to share this plan . i had the we have to use the united nations but diplomacy? no but conquest. i know the hatred let me know. the increasing house stair of the cape. no baking, bigger and bigger at boss. for cooperation with britain obtains written of a britain the players. because each of it's true, this is business factory. well, the russians are being changers. this won't prints and has been changed since we
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are the 2007, when discharging from the microphone. say, we've got to talk to one another. we have to start diplomatic relations because we have to guarantee what about this stuff in security. and they tried to say this to the americans, and they told him to shop at f o. that's where the brain things start to finish in civil. okay. 17 just uh, well clearly, so clearly as, as you imply, i mean, yeah, israel, the most dangerous place for the jewish people to, to live clearly in the world. now, i suppose given many, c is, is a failed the state. but back to julian then, what was he like in september? i mean this was just ahead of your tour or a mid stillwell to which uh it would you raise the subjects of gauze and julian
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designs worldwide. how was julian assigned to them? because i saw pictures of you leaving in the circle. britton's guantanamo in london . bell mush and your little dashing face. and i think everyone was shocked by how shocked usually appear to be. well, ever since the end of september. so 2 months ago now, i was show you go into that huge room and you see, and it's full of little tables with color chairs. and it wasn't until i've been in that for something like goodness, the pretty nice little say in red chairs and i guess say in blue chairs from when it was time for us to leave. they saw the whistle white, but certainly the room was full of uniforms and they should, i should listen to him. you and certainly they were a room full of ever cheap blue sheets along a few people waiting to me and all the prisoners were sitting in their red seats
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motionless. not something is allowed to move a muscle until o visits have left. and there was emotionally, very crippling. i have to say, i mean imagine being locked up in solitary confinement for fun. it's to speak to if you've never committed a crime, i'm in, it's going to imagine i so we know we'd go over. ready salt domestic feelings that we have with the apps and government up to the 2nd wearable. the post world dream is gone, blanches, middle rains by margaret, that for a rake of and tony blair, above and snow. and there were more of the coming coasting. but she should not give still her each of them. they have blown out. we have a of a few and shipped to these drug where we co operate, but just basically,
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and they continuing to do it and they will go up and doing it until we, the people stop the we all, we are having a problem. go with it. now, you see a 1000000 people in the i'm and then a 1000000 people in the streets to best ball rooms. so hundreds of thousands in london, people in chicago and she and truck driver and stuff truck drivers in chicago with bower, stadium, black. why are bed trucks? you know, what this is the people saying, you know, is, you know, so willing never gets the stick scouts not just if they just do with the judges in monitor. that's true. the fix goes up, the risk is max of this, well, well, what can i hope so, but we, we conscious match them. we have to stand up and show them show i so young each who i went to visit the julian waves in september with clear watson,
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the flowers flowing with a loud voice. and i will make clear daily speeches in the west tread daily. is that how we fish as well we may goodness, we have cleared a daily and we have given this bird sockets and we have the both of being on the show. well, yeah, but i mean, just back to julian this on himself. i mean, glen gambled who runs a show also and rumble like like ours, as well as, as being real. cause said, i think you imply they have successfully destroyed the greatest joy list of times during the sondra already. they made the example of him to the well to make everyone frightened of ever exposing will, grimes a game in the way that julian assigned to the job done in the sense that when the so maybe by them is being appealed to by congressman that they've destroyed him completely. i mean i, i found i just quickly, i mean, i know,
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i mean to be ending you. i found him so clever, so brilliant about his analysis of geo politics. and he reminded me to go over the dial actually line interviewed before. and i know just that was the book, the go with the book that he was clutching when the british police went in and then but kidnapped him from asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london. yeah, well let's, how is that gone when you saw him? could he read one? that's oakland remoe was wrong and the julian it's released we're cover from this incredible injury that the ruling cross of the state of done to him. i don't mean i haven't seen inquiries be but my how great it doesn't the good. obviously, i don't believe the people can pull g to represent may. and you and create a daily announcement of the fuck is all the rest of this are doing. there's
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a committee, these are the crimes. this isn't right in the middle of a high street bridge establishment. this committee has huge crime in the royal courts of justice in london as it did in front of better answer that disgusting woman and joined us with the old to judge the world of 3 page opinion. and after receiving a 158 pages of cathy all to legal out as to why jude in this out should not be expedited to america in the previous or just through it. the shadow which the page go. they will just come down to the boss to the ruling class and we'll cover these buggers to tell the truth, which was good god, what do you think of the mike? half of the people were allowed to tell the truth about things have gone out of that. yeah. oh the problem. you haven't got anything employee,
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you know. so damn far, you know, as a bad, they're not good things that are really bad, but boys be bad things. roger, i'll stop you. the more from the legendary pink floyd from man. after this break, the, in $1884.00, the german empire began its colonial invasion. internet may be from the very start . burling encourage the white calling is to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drive. the germans were actively draining natural
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resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to rebuild your in 19 o 4 here arrow and now my drive is rebuild against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined and ordered to suppress the rebellion with the most severe a date against the inhabitants of nam may be germany through its 15000 well equipped army. all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans killed up to 60000 people, among which they were 80 percent of the here railroad tribe, and 50 percent of the now i'm a dr. events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later after the
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massacre in nam may be hitler's the solve unit put on the same brown colonial uniform which puts the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war, the, the welcome back to going on the go, and i'm still here with the legendary pink floyd from and roger waters. you can physically bring up the paramount importance of class. do you think there was a sudden i even the amongst these lawyers perhaps is not even the at the will courtroom on some of those lawyers because they said it was plausible genocide and didn't need your vehicle for a foot was still that these, this stuff for the mass getting just up wish they might be unable to. it was a sudden now even in thinking we had jeffrey robinson casey on a number of times on this you, that somehow they could see. obviously julia is on just isn't. but the courts will
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somehow do that job, that there is justice in was there were not able to like, maybe something i eve about the will. of course, it's very nice to believe that they believe in the law. they don't, they make it really clear that they say we don't ever, it's exactly like care stuff. i remember she saw i talk about things of the good news to condemn the state of israel for the genocide that is committing and has been committing since 1948. and certainly since 1967 i the i terraces on the palestine, the just say s no, no, no, probably not going to say that. we know what we're allowed to say well, but i'll just say i'm, we're not saying anything against it. sure. john, when that a full happy film director makes terrible propaganda states of interest. he may want for some paper cool. the actually some antique competing against them to
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you so much is a show him where the power of but direct you direct to the film about me training the i was and that to shut my are you taking them to court? we by june where it goes to come on, the bbc, panorama accused propagandist. you bother anymore or given, given in fans, just so napkins. com and the like. the bbc's guy news all is british media operators who in the habit this is country. where do you end up with you as a torch? it goes on that torturing julian is a, they call it the israel, i'm us war. they don't cool it. the genocide, the village is my through that city. so the time is around speed lines through it's changed since day one. and designers for lines, for that is for 100, not 100 years may be 672, right? 2 years before day one. if you take my good sense, 1948 stay what?
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that's what they do, it's todd is based on lives as repeated by goal tomorrow at the mid fifty's alone, without people for people with never those kind of blogs. but it is just they like, apply, apply, and live life. thank goodness, but no moves. think of the people with much clearer brains than may contain through this kind of stuff. because interest stated that, say the back to the mazda the same, but this to where to matches, say, in practice, the children massage is, know, getting a fair trial. he never did, he said 3 or 4 of them. now they have no interest in all the powers that be in london from washington, and they have the wants to put in districts. no, there's no interest in them or so. and neither does the state of israel, and they've said so again and again and this think so even more now that you know,
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came out said i was given a flying dev. what the i c j says oh well anybody thinks, 0, one of the mom. so this sensor over the last week and i caleb molar match. so there is do it because we bought a land we bought which one today, a web book and we're going to get it and we're not going to stop now. well, kind of of the art seat, jerry says we could, we don't care about international. we never did what is wrong with you'd be the final solution that has the us and best. the answer is a call that you criticize rushes roll, and you great in the strongest terms of the app, the security council, but what is the scaling? russ? a phobia and why some who clearly shows all of that already with palestine. joseph, who shows all the authority with julia, the assigned comparisons, tend to allow me. i'm helix itself is exposed out,
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nevada only was backed by the national endowment for democracy previously. is that even declining now? the syria, russia, russell, phobia hysteria in britain as western europe realize that they're not good as an excuse, not going to wind. it's still good doubles. take you pig, you lot. the big of the i think it was gary. we said the big of an i you tell about, but you just tell they often and often after a while people will believe people are being persuaded by the powers that be to another lady. was a democrat. and a great believer in freedom of speech impaired, they would say no, but only was allowed see left school despite your display he marched with people with to us. because what then? so does so let excuse voices. well, obviously the current regime and key at the side, they're all nonsense to a man,
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but this a leading that direction and i have set a controlled by the right lean lot long enough isn't yeah, pro played well. what do you say the maybe savanski is not complete? because back in 22, he was trying to make peace out. the rest of the bull bowers johnson fluid slapped his registered city colt like peace. go out there and fight. we'll give you the credit. we'll send you a few boxes. okay. yeah, but we're gonna be ok to give you a new bull. just change some value on the side. let's see here. make sure that you go next around to when it's so low. but in the meantime, we're just trying to, we can brush it, we have no interest in your country or your people, or the big police anywhere in the world. we go and i'm not sure about, we're trying to expand our info. when we've taken over russia, we, again, i'd say,
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because it's showing up as i mean just show instance how actually because rusher in china and iran one to a to invade the west. and you're clearly, but some of you mentioned far as johnson and tucker carlson alleging that johnson wanted amelia and quit for an interview with him. johnson apparently denying that the chucker got this message from the johnson people. what did you, what did you make of johnson and john and his schooling, tuckered, causing a traitor for interviewing that, even if it was you who said he wanted negotiations, which of course, and then he made illegal in cuba, but presumably, uh, nature, a nation country could start negotiations. i was it, it engenders in may a modicum of respect for tucker carlson who is now independent. and so what was interesting about, obviously this interview with the chain was very, very good. some of my friends who about check, for instance,
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said he. so coaching went on for a bit lower now to the 1st question about giving her 25 minutes. i'm partridge is true, the ukraine does what you do. i, you wrote during interviews i've noticed that down but anyway, anyway, good, good for tucker. i'm good for the fact that he interviewed. what am i talking about the whole long strip of savings as being insane from the stock during the 20 well election when, whenever it was that, when they were old, i to use that, you know, when a pillory was high bushing song just around the present to see stitching him as enclosed by julian is on the back. you as well. what we do now is a kind of a hard drive. they certainly have nothing to do with brushes. there was no rush in the packing. if the d n c computer is going on, everybody knows that out,
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but it will get struggle to work with rush or what, but any signs is any way i like to particularly exact. it's always the same story then they do it. there's a way of reducing the overton window, so they take minds off the fact that by the democrats and republicans in the country, the idea of in the united states of america are destroying not just the united states of america or anywhere else they've got to. but they're destroying the climate. hey, how doing? and the conversation is never allowed to drift to best buy. so rush above us is perfect. you're always point design. now it's the immigrants, it's going to, it's the border now and about how. and this is usually, it's always the records, it's the mexicans of the gods a mile on sort of a window room. so the motion of school on the jews doesn't matter. no, it's so long as you conduct, but the attention of your domestic population away from the fact that life is
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miserable for them. so you have to find the culprit, and that's what they do now. so this is about a match. why they, some of them hate tucker carlson, speaking to polluted pollutants, may be many things. i don't know him, i don't know but, but he's not too big and he's know the most it just isn't. i mean, if you listen to so maybe it's just protected and the body to make a big thing about it though it is absurd in particularly is you a cruise ship of julian a. so i'm sure he's one of the great minds of the 20th and 21st century was the most important human beings of this planet. we should be building statutes to julian. so now trying to kill him like we are. so will oppose for dream come back up very well hopes because i have children and grandchildren and i want
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them to be a well for them to grow up. and oh, could it be or could it just finally, could it be was on china and iran and given the uil concerts, sell out all around the world. is it clear that your kind of behavior is an artist? is not appreciated how, how use of having the constant attacks for defending people like julian, his sons, the people of guys are the people of jerusalem. how used arriving via tax. cuz you've been smid all around the world. they've tried to catch you everywhere. so yeah, she too is no comfortable dot com. okay, what about the i don't care mine, but the soul, those children in augusta be murdered by them as this really is i that's what makes it difficult for me to sleep at night. and every morning i wake up in my,
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inside my head, there is a gosh, why is they doing this? why are people that about why is that old school? one of the security council feed showing the security council resolution for face by now getting them carry on getting a why are they doing what, what did they hope to gain? well, obviously a bigger slice of the cake. and unfortunately, these actual, the united states of america were so bad, so that they won't share it with their own working prost. uh, they, well, the game shifts them for the ones who paid for the elections. and what was, by the compress, the one super easy for them and them a lot. and the american people are going to have to wake up and they going to have to rebel against it. and they are going to have to have that emotional revolution
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where they recognize that in the capacity but m o, c for life and shy needs and guatemala, said venezuela and mexicans. and dave, with the english language to scroll off by to the bar dates, the older brothers and sisters, irrespective groups there in this and listen to your religion without knowledge. dot is the only way forward, and that is the only way forward. the only learn from the river to the c 8 quote, right on the engine that low full every walk. well, we invite ended. what we, we invite lady told me is greenville to us own void to the un security council on roger. what is thank you. thank you much. i and thoughts of, of the show of continued condolences to those surviving the killing and all and they go back was we will be back on monday with progressive glen decent on his new book, the green war and the your region was order until then you can keep in touch by
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little less central media, it makes a lot sense and you will continue to out channel going on. you're going to be all normal. don't come to watching you and all the episodes i'm going underground seem under the, the winds, largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide. and billions for react, the hello and welcome get across the board. here we discussed some real in
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the 18. so if it is a killed or painted euclidean missiles runs on other rushes to view belgrade also condemns keywords. less than this one says today attacks and unexpected decision about an input to nominate. so new defense, what is the government says andre maluso, these are the right fit for a more intuitive focus for the nation's military civil staff of his genocide charges i. here is israel, an international justice as the unix, which is the of, of the idea of invasion of roughly that people know say these.


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