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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the 18th today is killed in a repeat ukrainian mix of flies on other russians to do belgrade both good condos, k vantage, lessons for the time and on other explained to decision a lot of inputs in northern names and new defense minister equipment says andre, but it is on the right foot, promote it over to the closest terminal for the civil safa for the genocide. so it is again,
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it is up in the international court of justice as the you and expressed as concerns about the idea of supervision over there is no safe place in these exhausted famish people, many of whom have been displaced many times already have no good option on the us says it in turns that came through the news that just buying tools from the west, upland country for a complete with the company today for the latest global news on up. i'm good. how about the i'm this is on the international. we saw this, i was a bell, got a total of a scene. people of being killed in multiple, you create a mess all the time on the russian, the city, a 10 story building partially collapse because of the missile strike. mothers. he could have been working around the clock. the rescue survivors who were trapped
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under the rubble of the yeah, beautiful group. when the strike occurred, always taking shelter on the main boulevard. i was lying on the floor and i felt the ground shake. i felt that explode with my feet somewhere nearby. i knew something big happened. i went to look it up on telegram and realized i had to go
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to hell. i turned up to the side of the strike and started happening, push cars around for the emergency services to be able to best through. some cars had their steering wheel locked, so we have to pick them up by force and move them on because i, i found also this little guy. he came up to me. i think he jumped out the window window striker where he came from under the rubble. i'm gonna go in, i'll apartments, i wasn't a root. and when they started and ran, my girlfriend show that to me, that there was smoking, and i live towns that we did quickly when they started. and it was still a pile of dust. it was still that something had to keep the arch when you went out and sold that. but there was still a risk of it from the front of my eyes when was still here on the playground. because the show surface as far as when the air defense siren came on, i went into the bathroom because it seems to be the safest player used to feel or i was sitting right in the bath tub. and then i heard a loud explosion. it wasn't as loud as it usually is when the showing happened. so i thought, well, strikes like that have already happened. i just went out, i didn't feel anything, no, shaking, nothing worse. but then i looked out the window and everything was white. so to
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welcome to, so i thought that maybe my curtains were down, but when i got closer the was, i realized that there was just a column of the store and nothing was visible. i just thought i thought maybe i would see something from the balcony 1st. i walked to the balcony, but it was completely destroyed to think all the glass was lying on the floor. you couldn't see anything. it was all done. i waited for about 3 minutes on the desk and started to settle. and i saw that people were starting to approach somewhere to the right and turn your head i looked at and saw the building is destroyed and nobody looks going back to us. and that someone goes, my daughter and i were heading out to the store when the missile attack occurred, we ran into the bathrooms, then there was an explosion. it was deafening. we ran out a documents in the bathroom. i grabbed them and ran out. that's it. and then my parents came for us and we left 2 of them, one by 3 or for the uh, the front of the site. and so the times it is all t correspondence to sweeney with more details. as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian or attack on
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a residential building in belle grove city on sunday morning. now this attack was carried out according to the authorities with western supplied weapons. it's been described as a terror attack at 10 stories of this building collapse and at least 15 people. we know what killed in the initial strike. many will have been wounded emergency services work throughout the day yesterday and overnight in a desperate attempt to pull people from the rubble. the belgrade governor has praised locals for the actions as well. many people from the local community, from the local area volunteer to pull the elderly men, women, and children from the rubble. now, those efforts were hung put on the because the part of the building collapse and 3 emergency workers. what is it? uh, as a result of that, but also ukraine targeted behavior again, causing them the,
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the emergency relief efforts to be stopped on these 5 occasions. obviously hum, picking these attempts to pull any of those that were left in the rubble. now, another building nearby was also struck during those that strikes 3 people we understand were killed in the attack on a number more wounded. so that takes the desk told to 18, but with many of those still in the hospital being treated for the injuries indeed dot toll could rise. now, a belgrade has come under a biology of rock and we saw the tracks including from the top and bottom par miss 1000. just to give some indication of what it is like for the residents here. uh, we received uh 60 arrived in bel wrote on sunday evening. we received almost a constant slew of messages by some telegram and text messages warning of incoming be solved, and educating residents to take shelter. now, of course the bell road has come on the intensified attack your member back on
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december, the 3rd to it's one of the deadly attack. so 25 people killed since then. bell road has been subjected to a number of attempted incursions, which would be repelled by the russian, all forces. and those frequent missile rocky. i'm drone strikes, which are targeted. the civilian area is just last monday. 7 people were killed and 40 wounded, including children, offer a kamikaze drone struck pass and get transport vehicles taking people to work. now it was worth reiterating once again, that this is a residential area of the people living in this apartment brought for not soldiers attacking civilians is of course a war crime. and this latest attack on belle grove comes soon off to the other. like to pay the precious photos at the low, david cameron green lighted a tax on russian territory. now those comments received widespread condemnation
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from russian officials, but he hasn't wrote back on those. in fact, he's taking a formal belligerent stones towards russia and it comes just weeks off to a russian human rights organization said it have leaked information about left tenant general antone or a goose. i was in fact the person that was most demanding. the attacks on the battle garage region deliberately targeting civilian areas as part of applying to wreak havoc saying that they're all know civilians only. and the reason that he said to be the shadow, come on, drove the crating and on falls in the wake of the sucking of generals. emotionally, the attacks also take place at a time when russia is making advances on the possible field in the talk of region that has been in 10 spots which taking place. do crating authorities have spoken of these intense bottles close to the with the belgrade region. now the russian
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defense ministry says that it plans to create a buffers with most of these attacks on belgrade emanating from the cock of region . and that whole thing, the, this buffers i will provide some relief to those citizens. but for now, the situation remains voltage. all right, so they did buy a new credit is haul call region. russel's mother, she has reported successful results from a new offensive. well, it says forces have taken control 9, but it is in the past 2, there is there's active come by the gate. and so front and realize of the claim me in the buddha area, preliminary report and say that russian films have involves 30 kilometers north, east of the city of fargo. all think, all of a sudden she bows, experience how you train has failed to defend its position. despite massive support from is less than this one says, so it's going rushes,
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operation to push ukrainian forces out of range of russian towns and cities in the region is on the way. and after all the fact it was coming was no secret. in fact, even the criminal had signaled that this operation was necessary. and as long as you crane a tax russian territory, the russian army will push them as far back as is necessary. as russian president vladimir putin said, if the range of weapons increases, the buffer zone security zone will expand, which will be required in order to secure our territory. our citizens. now on the other side of the line is abundantly clear that the ukrainians also knew what was coming with russian force. advancing on march of the combat line, it rains russian born and trained come under chief, made it clear the seas forces were preparing for a russian assault in the region. the situation at the front remains difficult. the enemy is actively attacking our units in several directions in order to advance deep into the territory of our state. the situation is difficult,
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but the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to hold the defensive lines and positions. but know that the russian offensive hack off has actually been gone. many ikea will be asking what the millions of dollars allocated for defense of structures in the region was actually spent on russian forces making, shoot, danes, fortunately on opposed these structures are nowhere to be seen. it seems ukraine's corruption problem is yet again rearing its ugly head. but even senior ex advisor to bar johnson, calling a spade a spade. we should have never got into the whole stupid situation. it's sort of replay of 1940 with potomac and zalinski is the church really and under dog, this whole ukrainian, corrupt mafia state has basically conditional. and we're all going to get it as a consequence. we are getting now, right. but despite the reality check from dominic holdings and the rapid progress
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of the russian army, president zalinski recently reassured his western funders. but the border and the region was secured, all was well and their money was being well spent on impregnable lines of defenses . high cup region, construction of 40 vacations, thank you to everyone who works to make your green stronger. well, it seems that as the russian army takes more, the 30 square kilometers in a single day with village after a village being added to the list of liberated settlements. the reality is that savanski is much vaulted, very expensive line, simply didn't exist at all. let's get blamed the west for failing to save the day by salt, flying enough weapons and crash. the western media is losing patience with the landscape games. i mean, was a lensky who previously told us that the area was the most secure, and ukraine is now determined to use even the direst situation on the ground. the advantage of his fundraising activities. but the human office,
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we are adding more forces to honk of directions, both along our state border and along the entire front line. we will invariably destroy the okey by any way that will disrupt a new russian offensive intentions. it is important that our partner support a warriors and ukrainian resilience with time supplies. i mean truly timely. the really helpful package is the weapons brought to queen, not just the announcement of the package. i think every leader looks at the situation this way. so whatever the outcome of rush is offensive in the north, it seems ukraine's endemic corruption and denial of reality on the ground. maybe the outcome is already inevitable. for the civilians and build a rods, the destruction of ukraine's ability to target their families with indiscriminate terror can come soon enough. dave has all on all you finance that could be a complete immobilization of the entire country as it is. i don't see
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a striped foot goods. rough estimate is an inquiry and has lost almost half a 1000000 soldiers. so said call that began including a $100000.00. over the past 5 months. he says, all of these things society must make sacrifices to support the war efforts. globally speaking, starting on may 18th, when the mobilization little comes into force. first of all, the approach to this war will change the situation where some people are fighting at the front lines while others are living, their quiet lives is obviously coming to an end. it would be normal if our enemy was weak, but with such an enemy, the whole country and the whole of society need to mobilize. i think of course, that this new law number one indicates that there is a tremendous issue with the recruitment, with the create armed forces themselves with their sides, with their ability to actually do the fight against russia. and we're seeing that
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this mobilization, this semester subscription is necessary because ukraine is losing the war. everyone understands that they and that's why the united states was so quick to try to pass new legislation to arm it. of course, the lifestyle changes will mean that instead of that, the, the young elite in ukraine, partying and, and sharing the corruption of the cameras that they're actually going to maybe have to pick up the rifle. and then do the front lines. of course, a lot of these young men don't want to fight, and we could actually begin to see protests and movements against the care of regime by its own citizens who don't want this war. we don't want to see this conflict continue and who eventually wants to have some solution to this. probably by bringing down the government itself. a sudden it was in a is a race shuffling his tablet for his new term as president has replaced a long time defense mississauga showed you now
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a quick summary of the major post in the russian government for running and pauses . 5th presidential term, the incumbent, russian follower may, as a surrogate, live role will remain in office. so they show who will switch from defense. well, as a to the secretary of the national security council, he will be replaced by the devotee or the form of the deputy prime minister andre belo solve, who also previously served as a kind of a business. and that requirement explain the move by saying a more economic and it never say the approach was needed for the ministry. switching was enough, besides it is very important. seeds invite the economy of all security forces into the economy of the country so that it corresponds to the dynamics of our current situation. and the 2nd thing probably there is important to note is that today on
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the box will feel that when a is the one who's open, mo, could see innovation not open to maxim operational implementation. and the full and naturally occurring stage, the president has decided that a civilian should have the minister of defense. and there is no just the civilian, but to mine who, how did the very successful ministry also economic development of russia before a long time was in the system through the presidents on economic issues is being in the defense ministry post since 2012. so that's 12 is a very long time to hold such a senior post in any administration. uh, not just in russia, but across the world. he's still going to be advising president putin on matters of national security. he'll also have an eye across to look into the future. looking at potential threats could be coming, rushed his way. it's still somebody who will have the you, the president, to give suggestions as to how the country should be dealing with lots of different
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situations. i think it's safe to say also that i mean the name sergio chicago is much more well known around the world and probably in russia to then and a bellows of what can you tell us about this in coming replacement for shaking? well, he's an economist, he doesn't have a military background, and there's nothing unusual about that. we've seen that we've plenty of other ministries of defenses across the world as being the 1st deputy prime minister for russian as since 2020, and in his will. and his background as an economists, he's actually been very important in terms of looking at the reconstruction efforts of before noon, the integrated regions into russia. he understands what, what's going on in the crime that and that will give you a different sense as to what perhaps the priorities decent that a fellow self has go based economic backgrounds can see things differently as he understands the new, the incorporated regions. it's clear that he is the person that present pretend,
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believes will be able to bring back the funds. and we could see when he was then on the battlefield for russia, this is a role that will make him a household thing for us. so as i just out to the middle east is ready troops, a said to be fighting against policy in the soldiers and the jump. a lie, a refugee camp in the north of the gaza enclave down that have been reports for the 5. so you have spilled over into residential areas, the idea of as being a choose the opening fire, i can ambulance, and these are often times into the area of the conducting strikes. the total desk told throughout the status of the call it began last year has out exceeded $35000.00. but according to local authorities, the united nations have expressed grave concerns about as well as invasion of the
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city of rough or near the gibson border. the you and human rights. she says there is no safe place for policies in the gulf of enclave. since 6 may. when the idea of issued any recreation in order to palestinians in eastern rough uh more than 278000 people have been displaced. this includes people with disabilities, the chronically ill older people, the injured pregnant women. and many of us were physically unable to move without health. the latest evacuation otis effect close to a 1000000 people in russia. so where should they go now? there is no safe place in gaza. these exhausted famished people, many of whom have been displaced many times already have no good options. i can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less afford a salt. in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled
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with the binding requirements of inter gnashing, but it's angel in with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures for the by the international court of justice, made a law, egypt says a will join a south i for this case, the game is on the international court of justice on just side charges to move to intervene in the mentioned lawsuit comes and made, escalating is really aggression against the palestinian civilians and gaza involving systematic practices targeting, posting and civilians, destruction of infrastructure displacement and creating unprecedented humanitarian crises in violation of international humanitarian law. egypt renews. it's call for immediate action to all hostilities and gaza military operations in the palestinian city ever offer and provide necessary protection for palestinian civilians. other countries have also expressed support before the case. columbia and libya and soon me,
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kira said they would join in the interesting new efforts this up is from committing genocide updated and introduced on the website. the president of south africa stated that his nation returned until 9 tassel court of justice on friday, and called for an immediate order to defend passes in gauze, in the midst of his residency operation on rough up civil my revenue effort as a dom bonded global solar darcy for the guys and people on the tent as well for his actions. since the start of the military action, rasa is rarely seized control of both the rough and care m shalom crossings. effectively controlling all moved in and out of guys, including off all critical humanitarian and medical supplies, goods and fuel, the gross human rights violations, perpetuated by israel scales, taking comprehensible levels of cruelty. he's an extreme violent oppression. the
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world must do more to end the persecution of the palestinians, including that of many innocent women and children that we had from honey saw them on a cairo based on the list to highlighted. the rise in legal support full policies is putting more pressure on the as well. and i think it's many uh many uh, visually to other countries when we start from so is actually going by the guys are in dominican through like libya. is it that the cost? i think it to be the start menu. i wasn't, i'm confident on the account. would it be attach it to is this is on the international court of justice. it wouldn't make of the visually we have a mini uh, movements in, i mean, account rooms, children's um the universe is on the other side of the human rights to do sons. i think with me as a board of the, to this moment is, you know,
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i mean uh many uh, but need to go stairs. i think it was the and to buy yours from his rental agreement, which uh, how much manufacturers that i did last time to buy the girls upstairs and uh, blended cpr. same condition with the other decisions in many other wisdom covers will be encouraged to make the man position. i think it was, i said he will be papers or, or does it make us the very next time fax to the african content? now it is us. so thorough is a still hoping for the lead times with news that may be solid. this cause as the west african country has ordered all american soldiers to pack up and leave. that will make the most of the situation that was presented to us. but the intent is in
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the share to draw down to a level that the new gerry and can live with more than a decade ago. america in america began increases, moves the presence in the region, $100000000.00 american drugs facility in the countries knolls, houses around $1000.00 plus and now in march. and these are terminated as much as you would ations with washington. and the sharing officials explained the decision stating that the deal was imposed all the nation and does not serve the interests of the people. this policy of lord hughes from both countries began arranging the evacuation the american soldiers. you mentioned that we were forced to leave new here. uh, i uh, we will leave new year senator, but uh, as you know, what we do in order to terrorism thrives and non govern spaces. and what we typically do is to try to help a country each develop their own capability to,
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to control their, their, their savage, based never about raising africa up or doing low intensity conflict or counter terrorism. it was always about feeding the empire and africa as finally over thrown that's in slave meant and has sought to cleanse themselves of this control. and now you see the west panicking and desperately trying to negotiate any way to stay in africa, so they can continue their nefarious activities. there's nothing good that the united states brings to africa whatsoever. and i think they realize in africa that russia is a far better friend and partner because they are genuinely interested in the, the elevation of africa. and i, i would say this to africa. will the united states contractors and military that are in a country that are on the bass, are running out of food and medicine and supplies because they've established no flights coming in and out. this is an opportunity for
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a public relations victory for russia as far as i'm concerned. that's how i look at it. and i think uh, keeping the west out, stopping any military presence from coming in is a very wise move because they do not have any designs to help africa. only parasitic lee exist off of that. that was, that was against the president of america into his haven't could all floating around the country, 100 riley didn't. and then there is home to the u, a. b, add bass to a, one to them on the washington. the men seemed leave the protest with coordinating by a coalition of policies that box the most able to rule that a pallet last. yeah. kind of kind of a full money's here and i'm back to the, to the, the, if the united states wishes to engage with these. yeah, it must consider the interests of the people. but that's good enough with the position of the new jerry and people and their leaders has been very clear. we
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never said that we would not negotiate with anyone. we have never identified with whom we're going to negotiate. and on what basis we have a problem of our own and want to solve this problem. that is to say, we want to ensure the security of our territory ourselves. and we want to have partners. we're ready to inspect the conditions under which we want to establish this corporation. if the united states of america decides to revise its copy and adapted to the necessities or needs of the german people, obviously we will discuss that. but there is a principle that is immutable. we don't one foreign troops on our territory. this has created so many problems for us. and the fact is that no country, regardless of our ties with it, has the right to come and settle on a territory without observing the agreements defined by our constitution. at least 20 people have been arrested at the latest protest in the capital of the
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republic of georgia. the genesis of the see he out of he is going to so new legislation that would force and do is to be more transparent about that funding sources. does it run it as the parliament gave the approval for the bills? which in fact supply the countries of leadership cus has condemned. the movers are coming to out on civil society. groups for the georgia government says it must require n d is that received forward funding to reveal those sources? we heard from a full upon about member who said, west composite, criticizing the bill because they want to maintain their influence produce the sum of the georgia government is determined to adopt this law no matter what the protests will be. therefore, western pressure and street protests will have absolutely no effect. this law is really understandable to the people of georgia. those who have recently protested
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or a part of the populace could benefit from those public organizations. their strength, their protest movements will not be enough to resist the promotion of this law in any way. i would say it is an instrument of financial influence on the public which can pursue western countries interested in georgia and their interest as is clearly seen. do not quite correspond to the interest of the people of georgia. therefore, it is already really obvious, very clear that there are already a lot of cases where they finance some legal actions in georgia. we know that the west has become very adept at cruise in any country. one might say on all continents and a half, and south america and so on. their actions are precisely concentrated. please note


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