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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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that there are already a lot of cases where they finance some illegal actions in georgia. we know that the west has become very adept at cruise in any country. one might say on all continents and a half for call and south america and so on. their actions are precisely concentrated. please note the fellers ukraine, small dover, georgia, armenia. azerbaijan was back as stand. tajikistan kennedy. stan are on that list. in general, it is comprised of countries, the border, russia. they need those countries to be against russia and not for any other purpose. well, that's the big now most stories at the top of the hour. thanks for watching. i'll see you again, the fiber, buddy. i'm rick sanchez. so on this day, as you come to know, we take
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a look at all the stories that are in the news this week. like some of the crazy things that came out of mike johnson smiled. how president, by managed to upset india, china, japan and russia all with one word for countries. one word and guess it was back in women's clothing, former congressman george santa thoughts and we have the video to prove and i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. the ok, the 1st thing i want to do is introduce our panel there. they are the best in the business. you've got my village and to my right. and you've got dr. wilmer lee on my. busy left coast the critical hour on radio spartan, now let's get to some of the crazy stuff that happened this week. or maybe in this case it's some of the crazy things that were said. so mike johnson, our speaker of the house, the literally with cnn cnn, by the way,
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i felt they asked him some good questions, where he says some crazy stuff. he says there's real, hasn't really killed civilians. he said, student broadcasters are just there because they all hate jews. you suggested that israel is gone and palestinians are evil. and then he said that they should be allowed to make pro is really students. they should pardon me, let me rephrase that. they should not be allowed to make pro is really students or american jews in any way uncomfortable here. it is that we are as americans, this is not an expression of the 1st amendment. this is not an exchange of ideas. this is, this is threats and intimidation of violence against the jewish students for who they are for, for their faith. and that's a terrible trend that's going on in the country right now. let me just add, this is a caviar before we get going. your and well more i'll start with you. we checked,
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not one single pro is we'll still need in columbia university has been injured or physically harmed by any of these protests yet. he says that this is something that is terrible for what is happening to them. is he crazy? no, he's not crazy. he's just lying. and what is when there are 2 wars here. there is the, the battle that's going the physical battle that's going on right now in historic palestine slash guys a. and then there's the info war. and what's happening, what we're seeing play itself out right before our very eyes design is narrative. they are losing the info. yeah. and that's why they're going after tick tock. that's why they issued or tried. they're trying to pass legislation that allows
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them to have more control over social media. they can't afford to lose the info war . and so they live, they cheat, they still have a refers to, not just the war cabinet in israel, and of course a prime minister netanyahu. but members of congress who this week have been passing laws that say it's, you know, illegal to be a man, ty semite which we all agree, it's horrible to be an anti semite. but again, manila, the comments from this speaker, seem to me like over the top uh, i've never heard anybody say these kinds of things about any group. well, yeah, rick, because it's absurd. i mean, i guess maybe that's why they say we live in cloud world today. let me just point out, i'm from los angeles, you see a way in particular, had probably the spotlight shines on it during these student protests and the citizens and the, or the camp outs, i should say. and prior to this war on gaza,
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and then do you think the number of jewish residents in los angeles has changed in the past 7 months? gone up, gone down. the answer is no good. there been a pretty steady number of jewish american students walking around the u. c. o, a campus for decades and decades. yes, los angeles is home to a ton of jews and immigrants as well immigrant, jews from israel. there was never some sort of huge problem in los angeles that, that required people here in washington to implement laws to create, you know, a safe space specifically for them, for decades and decades and decades. everybody's been fine across college campuses . well, i gotta tell you because this continues and it's not just the politicians because if you think that that sounds a little bit crazy,
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wait what it gets worse. busy wait to hear this, this is a, a c and i'm talking head dana bash, who actually compares the student protesters to wait for it. wait for it. nazis protesting the way they, israel and government is rarely prime minister, is prosecuting. the retaliatory war against and loss is one thing. making jewish students feel unsafe at their own schools is unacceptable and it is happening way too much. right now. i'm used to a students i deserve to go here. we pay tuition, this is our school and they're not letting me walk in. my cost is over there. i want to use that interest. walk and like what you let me go in. this can be over in a 2nd, just let me and my friends go in. or again, what you just saw is 2024 in los angeles, hearkening back to the 19 thirty's in europe. and i do not say that lightly became
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going through any entrance, but he wants to go in manila through grow that entrance only that my class, my class right there, bro, i don't want to walk 20 other yard. let. let me, let me put this argument. you just created this environment for all the kids that everything is convenient and easy and the, the boy doesn't want to walk around. i mean, just really think about comparing that hardship, that horrible hardship and not being able to walk another 20 feet. by the way, it's a college campus, it's wide open. you can try to have you been and you see all it, it's wide open everywhere. but just to compare that guys horrible plight to, to, to that of african americans in this country in the 19 twenties and thirties and fourties and even the fifty's and sixty's during civil rights to compare them to what happened during the revolutionary war. the civil war, i mean, my god, wilmer, do you see that students try to steps through those
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other students to go to class if he had tried that and then they had closed ranks around him? yeah. well, okay. then maybe we can have a conversation so that all of that to me seem to be incredibly contrived, dashes, comparison between those that are anti zionist and anti genocide. to those who are anti semitic, we'd again is all about the narrative and they're trying to complete the 2 even though they are not, this thing is, is laughable. but here's a question for dana batch me if, if, if not, so these are so important as they are. then why doesn't she feel the same way about the united states backing the right sector in queen the united states is funding training arming,
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real nazis in ukraine. i'm your database saying, i'm mumbling word about that. that's a great point. you know, i hadn't made that connection, but you're absolutely profit just sitting here complaining because a student get can't get into is a copy a radical nazis is concerned about the radical math. and she can even deal with the ones that we're funding a arming and training. all right, now i want to show you a guy who, who's got it going on. you're ready. this is a guy who i like, or at least i like what he says here. is a conservative republican, his name is chip roy. i don't know if you saw this wilmer, but he's calling out his colleagues in the house of representatives after they passed the law that makes it illegal to be an anti semitic. and by the way, they pass this by about of 320 to 91 a lot. it says you are not allowed to think anti semitic thoughts if you live in the united states and you will be put in jail. here it is. the jet again today on
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the floor of the house of representatives, we had another so vote to make people feel good about themselves by passing a bill that says the anti semitism in the title. when we want to insert the government into what you're thinking and what motivates you, your empowering that which should never be empowered. the ability of the government to police sought to believe speech, to police, your views. not the views the carry out, then the actions you so absolutely right. the idea that we would police thought in the united states of america that he would, that we would pass a law saying, by the way, again, it is deplorable to be racist. it is deplorable to be an anti semitic. it is wrong to hate mexicans. it is wrong to aid anybody. but you have the right to do it in the united states of america. they're passing
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a law that says you can hate anybody including americans such a cat, a zionist. wow. wow. wow. but but, but again, it's the see rick, your language. you just go onto the same truck because being anti semitic and being advertised sign or totally different thing. yeah. so what the legislation that they're putting, they might as well be asking me to explain how one plus one equals 7. what about jewish students that are at the forefront in participating in the protests on this country is naomi klein, anti semitic? i don't think she and also how did they define submitted because it is not in this, it, it is a linguistic group. right. so the very folks that the id, yes, are engaged in genocide against image storage, palestine. they are so many cars. well yeah,
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i think maybe the best point is by the fact that there are people there who are jewish, who are protesting against israelis, policies. so are you calling them and to symmetric, and do they go to jail to, for criticizing israel's foreign policy. right. i mean, this is such a broad language guys. i mean this, this really is terrifying. that i feel like hollywood is kind of leading the way in our mastic policy here, because if we go back, you know, my gosh, what's it been 1520 years since minority report came out. remember that with tom cruise and the whole scanning thing and you get in trouble like the spot please. this is what we're living through today. this is thought conditioning thought police. and when you start doing away with people's free will and the 1st amendment right, the ability to actually voice your free will, then we are doing away with democracy. we are slowly chipping it away. and yeah,
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right now are using these kids like the, the, let me get to my class bro. as part of the catalyst of why these people or students need some sort of protection that's different than everybody else who needs protection and the right to the safe and the right to think what they want to think. i, i just still can't believe that she put some kid on the year out of college who was upset because he couldn't walk through a certain walkway as opposed to going another 20 feet around that. and compared that the someone being an aust, which, i mean, i'm sure it's, i mean i, i find it remarkable that this woman still has a job on cnn, but yet they fired me. uh okay, look, when was the, what was this is really reminiscent to september 11th in the, in the war on terror is the same reactionary foolishness. yeah. yeah. as, as is, as is what is happening right now. and gaza,
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very similar to the foolish attack and disastrous outcomes that we got from the attack or invasion of iraq. you're absolutely right. when we come back, the dumbest comment of the we come from a, the president of friends be the british prime minister. see, president of the united states, or they all of the above the answer. after the break, the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills and then it just does, it shows you fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can a video of alleged abuse by an officer to day, a sheriff's, deputy in columbia, south carolina forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think it was a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and then there are others besides, this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline. black children, he was there is for single law to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict when necessary. a tops people are never
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gonna change your mind, so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong, and that's the pay. welcome back of rick sanchez. we're talking about the things that happened this week and we want to start with the question again. which world leader made the dumbest comment of the way it wasn't my crone? was it p m soon? i was it present by the, was it all of the above? the answer is see the president of the united states when he called india, india a z, the phobic country. and it wasn't just them. here's the quote. he says, why is china stalling so badly economically? by the way, that's questionable. why is japan having trouble? why is russia, why is india? because there's even a phobic. by the way, he's suggesting essentially that the bigots, they don't want immigrants,
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immigrants, oh, what makes us strong. he says, well, obviously this isn't going to be sitting very well with india or president pony or, or, or, or the, or japan for, for that matter. what, what are we thinking about to say something like this, that there xena phobic at the very same time that he's backing a government, which is according to uh, you know, the united nations massacring people in their own country that they don't like, you know? good god, wilmer, i bring you in 1st, and then manila, i know you're jumping at the bed, go ahead. well, more as well. there are so many things along with what joe biden said, the united states would love to have. china is economic growth in the united states would love to have russians. i think russia is the 3rd fastest growing economy in the world. and all by the, by,
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i thought we were turning the rouble into rubble. i thought we were going to crash, the rushing economy may that, that does not happen, but they're not, you know, big. they are protecting their interest. they are protecting their cultures. from influence is like the national endowment for democracy and us a id. they don't want another might on cool in their countries. they are protecting selves against the us. do an unwarranted influence of the united states . and even if you wanted to go, i understand, he feels like he has to always attack china and russia. i get it. he's an older guy, he comes from the 19 forties and fifties. these things were still fighting the cold war. whatever you're going after india, you're going after japan? i mean, i can't help but same as i feel bad. he's my president. but ma'am, what the hell are you thinking? right, manila, he's not, he's not thinking, i mean, i agree. i agree with dr. lee,
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i don't know that he is thinking i've 1st of all to go after japan, which is probably america's number one ally in the asia pacific, especially if you're trying to pivot to pacific and your foreign policy right now and into to the obama pivot to the pacific, you kinda need japan, you kind of can't afford to enter them at this point, especially when formula keisha was just there at the white house like maybe a month or so ago for a big state dinner. and then for him to turn around and say the japanese are zina phobic because they don't allow in immigrants. has he seen a map as to where pan is located? it's kind of a tiny island and it's really out there in the pacific. it's really hard to get to it and they also enforce their borders. so also, you know, something where in the united states is about to be a $10000000.00 economy. g. d p was a 10 trillion dollar a month to the new,
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really other. and there's a trade with you, why would you do that? why would you make moti angry? i'm pushing more towards china and toward the end toward russia, which is already going in that direction. it's just, it's, it's amazing. and obviously he's made a lot of people uncomfortable for making that comment. all right, so, um, you guys would be perfect to ask about this next story. because a guy who is a legend on the radio. and both of you, i know, have worked in radio during your career as well. are you still do with one of the best shows? i think there is out there. this is a radio announcer who has never held back has decided to give hell all throughout his career. whenever he's interviewed people, he never lets up. but now he interviewed joe biden. and, and you're simply not going to believe. you're going to wonder who is this guy and
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what did he do with howard stern? curious, thank you for doing this today. i want to thank you for your compassion. you know, the reason i'm so excited to talk to you was because i wanted to understand the tragedy in your life and how you dealt with it. and you're the kind of leader i love because we're lucky to have you in the oval office and serving as the father of the country. cuz if you're a good father to your family, what you are, i know you'll be a good father to the country and i, and i want to thank you for providing a calming influence. pardon me guys, i'm vomiting in my mouth as i speak. um i, i was that guy. and what the hell is he talking about? well, we're back to you. that wasn't howard stern now was we say the father of the country, the greatest man in the world, your mother do. so to me, my god, i want to hug you and get you of the loves. what the hell i in my opinion,
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all of the ties to jo biden's self at, at admitting that he is a scientist. and that this is all about supporting that narrative. that's the only thing i can figure. why someone like how we stern would be so gosh, but that would be like, that would be like saying if you were in interviewing and african american, do you have to loved him because you guys have similar skin color, or vitamins that are viewing that hispanic guy would have to say, i love you because your name is pedro. you know, i mean that's the problem. what it is. if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. yeah. for, for somebody like howard stern to immediately turn into how we, that's the only thing i have unless he is so soul, soul tide true that he's got a gosh over jericho biden. but even with that, when you look at the policies between the 2,
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they're basically 2 wings on the sabre. i've heard some say, who watch that interview, that the reason he did that is because he just can't stand donald trump and wants to trump to lose really bad. and that's why he's trying to help this guy when manila, your comment on that. no guys, 2 things as to what happened to howard stern's brain use or just my theory. okay. but um, psychologically broken by trump arrangements syndrome, as well as co bid cove. it, i don't know if he ever caught it. i know that he went nuts during coven 19 during the pandemic in the lock downs. and, and maybe he got a whole lot of vaccines and somehow that kind of infiltrated into his brain and kind of changed the howard that we knew. or maybe this is just some body double of the howard span we need 20 years ago. speaking body doubles the body available,
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apply the legal see back. george said those after years of denying her 2nd persona brought her back out this week and introduced her to the world. so she's out there here for your viewing pleasure. is the return of guitar, a robot you the hey, club condo is your favorite shatara. after 18 years in the closet, jord santo's, pull the back out. whatever. anyway, i hear, you're a bunch of little freaks out there and you love to dance all night long. like it's nobody's business. you know what? you gotta elevated. gotta make it more risky. yeah, you gotta make it more for the words they use. i have an advice for you. how about put some whigs on get some boys and go have real fun. let's see, what's your hair fast, you know, side to side, whatever. but you all have to stop being boring. dave, essentially things are boring because you, you want you all to be more risk. i know all the love,
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i hope you all enjoy it. know leon back to you. but the latest gentleman that's going to the other for so not know what, what do you make of this? i mean, what do you, what do you think of what do you watch this is american you former us congressman? god bless you. george santos. do that. that's, that's all i got. yeah. do you, george? that's all there. you baby. you know. i know the others. are we bought for guitar? rick? can we can tara run for office? i was gonna say they're all liars. they all are cheaters. in my estimation, who usually end up in congress or in the senate? he's just out there. he's admitting it. he's more honest about it. am i wrong? and i oh, i agree. i love the new george santos and out of office because now this joe santos is owning that he's
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a swindler. owning all of his weird corks and things that were he was hiding in the closet. now, god bless them as wilmer said, bless them, let them, let george be katara. and i think tara should run for congress for next door. santos. it's far up. bought you office and when you 25, there you go. and just when you thought things couldn't get crazy, are they good, crazy or still? i've extra both of you it's, it's a, it's a great conversation. it's always fun. taking apart some of the things that have happened and some of the crazy things that people have said. and it seemed like this week everybody seemed to be taking their crazy pills because there was a lot of it out there. wilma, always a pleasure and you know, well yeah, miss chan you're, you're, i'm in the, you're delight to speak to. so we'll continue these conversations later on before we go. i want to remind you of our mission, really to the silo, the world. we need to stop living and boxes troops don't live in boxes. and rick sanchez will be looking for you here next time. when it's time to make
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a direct impact. the the at the end of the 18th century britain began the illegal opium trade in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. b. on. however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without
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a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the barley, armed and morally drain chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading the lethal good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the due opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of
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ordinary chinese, the russian states never as tired as on the phone in the most sense, community best of all sense and up the same assistance must be the one else holes question about this, even though we will then in the your, the kremlin, the media machine, the state on the russians coding and split the r t sports net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center question. did you say, steve, or twist, which is the
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killed in their own homes? 18 people are now known to have died in the parade in missile strikes under russian city of belgrade. moscow condemned both key evidence west and sponsors and old change of the top to bottom and put in an unexpectedly by secondly moves to a shuffle. his cabinets nominating the deputy prime minister as their due defense minister egypt savage, formerly joining shut off the coast genocide case against these are all the international court of justice. and it comes as a us sounds good alarm no, but the idea of supplying the offensive in.


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