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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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right, but yes, the and as you can see behind me, are you crying in an attack on a residential building in belgrade city, deaths and destruction of the russian region of belgrade comes under the training and fire with almost 20 civilians killed in strikes on the main city bushes, if the worst wants to fight on the battlefield, as they say, find other washington for administer, one to the west, all the alternative to peace negotiations over ukraine. that's us every shuffle environment put in the cabinet is in full swing. what the deputy prime minister moving over to defense sailing to success,
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new delhi, fine to deal with to ron, to ron part of a keyboard with connect with the international north, south transport car dot, linking india with russia via you write these really subclass block jordanian trucks. carrying you many, cherry and aids do guys that, and that's asked the employees health care system is set to be on the brink of collapse. the offices are the international reaching you from the russian capital. welcome to the latest updates. i am mike up watching that would begin in russia's colors region where one civilian has been killed and 3 of us injured in the ukrainian drone attack. local authorities report the cause traveling along the highway where
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a targeted was explosive devices dropped in them. during the past week, rochester coast region has come on the several drove and the tax and in the neighboring belgrade region. no sorry. these have been evacuating log. ready from the town of a rather than night long, i made the threats of strikes and that's according to the regions governor multiple mess. all attacks on sunday left, 18 people dead, and partially clumped. 10 street apartment building the
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we were in our apartment, i was in the room and when the sound ring, my girlfriend showed it to me that there was smoke. i looked up the window quickly . when the start ended, we saw a pile of dust. we thought that something had hit the arch, went out and saw that, but there was still a roof. it fell in front of our eyes when we're still here on the playground stole . perhaps it shows us that's when the air defense fire and came on. i went into the box frame because it seems to be the safest place i was sitting right in the bath tub, and then i had a loud explosion and went out and looked out the window and everything was white. and i got close and realized that that was just a column of dust and nothing was visible. i thought maybe i would see something from the balcony. i walked through the balcony, but it was completely destroyed. either gloss was lying on the floor who are to use
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the sweeney sense this report from the scene of the tragedy. as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian or attack on a residential building in belgrade city. on sunday morning. now, this attack was carried out according to the authorities with western supplied weapons. it's been described as a terror attack, a 10 stories of this building collapse and at least 15 people. we know what killed in the initial strike. many will have been wounded emergency services work throughout the day yesterday and overnight in a desperate attempt to pull people from the rubble. the belgrade governor has praised locos for their actions as well. many people from the local community, from the local area volunteer to pull the elderly men, women, and children from the rubble. now, those efforts were hung put, taught these because the part of the building collapsed and 3 emergency workers
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were injured. uh, as a result of that, but also ukraine targeted the heavier again, causing them to the emergency relief efforts to be stopped on these 5 occasions, obviously, humping these attempts to pull any of those that were left in the rubble. now, another building nearby was also struck tubing. those strikes 3 people we understand were killed in the attack on a number more wounded. so that takes the desk told to 18, but with many of those still in the hospital being treated for the injuries indeed dot toll could rise. now, a belle grove has come under a biology of rook and this all the time, including from the top and bottom par uh, missiles and just to give some indication of what its like for the residents here. uh, we received uh 60 arrived in bel road on sunday evening. we received almost a constant slew of messages by some telegram and text messages warning of incoming
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be solved, and edging residents to take shelter. now, of course, a bell road has come on to intensify the track, your member back on december, the 30th one of the debbie. it's a tech, so $25.00 people killed since then. bell road has been subjected to a number of attempted incursions which to be withheld. by the russian, all forces and those frequent michelle roecat, i'm drone strikes me to target to the civilian is just last monday. 7 people were killed and 40 wounded, including children, offered kamikaze road struck passenger transport vehicles taking people to work. now it was worth reiterating once again, that this is a residential area of the people living in this apartment proper. not so just a talking siblings is of course, of all crime. and this latest attack on belle grove comes soon after the other like
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to pay the purchase for the sex reload. david coming green lighted a tax on russian territory. now those comments received widespread condemnation from russian officials, but he hasn't wrote back on those. in fact, he's taking a formal belligerent stones towards russia when it comes to just weeks off to a rush and human rights organizations that have leaked information about left tenant general antonio a do. so was in fact the person that was most demanding, the attacks on the bell garage a region deliberately targeting somebody. and it is part of a plan to wreak havoc saying that there are no civilians, only anybody's now, he said to be the shadow. come on, drove the crating on falls in the wake of the stocking of general solution to the attacks. also take place at a time when russia is making the boxes on the possible field in the talk of the region that has been in 10 spots which taking place. do crating authorities have
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spoken of these intense bottles close to the with the belgrade region. now the russian defense ministry says that it plans to create a buffers with most of these attacks on belgrade emanating from the cock of region . and that hoping that this buffers i will provide some relief to those citizens. but for now, the situation remains volatile and barely a week after being sworn in for another presidential times. lot of it pretends been busy, or shuffling the deck of his government. one person who is set to stay put though is the long subbing for administer. speaking of the federation council meeting, say again, law for all of took 8 my the west over the water ukraine. just as a portion, if the worst one see fights on the battlefield, as i say, find the finish president spoken this regatta game, the other day signed to the force conference is important,
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but that they need to defeat rush and the war to we connect so that is no longer a threat to call wanting this to negotiate is confirmed by the president personally . every time he addresses the crating issue explains a walk basis. we will be ready to do so on the basis of everyone except in the realities that have a much but let's get more on all of this now and bring in r t. so my, my h i o my is good to have you join me now, a new term in office for president putting on a bit of a refresh on the cards. talk to us more on this. now the russian for administer a statement to the federation council comes amid rushes, important advances on the battlefield. as ukraine still fails to defend its position and its positions, despite the enormous aid that is getting from its western allies. but well, surgery, la prob, is expected to continue his duties as for administer, important re shuffling is happening amid the bludgeon reports as
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a new term. as president, for example, surgery showed would be a acting defense minister is no appointed as the secretary of the security council, which essentially means that he will be serving as the president's deputy within the commission on the military industrial complex. whereas the nominees for the minister of defense position is on very below. oh, so he is a trained economist and he has overseeing the economy sector. he has worked in the government in various capacities at but the up until now he mainly dealt with civilian matters. during his speech at the federation council, he made quite interesting points. he expressed his dissatisfaction with the special military troops on leave. it'd be and sent to overcrowded hospitals. he emphasized size and how that there's a lot of work to be done in providing housing to the soldiers and that it is important to reduce bureaucracy when it comes to arranging
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a military benefits for them. so it seems that she's sense is that the soldiers deserve a better social care. let's take a listen. is with this in a lease issue needs to be resolved. this also concerns the excessive bureaucracy and paperwork involved in confirming the benefits of service. and then all of these should be result within the framework of the system of into departments. so at a tronic interactions, the more it takes, a logical names are already in place for this. it is just that we need to work things out here. so now, according to the kremlin, a more economic approach is needed for the military. hence why below surveys on the radar as a nom, any, according to the problem is folks, man dmitri fest call this changes. and at integrating at the defense industrial base with the national economy, and he emphasized how bill i was of is the perfect fit. when it comes to dealing
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with the military's financial issues, let's take a listen which in word besides it is very important seats invite the economy of all security forces into the economy of the country so that it corresponds to the time that makes the fall current situation and the 2nd thing probably there is important to note is that today on the box will feel that when a is the one who's open, mo, could see innovation not open to maxim operational implementation. and the full and naturally occurring stage, the president has decided that a civilian should have the minister of defense. there is no just the civilian. it's a man who how did the very successful ministry also cannot make developments of russia before a long time was an assistant to the president on economic issues. now all in all the kremlin has made it clear that this choice is in poor and because the russian defense spending grew from 3 percent to 6.7 percent since the start of these
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special military operation. and the dealing with such a situation is extremely vital and demands and appropriate response from authorities. a lot of thank you my, my r t. correspondence of bringing us up to speed on this now move wildly against the backdrop of russian advances in the ukraine's hock of region. you have now announced it's replacing it's true, come out there in the area. moscow's forces have taken control of 9 villages in the past 2 days, admitted to experts, one that, that the russian offensive has put ukraine in a precarious position west and media reports claim a blame games on the way within the army. while and key is also pointing the finger hiv, it's west, and the sponsors for not delivering military aid fast enough. our to is tre. bose takes us through the story. so it's going rushes,
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operation to push ukrainian forces out of range of russian towns and cities. the region is on the way, after all the fact it was coming was no secret. in fact, even the criminal had signals that this operation was necessary. and as long as you crane a tax russian territory, the russian army will push them as far back as is necessary. as russian president vladimir putin said, if the range of weapons increases, the buffer zone security zone will expand, which will be required in order to secure our territory our citizens. now on the other side of the line, it's abundantly clear that the ukrainians also knew what was coming with russian force. advancing on march of the combat line, the cranes russian born and trained commander chief, made it clear that his forces were preparing for a russian assault in the region. the situation at the front remains difficult. the enemy is actively attacking our units in several directions in order to advance
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deep into the territory of our state. the situation is difficult, but the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to hold the defensive lines and positions. but now that the russian offensive in pack off has actually been gone, many a key will be asking what the millions of dollars allocated for defense of structures in the region was actually spent on russian forces making chewed pains. fortunately, on a post. these structures are nowhere to be seen. it seems ukraine's corruption problem is yet again rearing its ugly head. but even senior ex advisor to bar johnson, calling a spade a spade. we should have never got into the whole stupid situation. it's not a replay of 1940. we've put tompkins to lensky is the churchill in under dog. this whole ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically condo sold, and we're all going to get it as a consequence. we are getting now, right?
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but despite the reality check from dominic cummings and the rapid progress of the russian army, president zelinski recently reassured his western funders. but the border and the region was secured, all was well and their money was being well spent on impregnable lines of defenses . high cup region, construction of 40 vacations, thank you to everyone who works to make your green stronger. well, it seems that the russian army takes more of the 30 square kilometers than a single day with village after a village being added to the list of liberated settlements. the reality is that the landscape as much vaulted very expensive line simply didn't exist at all. let's get blamed the west for failing to save the day by salt, flying enough weapons and crash. the western media is losing patience with the landscape games. i mean, was a lensky who previously told us that the air you was the most secure and ukraine is now determined to use even the direst situation on the ground. the advantage of his
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fundraising activities of the manassas, we are adding more forces to hark of directions, both along our state border and along the entire front line. and this, we will invariably destroy the occupier in a way that will disrupt a new russian offensive intentions. it is important that our partner support our warriors and ukrainian resilience with time supplies. i mean truly timely. the really helpful package is the weapons brought to queen, not just the announcement of the package. i think every leader who looks at the situation this way. so whatever the outcome of rush is offensive in the north, it seems ukraine's endemic corruption and then the reality on the ground, maybe the outcome is already inevitable. but for the civilians in belgrade, the destruction of ukraine's ability to target their families with indiscriminate terror can come soon enough to delve deeper into why russia is attempting to take control of more territories in the direction of talk
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of check out our website, r t dot com, the now india, any rod have into a management agreement over the se, in the ron in port of talbot ha, new delhi will expand the investment in the facility and make it part of a transport route to from india to russia. the very clear, the expectation is that the uh, the job, the heart of bolt, at least, that part of the job mater boat that we are involved in that will definitely see more investments. it will see more connectivity. linkage is coming out of the boat and we believe to day that the productivity is a very big issue in the bach international knots, how drawn support caught it all which we are doing with it on to our shop job. i will connect us to that also to send to alicia. it's now top
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a high is the only you ronnie, and port to lift direct access to the indian ocean of the north south transport card and mentioned by the foreign minister connects of vast area from india. to russia, indian experts estimate that the root is on the 40 percent shore to on the 30 percent cheaper, that, that traditional cart us now the visiting professor of the north east christian university. monique of ma says the, despite the threats of functions for training with russia with moscow into iran, new delhi, you prioritize its own people. the thing is that we have faced the lot. oh. and the most are the we have is a lot of good. this is on behalf of the say in the last of the um, or whatever, or the input from the she all depends. okay. do you guys like that be i doing because yeah, but i don't think last time she was here before the last time since inside on the, on the phone. so. but as far as the other developing countries and the other for
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the, for the role, i'm the other principal for we don't really thing and refer to the also the very theater on this side. so even if you know they are building something like sanctions, i'm sure the because this is a new delhi, we definitely will when they do something about it because they need that. all right. now the and diet, or in my opinion, the wording on the more i just always be a good thing, has kept him in keeping the old writing new domestic. and he is also a dining part. i think, well was one of the most important to people 44 in the 19 uh they started saying that it wouldn't be hard to install it, but i don't seem to be bothering that's the other developing country. we have a going economy. we have a few mom does need to know the address, she added on both item 14 possible for india as part of the board to do the contracting invoice. so i don't think a bad suspension. would they be probably that would be something from i didn't do
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anything from you be so enjoy any and fox perhaps with some vital aid for guys that had been attacked by is really subclass. the incident comes as a red cross issued a warning about how desperate the situation in vancleve this, the doing the civilians in guys are hungry, thirsty, they are in desperate need for protection and they have no access to health care or sanitation services. many residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the end of aged risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these radio officials, many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service. there's still very limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, drinking water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care service in, in, in, in the north,
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the buyer. nothing. does that mean while gas on no specials, one of the few remaining a hospital still functioning in the enclave. a bug in the verge of collapse. and that's as a number of those killed, not just towards $55000.00. you know the numbers off here, you know, breaking them down for you to understand the 55000 since october. now, according to the un, more than $7000.00 of them are children. and the number of women killed stands at almost 5000. the number that's been revised down from the previous figures as it is now, those who seek safety and the refuge comes are also not to safe about eastern jamalia in the northern gases trip. well, one camp is located was targeted overnight. at least 19 people, the west side to have been killed in thousands when did the video speculating
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online show the people running for shelter while these ready forces continue to advance? now as is, there any expands or ease roll expands? it's ground defensive, more, a palestinian civilians have been ordered to flee, you know palestinian seeking, sheltered as eastern and central rafa. i are now ordered to move knolls, where many of them had fled from originally now, according to the new and the situation for 360000 refugee is going west by the day . many of them have been displaced multiple times and now facing dia conditions, despite so cold of occupation zones. but un says there's just nowhere else to go for anyone. nearly 360000 people have fled roughly since the 1st evacuation over a week ago. meanwhile, in north garza, bombardments and other evacuation, or just have created more displacements in 5th, a thousands of families,
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there's no way to go. there is no safety without a ceasefire. now policy on students tel aviv university claim that these really officials have refused them permission to mock. the 7th is fixed on the advisory of a knock. by later this month we will fight for all right to hold the annual knock. but ceremony in anton square was admitted a petition to the high court of justice demanded in order for the police to withdraw the band. on holding the ceremony, the intimidation attempts by the bank, the police will not the to us from continuing to fight against the war and the occupation for the sake of recognizing the naga box and building a just society to other times. not the box which means catastrophe. a rob baker describes the expulsion in widespread relocation of palestinians that occurred during the 1948 hour of these ready war. during israel's founding jewish milk, she has a man newly formed these ready all me drove between 750-0028 1000000 palestinians
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from their homes and forced them into exile. palestinians commemorate the events on may 15th of each year as a fundamental symbol of the national identity. now let's cross live not to davy, the my, my gullets secretary of how the students in tel aviv university. david, i'm happy to have you join me right now. first of all, can you talk to us about the situation in all of the ceremony as a hole in the build up to it? yeah. okay. hello. thank you for having me. and we do, instead of going to go see the, we do this, not a bad day. so i'm on a, for the past 12 years, a start the, that the 2012 of the secretary of karcher. it needs to
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pass the law that saying every a culture on the place it needs read, which we have do something about the not but like so i money's on the, not the shows up like a on the not by and stuff like this theater. they get the, like they said the government would take funds from them. and so the students answer for each was due for the snacks, but they, so i'm only hearing that will begin investigating. and the ceremony today is wednesday, like was in the past. so busy was was a like, uh, a friend, we cheese the people to come to do, i say, and he's read the streets. doesn't like to speak about the knock bus so much. and even instead of instead of b, which is most people, cp. ready pizza,
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and these do up the during the will during the sale. good will and got the we do decided that we still want to do this the money. we think it's more important than ever. it's important to show that the neck based continuing the same. the photos which we saw from is $48.00, but hundreds of thousands of a senior refugees, villages be strong. everything is going on by the is the government today? does i mean the west bank? and so we said that we want to do this again, d, c u and to speak about the and i say to it's very hard to protest against the wall and gaza and he's read it the police he that makes the most of the effort to stop those process and unfortunately the police did not allow us to do
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the ceremony this year. and on wednesday we'd be in supreme court. and we'll try to defend the rights to come to do the sale money. all right, now why have the authority is moved to bennett this year, so to speak to us about that? and the police gave me a few answer. one of them was a weekend that they can know what they're going to be like in the next week. and they said like, we might invade to lucky uh, we might have a hostage deal. and this event because the problem i can be seeing here that we can to if, if need be okay to have the thing in the public space or not. so they said we don't, we do, we don't know. so we want to cancel it. the other uh, the reason they gave me was said that probably be going to be uh,
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counter processed to us bypass sheets for this service. and they said that they don't think they'll have enough power to separate between those 2. eh, they bought this, of course of the, these pretty much go see the police just don't want. it's not supposed to be in the east or the conversations. you know, they don't want people to speak about the math, but they don't want people to have a ceremony. speaking about the not by and what's going on in gaza. they once said that he's ready people to be blind to what's happened to in gaza. and what's happened in 48 and what's happened in 67, and what's happened in every day between those that use and the front experienced people need to have their justice at immediately. and the
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smallest would stop in front of thing and state should be a bill about the ease where the government ease the load. she think the complete opposite and should do everything. see that they do everything they can, you know, to silence us and stuff. us them doing that and we're trying to go to the, on the democratic and i'm especially doing that because it's not community democratic institution user, which is the supreme court, which is on the option right now because we want to do the events that we need to have the security of police in order to separate the counter from the us from the counter. it brought this, we need to be able to protest safely in our own country, which supposed to be a democratic state. yeah, it's not, as you have said, the please said the the cannot guarantee.


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