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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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we still have some common ground the, as you can see behind me, this is the often more of a you cried new attack on a residential building in belle grove, city. yes. at destruction. the other option, we need to know the garage once again find itself in. you creams cross has with almost 20 civilians killed as missiles and shells. read down the main city all change at the top. loudon and put to nominate the deputy prime minister as the new defense minister will ask us what the means and failing to success, new delhi agrees the wrong the key ronnie import despite the patio and to ron from
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western sun and he's ready settlers attack to do it any in shots and carrying vital he miniature and age to gazda, and that's, that's what's left of the enclaves, health care system is set to be on the brink of collapse, the kind of that welcome to our international i a mike up quite sure where the latest updates now will begin roches coolest region where one civilian has been killed in 3 office injured in a crate. in drone attack, local authorities report that cost traveling along the highway were targeted with explosive devices dropped on them. during the past week, the region has come under several drone attacks. so that would be in the neighboring belgrade region. as long as this had been evacuating and local
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from the town of rosalyn 9. amid the threats of strikes there, that's according to the regions governance multiple mess. all attacks of sunday last 19 people dead and partially collapsed. a 10 story apartment building the, [000:00:00;00] the
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we were in our apartment. i was in the room and when the sound ring, my girlfriend showed it to me that there was smoke. i looked up the window quickly . when the start ended, we saw a pile of dust. we thought that something had hit the arch, went out and saw that, but there was still a roof. it fell in front of our eyes when we're still here on the playground. still perhaps the show. so i guess as far as when the defense fire and came on, i went into the bathroom because it seems to be the safest place i was sitting right in the bath tub and then i had a loud explosion. i went out and looked out the window and everything was white. i got close and realized that that was just a column of dust and nothing was visible. i thought maybe i would see something from the balcony. i walked to the balcony, but it was completely destroyed. all the gloss was lying on the floor. our days, the sweeties sent us this report from the scene of the tragedy. as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian or attack on a residential building in belgrade city. on sunday morning. now this attack was
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carried out according to the authorities with western supplied weapons. it's been described as a terror attack. 10 stories of this building collapse and at least 15 people we know what killed in the initial strike. many people have been wounded. emergency services work throughout the day yesterday and overnight in a desperate attempt to pull people from the rubble. the belgrade governor has praised locos for their actions as well. many people from the local community, from the local area volunteer to pull the elderly men, women, and children from the rubble. now, those efforts were hung put, taught these because the part of the building collapse and 3 emergency workers were injured as a result of that. but also ukraine targeted behavior, again, causing them to the emergency relief efforts to be stopped on these 5 occasions,
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obviously humping the attempts to pull any of those that were left in the rubble. now another building nearby was also struck during those that strikes 3 people. we understand were killed in the attack on a number more wounded. so that takes the desk told to 18, but with many of those still in the hospital being treated for the injuries indeed dot toll could rise. now, a belle grove has come under a biology of rook and miss all the tracks, including from the tops go and vampire missiles and just to give some indication of what it is like for the residents here, we received a 6 the arrived in bell road on sunday evening we received almost a constant slew of messages by some telegram and text messages warning of incoming be solved, and edging residents to take shelter. now, of course the bell road has come on the intensified attack. you remember back on december the 30th one of the dead, b as a tech,
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so 25 people killed since then bell road has been subjected to a number of attempted incursions, which will be repelled by the russian all forces. and those frequent missile rookie, i'm drone strikes, which are targeted. the civilian area is just last monday. 7 people were killed and 40 wounded, including children, offered kamikaze drone struck passenger transport vehicles taking people to work. now it was worth reiterating once again, that this is a residential area of the people living in this apartment brought for not soldiers attacking civilians is of course, a war crime. and this latest attack on belle grove comes soon after the other like to pay the british photo. sec, philo, david cameron, green lighted a tax on russian territory. not those comments received widespread condemnation from russian officials, but he hasn't wrote back on those. in fact, he's taking
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a formal belligerent stones towards russia and it comes just weeks off to a russian human rights organization. so i didn't have leaked information about left tenant general antonio a goose. i was in fact the person that was most, i'm on during the attacks on the belgrade a region, deliberately targeting somebody. and i have is part of a plan to wreak havoc saying that they're all know civilians only. and the reason that he said to be the shadow, come on, drove the crating and on falls in the wake of the sucking of generals. emotionally, the attacks also take place at a time when russia is making advances on the possible field in the talk of the region that has been in 10 spots which taking place. do crating authorities have spoken of these intense bottles close to the with the belgrade region. now the russian defense ministry says that it plans to create a buffers with most of these attacks on belgrade emanating from the cock of region
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. and that whole thing, the, this buffers i will provide some relief to those citizens. but for now, the situation remains volatile. well, while the russian foreign minister has, once again taking a mazda west over the watering ukraine. busy gear live or off emphasize moscow race and has always been open for peace towards what is ready to meet any challenge presented on the battlefields. just as a push, as if the worst ones to fight on the battlefield as they say, fine, the finish president spoken this for got a game the other day saying that the 1st conference is important, but there's a need to defeat russia in the war. we connect, so that is no longer a threat called wanting this to negotiate is confirmed by the president personally . every time he addressed, as the crating issue explains a want basis, we will be ready to do so on the basis of every one excepting the realities that have a much but it gets the bad job of
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a recent russian advances in the trades hawk of region kias now with the announce is replacing its troop commander in the area, as well as deploying reserve units that moscow's forces to control of 9 villages over the weekend reported the prompting. a blame game within ukraine. stop prize are to use tre. bose takes up the story. here, so it's going russia's operation to push ukrainian forces out of range of russian towns and cities. the region is on the way. and after all the fact it was coming was no secret. in fact, even the criminal had signaled that this operation was necessary. and as long as you crane a tax russian territory, the russian army will push them as far back as is necessary. as russian president vladimir putin said, if the range of weapons increases, the buffer zone security zone will expand, which will be required in order to secure our territory our citizens. now on the other side of the line,
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it's abundantly clear that the ukrainians also knew what was coming with russian force. advancing on march of the combat line, the cranes russian born and trained commander chief, made it clear that his horses were preparing for a russian assault in the region. the situation at the front remains difficult. the enemy is actively attacking our units in several directions in order to advance deep into the territory of our state. the situation is difficult, but the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to hold the defensive lines and positions. but now that the russian offensive in pack off has actually been gone, many a key of will be asking what the millions of dollars allocated for defensive structures in the region was actually spent on russian forces making chewed pains. fortunately, on a post, these structures are nowhere to be seen. it seems ukraine's corruption problem is
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yet again rearing its ugly head. but even senior ex advisor to bar johnson, calling a spade a spade. we should have never got into the whole stupid situation. it's not a replay of 1940. we put tompkins, a lensky as the church gillian under dog. this whole ukrainian, corrupt mafia state has basically conditional, and we're all going to get there as a consequence. we are getting now right. despite the reality check from dominic holdings and the rapid progress of the russian army, president zalinski recently reassured his western folders, but the border in the region was secured. all was well and their money was being well spent on impregnable lines of defenses. had cope region construction of 40 vacations, thank you to everyone who wants to make ukraine stronger. well, it seems that as the russian army takes more, the 30 square kilometers in a single day, with village after a village being added to the list of liberated settlements. the reality is that
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savanski is much vaulted, very expensive line, simply didn't exist at all. let's get blamed the west for failing to save the day by salt flying enough weapons and crash. the western media is losing patience, switzerland, skis, games, a meanwhile zalinski who previously told us that the air you was the most secure and ukraine is now determined to use even the direst situation on the ground. the advantage of his fundraising activities as the human nauseous we are adding more forces to honk of directions on both along our state border and along the entire front line. and this, we will invariably destroy the occupier. any way that will just drop out a new russian offensive intentions, it is important that our partner support our warriors and ukraine and resilience with time supplies. i mean truly timely. the really helpful package is the weapons brought to queen, not just the announcement of the package. i think every leader looks at the situation this way. so whatever the outcome of russia's offensive in the north,
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it seems ukraine's endemic corruption and denial of reality on the ground. maybe the outcome is already inevitable. but for the civilians in belgrade, the destruction of ukraine's ability to target their families with indiscriminate terror can come soon enough. now bought them and put it in as giving his government to fresh new look. i've a long time, defends minister suited issue is set to be replaced by the deputy prime minister who also previously subs as the economy administer. so the not, let's get more on all of these now. i'm bringing are to use or my, my age. all my is good to have. you join me now and you'd chapman office for president putting on a bit of a fresh and a refresh on the cods. take us through this. now important re shuffling is happening in mid legend reports is a new term as president, for example,
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survey show who would be acting as defense minister is now appointed as the secretary of the security council, which essentially means that he will be serving as the president's deputy within the commission on the military, industrial complex, but the, the newly not many for the position of administer of defense is on the a below. oh, so he is a trained economist and he has over seen the economy sector in the country. he has worked in the government in various capacities and this would be up until now he has mainly focused on civilian matters. now during his statement in the federation taos, so he made quite interesting points. i mean, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the special military troops on leave being sent to overcrowded hospitals. he also as trust and emphasized that there is a lot of work to be done, especially when it comes to providing housing. uh for uh, the soldiers as well as uh,
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reducing bureaucracy in arranging military benefits for them. so it seems like he believes that soldiers deserve a better social care. let's take a listen. it is with the snake. this issue needs to be resolved. this also concerns the excessive your rock receipts and paper work involved and confirming the benefits of service man. what this of all, this should be resolved within the framework of the system of inter departmental electronic interactions. they might be a technological means are already in place for this most. if it is just that we need to work things out here, he's not the cd. now, according to the kremlin, a more economic approach is necessary for the military. hence why below, as of is on the radar as and nominate according to the kremlin spokesman dmitri fest called at this changes. am that integrating the defense industrial base with national economy and he emphasized that bill. oh, so is essentially the perfect fit when it comes to doing with the military is
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financial issues. fortunately, one of these sites is very important to you by the economy of all security forces into the economy of the country. so that it corresponds to the time that makes of our current situation. and the 2nd thing probably there is important to note is that today on the box will feel that when is the one who's open will continue. innovation not open to maximum operational implementation. and the full and naturally occurring stage, the president has decided that a civilian should have the minister of defense. and there is no just the civilian. it's a man who had of the very successful ministry, also economic development of russia. before a long time was in the system to the presidents on economic issues. now, all in all the kremlin has made it clear that this choice comes amid the russian military spend. and as it went from 3 percent to 6.7 percent. since the start of this special military operation and dealing with such
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a situation that they say is extremely vital and the man's an appropriate response from authorities. but why thank you my, my, it's a hearty correspondent for bringing us up to speed and all of this a deeper into why roches attempting to take control of more. terry trees in the direction o clock off check out our website, r t that com the and the south asia. now why china has not the top of the united states as indiana's largest trading partner. and that's according to numbers from the global trade research initiative . we'd highlights b, g is rising partnership with new delhi for the 2024 fiscal year so far. now, according to the data, while china of the us maintain over a $100000000000.00 of trade with india loc. yes. store i degrees in new dallas trade with washington, with india is they'd side input from
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a promising 20 percent year over year. it comes as b g. well fresh rolls of advocate for a rise in biological trade. we hold more businesses from china could come to india to do business here on an equal basis. indian china have a lot of space for bilateral cooperation. on top of that, a gallup poll reveal that the chinese influence as being recognized in another part of the well as well in africa, respondents welcomed aging leadership role, look a pad, todd, how washington the scene trading places. china now stands in front of the united states. and live now to the strategic affairs editor, i'll be in the newspaper i till i need to. i told it's good to have new drawing me right now. so china is once again,
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typing the charts as india's largest trading partner. is that a sign of how ties i respect that to progress? what are you making of this? i think a we cannot well, what we did towards that very, very significant development. much of that i think is really there's one part of track record to try and buy and where they can do. so despite the problems on the front, there's with them. it is a market logic for us to be able to and that relationship and what's happening now is really an inspection of market forces which neither india no china trying to interrupt and says china is growing uh, added up it is uh and is still the i would say not just the works of the world, but it also went into a higher dig domains and set it up. it is a is that was a good buy off for some of these products. now i would just add one point here is that i would be more pleased if the boss could also what disney trade. it includes
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more of the height that are good friends with china has been sold and electric car . and so if that also comes into the cookie, i think it could increase that as a change will increase much more if china opens up to in the us up strengths, which is our, the software development farmers would that goes, i think we modeled and this is this is going to be much more. so i really hope that the 2nd bedroom is if there was something i just mentioned, it is what i saw in. yeah, china and china india. and this is going to be a game changer that i was. i mean, global balance of power between 5, but it was so difficult to deal politically is going to be, is going to be complete. it really is not existence on the global system. and that, that's what the world is looking at. one way or the other, not last year. china said it's open to being in the one trade block with india. while this year in new delhi said,
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the same thing about provided that china follows the w t o rules, that's what india says a. so we likely to see them in that block in the near future. is that what we're projecting? so i'm not sure i know because you guys, you're in a way of induced undergoing the election right now, and that is also going to be going to go to come up on june 4th. and then is the present government, which is why he expected to continue for another 5 years. that would be the time when you gave his board initiatives. and i would say that they really good because i'm up with their try. that would be funny. that's that. say between within the 1st one. yeah. i'll send you a decision coming in new jersey. so which would mean someone else 202-4220? 35. that's the thing. but part of the issue is going to take board the game changing decisions. of course, it's going to be a deal between india and china and the expectations on both sides either way. so this going to be hospitable fusion, but the,
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but the political side would be clear to take a take board decisions provided that they, if they promote, all right, from the dentist perspective, to promote in does national interest. i'm glad you mentioned the political side because that's really important and that's the question i wanted to ask. that's cool. good. the growing trip between the 2 countries mean we'll see more of the political rop or small between both countries as well. it's always a facilitator when people are making money to trade, it doesn't jump to at least the trend and government is happy. so that's one sort of out of pocket, or let's say it's a lobby which would in its own self interest, want in the time that relationship improves. so that's, that's, that's one positive wisconsin. but then if you look at the big picture, i don't see true that roland is going to lead to that. we wouldn't have to bad in the right in order to effect stock, a very strong ups at
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a high level of political dialogue with china. and the issues here of the between which do come in, they're not dealing badly, especially when it comes to sensitive ecologies, which would mean a, b, as in a border age. i mean, somebody has to stop talking about it seriously inside is only thing. i mean, if it made progress on that track, which is not, although essentially on the border differences, china has sort of, it's border problems. elizabeth, actually i was sorted out. i think that would be a very, very important element of facilitate the hard on the what science the funny you know, getting choose. uh, finally, some of the himself, as in a interview with usually magazine about a month ago, did talk about the need to drive in there china relationships. so the sort of science coming up election is coming on the other side. and that's what times the dog does not print and it wasn't able to talk to song about media political as you choose from india and china come together in terms of a,
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a friendly dies and dozens of his friends. imagine the impact is going to have on the books, for example, you know, then doesn't have, as i show in the china, do bring the multi point out. what are we talking about? we truly out in prison is one 3rd of the world's population is india. in china and new care, but from powers of good and both rising economies. so, i mean, it's the to raise the us so, so tremendous and fox, breaking the pumpkin for the one holes that you don't have to do with it. so it'd be started the process of intensive dialogue at all levels. and to get this off, you know, frankly at a personal level, i can see that the so much more begin that it's really a shift that will not be back. in my opinion, you're getting our act together in terms of a lot of the key program because it's, it's a game tree and it's for the global system. it says not just for india and china.
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and it also gives great a balance between this relationship with you and a shop and, and with the shop pacific. and because of what, um, what do you want to use for that? uh and uh that that is stabilizers and i, robot system. i think it's very, very important that india try another relationship to just off the train front. but on the political and geo political julia could only correct. all right, we have to living here now. i told on a john and strategic affairs editor of all the hindu newspapers. thank you so much for speaking with us. you were great. now off the years of negotiations, i mean even in the face of western functions to ron's ink, to deal with new daily that we'll see india, ronnie, key running on port it promises to have a significant impact on the trade in politics for both countries. the very clear, the expectation is that the uh, the job of hot or cold,
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or at least that part of the drum model that we are involved in that will definitely see more investments. it will see more connectivity linkages coming out of the boat. and we believe today the connectivity is a very big issue in the fox international nots. how transport caught it all which we are doing with it under our shop job. i will connect us to that also to send to alicia. but top a hot is the only ronnie on for to have direct access to the indian ocean. and it's set to be a key points along the north, south transport car to mentioned by the foreign minister there, which connects a vast area from india to russia. and the roots estimated to be around 40 percent shorter and 30 percent cheaper than the traditional card us visiting professor of the north east of christian university money of my size, but the spot,
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the threats of functions for training with moscow and to ron new daily pro prototype, it's old people. i see the thing is that we have been the lot. oh and the most are the we have plays a lot of good. this is on behalf of the say in the last uh, deals or whatever or input from the she does here. but i don't think those factors here before the impact on the, on the, on the other developing countries and the other for the, for the old, i'm the other sensible card. we don't really being and we're flooded the also the very good on this side. so even if you know d b, i will be something like sanctions. i'm sure the diploma because this is a new daily vision if you move and they do something for longer because they need that. all right, i'll be in dial in my opinion, the wording on this point between a good thing it has skip and i did it again,
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keeping the old writing new to me i speaking as well was one of the most important or important the finding this out as being that it wouldn't be had to install it, but i don't seem to be on a developing country. we have a going economy. we have a few mom this need to know the address united onboard, unimportant most for india as part of the board to be the interesting invoice. so i don't think that the sand team would take me probably there may be some diploma thing in the community about dirt any and fox packed with a vital aid for guys that had been attacked by ease. riley, such as incident comes as the red cross issued a warning about how desperate the situation in the enclave is to too many civilians and guys are hungry, thirsty, they are in desperate need for protection and they have no access to health care or
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sanitation surfaces. managed residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the end of aged risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these are the officials. many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service. there's still very limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, thinking, water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care service and to norton dpi. if nothing else has checked with walla. the meantime, a gas, an official, one that the fuel remaining hospitals still functioning in the game, play about bugging on the verge of collapse. and that's asked the number of those killed since october, not just towards 35000 as the numbers you can see right here. now, according to the u. n, more than 7000 the dead children. why that the while the number of women killed
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stands at almost 5000 right there. now that's being revised down from the previous figures. now those who seek shelter in refugee camps are also not safe to now is done to bother you in the northern dallas trip $121.00 large campus located was deposited over night at least 19 people were said to have been killed and dozens wounded videos, circulating online show of people running for cover while ease ready forces continue to advance and that's a veto wish to the new they're not as is. israel expands it's ground offensive. it's ordered more policy, the civilians to free. that's the report we're getting. and those sleeping shelves are in eastern and central ralph, i have been told to head north this by the 5 that, that the but that's where many of them originally had fled from the nation. the report, remember we had the following,
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this issue from the beginning of the us as of the situation for 360000 refugees is


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