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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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it stopped without glitches. desktop out of the in the headlights, you're enough international one united nations staff members killed and other wounded. well israel pounds or a 5 minute terry and total is mounting them. and the idea of campaign bank slaves, health care system is said to be totally on the brink of collapse. the police just don't want the knock, but to be in the east or at the conversation. is there any police buying products and students from marketing? the not a nevada 3 and telling me to quote into the students organization which says one stop mocking the expulsion of nearly a 1000000 palestinians 76 years. but there are no words to barbarous destruction of people. there are a women, children,
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old people who need fighting with doctor visits and accommodation center, and those are all to hear from those made homeless by ukraine's sunday attacks on a residential area, investor the live and worldwide without the annoying mainstream narrative hasanti international from us. so a member of the united nations security staff is reportedly being killed and other wounded during one of the latest is rarely stripes. on the southern gauze and city of the 5, the global party has condemned the attack on. the 6th street general was the 2nd to loan of the death of the united nations department of safety and security stuff meant by an injury to another. the sofa. when that you and vehicle was struck cause they travel to the european hospital. and rafa this morning, the secretary jermel condemned on a tax on you and let us know and calls for
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a full investigation with us. but he went just at, at 1st off ma'am was we're heading to the european hospital in the rough uh when the vehicle was targeted, which are you for the edge of the car with united nations of fly. again, the emblem visibility will pop up for you in just a moment. the secretary general's that demanded a full investigation and called for an immediate cease fire. and the incident comes that the red crossed, issued a warning about how desperate the situation and the enclave has become civilians and guys are hungry, thirsty. they are in desperate need for protection. and they have no access to health care or sanitation surfaces. managed residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the end of aged risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these radio officials, many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service. there's still very limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, drinking, water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care
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service and in the nor do i have nothing. gaza strip. the only time that gauze and officials will in the few, very few remaining hospitals that are still badly functioned in the bank. they, they really are on the brink. now. the number of those kills in october, and at least it's going to be more than 35000 frankly un saying 7000 to the dead children. the number of women killed almost 5000. that's been revised down from previous tickets for those who seek shelter and refuge comes uh, well, they're also not safe people in eastern and sent off 5. they've been told they had no, that's where so many of them originally fled from un. besides the situation for 360000 refugees getting worse. by the day, many of them displaced multiple times. nearly 360000 people have fled roughly since the 1st evacuation order a week ago. meanwhile, in north goza, bombardments and other evacuation orders have created more displacements in 5th of
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thousands of families. there's no way to go. there's no safety without to cease fire lucon before the potential storm settling of a positive 100 alpha, where many people have a heated these really advice and left. some though choosing to remain to protect what's left of that property. and for them is now just a waiting game. you know that most of the we're now inside the area of the town which has become part of the red combat zone, as described by these really army. we were informed of the evacuation yesterday. we've actuated our families, but we the us remaining the area and state in our homes. it's another way to protect our homes from the steps that occur in the other areas of the cost this trip after they are informed by these really army and the evacuation of citizens. the situation is now very dangerous in the background to compare the sounds of reconnaissance aircraft in artillery continuously launch and shelves towards the homes of the citizens. just minutes ago, there was an artillery shell and, and several residents were injured. our neighbors seeing the error and were,
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shall we hope that everything and soon and the blood shouldn't stop. so we can return to our homes and show policy. didn't students that tell of even us they say that is really officials refused to give them permission to mock the 76 anniversary up or not. but it's coming up in just a couple of things. we will fight for all right, hold the annual nag, but ceremony in anton square, we submitted a petition to the high court of justice, the mine in order for the police to withdraw the bank on holding the ceremony. the veins invitation attempts by the bank, the police will not the to us from continuing to fight against the war and the occupation for the sake of recognizing the naga bucks and building a just society. and act by means catastrophe. in arabic, it's used to describe the expulsion of palestinian history in the 1948 hour of his ready war. during israel's founding, its on forces drove up to a 1000000 palestinians from the home. so may 15 each year. they mock this day as a symbol of a historic struggle. we heard from the secretary of the hud bash students that they
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tell of university who say palo student. students are prepared to go to the supreme court. what we do instead of is going to proceed the re to the snack by day salem, on april the past 12 years. unfortunately, the police did not allow us to do the ceremony this year. and on wednesday we to be in suffering cold. and we to try to defend the rights to come out to do the ceremony. the police gave me a few answer. one of them was a we can that they can know what is going to be like in the next week. and they said like we might to invade to up the we might have a hostage deal. and this event because the problem i seek in the bathroom, we can to, if need be okay to have between the public space on the police. just don't want the
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knock but to be in the east or at the conversation. this ceremony is the use when the like was in the past. 12 busy part of my ways was uh like uh, a friend. we cheese the a difficult to do i say. and he's really street doesn't like to speak about the not the bus so much, even instead of instead of b, which is the most people out of the bigger the senior off the, during the war doing the terrible role and got the we who decided that we still want to do the ceremony was saying it's more important than ever. it's important to show that the next phase continuing the same, a photos which we saw from both the 8th of the hundreds of thousands of other senior refugees, villages destroyed everything you see going on by that. he's already got them in
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today. and god thing in the west bank parity, more bottoms folding on gaza is exactly the right way to go. not my words, they are on the surprising words, frankly, from us senator lindsey graham. however, many considered his a little dog drive, a green light for israel to use the nuclear option because he tied in his statement to america's nuclear bombing of japan. and then world war 2. we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons. that was the right decision. did is roll the bombs, they need to end the war. they can't afford to lose that. they're not said well across the world. online reaction was very quick to florida and essentially questioning his a state of mind. a lindsey graham is throwing attention when a progressive palestinian american woman of color called for freedom and peace by then slandered her and threw her under the bus. but when far right extreme, mister republican lindsey graham says, we should drop
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a nuclear bomb on palestine bite and says nothing. lindsey graham contest golf to hiroshima and nagasaki. yes. really, he says ron wants to kill the jews because they have a $2000000000.00 worth of old production. he doesn't mention the $1000000.00 he received from impact to be israel's mouthpiece. so we were discussing this all day with a nuclear specialist to update the cost. and that can be highlighted a number of reasons why lindsey graham is in just wrong. he's potentially out of is go, you were dealing with a person who is very marly, ethically, and intelligence wise compromised if you look at his statement for so it makes no sense. secondly, it's historically inaccurate. and thirdly, it's morally reprehensible. so lindsey graham is the lowest of the low and is willing to say and do pretty much anything in order to court those who have real
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power. so lindsey graham provides a convenient and easy target for the white house and anybody else. so to say, you know, we might be bad, but we're in has that bad that he's and graham is the 1st about going to do that. tim walberg, a republican congressman from michigan, had said back to the end of march that we should get it. and he said, we shouldn't provide any humanitarian a we shouldn't build the board is that it should be like, here she met and nagasaki, get it over quick. they have the stroke in their mind, and it is beyond reprehensible the russian border city of belgrade residents being left homeless and traumatized by caves, sunday attack on a residential area. you'll see the footage coming up with a building and ruined a correspondent is now visiting a temporary set of accommodations for those who have been left homeless and
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traumatized. this college has been turned into temporary housing for those that lost the homes and that were evacuated. following the crating, shutting of a civilian building in the city of bell road on sunday. now that these coffins happening turned into bedrooms. this is typical of the rooms that we have saved, emotions here, all running very high. many people are angry and upset at the loss of their homes. much of anger is directed towards the west who they blame for the continue supply. weapons the use to strike civilian areas to me, to jim you to the machine in full only people of the world, it's impossible for a pass and not to understand that it's not normal to act like this. to kill children old people. it's impossible. the 6 week old child died during this for me . well paul barons, how else can i address to you? how you oh so like us you must have also and routes like yeah. and you know, community well these and know people firstly, you know,
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way you shoes and yet we have a neighborhood, a sports complex, the school, a daycare center, and a palm and blogs. and she, we don't have anything that would interest. you well being quotes a little bit. no military equipment, no schools, no troop deployment. there's none of that. it's purely well, a residential area. well, there know what to tool, barbarism, destruction of people. there were women, children, old people who we are fighting with and what are you doing? do you have anything sacred and want to go home very badly because my grandmother, my grandfather in my cap, my rou, sather. i really want to go home. so the world beloved, but the situation remains volatile. we have to take shelters, and so having sounded clearly distressing for those traumatized by sundays, the time the,
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the officials explained that the basic needs are being met. residents receive 3 most the day on children are able to continue that scolding. it's not clear how long they will stay here. long term solutions are being sold. no, it does not cause that's cause a normal number of people are here. that will be here for the amount of time to meet until they are given housing or turn to their territory in their home. many a suffering the after effects of the missile strike. both physically and mentally medical teams as opposing those affected sluggish couple of my show with us. we have psychological help organized by our psychologists who are in the children's regional clinical hospital. this is for children and their parents, and we also have help in the psychiatric hospital with each showing in different locations or psychologist come out and provide help to both relatives and victims. this work has been built up for a long time because the conditions in which we live, force us to do it. belgrade remains very much just safety on the front line by
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having the brunt of ukrainian attacks. people have fear that the western supply of long range weapons that is green. i thing all the attacks inside russian territory would increase the security and desktop on the battlefield. the russian advances in taco region, provide some hope for a much needed buffers and relief for the people of belgrade. this is these for any, for off a bow girl sitting while the know your credit article for each in a rush has miniature continuous pushing forward. most of those forces have taken control of 9 villages and just the last 48 hours, active combat or pulls it against the front and rear lines of the ukrainian army in the border area. now the report say russian troops of yvonne's that within 30 kilometers northeast of the city of harko. meanwhile, the nato secretary general is claimed. it will be pointless, trying to rebuild ukraine if it's totally defeated on the battlefield. the 1st of all, we need to ensure that your crime provides the costs unless you can provide and so
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there's nothing to reconstruct in the free and independent ukraine. every defense we saw, we can provide to crane will actually mean less that much less destruction. and then also less need for reconstruction officer war when a potent has on our suspended pulse with ukraine named at a resolving a dispute of a food important scene for months. now, many a angry polish farm is taken to the streets and it does come with the latest angle of a corruption allegations against some of key ups negotiate the negotiations were interrupted because some of their representatives were accused of corrupt activities. we planned the next round of negotiations for may 14th, but it was cancelled to know precise details on the corrupt and allegations were given. and it's also not clear when nor if the top so i likely to was in know that come with some of the huge trauma protests that me sweeping the country for months against the uncontrolled impulse of products from ukraine and the so called green initiative. so the,
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the palm is begun the progress of the start of this year. they continue to this day, one point cashier is even interrupted in front of the parliament and also a senior research fellow with the level of policy institute. a jury summons whether he believes that potent is actually using the corruption issue to avoid taking political decision. the corruption issue has been if it was well known for years and years and years by differential, there's nothing new about that. the problem has raise this issue as a way of avoiding making
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a decision. the governments that runs poland today from the government of donald to us, is driven by any d, o. j, the, in the nato city, ology of the waging, a constable against russia and using ukraine to do so. now they have a problem on their hands, which is the public is very, very angry about the livelihood being damaged by a cheap on the cost of ukrainian drain imports. and they want expect reasonably the government to do something about it. but this government doesn't to do anything about this because they, they want to use ukraine for the purposes i, i just said. so they've raised this issue with the red, bogus issue of corruption in order to avoid having to make a decision. but everything else, the colon does,
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is in favor of integrating the ukraine within the you and continuing to uh, use uh ukraine for a year. it's belligerent purposes. after years of negotiations and in the face of western sanctions, tyrone has ink to deal with new delhi will say, india taking control of a portion of a t iranian port promises to have a big impact on trade and politics. the very clear, the expectation is that the uh, the job a hot or cold, or at least that part of the job mater boat that we are involved in that will definitely see more to investments. it will see more connectivity linkages coming out of the bulk. and we believe to day dr. connectivity is a very big issue in the box, international knots, how transport caught it all which we are doing with it on to our shop job. i'd will
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connect us to that also to send to alicia. yeah. type of har is the only iranian poured with direct access to the indian ocean. it's going to be a key note along the north, south transport corridor. you can see it on the map, right? that will details with a correspondent use of july india. how well and aim to transform? it was southeastern port city of trouble, har into a pivotal tribes the top and central asia. on monday, the 20 sions sealed a deal to enhance and develop this for. over the next decade, the apartment was formalized and finalized into one with the indian minister of ports, shipping and waterways sub and now in the us and know that his iranian counterpart, man, dog bass, bosh, signing guitar in the capital. $100.00 is a pretty much india will invest a substantial $370000000.00 to bolster the infrastructure of java. our port
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focusing on expanding burbs and transport facilities for children are serves as it was. so she added for conserves, as a cultural link between the one in india to the indian ocean. their work is also actively integrating the port city into its national railway network, which will soon connect nor parks i'll get want, including it's a caspian see ports to java, how this movies in to go to completely be international. no south transport quarter facilitating trade between eastern europe, russia, persian gulf nations and of course india. it was minister of frozen urban development, submit the passport, emphasized that was trouble. her is fully upgraded. it will not only boost trade between one in india, but also it has trade ties between russia and india by offering a more efficient trade route. india considers its investment in trouble, har as
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a significant extra territorial engineering project. on the northern end of the north south quarter, russia is also collaborating with one to enhance the infrastructure of iran's caspian sea port slasher. russia advocated around $1.00 and daughters to construct a weird way. you might think it was northern city or fresh to aust. are off its development for trade along the i n s, the even a get is that is looking to invest $35000000.00 in charter har, recognizing the potential benefits of this emerging trade routes for countries in west asia, central asia, and the congress this week this one is seen as a buying alternative to western control prefab. so this west can now washing goods face restrictions and sanctions due to the ongoing tupelo voltage. anything
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for it signifies a significant whitfield and it's. 1 economic conditions imposed by western sanctions onto despite the west for 2 people. it's a comic infrastructure, a one has successfully managed to attract for investments and i, the to minister ministers. the media pointed out corporation will also bolster 1200 full size between the 2 neighbors, and that's something that the u. s. has long been opposed. while i was discussing this out a with a to around university professors, i had my brandy, who believes that many countries of the global solve to the standing toll these days and on a freight to lay the foundations to becoming future power houses. it would be very hard for the americans to sanction india because they've already sanctioned the russians, iranians or chinese. and if they succeed in marginalizing
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india, that would basically destroy any hold for them to have major influence across asia. if we look at the bigger picture, we'll be seeing how rush instead of training with the west india instead of training with the way i see ron instead of training with the pastor at least focusing on the west, that will be focusing on a much larger market the whole of asia with neighbors which is much less expensive . uh, countries which are much more friendly. and since they are neighbors, the very fact that this, this trade expands, uh, creates, uh, a much more modern and advanced uh, continent the world recognizes that we've moved beyond that new new polar moment. and the wes, despite the, the, the bubble that exists in washington and in some of the capitals in europe where they continue to think that they are exceptional and that they are above and beyond
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the rest of us. the rest of the world has, has seen a can see that this multi polar world emerging where latin america, africa, and asia of paying greater world. but i think asia, in particular because of its huge population because of his diversity and because of very powerful countries such as china, iran, russia, india, taking a me in increasing the important role in the world today. i think this is going to be the future powerhouse will staying with me, that is, relations with the global south. china has knocked off the us as in the as largest trading partner, according to the global trade research initiative, highlighting the 2024 fiscal year. now according to the data, while china or the us maintain over a $100000000000.00 of trade with india last year, so a decrease in today's trade with washington. india is stateside in bullets
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plummeting 20 percent year over year comes as badging officials, according for a rise in bilateral trade, we hold more businesses from china, could come to india to do business here on an equal basis. indian china have a lot of space for bilateral corporation. on top of that, i gotta pull, reveal the chinese influence is being recognized in africa. respondents of welcoming beijing's leadership role, which is now traded places with america and its approval on the continent. we heard from geostrategic, olsa 5, so somebody told us why many nation see india and china as reliable pop the united states as do is uh, you know, uh, looking for the region one who know when we talk about the b, b for the prospect to be partnership certainly does not provide those type of, you know, clear guarantees the, the countries in east asia and offending the present and the audience in building
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and building the solve the issue a central issue. so therefore, these countries have gotten many, uh, you know, uh, the interesting be that they want to look at china. this each i know. and this, the india has been somewhat on. who can, it can be even mostly what example you talk about. the young countries, which includes vietnam and other countries or what, what dependent on china and india and they want to enhance the relations of india and china. both these going to be the best thing. they don't see the united states as it is. i believe it but not anymore. and then know that is odd to me and their dependence phone. china and india visit is poorly looks for them. the window supply had been disrupted, the rule of jens rel, against their being disrupted. so it is woods. i know intent to develop the revenue gains every step done real made the change. and it is india also brought the videos
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in the gym. so that is how young china i've been. i've been looking at the bottom. if you've been treated by staying with india, where i tried to vegas truck 8 people at dad more than 20, are still trapped under the debris of a massive billboard. the toppled over and one by the company was right now about 1 o'clock in the morning. the rest of operation is still on the way we understand. strongly winds a be sleeping for the city. it's tough old that john bill, both of him down over a petrol station. i think the best all the officials say nearly 60 people injured rescue workers are still on the same. the local authorities here, the construction of the bill board was carried out with what they called several irregularities. municipal commission number of a month by noting the structure itself was illegal. so as i said,
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it's about 1 o'clock in the morning that right now the still trying to get people trapped out from under the day before you have this colossal available that has been coupled in the wind. ok. the updates on that getting posted as we get them on off you don't. com, also across the kilogram gum and the
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a member of another family. and as is do like to see you and magazines is even use it for you to produce the audio reporting. i said, no, no, i am 26. i used to project as being the way they can see this. i believe i'm and goes to the hello and welcome i'm i know if i'm kid in the evolving landscape of the 21st century, the focus no more than what it is on in the bottom. my guess tonight is an award winning producer who won. not only one,
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but to ask us the last one in 2023 for the document g i live in whispers about in, in virginia as couple who raised often elephant cops. she has been double the pride of india at room and change america. welcome. we need some local food. thank you so much that i'm so happy to be in the company long. i can always be found in c o. c. can containment boutique film production house and a 2019 c one has 1st also got to be 90 percent kind of a awards full period active sentence. documentary based on the social stigma remonstrate in india. last year she on her 2nd, oscar for the elephant was present in the same category. document dream revolt around a premium between an indigenous couple and an open baby elephant brand new, and it's 5 years up in the southern end. the. so many reasons to congratulate you 4 q and.


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