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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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will never change their minds. that's video. they think i was wrong. and that's the deadline to an auction international as a un agency, the palestinian refugees reopen the east of jerusalem headquarters off of the property was set on fire by his riley's. it's according to the head of overall in the west by talking to watch a one united imagined staff members killed another wound data while as well. pounds were rough up as a total of humanitarian workers mounts. and the idea of campaign in claims health care system is set to be hopefully on the bridge the police just don't want the not about to be deemed. busy he's read the conversation, is there any police binding palestinian students from mocking the not the anniversary and television according to the student organization which says they weren't stop them from locking the expulsion of nearly
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a 1000000 in palestinian 76 years. the with so much to tell you about during this live uh from moscow i real rush to shape with your programs set to go here. what else can i think nations agency, if a palestinian refugee is, has reopened his stores in east jerusalem, according to the agencies west by an cheap and exclusive chat with auntie. you said the headquarters had previously been forced to close off to somebody's riley. is it set to on fire twice? the full interview area on tuesday for now of myself as a director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting help to fire myself. and you know, it's crazy and retrospect, but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by
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stones. oh, i was thing stone by the by the local community which is complete madness. you know, but the fans is so high, so they benches high, but these phones that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on, you know, clamping down with the owner is a service organization, whatever they were yelling. and so i think they were watching it as if it was like a you know, football match or something. you are responsible for on the activity and look at, look at the kids. yeah. yep. yep. so some kids that are just going by. yeah, yeah. but there's always what they were and i didn't know that there's always a lot of a lot of outage showing here. and that's how they say hello, the throwing stones. yeah. with the kids that are probably bored and somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us, but they,
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they take usually small stones that go through easily. but we'll look at this, that's a big one and that would really hurt you if it is. oh, my gosh, over the fence. yeah, some of them i think should be placed always this now waiting for the or just from there by the kids. that's what they need, why you're in doing this you. 7 here he said, we don't want to hear the un general assembly is held a meeting regarding publishing and rights and also how to arguments. so suppose that a 2 state solution to bring the conflict to an end many countries endorsed a proposal. according to paula science, full fledged admission into the ranks of the united nation coincides that i use. thank you mister president. mister president, a overbuilding majority votes on resolution for the in favor of this palestine,
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the state of palestine ins, membership to the united nations. it became quite clear that a very small minority arbitrarily continued to obstruct to the creation of a college student in states. the world wants peace and a free palestine. the 2 state solution offers default most people working the cycle of violence to give us a possible application of palestine for each as mission as a full member of the united nations. so device or what the bid that connects to mr . president for the international recognition of the palestinian state and its membership of the united nations is a political and legal divide. it is inalienable and illegitimate historic cries of the palestinian peoples by correspondence ring on virgin yes to the resolution on membership of the state of palestine. we have reaffirmed also support for a just lasting on comprehensive peace in the middle east. the resounding support
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granted from the general assembly on this historic resolution is a meaningful achievement. we have witnessed the triumph of sony diety and justice tablets, palestine, and the product and young people as the international community, a firms it's rightful place among the family of nations. right straight to a correspondence tiny bye in the big apple for more details on this best caleb girlfriend. right now. had caleb a lot of developments happening here? what's the, what's the latest you can tell us from the un general assembly as well the united nations general assembly has voted over, whelming laid to upgrade palestine from simply being an observer to being a full member state of the united nations. now the vote that came down was a 143 countries, voting in favor of palestinian statehood. 9 voting against it, and $25.00 abstentions. now, in the aftermath of that vote, we have a number of countries now taking to the floor of the un general assembly and
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emphasizing the need for a 2 state solution to the palestine. israel conflicts, here's what we heard on time. actually was to provide an okay to the on site in order to work in a 2 state solution in spain has proposed a peace conference with the parties involved along the international community. this proposal has already been endorsed by the european union. there are belief the organization of islamic corporation, and by more than 80 states which make up this general assembly, we have consistently maintained that position that adjusts them last spring solution can only be achieved based on a 2 state solution. on the basis of the board as of the 4th of june, 1967. mister president. anyway, addressed to the general assembly on the 8th of april. you're very right, please tell them the conflict in gaza as a blight tunnel on coming to manage the long run lasting just and peaceful resolution to the gods or concerts. and demetrius price process can only be
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achieved through the 2 state solution in conformity with international law. and relevant un for solutions. we are disappointed that last month the see through the console once again failed to reach ok. minutes on the overview admission about a c s o u n members, member spence, maybe a little this will continue to support if it's geared towards piece folding and laying the ground for confidence building as a commitment towards the 2 state solution. the consideration of palestine is admission must remind us of our collective obligation to bring an end to legal occupation and the wrongful acts that emanate from its continuation. so now the next step for the palestinians that they want to achieve. number statehood status at the united nations will be a vote at the un security council. the 5th team member body that according to the un charter, has to approve any move for statehood. then it would go back to the general
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assembly for a vote in which 2 thirds of the countries would have to support the resolution. granting members state would status. however, it is not expected to pass the security council as the united states and israel stan pretty solidly back to back with each other. there's does not seem to be any willingness on the part of the united states to go along and allow palestinian members statewood status. and israel was pretty fired up in the opposition to the vote that happened. here's what we heard from the is really representative and reaction to the over whelming boats by the global community in favor of palestine becoming a member of the state of the un. destructive votes is not only opening the lines doors to the terrace supporting palistine yet enough already. if it was, then it would be bad enough things. october 7th. you have failed to even call them
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out by name. so i'll remind you, each the terrace of how much with sick and twisted i run the, the very by the established to prevent eva is now well, tell me a terror state into its ranks. now there was quite a bit of fiery language on the floor of the un general assembly, calling out the fact that the united states is using its position on the un security council to overall what is majority sentiment in the world. here's what we heard from the representative of cuba, you know, is better going so slowly, not like that. it's unacceptable and shameful that the government of the united states, which proclaims to lead democracy worldwide, has once again abused its anti democratic veto power to be completed with israel to block the clear majority opinion of the international community. the security
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council was designed to act on behalf of the member states of the organization, for the maintenance of international peace and security, and not to protect the hedge, a monic interest of the united states or the intentions of israel. so while the over whelming majority of the world is in favor of moving ahead with a 2 state solution, granting, palestine and the palestinian authority, the members status as a full member state of the united nations. the united states is backing up israel and intends to block that from happening. it shows a pretty big gap between global opinion and the policies of the white house correspondent color both in new york are just about a 10 possible pm. lastly, thanks kind of my mobile items folding on a gauze or a power if it is the right way forward. that's the message from american senator lindsey graham. however, many can see that his diet drive of green lights is we're able to use the nuclear option because the lindsey graham tied in the whole rest of rick and his whole
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statement into america's nuclear bombing of japan and world war 2. we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons. that was the right decision, is all the bombs they need to end the war. they can't afford to lose. well, that did not sit well across the world. online reaction was very swift to come in essentially questioning lucy graham's state of my a. lindsey graham is throwing attention when a progressive palestinian american woman of color called for freedom and peace by then slandered her and threw her under the bus. but when far right extreme, mister republican lindsey graham says, we should drop a nuclear bomb on palestine bite and says nothing. lindsey graham contest golf to hiroshima and nagasaki. yes. really, he says ron wants to kill the jews because they have a $2000000000.00 worth of old production. he doesn't mention the $1000000.00 he
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received from impact to be israel's mouthpiece. we discussed the issue with nuclear specialist appear to close next. he highlighted a, a number of reasons why lindsey graham is not just wrong, but as potentially sick and they were dealing with a person who is very marly ethically and intelligence wise compromised. if you look at his statement for so it makes no sense. secondly, it's historically inaccurate, and thirdly, it's morally reprehensible. so let's exam is a long list of below, and he is willing to say and do pretty much anything in order to court those who have real power to lindsey graham provides a convenient and easy target. the 6th through the white house and anybody else they'll say, you know, we might be bad, but we have that bad is and graham is the pressure robust thing to do that. tim
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walberg, a republican congressman from michigan at said back to the end of march that we should get it. and he said, we shouldn't provide any humanitarian a we shouldn't build the board is that it should be like here she met and nagasaki . get it over quick, they have the stroke in their mind, and it is beyond reprehensible as a member of the un security stuff for public kills and other wounded during one of the latest is rarely stripes. on the southern gauze and the city of 100 alpha, the global body, of course, condemning the attack. the 6th street general was the 2nd to loan of the death of the united nations department of safety and security stuff meant by an injury to another. the sofa. when that you and vehicle was struck cause they travel to the european hospital and rough uh this morning. the 6th street jermel condemns on a tax on you and let us know and calls for a full investigation. last year when just that it says staff members were heading
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to the european hospital in the rough uh when the vehicle was ultimately targeted. cuz we'll show you the footage, the car, the flag, the emblems. you can see it clearly. it's a un vehicle of the secretary general's dom onto the full investigation calling for an immediate cease fire. and the incident comes as the red cross issues. a warning about how desperate the situation in the enclave genuinely has become too many civilians and guys are hungry, thirsty. they are in desperate need for protection and they have no access to health care or sanitation surfaces. many residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the elevated risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these ready officials, many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service. there is still very limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, drinking, water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care
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service and not indeed diet. nothing. does this trip the mean time? my gosh. and officials of warning, the very few remaining hospitals that are still badly functioning in the enclave are absolutely on the verge of cutoffs. the number of those calles in october, not just to was $35000.00, is going to be that number at least bodies. how many bodies are trapped under the rubble? according to the you, when the 7000 to the data kids, the number of women killed nearly 5000, that's even being revised down from previous figures. and those who seek shelter on the refuge comes are also not entirely safe people in eastern and central. there are 5 being told that head north. but despite the fact that so many of them actually fled from the north. the u. n says the situation for 360000 refugees is growing west by the day. many of them displaced multiple times facing di condition . nearly 360000 people have fled roughly since the 1st of occupation over
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a week ago. meanwhile, in north garza bombardments and other evacuation, or just have created more displacements and fit for thousands of families, there's no way to go. there is no safety without a ceasefire policy and students at television diversity say that is ready. officials are refusing to give them permission to mock the 76. none of us were you're not buyer, it's coming up in just a couple of things. we will fight for all right to hold the annual nag, but ceremony in anton square was submitted a petition to the high court of justice demanded in order for the police to withdraw the band on holding the ceremony. the invitation attempts by the bank via police will not due to us from continuing to fight against the war and the occupation for the sake of recognizing the naga bucks and building a just society to well knock but means catastrophe. in arabic, it's used to describe the expulsion of palestinians during the 1948 hours or any war. during vasta, nearly a 1000000 palestinians withdrew from from their homes and may 15th as well the
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annual anniversary democracy started to struggle. and we heard from the secretary of the high dash students organization in tennessee, besides that, well, his friends are ready to take this case to the supreme court. we hear instead of reviewing the city, we do the snack by day. so i'm on a for the past 12 years. unfortunately, the police did not allow us to do the ceremony this year. and on wednesday we'd be in supreme court. and we're to try to defend the rights to, to come to do the ceremony. the police gave me a few answer. one of them was a we can that they can know what is going to be like in the next week. say, they said like we might to invade to but the, we might have a hostage deal. and this event because the problem i see in the spring and the bathroom weekend too, if need be okay, to have the thing the public face,
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all the police just don't want the knock but to be in the east or the conversation. this ceremony is the use when the like was the past 12 busy part of my ways was uh like, uh, a friend. we cheese the a difficult to do, i say, and he's really street. doesn't like to speak about the not the bus so much. you've been in the, instead of b, which is the most people out of the piedra, the senior off the, during the war, doing the terrible role and got the, we who decided that we still want to do the ceremony was saying, it's more important than ever. it's important to show that the next phase continuing the same, a photos which we saw from both the 8th of the hundreds of thousands of other
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senior refugees. villages be slower. everything you see going on by he's already got them in today. and god, thing in the west bank facing the long arm of western sanctions. that's what maybe a head for indian companies cooperating with tyrone as they develop infrastructure in around southern port city of trouble. is there any uh, entity, anyone concerned business uh, deals with their on they need to be aware of the potential risk that they're opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions should resolve the exemption alter awning to deal with the data on monday, off a use of tools that will see india take control of a portion of a very key iranian oversee on a port in the very clear the expectation is that the uh, the job a hot or cold or at least that part of the job motor boat that we are involved in
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that will definitely see motor investments. it will see more connectivity linkages coming out of the bulk. and we believe to day dr. connectivity is a very big issue and the clock, international knots have drawn support, caught it all which we are doing with it. on to our shop job, i will connect us to that also to send to alicia what type of hours they need and running and poured with direct access to the indian ocean. the roots estimated to be around 40 percent shoulder and 30 percent cheaper than the traditional. of course. those details here with corresponding on the wall and aim to cross for the one southeastern port city. o trouble har into a pivotal tries the top and central asia. on monday, this one nation sealed a deal to enhance and develop this written report. over the next decade, the apartment was formalized and finalized into one with the indian minister of
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ports, shipping and waterways. sub and now in the us and know that his iranian counterpart, man, dog bass, bosh, signing the contract in the capital 100. there's a pretty much india will invest a substantial $370000000.00 to bolster the infrastructure of java. our port focusing on expanding burbs and transport facilities for children are serves as it was. so she added for conserves, as a closer range between the one in india to the indian ocean. their work is also actively integrating the port city into its national railway network, which one assume connect nor parks. i'll get ron including it's caspian, see ports to java, how this movies into the goal to completely be international. no south transport quarter facility trade between eastern europe, russia, persian gulf nations. and of course india. it was minister of frozen urban
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development, submit the passport. emphasize that was to the heart is fully upgraded. it will not only boost trade between one in india, but also it has 3 times between russia and india by offering a more efficient trade route. india considers its investment in trouble, har as a significant extra territorial engineering project on the northern end of the north south quarter. russia is also collaborating with one to enhance the infrastructure of iran's caspian sea. port slasher. russell advocated around $1.00 and daughters to construct a weird way. you might think it was northern city or fresh to aust. excellent, soul development for trade along the i n s the even a get is that is looking to invest $35000000.00 in charter har, recognizing the potential benefits of this emerging trade routes for countries in
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west asia, central asia, and the congress. this week. this one is seen as a viable alternative to western control prefab. this us can now washing goods face restrictions and sanctions due to the ongoing tupelo voltage. anything for it signifies a significant whitfield. and it's challenging economic conditions imposed by western sanctions onto despite the west. it's a comic infrastructure, a one has successfully managed to attract for investments and i, the to minister ministers pointed out corporation will also bolster all sides between the 2 neighbors and something that the u. s. has long been opposed, was talking to us around university professor side motor and, and he believes that many countries of the global south a standing toll,
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they're not afraid to lay the foundations to becoming future power houses. it would be very hard for the americans to sanction india because they've already sanctioned the russians, iranians or chinese. and if they succeed in marginalizing india, that would basically destroy any hold for them to have major influence by prost asia. if we look at the bigger picture, we'll be seeing how russia instead of trading with the west, india instead of training with the last year on. instead of training with the pastor at least focusing on the west, that will be focusing on a much larger market. the whole of asia with neighbors which is much less expensive . uh, countries which are much more friendly. and since they are neighbors, the very fact that this, this trade expands, uh, creates, uh, a much more modern and advanced uh,
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continent the world recognizes that we've moved beyond that new new polar moment. and the wes, despite the, the, the bubble that exists in washington and in some of the capitals in europe where they continue to think that they are exceptional and that they are above and beyond the rest of us. the rest of the world has as see, i can see this multi polar world emerging where latin america, africa, and asia obtained greater world. but i think asia, in particular, because it is huge population because of his diversity and because of very powerful countries such as china, iran, russia, india, taking a me in increasing the important role in the world today. i think this is going to be the future powerhouse. what we did here earlier from academic monica of
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love. and now she says, despite the threat of sine choose, new delhi will continue to put its own needs fast. the, the thing is that we have been the lot of and the most are the we have the, this is on behalf of the say in the docs or whatever, or the input from the she does here. but i don't think your factors here before the impact on the, on the board. it's the other developing countries and the other for the, for the old, i'm the other comfortable for, you know, really being and reflected the also the very good on this that so even if you know the day i'm soaking something like sanctions, i'm sure the diploma because this is a new delhi, this and if you move and then do something about it because they need that. all right. now being battling marketing the wording on the board, i just always be
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a good thing. it has skip and i did it again, keeping the old writing new domestic and he is also a dining part. i think well was one of the most important to people 44 in the 19 this sort of thing that wouldn't be had to install it. but i don't seem to sanction should be bothering, does the honor developing country. we have a going economy. we have a few mom this need to know the address united on both items boarding possible for india as part of the board to be the interesting invoice. so i don't think a bad suspension would take me. probably, there may be some diploma didn't do anything for me to be staying with india by tragedy. struck 8 people that i'm more than 20 still trapped under the bed. 3 of a must have billable the toppled over a month by where it's now just about 2 o'clock in the morning. the. c the real pictures, right? the, the uh, roadside uh, signage, measuring over 30 meters told but strong wind swept the city. it came down,
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demolishing and petrol station below authorities. things 60 people injured and rescue was a still processing during the past. so more details of how the online, the authorities say the construction of the billboard was done it legally. a website is all to you dot com, the slowing, it's top, once again in an easy as mount e bu was erupt it for the 2nd time in a week stunning session. the moment caught on camera as a full severe option to send up a fake column of ash. 5000 meters. authority is quoting at the most recent event uh, one of the largest. certainly in months, not a bu is one of the entities as most active volcanoes are apparently 20000. their options were quoted last year and sitting on the pacific, a ring of fire, the vast archipelago nation, and seemingly a customs living in the dangers of the demo pictures
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from that explosion. massive interruption there on tape dot com for the meantime. your top storage, returning the top of the alice, the hello and welcome to the cross stuff boulevard. here we discussed some real in the hello. i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. mia moore's military junta sees power back in february of 2021. and has since triggered ongoing, widespread protests and opposition throughout the country. but the story doesn't actually begin there. today will dig into the decades long battle for power in me
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and mar, and what this means for its neighbors across southeast asia. all right, let's get into the m o the for many people around the world. it's name is still in burma. it's rebranding to me in our didn't come until 1989, but it's people are still referred to as bernice. it's there that the national league for democracy, a political party founded by august on sushi. the youngest daughter of the late revered independence, later general on son, one big in the 2021 parliamentary elections. but it wasn't long before the military leadership side of mass, broad as the reason to overturn election results fresh out of her cross.


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