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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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but yes, the in the headlines thrown off the international, the un agency, the palestinian refugees reopen, says east jerusalem headquarters offers property was set on fire by his riley's, according to the head of the owner raw in the west bank, full team deluxe, here with us one united nation staff member is killed and another wounded while israel pounds on about 5, colon you monetary and what does mount. so the idea of campaign, the enclaves and health care system is set to be homeless for the police just to unplug it or not, but to be deemed heezer at the conversation. is there any police bon palo student students from? remember, i think the not of us are you in tel aviv,
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according to the students organization, which said it wouldn't stop them from laughing the expulsion of nearly a 1000000, palestinian and 76 years ago. the live out loud from moscow, but just off the midnight locally. that's good stuff. and i think nation's agency, the palestinian refugees has reopened the stores in east jerusalem. it is a quarter of 2 agencies of westbank cheese and an exclusive chat with i see. he said the headquarters have previously been forced to close off the summer's riley is etc on file not once but twice fully to view what everyone choose a for now, small pre of myself, as a director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself and you know, it's crazy and retrospect, but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames. and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by
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stones. so i was being stoned by the, by the local community, which is complete madness, you know, but the fans is so high, so it is high. but these icons that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on, you know, clamping down with the owner is a service organization, whatever they were yelling. and so i think they were watching it as if it was like a you know, football match or something. you are responsible for a kid and look at, look at the kids. yeah, yep. yep. so some kids that are just going by. yeah. yeah. but there's always what they were, and i didn't know that there's always a lot of a lot of outage showing. yeah, that's how they say hello. the throwing stones. yeah. with the kids that are probably bored and somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us,
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but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily. but we'll look at this, that's a big one, and that would really hurt you if it. oh, my gosh, over the fence. yeah, some of them i think should be placed on was this now waiting for the or james from there by the kids. that's what they need, why you're in doing this. 7 here he said, we don't want to hear a means on a member of the un security stuff for bodily killed and other wounded during one of the light is, is rarely strikes on the southern gospel stadium. profile of the global body has condemned the of the 6th street general was deeply satin, to loan of the death of the united nations department of safety and security stuff meant by an injury to another. the stop when the u. n. vehicle was struck as they traveled to the european hospital and rough uh this morning. the secretary general
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condemns all attacks on you and let us know and calls for a full investigation. i'll ask you, i just said at 1st off ma'am, was we're heading to the european hospital in about 5 when the vehicle was blatantly targeted footage of the car or some of the damage of the car as well. you'll see it has a, you know, a u. n. a flag. and that's a fact right that and just to be further in the short, you'll see the un emblem insignia on the call. for example, right? the now the secretary general has demanded a full investigation, quoting for an immediate cease fire. and the incident comes as a red cross issued a warning about how desperate the situation in the enclave has become to many civilians and guys are hungry, thirsty, they are in desperate need for protection and they have no access to health care or sanitation surfaces. managed residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the elevated risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these radio officials,
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many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service. there's still very limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, drinking, water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care service and, and to know what the diet, nothing gaza strip, and that's across isn't gauze or a spas worldwide protest in the netherlands. police costs with students demonstrating against israel is ongoing campaign. arrive. police broke up a pro palestine raleigh at amsterdam university on with the phones and seemingly swinging at will students without a protest the actions of the idea in gaza. they said they would return, they would continue to return until the demands of meant to quote, boy, called on divest from is really institutions. well, the un general assembly is held in meeting regarding palestinian rides and how the argument is that a simple today tuesday solution bringing an end to this conflict of
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a multitude of countries endorsed the proposal according the policy lines full fledged admission into the ring. so the you, the chick on sides that i use. thank you mister president. mister president, a overbuilding majority vote on resolution for the in favor of this palestine, the state of palestine ins, membership to the united nations. it became quite clear that a very small minority arbitrarily continued to obstruct to the creation of a college student and stage. the world wants peace and a free palestine. the 2 state solution offers default most people working the cycle of violence, trinity as a possible application of palestine for each as mission as a full member of the united nations. so device i wanted to connect to mr. president for the international recognition of the palestinian state and its membership of the united nations is a political and legal divide. it is inalienable and the legitimate historic right
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of the palestinian peoples by corresponds ring on virgin yes to the resolution on membership of the state of palestine. we have reaffirmed also support for a just last thing on comprehensive peace in the middle east. the residing support gone from the general assembly on this historic resolution is a meaningful achievement. we have weakness, the triumph of solidarity and justice directs palestine and the finest in young people as the international community offense, its rightful place among the family of nations. the united nations general assembly voted. ready for welding lee in favor of granting full members statehood status to the palestinian authority. now the vote was pretty solidly in favor of the palestinians with 143 countries supporting the move to upgrade the palestinians to
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being not just observers, but full member states of the united nations and 9 countries voting against it and 25 abstentions. now in the aftermath of this pretty overwhelming vote, we had a number of countries speaking up at the general assembly about the need to move ahead with a 2 state solution to the israel palestine conflict. here's some of what we heard in a 2nd. okay. the on site in order to work in a 2 state solution in spain has proposed a peace conference with the parties involved along the international community. this proposal has already been endorsed by the european union, the air blinks the organization of his lumber cooperation. and by more than 80 states which make up this general assembly, we have consistently maintained that position. that adjusts and last seen solution can only be a team based on a 2 state solution. on the basis of the board as of the 4th of june. 1967. mister president. new address is the general assembly on the 8th of april. you are
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very right, please tell him the conflict in gaza as a blight tunnel. i'll come on. you manage the long run last spring, just and peaceful resolution to the guys are concepts and dimitris police process can only be achieved through the 2 state solution in conformity with international law and relevant un for solutions. we are disappointed that last month, the security council, once again found the rich. okay, minutes on the overview admission a part of c s o u n. members, member spence, maybe a little this will continue to support if it's geared towards piece building and laying the ground for confidence. building as a commitment towards the 2 state solution. the consideration of kind of signs, admission must remind us of all collect and obligation to bring an end to legal occupation, and the wrongful acts that emanate from its continuation. the next move ahead would be to have the united nations security council then approve this resolution that
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was passed by the general assembly after that a then 2 thirds vote again in the general assembly would be needed in order to make a new member state from the palestinian authority, however, that is unlikely to occur because the world expects that the united states, which is a very solid supporter of israel, will be to hold the resolution at the un security council of united states as a permanent member of the united nations security council. and they have the ability to veto any resolution that goes before it. now it's important to note that israel was quite outraged in the aftermath of the vote in the general assembly, they accuse the united nations of sympathizing and backing terrorism. here's what these really representative had to say. destructive vote is not only opening the u . ones, doors to the terrace supporting palestinian authority. if it was,
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then it would be bad enough things october 7th. you have failed to even call them out by name. so i'll remind you the each the terrace of how much was sick and twisted. i run the, the very by the established to prevent evil is now well tell me a terror state into its ranks. now even prior to the resolution passing, we heard outcry about the close relationship the united states has with israel and how the united states is using its power as a permanent member of the security council to over rule the majority opinion and sentiment in the world. here's what the representative of cuba had to say is medical and social, you know, so i thought it's unacceptable and shameful that the government of the united states, which proclaims to lead democracy worldwide, has once again abused its anti democratic veto power to be complicit with israel and to block the clear majority opinion of the international community. the
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security council was designed to act on behalf of the member states of the organization, for the maintenance of international peace and security, and not to protect the hedge, a monic interest of the united states or the intentions of israel. so at this point we see a pretty big gap in global opinion, a 143 countries. the overwhelming majority of the world want to move ahead with a 2 state solution to the palestine israel conflict and to grant members status to the palestinian authority as a full member state of the united nations. however, israel disagrees and the united states supports israel and a meeting like this just illustrates how much of a gap there is between global opinion and the policies of the white house. more bottoms folding on gauze, or is a policy the right way for with us the message from us senator lindsey graham, however many considered his brief diatribe of green light for israel to use a nuclear option because he tied in his whole document to america's nuclear bombing
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. of japan and was about to and we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons. that was the right decision. did, is all the bombs that you need to end the war. they can't afford to lose. they don't sit too well across the world on line of reaction was swift of flight and essentially questioning his state of mind. lindsey graham is throwing a tantrum when a progressive post in the, in american woman of color called for freedom and peace by then slandered her and threw her under the bus. but went far right extremist republican lindsey graham says, we should drop a nuclear bomb on palestine bite and says nothing. lindsey graham compassed also to hiroshima and nagasaki. yes. really. he says ron wants to kill all the jews because they have a $2000000000.00 worth of old production. he doesn't mention the $1000000.00 he receive from. i packed to be israel's mouth piece. we discussed the issue with
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a nuclear specialist that peter coast that can basically he highlighted a range of reasons why lindsey graham is not just wrong. drop pops hole, so sick. and i'd have a blessed, a, as we're dealing with a person who's very marly ethically and intelligence wise compromised. if you look at his statement, 1st of all, it makes no sense. secondly, it's historically inaccurate. and thirdly, it's morally reprehensible. so lindsey graham is the lowest of the low and is willing to say and do pretty much anything in order to court those who have real power. so lindsay grand provides a convenient and easy target for the white house. and anybody else to say, you know, we might be bad but wouldn't have that bad. his and graham is the 1st drop of going to do that. tim walberg, a republican congressman from michigan,
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had said back at the end of march that we should get it and he said, we shouldn't provide any humanitarian a we shouldn't build the board is that it should be like here she met and novice ocoee, get it over quick, they have the stroke in their mind, and it is beyond reprehensible or before we join august u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron, and his latest entity to the bbc which the channel to label him us as a terrorist organization. or maybe it's a movement that she for the bbc to ask itself again, she'll be described as paperless, terrorist, they all terrace. if you kid not, grandmother, you kid, not babies. you rate people, you shoot children in front of the parents. what, what do they need to do for the bbc? does a lot of these, that's how it works. they really all, we've made a long standing position on this matter very clearly. we use the word terrorist. when is this attribute you to all those such as the u. k. government?
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i guess, or show on at the head of our hoc is a palestinian human rights n g o. who's coming on the program right now to discuss this in a very well, i'm a welcome few show on what is your reaction to those comments from a david cameron a basically pointing out the bbc for not labeling hum us as terrorist. so what would your response speed or something like that? well it's, it shows the standards on this electricity when it comes to the international level . i think they are not just standing behind the gauge and according to the international know, can mr. classroom giving me a comprehensive translation and meaning of terrorism, turner's to groups, or if he can let me see what he will say. what's about killing of civilians when it's about also committing genocide goes up. and this is not just an isolated incidents here on the out of this as part of the
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widespread practice and intentionally unfold to free policy. that's the case. what the face list are coming on with a camera is a forward, is the idea to continue so forth and goes on. and also, uh, 3 beings with the we pause with those on this as part of the complexity of the general citation. please send us the way they doing it and they can show on to it to protect israel. i meant this continued genocide. i mean the death told in the 10s of thousands we have no i d a how many victims remain under the rubble of gaza? is kind of a more rustling guys are than there is in your crane. at the end of the day. i'm not entirely surprised by dave or cameras, comments that he no matter what happens against the palestinians, he's still towing. the standard pro is railey line. let me ask you show on the
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white house when public rejecting any notion that what we're seeing in gauze or is a genocide, haven't listened if you will. so to what the us national security advisor had to say during a briefing here at com we believe is real can and must do more to ensure the protection and well being of innocent civilians. we do not believe what is happening and gaza is a genocide. we have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition. the fact, oh, not a genocide, not a genocide. according to the us national security. i would advise how would you read between the lines? it is between the lines. uh uh the one who is complex. it with the junior side, for sure, he will not to see the junior side. let me say so this man, that's what this lady is doing. with me say, that's what crimes becomes,
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it goes to humanity. what's little vacation? of the u. s. according to the machine, no, under human rights, still, according to the technician, the general, this is part of the questions they don't want to answer. i'm sure if one person of what's going on now, does that happen then any other place over the war? the u. s. maybe they would move the movie and they would move everything to like the, the country we saw, you know, what the americas visit me about. we saw the beds also in libya and then other places and i've gotten stuff because they dumped all of these things in different places. for them, it's easy or more month to step behind the crimes taking place and also to be pumped as it would be the crimes aside. i'm in
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a sweat. this is how i look at it. yeah, there's a lot of us our children, our babies. a lot of women, our elders. okay. cool. by the american, we believe that's the case. this is the other 2. they don't want to see the doing the same time. they say we are leaving country when it comes to human rights on the floor. what's the sort of low means? i think we're living in a little jazz again. that's because, yeah, i think that's a fair point as well. show and appreciate you saying that. look, you know, that's the discussion of the un general assembly. now today in the past 24 hours about, you know, people wanting palestine to get full rights inside the united nations. but meantime, even with the un finally pop pausing a resolution calling for a ceasefire. israel's not listening show on, is there any one left on the planet with
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a u. n. global governing body has proven itself to be pretty much useless. is there anyone left on the planet that can make israel listen to reason logic and she minutes? we a locally un mission community. i see feel completely one other person. yeah. it's ramped when you'll come to provide a bucket of water for a child who is dying because he's thirsty, that's shame, shame, silverware, and all of the community. those they come to, you know, product civilians and put them in the 3rd. so it'd be like the 1st of this taking place and goes and also it was, but it's not just a new. it has been cutting out. i thought that there's a lot of times that because it goes to who made the sins 48 the today. that's
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because of the they feel that they enjoy it. the why? because also this a whole by us, by them, by german, by view esvito also the e. u as security cause they supposed been financially admitted totally does because it seems that they are part of the college to complete is about think is due by the seniors they didn't do anything i did is did you exhibit his team is will they pay the price for, for the disney june, before we are paying the price of the crimes committed by german disability and it just says that they don't want to do so they don't want to see they don't want to see war regarding publishing a little. oh, i think it's funny, i think you make a good point, mr. walter from when, when it comes to the complicity, you know, your name and number of countries that's there. and at the end of the end of the day, it does seem to be the general g 7 countries that are generally speaking shopping
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and the overwhelming amount of support of israel. it does seem to be the usual culprits, so to speak, a show on jeopardy and is the head of elf hack is a public opinion, non government, human rights organizations. joining us live here or not the international. i really appreciate you spending some time with us. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. that i send you and the students at television university say that is rarely officials refused to give them permission to commemorate the 76. none of us 3 of the noch about set to take place on wednesday. we will fight for all right to hold the annual nag, but ceremony in anton square was submitted a petition to the high court of justice demanded in order for the police to withdraw the band on holding the ceremony. the invitation attempts by the bank via police will not do to us from continuing to fight against the war and the occupation for the sake of recognizing the naga bucks and building a just society not actually means catastrophe and arabic. it's use to describe the
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expulsion of palestinians during the 1948 hour of his ready war. during israel's founding, it basically drive up to a 1000000 palestinians away from their homes and may 15th is mocked every year is the palestinian historical struggle. how about us and the 2 who we heard from right here, the secretary of the hi dash students organization to tennessee university. as we do, instead of going to proceed the re to the snack by day. so i'm on a for the past 12 years. unfortunately, the police did not allow us to do the ceremony this year. and on wednesday we'll be in supreme court. and we'll try to defend the rights to, to come to the ceremony. the police gave me a few answer. one of them was a we can that they can know what is going to be like in the next week. and
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they said like, we might to invade to the we might have a hostage deal and this event because it's barbara massey in the spring, he's fabulous weekend too. if need be okay to have anything the public space on the police just don't want the knock but to be in the user at the conversation this ceremony is the use when the like was the past 12 busy board, which was uh like, uh if and we choose the difficult to do, i say, and he's rarely street. doesn't like to speak about the not the bus so much. even instead of instead of b, which is the most people out of the bigger the senior off the, during the war doing the terrible goal and got the we, he decided that we still want to do the set of money. we think it's more important
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than ever for the symposium to show that the next phase continuing the same, the photos which we saw from both the 8th of the hundreds of thousands of senior refugees, villages destroyed everything you see going on by the government today. and does things in the midwest back in the russian know border city of belgrade. many residents have been left homeless and traumatized by keywords, sunday attack, and the residential area before responding. visiting now temporary housing setup for the victims of this attack. this college has been turned into temporary housing for those that lost the homes and that were evacuated. following the crating, shedding of a civilian building in the city of bell road on sunday. now, these coffins happening turned into bedrooms. this is typical of the rooms that we have saved, emotions here, all running very high. many people are angry and upset at the loss of their homes.
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much of anger is directed towards the west who they blame for the continued supply weapons, the use to strike civilian areas. human to jim, you know the sheets in full people of the world. it's impossible for a pass and not to understand, but it's not normal to act like this. to kill children, old people, it's impossible. a 6 week old child died during this for me. well paul barons, how else can i address to you? how you? oh, so like us, you must have also and roots idea and you know, community well these the know people firstly you know, way your shoes and yet we have a neighborhood, a sports complex as school a daycare center and a palmer blogs. we don't have anything that would interest. you well being quotes a little bit. no military equipment, no schools, no true deployment. there's none of that. it's purely well, a residential area. well, there are no words a tool, barbarism,
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destruction of people. there were women, children, old people who we are fighting with. what are you doing? do you have anything sacred of the? i want to go home very badly because my grandmother, my grandfather and my cats, my roof sat there. i really want to go home. so the door overland but the situation remains volatile. we have to take shelters, and so having sounded clearly distressing for those traumatized by sundays attack, the officials explain the basic needs to be met. residents receive 3 most the day on children are able to continue that scolding. it's not clear how long they will stay here. long term solutions are being sold. no is not cause that's cause the normal numbers. people are here. that will be here for the amount of time to meet until
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they are given housing or turn to their territory in their home. many of suffering the after effects of the missile strike. both physically and mentally medical teams is opposing those affected. she'll use couple of my show with us. we have psychological help organized by our psychologists who are in the children's regional clinical hospital. this is for children and their parents. and we also have help in the psychiatric hospital with each showing in different locations or psychologist, come out and provide help to both relatives and victims. this work has been built up for a long time because the conditions in which we live forced us to do it. belgrade remains very much just safety on the front line by having the brunt of ukrainian attacks. people have 5th to the west and supply of long range weapons that it's green. i think of attacks inside russian territory would increase the civilian desktop on the battlefield. the russian advances in hawk region provide some hope for a much needed buffers and relief for the people of belgrade. this is stace,
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really for off a belle grove city. yeah, those updates are from my belgrade going up as we get them on line at oxy. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross the full board here we discussed some real in the what is part of the visit that the


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