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tv   Going Underground  RT  May 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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style girl 16. yeah, there's updates of from that bells or are they going up as we get them on line at oxy? the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the water is part of the the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us in that, in the word or is it something deeper, more complex? might the present good?
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let's stop without cases. let's go to the product. as the 1898, the united states won the war against spain and gain control of the philippines. the people of the philippines held that the americans would help over throw spanish rules and a grand independence through the country. but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and side as just another colony. the 1999, the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupier. of american troops were barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic. but that bay 3, it started
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a desperate rail of war. washington was forced to sit in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the u. s. army suffered heavy losses. the americans took it out on the population. general jacob smith in revenge . for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of bile on d g a quarter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror. according to the most conservative estimates lead to the death of about 200000 filipino. the americans managed to suppress the gorillas only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation. struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve independence. the,
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the, the 3 what i see you. bye bye, mr. so why the problem the to thank you for taking the time to speak with us this afternoon. how are you, sir? praise god, i am good. good, i'm good, i'm home. but now we want to discuss what is happening globally. if we look at indonesia, it is one of the countries that continues to voice support for palestine. and that also supported south africa's case before the international court of justice, the against israel problem. and from your point of view, why just the indignation government feel it is important to voice it support for this conflict. spot of the balance i discourage of the founding fathers is the same that is held by the government. for example, how we believe in participating in creating peace before it's independence and up until entities you decided to join the normal block move. but it was because of
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that spirit. and when engine easy, it became independent. the palestinians also recognized that independence. so the relationship between the people have been an easy and the people of goals i think has been built a long time in the past, kind of assign was among the known state supports as old indian easy is independence. so if engine easiest supports it today is part of what we were born way to. it's automatic, their names of indonesia and those whose names all goes the, which means people from goals i want to. and so the use of the word l g o z is not a foreign name. yeah. but kids are even names of scholars from escalade. that's why they called ask allow me because the person is from escalade. escalade is now part of israel, a lot of palestine goes and names are pretty common, you know, a country going even to mon, sheffield himself, came from gauze app, comfortable though he lived in baghdad long and also served in yemen. i'm on the shaft, the pop me use the tub, outgoing z. that's because it originated
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a net. it goes that which traces back to its origin and fax off to world war 2. the strength even further, particularly when issues in the region started to arise following world war one. in other words, if the people's ambitions are reflected in the government's attitude, when the government acts upon them that will support from indonesia is expected and not surprising market. and then i hit and yep, baby boom on finally the you and passed a resolution for a cease fire from your point of view. what impact can this un resolution have? will it be able to resolve what is happening in the gaza region as a 7 though the effect level? so i don't know the direct effect on israel on the central minutes, but it seems that the gaza supplement is taking a while. and then from a market perspective, whether this is a sign that something is going to shift, we don't know yet our broadcast. hopefully it will be faster. besides the based on the verdicts, we haven't seen it in action. the decision is one thing, but how it's implemented in the field must also be tested. it seems that still
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needs to be a lot of tokens and most serious diplomatic negotiations. assessing the indonesia of music on indonesia itself is also very active in providing assistance and support. not only in terms of diplomacy, the community is involved both through demonstrations and material assistance. could you share a little bit about the role of the p b. m you to be able to provide and also ensure the support for the people in palestine. yeah, the young for the simply the and you latest how to channel people's aspirations, take care of how in an easy it becomes a peacemaker. so people have higher ups or respectful palestine for us citizens, but not only in demonstrations and, but also in the presence. of course, these communications must be properly channels. so it's not just a demonstration to maintain the rhythm and spirit of support. we have been supporting palestine for a long time, a holiday,
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even though i'm from your experience where maybe you've received information or their challenges that have to be overcome to provide the support. specifically for supplies such as food or medicine that indonesia has delivered that by not to glenn . they use a lot of support for the people even more than what's needed for them to transport said was overwhelmed. there's a lot of support in the form of natural and material a, especially for the palestinians. the technical issues involved in delivering the items also not simple. that's what our government can result quickly on. but for example, the government allocated air force planes are held and then the people from b, b and you are among the officers who assisted in delivering the supplies. you've got those who are used to handling soft as were involved. there are also offices who deliver goods to complex areas. not i mean palestine, but also there are left in syria. so and you active based on that but used to help to deliver aid. then me most of the slow and, and there has always been
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a closeness and cooperation with the government to deliver this aid. and one been blending. yeah. yeah. can yes, because the government has the authority going on when it comes to relationships between 2 countries. the governmental relationship is certainly strong, got its people to people supporting from ages that that's the kind of relationship that exists between the governments like the scholarship that we have done right now. if we look at the term, well, there is a lot of interference from western countries in this conflict. what do you think about the policies of these western countries? but the boss have to end up with skype because most of i'm not sure what the science pico treaty still exists for defining 1916 european space of influence. tracing the origins of the troubles in palestine is a lengthy study that cannot be condensed with another. therefore in some of the talks of a most lately, we must explore that. what does the palestinian issue can be results slightly by un
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resolution or something more is required. we always come back to who the parties are conducting the negotiations. it demands a greater level of seriousness than before. for example, western countries are responding to issues in west asia or in the palestinian territories. now, that is also a different and not the same. what is the west to america in europe have to be the same? does it have to be profound in nature and the red sea western european countries in the united states and a couple of ways to say. on the other hand, the palestinian problem is situated almost at the red sea. so really, palestine, the west and the red sea cannot be separated. what is happening now requires negotiations that are not solely economic, but i, duck on my stomach of my conversation must go deeper than that. and we thought that that'd be buffle next. that tray got more complicated issues in west asian affairs because it could be a short period. it could lead to that. oh, but i'm really happy. what do you see as the approach taken by western countries
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and the global south in managing this conflict? yeah i'm, i'm good with the perspective young got paid. there may be a slightly different perspective between the south old global south and west and countries. i just read that the use of the middle east does not mean from the middle east. what i'm going to use is the middle east and who uses the time west asia already had me. when gonna be dead? it may be there is indeed a deeper context to the where it's used to knock on. i thought i would only what to do. middle eastern is see themselves as from the middle east. when someone refers to the middle east, what they see the region from the point of view to the west of it. that it doesn't mean that you say that may also represent the perspective that is applied to this issue. once like you need to be that the ds, it could be showing a standing position device settings, calling them. and that of course we often hear, especially in european countries about the burning of the holy qur'an the banding of his traditional islamic clothing and schools and female students being prohibited from wearing the head cheap or head scarves in any form. this also
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happens in the workplace. there's strong anti muslim statements made by right wing politicians in europe and mass. if you look at this port, all these cases just stand alone incidents or can one talk about a wider problem or the rejection of everything. most of them in your say, got the luck. i now have you have them done. i don't really believe there is a genuine rejection of islam. the fact that interest is growing is proof positive. it's a different story internally if it turns into a political narrative because the election is gets in place. i mean, it's little tough to talk about. but again, i want to make it more difficult for candidates running in that district to attract supporters. for example, in some countries we see this trend spike during the election. i mean, it gets more attention because it's a matter of finding voters in america all the west. perhaps my daughters have participated in the youth exchange during the american election season. pals.
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question her saying what you cover your headlights, i don't you worry that you'll be bullied by others as well. so from my perspective, it's important to remember that every one has the unique style of getting along the village, even when it comes to wearing a headscarf in an environment that hasn't been used to that. it's about the one who doesn't wear hoods responding to the one who does. this is about the relationship, but about how to maintain the relationship with that i still believe there are more same people in this world, the nurse who would know that i am and that, that hello by the guy. what is your view on how the issue of religion has become a political agenda in these countries today? yeah, to my, if you think the essence of religion, it is important politics. but it seems like the political show up within the past and this decision comes out to be in security. it could be that the person who pulls the religious issue, people are not confident with our achievement. so they pulled a religious issue for us and there was
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a problem. oh yeah. why is religion important for politics? essentially, just a little because of religion is to, god is 5 value years in high values are important for politics. religion is a warehouse all 5 values. component takes benefits from a high regard for religion because it promotes a healthy political climate. but if you just take the show, it politics will lose its meaning. they seems to be a situation where in political seasons, in many countries, the issue of religion is pulled. the past actually is set back for progress and whether he's left or right. is another mass of should i call them? i mean, with migration trends on the rise all over the world and millions of people ending up outside their natural religious environment. what are the main difficulties facing organizations that try to promote peaceful coexistence among people of different religions? does this mean the politics using the cloak of religion is also one of the difficulties?
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what other difficulties does the community face to be able to continue to maintain peace between religions that undermine margaret must have got something to bring up . every area faces unique challenges up on the it takes a while to go to southeast asia and about you to the length of travel living in the southeast. asia is also a more tranquil. we can't rely on only what is taught in schools, in my opinion or school curriculums are important. but in order to promote a healthier way of life rules and regulations governing how people live in this multi cultural or multi religious society must be gretch any question. ok to describe a society's common sense under people of different religion since can get along with each other. that is the application of punch a c, the values. that's another like the president, tim medina, at the time of the dream rest of the realize time, the people were different. the tribes with different religions with different that they could get along. actually punch a c that is taken from such references,
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defining the common interests of a people or a community is 8 states to take the book in each community. the people have a jew, sees that they're like. now how can i do this gotta now we also hear a lot about universal values like a new narrative that many convey not just politicians. many stories are circulating in the younger generation, even do you have any knowledge about whether those universal values actually exist? and how might indonesian people respond to this narrative, given that some argue this is ambiguous. yeah. yeah. it does cause yeah, that's actually an old discussion. what is this a universal humanism has been around for a long time and then the policy discussion was also not sure. so is it repeating that again? should values that apply it generally, that can appeal generally be standardized just like that. without considering regional or local factors on top of that is the cause, the sense of belonging that comes from being east and no indonesia. for instance,
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small cuba is actually west. slavic guess, from where the asian or european is the sense that both universal and regional it is a sentiment that is local, regional, or shed by all agents, including se agents and indonesia. and this is a person's feelings, all unavoidable. but if it is a value that has global meaning, then fine, but of course it has to be negotiable. it cannot be taken for granted. this is the most universal value to well, it's just different from the problems that were faced during the universal terms of humanism debates. yes, they recognize that local value still exists. the local does not need to be globalized. and the global does not need to be localized wilcock. i've left the blood to go on the line you are. and what about menus own values? how can we maintain those local and global values? the local, i mean, you know, i go back and look, we had the, we have the new logo ready to pick c,
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f. i been trying to market office strategies that enable and you to keep it alive. that is preserving be tried and true while creating the new and improved that approach does exist. oh, okay, that's gotta if we're now talking about terrorism sometime ago, there was a terrorist attack that took place in moscow. indonesia has also experience terrorism on that scale, which has hit us hard. is there a country in the world that is completely protected against such tragedies? and what exactly should be done, especially by the government to be able to overcome them, the by, to court on some level con, thing that comes up. what if the you have to understand the whole argument not only in black and white, because people are able to do stuff like that. that is because the terrorist was raised to the set, the environment that enables him to do this. consequently, i believe that the organizations are involved in russia and it's quite quickly to take that into account and address it. but every nation has its own approach to
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dealing with it. so anticipate to get thank god we've able to avoid the difficult conditions that indonesia has encountered from southeast asia office, a unique experience compared to other regions. what makes the difference? yeah, be said that they've gotten the model and able to say that it could be because the big picture is different. it could be for other reasons, but they all domestic fact says, what is the difference between this domestic goals and there's no domestic cause from what is the conflict like a pain in the days yet by itself didn't hold measures have been taken. the results can be seen since the body plumbing, where the government moved quite aggressively. certainly though, if you trace the issue of terrorism, it cannot be directly linked to only religious issues. a terrorist is at least a criminal. they cannot be linked only to his belief. that's a subject that we're going to get anybody he comes back from your experience with p b m u, how is the organization contributing to the handling of this terrorism case?
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where is it the wrong teachings or narratives that are finally shared with the community? does open up a to be better, but the young men, some people specialize in problem solving, whether in the area of religion or imagery performed in cases where charles religious imagination is misguided due to incorrect interpretations and doctrines. this is what occurs when following up off is prioritized event determining the appropriate course of therapy or remedy. children, for instance, utilize some phrases with ease, but we can judge whether this is from the hospital or just something that comes out of the matter with whom am i speaking say, what is the measure of a religious person or a person claiming to defend islam? does he interfere with other peoples? right, so no, i think it might, if it turns out that he intends to defend as well. but homes of the policies is actually as long as there are ways to measure people's narratives and statements that alone. detecting people who do not make statements the naturally early detection methods are available to officials in every nation. and therefore,
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a state officials are concerned with early detection, then community activity. so active base from non governmental organizations and naturally interested in developing a more tolerant, peaceful, and healthy way of living is critical to comprehend the importance of appreciating one another and living in harmony. that it would it be, you know, some way, perhaps not many indonesians or the international community know about the relationship between russia and the p b. and you then either. so where to the story of this relationship again? yeah. can you explain what kind of relationship has been established up until now? got a lot of see, who got the relationship between russians and nations, has been going on for a long time in terms of institutional organizational relations. but of course, it's in the form of government relations, for example, for as far as we know, recorded meetings between n u officials and russian official started during the time of presidents,
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2 condo. in fact several and you lead is a company presence of kona when he visited several sites in russia. so for example, in colorado, in test catch them, there is the to move him on because right. they did most guys, there was a great most cool the cathedral most abrupt essentially and use of course the government's policies. however, the relationship and does not restrict into that when it comes to the people it now for example, there are certain names and sub and brush are all central asia. that's if you have them, you will not be surprised. 40, for example, the name is shake abdul jaime doug. a stormy shows that he's from the caucasus. but the cool cause is certainly positive russia because these names that must these inductive stop and i'm not certain tech install these or radiate parts of russia. and so it includes the names of figures who were in central asia when central asia was still russia. this can be traced, for example, to the name is said, his name is as the account we dug is done because that's the part that was sent to
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the fast. the when people prayed in the congregation, it's a very respected part of the service. it would say one of the next spend the people who is respected as cold as the account. wait, he's from diagnosis dog. and there are more than a few figures from doug stone whose names often mentioned. in fact, if you trace it back to salt and now i mean putting to y'all and his grandfather, salt, and al from it was the one who wrote and made the logo if they grew to. but the symbol of the engine easy and state which has deck a stony blood pass out on a shake as one a was from dug of stone. that's why they named egleston is still attached in the, in full references. i think the last, the one a guess tommy means as to get started. now i thought that goes back. that'd be a whole many. that means the relationship has existed long before and denise has independence make, i guess up until indonesia reached independence and beyond. we on the buckeye,
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the satellite god, yes, the books that he used in the community, religious books, for example, at islamic boarding schools. some of the books helpful. so use a deck style. so there is a close by. yeah, got i and people who took the guess because they learned from the same figures. it's a little different from here in terms of sector. my dad by the see a logical understanding. the math is the same to the reality show fee pre dominates in southern russian role. but then kind of think that the only difference is that one is the terrestrial routes. and the other is the same route, just like in the southeast asia and hit the spice we're going to get to the silk root is the one that gets done, and if the pulse made difference, but the fundamentals of religion remain long should be the site. hello natalie. have me have, what is the relationship like today? oh boy, no big big i the relationship has maintained good terms. the unless we say that there were still visits from one another. for example,
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the visits from russian figures to islamic boarding schools. there are invitations from events in russia to engine easy, and the thing is, if you look at these, we see good relations from bites. potty estimates. like i come up file when i'm biolife. why is it considered important to maintain the relationship between p b and you and russia, given the relationship between indonesia and russia, that is also still very well established by the end, the nation governments, by any share gullow one or how does it answer that going to the last full, the relationship between the people, the relationship between figures can suddenly be learned from a long time ago. for example, there were universities to often invite representatives from indonesia, campuses, in russia, and campuses in indonesia, almost invite figures from russia. that's something that's being developed and it's important to help maintain relations between communities. the person to person that size the building between citizens is important for more peaceful relationship. i need you on the head. but the fact that i'm in what ways can the relationship
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between muslims in indonesia and russia continued to be strengthened to see how, how young woman can come because of the things that allow for a strong understanding or encouraging the ones that promote misunderstanding or avoid it. i guess for example, if there was sensitive issues, we need to deal with them quickly. at those times we office, who is the neighbor of russia, of those countries that but hardly karone, we need to explain that it's very far away, which means it's different to do ma'am, if you look at it that way. but things that allow misunderstandings to it could be a part of what must be addressed about them, but the existing understanding what must be improved and have to be the mind. i see bang yet above us. why be thank you very much, mr. so id for your time and for such an enlightening discussion, not only about the history, but also about what can be done in the future. the
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the video of alleged to abuse by an officer. today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended, there are others besides, this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline, black children, he was there, enforcing a law to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in
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school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops fee for never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the what else they just don't have to see power is the economy and engagement includes the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the. i
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law should we live in justification? we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we'll summoning the payment, the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the known in vietnam, american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any time right now. and then you can just swing them. what is all on the empty
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hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on a boat that not but the american soldiers. miller did resist as most solicitation bowed down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the the
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the in the headlines here in off season national, the un agency palestinian refugees reopens as east jerusalem headquarters offers property was set on fire by as rarely use according to the head of rock in the west by hoping to watch one united patients and staff members killed and other wounded. well israel pound put it off by the death fall on humanitarian workers mount. some of the idea of campaign includes health care system is set to be mostly on the great the police just don't want the not supposed to be in the user at the conversation. is there any police abiding tullison and students from commemorating the not of us oriental.


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