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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  May 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to vision with no real live indians fixtures design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground? can you remember one of the family dinners is to like to see you and magazines receiving these diplomatic produces the audio reporting. i said no, no i am. when i was 26, i used to project as being the way they come to this. i believe i'm in the assessment is the
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hello and welcome i am on. if i'm kid in the evolving landscape of the 21st century, the focus no more than what it is on in the bottom. my guess tonight is an award winning producer, one not only one, but to ask us the last one in 2023 for the document g i live in whispers about in, in the genius couple who is often independent the cops. she has been double the pride of india, a truman change may occur, that'll come when a local pool. thank you so much that i'm so happy to hear the company's name long. i can always be found in c. c can to tell you much. the boutique film production house and the 2019 c one has 1st also got to be 91st academy awards. full period, tentative sentence documentary based on the social stigma. remonstrance in india. last year she on her 2nd, oscar for the elephant was present in the same category. document dream revolves
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around the affinity along the difference between an indigenous couple and an open by the elephant brand new. and it's 5 years up in southern indiana. so many reasons to congratulate you, follow the q. congratulations for one year open. that is also yes, thank you. yeah, very happy. how has managed changed you as a produces that interesting? i think it's definitely made me more come with me. you know, there is this need of love and stable it in life emotionally. yes. i'm somewhat, it also freeze you and makes you even more feel elicit it'll look yes because you know that you have your own. i'm also somebody who lost both my veterans 16 years ago, and i'm the only child. the sense of belonging is something that i have grieved for the most, you know, between all the success and all the verbally treasures. a sense of belonging is something that is a virtue that is most important to me in my life and,
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and it's video and i feel that i have a set of beautiful parents. now a beautiful family. and they're very proud and i think grade that is dead and their eyes and, and their voice for me is the most beautiful reward in the world above and beyond everything that's so true and sending computers. the name was the thing. we need more and you needed a couple. what's the name? now i'm looking for a couple couple from i don't know that you said yes. the indigo. put the when did you start to think your feelings not to produce them but to sort of the i've feelings came into being thing ever since it's messed smooth icing. i was born brought up in a good one, the main road and saw the 3 send them all the singles id number was out of go to everything, just transferred to you know, it's to a little time traveling. you would in college or you wouldn't school as growing up . yours, the eighty's, but i know some background i comfortable, very, very humbly assembly off of just, you know, dad being
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a business person trying to do different businesses, property construction, you know, in delhi to make ends meet with his less families. but my best friends model under the does a good is a name, and she used to be a production coordinator and international phones. and i used to just be holding guns and done so all observing hood ever since i think i was 1516 digitizing her phone. books and compute the, you know, being that the goal in office being the business of creativity. it's actually building a dream. yes, you know, selling or dream getting into life every be. and so much decision making in interest of the dream land. so the highlights that well and that responsibility and wanted to learn more and on the job and strength to strength started as heard in don't in don't ever since i was 1516 and kept going. and by the time i was 1920, i was a line producing big international trends in the canadian of french italian from using an imax document freeze for the shots. just the hor,
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walks of production that i used to hire a lot of equipment from bombay right in light, a lot of actors as and when needed of fall, whichever showed the technical skills were all in one big. so life friends in bombay with the lights, people, you know, i'm the groups guys, those are the people i knew from the managed to call them from shore to shoot in the lead. then by the time i was 21, i decided to move to lumber and raise money for my me. but. and i know wanted to produce utah city letting me do it. i am right keen to understand how is this good for it. and so while i loaned logistics 1st 56 years very, very early on in life, right. i wanted to come to the other side of creative before the logistics dot and that johnny began bombay for me. and that's when i really committed myself to move you out and being the in the for the industry, which was your 1st feeling that you knew it. i did use defend when i was 21. my 1st friend was go see salam india, children, crickets. so like i started in 2006 and we leased it in 2007. why was producing it
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an important factor to not directing, not acting at all, but it's in their mind in the news. that is somebody who collect some money. yes. and sort of that, but i think the concept of invest is completely different. yes. and that's actually a very good question because it took me a decade for delivery. what do you, what i do? united people are people in understand and i didn't know why people don't understand because my education or schooling what i saw was producing ivy's money, both of them. but i chose the script that i want to come to the next couple of years of my life. i've been raised the money i make, i make the business man. it's literally like a startup company every time you're making your new media, high case scenario, what happens you're doing your compatible. then going out to raise money then of figuring, negotiating and all the activities director, making sure that contracts negotiation is done and then you'll get into how are we putting this on screen, how every penny is added on the screen so that it looks better. it looks because
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i'm creatively aligning every to decision making and then sitting again on the at it because that's the diamonds and ms. wade again and then marketing release distribution rebuilding the money its getting the b. yeah. oversight was, you know, so over the distribution cycles. so it, it is very, very exciting and i think it's a very cool business. it's extremely under depth. it's an organized, but it is a very, very exciting business. this industrial ahead is, don't manage and especially in the producers section is dominated by men. yes. but for the woman to be a producer, how difficult was it? i actually didn't even have that lens, you know, to be honest, all the years, maybe a internalized retrospectively that maybe it's an issue, but i always was very exacted by age i just taught. that'd be a very, a just, but as culture, you know, more than gender. we are kind of, you know, not accept the young as an equal. so i colored my head like, you know,
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i was 26 producing gang less of foot. and i, at that point of them, and i was $26.00. i used to project as being fucked. the i'm duty for the uh, what is to project to being for the, to be taken serious rectangle. is your side business? absolutely. you know, just be like if anybody wants a whole layout, you know, to sit on the stable and negotiate multiple good ordeals, easter day. that quest mess the guess. this really taught these only 4 because like exactly any kind of discrimination is not something that you'll see upfront and 11 on, so forwarded upfront. it's all the use utilize and then you also react with that. and then you know, so my reaction to that was started reading studies, reading thoughts with jackets, dressing like or the coloring my head white sting side. and i've been in the rules that have fixed it my thoughts to my middle colleagues, because if i said it might not be taken seriously, it might not be accepted in the contract in big corporate meetings. but those was you don't or the days it's really life?
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no, no, yes. he has so many women on sets. absolutely. so many of them in introducing rules, exemption rules. i don't think people have a choice then to take orders. you know that i've been, that have been times and you'd be with us instead of walkers that you need to get work done. and then they have resistance. they don't look you in the eye. they feel like, you know, we conduct the orders and that's when you did it. like i said, you know, you have to take orders from me, you know, we have to learn to work together and it's fine. everything happens. i remember in my family, my name started coming, art is as producer on so many phones over the years. i have some friends. so the guy who is a lunchbox yes. on set on shy, he gang so less that book i lead to to that equal to color. none of these pictures feature me very so the only different thing about you put effect. so we will change that. we make that end up, but it is a life i many i remember one of the family to knows is to like, you see you in magazines, you see a news people, you had a producer,
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but that was somebody you are reporting to know. i said no, no, i am so, but they couldn't believe it or they're like then let's just somebody are digging orders from like, somebody will tell you how do you know how to do it or do a loan? did you listen to that? you lost, you appeared in 1016 is back. yeah. may i ask who hall? yes. unfortunately they were both on when my mom left last the battery against me and my dad had a very high diabetes and gave me issues and he was in dialysis. the most unfortunate part of this is that they both left in 6 months. so that was a huge hit and i'm the only jake, extremely loved by them. uh, they have really empowered me made me travel. the words above and beyond their means to dizzy or success to some extent. this song uh, northwestern telemundo. uh they saw the 1st one, the very proud they heard the song of may next from the savannah, which was them a mustang. yes, that kid last year song and was whenever i took featuring,
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she's young child director. i got a mock the hood that song which my mom was so so proud of and i still resonated that as a dedication to her. mom could not see that from that saw this and, and then that to who were you doing this all for we always want to say something to look. yeah. my, my dad got that address or not i've done something so amazing there. so right, the actually, i think i just adopted dreams of every detective. i produce terms of so many 1st time directors for me. i was like, ok, all dreams of my dreams, you know, and make it happen for you. so it was just an art, most silvas for the business and you know, above and beyond the financials of it, i just really wanted to work make new boundaries happen. and also i think somewhere
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i connect with them very, very deeply when you um, brands in to talking to them. you know, and, and the guy to me, i feel like i have my 2 angels. i have a way of talking to them, calling upon them, saying, help me here. you know, i am in this situation and that has me navigated or give me an idea that i can get out of this. this been around if you'd like them, guided me for sure and bed and strongly do you know it's a very beautifully born. yes. but yes. for many, many years it was all the 1st time directors that i worked with and all the actors and all legends. i was like, ok, let's go to a fast or let's go when awards. let's go license globally. and that allowed me to, you know, constantly integrated. the business like of the endo front critique of cool production was signed in 1985 is the 1st one to use it in 2011. sort of i'm glad lunchbox. then i used it again for the same quiet my son and. and then i did get a of the 2nd highest civilian award from france. a few producing actually elevates
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the joint e. folsom. and i, or i always see how can i add value and then it just becomes a mission that i take over. so it has been putting a lot of emotions into work and over the years, learning self satisfied substance. and now over the years feeling stable and you have got to ask us. yes. so i think that's the 1st and then you know, technically i have 11 oscar which is fine and defend this press, which is on my name, peter, the end of sentence or script game for the film i have. so if there's an executive producer on the sent me with my company's a candidate introducing the front, what is it called secure, secure uh, to keep learning the learning. yeah. secure entity in mon, mom named it, i'll just say capt reduced defeated. independence was one of the producers, and i served as an executive producer. so my full one in oscar. but for me, in my name, i have one of for elephant visitors when i served as
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a producer. how does your dream keep shifting from 150 to another for this one is a job. yeah, one is producing the fed. one is sort of letting me put in defend together. that gives you a sense of satisfaction. but you also want to take him to some place that has no other answer to this. i love doing this. above and beyond. it's what makes my be me explain night makes my morning i am 40, consumed and is in service of the cut off. i love making some morning to night. i'm thinking about stories and thinking what characters i'm thinking of. how can she know that for the get added, what is the speeds? what are the films that have been made it on the way on this? if you don't, how to educate yourself? yes, that is the commerce bit of it. the odd window for this only is again as a producer shift between both and you know, when i read something, my 1st thought is, who's the best in the body to do this? who's the best and the boy who has done this. and i literally think that everything
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is a good to be a separation is a vehicle to me, right? i don't discuss i expose scripts early on doing this for 15 years. i have some beautiful mentors around the world in europe and us in canada and news and, and, and some cool productions have been beautifully, been adjusted, a jordanian indian co production. it will 1st of its kind female producer from the board. i think that is also thinking like i did forward are similar. i don't work for the awards the happen. you know, but i definitely keep myself aware of what's happening in the we're going to a film festival attending jones, just watching you consume. what do we think back tools to invest to where do each day and one you know, for me, i'm just like, or this is working. you know, this is how the audience in canada, toronto reacted general. uh, maybe we can, you know, attempt alejandro like this in india. i think we recently made
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a phone call in which is an extreme action from it says you all know that's never been done in india. it's a 100 minutes and with 90 minutes of action, non stop action in a close space of a 3 and the moving team. just that experience, you know, is something that we've seen internationally within india. it's the 1st and we paid it into onto a did so with the 1st in the interim that would be sort of globally and, and if sort the us rights and rest of the word rights. and if you release globally, but norm, that's what our distributors, why we also will expand it to that us, but also including the businesses that this individual data, a larger team. how do i expand the footprint of this story? sits at the center of every production and bottom apart from other india. and i think lavonne, yes, those are the only 2 feelings of each mid to the 5 finalists and no other feeling. yeah. and then from the void which believes and leads cinema. what is it that lacks
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us, not just only for india, it's for around the world, any country. and they're all in one gutted, the us international since the whole war since that entries from the country and some of the foreign friends are unbelievable compared to the feeling that us and from yeah, yeah, i've actually more than 2 to be part of that community because it would be so much that the i was like, you know, i've gone to it and look on it and just point fingers. i'm happy to say that the media. i want to see how does this decision mean? so, you know, certain one us to just understand that this is an american award. you know, this is an award that happens in us. yes. and it is gained popularity globally. you know, so this is a competition. and you send your best foot forward in the competition that our thoughts i feel like and, and from me being in the committee or that was the part that was on the table. what v p is the best. so that taught, i see what's us few steps back. unfortunately, the taught us is on what will be accepted exactly the academy will those who vote
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are spread it on the way. how do these voters here to both of them if they're for mislead, at a big festival, or if the for them as one of the festival, if this and this phone distribution in us. and then there's a lot of publicity marketing that happens for that data, which is finding distribution that, that is the basis of word of mouth to drive it across us and levels globally. if we don't put all these criteria into watch selection process or that understanding, i think that has to be a filter. since i've traveled to fest general is step one. and that is the importance of estimates and programmers. they go to every country and discover the gems of defense in every language, and then they put it on the whole watermark if they've been, it can easily win at the toronto a button and bully and then you'd already been one of these 5 festivals. if programmed or 20 festival, that's a mix of english press students that is assumed to be submitted. and if it has a us distributional, then you'll know that there will be a lot of knowledge in
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a running the campaign. that kind of knowledge is something that each 1 may go from your by the time they get their loan and hired a beam, it's truly massive campaigns of all of the have. massive word of mouth has already happened for many more countries. it is at the center of us not moving forward. you know, even logan had 20, but your classic lunchbox had so many victor classic, it's unfortunate lunchbox is not central media. it's an american, be running the campaign and they have done it for $56070.00. the deal is so freaking out of the festival in step one criteria. and step 2, if you have an american distribute, what that kind of breach needs to be made. and that kind of knowledge needs to be widespread. that good idea needs to be a lens of the committee, otherwise the operating and i solution festivals are all just also now have their own clique that it's very difficult to break into that there is
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a process like the old start somewhere 2012. i had videos and games it was supposed to collect a debt again in different sections, 2013. it was uh, once you're in our section, i'm just saying that no, but how does that even happen is uh, showing up at the festival to meet the programmers. you put that effort and also it's the job of program was to discover new voices to be able to do it for them says no it's, it's a part of it's, it's a part of the job. like any executive, it's the job to discover the new language new fil nichols new kind of story building or something that breaks tito. they have something that stands out in the cut off of cinema. so i think interacting with the program was only on meeting them in a go off in festival, or at mommy all of them come and they're looking for for them because the indian uh, programmers on happy doing track and being all the program was in blendy other festivals, and they all know each other, you know, they all the attendance they even if you don't have to apply those and i think go
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visit, you know, meet people, talk to them. awesome. what they're looking for, share what you are doing. that effort of putting yourself out there needs to happen, and that is something i've done over and over and over and over and over again. and that is likely it's an email to be, but it's yours. it's becky. and just, you know, showing up what needs a video. so who does this, this is the do you have? yeah. you but trained by your friends mother. have you trained people many that other young producers will work with me? yeah. it's in part, every time with the selected, i take my team with me because it's important for them to us to see how to network this. how do you know, apply to like go to, can apply for the produces breakfast. you know, it's a few 100 utilized window, but it builds your network is how and this is what, why when a director is also the producer, there's only the smart to detect the can do, can only raise the money and make the joys more powerful. producer director,
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the usa and the director is an employee of the producer may have a 100 percent equity industry. so on the we are a star based system on to produce uninterrupted to be involved in the. yeah. so it's a very strong exactly. and to begin with, absolutely, this is a, it's of any time that you had any argument to be her. yeah, i have legal and ization. so that's the, whoever has a better idea. you know, maybe the more good it's been longer to gets not. i mean, you either choose to participate. we have a lot of fun decisions early on your best improvements to be put little at least any school that goes out of the canada and has had like to indeed jobs. so a lot of gone was asian. it's almost 2 years of development that is happens to be very much in sync. i do a lot of screenings or anyone like non certain people to come and watch friends way before the lease was there before it's on mix. just on the editor, people come and see and it's amazing. you know, we feel like people who are not understand people are very intelligent. so when
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they are directing, if i intend to be up to you, so i don't you don't feel like doing. no, i love producing, it allows me to mean every genre it allows me to, you know, might be task and how and build and then buyers. and so i want to be, i believe i'm in the as best producer globally. i agree with and i want the service that belief system of mine was a d. i was eating some good that you want a feature for them to been yes. and it's waiting to happen. yeah. and also to get that selected from india, if you were to advise, would you, what on the advisory board of today is part of what are the different areas you would want to sort of say, the beach and do that. the area that we can improve upon as talk about 2 things in cinema, which is my, which is the place i can add value and i can having travelers the words having done go production all kids having done so not being docked at all of that. we have a lot of work to do in terms of involving them in my theme is uh women lead. i'm
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doing a lot of them and let films on screen off screen. but when i looked at the statue, it was, it was an eye opening. and the stats were like less than 5 percent. women are directors. so is it that, you know, we don't get confidence to put money into 1st m p. one of the victors, you know, is it what is the walk neck? and how does that open? is that a skill development that needs to happen for them? and writers or women directors is that networking events that need to happen for them is that interactions between agencies and actors exposure needs to happen. they need to travel to festivals, to see the kind of work that people are doing, or they need to remain dojo, skin development and financial support. some sort of leveraging a mixture of this incentivizing. so that'd be stats can change. we have just us the limits of the vision bill. yes, we have the finance ministers. yes, absolutely. and does and lady absolutely. and in fact, a lot of studio heads now in our industry. evan,
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and this is the moment in dying. the 1st time you see the studios that up in bombay, the leg by them, and most of the majority of that the study happens yearly. and the 2nd year the study has now happened of those studies quite over one. yeah, it's run by some companion me in less than 5 percent. they may not directors, if that can be conversations with, i am be with our ministry on incentive raising. the female workforce behind the camera, especially phone story like directors work and then and this starts going to increase . it'll be amazing. and 2nd, it's beyond my understanding, but i do feel like we are. we're progressing, sol, so well in terms of even i didn't trust structure, but i do some live feel like especially the mitchells, especially when we i feel like our insight lay infrastructure. that is something that if we could be attention on in this coming couple of years, it is really it needs someone to engine with also an on metro is getting made and
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i'm sure our government so thinking about it is how do we come down on pollution you know, with that is a lot of incentivizing electric vehicles that is happening. you know, and i know that in the next 5 years, the to be an 80 or focus making a big cities as beautiful as in details of india. as indeed is of why that would be a dream to in headed. what is the bottom of your dreams in 2000 for the survivors of my dreams is equal is, is equal in the interface field. it's at the center of 50 to so multicultural. and that is the beauty of it. you and the lanes of band. and, you know, you especially see decorated in christmas annual enter liens, and you'll see for the liens lit up in the body. and you know, and you and you enter liens, and you'll see midnight meals during the impact as india and all that as well. how did i see a lot of, uh, people taking pride of the small load, you know,
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out of his stations. i see that article can reach it and not, you know, the whole the b will be off, but that is so much unexplored still go ahead is wishing you an oscar for the future for and for you. yes, for our country, for india, for you. i that and may i featured in hudson? yes. and the states together. yes. and go to the tank. it was an if it has been wonderful talking to you. thank so much nice of having and thank you for watching. joining me next week for another 2 minutes. yes. engaging debate and let's stuff out of time on, on this kid much got the the world's largest democracy votes. the rest of the planet. warranty was in an emerging, multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches,
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almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react. the revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples in the french overseas territories. but paris did not want to part with its stores as a profit. silver sign of the colonization was the uprising of the black slaves in haiti . that remote island produced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d as in franchise slaves broad from africa. in 1791, they started and uprising against their oppressors. the black swept away the
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colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson lever to a french attempt to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force. they hated the french manage the captured tucson, loved to or by defeats, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeat. on january 1, 18 o 418 declared independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events and haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only through of slavery,
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but also began to rule their state. the breaking news about the prize of visit china on thursday and friday for his 1st trip abroad. this being in no great cuz it's a new to me as a russian president, us to give them a and see if they can make a surprise visit to steve off. so you please move g loses positions on the ground. washington faces tough questions about who it chooses to simple. how do you have better visibility in you create corners of solicitors and defies us congenital russia. but you don't have the same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally and is your question is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case that's going to answer the question. good job that's a big one and.


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