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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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but also began to rule their state, the breaking news about the prize of visit china on thursday and friday for his 1st trip abroad. this being in no braces the new to me as a russian for president us to give them a and see if they can make a surprise visit to see you've off. so you please move g loses positions on the ground. washington faces tough questions about who it chooses to simple. how do you have better visibility in you create corners of solicitors and far as the us is concerned with russia. but you don't have the same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally, and it's your question is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case that's going to answer the question. good job. that's a big one and that would really hurt you
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a bit. oh my god is over the fence. yeah. some of them i think should be placed all was this now point or from there by the kids. that's what they need for you, right? i do see the policy of every day is really east jerusalem headquarters off it was set on the fly of by is reading the operating share as experience you may have exclusive interview with all the heavy smoke couldn't see. and while in spring i was thinking firestone, i was being stoned by the, by the local community which is complete madness. the is just going to $811.00 a m here in the russian capital. welcome wherever you'll catch in the news uh for them today. this is all requirements says a lot of papers in will lose a china on thursday and 5 they will be his 1st trip of broil since he was
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inaugurated, as near to them as the rest of the president. last week we will bring you full coverage of the event here on off the for more details as cost now to all the horse or the rena costa, rather loretta did saint peter's more about this top level visit these time. oh absolutely. well, we all knew the vladimir fruits and would travel to china after his not duration, but we didn't know when and now we have the dates. and we also know that they are expected to, of course, defend military and economic corporation as well as inc. new energy deals potentially as, as to the bottom of fruits. and we'll also sign the joint statement as well as the number of bilateral documents you will also be attending and events. martin, the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. also, as of the expedition kicks off of the year of russian and chinese culture. so it's something else also a lot of our puts and we'll be doing
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a little bit of traveling around here. we'll visit the hard been and there she will be attending the 8th russian chinese expo, as well as the 4th watson chinese for him on into a regional cooperation. the 2 of course have a lot to discuss. china is, of course a rushes, main trading and strategic partner, of course, has, as we all know. and this a trip of course, will come in. so i contrast to the recent trip by the china is leader who's fresh officers. you a p and swore who went there for the 1st time in 5 years where he had science for a lot of tough questions regarding his friendship and relations with russia. as we know, europe has always been suspicious regarding beijing, so global emissions, as well as its influence on what china is trying to achieve in the region as well as globally. and also we know that europe is having a lot of economic grievances lately with china and some x rays, i predicted that i could sign into a full blown trade voice. of course, on the back triple that this trip?
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is it just like a meeting between 2 friends, a 2 long time business partners, and it's not the 1st time actually someone did the math and apparently, this is the 4th time that the 2 leaders will have a face to face meeting since the beginning of the special military operations solo since 2022. also last year in 2023. of course. not only did the chinese leaders come to must go above. latimer pollutes and also travel to beijing. and now we have 2024. and he'll be back there again because of course, these 2 have lots to discuss and the whole world is watching. what will come out out of these meetings. so the interesting indeed exciting time for both russia and china, i think was one that marina ca, sort of, i think some of the, another high ranking official from russia's defense ministry has been detained on corruption. so there's also a deputy minutes a was arrested just a few weeks ago. the head of the seas, human resources department, usually close, and it's of was detained in laska on bribery allegations. the equivalent of
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a $1000000.00 in cash was found at his home in a separate case deputy defense and as a team or even of has been charged with accepting an $11000000.00 bribe is a quite a bit pleasant dismissed long time defends them is so, so to show you and to re appointed him as a secretary of russia's national security council. president has a nominated, a top, the comic official, the head of the defense ministry, the u. s. secretary of state and everything that has arrived in teams for a previously announced diplomatic mission. the high level visit came off a series of russian military gains in an old east new claim. because its presence was intended to show continue to do a support from q as a pentagon, robinson its weapons supplies. it was his 1st visit in by a, but it was a 1st visit by a, by the administration official says congress,
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last month approved a $61000000000.00 a package for you credit off the several months of heavy discussions. russian if is all continued to improve their practical positions on the phone lines, the pos 2 months or the 2 days. i say the russian army has taken control of 9 villages and ukraine's harv calls region, as well as the reactive. i find the top come on, the of his troops in the province rushed as if, as soon as he has released video footage of ukraine. so just explaining why they decided to surrender. i remember it enough as if we were in physicians together with our comrades in the morning. there wasn't a soul committee nor a few of us loved initially. and we took up a defensive position. done called the evening. there was another salt and i realized horace around it. it was gone far from older ride. and rene flew into or
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try and shut off the truck owens. and we decided to lay down on the way to do that . we were fighting against the russians in a battle of may 10. they weren't drunk. renee did us. we took cover in the bunker, one of our comrades designated the grenay to avoid being taken prisoner after that was the renters, and we raised our hands back not to be killed and came out. we weren't treated well . they attended to all the wounded. i don't want to fight in the morning, it's very psychologically challenging because many of my friends have died overall in the crating, the armed forces, the risk coming to the less petrovich isn't being felt this because the war is difficult and with significant losses. meanwhile, we're saying the bottom of the size was filed him, so in the whole world. so as he was grilled about us, demos time is over the conflicts and you claim i'm goss as how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's the ability to send files to us is concerned
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with russia. but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally, and these are in your question, is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here . and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but we also seem to be talking about and i'm using allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. the russians are doing all this right, isn't from us or to it is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into this. so it's not, it's not, it's not you. so what about the governments of his way of the guns of prussia? how could you have eyes in the grade to determine?
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because i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating international law that you have to prove. and this is a sense of trust and send to finally, how did you have the intern declined in turn to the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that, gosh, an army did war crimes and you pray and you couldn't find that was your loss so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was request. so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law, or was this a us investigation, aided by the israelis, these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum that's going on to the question god, god, to, i'm going to make, i'm has been twice convinced of puppy the li,
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yours trees all countries. similarly, regardless of whether they are washington's allies or not, we don't have double standards. we treat israel, one of our closest allies and partners just as we would treat any other country. it's absolute level standards and look at how the united states has been speaking about russia and in regards to its conflict with the ukraine. you know, it's, it condemns russia. uh for the things that, that uh, frankly, is nothing compared to with israel is doing is really isn't fast. a mastercard and children, it's killing journalist. it's committing for risk funds against humanity in a way the world has never seen. certainly in a way that russia is not doing so for the, for, for america to condemn. russia was the same time on israel to commit crimes against humanity shows an extremely disgusting, double standard and hypocrisy the united states needs to stay out of these international conflicts. it has no business leasing russia,
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and it has no business supporting israel to do things that are unimaginable that, that countries like russia and many others have condemned around the world. one has changed gaze out is a really service have set fire to the jerusalem headquarters of the united nation agency for a posterior refugee. it was a good awesome attack in recent days. now the latest incident occurred, also the organizations west bank, directly to confirm that the office was reopening and an exclusive interview with all to it was 3 days, the main office, the palace tvs or another, was down. i see it another bilingual tag when the compound was set on fire and they had stated that it was closed temporarily pending the restoration of proper security. we are the 1st journalist on the ground and as the agency is about to
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announce that it's reopened, this whole thing was a brush fire all the way down. it started around this bus stop area and we have it all on cctv. yeah, we found it here, so that makes when something something, something an incendiary. i don't know what it was and it came all the way. it went very fast and the fire came all the way down this way. so, and this is a very densely populated residential area, apartment buildings everywhere. and then we had a 2nd fire 2 hours later. and the other end of the compound or small fire was contained quickly. but it was very close to the petrol tank because we have a fuel station. yeah. so it petrol and diesel tank there. and that that would have been a nightmare because it would be a huge explosion, right? thousands of leaders of fuel myself as the director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself. and you know, it's crazy and retrospect,
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but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by stones. oh wow. i was being stolen by the by the local community which is complete madness. you know, but the fans is so high, so it is high. but the sounds that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on, you know, clamping down with only, uh, one right is a terrace organization, whatever they were yelling. so i think they were watching it as if it was like a, you know, football match or something. the new office has been temporarily closed. i was, it was said that uh, it will remain closed until uh, securities restored, correct? yeah. now we are as far as i understand the 1st journalist on the ground. uh when you are about to announce that it reopened. so secure which is restored. now you feel safe,
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so thursday not this will happen thursday night last week. yep. we close the office that evening and friday we we work on monday to friday schedule in the duracell office. and this is the west bank field office supporting the west bank and east jerusalem. friday we were closed. we did have an emergency meeting of our donors and partners that day to explain exactly what happened and to also communicate the severity of this. this isn't our send attack on a un installation in a city, in a very busy city. and so we were the, i think they understood, and we're really grateful for the, the, the statements made by all of our different member states. understanding the severity and we close in order to assess a number of things. we had to assess all the, any of the damage. we had to check the old, the hoses, the water hoses, fire hoses, some of them had a defective nozzles. we fix that. we had to recharge and replace fire extinguishers that we had to use during the fire. so we had to do a number of things like that. we increased our security around the compound. we double checked, all of the cameras are still working because sometimes the smoke can affect the
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cameras. so all of that was was done. we made our official complaint and report to the police or doing the investigation. we had a meeting today with the police, as i said, no way we did what we feel we could in order to reopen the office today, which we did that sounds to me like you are expecting more attacks and like the threat is still there, the injury is still there, but you are just better prepared. there were better prepared. yeah. and i really hope that it is calm down. so, you know, i, i really think the police understood the severity of this. you're in the middle of the orthodox community here. and you said you've been always the neighbors absolutely much. yeah. so what happened when did change? it's really strange actually because we've never had any issues at all of any kind with the community that's here. nothing. they have their, their lives. then we go about our business, this is an office, you know, this is not a busy bustling place. people come in on buses and car as they do their job and then they go home at the end of the day. so it's actually quite quiet as a, as a,
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as an office is quite large. but it's, you know, with different offices and warehouses and things like that disturbing. yeah. yeah. but it's not a disturbing, noisy place. so nothing at all. um, but i think lately there's been a lot of intense rhetoric and the media statements made by political figures. a lot of attacks on, on right, as an organization that we are somehow we are home us or we are, you know, part of the problem and part of the conflict when we're not, we're a mandated you an agency to provide services to the palestinians until there's a just solution to the conflict. so we're a political in a way caught up in this very political situation. and that i think is what happens is that the community often children and others in the, in the neighborhood has now been, i don't know instrumental lives or something has now been pulled into this conflict . and they're seeing all of these demonstrations and they're somehow getting involved in a way which is very violent. the under, within israel towards another was started building of their earlier this year is row claims that over
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a dozen employees of the un bought into called and they have misled a tax back in october, which resulted in hundreds of civilians and military mode and scores kidnapped under what has repeatedly denied all that they gave sions, but is really wrong to an activists have started stage and multiple protests in front of the agencies offices ever since. so we think the attackers are coming from this community because when we did see a lot, yeah, because we said kids on bicycles riding around. others that came and were in front of the of the compound is kind of a mix of people. some that were seem to be more local and others that were coming in from, from settlements. um, you know, we had even one uh, one adult that was in a kind of military uniform. didn't look very official but, and kind of army fatigues with the rifle. so when you start adding angry people, rocks sticks, guns 50, it's very dangerous. and so we're hopeful that all of this remains. tom, you are responsible for on the activity and look at, look at the kids. yeah,
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yep. yep. so some kids that are just going by. yeah, yeah. but there's always what they were and i didn't know that there's always a lot of a lot of elders show a little better. and that's how they say, hello. the throw in stone. yeah. but the kids that are probably bored and somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us, but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily. but we'll get this that's a big one and that would really hurt you if it is. oh my god is over the fence. yeah, some of them i think she'll be placed on was this now waiting for the on saturdays from the by the kids. that's what they need. why you're doing this here. he said, we don't want to hear. do you think it's kind of feeler of these really forces?
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i mean, since security is supposed to be provided by israel, and do you see it as a favor from this side? well, i think i can do better. and, and this is what came up in our conversation today. is that a few weeks ago or months ago. busy there were protests that were very organized, the police came, they set up a metal barrier that kept everyone away from the gate. like on the other side of the street, there were many protests. there were people with megaphones and making statements and batteries. remember that very much in organized kind of ministration, but far away from the gates. we had perfect access to both of our entrance points that somehow deteriorated. and so last tuesday, when we had this very aggressive demonstration, there were police there, but they were not managing the crowd. then we said, we told them we said this is not, it's not hard to do. you know, i think normally if the police are there and they keep people back, you keep them away from the gate because we need access to these gates in case there's any emergency ambulance or fire, anything that we experienced there. so yeah, just to happen. yeah, i think that they, they need to do probably
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a more structured job like they had done in the past. it could be dangerous, you know, having people throwing rocks up to you is a dangerous thing. so we're hoping that community also can help calm things down. the police were also discussing this today that maybe they need to work with a rabbis to also make it clear that you know, this is dangerous. yes. and the most, this is dangerous behavior. as we were leaving the under wall headquarters, the crowd of youngsters armed with stones started growing bigger and bigger. the office might be reopened, but this threat is still their grief notional out t is jerusalem. molden faulty people were detained at the latest protests in our media as them. and so it is called for the resignation of the country. as prime minnes, the police carried away protest as an attempt to discuss the trials more than
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a 150 people were detained. at a previous dest demonstrations of the day before, rather that the prime minister nicole pass in you and is preparing to make a deal to the same land in neighbouring as of a dom in order to avoid a potential and complex the sooner the fullness of 8 hundreds of low engaged in total disputes whisper rudnick rochester, the deadly blind. the. now, what's the important thing is that fine? so blake must go for their own refusal to import russian energy supplies. according to the british prime, is it risky? sooner as onto you don't go to inspire once again, the west is shooting itself in the foot. and once again, it scape going russia with the u. k, as prime minister pointing the finger at moscow for all of his energy, was putin's recklessness. has taken us closer to
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a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis. russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons as i went through and cut off the gas supplies. they had a devastating impact on people's lives and present out energy security. and about so next main lie that moscow allegedly stop supplying energy resources. so the remaining operational thread pipeline be of the nord stream to gas pipeline system is still operational. but it's closed on the west side. the heads of european countries in particular, sholtes openly admit that they can hardly imagine the operation of the preserved gas pipeline. why? because they forbid it in washington. nato says it was lot of mere potent who single handedly had gas problem. close the valves on gas exports to the west for a long time when it comes to politics. we thought that if you have a mutual economic relationship between nations, we will never have morgan. well that has been proven roll because we thought we had
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a contract with gospel. we thought we bought our oil and gas from a company. but if this were that wasn't true when put and set the gus from close the valve. they did it. it's not in that contract, only someone with the memory span of a gold fish could forget that it was the west own anti russian policies that force russia to shut off the gas back in 2022 gas problem pleated with siemens to restore damage turbines to working order along the north stream, one pipeline. but the western sanctions made sure that was a no go. instead of lifting them. europe piled on more band russian colon ports and put similar measures on seaborne crude oil. more recently, brussels even voted to allow for the banding of russian, alan gee. and with all those constraints on the west own energy supply, the leaders of the so called free world had been nothing but ecstatic. today to get his ended oh, imports of russian liquefied natural gas were cutting,
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put an offer from funding his illegal war and support in countries around the world to reduce their own dependency. we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune uses to finance is atrocious. war and ukraine, and now all work of the last month really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas. since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only cheaper, which is what i said. i know a little yes. the rest of the data obtained significant revenues in 2022 because the price of sky rocketed and we're still defining the russian gas an oil loss. and there is no longer the case to run this. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost the russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last, january not in prison. i know, i know that let me russian gas will have cost for you or,
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but it's not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint. is kind of put us on a much stronger strategic footage. the west justifies all these restrictions as part of the campaign to restrict funding for us is military operation. at the same time though, the u. k just struck a multi 1000000000 pound deal with the french fuel giant total energies. a company the trades in russian gas. total energy is one of the largest buyers of russian gas globally. they've played a key role in bring food and sell in g, a crucial lifeline for rushes. more time economy to market for government focused on energy security and supporting ukraine. buying gas from title should be a non starter. on top of that, new delhi is importing a record amount of oil from russia. and britain is importing 175 percent more oil from india, then it was at the beginning of the military operation. according to india's external affairs minister, the whole situation has been of great help to india's energy in ports. and it's
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contributed to deeper cooperation with russia. there is a big debate about this, our buying item from the that debate started because people are trying to. but i said, i assess not to do it. and we headed off position or shot has become a big not to that as well as provide that for. and we used to help create art grade levels with $10.00 to $15000000.00 annually to do the crossing 60 maybe $70000000.00 with brush. why? because it's not only only because all its high quality call it this metals of various kinds that this part of life is. it looks like the more sanctions the west deployed, the more loopholes appear alongside them. a convenient way for western leaders to pay lip service to their own anti russian policies. and actually in rich russia's partners by buying oil at a 3rd party premium. well, that runs out of this and use, i'm nice. so the $360.00 view talks about the top freedom fighters around the world,
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and we'll be back in a couple of them. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain. but on your bill is us an obama move dining probably now now about seeing what it's done or when you see it, all the on use will stay at alley. it will save you from there. so fast as you know, the volume, it was really so what i need to file a pass code for this. most of all this stuff in this one is known as the guidelines source or cit, emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than the something is active uranium,
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but still it's radioactive. it has toxins that they can killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so these of us here again, let's see the eco seats. not going good. i don't, you know, those rooms with them all. i was suggesting we farm sell grace bill, call us what they were just the, the, the, it seems like in modern times, everything has arranging from culture to economics. and of course, political song lists are considered to be an achievement to be included, while others are less desired sky. now here's an on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss a recent list of the top freedom fighters around the world. and if this is an honor which only places a larger target on their back,
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let's get started. the dan wooten, who is a journalist and broadcaster from new zealand, has just published a list of the 50 biggest freedom fighters all around the world today. now wooten who has been canceled himself included many people who are subjects of cancel culture and came to rise again, fighting for their beliefs and one of the biggest m s. m. b 's helps in history. i was taken off and because of comments aren't spokes made about the flames throwing life just comments that ava send tina. as my friend making, kelly told me, you at the 1st full cost in this quote to be cancelled, but not being offensive enough by something. of course, this is all personal opinion. no, paul was say it was taken. and even in the comments below, his initial post he agrees is quite subjective. and there are many people who probably could have included. however,


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