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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the, the, the high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption charges, a suspect to the receiving and particularly log drive. us at the top of the zip them, i'm just able to make those supplies and visit the keys off so you can move to the office positions on the ground, washington basis. tough questions about whom it chooses to simple. how do you have better visibility and you create when there's a political implies to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of disability when you're dealing with an ally of these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here, and that is just simply not the case that's going to answer the question, go ahead, provide available and then problems to visit china on thursday and friday. but as far as simple roads has been, you know, do i did need to as
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a rushes present the, let's get the company today for the latest global news around up i'm rode home. i me and this is our team. and so that's another high ranking official from russia's defense mercy left the tenant, general unity cars. and if so, has been detained on corruption charges. also definitely a few minutes. it was arrested just a few weeks ago because that so has been a choose of accepting a fit for the large bride. that goes into the investigation in 2021, 2023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation. because its off received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions. invest favor. a lot of discuss this and i'm joined now
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by of c correspondent and donald for the donald. this is a disturbing somewhat, but what, what details do we know about what's going on with this left side in general? well, after searching the residences of your e cause and solve the investigative committee found over one $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins, and luxury products. and this is an offense, right? that could land anyone including social position up to 15 years in prison, according to russia's legal code. um now, according to who exactly cruise? no, i mean in terms of who exactly it was and so was, or is rather who's the head of the general staff between 202-010-2023. this the position that deals with serious state secrets connected to the ministry of defense . and just last year he became the head of the main personnel director of the military. so there's a guy with serious state responsibilities and he's had them for a long time. i didn't hear a few weeks ago,
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donald about somebody else also being arrested. what do we know about him? that's right, the deputy had of the administrative defense was actually detained to not so long ago. and he's still being held on charges. also of bribery specifically for receiving favors from military contractors to the tune of 10 around $10000000.00 worth. so again, this is another um, you know, if, if he ends up being convicted for these charges and other seriously a big example of bribery. wow. wow. and did you, that was it was this guy on you call the help but think that the credit has to be sort of like looking over here and sit thinking that, you know, things are going by the, for russia, but, well scaling you credit. i mean, we've had some similar so problems avonlea. well, yeah, of course, i mean, corruption is something that the varying degrees happens all across the world. but, well, obviously russia is actually going after corrupt politicians. it looks like and ukraine, they're allowing these corrupt politician is over there to basically ransacked the
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military. i mean, we've seen tons of reports that suggest that billions of dollars have been essentially stolen throughout ukrainian military's construction of defenses throughout the heart of region. and this is something that a lot of ukrainian soldiers, understandably, are very frustrated with what's taken less than what they have to say. over 2 years, concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border. and they were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the a 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished in terms of the ukrainian
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example, though, i can't say that it's very surprising because let's not forget, i mean ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe before the russian military operation began. and with this never ending flow of money and weapons to the west without basically any checks and balances in terms of who was going to. i mean, the corruption situation there is spun even more out of control than it was before . yeah, it's really interesting. and 8, i'm sure, as the more i'm the wisest story divides over. so you'll keep us up to speed uh, t's adult who was always a pleasure to have you in the see the so thanks again for your time. a matter of the story is us a secretary of state, anthony lincoln has arrived in keys for a pre with a c analysis diplomatic mission. the high level visit in k will offer a series of russian moving gains in the middle east and ukraine. because presence was intended to show, continued us supporting the full keys as appended ramos up its weapons. suffice. it
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was a 1st visit by a, by mid meditation official. says congress, last month, the boot is $61000000000.00 and all the aid package. the played off the several months of heavy discussions. watson troops are continuing to improve the types of who positions on the fi lives over the last over the past 2 days. and i say the russian army has taken control of 9 villages in equal harkell region, zaleski react, and say that by firing the top come on to of his troops in the province. rushes defies them as he has released. also video footage ukrainian sold explaining why they decided to surrender. i remember it enough. i see it there. we were in physicians together with our comrades in the morning. there wasn't a salt camino where a few of us loved initially and we took up a defensive position then called the evening. there was another salt and i realized
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horace around it. it was gone far from all directions, a grenade, flew into our try and shut tropical ones. and we decided to lay down on the way to do that. we were fighting against the russians in a battle of may 10. they weren't throwing grenades at us. we took cover in the bunker, one of our comrades designated the grenay to avoid being taken prisoner. after that we surrendered. we raised our hands back not to be killed and came out. we weren't treated well. they attended to all the wounded. i don't want to fight in the morning. it's very psychologically challenging because many of my friends have died overall in the crate and armed forces, the risk coming to the less petra tease and being felt this because the war is difficult with significant losses. may allow us to say the above us deputies has lots of found himself in whole world. so as he was grilled about us, doubles time is over the coverage in airplane. and also how do you have better
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visibility in ukraine when there's a little bit of in size? the us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally. and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but we also seem to be talking about and i'm using allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable when use of russians are doing all this right? is up to it is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into. so it's not, it's not, it's not you sort about the governments of as well to get under pressure. how could
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you have eyes in the grade to determine because i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating international law that you have to prove. and this is a sense of trust and send to finally, how did you have the intern declined in turn to the russian army to violate international law? when you concluded that discussion, army did war prize and you pray and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was the question? so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law? or was this a us investigation, aided by these rules? these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum. that's going to the question, go ahead on time and come,
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has been trying to convince the above. basically us treat all countries similarly, regardless of whether they are washing, says allies or not, that we don't have double standards. we treat israel, one of our closest allies and partners just as we would treat any other country. it's absolute level standards and look at how the united states has been speaking about russia and in regards to its conflict with the ukraine. you know, it's faith condemns russia. uh for the things that, that uh, frankly, is nothing compared to with israel is doing is reopen, isn't fast. a mastercard children, it's killing journalists. it's committing for risk, finds against humanity in a way the world has never seen, certainly in a way that russia is not doing so for the, for, for america to condemn. russia was the same time farm is real, to commit crimes against humanity shows an extremely disgusting, double standard and hypocrisy the united states needs to stay out of these
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international conflicts. it has no business leasing russia, and it has no business supporting israel to do things that are unimaginable, that countries like russia and many others have condemned around the world requirements as a lot of inputs. and we'll visit china on thursday and friday, it'll be his 1st of a bowl since he was a noble i did to is new to him is rush of president last week. oh, think correspondent, moving a customer of as the details don't use vladimir putin will travel to tie now after his not duration, but we didn't know when and now we have the dates. and we also know that they are expected to, of course, defend military and economic corporation, as well as inc new energy deals potentially and asked to the bottom of fruits and will also sign the joint statement as well as a number of bilateral documents. you will also be attending an event marked in the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. also,
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as the exhibition kicks off of the year of russian and chinese culture. so something else also a lot of our puts and we'll be doing a little bit of traveling around here. we'll visit the, our bench and there is who will be attending the 8 russian chinese expo, as well as the 4th watson chinese form on into a regional corporation. the 2 of course, have lots of to discuss. china is of course a rush as a main trade thing and strategic partner, of course, as, as we all know. and this a trip of course, will come and start contracts. so the reason for it by the time is leader who's fresh off his european tour. he went there for the 1st time in 5 years where he had to answer a lot of tough questions regarding his friendship and relations with russia. as we know, europe has always been suspicious regarding beijing, so global emissions, as well as its influence on what china is trying to achieve in the region as well as globally. and also we know that europe is having a lot of economic grievances lately with china and some x rays,
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i predicted that i could sign into a full blown trade award. so of course, on the back triple that this trip is a just like a meeting between 2 friends, a 2 long time business partners. and it's not the 1st time actually someone did the math, and apparently this will be the 4th face to face meeting between the 2 liters since the beginning of the special military operation. so since the 2022, just last year alone in march, the chinese presents was in moscow. then in october the russian leader visited beijing. and this is some of the statements that came out from those fresh meetings . so yeah, the geographic region of the belt and road initiative stretches across eurasia and all the way to latin america. over $150.00 countries and 30 international organizations have signed documents on cooperating within the belt and wrote initiative. the initiative is based on principles of bilateral discussions and mutual benefits for the new and we have repeatedly noted that russia and china,
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like most countries of the world, share and aspiration for equitable mutually beneficial cooperation in order to achieve sustainable long term economic progress that i see, it won't allow me to see the, the chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last 10 years and are of crucial and vital importance for today's world order. your russian chinese relations are at the highest level ever and are exemplary. to do so, as you saw there, it's their vision of our multi paula world which unites the 2 countries and of course, attracts others which is why the west will be waiting to see what will be set in those meetings. what they will decide and what impact that will have on the rest of the world. but let's get some more insight on this and this course live to beijing to see to and cause wonder they call you thank you so much for joining us today. now of course he does have the vitamin puts in his on his way, it's in china, it will be there on thursday and friday. but so what do,
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what do we know about the trip from beijing's side? betrayed the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, announced on a to state the russian president of one of our put and we'll make it 2 days to visit to china this week. put in with me, of course, chinese liter, excusing pain during this visit, starting on thursday and the kremlin in a statement also confirmed president clinton's trip to china. and of course, voting was going at invitation to president shooting, paying at said that this will be put into the 1st uh, foreign visit since they're not gonna ration for a new term as uh, but the price then. so as early as march preferably spokesperson demetri, pest golf also told media outlets that there are several presidential visits and high level contacts were being prepare. so that is regarded as the early clue for this upcoming trip. so chinese foreign ministry said president,
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she would disguise with puts in co operation in various fields of bilateral relations as well as international and regional issues of common concern. sorry, you know, we, how significant is this of benefit china? i mean that we heard how important is for russia for bite, i filled so for brotherly relations. but if it's china, is this an x? is this something quite significant, especially as is put to his 1st trip, says his new integration as well. just so you know, this visit comes as the 2 countries celebrate their 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations. so it goes without saying that this visit, it's a symbolic, it's a symbolic gathering on chinese ministry hasn't really given much detail of what exactly might be touched upon during this trip. but it is expected that the top a topics concerning energy concerning national and regional security economy and
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tre, they could all be brought on and be talked about in china as for ministry spokes person, while one being actually said, and at an earlier conference that the diplomatic efforts between the chinese and russian as of states play a strategic role in guiding bilateral relations. both leaders agreed to continue maintaining close interactions to ensure that the relations between china and russia progresses smoothly. instead, it was all a little more human know if you like. uh, is russian seen as a friendly country to china on a day to day, you know, but for general public guy. yeah. so china and russia are both developing countries under the brakes framework. they go way back. they have so much in common seeking development through cooperation is only natural for is in
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stock in a couple of weeks. we're also going to see is china is also expected to stand as delegations to, to russia, to attend the st. petersburg, economic form as well. so again, there are certainly a lot to expect down the road this year have it's very just indeed one to watch the show of an affidavit that died k e c g t n a correspond to in beijing o. as opposed to thank you for your time. i is that more than a full st. protests is, i've been detained in our media as they called for the resignation. the countries promised the who is counted up away protests is in an attempt to disclose the trials hold a 115 people were detained at a previous demonstration,
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the day before other rivers at the prime minister in nicole passion. yon is preparing to making deals to see lined to neighboring as i don in order to avoid a potential conflict that was too full of soviet come to the lonely, engaging territory of this reasons for rudnick robinson of dudley. the bar that says it gives out is really officials have a choose the united nations of using a fake thing. so when reporting on the desktop in gaza, that's off of the un office full. the coordination of humanitarian affairs, reduced by almost off is assessment of the total number of women and children killed. and the conflicts this off of the u. s. o. c. h, a slash the women and children fatality numbers by house. it's time to address the
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big guy that's sent in the room who can prove the number of guns repeated and then use 2300000 is accurate once you and spokesman blame inaccuracies of palestinian civilian deaths and goes there on the fault of all the miraculous resurrection of the dead and gaza. anyone who relies on fick data from a terrorist organization in order to promote blood libel against israel is anti semitic and supports terrorism. while the death so has been revised down. it does not dismiss the 5 of women and children have become victims and the confidence of the you and i didn't see daily report on may. the 6 said that 9500 women and 14500 children had been killed in the since the war began. is it port on may the 8th cutting those numbers by almost half off 5000 women and 7800 children as well as alive now. so active is jonathan
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paula, threatening me. so thanks so much for joining us here today on, on the change i have, you know, the 1st question, the other it is, uh, why would the un cut its numbers by off a? well, 1st of all, the un simply didn't cut its number numbers by half. what is happening, the best to the best of my understanding is that the numbers are being confirmed. obviously a time of for, of such a proportion. uh, it is very difficult to confirm the numbers. uh, what happened is that all the numbers have been cut off. uh, it's simply a partial confirmation of part of the dips. so out of over 35000 tests to, to point they've got the ministry of health had been able to confirm the identity of about 25000. and that is the reason why the number of women and children had
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gone down. the total number of days had not gone down. um and as far as we know, the, the numbers mentioned before the numbers of women and children mentioned before. it is not inaccurate, it might be, it might not be accurate, but that is not what this represented by the new numbers. the new numbers are simply a reaffirmation off some of the data and it is partial and in fact is not slashed by half. it is slashed by 10 percent because if we take the number of women and children previously published from the 35000 people and the number of women and children out of the out of the 25000 that have been confirmed. now it is a drop of 10 percent knocked offline, not actually like 50 percent. so that's just so we have the,
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our numbers and facts straight. the, the other point is that this is simply as the lowest point of the policy base rates with self revise down significantly. the numbers of people killed on october, 2nd half from over from about $1600.00 to about $1200.00 and, and we were talking about the state not in, in a total state of florida, not on their own going, bombardments in a, in, in a tax. so, you know, the popular see here is just imaginable and they've deeply, but they're simply using the confirmation of the number and basically the due process done and checking the data by the you and, and by the, by the people you guys are supplying the information to try and hide the fact that
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if there is committing genocide in gaza and if it is committing jo, signing does a by all sorts of piece, of course, by deforming vendor killing. but also by starving the people who doesn't denying them their basic rights for food, water, medical, medical treatment. and this is done in gaza and it was also done by you through outside of just just yesterday. we've again. so by doing it very protesters locking aid convoys for over 6 hours and to night, torching to a trucks under way from from jordan to got that there are the detect happen yesterday, this happened 46 hours in there and the police make for me to, to my knowledge, this is not preventing, this is not providing aid and preventing people is,
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i mean, it varies from hindering it. and i would like to remind everyone that genocide, the intent of genocide is almost never demonstrated in top to bottom orders. in fact, serbia was complete and was not convicted of committing genocide in so many so but simply as not preventing demolition from committing. so there were no direct ties. there was not a direct order as from this, from serving leadership or serbian army to commit genocide, they simply did not preventive. so i'm the thing to evaluate the zoom out here just for a 2nd. just zoom out here and you're saying that the is lady protel the the, the angry is right is basically they said that. 1 bases are focusing on the numbers because they want to take away the pay the attention away from the, as you said, the data science being echo is that the reason why these numbers are being phased
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right now. to take the attention away from what actually go on in the grounds. absolutely. if you're out, it's trying to use the fact that, that the numbers are being confirmed to divert attention from its committing all genocide from the dentist, genocide of discourse that has taken on very, very society towards technicalities. how, how are numbers being counted? howard numbers being confirmed, are we speak? are we talking about 25000 did or, or 35 or 35 will only put on quotes 25000. that israel is indiscriminately giving people in gather it is starving gods on it is denying it aid. it is denying it walter. it is denying it a few and it is denying it much needed for medical treatment. a tough thing. you know this, this in the is all these attacks of,
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in your own for many months now. we here in the media throughout the world, people told me about the genocide go all me it we, we see the protesters of, of the use of old around the world was the next step of we see a is not getting through the us as well on the israel same does attack rafa, but it seems like the, the, you know, the international community is not moving as it should they, what should they be doing? absolutely. um, what we're seeing and gather it's a, it's a failing off of the international community of international institutions. we are past a nice to j decision. second, it's a j decision for further prevent persian ary pollution of measures. a un security council calling for the, for an immediate cease fire. nothing happened following none of these things and
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concrete steps are not being taken. it is, you know, you said that the us is pressuring israel. it is, it is almost of if, if the super power in the us, if it's uh, if its proxy state things are in rivers here. if the us had wanted to stop, if the youth had stopped him and it is high time for this to happen, for your opinion appeared, it would be in countries to start treating israel as the international criminal that it is. and for the international community to late, actual measures to stop is dropped from committing genocide for completing its genocide engraving. while he made some excellent point inside job inside the this seems to be going on for longer than it should have in the 1st place. i'm gonna have to leave of this sadly. so i was important. thank you so much for joining us here today. i was just talking to thank you for having. wow, that. so for me,
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for today as always is good, good to have your company here with me throughout the day from 8 am until this time . but my colleague mike, to quote, you will be with you at the top of the alice liability on a very good day. the, the the the news that as we will lose each kilogram going, any sort of good. so, but shift for you just open that experience 3 to us as well. the problem or
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the material costume for them until frontier to bounce off. okay. no, that's more than that. i might have just just, just when she was leaving the sponge union for us to prep or could think of the other spring mind that i'm for transit almost so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new industrial. sure. 3rd, school control, there's a batch of all of us, probably not. i'm not, we've been here. thank you for the deal. the expedia.


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