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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the levels and this will be the, the rocks outside the georgia in quantum and as the low make is within its pass a transparency bill, a high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption and charges are made obligations of taking the launch abroad. thank you so much. thanks for coming . thank you. the thank you for. thank you so much. thanks with thankful where a sample may new things from ukraine's president, as he welcomes washington's latest military support, hoping it will revise on increasing a grim picture on the back of the field to get this sense
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a big one. and that would really hurt you a bit. oh my god is over the fence. yes, some of them i think should be placed all was this now point to the use from there by the kids. that's what they need on the fire off the beams set on fire. the un agency for the policy and refugee's reveals plans to reopen is jerusalem offers despite being repeatedly attacked by use ready, secular. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by stones while i was being stone by the, by the local community which is complete, the change an option of reaching you from the russian and capital. welcome to the latest on the dates of michael watching that we start this out with breaking news of georgia and lawmakers of past the transparency bill, which has pumped out rage among the public already protesting outside the
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parliament. the crowds of take into the streets of police in opposition to the bill. some of being seen painting the. busy for the parliament read and the bills, bills, of course, good tempers to boil over not just outside the building, but also inside the members of the ruling party, reportedly attacked an opposition representative during readings of the draft legislation. the available force and g o's to be more transparent about their funding sources, washington's condemned to the law of pulling at the time down. the civil society groups filed common congress of even threatening assumptions. and that's despite the new bill of merely similar legislation in the united states.
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now with this cost of the situation with the mario, but you know, a russian m p and the member of the american, the victim brother, how the american foreign agents law actually says that the western reaction to the georgia bills, max of double standards, you know, it's quite surprising, so near to hear that this is a controversial lot because know what the country is trying to do is just to build it so that in a t and there. so they can, can see who is working. i mean from the angels and who is the are? well, i would say the most are all the pair from these special surprise to see that these comments are coming from the west. i mean, from the united states that has 6 different laws, they go to 2 different types of foreign agencies, since ones are sold one and sizes and size. so i think it's that looks like a double standard. i haven't been there with some of the law and what i see today
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in georgia, if you compare us and georgia in law, what they actually do, they just, it's all about transparency uh the u. s. lawyers involved to this people. they are view democracies, price range. so if i were to speak to these people say, hello guys, if you talk about democracy, talk not about such things as be a lamb on or new grounds, but look, is to the cam. how you actually follow these poor people, right? this is celeste injustice and not the united states. no, the united states has any rights to dictates to all the people what laws they should have in for an agents. georgia decided the pos which is in the middle between the soft russian law on the street, us law. this is the right, this is the age of justice and prosperity. well, if you come to somebody's house,
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just tell what your goal is and be fair and be on this. this is what this forum agents laws are about. another high ranking official from roches defense ministry has been detained on corruption charges. just weeks after, a deputy administer was also arrested. less than a general uri could have solved the keys of taking a launch bride. as they go into the investigation in 2021, 2023. as the head or the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions in the favor. off to searching the residences of this, your equipment, solve the investigative committee, found over $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed the
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sick, a bland him in prison, for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, be served as the head of the general staff in russia. from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history defense as well. late last month, the deputy head of the russian administrative defense was detained. he's still in detainment right now, being held on, again, bribery charges like equipment solves and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors for military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment solve. this is at the same time as a lot of our put in and suggested replacing the head of the russian ministry defense survey. shy, go with someone else a, an economist by trade, a man named andre below so. so of course,
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we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach struction to something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to. and following itself, we have to interest and that, well, russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. ukraine's essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses in the heart of region. and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. some ukranian soldiers have
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even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and there were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the a 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where and ukraine, this corruption problem that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. and as we mentioned
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earlier, ukraine is facing an increasingly belief picture on the battlefield ride. now, russian troops of taking control of the town will grow vodka in the fuck of region . you can see that the make up, all right there. now that adds to the 9 villages also captured there in the last few days. now being while the us secretary of state onto the blinking has arrived the key of on a surprise visit. and the high level visit comes i met the russian military gauge blinking. his presence is intended to show continued us support for key of as dependent the wraps up. it's a weapon, supplies that you want. the 1st visit by binding the administration, the official sends, accomplish. last month, approve the 6 to 1000000000 dollar a package for you 3 following months of wrangling and you creating as president didn't shy away from saying just how sign full he was for that support.
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thank you so much. thanks for coming to you. green spring is that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also. i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to a crucial package. things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks prison. by the way, i think, go for my positive support cause well, we're central for, for these 2 americans to american people were equally determined that overtime ukraine stand strongly on its own feet militarily, economically, democratically a strong, successful, frightening for ukraine. it is a re in a read on flooding of so many sides, while president zaleski seems praised on washington for its new weapons. more alarming reports are emerging over the recruitment of your trade in people who be
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using them. what you're seeing right now is one of those examples, and we must warn you that the images are really disturbing. this is a photo of a young woman from odessa who says that she's been beaten by a man working for a many tree unless i'm in the office. a video of the follows shows a half filming, at the moment of the attack quad, her boyfriend was being detained by one of the men in uniform, a wandering, again, a disturbing images. adjust the head, the it's of all the usb departments deputy bad spokesperson found himself in hot water as, as he was drilled about us double standards over the was the you trade and gas a how do you have better visibility in ukraine?
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when there's the ability to send files to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally. and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but we're going to be talking about and i'm using now like we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable. radioset russians are doing all this right? is of, in some us are doing is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into a so it's not, it's not, it's not you. so what about the governments of is why we give them depression?
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how could you have eyes in the grade to determine because i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating international law that you have to prove. and this is a sense for intent to finalize. but how did you have the intern defined to end to end with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that national army did war prize and you pray and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was the question? so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law? or was this a us investigation aided by the israel's? these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum that's going on if it's question god draws
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all the united nations agency for palestinian refugees in east jerusalem has been set on fire. once again, just out of the office reopened its doors. although you had quarters had previously been forced to close out the eas, riley settlers a set to the office on fire twice. and that's according to the agencies west bank chief and an exclusive chapters are t, but you can watch for later on in our program. the, now the not expected to be roches new defense minister has been setting out his store, andre, but it also has been addressing the federation canceled on what he sees as a key tasks. i had be sure your 3rd issue is already systemic and nature and what we're talking about. the recruitment of the armed forces, who i specifically want to emphasize to turn the list and we're not talking about bundling session or an emergency measures. we're talking about plan measures, but never the less the process has already been launched for special military operations underway and their pressure issues related to it. first of all,
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the issues are related to equipment. the koans group ensure in the supply of the most important military and special equipment, or tillery, i'm in the transmit, solves personal protective equipment for military personnel, communications equipment, drones, electronic warfare, and so on. you know, across to our tea correspondence with my, my each at to get more on this all my, it's good to have you do. i mean, now take us through what the defense minister now many have to say. now that is an important speech from the new proposed defense minister under billow. so he essentially laid out he's a proposal for the ministry of defense and outlined the priority tasks for the ministry. now he did say that is quite important and to develop the new methods of combat operations, he talked about how it is necessary to provide all important and necessary weapons, as well as equipment to the northern military district. he says that it is
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essential to stay up to date with the new technologies as the other side is learning in that field. quite quickly. he did talk about how under the acting defense minister survey showed go as a new and a mater and armed forces was created. but nonetheless, it seems that for under billows of it is the key to integrate at the economy of the armed forces with the general economy as a whole. but listen to a listen. i want more. he had to say the president of the russian federation has placed very trust me. i would like to folks them to keep task. they were set for me by the president. the 1st is to ensure the full integration of the economy of the armed forces and to general economy of the country, taking into account the objective growth of defense spending. this is a difficult and complex task which primarily involves to optimize the military spending with everything that is effective and best in the country should work to achieve victory, to ensure that the task of the armed forces are strongly placed on me. now he also
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pointed out that there is a lot of work to be done when it comes to improving the welfare of the military personnel, especially the ones in the battlefield. now he says that includes providing housing as well as provision of medical services. and essentially, it's just easier access to military benefits for that. oh, he does say in general uh that it seems that he believes that the soldiers deserve better social care, as well as not to overlook the economy in the defense ministry. and overall, he did mention that older change is when it comes to the armed forces. why thank you, my ma each oh, how correspondent bringing us up to speed there. now with the russian government going through some changes right now of prominence. call up points out more deeper
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shifts in the countries society. they've been going on for years now. you can read all about that and so much more by heading over to all websites, policy dot com the uh, the crime lane. it says, apply them to put in will visit sign on thursday and friday. it will be his 1st trip abroad since he was inaugurated to his new tub. as ross, as president last week argent corresponded martin uncle sort of has the deals here . we don't use of a lot of air pollution would travel 6 high now after his not duration, but we didn't know when and now we have the dates. and we also know that they are expected to, of course, defend military and economic corporation as well as a new energy deals potentially and asked to the bottom of fruits and. busy also sign the joint statement as well as the number of bilateral documents. you will also be attending an event marked in the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. also,
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as the exhibition kicks off of the year of russian and chinese culture. so something else also a lot of our puts and we'll be doing a little bit of traveling around here. we'll visit the harbin and there she will be attending the 8 russian chinese expo as well as the 4th watson chinese for him on into a regional corporation. the 2 of course, have a lots of to discuss. china is of course, a rush as a main trade thing and strategic partner, of course, as, as we all know. and this a trip of course, will come and start contracts. so the reason for it by the time is leader who's fresh off his european tour. he went there for the 1st time in 5 years where he had to answer a lot of tough questions regarding his friendship and relations with russia. as we know, europe has always been suspicious regarding beijing, so global emissions, as well as its influence on what china is trying to achieve in the region as well as globally. and also we know that europe is having a lot of economic grievances lately with china and some x rays. i predicted that i
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could sign into a full blown trade in worth, of course, on the back triple that this trip is a just like a meet. busy between 2 friends, a 2 long time business partners, and it's not the 1st time actually someone did the math and apparently this will be the 4th face to face meeting between the 2 leaders since the beginning of the special military operation. so since the 2022, just last year alone in march, the chinese presents was in moscow then in october the russian leader of visits. amazing. and this is some of the statements i came out from those 1st meetings. so, you know, the geographic region of the belt and road initiative stretches across eurasia and all the way to latin america. over $150.00 countries and 30 international organizations have signed documents on cooperating within the belt and wrote initiative. the initiative is based on principles of bilateral discussions and mutual benefits. we have repeatedly noted that russia and china, like most countries of the world,
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share and aspiration for equitable mutually beneficial cooperation in order to achieve sustainable long term economic progress. i see, it won't allow me to see the chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last 10 years, and are of crucial and vital importance for today's world order. your russian chinese relations are at the highest level ever and are exemplary. to do so, as you saw there, it's their vision of our multi paula world which unites the 2 countries and of course, attracts others which is why the west will be waiting to see what will be set in those meetings. what they will decide and what impact that will have on the rest of the world. but let's cross live to nelson wong, vice chub, another song, high center for written pack and international studies. professor wong is good to have you join me now. what are your expectations from the upcoming visit all the
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russian president to china? the i think the, the announcement came to everybody's happy surprise, because that was being a lot of rumors, i guess, is about the president bookings upcoming visit to china. now today. fatherly. it's been confirmed by 2 countries. uh, are about to about for a ministry is actually. so i think it's something that uh, is much sherry should because they say is the 75th anniversary of the 2 countries establishing to providing relations are rusher. was actually the 1st country of us to have recognized the people's republic of china. so it is something quite important for both countries. pretty much. now it is the foster by put it in seconds, easy, non duration. what does this timing symbolize as well? it's quite obvious that this is the 1st trip overseas by president booting things.
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and he's just starting his a new term as a record record as president. so it shows that the relationship between all 2 countries are very close. so it's a, it's a, as we call it the pop them if your edits the highest, the level. so yes, i mean, particularly in today's world where there are so many k officers happening everywhere and instability around the world here. and the sound of this is a major concern, but china and russia being the 2 most important countries on the us of all of this, it is so important that our 2 countries and all the leadership screen share the same vision for the way for which we all hope that is going to be a multi polar world instead, all but you'll need pola whereby one catch mall is dominating everything and look
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at what has being pirated around us. it's being k all conflicts, instability here on the. so it is really not only the whole of all 2 countries people are allowed to configure, but i believe the rest of the world will be watching very closely as well. uh, where is, you know, the whole that uh that china and the rupture will be that the 2 countries that can hopefully bring stability and a better future for every one of us. all right, now during his recent visit did sign of the us. i gave you a state one to be jean of more sanctions over its tides with russia. but now we see, put in strip in china. what is bathing message to the west here? the web agents message has been always very clear that the relationship between china and the us is also quite important because our 2 countries economies are
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interwoven to a much in a brighter extent. and it's about in the meantime, at this should not be used by the us to false trying to behave in the way that the us wants. this is a totally different about that because china as an independent country and its relationship with russia as being declared at by both sides, that it's not against any country. right? and our 2 countries, i mean, china and russia is economy is, are extremely complementary to each other. russia has, what's china needs out of china, can help with russia, in terms of the trade and the revitalization of russia's manufacturing and production capacity. china producers,
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all kinds of goods that every country needs including russian. so of course, i mean it's quite natural that our relationship, china's site was last year, the normal che, should not be interrupted by anybody else who, who might come and say, hey, you do not do business with this country. or you can only do business with that. country, now this is totally different. it can you comp save this to a big country with absolute independence when it comes to its foreign policy, and who knows actually, how best to protect its own country's interest. okay, now whole so perception of china is growing, increasing the positive while down to the us is more negative around the world. how can you explain that? well, i mean, there is a saying to be on the right side of history. uh,
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i have been telling all friends in the west that uh, it is actually a big question. uh they should ask themselves. i'll come to pause our friends in america. they should ask themselves why there are more and more countries favoring china instead of the us because china with its belton road initiative ways, the expansion of its economic power electronic has been doing, is not a pressing other countries, but helping other countries to grow that domestic economy to increase a global into connectivity and connectivity with the beauty of infrastructure. this is something that every country meets about. uh, what the us has been doing. it is being a marginalizing itself. actually if i may put it this way, they are dividing the world into 2 times that you have to be with me. if you all
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with me, you are not going to work with the others, right? this is totally wrong. and i think the sooner or later and as now we can see in the rest of the worlds that, you know, people are not happy with the way the world has been governed by the us or whether it's manipulation or are we have to live here. now nelson wong, vice chairman of the shanghai center for red pack and international studies. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. the uh, the jerusalem office of the un agency for public opinion refugees is once again been pushed by is ready such as it's the foot austin, to attack it within days and comes just as the organizations, westbound director confirmed its reopening and an exclusive interview to our team us all 3 days, the main office of the palace tvs is
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a little worn down. i see it another bilingual tag when the compound was set on fire and they had stated that it was closed temporarily pending the restoration of proper security. we are the 1st journalist on the ground and as the agency is about to announce that its reopened, this whole thing was a brush fire all the way down. it started around this bus stop area and we have it all on cctv. yeah, we found it. yeah, so that makes when something, something, something an incendiary. i don't know what it was, and it came all the way. it went very fast and the fire came all the way down this way. so, and this is a very densely populated residential area, apartment buildings everywhere. and then we had a 2nd fire 2 hours later. and the other end of the compound or small fire was contained quickly. but it was very close to the petrol tank because we have
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a fuel station. yeah. so it petrol and diesel tank there. and that that would have been a nightmare because it would be a huge explosion, right? thousands of leaders of fuel myself as the director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself. and you know, it's crazy and retrospect, but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by stones. oh wow. i was being stoned by the by the local community which is complete madness. you know, but the fans is so high, so it is high. but these i sounds that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on, you know, clamping down with on the phone right is a terrace organization, whatever they were yelling and so i think they were watching it as if it was like a you know, football match or something and we.


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