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tv   Documentary  RT  May 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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to somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of, i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us, but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily. but we'll get this. that's a big one. and that would really hurt you if it is. oh my god is over the fence. yeah, some of them i think should be placed on was this now waiting for the change from there by the kids. that's what they need. yeah, you're in doing this here . he said, we don't want to hear as we were leaving the under the wall headquarters. the crowd of youngsters armed with stones started growing bigger and bigger. the office might be reopened, but this threat is still there. racing ocean. alt t is the rest of them. as well as the reports now, hard to the comments where you can get for the details of all the stories were following. i see you again. it's on the out by now
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the, the the news that as we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good, separate shift. so are you looking to expand it straight to us as well the problem or the material costume?
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for the frontier files. oscar. no issues, there's no reason that i might enough this distrust when she was leaving the sponge union for us the proper work of think of the other spring manning and patrol almost though it's good to see where i'm from. cooper, style, new industrial ship or store controllers. i bet you will up. it's probably not. i'm not we've been here. thank you for the do the the anything. yeah. beautiful. if you've union definitely between this beautiful functions leads you to so also you may see that the me, you have the peace response from the money. if someone else could give me like sports even bought the cade. yeah, that's great. causal for eve,
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you know, i did cheap, i'm was there enough to fund and that's true. most people, especially planing coming up the more people are medium. what's the good thing? so i'm just going to show us disappear. that's the get the best credit. so what was to even look for the quote to is, and you might have, you show, even though the positive here with the experience it's going to happen. so in his signal, just like a normal renewal due, especially when you're putting down the. okay. and so, you mean the park has already out as much as so i'm for the keys for human. my see
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me just going to give us a stone the i would buy new but aside in ownership and you've got to be we've got the expression for by name and and deal with the thing. and those burleson me what's up? oh sure. if i'm progress mentioned to player, that's what they just give me and they're only within the world, but you're spending that was a big deal. it's uh, bringing it's part of my sure. could it be helpful, but you're moving with them to send you what is nice, but i see what you're most of your own means. your just give you the wrong that i'm totally approval of doing that. also for some reason, it was a separate discussion and the group was over. i wish i was on the senior. what was it for the almost like a nice but then you break your grammar. you have gaining causes. you are the most case of the orders components in china, functional company stores here for transfer, a can without those kind of shows this of this. even with some come for the local property and you have a black one that are close to most of getting it was like one more than the selection. we'll give it a mutual serial number, but it isn't. e, always, you know,
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there's any pretty sufficient good solution, right? probably a possibility. now let's say a footprint plan deal less of the drum color able i think the subsystem that actually my choice, the one for yep, it is a peaceful space to care a comp program want that shows a special for, for 3, was initially was watching the risk of me, the last hope i vision was the store on the last couple ones. i'm used to sure the unless you look the why should we we breath for tory going to come on with them. just be sure to return the gloss. i thought of me just going to the website and i would have a video to show you something that a problem comment. this 11 of them will change it to be the most examples for shifting the way. so you can request for the 4th quarter slip screen here slot at
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them. it's always thing going to mostly, if someone can just only, you know, put in their presence what they're getting or what they're, what actually scale, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking of doing such as soon as it's troy, as far as number one. but he looks like they, someone forbidden some sort of thing that i have to see if it can you please the dvd set and i'm gonna show us your process before you so much for like going countries to mostly keep going. as i mentioned here is i've just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have not only can regards us boomers to, to watch 3, they show play wireless. and the goal is on his end to pass to ship his camera cause he drove to the front. i know the engineer from his designs, a small recognizance plan named sky, suggesting or should i show up? i wish i thought i forget the season. yeah. so yeah, so this might be the ideal thing and i,
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if you want to know boating and someone will afford you so awesome. very well. some of the machine, you know, a little bit of foot in the door and present when you, you know, think about the words. let's see what was most now. all far out this somebody will take will given no solution so that you just must deal with the chest. well, most of most of the name please. most of them are on the ceiling. we saw somebody over, i knew it was your little your sure. this is when you click of showing just almost page when you move on the case, the phone, if you lost the store up on next, assume only thoughts the mind waiting, but for most young people chats, that's for the rest of the rest of the boy. the normal procedures can show up on, in the, of the when meaning the mutually get these meaning, you know, where i'm, would you prefer english the machine for the police senior with local, launching and on the football junior. because you might just touching jeremy unfortunately is up with me in the way i don't see if you mentioned diligence when
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always someone 1st when you pull one of these, put the old soft on them pop up. well no, we somebody on both these guys on utilization, and what was someone your priority, both sides of the show really face on the phone with you the truth, let me know the ticket though the, the east professionally polluted me. she knows this and do the use deal with something you do is what you're doing for your little was someone with a small you can see what i'm saying. you pull chance the someone of the systems which you only when you what you are of cool enough. the last on the board. she didn't open yet seem to have missed anything with it. well controlled really turned on one year old, one of course, to, to entry point and also things,
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boston of 2 products. the, to have somebody to, to, to look up what i mean. what we've just in the process here is i mentioned the receipts here through each stage. so of elizabeth here and increase. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near good night to play? is it but for each year or 2 bins? you know, and also some question was do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone, the chief told them pacific, i usually have to pass off colin moore's at the desk at that point of literature void village k e said it's a wishing bush name and the pricing quotes. right. yeah. voice in the pony got upset. right. got you. she did not know what to
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meanwhile, it's in petersburg. local ensues. yeah, that's a good idea. as a little slow on the hide range of my phone or phone. yeah, i don't know of my way today, but i think i'm things are figured out let them say somewhere and please wasn't going to the bathroom such as low as 3 to cancel and got all kinds of stuff for instance. got things. yeah. but the little guy see when i looked at it got the partial. uh, what i see is the schedule that kind of miss the dishes for the 2nd round this way with the models or can i see with your 1st name as one? it's really fun. get on it was chosen got of things you really just send me a letter to you what i was doing. yeah. at the promotion, you'll actually put that at the school. no problem. this 15 still police. there was a mike, but i don't know if i knew the semester come on, the curriculum which does but extend would see that on
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a 15 month old scripts and shows the lesson plan was to have my own personal personal affairs and the assignment for him. assignment bills and finish up. and so now i'm feeling macquarie's for, for my, for what if somebody else for me about of going through my shoulder almost month only or from other fairly for when they go from the gulf of cooking for the vice principal. financial affordable, existing. yep. it is about to go talk to you, was it it's motion done by your pro. well that's what i knew was not the nice part of the group group. were you prove this group of proof? i don't know if the movie, the 1st thing for fun of just doing, you know, thinking in for my daughter stone, gosh, for me, nothing are preventive about the way of this thing worse than you would interpret this thing. no problem. no, no, but that's enough for one. and then for the 5th, and if i know for one of the
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b to the section is pretty much pollution from within an hour have been fluid from over both of those types of products that are going out there. and then a couple of the functional components of that as in there are for your for particularly if it going down from an image. cool. low. so figured nobody else will try it. so the 1st one was what the look for them. somebody put the no problem, this pro, it's so between that but i thought of is the one of the, the last one is the only things that learn is below its own. yours edition each one
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. the other. yes. in your so build, what do i get all of your system and your more trust allows phone line support is is on the phone to postpone loans with information about the size of your so no more than one way or the other side of the record. we ways the thing and anybody what was explained in this one, but they're still working on that. spencer, what fits you best done in the minutes when the 1st quarter, the which in the nipple citizen and we were chest good for those rights without the technical team. wait for the plastic reynolds and felt like we propose to put that on. you put it on the funds and let them know if the wrong phone i'm talking to the pacific union for the if it doesn't, even though and you know, and you know, so i think we look at them and they also, you know, if it shows in the month of the sample size, but that 8 kilometers on the bottom, the extensions plant
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sale. let me i thought it was closed, the else can you go to the footboard and the the pool. 2 minutes in the other, but that is not yet, but yeah, yeah. the in
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the shell it's, it got a lot of which has some wonderful but the soft impression that one does thing that always reduce the loop as to the fullest by the new most. but it's not anything that's not shut on. it is the seller. when was it and bottled on the seller, the russian states never as tight as i'm wondering the most sense,
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the dfcs not getting all sense and up the speed. the one else holes. question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and switch the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say they requested the question or leave tenuously declare they are virtuous because of their so called values. the solve on the palestinians destroys the midst of their virtues and
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reveals they have no values at all. you know, this is the case when they say, i believe in free speech. but the extraordinary this to me is the closest you can because of good things in the last to the other. what is just to do a bit of the voice? mueller, customer and organs. this just we're still going missing. so much longer. i have always just to remember, i don't know felina program was wondering if at the low is just the for the deepest corporate, the voice and the scope of eloquence district give me a sofa. oh. and so it's not a link in lots of books. so all of the good, good items that are always on the i didn't answer. so yes, this is the
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one on the 4th floor, there was a set of their phone number where they were, they found it. so i don't think that's what they're nicholas and video says, blow switch, and i do for the new exposure. so if they don't like thing, but if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the cascade. troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro, and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school in term lab. wastage of the full amount. i thought it was a little blown with the scrub. if uh it depends on the muffler on those questions. you know, in a 2nd, if i live up just in uh, this bear with me, a couple of sales man which company plus the score below. but the problem
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is i see anybody was sold on uh no, no, no no problem. but it was a pleasure for me, shouldn't be the people below. but the problem is this, the public wafaa 1st of the mothers birthday just you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in. the civil also gets to its to none. this for the last one was a pretty was sides voice neighbors don't have to send the lovely speed. as far as
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that goes, i can bring you up nice. you know, so your familiar familiarity with us for that person live as long as i can move those for the, from the selection was that i'm really interested in speaking with almost no additional, but i'm up above and most of the class giving me a list of what the company's let us think of in the middle of just come out of the ways, but the most the do, the modeling, pick them thought it is a and it was showing consort will just to the new move with them know, believe us cause you to consider them one of the lowest, and they say there's going to simply to the 0 the see trust. you know, these are still watching. national goods must be even used to the about that, but the problem was get, the thing is over the bus stop to my shrink bought a t e a how to from saying i'm from the city and i'm going to use different shipper
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silver. if you use, thank you very. i mean you name is be if it ever but that is the one that was a good i live of june. you press the but i'm the registration of chief of yeah, suppliers missed isn't when, when you thought of them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the customer as well to the what the 3, either on the on the surface of that just to be sure. let's see. did
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that, did you got that you got the what the kind of would would want to make sure you put the lady up? god does that number once you've, you have is on the farm, it will stream on for somebody else to bump a little bit of some of the additional value my number. so we've got all the, the, the most you'll be able to understand is what that is very useful when you ask them that it is good with somebody as soon as possible. so i will send them the assessment. so i'm over here, at least not a mind there. goodness, i don't wanna, you know, worry snow so brilliant. but i'm set off. okay. good. or bad learning show someone, one of the things that go to your assignment because that's what it looks like. even though i created it before the photos i needed to do and you know for the movies and then you most of the pictures that you're wanting here. so can you spell
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that somebody else by somebody who is a computer pulling up for you? my bedroom, is that what they do? you know, just, you know that god bless you, see the words going on with your number. one more somebody would have been given ginny, in the have come with this or is your mobile video. those keys are, but if i told you what was more of us to do grange, get boats us and there are what i for chase for what kind of that would be joke or uh, could we my your oh unless you to triple thumbs by that. and you come or somebody unless they go to chicago for disappointment, for the position of psycho i'm somebody teddy oaks. i don't typically see that you quoted me, the quoted or wifi or whatever you want to go to meeting. but almost as much there
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might be leading that on there for the integrations 3 for live, which can afford to boy last community out of the of i should do a little for sure what the startling i to this worker to spoil. i'm going to get enough prescriptions for serious shape. so a is all those numbers for seems like you use which of them are. there's a problem for us to do this because of the, the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one. the blue actually has to be able to extend. it will probably know probably in your so bubble of so we're just gonna kind of say that i'm eligible. some of those settings are still some of the form to loads almost at the moment when the system will go
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ahead and will dishes. and you know the word in the face, and you're going to install a diet pill store. what? no, nobody will smile. but i got off the moisture, which was at those of me. yeah. doing so did i i'm would you prefer english or the civic center? yes. of charles, you have the from both from boy the girl was raised the most bar number 01 is my should be eating at all but the 1st month it's got when you property of the same i was why why the pores appraisals this is this last night somebody me on the road or another got the deal and uh the quote
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for from us were, you know, i didn't have permission to clear up what we think i can use the fuzzy. yeah. didn't show i. there was a 0 at the one that didn't show me how much the lower the bank is. my combat drum is it, but that's difficult to hit our initial anywhere. what's if there's one can go to the i really am not sure that the way it was came, 3 of you, the one of my shifts, which wasn't, which of me sitting there, i'm or which of the bonus, and it's taking the new life through a bit there, and we're not which of some of them didn't you much improvisors think mutual for if i'm doing 140 to the, to just so let me know what, what is the remaining you're looking for new mr. orange order. then especially when you have the due date, you're doing the blow interested in the little cheer when you're older than you on this, do i spell image for the truck?
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if there was more that shows or more than what i heard, it was a key that perhaps i should. i knew unless you used the 3 of the one bedroom or is this company or 2? sure, it was the 1st one uh come with the other is required to send somebody out there between 2 to 3 minutes. do i have to show up your name from the fisher for pretend that i put them in the drivers to get it into the that's one of them's what shows a couple of movies compress. you compare to got sort of nutrition showing as after we have this one is lecturing you can, i should or an example coming up and you don't. additionally, we have them continuously from what's called listing. we're prescribed to seem to be effective date scenarios to finish up the for instance, research areas perform such as i prefer or should i should when you reduce your age, fear of showing symbol of the up us nipples. now clements so will be due to construction, but i'm going to scratch the what do you want me for money?
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what fits your me an option or shoot me? what online function my somebody got them? i think that's a bureau for says voice provides is. yep. along the verbal pool is do what we're going to do. i don't know if there's any joyce, most of sooner, harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in, you'll just of the some of the deal with them for me or somebody off the story or both as and usually if it's even a little for children, when do you ill finish? good news though julia showed i knew i was just wondering if you can use a problem in the scope with yeah, windows or could you both go see what we listen. you've got somebody offload this.
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continue the ritual difficult during those months, and then you like mostly splitting the finding out that's available. what i'll talk with. you only can use some, some of the describes anybody gifts for remove, kill this picnic boost abruptly. those just purpose here uh will switch to store string is due on the most news deal. i'm on the when you molly, come on. the desk was deal or whether okay, any from william? can you guys and you, me a little, send me some wireless views from nissan for spoken thing. and it does a new new and it goes through uh, split yeah. for lots of things, you just know a pro which which so with, with the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the high ranking of russian defends official is detained and corruption charges are made obligations of taking the lodge bride. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thing you for thank you. thank you so much. thanks to tax with 10 cooler central, many bags from ukraine's president se well comes washington's latest ministry support, hoping it will reverse and increasing a dream picture. on the bottom of the field. the sob roll in tbilisi and roberts, outside of georgia and solomon told of the lawmakers with an it's passing


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