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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the, the, the, the high ranking russian defense official is detained and corruption charges are made allegations of taking the lodge. brian, thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thing you for. thank you. thank you so much. thanks to tax with 10 cooler central, many bags from ukraine's president se well comes washington's latest ministry support, hoping it will reverse. i'm increasing a grim picture on the bottom of the field. the sob hole in tbilisi and roberts, outside of georgia and solomon told him of the lawmakers with an it's passing a transparency bill. please move into a rest some of the demonstrations the
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but it's 6 pm in moscow. welcome to arch international reaching. you live from our new center. i have my club quite chat with the updates. now another high ranking official from russia's defense ministry has been detained, of corruption charges. just the weeks after a deputy minister was also arrested afternoon general uri couldn't cause. and yet something has accused of taking a large bribe. the state going into the investigation in 2021, 2023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions invest favor off to searching the residences of this your equipment, solve the investigative committee found over $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins,
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and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed this, it could land him in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia, from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history defense as well. late last month, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in the team and right now being held on again, bribery charges like equipment solve and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors from military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment solve. this is at the same time as a vladimir put in and suggested a replacing the head of the russian ministry defense survey. shy, go with someone else a, an economist by trade,
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a man named andre below so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to. and following itself, we have to interest down. that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. ukraine's essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses in the heart of region. and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. some ukrainian soldiers have
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even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and they were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the a 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where and ukraine, this corruption problem that the government and ukraine has had for the longest
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time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. yeah, as we mentioned earlier, ukraine is facing and increasingly bleak picture on the battlefields right now. russian troops has taken control of the town of good. let's go right here on the map and that's in the front cover region. and that adds to the 9 villages already captured within the last couple of days. now, while the us secretary of state onto the blanket has arrived in key of on, i'm on an announced surprised visit. so now the high level visit comes, admit, the russian. many tree gains and blinking presence is intended to show continued us support for k of as the pentagon, once again runs up it's weapon supplies. he wants a 1st visit by a, by the administration official, says congress last month, approve the $61000000000.00 aid package for ukraine. following months of wrangling,
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a new crane's president didn't shy away from saying just how sen full, he was full that support. thank you so much. thanks for coming to your grayness thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for the signal also. i wanted to thank you from all my team. all you bring us to the crucial package. thank you so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison. by the way, i think both upon my positive support course, well, we're thankful for for these 2 americans to american people were equally determined that overtime ukraine stand strongly on its own feet militarily, economically democratically a strong, successful, frightening for ukraine. yeah, that will be a thank you for each american who paid texas for that money. i'm at the times for washington in new weapons. more alarming reports are emerging over you training
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attempts to recruit people to use them. a warning, the disturbing images to adjust the head. and what you're seeing right now is a photo of a young woman from odessa who said that she was beaten by an enrollment officer. after filming her boyfriend being dragged away again, another wanting that you might find a video really disturbing of the bend while the us be department deputies spoke spice and found himself being drilled about washington double standards over the was a new train and gaza. how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's the ability to send files to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally.
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and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine to the concert. and gaza, but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here. but we also seem to be talking about and i'm using now lights . we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios of options of doing all this, right? as i'm doing is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into this. so it's not, it's not, it's not you saw the about the government, the reason why we give them depression. how could you have eyes in the grade to determine because i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating
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international law that you have to prove. and this is the center for intent to finalize. but how did you have the intern defined the end to end with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that national army did war crimes in your brain, and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances once one was request. so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law or was this a us investigation, aided by the through. these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum that's going on to the question. god, god, of the mine expected to be russia's new defense minister, has been setting out his store andre bellows. so that has been addressing the
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federation council, what he sees as the key tasks ahead. are you sure? your 3rd issue is already says, stomach and nature. we're talking about the recruitment of the armed forces. i specifically want to emphasize to journalistic. we're not talking about mobilize ation or in emergency measures. we're talking about blend measures, but never the less, the process has already been launched. this special military operation is underway and the pressure issues related to it. first of all, the issues are related to equipment. the cohen group ensure and the supply of the most important military and special equipment are tillery, are munitions me, solves personal protective equipment for military personnel, communications equipment, drones, electronic warfare, and so on. that is an important speech from the new proposed defense minister under billow. so he essentially laid out he's a proposal for the ministry of defense and outlined the priority tasks for the ministry. now he did say that is quite important and to develop the new methods of
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combat operations, he talked about how it is necessary to provide all important and necessary weapons as well as equipment to the northern military districts. he says that it is essential to stay up to date with the new technologies as the other side is learning in that field quite quickly. now he did talk about how under the action defense minister a survey showed will be a new and a modern armed forces. was created, but nonetheless, it seems that for under billows of it is the key to integrates the economy of the armed forces with the general economy as a whole versus greek, president of the russian federation has placed very trust to me. i would like to focus and to keep task there were set for me by the president. the 1st is to ensure the full integration of the economy of the armed forces and to general economy of the country. taking into account the objective growth of defense spending. this is
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a difficult and complex task which primarily involves to optimize the military spending. everything that is effective and best in the country should work to achieve victory, to ensure that the task of the armed forces are solved. and we also pointed out that there is a lot of work to be done and when it comes to improving the welfare of the military personnel, especially the ones in the battlefield. now he says that uh, that includes providing housing as well as provision of medical services and essentially easier access to military benefits for them. now he does say in general uh that it seems that he believes that the soldiers deserves better social care, as well as not to overlook the economy in the defense ministry. and overall, he did mention that older changes when it comes to the armed forces or the massive blaze as broken now, tied to a warehouse complex. that's an idea of military base. and you tell of these
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pictures, show fires ranging on the fights and it seems to me is of flux, smoke slowing into the sky. nearly $1355.00 is of battling to bring the situation under control of the warehouse is where set to store a range of military equipment. a no casualties have been reported that investigation into the course of the planes is on the way will be staying across the story and bringing you further developments on this that's moved to georgia now where lawmakers have passed the transparency bill, which spots our rage among the public already protesting outside the parliament, but news has been making arrests and dispersing the crowds. the
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tempo square on the streets outside members of the parliament locked horns behind the closed doors. the members of the moving party report to be attacked and opposition representative during readings and the draft legislation available for n g o is to be more transparent about the funding sources. washington's condemned law, calling it a time down on civil society groups filed so maybe congress have legal selection functions. and that's just part of the new bill. narrowing and reflecting similar legislation to begin either states. now for more on this,
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we're now being joined by the human labor rights lawyer done for public as well as the political and foreign policy expert. so brook amount due to a gentleman is good to have you join the both of you. they don't down, let me start with you here that let's trust, best law adopted in georgia. it has drawn a lot of controversy and condemnation, especially from the west. why do you think that is? well, because the west likes to fund these n g o's and countryside georgia in order to support regime change. um, you know, this goes back a long way, but especially with the reagan created the national endowment for democracy in the eighty's, which took over some of the c i functions for regime change. and so, and they operate a lot through these n g o send a lot of money, millions of dollars, even just of one country alone,
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again to for regime change or simply to would to cultivate certain political figures. they want or certain policies. but as you point out, the law in georgia is based on the u. s. is far a law the for an agent. ringback so to sanction georgia for passing the law very similar to, to the us is just, it's mind boggling hypocrisies. incredible. it's really my bodily, i'm a say. so what, come on, let me come to you now us last like these off like this one i passed in, georgia and elsewhere. how does that affect the west? the nat geo is promoting the old narratives. the best that does to be best to manage your in bed the approval to get married, you're going to be the manager and i think that's the problem because of the i to decision i'm to do man smalls s father semester. i need to do an audit
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and to bishop not be so much so you know, i'm not going to be in spite rest of the countries because on the, on the server time change, you know, like i'm in the best category. and in defenders that seem to be have the same kind of problem that was happening in my country also off very many and you speech there actually invited to promote the inside of the people societies and also some of them to be expressed imagined in fine to the engine that my mom and i the name into the fucking pages which have been banned by the top of the a lot of amish sorrows. foundation by the run of this uh, amnesty international and g b. c. b, i have tried to play. i've met video games and stuff, i'll send that to you that, that a lot of screwed. a lot of questions. i talk to him about awesome. tried to challenge
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the many days. so i guess this is i going to match the fonts for the city of very many investing outlets of very many best agencies. and they haven't tried to convince them of problems. but what you all know that to 1997 are the 2000 best and i'm just trying to see it on to the information all separately from the base and sides change coverage. and i think if there's a 5 percent that's the time to m b, i'm trying to be a to know kind of a central asia and georgia. one classic example of that. it has happened 5 times a, so i shall not be so as i mentioned this, the interesting part time to talk to you. i mean, yeah, in the other countries. all right. then you mentioned earlier how similar
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this law as to the one of the united states, but why is america putting so much pressure on georgia over its own law that is similar to the one they have because the us applies to double standard. the us is position is it can intervene and influence and, you know, exercise influence in other countries as well. while other countries are forbidden from intervening or having influence in the united states. it's as simple as that. so we have this far law, which again tries to monitor for an influence in the united states. but we want george here to be totally open to us, influence and interference, especially because of course, georgia borders. russia, of course, as a former soviet republics is very strategic to the united states, has an interest in that region,
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and it wants to be able to influence that country to these n g o's. and that's why it opposes this bill. again, not on any grounds. no, you know, there's no human rights violation here. international law violation bypassing this law. it's just fit the u. s. once you know the, the run of the place and george's decided it doesn't want that. it wants to control who influences the it's elections, it's policies and that's, that's a totally legitimate position for a sovereign nation who has the money in control. right. so we'll come all a massive protest where a sponsor last year over the proposed legislation and lawmakers had to show the bill at that time. why do you think it was successful? they've passed this time? what's the difference? i realized this, the government plus my spoke to deb this time georgiana and vivian and possibly
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slot is actually better not. you know, so a lot of the pro just said pigeon isn't $7000.00 dfcs the capital not jace and the documents at the bottom about or should i should've done month to month. i understand that from the start of the government and job to you of us much then to get and that's, that isn't busy, but the office next station ought to walk about the city and the streets. our job to yeah, it's a something i've been which is absolutely on far on. and then as i see the agenda agenda, which is on the other side from the bottom is and uh, funding networks and party last night vision. so nice thing. this is from english, this is transferring and this is something page, activity tempo seems to be something that the assets that, that is looking image to of that on page we have basically kind of a foster off of so you can remember there are mess it brought tears to ended up
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with 10 o'clock from long, so you might reach back probably benefit not the most santa, in the streets of n e s n as in job in other places and not be i'm not going to them anymore. say, do you think the face of the job process will definitely be the same as huge, huge demonstration the friendship. and they have to enjoy that loss. the benefits of the august and based on 2 environments and to get off the match. the investigation found that uh, you know, organizations like them, they seem to match the message like photos, palm beach, and he's very happy to do this. start up dropping me means. yeah. also. so i see, i see the beauty of design plans that are banned in jobs, yellow and so, and it seems spend all these happen, sweet spots of the section of the states of america and softer section of the office in the box. and the blog didn't see the numbers in different password reset
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and then charge it back to those countries as saturated. so this is something not new and that's happened in many parts of the us. and i know sometimes lots of other things happening in georgia. i'm excellent, i have not at all because i do understand that you don't pay ease of funding and then the funding in the form wouldn't be directly to rest, send it to the fire department and to see if there's something you just happened in my country in the out so awesome. i'll stop and get this happening in talk. all right, let me come back to you now. how would this law affect georgia? i mean, is it tends to be closer to the west. well, i would imagine it will hurt that a bit, but look in the, in the west needs georgia,
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it needs to have influence in georgia. it is not going to the issue that type of influence just because georgia pass as well. but what it's going to do is limit the ability of countries like united states to exert influence in under handed in scale. what? right, the whole idea behind this law is to at least allowed the government and the public to know where this we're funding is coming from and what countries it's coming in. and therefore what countries may be a new leak influencing the public of georgia. and that's totally legitimate in the us will continue to be able to influence georgia, but it will have to do it in a more transparent fashion. that's the whole reason for this. well,
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and that seems totally legit. and in fact, i find that very bizarre people are protesting as well. i assume that all the people protesting are probably on the door of the united states. and that's why they're so upset. otherwise, be very strange for people to be protesting. a lot that you know, limits influence over their own country who protest as a, to have more a foreign influence over their country. absolutely bizarre because whatever one expects is, is transparency and openness the best time around. and deals, i say no, we don't want to be transferred. all right, so we're come on, let me come to you on this protest had been rotting outside the parliament. do you see any outside the publications here directly, or is it just as strong opinions of citizens will few that this noise different from what they think or what their what, what should be the bell? i think the bed is into theater and stuff outside. follow in this and it's a,
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it's less than many people assembled outside the ottomans, maybe organizations, and many, many agencies bought to get people that have more of a nice people in fox street. and this cannot happen the dog outside of the dog, outside the bottom. finally being and he thought outside becky, like him in my country, i mean, yeah. so, so remember such through this textbook in place. it was taught over in wiley, became to know that all these been done by outside uh, in therapy, then somebody outside followers and uh, model that also comes from any outside sources. you know, my job been there was a message in why the done might be the sole source of funding put in place as far as engaging on the funds. not done chairman island. so you know, the better not to buy as follows. some about the and any other funding of
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cities, you know, so once i understand that there s being this kind of interference in very many parts of the won't be just happened. be my country also the last time you go to move in as you know, d back up nice, 500000 n g or in india, the boss of to be us find being the us up know, transparency as to from the funds spent. i mean, there was a lot of the transaction which was done by all these bands and yours and many and your brand new streaming to get our funds from catalogs. all i use is as the from outside and i studied for about and you know, how to get the answer to the mom and, oh, you know, so and, and then very many to be so safe speech audit. you need to come in. i could say something i made a guy smith, i'm a it and from cayman islands, then from,
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you know, think up or, and from to buy your mouth and faces. so that was i beach then strand and back. so they've been but not printing my game off with the strong badges. vision. randomize the number of subject dentures advising. 500000 and just the band dues media. so i think it does a singular kind of a thing which is happening in jace. i've talked to you as a small country in terms of sizing done sort of moves in top of it. yeah, i think uh, and you mentioned the deed to get up to the step lives be often fit in my understanding. and i think that if i met them too, so are the doctors and you spend the day, you know, so i didn't say you're going to be not caught in stucco. so i do understand that it must be up and up from many international font, especially from the agencies from last estimates from okay, i mean, my understanding of one of those things in georgia is besides me now done. what are
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your thoughts on while specials in washington and brussels claim that this law is on democratic law, the once transparency of law, the once accountability? well, that's just the monterey the west. if some is to, if another country does something they don't like. they challenge how democratic that country is. in fact, i think that this law, it represents a democracy. this allows the people of georgia to govern themselves dads who should govern georgia, the georgia people not outside nations. and this allows a gives more power in fact, to the georgia, right, because it allows them to be more for free of, for input set that, that's any sort of nation would want that in should have that. so this is not
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a violation of democratic principles. it is in fact furthers democratic principles of all the the you express condemnation of versus georgia, unload the your thing. the belief is chance of entering the you. is that the risk here? a run by this. so and by the woods, the anamosa back room that the issue is not now far. amc archie, i urge you to be a union and i'm not sure whether that's going to happen or not. if it happens, it's also buried with the hot bathroom channels and i'm not a fan agent. and i think there would be several compromises and sampling and concepts and speech of people. and then what would be the total weight? so the n g o g i g p a d a bunch of factors, something.


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