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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the going underground can the a high ranking russian defense official is dictate on perhaps on charges i made allegations of taking a launch bride. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thank you for . thank you. thank you so much. thanks for the tax with thankful where sample many things from ukraine's president and to see what comes washington's latest military support. hoping it will revise that increasingly rim picture on the bottom of the fuse, the sambal into the lazy and rocks outside the georgia and poly been told by the lawmakers within it passing a transparent sybil. please move into
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a rest. some of the demonstrate the color. very welcome to argue to national reaching you live from our new center in moscow. i a michael, quite chat with the updates. now another high ranking official from russia's defense ministry has been detained on corruption charges. just weeks after, a deputy administer was also arrested. nested on general uri cause me as of this, accuse of taking the launch bribe as they go into the investigation in 2021. 2023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions invest saver off to searching the residences of this, your equipment, solve the investigative committee found over $1000000.00 worth of various
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currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed this, it could land them in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia, from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history defense as well. late last months, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in the team and right now being held on again, bribery charges like equipment solve and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors from military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment. so this is at the same time as a lot of our put in suggested replacing the head of the russian ministry defense
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survey. shy, go with someone else a, an economist by trade, a man named andre below so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to. and following itself, we have to interest. and that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. ukraine's essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses in the heart of region. and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as,
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according to the plans that were put forward as well, or some ukrainian soldiers have even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and there were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where in ukraine,
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this corruption problems that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. as we mentioned earlier, you trainees facing and increasingly bleak picture on the battlefields right now. russian troops have taken control of the town of a boo boo vodka, right here on the map which is within the club region. now that adds to the 9 villages already captured there. in the last couple of days, you can see this kind of all over on the map right here. but while the us secretary of state onto the blinking has robin key of on the surprise trip, it's now the high level visit comes i met the russian ministry gains up. lincoln's presence is intended to show continued us support for key of as the pentagon once again round, stop it's weapon supplies. he wants a 1st visit by a bottom administration of special since congress last month. approve the 61000000000 dollar a package for you grades following months of wrongly and your trains president
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didn't shy away from saying just how spend full he was for that support. thank you so much. thanks for coming to your grayness thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also. i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to uh, crucial package. things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison. by the way, i think both upon my positive support cost whereas handled for for these 2 americans to american people were equally determined that overtime ukraine stand strongly on its own feet militarily, economically, democratically. a strong, successful, frightening for ukraine is in the funds that the funds for washington new weapons. more alarming reports are emerging over ukraine and
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attempts to recruit people to use them. a warning. the disturbing and make this adjust the head. what you're seeing right here is a photo of a young woman from odessa by who she says that she was beaten by an enrollment officer. after filming her boyfriend being dragged away. again, another warning that you might find this video of incident, really disturbing. the me a while back in the us state department's deputies spokes buses found themselves being grilled about washington's double standards over the was the new crane and in gaza . how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's ability to send files to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally.
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and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars over here, but she will be here, but we're going to be talking about these an allied. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. the russians are doing all this right, isn't a mazda or 2? it is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into. so it's not, it's not, it's not you still at about the government of his way to get under pressure. how could you have eyes in the great to determine? because i took an account up the i think what you mean by violating that's
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a national law. that you have to prove, and this is a sense of trust and attempt to fight. but how did you have the intern? uh, do you find the intended with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that national army did war prize and your brain? and you couldn't find that was the alex. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances. one was the question, so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law, or was this a us investigation, aided by the israel's, these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum. that's going on because question, go ahead and to georgia. now where law make is a pastor transpired as a bill which has pumped out rage among the public,
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already protesting outside the parliament. police have been making arrests and dispersing the crowd. the step by step on the streets outside members of parliament locked horns behind the closed door. the members of the moving party are reportedly attacked and the opposition that facility during reading the draft to legislation,
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the bales will force and g. o is to be more transparent to follow the funding sources, washington's condemned law, calling it the crime down and civil society groups while, so i'm in congress of evilness, direct consumption. and that's despite the new bill mirroring and reflecting similar legislation in the united states. meanwhile, process for administrative spokeswoman commented on the georgia and law highlighting similar western bills are in force today. let me remind you that lowe's and for an agents similar and content. and in some cases, consider restrict to are in force and more than 60 countries around the world, primarily in benchmark democracies. this is where it all started. for example, in the us say, the foreign agents registration act has been in full since 1938 in australia. on a system of transparency of foreign influence in the u. k. on national security,
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and is ro on transparency of n g, a funding in france on the prevention of for an interference of vote in the senate to supply and in the near future. now we spoke with george and politician and leader of the georgia and justice potty get a gun godsa he says, but those who branded the law on democratic i've simply not read it with a number of them. we are seeing the implementation of a theory of controlled chaos all over the world. and we are now seen some of this in georgia, controlled chaos as one conductor, but lobbyist on both sides are competing with each other. and the fight is not so much for an influence. influence is obvious, but for money i assure you those who criticized the sly in the you in the west. they have not read this law, which consists of 13 articles only. and none of them fall under the definition of an democratic and the maximum sanction under this law as a fine of $10000.00. and this law requires n g o's to do only one thing to declare their income that exceeds 20 percent of the
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value of their work, so to speak. and this is done once a year, like all normal citizens and organizations fill in the declaration once a year. and that's it. to show my story with the crime. layton says, russian president vladimir put him, will visit china this thursday, and friday, it will be his 1st trip abroad since he was inaugurated to his 5th mazda roches president. last week. and you know, we discussed this with c, c, g, t in corresponding to di, k e this visit comes as the 2 countries celebrate their 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations. so it goes without saying that this visit, it's symbolic, it's a symbolic gathering on chinese ministry hasn't really given much detail of what exactly might be touched upon during this trip. but it is expected that the topic topics concerning energy concerning, national and regional security,
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economy and trade. they could all be abroad on and be talked about and challenges for ministry spokesperson, when they actually said and at an earlier press conference that the diplomatic efforts between the chinese and russian as of state play a strategic role in guiding bilateral relations. both leaders agreed to continue maintaining closing directions to ensure that the relations between china and russia progresses smoothly instead of china and russia are both developing countries under the brakes framework. they go way back. they have so much in common seeking development through cooperation is only natural for diseases. and so in a couple of weeks, we're also going to say it's china is also expected to stand as delegations to russia to attend the st. petersburg economic form as well. so again, there are certainly a lot to expect down the road this year,
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but it also us secretary of state have one's begging of more functions of i would spies with russia, vice job, another strong, high center for impact and international studies. nelson wong says the president, put in this trip to china, clearly shows that the washington is not able to dictate tubs, to be jean. the web agents message as being always very clear that the relationship between china and the us is also quite important because outcomes confused economies are interwoven to a much greater extent and about in the meantime at this should not be used to by the us to force trying to bring to weaken, laid out, may have in the way that the us wants. this is a totally different math. if it goes china as an independent country and its relationship with russia as being declared at by both sides, that it's not against any country. the right and our 2 countries,
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i mean china and russia is economies are extremely complementary to each other. it's quite natural that our relationship, china's fate was russia, the normal tre, shall not be interrupted by anybody else who, who might come and say, hey, if you do not do business with this country, or you can only do business with that country. now this is a totally different you called say this to a big country with absolute independence when it comes to its foreign policy. and who knows actually, how best to protect it gets home countries interest. see she goes into the middle east. now is there any forces have been using policy in children as human shields, and that's according to the rights group defense for children international. the
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claims come after a number of youngsters gave testimony about the recent idea of reading the west bank after the soldiers search the apartments in the building that i was entering before them. i asked them well crying where they were taking. one of them told me now that they would take me with them to show them the way, in addition to opening the doors of the neighbouring homes and entering before they did. the soldiers told me to knock on the doors of the apartments in the building while they were standing behind me at a fairly short distance and to ask the residents to come out. and this is what i did. they told me to walk in front of them in the alleys of the slomo neighborhood in the camp. they would hide in the alleys and told me to see whether there was anyone around. after that, the untied my hands and whenever we passed the house or building, they would instruct me to enter and ask the residents to come out. that were heard from the general director of defense for children international kelly guzman. he
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said easily validates children's rights with total impunity because of the he booked for c of the west. this is the 1st time that there's really such as use just in has a machine. but this time is different than the previous times because they used it . i guess it teaches them in the same time they use all of the boys and therefore they're opposing the machine guns on this. how does uh this talk to should in different directions inside of there. but if you do get, so you've got an image in it just in, in the age of 2015 use or being subject to such trying to find. i'm sure, thank you from the chart that is and of course. 1 1 having them form and dying by pushing them to be doing this is that the never being in the 1st thing to do the work of the so just in order to keep the sort as in the
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citric glance, why in the higher distributors is i can see that the only step in the way of that listing kind of distributing into is there anybody that, of course, is in a systematic way by lending the just the rights of course, to join the they use the that are causing the winds, the on the send, it as being not as a military good will be it or that as anatomy. it's a policy by going into the data unfortunately is right in front of benefits. and because of the wisdom charter was sent in front of c. c. and then this is a fiction way, primes, trends against genocide by and at the end of the day they're concerned
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that same sense is the more modern in the way it is right? is so far from them on so far from the humanities they are claiming that as the reward agreement, as the decides that of the jerusalem office of the un agency for palestinian refugees has once again been pushed by use. ready, settlers is the foot austin to attack it within days and cain just after the organizations, westbound, direct to confirm its reopening in an exclusive interview to r t o 3, the main office. the tallies tvs or letter was down. i see it another bilingual tag when the compound was set on fire and they had stated that it was closed temporarily pending the restoration of proper security. we are the 1st journalist on the ground as the agency is about to announce that it's reopened.
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this whole thing was a brush fire all the way down. it started around this bus stop area and we have it all on cctv. it's always on the so that makes when something something, something an incendiary. i don't know what it was. and it came all the way it went very fast and the fire came all the way down this way. so in this, a very densely populated residential area, apartment buildings everywhere. and then we had a 2nd fire 2 hours later. and the other end of the compound or small fire was contained quickly, but it was very close to the petrol tank because we have a fuel station. yeah. so it petrol and diesel tank there. and that that would have been a nightmare. because it would be a huge explosion, right? thousands of leaders of fuel myself as the director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself. and you know, it's crazy in retrospect,
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but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spraying i was being hit by stones. oh wow. i was being stolen by the by the local community which is complete madness. you know, but the fans is so high, so it is high. but the sounds that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here. and this residential block watching what was going on. you know, clamping down with on the corner is a service organization, whatever they were yelling. and so i think they were watching it as if it was like a, you know, football match or something. the new office has been temporarily closed. i was, it was said that uh, it will remain closed until uh, securities restored, correct? yeah. now we are as far as i understand the 1st drum this on the ground. uh when you i bought to announce that it reopens secure which is restored. now you feel
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safe, so thursday not this will happen thursday night last week. yep. we close the office that evening and friday we we work on monday to friday schedule in the duracell office. and this is the west bank field office supporting the west bank and east jerusalem. friday we were closed. we did have an emergency meeting of our donors and partners that day to explain exactly what happened and to also communicate the severity of this. this isn't our son attack on a un installation in a city, in a very busy city. and so we were the, i think they understood, and we're really grateful for the, the, the statements made by all of our different member states. understanding the severity and we closed in order to assess a number of things. we had to assess all the, any of the damage. we had to check the old, the hoses, the water hoses, fire hoses, some of them had a defective nozzles. we fix that. we had to recharge and replace fire extinguishers that we had to use during the fire. so we had to do a number of things like that. we increased our security around the compound. we double checked, all of the cameras are still working because sometimes the smoke can affect the
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cameras. so all of that was was done. we made our official complaint and report to the police or doing the investigation. we had a meeting today with the police, as i said, you know we, we did what we feel we could in order to reopen the office today, which we did that sounds to me like you are expecting more attacks and like the threat is still there, the injury is still there, but you are just better prepared. they were better prepared. yeah. and i really hope that it is calm down. so, you know, i, i really think the police understood the severity of this. you're in the middle of the orthodox community here. and you said you've been always the neighbor absolutely much. yeah. so what happened when did change? it's really strange actually because we've never had any issues at all of any kind with the community that's here. nothing. they have their, their lives. then we go about our business, this is an office, you know, this is not a busy bustling place. people come in on buses and cars, they do their job and then they go home at the end of the day. so it's actually quite quiet as a, as a, as an office is quite large. but it's, you know,
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with different offices and warehouses and things like that disturbing. yeah. yeah. but it's not a disturbing, noisy place. so nothing at all. but, but i think lately there's been a lot of intense rhetoric and the media statements made by political figures. a lot of attacks on, on right, as an organization that we are somehow we are hum us or we are, you know, part of the problem and part of the conflict when we're not, we're a mandated you an agency to provide services to the palestinians until there is a just solution to the conflict. so we're a political, you know, in a way caught up in this very political situation. and that i think is what happens is that the community often children and others in the, in the neighborhood has now been, i don't know, instrumental lives. there's something has now been pulled into this conflict. and they're seeing all of these demonstrations and they're somehow getting involved in a way which is very violent. the anger within israel towards another was started building after earlier this year. israel claimed that over
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a dozen employees of the un bothering took part in the how misled attacks back in october, which resulted in hundreds of civilians and military mode and scores kidnapped under what has repeatedly denied all the negations, but is really wrong to inactive. his have started stage in multiple protests in front of the agencies offices ever since. so we think the taxpayers are coming from this community because of what we did see a lot. yeah. because we took kids on bicycles riding around others that came and were in front of the of the compound is kind of a mix of people. some that were seem to be more local and others that were coming in from, from settlements. um, you know, we had even one uh, one adult that was in a kind of military uniform. didn't look very official, but in kind of army fatigues with a rifle. so when you start heading angry people, rocks sticks, guns it's, it's very dangerous. and so we're hopeful that all of this remains. tom, you are responsible for on the activity and look at, look at the kids. yeah,
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yep. yep. so some kids that are just going by. yeah. yeah. but there's always what they were, and i didn't know that there's always a lot of a lot of elders showing here. and that's how they say hello, the throwing stones a with their kids that are probably bored and somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of. i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us. but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily, but we'll get this. that's a big one and that would really hurt you. if it is all my goal is over the fence. yeah, some of them i think should be placed on was this now waiting for the change from there by the kids. that's what they need. why you're in doing this you. 7 here he said, we don't want to hear, do you think it's kind of feeler of these really forces?
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i mean, since security is supposed to be provided by israel and do you see it as a favor from this side? well, i think i can do better. and, and this is what came up in our conversation today is that a few weeks ago or months ago, there were protests that were very organized. the police came, they set up a metal barrier that kept everyone away from the gate. like on the other side of the street, there were many protests. there were people with megaphones and making statements and banner, which was never the very much an organized kind of administration. but far away from the gates, we had perfect access to both of our entrance points that somehow deteriorated. and so last tuesday, when we had this very aggressive demonstration, there were police there, but they were not managing the crowd. then we said, we told them we said this is not, it's not hard to do. you know, i think normally if the police are there and they keep people back, you keep them away from the gate cuz we need access to these gates in case there's any emergency ambulance or fire, anything that we experienced there. so yeah, just to have that. yeah. i think that they, they need to do probably
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a more structured job like they had done in the past and can be dangerous, you know, having people throwing rocks such it was a dangerous thing. so we're hoping that community also can help calm things down. the police were also discussing this today that maybe they need to work with a rabbis to also make it clear that you know this is dangerous. yes. and the most. this is dangerous behavior. as we were leaving the wall headquarters, the crowd of youngsters armed with stones started growing bigger and bigger. the office might be reopened, but this threat is still there. grief no snow. t is jerusalem. and back home has thousands of people from more than 80 countries have descended on the central rush of the city of design for the russia islamic world. international farms taking place it will kicked off was the opening ceremony of the federal loss of the leg bonded contest. on regional head,
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not thousands of participants will take font over 6 days with russian and international experts set to hold more than a 100 sessions covering these nomics tories in culture with more. cuz on the far on, the main goal is to bring together leading specialists from these nomic weld and promote cooperation. we spoke with a tech case on bass of the, to russia, who commented on the growing importance of the 2 countries relations. the extra care of that video as representative and have that for them as well. so this is a very big industrial and out of church companies trying to present themselves theater in cars just to boost by digital relations, which is you know, how they couldn't country creations with russia. so it's a 21 important component divided by the to the position. so that's why the pitch companies are here. so they have lots of different pay this to corporate and we're
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still corporate thing on and.


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