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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the headlines here were not see a high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption charges. it's only meant obligations of taking a large bride. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thing you for. thank you. thank you so much. thanks to thanks west engler, a sample reprice president given credit where credit is due, i think is western sponsors provide as back to ministry support. that is, as follows, is on the battlefield, continued a rock of losses and retrieve the trouble makers into pc is ongoing erupt. it's outside of georgia in parliament as lawmakers, policy transparency failed as police move in for the arrest. we have a who's behind the rioters agenda of i'll get to this and you might not be
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surprised. the of the policing and pollutant goes to china tons to talk about during this slide hour from months ago. so starting here on the domestic front has another high ranking official from russia is defense, ministry has been detained on corruption charges, or this is just weeks off for a deputy minister was also arrested within the general. you are the cause that self is accused of taking a large bright, i say, according to the investigation in 20212023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions. invest favor off the searching the residences of this your equipment, solve the investigative committee, found over $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins,
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and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed this, it could land them in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia, from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history of defense as well. late last months, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in detainment right now, being held on, again, bribery charges like equipment solve. and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors for military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment. so this is at the same time as vladimir put in and suggested replacing the head of the russian
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ministry defense survey. shy, go with someone else, a, an economist by trade, a man named on today uh below. so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to and following itself. and we have to under down that wall. russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. ukraine's essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses in the heart of region. and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as,
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according to the plans that were put forward as well. some ukranian soldiers have even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the printing and border. and there were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the a 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built, i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where in ukraine, this corruption problem that the government and ukraine has had for the longest
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time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. but as you mentioned a bit earlier in the program, are you currently in full, which is really on now facing a very up hill baffled russian troops about taking control of a ton of a book up for ask a ride here on the map. but that's a added to the other 9 villages capture their interest the last few days. and basically what seems to be an effort to perhaps to have the title or is it just the big payoffs done? the us secretary of state on to me blinking right here on a so called a surprise, present to kia contracts, bypassing of the photo upcoming, and made a russian military gains all across the front lines. in lincoln's presence, basically intended to show washington support. the key of us depended going again around supp. it's weapons shipments, although there is a big waiting line right now. this is a 1st visit by a white house official left since last month, the approval of us $61000000000.00 a package by d. c. 4 k of us following months of congressional wrangling and the training president didn't hold back on how thankful he is to is less than sponsors. thank
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you so much. thanks for coming to you. grayness. thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also. i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to uh, crucial package. things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks for them. by the way, i think both upon my positive support because, well, were sampled for, for these 2 americans to american people were equally determined that overtime ukraine stand strongly on its own feet militarily, economically democratically a strong, successful, frightening for ukraine or the middle of the things for washington's latest weapons, more alarming reports are emerging of ukrainian attempts to recruit the people to use them. warning, disturbing images a head because of what you're going to say is a photo of a young woman from odessa who says she was beaten by an enrollment officer off the
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fielding, her boyfriend being dragged away in the morning. you may find the following video of the incident upsetting the well, i mean, while the us or state department's a deputy spokesperson seemingly coming unglued these days when pressed about why washington con, please the evidence of all crimes committed by israel in gaza. he buckled and use the word solid to deflect. it's hard to really know what the hell he's even talking about. how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's the ability to send files to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally. and these are in your question, is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the
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conflict in ukraine of the conflict in gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but we also seem to be talking about and i'm using allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. the russians are doing all this, right as a to it is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into. so it's not, it's not you, it's not you sort about the government of israel to get under pressure. how could you have eyes in the grade to determine if i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating international law that you have to prove. and this is a sense of trust intent to finalize. but how did you have the intern declined to
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end to end with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that the action army did war prize and you pray and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances. once one was request. so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law? or was this a us investigation, aided by the israel's, these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum that's going on because question go ahead. joe. the georgian president says she wants to veto the transparency of the will pass by the countries parliament on tuesday. however, things that will change. nothing is following could override that decision with another majority. vote. some west and back to members of the public are also
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outraged. interestingly enough, though, the so called civil society foundation, georgia guess, was set up by international sponsor, george soros, urging people to hit the streets. law enforcement move in quickly making the arrests to try and disperse the after the
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attempt as of a fire and on the streets outside members of parliament and slough. colin's behind closed doors check out the malay, the right place, or the routing party reportedly type an opposition representative during readings of a draft legislation on the bill will force n g o's to be transparent about with a guessing the money from it. this is a good thing, washington is condemned to law according at a club down on civil society groups as well as some in congress will be contracting sanctions. that's despite the new bill. also mirroring fair piece. similar legislation in the united states. meanwhile, rushes forward ministries, folks, women to commented on the georgia law, highlighting some of the western bills are in force. today. let me remind you that lowe's and for an agents similar in content and in some cases considered restrict
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to are in force and move in 60 countries around the world, primarily, and benchmark democracies. this is where it all started. for example, in the us say, the foreign agents registration act has been in full since 1938 in australia on a system of transparency of foreign influence in the u. k. on national security in israel on transparency of n g, a funding in france on the prevention of for an interference of vote in the senate to supply and in the near future. we spoke with a georgian politician, i later with the jordan justice potty e go to your god say he says that those who a brand new below on democratic simply have not read it with unlimited. i am, we are seeing the implementation of a theory of controlled chaos all over the world. and we are now seen some of this in georgia, controlled chaos as one conductor, but lobbyist on both sides are competing with each other in the fight is not so much for an influence. influence is obvious,
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but for money i assure you those who criticized this line, the you in the west. they have not read this law, which consists of 13 articles only. and none of them fall under the definition of an democratic and the maximum sanction under this law. is a fine of $10000.00, and this law requires n g o's to do only one thing to declare their income that exceeds 20 percent of the value of their work, so to speak. and this is done once a year, like all normal citizens and organizations fill in the declaration once a year. that's it to show me how does the poly centric world order shapes up brooks brothers meet again? a russian president vladimir putin heading to china this thursday to meet with his account about changing things. now it is set to be his 1st trip abroad since he wasn't all graded for a few months. russia's president that was just last week and only a we discussed the upcoming state visit with this city and correspond this visit comes as the 2 countries celebrate their 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
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so it goes without saying that this visit, it's a symbolic, it's a symbolic gathering on chinese for ministry hasn't really given much detail of what exactly might be touched upon during this trip. but it is expected that the top a topics concerning energy concerning, national and regional security, economy and trade. they could all be brought on and be talked about and times for ministry spokesperson, when be actually said and at an earlier has gone friend. is that the diplomatic efforts between the chinese and russian as of state play a strategic role in guiding bilateral relations. both leaders agreed to continue maintaining close interactions to ensure that the relations between china and russia, progresses smoothly and steadily. china and russia are both developing countries under the brakes. uh framework they go way back. they have so much in common
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seeking development through cooperation is only natural for just inside in a couple of weeks. we're also going to see it's china is also expected to stand as delegations to russia to attend the st. petersburg economic form as well. so again, there are certainly a lot to expect down the road this year, so they don't even want to look into it all to contribute to college are. and according to him, he said the putin's forthcoming budget of china itself is a serious response to weston threats. this shows that deepening russia, he tried a strategic partnership. prior to this you have us the secretary of state tony blanket travelling through china, warren, china, about main maintain is neuro ties, ways. russia would necessitate us sanction on chinese banks. well, you know, actions speak louder than words, you know, the with the, the very fact that gordon is visiting page and that, that's
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a response that china is given to washington. this is at the time when washington pricing and ministration is rolling out new sanctions. a new terrace against the chinese import. so it's waging economic war against china. that's only for question . russia and china, closer together. there was a fully talk about the economic ties, the rush that china trade has now reached $280000000000.00 a year is not a small sum. and the 2 economies are completely comp complimentary with russia being the main commodity producer and china, the commodity consumer. and this relationship will only continue to grow. and i expect there will be a much more area of economic throughout creation, especially when the west are now placing sanction on both china and russia. at least 40 people including 9 kids have been killed and overnight is ready stripes
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on a refugee you come and central gaza. there's all the latest numbers, according to local medical officials, a bottom to you when school was well, wasn't nearby a home being used to shelter, despise people as well. videos posted on line showing that immediate optima was so just continuing for anyone who could still be trapped under the rubble. but as israel bottoms us, as, as they continue to basically rain down on the northern part of yank wave, is there any fireworks up in the sky in the south idea of solitude, celebrating the countries independence day, quoted. and us officials, israel now has enough troops in the south to launch a full scale incursion in the dropbox interest, the coming days as death and destruction and palestine continues. the british foreign secretary is faced flock for appearing to keep much of his card and focus on what to labeled on us. so maybe it's a movement that she, for the bbc to ask itself again, she'll be described as paperless, terrorist, they all terrace. if you kid not grand loves you kid, not babies. you rate people,
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you ship children in front of the parents. what, what do they need to do for the bbc? does a lot of these, that's how it works. they really the whole. we've made the longstanding position on this mass a very clear we use the word terrorist when it's attributed to others, such as the u. k. government. it's an interesting contrast because well, you k officials appear fixated on labeling things. it's exactly the opposite case on the other side of the pond by washington, that seems at pains to avoid using the to genocide when it comes to what's playing out in gas. we believe israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and wellbeing of innocent civilians. we do not believe what is happening and gaza is a genocide. we have been firmly on the record rejecting that proposition on the spot. haven't you had any of that notion of genocide? washington officials admit that israel has shown no plan for protecting civilians in gaza in the mean time. but you and, and all the international organizations continue to report on she would rise
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violations including the deliberate targeting of women and children and child duction and the head of the all hoc palestinian human rights and g o show on jeopardy. and he believes the west doesn't want to acknowledge any genocide because as he says, the west is competitive friday between the lines of the one who is complicit with the jews side. for sure. he would love to see your junior side. let me say to this man. so that's what this lady is doing. let me say it's water crimes and because it goes to humanity. what's a little vacation? of the u. s. according been some machine who was telling them no, under human rights still, according to the technician in the general. this is part of the questions they don't want to answer. can mr. room gives me a comprehensive translation and meaning of tourism turner's to groups.
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if he can let me see what he would say, what it's about killing civilians, what it's about also uh, call me think the genocide team does a our babies. a lot of women, our elders, attacked and killed by the american we bones. that's the case. this is the other thing. they don't want to see that. and then the 2nd time, they say we are leading on 3 when it comes to human rights on the floor. what's the sort of low means? i think we're living in the jungle. that's because apparently is riley forces have been using public opinion children as human shields stopped according to the rights group defense for children international. the claims are coming up for a number of youngsters gave testimony about a recent idea afraid in the west bank after the soldiers searched the apartments in
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the building that i was entering before them. i asked them well crying where they were taking me. one of them told me now that they would take me with them to show them the way, in addition to opening the doors of the neighbouring homes and entering before they did. the soldiers told me to knock on the doors of the apartments in the building while they were standing behind me at a fairly short distance and to ask the residents to come out. and this is what i did. they told me to walk in front of them in the alleys of the slomo neighborhood in the camp. they would hide in the alleys and told me to see whether there was anyone around. after that, the untied my hands and whenever we passed the house or building, they would instruct me to enter and ask the residents to come out. we heard from the general director of defense for children international who suggests that israel valez children's rights with impunity because to date there's still no one who was holding tel aviv took and this is the 1st sign that there is ready to start to use
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just in has a human she'd, but this time is different than the previous times because they use that. i guess the teachers didn't mean to stand by new york over the boys and therefore they're opposing the machine guns on this. i've done this talk to should in different directions inside there, but if you do gaps, so you've got an image in it, you just it in, in the age of 2015 use or being subject to such kind of fun. i'm sure. thank you. from the chart that is and of course. 1 1 having them form and dying by pushing them to be doing this, is that the the 1st the work of the so just in order to keep the sort as in the 2nd place, why is it in the higher distribution is i don't see that
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the only step in the listing kind of distributing, just getting into is that a good is in a system of the great by lending the rights of course to 20, they use the programs that are causing the exact line to the as the not as i mean it will be it or that as an out of me, it's a policy by going to and that unfortunately is right. it is the front of benefits. and because of that was 7, the charter was didn't want to see the him see that one is funded. and in this is a receiving it as a kind of diction and as again, like to continue the crimes is highly is going way primes, trends against the genocide by the army. and at the end of the day, they're concerned up themselves. is that more more of the i'm in the end is that it
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is so sided from the sofa from the humanities deal of the agreement as the water came in as the do decide that is really officials if i choose the united nations of using false data when reporting on the death, poland, gaza, they call themselves the total number of women and children killed was actually revised down off of the u. s. o, c h a slash the women and children fatality numbers by hoss, it's time to address the big guy that sent in the room who can prove the number of guns repeated and then use 2300000 is accurate. what you and spokesman blame inaccuracies of palestinian civilian deaths and goes there on the fog of war. the miraculous resurrection of the dead and gaza. anyone who relies on fick data from a terrorist organization in order to promote blood libel against israel is anti semitic, and supports terrorism. could you imagine, sees a daily report on may. the 6th said,
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9500 women and 14500 children have been killed since the will pick on its report. on may. the 8th caught those numbers by almost tough to nearly 5000 women and 7800 kids. activist jonathan product says it's difficult to get an accurate picture of times of bull. the 1st of all that you and simply didn't cutting numbers numbers by half. what is happening, the best to the best of my understanding is that the numbers are being confirmed. obviously, the time before of such proportion, they said it's very difficult to confirm numbers. what happened isn't that all the numbers have been cut off. it's simply a partial confirmation. off part of the dips, the new numbers are simply a reaffirmation of some of the data and it and it is partial. the other point is that this is simply the lowest point of the policy base true with south revised
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down significantly. the numbers of people killed on october 7th from over from about 1500 to about 1200. and we're, we're talking about the state not in, in a total state of, for not on their own going, bombardments and, and attacks. so, you know, the parker see here is just imaginable. if you're out, it's trying to use the fact that, that the numbers are being confirmed to divert attention from. it's coming off genocide from the dentist genocide of this course that has taken on very, very society towards technicalities of the course before we wrap up this knowledge program of thousands of people from building 80 countries to standing on the central russians to the off. cuz on the weather, russia is la mac world international form is taking place in the opening ceremony,
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led by the post office down regional head kicked off all the events. one of the highlights said to be the how allow food, fat, but the key points really, the next 6 days delegates choosing more for more than a 100 sessions, economic tourism culture. more of the forms, key goal is to bring together specialist from these monic world. and promote cooperation, the c o, all of an i'm on based food investment, holding company. so it's good to keep trade options opening and it's rapidly changing. well, if there's an opportunity for a complimentary needs, other oman being uh, being with with the, with the conditions, weather conditions and everything, i think it's important that we have 5 digit partners, ross, sorry, is an important part of was the grains of business business in general. so we're looking at strategic investments for both companies. we also say that the 3 c is all of the sudden the, the for the last one is the conflict. and all of these complex do have an effect on
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our supply chain value chain. i'm bringing all of these requirements across the shipping lines and whether there's any, let's see, or wherever else. so that's affecting us and we almost have to look for different different sources for the requirements. we're looking forward to the security source in uh, certain photographs, things like the brain reads on animal feet. so we looked, uh, we looked at large producers like parcel as to the partners, fit the in way of investments for countries or in the way of some of the partners to secure some of these requirements. we're very much looking forward to, to meet the network with potential partners and also because i'm part of the cars on hold all markets and i'm sure there will be some cooperation this was on is also
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host city for the bricks conference this year. the current members of a for sale, russia, india, china, and south africa, iran, egypt, ethiopia, and the united arab emirates. they're all over 40 to 3 dozen other countries right now interested in joining the multi point of worlds fastest growing geostrategic. this is not the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the, the, the news that as we will lose each kilogram going. any sort of good. so but shift so are you doing that? explain it straight to us. well the problem or the


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