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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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south east asia, the headlines right here and i'll see international as a high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption charges. it's made allegations of him receiving a large bribe. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thing you for. thank you. thank you so much for thanks for the tax. with thankful where a sampled the credit president giving credit where credit is due. banking is western sponsors for the latest 60 plus $1000000000.00 of ministry support products such as forces on the battlefields, continued a rough couple losses and for the trouble makers into police who yes, i am going to erupt. style tide george's parliament as will make his policy transparency. bill police move in for the rest of the week about who sponsoring the
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bottom right. so you may not be surprised. it is the usual suspects. the start from one confident to another during this our here on off, he's a national will also address who sponsoring your typical n g o protest in georgia. but right now, starting on the domestic front here on, out to you international, the one more high ranking official from russia. so administrative defense has been detained on charges of corruption. just re softer a deputy minister was arrested lieutenant general because that's off is accused of taking a large, pri, as they go into the investigation in 2021, 2023. as the head or the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian figuration was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions invest saver off the searching the residences of this, your equipment, solve the investigative committee found over $1000000.00 worth of various
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currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed this, it could land him in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia, from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history of defense as well. late last months, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in detainment right now, being held on, again, bribery charges like equipment solve. and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors from military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment. so this is at the same time as vladimir put in and suggested replacing the head of the russian
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ministry defense survey. shy, go with someone else, a, an economist by trade, a man named andre below so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to and following itself, we have to address down. that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. your praise essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses. in the heart of region and that those defensive,
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those defenses weren't even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. some ukrainian soldiers have even been talking about this over to years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and there were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where in ukraine,
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this corruption problems that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. as you mentioned a bit earlier in the program of ukraine, the 4th is really out of the story is facing such an appeal of baffled russian troops. continue taking control the control of so many village others. for example, the town of book or of that they're right there on the front line of the math in the heart of region, adding to the other 9 villages comforted in just the past few days. and in what seems to be an f at a time, the title just have a really good p r. stand that us secretary of state as of a blank and arriving kids. on a circled, surprised, the recent mobilization was a difficult decision. but a necessary one. the defenders who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest. one of the handshakes the backpacking and all the photo up it's coming into russia is ongoing military gains on the battlefield of lincoln's presence is clearly intended to show washington's
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on ending support for the key to append to go on. once he kind of wraps up his weapons shipments. now, this is the 1st visit by a white house officials as last month's approval about $61000000000.00 aid package to ukraine following months. so congressional wrangling and you're creating a president certainly didn't the whole body to show how grateful he is to us. westman sponsors. thank you so much. thanks for coming to your grayness. thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also, i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to uh cool. so package things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks prison. and by the way, i think, go for part my positive support cause well, we're central for, for these 2 americans to american people who live in all the funds for washington, new weapons, more alarming reports or emerging of ukrainian whether continue to attempt to recruit the people to use these weapons and warning, disturbing images of the head,
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because we're going to show you this woman right here. a young woman from odessa. she said she was a beef, not by a military enrollment officer off the fielding, her boyfriend being dragged away. another warning you may find the following video of the incident upsetting to the meanwhile, the us state department, deputy spokes person of his sweating bullets these days seem to be coming on glued at the same time when pressed about why washington con, clearly see evidence of wall crime is committed by israel and gaza. he buckled, using a word solid to deflect. it's to really know what on earth sees on about. how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's ability to send files to us is concerned with russia,
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but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally. and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars over here, but she will be here, but we are going to be talking about and he's an allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable. use of russians are doing all this right. isn't to it? is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into. so it's not, it's not, it's not you sort about the government of is why we give them depression. how could you have eyes in the grade to determine because i took an account up the i think
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what you mean by violating that's a national law that you have to prevent that. this is a sense, for instance, if i like, how did you have the intern defined the end to end with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that action army did war crimes and your brain and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances. one was the question. so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law? or was this a us investigation, aided by the israel's, these relays were not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum that's going on question. go ahead jaws. that guy needs a break with the georgia present. it says she wants to veto the transparency law
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passed by the front of the country's parliament on tuesday. it seems, however, this will change nothing. parliament could easily override that decision with another majority veto. the word i should say regarding the thing, turn up regarding some western back to members of the public. they are pretty outraged. you've seen the footage. but at this point, interestingly enough, the so called civil society foundation, georgia set up by none other than george soros has been urging people to hit the streets and protest the n g. a website goes on to praise itself for the $100000000.00. it's spent in the nation over the years. so where did that money go? as law enforcement moved and quickly to make arrests, so they try to disperse the agitators, the
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american and european flags among the crowd right there was tempest with firing on the streets outside. members of parliament locking horns from a lady behind close to of the that members of the ruling party reportedly attacked an opposition representative during reading this of the draft legislation. and the bill will force energy of those to be transparent
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about where that money is coming from. and in all honesty, that's a really good thing, means i'm of course, washington has condemned the lo courting at a club down on civil society groups. well, some of the congress of evenings reconcile us despite the new bill mirroring similar legislation in the united states. so we discussed this with the panel of the us applies to double standard. the us has position is it can intervene to an influence. and you know, exercise influence in other countries will wall. other countries are forbidden from intervening or having influence in the united states. it's as simple as that, so we have this far law which again tries to monitor for an influence in the united states. but we want georgia to be totally open to us,
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influence and interference, especially because of course georgia borders. russia, of course, is a former soviet republic is very strategic to the united states, has an interest in that region and it wants to be able to influence that country to these n g owes. and that's why it opposes this bill. again, not on any grounds. no, you know, there's no human rights violation here. international law violation bypassing this law rather than just to be western and you and then the manager and tribute the manager. and i think that's the problem because as i just the decision and human smalls, s father semester need to do an audit, we have the same kind of problem that was happening in my country also aust member many and you speech we're actually invited to promote the on the inside of the
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people societies and also for more things that that, that can be expressed in the agenda. i'm trying to the engine, the beloved as to how well does law affect georgia? i mean, it's a, tends to be closer to the west. i would imagine it will hurt that a bit, but look in the, in the west needs georgia. it needs to have influence in georgia. it is not going to of the issue that type of influence just because georgia pass as well. but what it's going to do is limit the ability of countries like the united states to exert influence in and under handed in scale. what are they that they will be out and i'll come back from that session. it's not now far bmc on the chart. georgi you you to be a union and i'm not sure whether that's going to happen or not on the as of now
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what i understand like rebates i have to think and yeah, at least see as friendly as an offer seat. you've been in georgia. yeah, i understand that, you know, there is a guy that everything diamond on the events in the independence that has the audit and domestic public itself. just yeah. and might be blocking big the domains from john t o v and truck. but they are trying to be 70 jobs. yeah. and that's the kind of, i mean, a ride costing lots of correct us to. busy more this, diego is a keta, also an journalist patient on his way to read through about a quarter past 3 pm. i, you are the, a good quarter past 10 pm here at moscow is so good to get you on the program. and this is, by the way, diego, it's such a, such a good story. this because it, it really flies in the face of what they say in the west impressed and the political landscape. and before i've listened before i get on a roll, hit the egg, are you going to cut me off made in your country? similar legislation design as done has been discussed in the parliament. why would
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venezuela want n g o to be transparent about the funding sources? how about it? yeah, of course it's. well, we already gone through this at least in a very aggressive way, at least a decade. so in we have what it's like, it shows and events of how the defend your industrial complex actually operates with an indirect government for government, specifically western governments, not only us for most of course, but also to get bottles that you are in union kind of deal with and also operate here, and you can, you can go even further the think about, for example, how much of these keys in the recent past we've saw examples of people, for example, generally resources, money or something else in order to actually fund organize a direct confrontation with the law in this case yeah, for, for example,
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the narrative, we want to say the toner and also it's, i mean we can easily relate with this. what's going on in georgia in that sense. yeah. yeah, i get, you, i get you. i mean, look at the end of the day, n g o's, i use to foam, and on rest, they like to, they used a cell phone up. the government's, i mean, did i go to the back of the, the arab springs, the color revolutions. this is right out of line, leave virginia's playbook, they use n g o to phone man on rest. then the media takes thought to campaign about this guy's a dictator. he's a sog, then you get a military campaigns, wives out the country, then the i m f comes in full suite in the country, a high interest loan, that it has to set off its software and assets to pay off the i m f line. i mean, made is just like we've seen this so many times the i go, i mean, it's a good thing, isn't it? i mean, in georgia pausing to load like this, we need to know where these energy use these troublemakers and getting them money from. yeah, absolutely. i mean, think about knowing that, i mean,
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it describes 2 things and it's an indication, particularly of georgia. you have to also this can easily show the extent of the how much, how many the energy always are actually all for us in georgia is one of the places where we're most of what are we, we're, we're the most number of your deals. i think it was something like 20000, you know, and may be maybe or you can, you can think about different help. of course, you're going to be some decent in g over the thing about the civil society spring of your engine. i think it's been the private side that doesn't mean that it could have a place, but of course they have to, you know, abide by the local and actually beatrice brenda. but because also you're going to show a lot of sources that not necessarily just as you already 3. describe it perfectly . they just, they don't do that kind of work for just the corporate for intelligence operations . thinking about the influence pulled by having one starting from the for the end that came from the net early ninety's. yeah. what the see,
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i did call that we're doing now over. resides with these other the other with the channels. yeah, exactly. well, san diego, appreciate you saying that, i mean look, you know, they've got, hey, we've got one of the world's biggest advertises and couple of make is george soros who's foundation. amazing. they blown a 100000000 bucks. the phone went on rest in typically see meantime, you know, you couldn't and g o is look at the names. us a democracy house, freedom house, you know, they have these beautiful rosy color names, but that's so full of b. s. so the end of the day, they're attempting to conduct raging change. and so many parts of the world you talked about georgia. hey, they could tell me something they was bloody one. why go was one. why though, the us on said patsy puppet, who was supposed to be made the president of venezuela when the c i a what it my daughter go on where is one, why go with the freedom and democracy? beacon challenger, blah, blah, blah, blah, as well. right now,
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he said tendered to fast throughout the florida university space award. i don't think, i mean, where else we could go, could you go? i mean, you'd have given he didn't have any option to. yeah, i mean, and also, also big with justice of course. yeah, of course when n g o is we're trying to help him to get it legally into the van is when a government to kick out a democratic democratically elected president. mr. my daughter, i mean one, why don't he was an intern at the us state department so many years ago and you're one to where we get these guys. it doesn't vehicle your final photo on georgia right now. we're seeing american flags in europe and flags being wave. and among the protesters and some of the she was a product to us and then agitate has there. are you surprised to see these flags in the crowds of georgia? you know, specially georgia. i mean, they already had a very hard experience with their roads or pollution almost 20 years ago. i mean,
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it's very descriptive. they don't really know what happened and they know what happened afterwards. i mean, 5 years after that, what happened? part of graham georgia games against russia precisely, you know, were like fashion and nothing them to well for them, especially for us let us be, for example. yeah, i mean, so it's like even more interesting of an example. and especially also by of the, you know, the address, it says it's good for the most, for me, that's the base ordered right there. and that's also the, the bang got street bang are of the so the rules base or try to, i mean to turn it over to the government does not even pro rush, you know, kind of resembles 0. the cool one with the new people that just want to have like an independent form phone to some other form policy, but i'm not allowed to because yeah, it shows from me or how much interest or yeah, it's amazing how many amount the amount of just so i guess some internal meddling that's going on washington's always talking about don't meddle in our elections,
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don't meddle in the international affairs. and yet that like the number one bowl game on, when it comes to doing precisely that, you mentioned such as really, by the way and such as, really, even if maybe this pertains to, is that on ski as well. but you know, they, they, they said before was it because it showed who said being an enemy of america or is dangerous for being a friend of america is faithful. diego, psychiatric, just an author and journalist based and venezuela are a big fan of your work. by the way, diego, please keep it up. i look forward to speaking to you soon. sure. thanks. i the police of 40 people including 9 children have been killed in overnight is riley strikes on a refugee camp in central gaza. that was all the latest numbers, according to locals, medical officials, a bomb setting, a new when school, as well as a nearby home being used to shelter despise people. video is posted online, showing the optima and a search. she's continuing for anyone who could still be trapped under the rubble. but as is there any bottoms rained down on the normal sophia engler, those are,
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is riley fireworks and the self id of soul just walk in their countries independence day. go to view as officials, israel now has enough troops in the south, the launch a full scale incursion into about 5 in the coming days. and there's a death in the destruction and palestine continues. the british foreign secretary is faced flock for appearing to keep much of his car and focus on what to labeled from us. maybe it's a movement that she for the bbc to ask itself again, she'll be described as paperless, terrorist, a all terrace. if you kid not grandmother's, you kid, not babies, you rate people, you should children in front of the parents. what, what do they need to do for the bbc? does a lot of these, that's how it works. they really the whole. we've made the longstanding position on this mass a very clear we use the word terrorist when it's attributed to others, such as the u. k. government. while the you k official suddenly do appear fixed. i don't know just labeling things. it's the opposite case on the other side of upon
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washington seems at pains to avoid using the term genocide when it comes to what is playing off in gas. we believe is real. canon must do more to ensure the protection and wellbeing of innocent civilians. we do not believe what is happening and gaza is a genocide. we have been firmly on a record rejecting that proposition as well the slide average. i think the notion of genocide, washington officials admit that israel has shown them no plan for the protection of civilians in gaza in the mean time, but he went on to other international organizations, continue to report on schuman rights violations, including the deliberate targeting of women. and children and child abductions, the head of the l hawk, palestinian human rights group. i show on jeopardy and believes the west doesn't want to acknowledge any genocide because as it says, the west is complicit in. height is between the lines of
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the the one who competes with the jews side for sure. he will not see a junior side. let me say to this man, that's what this lady is doing. let me say it's one of crimes and because it goes to humanity. what's a little vacation of the u. s. according been some issues with the law and the human rights to, according to the technician or more in general. this is part of the questions they don't want to us up. can mr. catherine give me a comprehensive translation and meaning of tourism tutors to groups if he can me see what he would say. what's about killing civilians when it's about also uh, call me think the genocide because of our babies. oh women. our elders
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attacked and killed by the american we bones. that's the case. this is the other thing. they don't want to see that doing the same time. they say we are leaving on 3 when it comes to human rights on the floor. what's the sort of low means? i think we're living in the jungle. that's because back on to the domestic frontier analogy international as of thousands of people for more than 80 countries have descended on the central russian city of cuz on its weather, russia, islamic world international for him is right now taking place. the opening ceremony led by these types of started regional ahead kicked it off. one of the highlights set to be a health food fat. but more importantly, perhaps the next, the 6 days that delegates choosing for more than a 100 sessions to get involved with the economics tourism culture and agriculture and more of the forms. key goal was to bring together specialist from the hispanic world and promote cooperation and the c. e. o. all of the money based fisheries
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development companies that is countries looking forward to embracing new markets. i shall know. mine has the lowest physically disappearing, setting on 7575. that relation between the 2 countries. we have seen a lot of, uh, investors coming through them and as well as a lot of things coming to the ship. so we see that the relationship is growing very strongly and we are accounting also in this participation to get some more of what your entities and sign the agreements with the russian parties. oh no mind we focus on business. and we also see what's the opportunity to can be capitalize on. and for that reason, i think it's, i get the opportunity if these things sending the business solution and the by default a lot of pretty folks will be a chief of mine is going to make our own within the region is basically the different aspects. so i mind is having 0 conflict with the whole work, so it's an opportunity to play if that's pretty door and establish on support the
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food security between the 2 countries as well as the sure here we are having a lot of product can be also uh using the route through the whole reward. and that's will enable the trade between the 2 countries and also contribute to the sustainability and the food security. and the more start wrapping up the program here. and i'll ask you just to remind that one of our biggest stories right now, western sponsored file and protest in georgia. what can you imagine? george soros already saying he's blowing a 100000000 bucks on aggravating the georgia government not to post as transparency bill. because this bill will make foreign n g o's, they have to show where the funding is coming from. and as we all know by now, and g o is a use, the phone meant unrest and generally go for regime change extra. oh your question. this is the,
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on the, the part of your body. i'm rick sanchez. and
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these are the stories that you need to know about today. russia advances in the ukraine on a post key word, not a pause while ukraine has been firing missiles and the russian apartment buildings . we've got the video, it's amazing to watch. by the way, there's a holocaust survivor who has come out against what israel is doing in gaza. let me say that again, a holocaust survivor and the unlikely is true feller in the us government is being attacked by all sides. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the . so here's what we're going to do. we're going to start with the big story that's coming out of ukraine, that all the media is talking about. russian forces are now making huge territorial gains and they're doing.


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