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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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it was never further necessary, a tops people were never going to change them on something and never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the can, these headlines turn off the international high ranking of russian defense official detained on corruption charges and made out like asians of receiving a large pride. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thing you for. thank you. thank you so much. thanks to thanks with st. goldwaire sampled the price president given credit where credit is due, banking is less than sponsors for the light is $60.00 plus $1000000000.00. if money to support cost of his fault is on the battlefield, continue to retrieve the trouble makers riding up the demonstrators. and typically see is i can go very rough, southside, george's parliament. this will make as positive as
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a transparency lot of police move into the arrest says america threatens georgia with signing shipments for quote, some lightning to democracy. the live loud it just often midnight locally here at most go. this is san see the russian president has assigned decrees, pointing an array of ministers to his new government. he addressed those in attendance and highlighted much what lies that had, i guess to move the whole clause. so i have just signed, decrease to form, a new government. i just, i congratulate you. you have gone through with the procedure of approval by the state. duma was in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that during these discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma, the candidates with probably not just discussed. they probably talked about the state of the industries about what and how to sustain from the point of view of the
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states who my deputies. we need to do in order to realize all the plans we have to ask you to take this seriously choose from and from what we have planned and the way we have planned it is good to take into account in practical with the proposals of the state to my deputies, we have a lot of tasks ahead of us, and it is important for the long term sustainable and confident development of our country to act together in the united formation, as they call it, in military parlance, together with the state duma deputies sent together with the regions of the russian federation, when we missed a city during the main thing, i have a lot of input and express hope that new ministers will use the scale as to the maximum. the head of state called coal demo, well known people with great experience, with the system president notate that the new government members will be assisted by the latest is what's happening. so stay, you know, to see. but as a new government is, are taking his place, some of that are being around for a while on not coming back. a high ranking official from rushers defense ministry
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has been detained on corruption charges. it's kind of general cuz that's office accused of taking a large bright the state going into the investigation in 20212023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions invest favor off the searching the residences of this, your equipment, solve the investigative committee found over $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed the secret bland them in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian ministry of defense as well.
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late last months, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in the team and right now being held on again, bribery charges like equipment solves. and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors for military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00. so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment. so this is at the same time as a lot of our put in and suggested replacing the head of the russian ministry of defense survey. shy, go with someone else, a, an economist by trade, a man named andre uh below. so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the
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russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to and following itself. and we have to unders down. uh that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. ukraine's essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that a billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses. in the heart of region and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. it was some ukrainian soldiers have even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and they were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of in seen, staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of
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the a 100 and 25th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where and ukraine, this corruption problem that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. well, as mentioned earlier, ukraine and forces really are facing and i feel about all these days, a russian troops, if a taking control of a ton of vulgar vast covers just over here on the map. but it's just among so many other villages in that region that are being captured over the last few days. and what seems to be an effort to turn the title perhaps is just a p r up. or us secretary state as me blinking arising for
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a surprise visit to key. the recent mobilization was a difficult decision, but a necessary one. the defenders who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest of the handshake. so the back passing of the photo op, it's all coming and they had continued. russian military gains all across the front line. lincoln's presence is sometimes of the show, washington's on wherever and support the key of is dependent on his again, call stop, weapon shipments for assigned by the way of visit by white house officials as last month's approval about $61000000000.00 package for ukraine following month. solve congressional rank, ukrainian president didn't hold back to express his gratitude for his uh, western health. thank you so much. thanks for coming to your greatness. thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also, i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to
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a crucial package. things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks prison. by the way, i think both upon my positive support because while we're thankful for for these 2 americans to american people, we heard from scott river, former us marine corps intelligence office of he gave us his take on how the collective west is trying to cope with russia's daily games in the con, it gets plain to a domestic political audience here in the united states. and to some degree, a political audience in europe. look if 20 blinking was to be honest about what's happening in ukraine right now. it's a strategic defeat for the united states, for nato, for europe, for the collective west. this is a disaster of the collective less under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government in a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words as the goal support by the
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secretary of defense, lloyd austin, back in 2022. and then this, they have failed in a rush and not only as cheap, you know, territorial success, liberating a new territories as the don't boss, coastal homes up or asia securing crimea. but russia has mobilized it's of industrial potential from military perspective. you know, cranking out the defense industry on a scope and scale that can't be matched by the west. and this puts the list of the strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is a pending, complete, and total worst victory on the battlefield crate. the kremlin says, but in my opinion, will be visiting china on thursday and friday. it will be his 1st trip abroad since
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he was an old grader who is new to him as russia as president last week of an outside correspond that his marina costa recommendations. we don't use a lot of my food, so we would travel to china after his not duration, but we didn't know when and now we have the dates. and we also know that they are expected to, of course, decent military and economic corporation as well as a new energy deals potentially. and after that, a lot of my fruits. and we'll also signed the joint statement as well as a number of bilateral documents. you will also be attending an event mark in the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. also, as the exhibition kicks off of the year of russian and chinese culture. so it's something else also a lot of my points and we'll be doing a little bit of traveling around here. we'll visit the harbin and there who will be attending the 8th russian chinese expo as well as the 4th watson chinese form on into regional corporation. the 2 of course have lots of to discuss. china is of
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course a rush as a main trade thing. and strategic partner, of course, has, as we all know, and this a trip of course, will come and start contracts. so the reason for it by the chinese leader who's fresh off his european tour, he went there for the 1st time in 5 years where he had to answer a lot of tough questions regarding his friendship and relations with russia. as we know, europe has always been suspicious regarding beijing's global emissions as well as its influence on what china is trying to achieve in the region as well as globally . and also we know that europe is having a lot of economic grievances lately with china and some x rays, i predicted that i could sign into a full blown trade award. so of course, on the back triple that this trip is a just like a meet. busy between 2 friends, a 2 long time business partners, and it's not the 1st time actually someone did the math and apparently this will be the 4th face to face meeting between the 2 leaders since the beginning of the special military operation. so since the 2022, just last year alone in march,
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the chinese presence was in law school. then in october the russian leader visited beijing. and this is some of the statements like came out from those 1st meetings. so, you know, the geographic region of the belt and road initiative stretches across eurasia and all the way to latin america. over $150.00 countries and 30 international organizations have signed documents on cooperating within the belt and wrote initiative. the initiative is based on principles of bilateral discussions and mutual benefits for the new and we have repeatedly noted that russia and china, like most countries of the world, share and aspiration for equitable mutually beneficial cooperation in order to achieve sustainable long term economic progress won't allow me to see the chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last 10 years. and are of crucial and vital importance for today's world order. and you're,
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your russian chinese relations are at the highest level ever and are exemplary. so as you saw there, it's their vision of our multi paula world which unites the 2 countries and of course, attracts others which is why the west will be waiting to see what will be said in those meetings, what they will decide and what impact that will have on the rest of the world. well that's the us the secretary state has. i will end up aging of more sanctions overs ties to russia. otherwise, chapman of the shanghai send up a room pike, and international studies are nelson wong says that the president putin's trip to china shows well a bit of a shift when it comes to the dynamics of a, the wells major players. the visions message as being always very clear at the relationship between china and the us is also quite important because our 2 countries economies are interwoven to a much greater extent and about in the meantime at this should not be used by the
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us to false trying to bring to we can lead out behave in the way that the us was. this is a totally different method because china as an independent country and its relationship with russia as being declared at by both sides, that it's not against any the country. right. and our 2 countries, i mean, china and russia is economies are extremely complementary to each other. it's quite natural that our relationship, china's trade was russia, the normal tre, should not be interrupted by anybody else who, who might come and say, hey, you do not do business with this country, or you can only do business with that country. now this is a totally different you called say vase to a big country with absolute independence when it comes to its foreign policy. and
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who knows actually about the best to protect its home countries, interest c, c u. n. a security council has convened once again to discuss the quote maintenance so peace and security of your crane responding to west and allegations most goes on, pass it up to the well. the governing body highlighted how reason to crate and attacks on civilians are sponsored by western partners. some of them is up with new studies, somebody who is at the same time western capital's demonstrate selective blindness to the crimes committed by the ukranian armed forces on may 12th, the peaceful russian city of belgrade was once again subjected to mass of rock and attacks, including check made weapons at 11 40 am. as a result of the 5th attack in a day, the entrance of a residential high rise building collapsed the rock. it was fired from vultures, a ukrainian controlled territory, killing 15 civilians and wounding 17 among them. a one and a half month old baby,
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the showing continued throughout the day. unfortunately, the rescue operation had to be suspended several times. during sunday evening, 3 more people were killed. this is just one episode of how the increasingly unsuccessful you, core, nazis on the battlefield, are seeking an important anger event. the rage and the citizens of peaceful russian cities by targeting them in violation of the norms of international humanitarian logs to 5 and take the conversation further here. and i'll tell you with our corresponding caleb up and right the standing by for us. caleb, well, a lots being set in that meeting, what are some of the highlights you've got for as well as you just heard russian ambassador in the den z a took to the floor of the 15 member body that leads the united nations. and he spoke highlighting the hypocrisy and the obvious facts that are left out of the western narrative. now, when he spoke, he highlighted how these national mobilization and ukraine has stripped military
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age males of their rights of their property, and essentially forest bold, military mobilization. but that hasn't stopped up to 11000 people from trying to flee the country and others from trying to avoid fighting. there's just no will to fight left in ukraine. ukrainian military is depleted and you also talked about how western leaders have turned a blind eye to the blatant hitler apologise, man, fascist dick and ultra nationalistic statements have been made by ukrainian leaders . and so many facts about what the ukrainian forces are doing their attacks on civilians are very obvious, but just ignored by western leaders. here's some of what he had to say a month and sort of business level as i said to press to continue for your 1st and foremost, there's a landscape regime is responsible for these crimes. however, the culpability of western countries at the same time is equal as they continue to provide it with weapons and intelligence. they send instructors and mercenaries
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there in the illusionary hope of inflicting strategic defeats on the russian federation. and we can our country having the last hope of achieving the results and in their prodigies, they now explicitly give them permission to target peaceful objects with weapons that they are providing. the west is only interested in ukrainians fighting on the front line. but what are ukrainians fighting for and for whom zalinski is click tainted by corruption and losing legitimacy on may 21st. to now western leaders gave their standard canned response to russia. they blamed the entire conflict on russia. instead of anyone who dies and the conflict even civilians killed at the hands of the granting forces is all somehow russia's fault. now that is their standard narrative. now the security council meeting continued and we did hear from a number of different countries. and what's interesting is that there were a number of countries that did not give the standard western assessment of the
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conflict and had some more insightful things to say. here's some of what we heard. as the security council meeting went on, what the situation is, paula rice, diplomatic effort should be pursued. cessation of hostilities is needed and international law must be respected. all parties should set aside confrontational mindsets, restore constructive dialogue, and legitimate concerns of both body should be considered. brianna rich reiterates it scott, for the parties to respect and adhere to international humanitarian law. we also urge them to commit to a serious political and diplomatic process toward ending the conflict and called for the withdrawal of russian military forces from the internationally recognized territory of ukraine. we maintain that prolonging this war poses increasingly grave risks for all concerned and for international peace and security before the call for scaled up humanitarians support to ukraine and for humanitarian workers to be
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granted on hindered access to all areas including the occupied territories. and so it seems that international support for a diplomatic negotiated resolution to the conflict is rising. regardless, western leaders are adamant that they will continue to pile weapons into key of and that they continue to perceive the conflict as being one in which they are holding off russia from marching into the western countries and delusion that they continue to promote in a lot of their statements, etc. however, it is interesting to note the changing shift. uh, a lot of calls for diplomatic resolution for negotiations to and the possibilities . so we heard the russian leader what he had to say, the facts he pointed out about what's really going on on the ground and who the ukranian government really is. and the real cause of the conflict rooted in the 2014 over throw of ukraine's elected government by western leaders. white,
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a meeting in the halls of the un security council, western leaders sticking to their mantra, russia, laying out the facts and other countries saying that they would prefer some kind of diplomatic solution negotiations to and hostilities. okay, katie, thank you. hello, transparency highlights what's within georgia and a little meg. is it possible to do just that? some questionable men because of the demonstrations in the public or outraged, slamming of the security was outside the parliament, local police moving in to make arrests and disposed the advertise of the,
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interestingly enough, the so called civil society foundation, georgia set out by none other than international troublemaker george soros has been an open supporter of the progress is calling the goals of the lower quote in citrus . as addressing the protests they should not give into the government's attempt to intimidate them. well the n g, a website goes on to praise itself for the 100000000 bucks. it's below it in georgia over recent years. and this type of spread on the streets outside members of the parliament. well, they got into a malay the
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members of the ruling party reportedly attacked, and all positioned representative during readings of the draft legislation. the bill falls and g o's to be transparent about who's paying them, and that's a good thing. frankly, the washington is condemning the little holding it a clump down on civil society group split actually is a come down on basically, washington and g of the us has about $390000000.00 in the system that we are planning to spend with george and a half on military assistance, a little more about another 3rd, roughly on economic development projects and more on building institutions along with some for civil society. all that has to be under review, if we are now regarded as an adversary and not
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a part. if the law goes forward out of conformity with the norm, and there's undermining of democracy here and as violence against peaceful protesters peaceful protests. and then we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be the financial and the travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions. and therefore, earlier we put up the issue for a conversation with a panel of guess have a list as the us applies to double standard, the us is position is it can intervene and influence and, you know, exercise influence in other countries will wall other countries are forbidden, from intervening or having influence in the united states. it's as simple as that. so we have this far law which again tries to monitor for an influence in the united states. but we want georgia to be totally open to us in
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fluids and interferes, especially because of course georgia borders. russia, of course, is a former soviet republic is very strategic to the united states, has an interest in that region and it wants to be able to influence that country through these n g o z. and that's why it opposes this bill. again, not on any grounds. no, you know, there's no human rights violation here. international law violation bypassing this law firm that does better to be western and you and then the approval to get married to the manager. and i think that's the problem because the side decision and the man smalls s father semester and they do have questions. you know, that we have the same kind of problem that was happening. busy in my country also off member many and you speech,
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they actually invited cheaper multi input societies. i'm also from ok that that that can be expressed in the agenda. i'm trying to be into the beloved as to how well does law affect georgia. i mean, it's a tends to be closer to the west. i would imagine it will hurt that a bit. but look in the, in the west needs georgia. it needs to have influence in georgia. it is not going to of the issue that type of influence just because georgia pass as well. but what it's going to do is limit the ability of countries like the united states to exert influence in and under handed in scale. what i said that they will be out and i'll come back from that session. not now far the mc archie, urge you to be
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a union and i'm not sure whether that's going to happen or not on the as of now what i understand like rebates, i have to think and yeah, at least see as friendly as an offer. citibank jobs. yeah. i understand that, you know, there is a guided diamond on the events in the independence. i have service audited, domestic product itself, jobs. yeah. and i think the want to make the, the domain. so i'm john t o b. and so they are trying to d 7, just a bunch of talk to you. and that's the kind of, i mean i was discussing with a bit earlier in the program with the author and joining us at diego, it's a camera is based in a car wreck us where there's also a talk of similar legislation on the tables of venezuela. so he explains what stands behind the idea of n g a. it shows it evinces how the, these things you does your comp,
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it's actually operates with an indirect government for government, and specifically, western governments. not only us for most of course, but also to get bottles that you are in union trying to create and deal with. and also operate here, and you can, you can go even further the think about, for example, how much of these keep the recent past we saw chapter. so people, for example, generally resources money or something else in order to actually fund organizing direct confrontation with the drawings. or, for example, the narrative, we want to say the tone notes. so it's, i mean, we can easily relate with this what's going on in the sense, in the case of particularly of georgia, you have the low so this can easily show the extent of the how much, how many to into your products. we offer us in georgia is one of the places where for most of what are we, we're with the most number of india for children to be some seasoned in geo. but the thing about the civil society spring of the indian spring has been privatized.
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and that doesn't mean that they could have a place, but of course they have to abide by the local and naturally beatrice friend of mine . yeah, there it goes. actually, the right in the day, basically a western countries use and g o to foment unrest and southern countries that are like for self without the government had no volunteer of some kind of stand the balance of attempted to regime change. it is straight out of the paper of langley virginia, but you knew that already didn't visit the the
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when i was here position, i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up the bridges on the drain.


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