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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the interest to move a little closer to i have just signed, decrease to form a new government. i congratulate you. right, that a new day for moscow because russian president vladimir putin welcomes his newly appointed array of ministers that will take part in leading his gop. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thank you for. thank you. thank you so much . thanks to thanks, web thankful or sampled your current president given credit where credit is due. banking is western sponsors for the latest 60 plus $1000000000.00 of military support. tasks as, as forces on the battlefield, continues to retrieve the
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trouble makers among the protesters into police c. as in go, a rough south side, gorgeous parliament, lawmakers pausing a transparency little f a n g o's police move in for arrest to washington. trust in this georgia with sanctions full on the binding democracy, the on air and online from moscow with a full set of top stories ready to go. so it rushes president has signed the decrees, appointing an array of ministers to his new government. the address those in attendance highlighting much work lies a because the move of the whole clause, oh, i have just signed, decrease to form a new government or just i congratulate you. you have gone through with the procedure of approval by the state duma. in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that during these discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma,
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the candidates with probably not just discussed. they probably talked about the state of the industries about what and how, from the point of view of the states to my deputies. we need to do in order to realize all the plans we have to ask you to take this seriously. and from what we have planned and the way we have planned it is to take into account in practical with the proposals of the state to my deputies. we have a lot of tasks ahead of us and it is important for the long term, sustainable and confident development of our country to act together in the united formation, as they call it, in military parlance, system only. together with the state duma deputies. so when you set together with the regions of the russian federation, we missed the city you unplugged during the main thing of lot of my food and expressed hope that the new ministers will use this skills to the maximum pressure inside of state said they have great experience, and after that they will be assisted by the leaders in his cabinet the it was so meanwhile, on the front line or ukrainian force has continued facing such an off field battle
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. russian troops have take control of a ton of a bobo, bigger of vodka. that isn't a how to go for region is right here. but what could have asked her is one of the key nodes, but it's also among 9 other villages kept it all along. this map here interest the past few days and what seems to be an effort to ton, the title, perhaps just a nice p r opportunity. us secretary of state antony blank and arriving for a surprise visit to the recent mobilization was a difficult decision. but a necessary one. the defenders who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest while the hand shakes the backpacking of the photo upcoming and continued russian military gains or across the front lines of lincoln's presence is intended to show washington's on wavering support for key bus . depending on, again, is pumping up more weapon shipments. it is the 1st visit though, by a white house officials since last month's approval of a $61000000000.00 package for ukraine the following month. so congressional
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wrangling and they were creating a president certainly didn't hold back to express his gratitude to his western sponsors. thank you so much. thanks for coming to you. great, thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for the signal also. i wanted to thank you from all my html ukraine's to a crucial package. thank you so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison. by the way, i think both of my positive support cause well we're sampled for, for these 2 americans to american people. we've heard from scott river for his analysis. he's a former us marine corps intel officer, a former un weapons inspector, as well. he gave us his take on how the collective west is coping with russia is continuous gains. and the con, it gets plain to a domestic political audience here in the united states, and to some degree, a political audience in europe. look if tony blake and what is to be honest about
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what's happening in ukraine right now. it's a strategic defeat for the united states, for nato, for europe, for the collect at west. this is a disaster of the collective west under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government in a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words as the goal support by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, back in 2022. and then this they have failed in a rush and not only as cheap, you know, territorial success, liberating a new territories and the don't boss. coastal homes up or asia securing crimea. but russia has mobilized it's of industrial potential from military perspective. you're cranking out the defense industry on
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a scope and scale that can be matched by the west. and this puts the list of the strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is a pending, complete, and total russian victory on the battlefield. in the crate, meanwhile, but un security council has convened again to discuss the quote, maintenance of peace and security of ukraine responding to west and allegations almost goes on bassett or the world body highlighted how recent do crating and attacks on civilians. defacto sponsored by the west, a solution. what's up with new studies? somebody who is at the same time western capital's demonstrate selective blindness to the crimes committed by the ukranian armed forces on may 12th, the peaceful russian city of belgrade was once again subjected to mass of rock and attacks, including check made weapons at 11 40 am. as a result of the 5th attack in a day, the entrance of a residential high rise building collapsed the rock. it was fired from vultures,
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a ukrainian controlled territory, killing 15 civilians and wounding 17 among them. a one and a half month old baby. the shelling continued throughout the day. unfortunately, the rescue operation had to be suspended several times. during sunday evening, 3 more people were killed. this is just one episode of how the increasingly unsuccessful, you call nazis on the battlefield are seeking an important anger event. the rage and the citizens of peaceful russian cities by targeting them in violation of the norms of international humanitarian law. as well as you just heard russian ambassador and a ben z, a took to the floor of the 15 member body that leads the united nations. and he spoke highlighting the hypocrisy and the obvious bags that are left out of the western narrative. now when he spoke, he highlighted how this national mobilization and ukraine has stripped military age males of their rights of their property and essentially forest bold,
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military mobilization. but that hasn't stopped up to 11000 people from trying to flee the country and others from trying to avoid fighting. there's just no will to fight left in ukraine. ukrainian military is depleted. and you also talked about how western leaders have turned a blind eye to the blatant hitler apologise, man, fascist dick and ultra nationalistic statements have been made by ukrainian leaders . and so many facts about what do you, craney and forces are doing their attacks on civilians are very obvious, but just ignored by western leaders. here's some of what he had to say. it is as little as i say to you for your 1st and foremost, the zaleski regime is responsible for these crimes. however, the culpability of western countries at the same time is equal as they continue to provide it with weapons and intelligence. they send instructors and mercenaries there in the illusionary hope of inflicting strategic defeat on the russian
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federation. and we can our country having the last hope of achieving the results and in their prodigies. they now explicitly give them permission to target peaceful objects with weapons that they are providing. the west is only interested in ukrainians finding on the front line. so what are you creating is fighting for and for whom zalinski is click painted by corruption and losing legitimacy on may 21st . now western leaders gave their standard canned response to russia and they blamed the entire conflict on russia. instead of anyone who dies in the conflict, even civilians killed at the hands of the granting forces is all somehow russia's fault. now that is their standard narrative. now the security council meeting continued and we did hear from a number of different countries. and what's interesting is that there were a number of countries that did not give the standard western assessment of the conflict and had some more insightful things to say. here's some of what we heard.
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as the security council meeting went on, the situation is polarized diplomatic effort should be pursued. cessation of hostilities is needed and international law must be respected. all parties should set aside confrontational mindsets, restore constructive dialogue, and legitimate concerns of both body should be considered. brianna rich reiterates it's scott, for the parties, the respect and not here to international humanitarian law. we also urge them to commit to a serious political and diplomatic process toward ending the conflict and called for the withdrawal of russian military forces from the internationally recognized territory of increase. we maintain that prolonging this war poses increasingly grave risks for all concerned and for international peace and security before the call for scaled up to monetary and support to ukraine and for humanitarian workers to be granted on hindered access to all areas including the occupied territories.
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so it seems that international support for a diplomatic negotiated resolution to the conflict is rising. regardless, western leaders are adamant that they will continue to pile weapons into key of and that they continue to perceive of the conflict as being one in which they are holding off russia from marching into the western countries and delusion that they continue to promote in a lot of their statements, etc. however, it is interesting to note the changing shift uh, a lot of calls for diplomatic resolution for negotiations to and the hostilities. so we heard the russian leader what he had to say, the facts he pointed out about what's really going on on the ground and who the ukranian government really is. and the real cause of the conflict rooted in the 2014 over throw of ukraine's elective government by western leaders. white, a meeting in the halls of the un security council,
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western leaders sticking to their mantra, russia, laying out the facts and other countries saying that they would prefer some kind of diplomatic solution. negotiations to and hostilities as georgia and lawmakers have passed the transparency law requiring n g o's to reveal the funding sources. the nation's president says she wants to veto the legislation passed by the countries parliament on tuesday. however, m p is, can override that decision with another majority vote. and some western back members of the public took the streets to the capital, protesting the new law. but the police were there to meet what well agitated has among the demonstrations the,
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interestingly enough, the so called civil society foundation, georgia set up by now the international sponsor and troublemaker george soros. then opened the support of the protest, calling the goals of the low, quote, insidious and suggesting protests or should not give into the government circle the time and to intimidate the population. well, the n g o website goes on to praise itself for the $100000000.00. it is spent in georgia over the past few years. and those type is flat on the streets outside
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members of the parliament got into a malay. the members of the routing party reportedly attacked in opposition to representative during readings of a draft legislation. the bill will ultimately false and g o to be transparent about who that funding sources are. it's a good idea, frankly. washington no, of course condemning the lo pulling at a clam. donald civil society through which way and really at the end of the day it's actually a clamp down on america and west and. and g of says us has about $390000000.00 in the system that we are planning to spend with george and a half on military assistance. a little more about another 3rd, roughly on economic development projects and more on building institutions along with some for civil society. all that has to be under review,
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if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a partner. if the law goes forward out of conformity with you, nor, and there's undermining of democracy here. and there is violence against peaceful protesters. peaceful protested. then we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be the financial and the travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions and their families. so we put the issue up for debate with the panel of guess of a less than the us applies to double standard. the us is position is it can intervene to an influence and you know, exercise influence in other countries will wall. other countries are forbidden from intervening or having influence in the united states. it's as simple as that. so we
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have this far law, which again tries to monitor for an influence in the united states. but we want georgia to be totally open to us in fluids and interferes, especially because of course georgia borders. russia, of course, is a former soviet republics is very strategic to the united states is of interest in that region and it wants to be able to influence that country to these n g o z. and that's why it opposes this bill. again, not on any grounds. no, you know, there's no human rights violation here. international law violation bypassing this law firm that does better to be western and you and then the approval to the manager and to the manager. and i think that's the problem because of the decision and event smalls, s father semester need to do an audit. we have the same kind of problem that was
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happening 0 and my country also a cost never many. and you speech fair, actually invited to promote the, on the inside of the people societies. i'm also going to say that, that, that to be expressed in the agenda i'm trying to, we intend to beloved as to how well does law affect georgia. i'm it is, it tends to be closer to the west. i would imagine it will hurt that a bit, but look in the, in the west needs georgia. it needs to have influence in georgia. it is not going to of the issue that type of influence just because georgia pass as well. but what it's going to do is limit the ability of countries like the united states to exert influence in and under handed in scale. what i think that they will be at,
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and i'll come back from that fish and it's not now far the mc archie, urge you to be a union, and i'm not been sure whether that's going to happen or not. as of now what i understand, i really have to think and yeah, at least be as friendly as in papa c t been in georgia. yeah. i understand that, you know, there is a guy that everything diamonds on the events in beacon defendants. i have service audit and domestic product itself jobs. yeah. and i think the last 2 big be the bench. i'm john shelby and try a bit of time to be step into the product of those jobs. yeah. and that's the kind of, i mean we also had a chance to speak with ulta or in john lester diego to say geta, he's based in venezuela with his also talk of similar legislation on the table. so he explains what stands behind the idea of n g a and it shows it evinces how the, these things you does,
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your complex actually operates, but the main direct government for government and specifically western governments, not only us for most of course, but also to get bottles that you are being union claimant and deal with and also offer it here. and you can, you can go even further the think about, for example, how much of these keep the recent past. we saw samples of people, for example, generally resources, money or something else in order to actually fund organize a direct confrontation with the goal. in this case, or for example, the narrative, we want to say the tone notes. so it's, i mean, we can easily relate with this what's going on with georgia in that sense indication, particularly of georgia. do have most of this can easily show them of how much, how many and we offer as in georgia, is one of the places with remote. so we were with the most number of your deals on
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a for children to be some decent in general. but the thing about the civil society spring has been privatized, and that doesn't mean that they could have a place, but of course they have to abide by to the local and actually the to spend about or i should think is her analogy. israel has acute egypt or preventing humanitarian aid from reaching gaza via the southern a rafa crossing assessed by it is really a 4th is occupying the spot. since the 7th of may. yesterday i spoke with you k for secretary david cameron and german for administer, and a lena bear bock about the need to persuade egypt to reopen the rock, a crossing to allow the continued the delivery of international humanitarian aid to gaza. today i will discuss the matter with a tally. informed minister antonio touch johnny. the world place is the responsibility for the mandatory and situation on israel. but the key to preventing
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the humanitarian crisis in gaza is now in the hands of our gyptian friends. the board attract point is by hold for a to be delivered into a guy. so israel has claimed the cairo is blocking a to protest, the idea of the takeover of the crossing. and while egypt said that is being open from its side since the start of the war, it adds the israel is the one distorting the fact. it's. the foreign minister strongly denounced the desperate attempts of these rarely side to hold egypt responsible for the unprecedented commence. hiring christ is facing the gaza strip, which is the direct result of the israel's indiscriminate attacks on palestinians for more than 7 months. oh, there i was talking with the professor of political science at hello on university in cairo marketing bought for us to hear about egypt efforts and results in the course. it saves you flying fact saying that egypt is blocking a the a to palestinians is hilarious. is the crisis it up to earlier.
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ready to but egypt is in the human a t n e and f perspective truck is trying to relieve because that's the feet of the palestinians. no way it would ever block the crossing. there is no way that it continues opening it. why is right, is blocking gates from the other side. for the last, about 20 years, egypt has been the controller of the voted. this reality may have 2nd, according to a top us official, israel will not be able to achieve total victory over how sometimes when we listen closely to his right, the latest they talks about, mostly the idea of some sort of sweeping victory on the battlefield. title victory, i don't think we believe that that is likely or possible. but let's call them
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without us. as i try to persuade is reality limit is operation and run, and according to american media, and exchange the white house with all foot shelters for gardens and intelligence on the whereabouts of us facilities. well, that's a lot more right now in cross to, i guess, junction react to for us intel officer and a host of the with the applause program. joining us here or not, you international and a very well welcome. great to see a john, what a story this is. it's been going on now all the way since all toe. but now the us deputy secretary of state saying, washington doesn't believe in a total victory for israel. i guess in that case, john, why does washington continue to finance on west sunrise as well if it's things that it cannot wait and this will. so i think what we're seeing here is, is an example of old school american political leadership where you have a president using his eighties and he's of a generation that provided israel with on questioning support the,
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the likes of joe biden bill and hillary clinton and others of that generation have been have been absolutely pro is real without even really understanding themselves why they're so pro israel and i think that what we're seeing here is is a carrier. ready or of an outdated policy? yeah. as a good point. john, what about, i mean the over half a year into this conflict, is there any chance you think jones or fatigue maybe it's definitely into the holes of washington, obviously as a presidential election. yeah. judge is any charles of washington, the support is having an adverse effect. so united states and i think without question, that's exactly what we're saying. you've got a democratic party that has always prided itself on being what they call a big tend to party. you can have liberals, you can have conservatives, and you can have people in the middle and they all call themselves democrats. that's much more difficult today because you have the progressive wing of the party, demanding respect for palestinian human rights, demanding
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a cut off in military age is wrote and indeed in any investment in israel. and then you have the moderate and right wing of the party to which joe biden belongs, proclaiming his unending support for israel. so in an election year, nobody's going to be happy. and joe biden has to figure out how many of his own people he's willing to lose in the selection and still be able to win the yeah, the contest in november. yeah, yeah, yeah. meantime, as i understand the idea of who has been taking a surprising number of casualties or during his incursion and sort of alpha times to being easily destroyed, joined by simple r p g 's. i feel also seen reports not in the mainstream. all of is ready for his retreating from alpha office, taking a surprising pummeling, how much longer do you think washington is going to continue supporting israel
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at this level with money and what, which i honestly don't think that the us can afford to keep up this level of support, you know, it's, it's one thing to, let's say, have a hurricane and have to come up with $10000000000.00 or $20000000000.00 to rebuild from a hurricane. it's an entirely different issue. to go to congress every 6 weeks or every 8 weeks. and ask for another $45000000000000.00. there's, there's a limit to that kind of money. and if the us is going to continue, for example, providing big numbers for ukraine, it can also or concurrently provide those same big numbers to israel, there is going to be fatigue, not just political fatigue, but financial fatigue. and i think the american people are going to are going to quickly arrive at a point where they just don't want to spend this kind of money anymore and has nothing to show for it on the other end. yeah,
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it's one of those times where you let the diplomats do their job and go to the negotiating table and get this thing settled. yeah, i think is a really good point that jonah and you know, talk about the money being sent to ukraine. israel, taiwan. we've just, we've just being throwing us out by we're looking at washington emitting $360000000.00 is going to georgia for so cool the freedom and democracy. sorry, i really don't even know. georgia is a country they think. yeah, just an american state. yeah. yeah, yeah, i mean, time out and you know, there's so much money going speak going overseas, and yet the infrastructure in america, the bridges, the roads. when i lived there for 20 years, it's a real shame to see such good people getting neglected by their own government. meantime, in order i find it along the junction is ready border. there are reports to the israel says we now have enough troops for a full scale in caution input alpha. they say that and yet i've seen some of the numbers of these rated casualties. do you think all the troops that are reportedly
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enough for this in caution? do you think their own is riley, or do you think maybe some american troops have incentive stuff? not the right. so i'm just just out of curiosity, you know, and i haven't heard. busy of any american ground troops, but i have heard of american trainers and, and backfill personnel that would free up is really troops to go down into the alpha i, i would say to that these really is apparently haven't learned the very difficult less than that. the americans had to learn fighting in iraq, that you just simply cannot win an urban war. it's not possible to win in urban war . you don't need to know where the combatants are. and so these rallies can have 800000 troops, so they could have a 1000000 troops in, in the alpha, and so long as weapons are still able to make their way into tell us they need hans, there will be urban warfare, guerilla warfare. and that is a conflict that these really just simply can't win. yeah, yeah,
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yeah. meantime the us refuses to classify what's happening and gaza as genocide, jones on it. but once it gets right to the israel is free to operate as a, as it for. busy us what is necessary? meantime the state department, the deputy of that data patel guy, looks like he's just sweating bullets these days trying to trying to put out these words salads to deflect the price. i mean, i tell you what they so backed into a corner these days, i don't even know what to what to say for themselves. i mean, at the end of the day, the rhetoric continues to support for israel continues, but i guess, is there anything that washington washington could do right now to, to kind of force israel to scale back on the rough and maybe scale back entirely? yes, joe biden can be serious about about freezing arms transfers. you know, the arabs will tell you that the last american president to give them a fair shake was george h. w bush. that was
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a long time ago. that was 1988 to 1992. and so if joe biden wants to do right by the palestinian people and to force change and force respect for human rights, he has to cut off arms transfers to israel. i'm very glad that you brought up the word genocide. i have a very close friend is a former deputy attorney general of the united states. he's a constitutional scholar and he talks a lot about genocide and he said that there is a very specific definition. internationally recognized yep. definition of genocide and we're seeing it right now in gaza. this is a genocide. yeah, exactly, exactly, junk your yahoo is a host of the whistle blows program, which is a great show. i enjoyed very, very much you these days. isn't you doing a great job on covering very uncomfortable truths, john? so i appreciate your hard work and we look forward to so much seeing you again soon and thanks for your time. my pleasure. thanks. have.


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