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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the man who was in years an interview to the chinese media ahead of his upcoming visit to the country this week . to be his 1st trip abroad since his new integration, the us self and debit by either the bank or wrong science on get saw as a closer then keep a genius continued support while you career, and so just died on the battlefield. countries northeastern. as israel celebrates 76 years, and this is the creation of the jewish states, past the engine block, the not the catastrophe when their ancestors were full, the hand of that of the
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live in moscow. this is all to you, my lord, him, i'm in. send him is of news and these saw it now. but i have given an interview to the chinese media ahead of his to the visit to at country rates of this week. a man who's got to this in more detail with this drawing biopsy correspond the qualities in the studio with us today. the leaders of 2 of the biggest countries in the world that meeting later on this week, this year box $75.00, he is a corporation. the russian president has decided that offers you know, gratian who's going to go to china. last year, when she was a, was re elect said the teachers, russia as his 1st trip. what does that mean? i mean, how significant is this? well, it's an indication of just how important the growing and longstanding partnership,
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strategic partnership between china and russia is for both leaders of both countries. i mean, in this interview with chinese media vladimir, put in and said that he's had fruitful exchanges with choosing ping, ever since they met in 2010. and the russian president called current relations between beijing and moscow unprecedented. they said that both powers are working to deepen cooperation on a mutually beneficial level, as well as on a level that's free from ideological influence. it is important that russia, china dies, as they are today, are free from the influence of either ideology or political trends. i am talking about our joint efforts to strengthen sovereignty, to protect the territorial integrity and security of our countries. in a broader sense, we are working to contribute to the development and prosperity of russia and china, by enhancing equal mutually beneficial economic and humanitarian cooperation,
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and strength and foreign policy coordination in the interest of building adjust multi point of world order. all this is the key to a future success of a comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. the so presently puts it basically gave it into the, into this tiny is station. but one of the highlights from the interview. well, there was a big focus on organizations like bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization and how they bring the global south together on a basis of inclusion and openness and transparency. as the russian president said, in this interview for the benefit of global governance and vladimir put, and also focused on the role a little bit of a western, the leads and how and, and their role in the current political landscape. he said that there, there, there's a sort of lack of respect for different cultures and different civilizations that don't want to do everything the way the west does. so let's take
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a listen to what the russian present said versus the cradle of humanity, our coming home, and we are all equal as its inhabitants. i am convinced that this view is shared by most people on the planet. however, the countries that affiliated themselves with the so called golden 1000000000 do not seem to think so. us lead western and leads refused to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject centuries old traditional values. they disregard other countries, southern interests. they seek to ensure their well being at the expense of other states, just like in the old days and resort to neo colonial methods to that end. needless to say, neither russia nor its partners are happy with the state of affairs. we have actively contributed to launching multi lateral associations and mechanisms that are independent of the west and are successfully operating. so don't get a ton is. so put a proposal for, for a piece. so as
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a piece mediator for the ukraine, conflicts this proposal. i mean, it's set aside, i think, 12 principles at 1st and added 4 more. but these ones, the sort of principles being taken seriously if you live by you playing all the western countries, well, why don't you're putting for his party called these steps, constructive and reasonable, reasonable, and constructive piece proposals that beijing put forward. and, you know, principles that moscow's ready to engage with. but because of this cold war mentality that is still prevalent in the west, and of course what's going on and ukraine right now, the ukraine on the west. they're not ready to, uh, engage in any sort of constructive dialogue. they basically shut themselves off from any, any sort of possibility of the peace negotiations right now. vision proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from
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pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine nor it's western patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead west and the lead source stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate then we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our for an assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of naziism and to ukraine sponsored terrorist attacks in our territory. us. and the last important thing i want to mention about this interview is something that vladimir put and reiterated. he said many times time
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and time again, that is relationship with choosing ping in terms of a business is a fruitful one. but it goes farther than that. they have a sort of friendship you might say, and this is something that, of course, for shadows, a lot of a productive outcomes for the upcoming meetings invasion. yeah, definitely want to what styled. i know for a fact that the 2 liters i've actually met 40 times in the last 10 years, so they clearly have a good understanding of after the with that don't know who was obviously cuz this one always a pleasure to have you in the see to thanks again. alright, let's move on now. cool. so the meeting was with the to the to is what will happen to the next couple of days and we'll be covering everything here on r c. but meanwhile, in q, you've speaking of ukraine, the us secretary of state took up a deep tall. i'm played a role king in the free will. now he played just continue simple for you quite a while. it's so does die on the battlefield actually is all me is currently
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suffering substantial losses in the north east. and the hartford region with a massive retreatment. i'm from the bank and tried to make light of the situation. i know this is a really, really difficult time. your soldiers, your citizens, ne, for you are suffering tremendous. but they need to know you need the united states as well as you so much of the world as with the guys government as well on that every put side of the civil. so just should be ready to fight videos of surface on the internet. so i'm going to on the phrase to
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be sent to the front by as he was, even in that to the new law to draw a man with physical and psychological disability. in some cases, civilians have been beaten by conscription offices, a warning you may find the following images distress. the young woman poses these disturbing photos on her social media page. she said that a construction office park for when she was full, it may have friend being dragged away to a recruitment center. investigative though for the case into the is and also it gained attraction on social media and to even and can express support full the severe and controversial kind of group symbols in assessing the inc.
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plains, a slipping mostly draft is a necessary measure of the recent mobilization was a difficult decision. but a necessary one. the defenders who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest, gets playing to a domestic political audience here in the united states. and to some degree, a political audience in europe. look if 20 blinking was to be honest about what's happening in ukraine right now. it's a strategic defeat for the united states, for nato, for europe, for the collective west. this is a disaster of the collective list under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government in a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words as the goals that bored by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, back in 2022. and then this they have failed in
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a rush and not only as cheap you territorial success, liberating the new territories of the don't boss. coastal ins, up or asia securing crimea. but russia has mobilized its uh, industrial potential from military perspective. you cranking out the defense industry on a scope and scale that can't be matched by the west. and this puts the list to the strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is a pending, complete, and total worst victory on the battlefield crate. let's take a look at russ says, reset and bonuses in the hall co region rushing to to take control of the town of boulevard. as they make their way tools, the provincial capital of his forces has gained control over at least 10 pounds. i'm but it is in be some days in the meantime of the un security council like again
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to talk about quote, maintenance of peace and security of the plane. ross is representative, pointed out the hypocrisy of western support and for a key while you play as movie attack civilians. but it's showing me a thumbs up and studied some pretty fluids at the same time. western capitals demonstrate selective blindness to the crimes committed by the ukrainian armed forces on may 12th, the peaceful russian city of belgrade was once again subjected to massive rock of the tax, including check made weapons at 11 40 am. as a result of the 5th attack in a day, the entrance of a residential high rise building collapsed. the rocket was fired from vol chomsky a ukrainian controlled territory, killing 15 civilians and wounding 17 among them of one and a half month old baby of the showing continued throughout the day. unfortunately, the rescue operation had to be suspended several times during sunday evening. 3 more people were killed. this is just one episode of how the increasingly
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unsuccessful yuko, nazis on the battlefield are seeking an important anger event. the rage on the citizens of peaceful russian cities by targeting them into violation of the norms of international humanitarian law. as well as you just heard russian ambassador and a ben z, a took to the floor of the 15 member body that leads the united nations. and he spoke highlighting the hypocrisy and the obvious bags that are left out of the western narrative. now when he spoke, he highlighted how this national mobilization and ukraine has a stripped military age, males of their rights of their property and essentially forest bold, military mobilization. but that hasn't stopped up to 11000 people from trying to flee the country and others from trying to avoid fighting. there's just no will to fight left in ukraine. ukrainian military is depleted. and you also talked about
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how western leaders have turned a blind eye to the blatant hitler apologise, man, fascist dick and altered nationalistic statements have been made by ukrainian leaders. and so many facts about what do you, craney, and forces are doing their attacks on civilians are very obvious, but just ignored by western leaders. here's some of what he had to say. as long as i say to press to continue for your 1st and foremost, the zaleski regime is responsible for these crimes. however, the culpability of western countries at the same time is equal as they continue to provide it with weapons and intelligence. they send instructors and mercenaries they are in the illusionary hope of inflicting strategic defeat on the russian federation. and we can our country having the last hope of achieving the results and in their prodigies. they now explicitly give them permission to target peaceful objects with weapons that they are providing. the west is only interested in ukrainians finding on the front line. so what are you creating is fighting for and
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for whom zalinski is click painted by corruption and losing legitimacy on may 21st . now western leaders gave their standard canned response to russia. they blamed the entire conflict on russia. instead of anyone who dies in the conflict, even civilians killed at the hands. the granting forces is all somehow russia's fault. now that is their standard narrative. now, the security council meeting continued and we did hear from a number of different countries. and what's interesting is that there were a number of countries that did not give the standard western assessment of the conflict and had some more insightful things to say. here's some of what we heard. as the security council meeting went on, the situation is polarized diplomatic effort should be pursued. cessation of hostilities is needed and international law must be respect. all parties should set aside confrontational mindsets, restore constructive dialogue,
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and legitimate concerns of both body should be considered. brianna rich reiterates it's scott, for the parties, the respect and not here to international humanitarian law. we also urge them to commit to a serious political and diplomatic process toward ending the conflict. so it seems that international support for a diplomatic negotiated resolution to the conflict is rising. regardless, western leaders are adamant that they will continue to pile weapons into key of and that they continue to perceive the conflict as being one in which they are holding off russia. from marching into the western countries and delusion that they continue to promote in a lot of their statements, etc. however, it is interesting to note the changing shift uh, a lot of calls for diplomatic resolution for negotiations to and the hostilities. so we heard the russian leader what he had to say, the facts he pointed out about what's really going on on the ground and who the
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ukranian government really is. and the real cause of the conflict rooted in the 2014 over throw of ukraine's elective government by western leaders. white, a meeting in the halls of the un security council, western leaders sticking to their mantra, russia, laying out the facts and other countries saying that they would prefer some kind of diplomatic solution negotiations to and hostilities multiple input in this. i'll flags over the border into rush. i've left 19 people that the desktop has risen as soon as they have time as well. so you can avoid of being evacuated from the rubble of a collapse apartment building. all these correspond to stay so any picks up the report from the scene. it just stays off. the ukrainian attack causes tend story, apartment bulk behind me to collapse, and the dust is yet to set to flowers and toys are being laid in memory of those who lost their lives. the governor of belgrade came to pay his respects,
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the praise locals and relief workers for the assets unexplained, some of the measures being put in place. we will try together with volunteers to collect valuable things, documents of property that can still be identified and retrieved and combined with the list from owners, requests. we will try to give it out. additionally, there flats that are now impossible to enter because of the threat of collapse and it is categorically impossible to go in there. we will dismantle each, the decision has been made to rebuild the house on this site. the final assessment will be asked of the house is completely dismantled and the foundation is examined . i hope that this will allow us to start building the house as quickly as possible . it will be rebuilt according to the same design as before. local residents all seem about the future on time to him for his support in that time of need your such amount of gold who came to us here? we see how you work. we see that you lift the life of all people. this is such a difficult situation and you are with us. thank you very much. god bless you,
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your family. god bless your environment, which is a good team, which is with you on which is doing everything for us. let's hope that this will only be over c. thank you very much. thank you for servicing with the community in shock. i'm coming to terms the sundays, a talk, the memories of still roll the data from the 5th floor side entrance. that's where it'll happens. it'll collapsed. the balcony was left behind. we went home at the time of the attack. we just come out and we went home. that's what we were wearing when we went out. my daughter and i were trapped back because there was no way down. for 2 hours we waited for the rescue team to get us that on from the 8th floor says it's a 3 bedroom flat, which is my main windows face the other side. there's only a balcony of the lounge. everything, of course, still that i managed to take my documents of my dogs, some things and
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a change of underwear. the situation remains volatile. and so it means that sounding 10 to the doesn't as a city fights is the constant, the rest of attack. so we were forced to take cover several times while filming at the same of sundays, a talk with ukraine, continuing to talk at the area, physicians at the time in the space of just one hour, that weeping for to run to accommodate each day. simon's a big sounding overhead loss from the defenses. have been in this guy's a, this is daily life now for the people, the city of belgrade, as you cry and continues to talk it somebody. and as you can see in the shelter now, this is in the apartment process k one to 5, and the ukraine on sunday and emotions have are running very high. the hope remains that the russian had volunteers on the pastoral field will provide the buffer zone on some relief for the people of belgrade. this is steve for any, for all to the builder of city. the wide us to an outside is out to the middle east
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as it is while celebrates of the seventy's safe. i'm of the city of is national independence stands is there is a time of remembrance and last known as of the not come by or ok past of the and arabic and commemorates of the false displacements of hundreds of thousands of policies on the homes and land during the establishment of the state of israel all day is maria financial, that reports on how is razor? i'm policy is mark this t moment in the history. israel's independence day is different. this year they were in guys on the longest and prices. israel has ever been waging, and it's more than 7 decades long history has claimed to more than 35000 palestine in lives in more than 7 months. these really army has lost more than 600 of expense, was scores of others injured. and they swore it continues with no sign of ending of
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this year under the shadow of the ongoing comes from the traditional story. many come in re today's relevant independence day. here has this president's residence in jerusalem is main, attended only by families of outstanding soldiers, periods, families, and on our military members and his speech. president harrison describes it as a celebration of pain when we carry so much pain morning. so much concern for hostages and soldiers, so much sorrow in grief. how can we behave as usual? now, when i look at you 120 outstanding soldiers of these really defense forces. i know i made the right decision. you are 120 beacons of light, 120 sources of comfort, 120 sources of coal the 100 of kilometers away, and as well as north. there was another massive gathering with painful feelings for
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a different reason. most of these people hold is rarely passports, but for them, the creation of israel is associated with a tragedy. points relays today is a day of celebrating 76 years since they stablish mental fast states for palestinians. most these really arabs who also identified themselves as palestinians and even some jews. it is a knock about a catastrophe in arabic marketing, the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of arabs from the homelands back in 1948. we are now at the 27th march. all return organized by different groups of activists from jewish in arab communities. they come here many of them carrying poly seen in flags. as you can see, to remind everyone that they can be known celebration is on to their rights. so return are restored according to you and estimates around the time when these read was founded. more than $500.00 arab townsend, which is,
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were forcibly just populated. most of them were destroyed and replaced by israeli cities and towns. they celebrates the country which has been cellphone animosity ethnic cleansing. and it's important to remember that was not the box is nothing is solely cut even the not gonna continue each and every day since the last page it came to me because i was a genocide consultants, especially the seem to remember that about 80 percent of the guys on i'll actually let me review with them if we can plan villages all the calls on the side. they're not by now. second class citizens also sees member of these really pull them in from jewish, an arab head, gosh body. a jew himself says israel has no reason to celebrate the state of physics in order to be really free and really independent must really is which delta patient us government said 200 years ago, a lot of most and nation. that's all 2 places in either one. it says never be free,
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as long as the police being and people is not the defendants. so these are the areas. i don't know if the defendant, either the palestinian cause has been there for decades, but also to warns but after how most of the tackle needs read last october. that led to the gas of war and dramatic radicalization of those palestinian and israeli societies. now comes a critical time. so he's, it's part of his vision that was never to do like we think we sense it's today. we are on the brink of receiving well, we're seeing these tonight. this is very tangible. it may be tomorrow or even one month, but you can see the level of violence in the streets, not only in guns either with a doing it's been what we saying is why you can see the level of violence is on the rise. israel marks it's 7 to 6 independent say, rand event that's supposed to synchronize the public good society to remain very much divided over with the same thing to well also to base some even say that the
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israel has split into 2 incompatible jury states over the ongoing war in gaza and some long lost same issues, and that is what the current, the with for us, the reproduction of the reporting from jerusalem, the israel a top you are somebody who has admitted that as well, will not be able to achieve a mid to late fee of a home us sometimes when we listen closely to his right, the latest they talks about mostly the idea of some sort of sweeping victory on the battlefield. total victory. i don't think we believe that is likely or possible. the size of inside of the slate is what else and limits is operation. in rafa a major city in southern gaza near the border, you're familiar with jose, what you're going to have offered to provide services for policies on the intel,
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on how much smooth cases exchange for the of with israel job i'm had pretty it was the one of the games invading rafa saying would be a red line. we had from full us intelligence of as a junk curio because he says washington would have already shed that's in. so if it had in the us doesn't have very many levers by which to influence israel. there really aren't very many other ways in which the us can force these re lease to do something that they otherwise may not want to do. this would be one of those ways. i have no idea, of course what that intelligence might be if it were important, and if it were something over which lives depended, the us would turn it over. the fact that they're not turning it over tells me that it's not something that's terribly important, is really set it up. they can't really define what it means to say that they've won this for israel does not need the money is there is
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a 1st world country. it has plenty of money. but the us has made this policy decision and it will continue to give this real everything that it wants a political risk in the republic of georgia. the president has promised to veto new legislation that would full of form funding. envy is to be more times parents about the financing, but the problem is, is the measure is crucial for gold is independent, as i'm 70. i wonder if this missile understands today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. will see adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, create strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia and to overcome so called polarized ations. that work for the, when the political opposition convinces its supporters of something. and then they go out on the streets. this is an absolutely normal and healthy event, but the political minority cannot, in any case,
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force the political majority to accept or not accept a decision that serves to strengthen the state interest of georgia. so these, these decisions are made by the political majority of them notice would be sort of the pro was some photos of the lane highway. the jordan capital is parliament approve. the transparency bill walter displayed on the street south side only because apparently looked forms behind closed doors. the time is of the ruling policy repeatedly of times and opens this a representative during readings of the draft. the destination us has condemned the build quality of the crime down of civil society. so officials in washington have even threatened to impose sanctions against georgia. the us has about $390000000.00 in the system that we are planning to spend with george and. ready
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half on military assistance, a little more about another 3rd, roughly on economic development projects. and more on building institutions along with some for civil society. all that has to be under review, if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a partner. if the law goes forward out of us and pharmacy with the use and doors and there's undermining of democracy here and as violence against peaceful protesters peaceful protests, then we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be the financial and the travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions and their families political out of this and deal game divide. he says that while the president poses a bill to have bein to.


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