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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the, the good man who has it in prizes a rush is a strengthening relations with china, as is set to visit beijing this week with plus a broad office recent integration, the us something different. my hands, they've been running south long, gets hard to comfort and keep his continued support while you plenty of men being slaps loosely to be sent. the website is around so that right and 76 years since the creation of the jewish states passed in some of the non class, the catastrophe when the ancestors are full behind the
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initial and a 2nd today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the friction in the republic of georgia, the prime minister holds legislation to increase the transpired. c of on forward and funded india's for the president says she will because the bill, the company today for the link to the global news around the i'm of her mom is, this is the and i'll talk story. let me put the, haven't given into, into the chinese media and of is today visit to the country they to this week on thing cause one donald, cause a has the details. what's the big indication in terms of just how important is this growing, longstanding, strategic partnership between china and russia is for the leaders of both countries . in this interview with chinese media, russian president vladimir put and said,
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he said many fruitful exchanges with changing, paying over the years since they met back in 2010. and he also said that the current level of relations between the good 2 countries is unprecedented. and that they continue to grow on a basis of mutual cooperation and without interference from any sort of ideology. it is important that the rest of china ties as they are today, a free from the influence of either ideology or political trends. i am talking about joint efforts to strengthen sovereignty, to protect the territorial integrity and security of countries. in a broader sense, we are working to contribute to the development and prosperity of russia and china . by enhancing equal mutually beneficial economic and humanitarian cooperation. and strength and foreign policy coordination in the interest of building adjust multi photo world order. all this is the key to a future success of our comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. that's
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what i mean. so i think we have a dog. what else? i mean, while the sci fi lights from the interview that, that fits in gave to the chinese media. while there was a big focus on organizations like bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization, put in talked about their role in bringing the global south together in the spirit of openness, transparency, and mutually beneficial cooperation. he also did bring attention, however, to the role of the western, the leads in the current a geo political landscape. you said that there's a real disregard and disrespect for a different cultures and different civilizations that we don't want to be exactly the way with the way the west wants them to be. this is the cradle of humanity coming home and we are all equal as its inhabitants. i am convinced that this view is shared by most people on the planet. however, the countries that affiliate themselves with the so called golden 1000000000, do not seem to think so. us lead west any leads, refused to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject the centuries
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old traditional values. they disregard other countries, sovereign interests. they seek to ensure their well being at the expense of other states. just like in the old days and resort to neo colonial methods to that. and needless to say, neither russia nor its partners are happy with the state of affairs. we have actively contributed to launching multi lateral associations and mechanisms that are independent of the west and are successfully operating. so i guess it was on everyone's lips is ukraine, and we know the chinese data is being instrumental in putting tools, applying perhaps to bring both sides of russia and ukraine on the west. together i lead to a negotiating table yet we're not hearing any sort of, i don't know a response from the west regarding discussions organizations. why is that? well, what am i putting spoke a lot about this,
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about the china is efforts to stimulate the piece process going on right now. he's, he specifically mentioned the 12 point program, the beijing put forward. last year. he called the commendable and he said that the additions, that changing thing has made since then are completely constructive. and there's something that moscow is ready to work with. but unfortunately, it has the problem lies with the attitude of the west and the key of regime, right. now, because they're not interested in, in dialogue, according to the russian president there on a mission to punish russia. beijing propose as practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy. it and the stability of global value chains. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine, north, west, and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal
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honest, an open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests . they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, westerly leads are stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine, sponsor terrorist attacks in our territory. on top of that, vladimir put and reiterated something that he said time and time again that his relationship was using ping is not just a fruitful business type partnership, but it's also a friendship. and that in itself is something that for shadow, some productive results that are likely gonna come out of these meetings in china partners discuss with this live lauer global emphasis allows to alex or
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a photo fi he's in china attics. thanks for taking the time to joining us here on uh to now. so russia's president has chosen china for his 1st official trip abroad since his new integration. but chinese lee the if you remember back last year he was a when to ross. so he came to us is that i'd say, but his bus international meeting. so when he was re elected, why, why do they look to 10 chose china? what does it say about the relations between the 2 countries as well? thank you for having me on the program. i appreciate that. you know, we're talking about the relationship that started in 2010. they've been seeing and calling each other for, you know, 14 years already. we have to understand that the entire global community, the global economy, is actually changed here in the last couple of years where russia has pretty much, you know, solidified it's time to move the china to the tune of about $280000000000.00 a trade per year, and this is pretty much,
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i would say one of the main targets for the visit. yeah, it's interesting. they are sincerely. well here on trade deals, you know, we had seizing paint. he obviously went uh, one of your many european so. so you see things always been on the quite a lot of pressure from western countries if you'd like to sort of, i didn't know come to the side of the pond. what kind of messages this sort of sending to the west, if you like, when we have so strong friendships between 2 need as well this message, as you say, what messages are sending to the western or collective west we'll call them is thanks, but no thanks. we have a new relationship here, you know, the american playbook on bankrupt and bully doesn't work anymore. it hasn't been working here in the last couple of years as they try to sanction russia into and a believe in with over 16000 sanctions in the last couple of years. this is
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a 2 countries that can put their political differences aside. continue on building trade in the relationship for the better of their citizens. and i have to tell you russia as economy is doing quite well as, as is china, as is china. i, as you know, it's been more than 2 years. this is the russian, antonia say to decry they know who limits partnership in part of a push back against american domains. hedge and many, i mean how effective it is. this partnership in your opinion was very effective. i mean, what it does is it gives even companies and countries that are connected to the belt and roll, which is over a $150.00 of them. now, the confidence to know that they don't need to go to the i m s, you know, to borrow money, and they can stand tall and be proud of their nation with the support of russia support of china. we have seen a country pretty much be cancelled in the last 2 years here. and what happens to it
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when it has great partners, like china, to help it revive its economy, it flourishes. and this should be send a major warning shot across to the other side of the pon. they're saying you can't bully bomb, run bankrupt and bomb these countries anymore. and replace leaders rushes here to stay in china's behind it. yeah, for a raise is a sort of a value of strength that asked of great strength. you know we, we sort of seen a role change all the, well, the city being changing. we were the brakes. uh, full main. and this is a co relation between china and russia, but how is the world looky on this? i mean, always gonna be looking at a more sort of august v, a r k times. are they changing really a marble people coming on board with the idea is has to be a win win situation. enough of the bully. you know, that's
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a good comment where you use the word, you know, are we going back to old times? are we changing? this is a relationship that's been there for many, many years. but what has changed here is russia has completely replaced. it's a economy full stop. that means whether it's starbucks, whether it's mcdonalds, whether it's major enterprises in the united states gone, they're out of there and they are never going to return. when you shut down russian aerospace to the rest of the world, a fly. well, you know, i heard a just the other day that a flight from london to tokyo, they pretty much have to go halfway around the world, the 3 quarters way around the world just to get there because of the importance of rushing years space. russia is long with china needs, whether it's timber, whether it's oil, whether it's, you know, natural resources, what a great partner to have in this global term. well, honest, let me just touch a little bit on perhaps the economy between the 2 countries. as you briefly mentioned, trade is in fact uh,
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doubled or tripled. and the last probably is with the over $200000000000.00 out. interestingly, that both countries, the trade of course and dollars in a while, which must be a big case to the united states. i'm very economy, we would, we are going to vibe, but how, how p is that a, they, they trade in a one on rouble as well. very keats, when you shut off russia and steal their money to the tune of 70 percent of assets, in your opinion, the banks, thank you for that. so what happens is you have, this can be num, join him in fact, and this is where russia has said, ok china, we need some support. we trust your currency, you haven't ripped this off, you haven't stolen our money, you haven't sanctioned. as a matter of fact, you've replaced even our car industry and if you are a person that lives in rush right now, i bet you my bottom dollar here that you're probably either being driven around any
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russian taxi or a new energy vehicle from china. yeah, data and we saw quite recently how the by the administration put law, is it 200 percent levy on chinese. it inputs. i mean clearly that not looking at the future. that's the living very much in the past on the out. i see that during the recent visit to time, the us 2nd thursday, i'm to the banking one, beijing, all more sciences over its ties with russia. do you think those threats could have any influence on the strong size between russia and china as well with the united states as and understand when they sanction or the issue, terrorist, it's not hard hurting crush or china. it's actually completely closing off a market from the united states. i mean, if you're a homeowner, or if you're an automobile owner in the united states, you should be really angry about what's happening here. you cannot enjoy something that might be good for your environment. you cannot enjoy something that is going
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to, you know, help your economy, move forward, new energy vehicles or the future whether america wants to invite them or not. unfortunately, they close over $340.00 americans out of this, which is amazing. now a lot of the i read the transcript of the interview that that president clinton gave to try to like media. he felt a little about the history of china and ross, it's, it was how the, the, it was the us. i saw the recognize the p as it is well, the top one of the country i think is the 2nd one that recognize yeah, the p i c. is this out of the hills or thoughts about how chinese and russian soldiers put together. i gave this, you know, japan, but by history. how important is history? when you look at the future of relations, does it, does it really matter so much? because, you know, in western countries,
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especially when we look at work cause them these days, they, the young people just want to know about what's happening today. they don't care what's happened in the past. but does that, is that something called totally different for russia and china? absolutely, and history may repeat itself. this is the issue here. the average person has no idea what the soviet union risk in world war 2 to end, you know, naziism in, you know, the europe at that time. and they don't teach that. and this is history. we are watching actually, in a historic event happen here between 2 leaders, which will remind us that their bond is not just something that you know, started in 2010. these 2 countries are so connected. they're also connected by borders. and now they're connected by trade, so you've got history, borders trades. and as i heard latest, uh, from a few of the colleagues here in china rushes, the next place to visit. yeah,
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is very interesting. so on size indeed us definitely to watch will be definitely keeping an eye on how things progressive the next couple of days. so thank you. alex, the real photo fi. that's who i was always a pleasure to lose you so far. it's going to be a surprise you to talk, you take care. but meanwhile, i think he's, the us secretary of state took up a get call unpaid rocking in the free will night. please continue support for your great lot. it's man of being literally drive away by conscription offices and send to the battlefield as a bank and try to make you liked the situation. i know this is a really, really difficult time. your soldiers, your citizens, northeast are you are suffering tremendous. but they need to know you need to united states as well as you so much of the world. this was
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the in your car is government have loans that every time so so jeff should be ready to fight. it is a surface on the internet. so in man a done to the seats to be sensitive to the front lines he had the with and that's the new know to draw men with physical and psychological disability. people who does a film the that shows risk being beaten up by the authorities. a warning you may find the following images distressing. the
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young women posted these disturbing photos on her social media page. she said that it can screw up some offers. i've tried to when she was feeling me, have friends being drive the way to recruitment center. investigate is open the case into the it's an off the gain traction on social media. as anybody can express the support for this event as a controversial called scription laws insisted, but you claim sleep, emergency golf is a necessary measure. the recent mobilization was a difficult decision, but unnecessary one to the dissenters who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest, gets playing to a domestic political audience here in the united states. and to some degree, a political audience in europe, look if 20 blinking was to be honest about what's happening in ukraine right now. it's a strategic defeat for the united states, for nato, for europe,
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for the collective west. this is a disaster of the collective west under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government in a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words as the goal support by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, a back in 2022. and then this they have failed in a rush and not only as cheap you know, territorial success, liberating a new territories at the don't boss. coastal ins, up or asia securing crimea. but russia has mobilized its industrial potential from military perspective. you cranking out the defense industry on a scope and scale that can't be matched by the west. and this puts the list of the strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is
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a pending, complete, and total worst victory on the battlefield. crate us on our senses as the middle east, as, as well, and celebrates the 76. i'm adversity of is national independence policy and experience at the time of remember, last known as of the well catastrophe in arabic and come memories of the false displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians from their homes online. but during the establishment of the state of israel all days, maria, the national reports on how is really is i'm policy is mark list key moment in the history. the israel's independence day is different. this year they were engaged in long distance prices. israel has ever been waging, and it's more than 7 decades long history has claimed more than 35000 palestinian
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lives in more than 7 months. these really army has lost more than 600 of its men with scores of others injured. and they swore, continues with no sign of ending of this year under the shadow of the ongoing comes from the traditional story. many memories, today's relevant independence day here has the president's residence in jerusalem as being attended only by families of outstanding soldiers breeds families and military members. in his speech, president harris have described it as a celebration of pain when we carry so much pain morning. so much concern for hostages and soldiers so much sorrow in grief. how can we behave as usual? now, when i look at you, 120 outstanding soldiers of these really defense forces. i know i made the right decision. you are 120 beacons of light,
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120 sources of comfort. 120 sources of coal. the 100 of kilometers away and as well as north, there was another massive gathering with painful feelings for a different reason. most of these people hold is rarely passports, but for them, the creation of israel is associated with a tragedy. points relays today is a day of celebrating 76 years since they stablish mental fast states for palestinians. most of these really arabs who also identify themselves as palestinians, and even some news. it is not about all catastrophe in arabic marketing. the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of arabs from the homelands back in 1948. we are now at the 27th march all return organized by different groups of activists from jewish in arab communities. they come here, many of them carrying poly seen in flags, as you can see, to remind everyone that they can be no celebration is on to their rights. so return
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are restored according to un estimates around the time when is read was founded. more than $500.00 arab townsend, which is, were forcibly just populated. most of them were destroyed and replaced by israeli cities and towns. they celebrates a company which has been cellphone and mostly ethnic cleansing. and it's important to remember that this not the box is nothing is solely cutting events. they're not going to continue each and every day in the refugee camps. mean, does our, that is a general side consulting to, especially the seems to remember that they both feel sense because i'm actually like you warm at me kind of plan villages on the calls on the side. they're not by now. second class citizens also sees member of these really parliament from jewish, an arab head. gosh buddy, do himself says israel has no reason to celebrate the state of physics in order to
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be really free, and really independent. must be nice with the patient, as government said 200 years ago to most a nation that's all to buys. another one, it says never be sleep. as long as the police being and people is not the defendants. so these are the areas i don't know. do you defend them either? the palestinian cause has been there for decades, but also to warns that after how mazda is attack on israel last october, that led to the gas of war and dramatic radicalization of those tally, seen in his rarely societies. now comes of critical times, you know, he's, it's part of his vision that was never to do like we think we sense it's today. we are on the brink of receiving. well, we're seeing these tonight. this is very tangible. it may be tomorrow or in one month, but you can see the level of violence in the streets, not only in guns, either. it was the doing bank. what are we saying is why you can see the level of
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violence is on the rise. israel marks it's $7.00 to $6.00 independent say run event that's supposed to synchronize the public, but society to remain very much divided over with the same thing to will also to base some even say that to israel has split into 2 incompatible jury states over the ongoing war in garza and some long lost same issues and that is what the current, the with for us, the reproduction of a reporting from jerusalem. the next round of the cool was, is now as we see a political rift in the republic of georgia, the president has promised to veto in united states and that would falls forward and funded india is to be more transparent about that funding and financing. but so the prime minister, this is the measure is for sold for the countries independence. i'm 70, i'm going to this missile understand today is the most important day in terms of
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strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. will see adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence. create strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and to overcome, so call and pull the rise ations that work for the when the political opposition convinces its supporters of something. and then they go out on the streets. this is an absolutely normal and healthy event, but the political minority cannot, in any case, force the political majority to accept or not accept a decision that serves to strengthen the state interest of georgia. so these, these decisions are made by the political majority of a sufficient, con, was a pro wes and probably just as long as the main highway in the door and capitalized on them and improve the transparency bill. long term has fled on the streets, outside roommate, goods mobile phones behind closed doors, the,
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the routing party with who the attendant and the representative doing readings of the dross. and the distinction u. s. has condemned the build quality of the comp that on civil society groups. some officials in washington and these and threatened to impose sanctions against georgia. the us has about $390000000.00 in the system that we are planning to spend with george and. ready half on military assistance, a little more about another 3rd, roughly on economic development projects. and more on building institutions along with some for civil society. all that has to be under review, if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a partner. if the law goes forward out of is conformity with the doors
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and there's undermining of democracy here. and there is violence against peaceful protesters, peaceful protest and then we will see restrictions coming from the united states. those tend to be the financial and the travel restrictions on the individuals responsible for those actions and their fax for those as well as d r d meet yvonne says that while the president opposes the bill, i mean so could easily be over to. and by following i would agree that it's a kind of involving step because uh, link potty can easily uh, work on these uh nobody to like say like the saying that she was telling good about these united ways. she's all going to be slow. and if she supports these, the mental organization be so position,
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party and but to it's like the parliament to me like a few days for this, probably no improvement to be slow east to so dangerous for georgia. that's why you, these have uh, a concrete main booth hopeful to appear to you and you know the dissimilar. oh, i think it's more an, it's a, it's a money pollution and like, express, single, almost 100 hold on some of this news as it was great to have you with us here on, on. see international r t dot com is definitely a website you should checked out regularly. will be back at the top of the, the,
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when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions for react the the man the
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