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tv   Documentary  RT  May 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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it against the men get 2 wounded capture. now just what is the legal status of these prisoners who have been fighting their fellow citizens within the borders of their own country? do they have any rights or protection against mistreatment the we, we will you back the, we don't we got the thing william wade met the old p. m. round. we're allowed now the label to send on that and then all the way of the let's see my they will come mind that the mounting my you will be man with the
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c i d a long not only did the not give a and i'm a the the key thought about that laughter we do not. oh is that we're all right. so right now we need to we don't send home going model. so even though they thought we'd be the one not to
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see them, not me. who made the man? no, no, no no, no, no, no. the
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the the bending of like i know you guys gonna look through my new mama 99. i take it out loud. like not tilting crane. i love the night i dr. young. well, not the big dog in the building around will probably play golf in there. yeah. no more. laugh mike,
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i'm gonna look pretty nice but you know, i get a higher light thing but they uh you know, day you too. bye bye. now you don't run the guy, the guy. i don't know the me more now let him know the
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the window. no no no hold on for the mirror. for the white one. drop oh wow. the to the and the side by the time, oh then oh my my have had my pain not got you pulled up and left
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a message on the waiting upside and to make that have getting no problem with the dock and then how much i need to go pay my down and when you buy it was a balance had to be paid online by not when she went to the
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to the south south might the the job will waive the long dollars days out too late. they all got a new little do they don't. uh i bought the the, the, i'm not,
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not how we got all that stuff. how we got all the don't come suddenly profit later . the 3 love all multiple. now, by the way, i know that day about you will be don't be let, let, don't go book. i'm not the only game i do need to god baba pulled up the though we didn't do the 5th and jumping up on we're on the google sound bar code on the head. go down. yeah, go to little that have been gotten back down then the height of down less i'm with the, with the bus on the
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way you walk out to help the inside citizens help along and i know me what doesn't mean the lead i'm doing the same. we a lovely song, we'd love to know nothing they talked in. uh, you'll be lovely. look, you see what's out. i've got a couple things. i may do not let me give you a lot. so by units that we always the my name's
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atlas. the those i yeah. i money. owned by the top. the new name last and my date on the oh. well, assume that i know the
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the, the a policeman saw peter tell you the v 0 part of the of us cause a crack of umbrella. you sent another movie money some to the quote from us.
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it's a single and i know that, but it is ok to for you on your was ma'am, i'm just proposing it too much is it doesn't move from when you put this in your cell phone is fairly for the real thing, but on unity contributing, does it weigh as little as what pulled up with the city to look at the work being done. so we will see that such it will govern government offices, virtual govern government. sorry my phone i've, i mean we'll give them a better typical module which will be sufficient for 5 days. it'll be owing to modeling the growth. let me put some my to the put avenue was a really initiative for 5 years. i brought it to the point unless the visiting of
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north and east of suffering and my son for the, for them to purchase the the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show your mind on to the patient. we should be very careful about the personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence, with somebody in the name of the robot must protect his phone. existence was on
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the of the the lady to the new model. no, no, no. that's what i like to leave early in the face. i'm currently own. got a la flee. i don't know yet, but i'm really the guy just the all on zillow and you buy the, the later part of the late fee. we got to that. huh.
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safe bogged down the,
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it's the how do you go about forgiving people who did that to your wife? if you can, if you can plug the movie on
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mobile adult, we like god, we call yeah, we don't know how the other line. great. good by young day. good bye. talk about a top. i love over how loud they 19 us lulu seeing a little bit off. god, oh what i'll look a little tight with i know full control. let's start talking about the title. trying to find you my how do we have him come to a beat? no type mode. oh we know that been done before then. but what are you by of the sound you
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pay now now? oh wow. wow. wow. you can take and help it out. yeah, yeah. okay, so right now, joe? yeah. okay. what code of people to go back to? uh, 58. most of the time now you come to the safe side of the company? no, no, no, no choice. what? so by doing we do it here. we get a new unit wake up. now,
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the only way it looked at the door moved them into a good how what was going to go past the man then they don't want me look at the change on
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the radio down a new way to do you have enough money now i'm talking about 40 people from paying my life. oh yeah, well, i'm doing
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a long can you be able to come to the go? it was long hugo jay knew mccray didn't die below. tall, beloved after not during the buddha would be no match with the
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came by yes. on sounds number, now you're moving to a live the good on the balcony to become fine lane the way home. so this is the resting place. what i'd like to know is some of your fondest memories of your mom. know who uh, i'm gonna have to always use that with you. if you need the feeling hook up with.
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let's say you don't 1000 you off the back in the meantime. see hy name the lift the lid on the go we no, no, no, no. the vinyl home to google. now, all of them down the hill, i named the little thing. yeah. go see my baby though. that's how my county by know you there. let's go ahead and talk. now lou, do you want the new modem dot the home come home sound like one her name, the who. let's say we got the why, why? because i'm not allowed. i need to go down to florida. yeah. you go. yeah. why not? how do we go and talk melody? i think you called the view of welcome. then go ahead and guide by your phone or call me, you know, and you all what day you will, they will pop you, then you will be bob. now, boy,
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why feel it that all of you walk on y'all's don't don't. yeah, yeah, without a leveling with the gum multiple has only the back now. i live by lead to mice. uh, the a a, a,
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a, the, a, the, uh, the,
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the, the russian states. never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the same assistance must be the one else. suppose question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question,
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did you say they requested the oh, what i would show seemed wrong just don't safe house because the application and engagement trails when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground. the. the western relief scandalously declare they are virtuous because of their so called values. the assault on the palestinians destroys the pit of their virtues and reveals they have no values at all. you know, this is the case when they say,
6:00 am
i believe in free speech, but the for to so is this. the praises ross is strengthening, relate to china, as is said to visit these english this week to be its 1st trip abroad officer. his recent innovation, the us of the good rocks out all the gifts are i. so considering q, but it has continued support while you create him, then i'll being slash loosely reset as well. so that makes so decent is it's the creation of the jewish state policy. as a mock of the not the capacity when the as if those were both the kind of a.


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