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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the russian forces take another 2 villages in the heart of region as well as the kid frontline town of rubber tino in his upper rosa province. the while you at the top diplomat, anthony blink, and rocked out on guitar at a concert interior of ukraine. lots and estimated 1000 troops over the past 24 hours. vladimir putin phrases of rushes, strengthening relations with china as the russian president is set to visit bay
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during this week. it'll be his 1st trip abroad after his present and occupation. and as israel celebrates 76 years since the creation of the jewish state palestinians marked the not, but the catastrophe and their ancestors were forced to hand over their lands the right to live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we're covering the top new stories from around the worlds. we start with the latest, from the ukraine complex to russian. troops have taken control of 2 villages in the past 24 hours, global koya and look and see. and then harcourt region that adds to another 11 towns and villages in the province that have come under russian control in recent days. meanwhile, in this upper rose or region, russian troops have also advanced into the town of robert tino the the, the russian army is also pushed ukrainian troops further from the front lines using
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heavy artillery to target cubes, the military vehicles and the neighboring russian troops to gain control of the area. all right, let's discuss this further, this flurry of russian military advances with r t correspondence. do. sweeney see what more can tell us about russia's recent gains on the battlefield as well. yes, this is the news that we've had from the russian ministry of defense of these games . a very important games on the possible field. the a could do a blushing full story of taking control of the settlements of global care on new key on see in the cohort region. this is part of this offensive a is on the way that is being on the way for some time now, face populates raging that particularly around the city of full chung square. both sides are exchanging artillery fire, but the russian all forces have money to take control of those settlements. but also i pushed through those front lines of the ukrainian defense though. earlier
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this week, the bbc even announced that they had spoken to members of the credit on forces that they had actually said that the russian on forces what am i able to make those advances without the ever being bind up without really facing any difficulties. so there was some suggestion that indeed no shots had been fired. now we've heard as well that to the russian offices of also taking control of rob bought in a, in the example rojo region, obviously has come with heavy losses for the credit on. forty's hundreds of them, but it to pass now have been killed and not by so the, they rushing on forces that have money to repel a number of of counter attacks. and they've pushing back prop phone line, which is very important, particularly for the citizens of vote on age and belgrade, which is the city which has come under intense attack over particularly over the last week. of course,
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on sunday we saw the attack on an apartment block which caused 10 stories to collapse. 15 people died in the initial strike, another 3 and another attack on a residential building very, very close by. so this is the, the russian defense minister. you have said that the, i mean to create a buff is i, which will kind of help the help with the relief provide somebody for the settings of a bell, but we're just getting messages through. now even the situation still here remains incredibly volatile and has to be paid on a. my phone is being picking with text messages warning of potential. a rock is attacked on a miss all strikes. now this is the daily life now for the people on these border, heavier. so those at volunteers being made by the russian ministry will be very welcome. all right, r t correspondence, steve sweeney. steve, thank you. i mean, well, in a kia the us secretary of state took up
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a guitar and played rocking in the free world. he applied to continued support for ukraine while as men are being literally dragged away by conscription officers and sent to the battlefield until they blinked and tried to make light of the situation . i know this is a really, really difficult time. your soldiers, your citizens, northeast for french most but they need to know each united states is what you so much of the world. this was the the cranes government has warned that every potential soldier should be ready to fight videos have surfaced on the internet, showing men abducted on the streets to be sent to the front lines. camp is even
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enacted a new law to draft men with physical and physiological disability. people who dare to fill in the abductions risk being beaten up by the authorities. a morning you may find that the following images distressing. the young woman posted these disturbing photos on her social media. she said a conscription officer attacked her while she was filming her friend being dragged away to our recruitment center. investigators opened a case into the incident after a gained attraction on social media and they blanket expressed support for the severe and the controversial conscription laws you insisted you cranes sweeping military draft is unnecessary measure of the recent mobilization was
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a difficult decision, but a necessary one the defenders who have so courageously held the line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest, gets playing to a domestic political audience here in the united states. and to some degree, a political audience in europe. look, if 20 blinking was to be honest about what's happening in ukraine right now. it's a strategic defi for united states, for nato, for europe, for the collective west. this is a disaster of the collective list under american leadership, has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into propping up the zalinski government in a failed effort to inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that's not my words, that's the goal. so bored by the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, a back in 2022. and then this they have failed in a rush and not only as cheap jo, territorial success liberating
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a new territories as the don't boss, coastal homes up or asia securing crimea. but russia is mobilized, it's of industrial potential from military perspective. you cranking out the defense industry on a scope and scale that can be matched by the west. and this puts the list of the strategic disadvantages they try to cope with the consequences of what is a pending, complete, and total worst victory on the battlefield. crate the bottom of it. and it has given and interviewed a chinese media ahead of us to day visit to that country later this week. or 2 correspondents donald quarter has the details. the most. the big indication in terms of just how important is this growing, longstanding, strategic partnership between china and russia is for the leaders of both countries . in this interview with chinese media, russian president vladimir,
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put in and said, he said many fruitful exchanges with changing, paying over the years since they met back in 2010. and they also said that the current level of relations between the good 2 countries is unprecedented. and that they continue to grow on a basis of mutual cooperation and without interference from any sort of ideology. it is important that russia, china ties as they are today, a free from the influence of either ideology or political trends. i am talking about a joint efforts, the strength and sovereignty to protect the territorial integrity and security of countries. in a broader sense, we are working to contribute to the development and prosperity of russia and china . by enhancing equal mutually beneficial economic and humanitarian cooperation. and strength and foreign policy coordination in the interest of building adjust multi polar world order. all this is the key to a future success of our comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. and so the, and so i think that was all what else?
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i mean, while the t highlights from the interview that that fits in gave to the chinese media. well, there was a big focus on organizations like bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization put in talked about their role in bringing the global south together in the spirit of openness, transparency and mutually beneficial cooperation. he also did bring attention, however, to the role of the western he leads in the current deal political landscape. he said that there's a real disregard and disrespect for a different cultures and different civilizations that we don't want to be exactly the way with the way the west wants them to be. the is the cradle of humanity coming home and we are all equal as its inhabitants. i am convinced that this view is shared by most people on the planet. however, the countries that affiliate themselves with the so called golden 1000000000, do not seem to think so. us lead weston to leads,
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refused to respect civilizational and cultural diversity, and reject the centuries old traditional values. they disregard other countries, sovereign interests. they seek to ensure their well being at the expense of other states, just like in the old days and resort to neo colonial methods to that. and needless to say, neither russia nor its partners are happy with the state of affairs. we have actively contributed to launching multilateral associations and mechanisms that are independent of the west and are successfully operating. so i guess what was on everyone's lips is ukraine, and we know the chinese data is being instrumental in putting tools apply. i'm perhaps to bring both sides of russia. i'm the train on the west together. i lead to a negotiating table yet we're not hearing any sort of, i don't know, a response from the west regarding discussions organizations. why is that? well vladimir put in, spoke a lot about this,
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about the china is efforts to stimulate the piece process going on right now. he's he specifically mentioned the 12 point program, the beijing put forward last year. he called a commendable and he said that the additions, that changing thing has made since then are completely constructive. and there's something that moscow is ready to work with. but unfortunately, it, the problem lies with the attitude of the west and the key of resume right now. because they're not interested in, in dialogue, according to the russian president there on a mission to punish russia. the vision proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego with the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine, northwest and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an
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equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine sponsored terrorist attacks. and now territory. on top of that, vladimir put and reiterated something that he said time and time again that his relationship was using ping is not just a fruitful business type partnership, but it's also a friendship. and that in itself is something that for shadows, some productive results that are likely gonna come out of these meetings in china. always spoke with blogger and political analyst, alex reporter fi in china. he said,
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the partnership between moscow and by james sense, a strong signal to the world about the potential for economic development in defiance of pressure from the west. we have to understand that the entire global community, the global economy, has actually changed here in the last couple of years where russia has pretty much, you know, solidified it's times we've china, to the tune of about 2 $180000000000.00 a trade per year. and this is pretty much, i would say, one of the main targets for the visit. this is a relationship that's been there for many, many years. but what has changed? curious? russia has completely replaced its economy. full stop. that means whether it's starbucks, whether it's mcdonalds, whether it's major enterprises in the united states gone, they're out of there and they are never going to return. we have seen a country pretty much be cancelled in the last 2 years here. and what happens to it
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when it has great partners, like china, to help it revive its economy, it flourishes. and this should be sending major warning shot across to the other side of the point. they're saying, you can't bully bond wrong, bankrupt and bond these countries anymore. and replace leaders rushes here to say in china is behind the israel celebrated its independence. the idea of soldiers launched fireworks are the occupied gaza strip of the law. israel honors the 76. the 1st 3 of its national independence palestinians experienced a time of remembrance. and loss, known as the knock bye or catastrophe in arabic. it commemorates the force displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians from their homes and land. during this time was spent of the state of israel. r t 's, maria financial reports and how is realizing palestinians mark this to finding
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moments in their history. the israel's independence day is different this year. they were in guys on the long distance prices. israel has ever been waging, and it's more than 7 decades long history has claimed more than 35000 palestinian lives in more than 7 months. these really army has lost more than 600 of expense with scores of others injured. and they swore continues with no sign of ending of this year under the shadow of the ongoing comes from the traditional story. many dependents say here has the president's residence in jerusalem is main, attended only by families of outstanding soldiers, periods, families and military members. and his speech president harrison describes it as a celebration of pain when we carry so much b, one so much concern for hostages and soldiers so much sorrow in grief. how can we behave as usual?
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now, when i look at you, 120 outstanding soldiers of these really defense forces. i know i made the right decision. you are 120 beacons of light, 120 sources of comfort. 120 sources of coal. the 100 of kilometers away and as well as north, there was another massive gathering with painful feelings for a different reason. most of these people hold is really passports, but for them, the creation of israel is associated with a tragedy. points relays today is a day of celebrating 76 years since they stablish mental fast states for palestinians. most these really arabs who also identify themselves as palestinians and even some to it is a knock about a catastrophe. in arabic marketing. the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of arabs
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from the homelands back in 1948. we are now at the 27th march all return organized by different groups of activists from jewish and arab communities. they come here, many of them carry in poly, seen in flags, as you can see, to remind everyone that they can be known. celebration is on to their rights. so return are restored according to you and estimates around the time. when is read was founded, more than $500.00 arab townsend, which is, were forcibly just populated. most of them were destroyed and replaced by israeli cities and towns. they celebrates the country, which has been cellphone animosities, ethnic cleansing. and it's important to remember that was not the box is nothing is solely cut even the not gonna continue each and every day since the last page, it seems as though there is a genocide consultants, especially the seem to remember that they both feel sense because i'm actually like to do, well,
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if we can plan villages all calls will follow signs. they're not by now. second class citizens also ask a seas member of these really pull them in from jewish, an arab head. gosh, buddy, do himself says israel has no reason to celebrate the state of physics in order to be really free, and really independent. must be nice with the patient as government said 200 years ago, a lot of most a nation that's all to fight another one. it says never be free. as long as the police damien paper is not the defendants. so these are the areas i don't know if the defendant either the palestinian cause has been there for decades, but also to warns but after how most his attack on israel last october that led to the gas of war and dramatic radicalization of those valley seen in his rarely societies now comes a critical time. so he's, it's part of his vision that was never to do like recently. we sense it today. we
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are on the brink of receiving well, we're seeing these tonight. this is very tangible. it may be tomorrow or even one month, but you can see the level of violence in the streets. not only in guns i'm, that was the doing. it's been what we saying is why you can see the level of violence is on the rise. israel marks it's $7.00 to $6.00 independent say, rand event that's supposed to synchronize the public good society to remain very much divided over with the same thing to well also to base some of them say that the israel has split into 2 incompatible jury states over the ongoing war in gaza and some long last in issues. and that is what the current, the with for us the ready for an ocean. um, okay, reporting from jerusalem. the building is around hundreds of palestinians gathered in ramallah and other parts of the west bank to mark the knock the anniversary, local journalists,
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mohammed. the jacob has more after 1 o'clock here. so the sound is therefore a 7. busy second, 76 seconds to the number of the year, kind of basses. and that's about the completely phone. there are, there are hundreds of policy that goes to the world. so some people, some wires down there is the to, there's because it's made by the use of the c and national infections and the mission of st. ladies and brand new take on fam from. but i to the senior school for life is that academy there we saw, but i see that flags the black as much so that's, that's a or t v. this is on, on the back to the phone, but it connected because there were hills this year. are the snow down the spike and they do decide really man of the smart, 30 sublist months. who are here are the are there, is there any war? and the guys are continue for back once
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a year or $222.00 days. when 55000 about your field of service in mind. there's thousands of work into many policy as well news. that's what surveys learned is this a guides us in civil field. what right now is the bucket with that, what i see is, where is the water medium where the suppliers, depending but not saying guys, this is something you guys are more than 100000 fos too as well also. and this guy's a slip to egypt, of other countries around the neck of unprofessional food or more. and your son, the one that's covering 7060 years ago, also this condition taking a mess of those banks. that's a lot of the closing. i don't as well as i did it, but event bouncing from using my new role. so those bank i just leave because the clothes and make their life for a reasonable and they attacked their homes. are they affecting me physically to some of them? we have that thing down a course on fields on the back of them or i could catch or so it is a terrible situation there by the city is to invite us this commission that was
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funded by the info. like the vision of the, you know, one the restaurant is for the government to stop this. so if i lost the bicycles, i guess the thing is to have those bank truckers president read zip type air to on has held an emergency meeting with top law enforcement officials and reports. i'm an attempted to be in plans against his government. all right, let's cross live now to our, to correspondent. yes. and i can who is in is stumble. yes. and what more do you know so far? or rachel, what we know right now is the meeting that was held overnight. took place with the chief of intelligence as well as the minister of justice and the initial discussion that took place and on kind of had to do with the detaining of about 3 police chiefs. the detainment of these police officers, of course, happened as a result of an ongoing investigation and investigation that was looking into and
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organized crime units within the country. and new names continue to pop up. and this is where the turkish government essentially unraveled the discussions of the talks of a conspiracy. uh to say that it's a crew attempt is a bit of a stretch. it shouldn't be compared to july 15 of 2016. but even turkish lawmakers resemble the investigation to the 2013 investigation in which many people within positions of power essentially carried out investigations, arresting people within the party, tied to scandals throughout the governments. and what we're looking at right now is essentially just give or take the same, but in a speech on wednesday, the church president essentially highlighted with some of the important matters that we need to discuss here. for example, in his speech you said, and i'm paraphrasing, here you said that the talk to them and essentially knows very well who the puppet is, who the puppeteer is and who is writing the play. now, with respect to these investigations, it doesn't offer much information, but if we take into account the 2016 events and events of 2013,
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the turkish president is essentially took a job at the federal organization which was blaine suspected to be behind the crew attempt on 2016 but more so the church president essentially referred to the united states as the puppy tier, or those that are backing the head of the organization, penciller glenn, who is currently residing in pennsylvania. so taking everything into account these investigations are crucial. it's critical, but it's also a matter of great concern because right now the turkish government is working on legislation to essentially bring into play a number of different changes within the church constitution. one of those legit relations actually has to do with espionage and ongoing activities of intelligence agencies and the charge president and his speech to the essentially highlighted as much that the trucks government will continue to do as much as possible to ensure that this legislation does go through the parliament, it does get approved and essentially makes the work of intelligence agencies, organizations like the federal organization or those organizations that have been
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investigated by the church government much harder to operate. and in turn essentially is an un providing peace and security stability through the turkish paul political spies scheme. but another thing that we don't know for sure, of course, is who these people were, where they have ties to. and whether they actually do tie back to pennsylvania, but in a sense the church president did say that they are well aware of who is behind these orders and that they will crack down on them if need be. and so much has been repeated by the nationalist party, the leader of the party deputy bunch of essentially offered his unwavering support to the church president and will be by his side no matter what happened. so it's going to be interesting to see how this investigation unfolds. and what more information will be provided and what the church government does as a response. all right? are to corresponding us and i can and assemble. yes and thank you. all right, well turning to hear in moscow or hundreds of couples from oliver, russia are expected to say i do in a mass wedding festival taking place this week,
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or these were gonna close. rainbow brought us this report from the same and the, this is a very old original way to get married, which is exactly what these couples are doing. well, actually walking down the aisle and water in the aisle, it is. they are surrounded by strangers, who also decided to choose the historic and beautiful part to have their wedding ceremony. let's check it out. the around $400.00 couples are expect that's tied in knots by the end of the festival, which also offers lectures, master classes, concerts, the actual performances as showcase of different whether in rituals and wedding dishes, you name it all,
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culminating in the wedding flock. it's really cool here. i didn't even expect and the dump like this to take place here with this such a huge box. i'm so happy. so all the couples are where and traditional garments from their region, because this is after all, a wedding festival parts of the russia regions exhibition, which celebrates the diversity of the biggest country in the world. and now we're approaching the big moments to say, i do the best that we could get out here at the russia exhibition. we have a big family celebration in the center of moscow. 151 couples, similar, tedious, we have registered the marriage. that means 151. you families have
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a pay it. we haven't opened that. those who registered that the brochure expedited food never get divorced. so we wishing me happy family holiday to ask for you. what is the perfect addition to the russian regions? exhibition which has been so popular among locals and tourists, visitors can now get acquainted with not only the various exotic landscapes from different parts of the country, but also get to see what the brides and grooms look like, what they wear and what they eat as well. as the how they celebrate. so all that's left to do is say good good. which means bitter and russian and problems couples to kits and other wedding to this and here which song find strange spots. it's suppose to make the 1st drink sweeter. marina costs for eva,
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archie must go to stay with our to international direct impact is up next by the the, everybody i'm or sanchez. this is direct impact. and i want you to look at something you guys seem to be sort of saying that boots on appear connected to the ground connected to service members shooting in the gaza . doesn't count as boots on the ground. it does not. i think you're gonna find the of the american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza,


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