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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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the the, the hello again, everybody, i'm or sanchez, this is direct impact and i want you to look at something you guys seem to be sort of saying that boots on appear connected to the ground connected to service members shooting in the gaza. doesn't count as boots on the ground, it does not, because i think you're gonna find the of the american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza, we probably should have a vote on that. is 100 percent correct, but we shouldn't have a vote on that. but then again,
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what is the last time us citizens were asked for their take on any military adventures or actions, or even congress? for that matter, even though the constitution says they're suppose to prove these types of things, you're going to hear a lot more of this really test. the exchange between congress been met gauge and the secretary of defense. i'm rick sanchez. let's get to it. it's the all right, so here's what i want you to do. i want you to hear this full exchange now between congressman gates and the fed secretary austin. i want you to pay particular attention to how casual lloyd austin is about more planning and troop movements and without any apparent consideration of the consequences. and why is that this conversation? right? but you're about to hear. it could be about ukraine. it could be, but the south china sea often is iran,
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but as well really just about any place. but in this particular occasion, it happens to be about the decision. the president biden has made to send troops on to some loading pier off the coast of gaza. here it is from the beginning. miss locked in just said they'll be about a 1000 us service members. operating appear system off of gossip. how many of them will have guns, mr. secretary? well, typically all of the non deployed servers, member carry service members carry guns and they have the ability to protect themselves or to if challenge. so if someone from land and gaza shoots at our service members who are on the 320000000 dollar peer that we're building, you're telling me our service members can shoot back. they, they have the they have the right to, to return fraud or protect themselves. now what do we do? that's why i so now want to move to the likelihood that we think someone from land and gaza might shoot at our service members on this peer, do you think that that's
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a likely scenario? that's possible. yes. this is a very telling moment mr. secretary, because you've said something that's quite possible that could happen right. shots from gaza on our service members. and then the response arm service members shooting live, fired into gosh, that is a possible outcome here so that we can become the port authority and run this here . right. is that that's correct, and i expect that we will always have the accounting person that's on the ground. president biden told the country that we weren't going to have boots on the ground in gaza and we won't. okay, but you guys of course, the distinction between like when americans think boots on the ground, they think americans in harm's way or engaged actively in a conflict. you guys seem to be sort of saying that boots on appear connected to the ground connected to service members shooting into gaza. doesn't count as boots on the ground. it does not. i think you're gonna find the of the
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american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza, we probably should have a vote on that. we should have a vote on that and think about what he's saying about the people who are maybe shooting a new as troops aren't going to shoot because they're not actually on the territory . they're on a piece of wood that just as connected to the territory that seems low to chris a, by the way, here's another part of the debate that i want to share with you. this is important . this one is about the f 35. we take a little bit about the f 35. it's one of the most expensive still, palmers that's ever been built, which up until recently hasn't even been able to fly because apparently it's too dangerous. so it, is it a, according to what we read it of tracks lightning. so if it's ever going through any kind of storms while it's flying, like dogs is going to be storms everywhere, right. it could blow up in mid air because it attracts monthly. right? really consider this is plain costs, a $135000000.00 to build and there are about $450.00 out of them out there right
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now already. i did the math on that just on my, you know, on my iphone. that means that we have spent $61000000000.00 on these things. here is this exchange. how many $100000000.00 paper weights do we own? and i would not categorize the f $35.00 as a paperweight. well it's, it's not mission capable. it's what, what do we just stare at? and in myers we, we continue to work to make sure that we, we get our aircraft, the operational and continue to, uh, an incremental. so don't you think it a 100000000 eclip more than 29 percent, you'd be fully operational and if the fact that we can't get them operational, you know, you know what secretary kendall said when he was sitting in that year he said the core root of the problem is that we had let lockheed martin build this thing and then we gave lockheed martin the full system performance contract and they keep
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building us according to the ga o and we sit around staring at a $100000000.00 airplane that can't fully perform the mission and yours and you're telling me it's a, it's not a failure. just own up to it. mr. secretary, just say this airframe has not delivered. it's too costly. it's not, it's not being utilized as we should. and we should never again make the mistake of doing a full system performance contract with the very person who built the aircraft. can we agree to that? i agree in the future, we should take a we should have a different approach. but this is exactly what we were just talking about the other day with boeing. they do it over and over again, even if they say they're not going to do it. they will. in fact, let's talk here just a little bit about what mr. congressman gates was saying, right, but they let lockheed martin come in and build this f 35 without oversight. that means that lockheed martin gets to build it, they get to do their own review. and then they turn around and tell the government, oh it's great, don't worry about it. it's in perfect condition. we did a great job. well, how am i going to say that?
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but it wasn't in great shape. so why with a pen a gone? why would congress approve of something like this? you know, why? let me tell you why. you know, why? because it's not fair money. it's not fair money. it's your tax money, my tax money. and when it comes to anything having to do with the military, they think all they have to do is say, rob rob, raul, god bless america, we love our troops, you know, fly a couple planes before the football games and then we tax payers. we'll just go along with anything. no questions asked, how much do you want a $100000000000.00? you got it. what claims? bombs another war somewhere in a place that we couldn't even find on a map. why not? i'll tell you congressman gates. he may be one of the few, but he's telling the truth in this case manila, what do you think of these exchanges? yeah, rick, i mean, where do we begin? i mean, what kind of world are we in that, mat gates and, and even someone like marjorie taylor green are the ones that we should be listening to. right. let's start with this f 35. i'm going to call it the fair
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weather jet. so the g a o actually says that the d o d a currently has about 630 f 30 fives, and they plan to buy about 1800 more and they intend to use them until 2088. rec, so the projected cost to sustain these. and flyable jets is going to cost well over a trillion dollars up into $11.00 and a half truly. and that was the ga o's review in 2023. so what's the way, way more way, cost overrun after cost overrun, and their performance has been down over the last 5 years. so what mat gates is saying here that it's, you know, a multi 1000000000 dollar paper weight is absolutely right. but the bigger question is, as you pointed out and you will looted to why is matt gates the only ones that think about this or even marjorie taylor grade? why are those to the ones talking about well well i'm, i'm going to, i'm glad you said that. i'm glad you said that because here's another one.
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congressman marjorie taylor. great, right. you're right. sometimes she's been as crazy as a loon on something. i think she said in the past, but she's been making a lot of sense slightly, much like congressman gave. she's also asking a lot of important questions. she's asking why we don't better handle our borders. is your questions why we spend hundreds of billions of dollars so contractors can get rich, she criticizes, or congressional colleagues to write to their face for taking money from lobby is actually called the speaker of a house, a sellout. so this past week when she rose to ask for his removal for breaking his promise on, on spending. to watch this watch watch manila, how she was treated the resolution is as follows. declaring the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant the this is for you and
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a party for the american people watching to suspend the order. isn't she right? i mean, they like to pretend to argue about when do shoes right all time and congress, you know, that really have, has no effect on my life for your life, for most citizens life. but on the big stuff, the important stuff moore's spending and the money they take from from donors to do their bidding. she's why they are a new owner party manila. i mean she's, she's saying it and they're bowing or but she's telling them the truth. they don't want to hear. yep, that's precisely why there bullying her, rick. i mean, let's face it. we know that the 2 big parties, the democrats and the republicans, they are 2 wings on the same bird. i mean,
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the semantics might be different here and there the details might be different. but the big issues, yes, whether it's supporting war, whether it's supporting censorship or, or anything else like that, they're all the same. and then it just becomes the little details of here, and there are what differentiates between the 2 parties. but at the end of the day, war being the big money maker for everybody on capitol hill. they always agree. everything is always gonna increase. the budget's the bloated road and budget, the de gets what they want all the time for stuff that doesn't work. they'll go for 3 weeks talking about something someone said on tv or some kid who dressed up as a woman to play basketball in missouri or, or something that yeah, it's important, but it's not as important as a $150000000000.00 on a useless lawyer but that's what they'll spend a long time picking their little wedge issues. left, right, left, right. well we sit here often times as citizens going. oh yeah,
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that's really important. well, it's my not as important by the way. i got something else for you and told to remember i called her and she's back in the news. for those of you who don't know, she's a woman who got famous and made a lot of money saying controversial if not bigoted things about hispanics and blacks, and muslims, and arabs and whatever. so he's one of the most famous by the way, one of the most famous indian americans, i should say, is a guy named the background. a swami who recently ran for president. well, here is a ann coulter telling him, she could never vote for him to his face because he's indian and you are so bright and articulate and i guess i can call you articulate since you're not an american black. oh, and i agree with many, many things you said during, in fact probably more than than most other candidates when you're running for president, but i still would not have voted for you because you're in indiana. let me tell you
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something about it and cold or i know and cold and we, we talk on the phone. i've been here many, many times when i was it cnn and nbc that she said crazy and bigoted things to sell books. yes. but she also believe it, i think yes, both can be true because i think it is you can say something long enough after a while, you start buying what you preach. so i say yes on both counts, but i'm, i'm dying to hear what you have to say about this manila. do you, do you think she's just doing it to sell books and to be famous? and i guess to get more followers or, or so she pick it you know what i mean both can be true, right? like you said she might have, i mean, we can't get into her heart, correct. and for most we figured that out there. well no we, we can never know what's really in somebody's heart, and i've said this over and over that you, you know, you can never legislate out that type of hatred if she does indeed have it. but let's point out a couple of other things,
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even though she said that she would never vote for vivek, rama swami, because he's quote, an india. and even though he was born in ohio, he was born and raised here in the us. right point. she also, she also dated, diminished. assume that, you know, the very conservative filmmaker pundits of a joke. you loves him. she dated him. so i don't know as a woman, a part of me, a part of me feels like she's kind of doing this. it's a lot of bluster, a lot of hot air. she gets cliques, people buy her books, but i don't know. i feel like a lot of this is an image similar to what we saw with alex jones that from, from all accounts, from what i've heard. he's not as nutty as he portrays on his show and maybe an is not as big it is as she portrays publicly. i think that's fair and i think you've stated it well and thank you for reminding us that he was born in ohio. so yeah,
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his geez is of indian set. he's not an indian. a great job. thank you so much. we appreciate the information when we come back, spend dell is a lawyer from tennessee. we recently serve as a qualify election monitor in russia during their presidential election that has given them uh, the kind of insight. most westerners don't have areas right there. you're looking at them handsome devil, steve is going to join us when we come back right here under, at the impact of the the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community,
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best of all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for question, did you see a request which is the
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the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft, british for secretary winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i,
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omer hale deign bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to sized all day and recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the medieval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle, the 1st as the king of a rag, and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via rack. the revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the joining us now as promised is uh attorney uh steve gal from nashville. uh steve,
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thanks so much for joining us, man. thank you. hey, let me test real quickly on the last segment. sure. i hate to disrespect the secretary defense, but he's an other book. boone, a moss, is shooting at the delivery of medicine and food on the ground in gaza. what do we think they're going to do as they're meeting our troops on appear that's connected to the ground? and what happens when the truck moves from the pier into the dogs and they're going to take the food medicine just like they've been doing. and the f 35, this is the same place that you have the pilot bailout and kind of blew by itself and they lost in south carolina because of a thunder storm. what are we going to do again, this is the secretary defense. what are we going to do if i try that by one of these bombers into a place where it's nice and sunny, where it's taking off, but cloudy, where it's going. there may be thunderstorms in the middle. do we call time out, and hope the intermediate sides to fight another date? this, this guy's worse than joe biden, mentally, but i would argue with you, it's not him. we keep doing that. that's the problem we have in this country all
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have a republican on the show, like you and he'll tell me, oh, this guy's bad because there's a democrat in the white house. then we've got a republican in the white house like trump, and they make the same stupid decisions. and they do the same. like marjorie's evergreen said, yeah, so you know, part of it is, all of these dies leave the department of defense and the department states. and they go right to work for these military contractors getting paid, preserving their security clearance so they can still say, hey, here's what's coming next. we need to do this web. the next we need to do this way and that they get paid and keep their security clearance after they leave. and after they betray our country, it is, it is bad on both parties and it's, it's intolerable if there's one thing we've recently learned. and i mentioned this earlier in, during my introduction to one of the segments that i just did with another was the more i look into this boeing fiasco that we're going through. the more i see how the government just basically turned its back on boeing and literally said to them,
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do whatever you gotta know, inspect your own planes. tell us how the inspections are going. tell us what kind of equipment you're using, make them wherever that how you want. don't listen to your employees, bottom, everything on your pilots, etc, etc. without. i mean, i'm sorry, but there are some things right that the government does need to provide oversight for. and the safety of my ma, my but my, my wife or my kids or you and your wife for your kids on a plane is one of them. same thing with this case would be of $35.00. they just turn it over to them and said, okay, you guys back to tell us what it's good to go and we'll put it up in the air. what? well, the students everywhere she decided to demand the same ability to sell grade. and we'd have everybody with a 4.0, a nice with. yeah, i got a degree from harvard. where is it? oh, i said i get it so that must be good enough. is there, are you challenged recently? and i know you look at this and do you agree with the mac gates of the world in the marjorie taylor greens of the world of the massive from ohio. and you know,
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some of the libertarian thinkers in our government, uh like, uh, you know, ron paul and his son who, who have always said, we've got to stop spending so much money because people simply get rich and pay congress to do it. aren't they? right? well, we're certainly saying that in the aftermath of, of the cobit vaccine debacle, where pfizer and my daughter are now admitting they were prescribing a different backs to their employees. they and the members of congress weren't taking the st backs. they were dispensing. we're now finding that the 6 foot roll is completely bogus. but you know, steve, as i'm, as i'm thinking about this and i'm listening to you and i'm having this conversation, you know? sure i, i tend to lean conservative as well. and i, i tend to be somebody who believes that we should not let the government run a mock, but there, there is a place where we can't just let
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a private company run a mock with whatever the hell it wants to do. i know some people say, well, once the government gets involved, it's bad. once have government gets involved, it's communism. not always. there's times when you want. i don't want my police officer to be a private dude working for some guy who's my neighbor, who's getting my, we're basically like what's, you know, doing something with my wife or somebody else's life. i want the government to be involved in law enforcement matters of security, etc. am i wrong? but we need to have officials who are going to. busy the line and hold them accountable, and we're seeing that the law favorite taking place in our courts with the department of justice. again, when we look at these purchasing decisions by the department of defense, when we look at the promotion of the backs uh and the lives that were told in that . and you know, like you mentioned at the outset, we have to avoid some of these foreign entanglements. as george washington warned us about, we don't have to get involved in every country around the world and george washington,
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our founders for so why such that don't get involved with these foreign countries. and we've got kind of an attitude in america of isolationism. we've got a balance that because the world's a big place, we want to sell stuff. we will have peace. yeah. but we don't be very careful, but i'm gonna, i'm gonna, i'm gonna push you a little bit. you change the subject on me. i just ask you a question. there's times when we need government oversight and we need government regulation. would you not agree? i absolutely do. and it's on the big things. and the main thing is to preserve our borders, to secure our country. that's one of the few things the constitution gives to the federal government and abdicating our responsibility. certainly on both accounts. right now, let me ask you because before we run out of time you, you are one of the few americans who recently were able to go to russia and you witness the election that was going on there. and of course, we were told that it was all a phony baloney election, etc, etc. even though the numbers don't bear that out. there's also a big conversation going on right now about what's going on and ukraine,
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and i don't know been, have you been reading the headlines? but things are not looking good for the ukrainian government for zalinski or for the, the, the, the, the country in general. so what, what is your take on that situation as it stands right now? very briefly, is the last day you will no longer be able to gentleman the president in about a week, his term of office, and he has cancel elections. he's canceled independent media, he's cancelled opposition political party. this is the democracy, were supposedly defending what i saw when i was observing the elections and mosque out of last month, and back in september and in some of the don bass areas. i did not see the cnn invest in b, c, the washington post the new york tops. yup. they're all reporting that. these are sham elections. what, what i saw were fair and transparent elections. what i didn't say is any of the media, they are reporting, but by god they'll go right into gaza and the bed and report what, how mazda is, but they won't go tell the truth of what's happening in russia. we've been just the worst on it. and in your price, you know, what's interesting,
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you mentioned something now about them cancelling elections in ukraine and i was just thinking of my own country's history and i happen to know and you can agree with me or correct me if i happen to be wrong. that in this country we don't cancel the elections. we didn't cancel. abraham lincoln had an election in the middle of the civil war. while he was still the president of the united states. we didn't cancel the elections during world war 2 or world war one. and yet we're now giving a $150000000000.00 to a country that says, we're not going to have to have an election while we say we're giving them money because they are democracy somehow that doesn't seem right. it doesn't add up to we don't cancel elections, but we do have a system right now. this tried to cancel the top opponent to the administration and power. that's almost worse. yeah. yeah, i get your point. i disagree with you, but i get your point. thank you so much, dave. i appreciate your time. i spell glad you came on. it's always great to have you on. that's our show. now remember, look outside your own box. literally look outside your own box. troops don't live
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in boxes. that's what we do here. we travel gotta have the boxes operating, sanchez will see you next time the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the placement. so it's a, it's a visa or a part of, you know, those kinds of brackets umbrella sent to the movie. you might need some quotes for some success syndrome loans that i submitted. so could i put you on your voicemail? i'm just proposing it too much. is it doesn't move on when you click this and your cell phone is the only interview contributing, does it weigh as little as what with the, with the city to it it wouldn't do, wouldn't be. and so again, we will see that such a virtual guy was letting you know when you saw my phone. i remember the
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typical upload. you should be finishing it for 5 days. it'll be a week or 2 tomorrow in the group. let me put some of my tears and we're going to put avenue was in the nation as a file is uploaded to the form unless they have the northeast of suffering. and my son is full time use other people to search it the the, [000:00:00;00] the taking it reminds me that i'm late for very important date, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit hole. and then to world of the
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russian time, the of the, the russian forces take another 2 villages in the heart of region as well as the key front line town of rob aquino. and is that promotion of providence? the while you at the top diplomat, anthony blanket wrapped out on guitar at a concert and cab ukraine lost an estimated $1000.00 the troops over the past 24 hours and vladimir putin phrases rushes, strengthening relations with china. as he is set to visit a jing this week,


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