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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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lisa is spelled out of the the, on the offensive russian forces taking another 2 villages in the heart region as well as the frontline town in zapper rosa, as they continue to cement their recent games. the old habits die hard. all eyes are on vladimir putin's upcoming visit to china will take a deep time to the russian president's 1st trip abroad since his re election. because many of these countries feels that they have influenced the world for the last 78 years and old habits die
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hard. india takes a swipe at the western world over its continual pressure on the country, over everything from canada as the claims of political assassinations, to anger of our part deal with around the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international well ahead of his upcoming trip to china tomorrow. the rest of the president met with his military top brass to discuss the latest frontline developments and ukraine bottom or put an underlined to the need to work for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. that's always good. let's see. our troops are improving deposition in all areas constituent every day. and i will come back to this once again. they are fulfilling all the tasks set by the ministry of defense. he's under general stuff. mm hm. but the more effectively you work on
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the line of contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully, who do the meeting comments as russian troops have taken control of 2 villages in the heart of region in the past 24 hours, 24 hours global koya and the local and see that adds to a dozen other towns and villages that have come under moscow's control and recent days. meanwhile, in this upper rows of regions, troops have also advanced into the town of robert tina. russian army is also a push to print in trib some further back along the front lines using heavy celery to gain a greater foothold with more details. here at ortiz and steve sweeney a lot, so we just receiving confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of these major games on the possible field. over the last 24 hours, russian forces have gotten control of football care on rookie on seeing the call called region, offering tent spots. it was like managed to push back the crating on force. he's
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managing to break through the front lines, but so it's still taking place in the key city of boltron square. both sides are exchanging all kind of re fi. ukraine, you know, to ortiz evacuated, people from that city last week that were also hearing of games, actually, that the russian on forces have taken control. now. all right, boston, of course it is up for rose your region. this is one of the cities where the ukraine it on forces make games. one of the few places i did. so during that filed counter offensive. now this is comes a time when a rush at all the forces all pushing forward in the call. co region in particular, offensive hoping to relieve pressure on from the fold it all done vote on those regions. now the bbc reported just last week stats. those defensive lines simply didn't really exist. there was no evidence of mind that we heard reports that you probably need all the rendering really without even firing. i show and
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there's been a lot of criticism of the lack of preparedness. this be questions also about where that money has gone to. of course, kev was financing those regions to prepare for a russian offensive without money. seems to have disappeared. there's been accusations of corruption. now we know that that has been heavy loss, is thousands men have for, you know, either killed or wounded over the last 24 hours. now this happens a time when the us 60 or stay on the blinking has made a surprise visit to cab. so this is coming out of time when this was i, the russian ministry of defense is talking about this. uh buffers are to protect the people over some protection. more protection to the people of belle grove don't vote on a boat road in particular coming under intense attractions. in fact, since we've been here, my phone has been picking with messages warning of the imminent rookie old miss
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auto talked. the defenses are working overtime. simons have been blevins route, but not in belgrade city. we know that they have found a number of, oh, intercepted a number of drones you so that continuing to work to keep the people of belgrade and vote on those sites the bottom of it and will be boarding the presidential plane lighter and jetting off east for his 1st trip abroad since last week's and i'll get ration. he'll touch down in china on thursday for a 2 day trip is expected to visit may drang and the north eastern city of har being there's plenty on the agenda from bi lateral cooperation to the war and ukraine and other key global issues. the. all right, our correspondent ra garcia is already in china ahead of the buttons, visits,
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and joins us from her being more out of her being of course well known for its ice festival in the winter. and it will be the 2nd leg of putting this tour to china after bathing the capital, of course, talk to us about the significance of the russian presidency visiting her being as well. indeed, as you mentioned, 1st, you'll travel to beijing where he'll meet the chinese either, as well as various officials from the communist party. also, they'll celebrate the establishment of relations between russia. then the u. s. a saw ad caught me in this china 75 years ago, but here in cardboard, which has all the locals will tell you, is the city of 10 medium. it was originally founded just over a 100 years ago by russian construction workers. what building a railway it is very surprised that they choose these safety is the 2nd venue for full vladimir putin strip because it also borders 5 russian regions of the far east
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. and there is also a rich program here for glad to be a people. he'll open a russian chinese expose a forum on regional corporation the for, for i'm on regional cooperation the far east. you also visit the university where you'll have a conversation, a bit of a you a tool to chinese students, perhaps even take questions. this is vladimir putin stood visits with the pos he is his 1st visit. since he is a electoral victory. and there's no gratian again, this is something we've been repeating since and for, for several years now. relations between boston and china, our to historic high and eighty's. there's honestly, a difficult to estimate was over state. how far relations have come. yeah, it was in the her being
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a few years ago and you can really feel the russian influence. there are more of the russian and chinese leaders are expected to talk about the situation around ukraine. of course. can you take us through badging stance as well? they seem like many other countries once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with over it wants peace. it has. 1 put forward, but another's realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the west approach where but you can't get everything. it won't rush, it gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot beijing's uh, beijing's piece plan is much more based on real politics. and that is located bought by siobhan. so looking at what, what you creating boards and trying to come to touch, tried to find common ground compromised to establish a sci fi. and the long last in piece, vladimir putin has said repeatedly and he is once again reiterated that the chinese
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piece blind could. well, be the foundation on which negotiations with you can put or take place. you will to again stated that there is no trust towards the west that the west simply add, you credit cannot be trust, but there is the problem of guarantees. a peace plan needs guarantees for, for both sides to accept the ad for it to be lost in the situation. ukraine is the, uh, the landscape uh, tub and office is able to, over any of the signs russia fee as well. uh, moved to house power going into the, into the future. uh, the west remains adamant that he will dictate to rochelle, bought a once in a box of bonds with a piece of security for guarantees of that nature wont station nuclear weapons. uh, me, a minute slot uh away from most of the those guarantees all respected. their full vladimir putin has getting rid of race of the china is uh,
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he's clad butler has the biggest crowd sensitive facing, proposed as practicable, and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego with the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine, northwest and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal honest, an open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia. to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning
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a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine, sponsor terrorist attacks. you know, territory. when it comes to sight of watson relations, you came at the end of the day, ease of mind, the foot knows they all based on well that may have to be described as a trust and. 1 open dialogue, but that's of course much more a to at the next year to date. russian chinese trade has grown. 1 by almost 25 percent, a trade is about a quarter of a really a dollars. most of that moves of that conducted using the russian lubo and chinese you are. but more than that, washer a corporate thing in the military. see of course. but also in, in space on energy, as well as potential energy sources. so that is the, the, the, the awesome new energy. there are huge and numerous infrastructure projects joined
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projects at the way with hundreds of millions of billions of dollars. there are, there is, of course, towards a weston companies because they've been rad promotional well, federal fails out of russia by the government. moves of roland finished being replaced by chinese companies called makers was by clues stores by applause. companies, technology companies, so very sharply, much further to do in motion, try these relations and gladly a piece of the highlights, a look at the west economic predicament. look at how they all go stumbling financially. the v v. v. like last, the growth quit. now look at the way the russia and china, a developer. and he says the pivot russians pivots towards the east towards asia has been proven to be historically the right decision. cleveland hammer,
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a does the, as in har being, which will be the 2nd stop of the russian presidents tour when he visits china will . that's now go to the chinese capital bay. jane we're our correspondence. it goes down off drains, us live, and less than 24 hours from now. let her put and we'll be setting foots in china on his 1st trip abroad since his re election is that you are what are we expecting from the rest? the president's visit there of the will. absolutely. one thing that you can see when you arrive in virginia is opportunity. it seems that big money's around of recording here and this year as well. my visit here is no exception. so a lot of my food, indeed, that is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of russia. and of course, he's said to meet with cheating, paying on the what quite interesting lubo vladimir putting will be joined by to both a full and kind to ministers of defense of russia. surgery show who and, and re below, as of respectively. so obviously the subject over ukraine is about to pull up on
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the it is, will be, will be discussed extensively. but as my colleague were a guys, the of noted, the ukraine is a rather minor issue in the relations between russia and china. hence, the russian leader is traveling with an expensive rep new. it's not just to defense minister as a form and the current one. it's uh, also other ministers. it's diplomats, so it's businessman and it's advisors and they are not traveling empty handed. they do have a fix stack of documents ready to be signed, then many of them are probably of commercial in nature. so what it basically translates is big money and big business deals are about to be signed here. and of course, we will have to see which ones exactly. but of course, the relationship between russia and china, what both countries are trying to have been trying to do for years now. they want
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to show an alternative to the west and base the basically west and based manner of doing things. uh, basically they built the relations built on for us to both stations have moved away from transactions from using dollars in the transactions. basically 90 percent of all transactions between most go and paging are done in the local kind, susan rubles and you want so they are trying to show the will that the raise an alternative way to doing things. and the, basically if you look at the letterman put him on the lead reputed his personal relation, relationship with the west. i mean, remember he, there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court. and here by him visiting china. and of course, by shooting ping, the chinese leader giving him a very warm welcome. he. yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signal. a good conduct shows it is very of
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a very in your face gesture, a towards western nations who are trying to have been trying to isolate russia and china is just showing well up. well, if you look at this, you don't get your say here and you won't get it your way. so of course it is very symbolic. it is very symbolic on both sides, both on the russian side with the russian president picking no other nation in the world, but china to visit and changing pain as the 1st a foreign leader. he's about to visit up to the he's about to see in person, off to his no duration, but also on behalf of china. again, showing the rest of the world. well, the chinese going to pursue its own independence, politics and the well it will, it will conduct business as it sees fit. all right, are to correspond to inc. are stand off joining us live from badging. and thanks again to me or i guess the of who reported for us from harvey looking forward to
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more reports from the both of you as the russian president visits china of the all right, we have some breaking news coming out of still vakio this our were according to media reports, the country's prime minister has been wounded in shooting robert pizza is being taken to the hospital with multiple wounds to the chest and abdomen. the shooting happened following a government meeting in the capital brought us lava. the attacker has reportedly been detained. we will of course, be monitoring the story and will bring you any further developments. the bus fares grow and is really ground offensive and to run for could be launched any day . now the red cross has opened a field hospital in southern gaza to try to cope with the expected prices. all right, let's get some more thoughts on this and speak live to the spokeswoman for the international committee of the red cross in jerusalem at sara davies. is there a 1st stop? how big is this emergency field hospital and is it,
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will it be able to cope with all the potential patients? me the oh so i don't live in a blue see, did you use any supported home in the sense that see why the house i'm right in front of the society have been doing this for me to kenny. so the 60, the i, the mass has he has the ability triology and outpatient area maternal and newborn kit. and of course the so many, oh and you and sarah, how difficult will it be to run this hospital amid the worst zone, especially given that many the existing hospitals aren't even functioning anymore. i don't say the health care system right now is facing
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a met is personal and has been stanley is here to really we have the funding for 2 whole months. we are still community really who is by the restrictions a have taken place over the last week. there are so many essential items needed to run through a lot of these from school and it brought us to the equipment. so the x ray machine is the law, the police are not allowed to apply that a community is being or how the situation is for so many people in the color you have been wounded because of the conflict because of the keys to the scene inspections, diseases are coming cold to the front of the hour. if the red cross is acknowledging the need for a field hospital there,
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does that suggest that it thinks the outcome of, of a potential is really offensive will be dire. i'm just wondering how bad could things possibly get or we have the experience in the a conflict. any extra support during medical and health care. the surgery, which is quite different from regular surgery. uh, and it is a emergency situation. so our teams all around the need to provide a support hospital to alleviate some of the continually increasing on the healthcare facilities. and currently i still actually here to help the organization. sorry, i may say one of the top of the functioning normally foxy and we may do require ongoing surgeries. ok,
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can easier there be nice things like pregnancy to leave the wherever we can provide support to professionals and health care. how we do instruction and amazing to do and really, really require for the sara. israel has warned people in rafa to evacuate, and i understand some 450000 people have left this week. i'm wondering if you have any insight into where those people could possibly go. are there any safe places for them to evacuate to? it was a full waste and that's now the deals and there is a place to go see the people in the wrong position. we all know the question, no way. here we go. we know some people have the best way to see the new mary. i want to be know other people have to say that they are new people have been living
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. it is 7 months later, e in 10 supposed to receive their have the luxury all play with it was right. they have the buying every single day. so jersey is really, really the penny is the mean by so many people, including very small children, including the original see how the various nurse they play with someone in the really is what was the the reality all around the world for food program. it says there is a 100 crisis in the north of guys. so what do you know about the food situation there? the increasing concern. oh no. just the committee all the way across. the nation's admission hung up. that was the, you're the entire industry specifically in the area with a full time basis when the radio, the test rates,
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internally concerning the he's ongoing and the, the more fiction company does include 3 wires. people be how we can in somebody, mazda and we own the company for, since they recover from the lagrange especially. but probably this is something that is in the, in the us. and we know that the situation to know is even more than the increasing concern, and we are consistently resorting the sustain floor and ha, and the, and to be safely distributed to the media, including in the so it is it too late to prevent assembler, hunger crisis, in the south of gaza, is there anything that can be done? you don't really need to wait for the price to continue the hearing, right?
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even more what is needed? the legal solution will allow i believe we know it can happen. we have seen it in the weeks leading up to law when there were some ways, like we know that it is possible in the prior it should be the priority and all the all talking to ensure that civilians receive the basic essentials of why they need to survive, continue calling for this and we'll continue quote from the product. so this comes with all the over jason international mentoring. will the model for see this for a need some last. okay, we're gonna leave it there. sarah davis, she's a spokeswoman for the international committee of the red cross joining us from jerusalem. sarah, thank you. all right, let's re crap recap for you. that the breaking news that we're covering from slovakia this hour where according to media reports,
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the country's prime minister has been wounded and a shooting. robert vito is being taken to the hospital with multiple wounds to the chest and abdomen reported like the shooting happens following a government meeting in the capital press lava. the attacker has reportedly been detained. we will continue to monitor the story and continue to bring you further updates as we get them the habit, some are finding hard to break. that's how the indian foreign minister has described the continued interference of western powers. so he claims cat let go. of their colonial pass. dave wants to influence us on, such as yes, didn't want to influence us because many of these countries feel that they have influenced the water for the last of 70 ideas and the word order to invest in countries actually from the influence of one for the last 20300. yes. so are they willing to, you know,
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how do expect someone who's been in that position to give up those old habits? so using let's cross to new delhi and speak with our case engine shermer engine. what's prompting these comments from india's top diplomat? now the b tends really dr. shane with the rest of the one particular speech that he was doing. in fact, it stopped us with the bias coverage or india in the western press. remember, earlier on the sea, off the canadian prime minister accused and they'll be in one of the key will be, seeks that purchased either on canadian soil or need seen new jobs. india still maintained that no evidence has been provided to the country and it has denied all the charges last year. the us a to is india old latino border, one of those being separate as needed of funding bundle. he's a dual citizen of the us and canada, a designated care direst, and india,
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somebody who only threatens in their i'm in need of shipping, get this se, then viewed, provide us information. we will look into the matter and just also set up a committee for that. the coverage of that has been by twisted as has been the coverage of the ongoing in general elections. i was big in the coverage and the reaction from the west on the the just deal that they have signed with the wrong cha baja for now. as soon as the deed was shot, assigned the indian shipping minnesota, and go all the way through non of the country. remember, heavily sanction the west. as soon as a d was launch, the state department of the us held a briefly again, in that briefing, we doubts naming in down the window to say that any guns were you doing business with the rom hold fee sanctions now to extra strong color. basically, setting the west not to have a novel mind when it comes to the do use that and get us with all the countries as
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i did see some remarks which were made. but i think it's a question of, you know, communicating then and convincing. and, you know, getting people to understand that this is actually folded everybody's benefit. i don't think people should a good night. all right, then they have not done show in the past. so if you look at, even us is on that to do to job a hot in the boss to do us has been a appreciative of the 5 the job i've has a logic relevant. so, you know, this particular deal, the job, a hard pull, she's extremely significant for both india and yvonne. this deal has been signed off for almost 2 decades after multiple sign up for meetings, optic executive governments, government going after difficulties after troubles. finally, this d a decade long
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d has been signed by india and the east, ron, it's, this is a very significant, the very important books. we can definitely multiple visas. one. this is the fost international books that in there would be due by the being that would be operating, managing, but also to it strategically. very important, once this board starts working, what it's going to do is it's going to open new markets for india in central asia. for example, but it's also wanted to capstone kind of treated with its own box and as russia then it's going to come down for you to say for example, send aids to gone this done this of this board and the boss from focused on. so that c d to the board, the boarding guy is going to be heavily investing in a the company operating this for to will be spending is around 1200000 to one of those on the board itself. it goes around to $15000000.00 around the board to build
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the infrastructure, elizabeth border support for india, and know more about how many trips winds coming goes. we're back to india already had for you to them to come india. we continue with steve. we've a wrong around india have signed a deal concerning the trouble, har, 4 of any uh, entity, anyone considering business uh, deals with a ron. they need to be aware of the potential risk they are opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions should staying and i don't need any blend out here is why the list is continuous. people can, you know, continue see, criticizing in there for the decisions it makes for its country for its people all the time, the west, all the guys to be off to india, india fastest growing you're going to be in the world. that just seems to be right, boston cold, but do fuse a relationship with the west assigned to say to the us on what.


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