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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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residents and the west candidates, so we don't see your being leaders who are elected because of the majority of the people. and unlike rebecca and people who was indeed elected and more dejected minute, then the french, vanessa french president and my new and my co, therefore just diverting the attention toward the unhappiness of the population of the prime minister. where would have been seen people unhappy, good, and showed that prime minister all the president, it must be much more than that and bigger than that. we have to keep in mind that still, if i was indeed isolated by the u. d. u and the euro graphs in brussel mounted the end of the a you institution against the back. yet it was not invited in the last meeting in
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that box at 2024. when do united states was invited? why? the 28 e u countries were invited at the accepting of still back yet. so all these position increased the, i mean, most of the, toward the particular country when the position of that country is not to the liking of the main you'll need is i want to ask you about the western media coverage of it. so i asked my previous goes to the same question as well. in particular, the sky news piece that came out almost exactly after precisely after the assassination attempt to call and feed. so pro russian, what are your thoughts on the western media is use of that term pro russian and what are they implying by that? so i would love to have being shopped. uh, had we been dealing with mainstream media that is supposed to be to be all this never the less, almost the is not the strength of mainstream media since quite some time. and it
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did, it stopped in 2022. but we've seen that many, many decades ago, but it has increased since 2011 or 2003 with the wall on the rock. and later on the wall on syria and libya. and then it has escalated to become much more obvious saying that this is a, a pro russian prime minister rather than at beckoning the use as. and it's really there is stating event. busy and then. busy an attempt to assassinate a, you're being prime minister in the hall to fewer it is really something very severe because now we take, we are just trying to come back to my lies. people, you can select them. what if you spend against the assassination of the prime in there? so, so back, yeah. then you must be
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a russian. it is exactly when the war started, the new grain, and anyone who stands against this and against a ukraine also the ukrainian for the glory of the united states objective in europe . that people with demonized institution where demonized use paper and use man and use women. a journalist where that because they did not stand with the war in ukraine, not particularly with russia, went against the wall in ukraine, all in favor of these, or at least all doing that. russia is part of the european continent. it has been our friend in our nights and we can't at least continue doing business with russia . we don't need to go to that, that the russian institution and the russian population saying, we want to criticize the russian economy and damage the russian people. i mean, we have gone to an extreme here in europe, that'd be coming to a scandal and we can no longer be taken as an example or
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a model. we do not speak in terms of a high value. we don't hold the high and mariah ground and. busy i think everything we all doing today is based on one question. you are either with us or against us and what we say if you don't fit in the western club and ideas and objectives, then you are. so it's, you are, and then me, this is really a, what you're of has become and this is why i said we've lost our democracy. i want to go back to something you said a few minutes ago about a fee, to a security team, behaving unprofessional, a, in the way that they were not standing as close to him as they should have been. he was shot in broad daylight despite the fact that he had a security team around him. i'm just wondering how that could have been possible given all what you've said about the vitriol surrounding him and his views that
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don't align with the narrative of the west. what 1st of all was in on the what the, the security deans are really sticking to the president all through the, the ip sec and need. busy a policeman and security of the v i v special security among the people in the wrong among the crowd and certainty, a shoot, a or in the assumption is not allowed to fire full boots and to hate to out to full in the head. and just as it's a case of the prime minister, therefore we understand that the food has a cold mind. he ain do. okay. and he was aiming from a distance where he is not. and i'm at that he had the courage to do that. the guts to do it in front of everybody in daylight and the behavior of the
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security forces and security group off the b. i b, a wrong name there with no big clothes needed to defense. no, to the prime minister, which is quite shocking. i take all right, we're going to live with our veteran war journalist, elijah, near elijah. thank you. thank you for having me. all right, and just to recap, that breaking news, we're following here on our cheese like is prime minister has been shot and wounded robert pizza is expected to expect it to undergo surgery in the hospital shortly. the shooting happened following a government meeting. the attacker has been detained while police are investigating his motives. a lot of my putting will be in boarding, the presidential airplane later, and getting off east for his 1st trip abroad since last week's and on duration. so touch down in china on thursday for a 2 day trip is expected to visit bay jang and the north eastern city of hard being
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. there's plenty on the agenda from bilateral cooperation to the war and ukraine and other kit global issues are to use more. i guess, do you have an 8th, our stand off are in china as a visit to well, absolutely. one thing that you can see when you arrive in virginia is opportunity. it seems that big money's around of recording here and this year as well. my visit here is no exception, so a lot of my food. indeed, that is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of russia. and of course, he's said to meet with cheating, paying on the what quite interesting the vladimir put it will be joined by 2, both a full my and kind to ministers of defense of russia. the surgery showing go and, and re below. as of respectively. it's also other ministers, it's diplomats, it's businessman and it's advisors and they are not traveling empty handed. they do have a 6 stack of documents ready to be signed,
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then many of them are probably out of commercial in nature. so what it basically translates is big money and big business deals are about to be signed here. and of course we will have to see which ones. exactly. but of course, the relationship between russia and china, what both countries are trying to have been trying to do for years now. they want to show an alternative to the west and base to basically west and based on mine, i of doing things. but basically they built the relations built on for us to both stations have moved away from transactions from using dollars in the transactions. basically, 19 percent of all transactions between most glen paging are done in the local currencies in rouble and you want so they are trying to show the will that the raise an alternative way to doing things? and basically if you look at the letterman put him on the lead reputed his personal
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relation, relationship with the west. i mean, remember he, there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court. and here by him visiting china and of course, by shooting, paying the chinese leader, giving him a very warm welcome. he. yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signal. a good conduct shows it is very of a very in your face gesture towards western nations. who are trying to have been trying to isolate russia and china is just showing well up. well, if you look at this, you don't get, you'll say here and you won't get it your way. so of course it is very symbolic. it is very symbolic on both sides, both on the russian side with the russian present, picking no other nation in the world, but china to visit and changing pain as the 1st a foreign leader. he's about to visit up to the he's about to see in person, off to his no duration, but also on behalf of china. again,
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showing the rest of the world. well, the chinese going to pursue its own independence, politics and the well it will, it will conduct business as it sees fit cube inside of it, which has all the locals will tell you, is a city of 10 medium that was originally found the just over a 100 years ago by russian construction workers. what building a railway it is very surprised that they choose these safety is the 2nd venue full full vladimir putin strip because it also borders 5 russian regions of the far east . and there is also a rich pro gotten here for glad to get people. he'll open a russian chinese expo, a forum on regional corporation the for, for i'm on regional cooperation, the far east deal to visit the university where you'll have a conversation, a bit of a you a tool to try these students. perhaps even take questions. this is like that
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because the visits the policy is his 1st visit since his. 3 electoral victory, and there's no gratian again, this is something with being with aging since for, for several years now. relations between boston and china, our to historic high and eas, there's honestly difficult to over estimate to the of the states. how far relations have come to the russian and chinese leaders are expected to talk about the situation around ukraine. of course. can you take us through badging stance beijing, like many other countries, once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with over it wants peace. it has. 1 put forward, but another's realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the west approach, where but you can't get everything at once. russia gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot. beijing's uh biggest piece plot is much more based on real politics. and
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that is located bought by siobhan, speaking about what you k months and trying to come to touch, tried to find common ground compromised to establish a sci fi. and the long last in piece vladimir, people have said repeatedly and he is once again reiterated that the chinese piece blind could well be the foundation on which negotiations with you can put or take place. vision proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions. minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine nor it's west and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal honest,
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an open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, westerly leads our stuff literally working to punish russia. to isolate then we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine, sponsor terrorist attacks. you know, territory when it comes to sight of russian relations you came at the end of the day, ease of mind, the foot nose, they all based on well that may have to be described as a trust. and. 1 open dialogue, but that's of course much more a to at the next year to date, russian chinese trade has grown up by almost 25 percent. so there is certainly much further to do in motion. try these relations and gladly
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a piece of the highlights. a look at the west economic predicament looking at the how the total stumbling financially, the v v v. lackluster growth. now look at the way the russia and china, a developer. and he says the pivots russians pivot towards these towards asia has been proven to be historically the right decision. back to that breaking news from slovakia where the country is prime minister has been shot and wounded in an assassination attempt robert feed. so his condition is said to be life threatening, that's coming from a post on his official social media channels, about 45 minutes ago. same life threatening condition. he is expected undergo surgery in the hospital shortly. the shooting happened following a government meeting. now, according to the police, the attacker is a local man and has been detained. his motives are being investigated. robert pizza
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is widely known as a critic of the western approach to the ukraine in conflict. the public countries president is preparing an address to her fellow citizens in the us only has itself to blame for destroying it, relations with new share. that's what the prime minister of the west african nation is claimed in an interview with american media. the american state in our soil doing nothing while the terrace killed people and burn towns. it does not sound a friendship to come in our soul, but let the tears detect us. we have seen with united states feel due to defend itself lice, because we've seen you create in these real. all right, let's get more on this now from ortiz. now the video tune, gay, we will need yours. military leadership doesn't exactly seem happy with what's gone down with the us. take us through the details essentially means is prime minister is blaming the u. s. for the breakdown in the relations between the
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2 countries and in the city, the u. s. would choose mandatory support from the west african nation last year after a cool ousted it's democratically elected government and wisdom. that's president will. how much the zoom now in an interview car into making rounds of the prime minister claims that took me said try to re establish relations with the who is what the who needs his request to holding his to would. so it's tuesday and this all came. * to a us be negation visited, music in the visit, which was intended as a last ditch attempt to solve is a security relationship that would allow washington to continue operating a home facing the country despite suspending. but it's 82 is his new government 1st . it was also in that visit with the top us to prove medical africa is said to have . so we had sent in his head with sentients voice ties with russia. and ron, in fact, it seems like that to visit puss music to declare the us military deployment. and
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it's um, territory legal saying that the u. s. must explain why it's foods and tone operations and music made sense and how they've been to for the west african nation. his move on that. a lot business. i mean, the american presence in the territory of the republic of news here is a legal. it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the solar and people, notably, so it's elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army and a stair trade. i guess it appears that the us indications visit to miami, led by monday, see that significant damage because the subject of this tool, which was museums turned towards russia, if you run appears to have been equally insulting to me, is, is, need, is, ironically, the us syndication attempted to counter rushing into a museum as also so the person who's a to speak more ties with russia because even in that visit,
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the prime minister says molly sci fi to dictate who music and caliber rate with. so it's clear that u. s. is focused on rest. yeah. misses the real reality that applicants, not americans are driving major political shift in this a hell region. but how can you blame them even when western media is creek to divine a russian hand and everything happening in the african continent. but also the fact that russian flags raised and also the african continents of the west, always pushes the idea and believe that to rest yes has the hind in all these matches. and that washing influence lives in the instability that it has created on the african continent. which is the name of the case and even citizens in africa can attest to that submissive listen to this of the. so this, this initiative is to mark our partnership with serious partners who are really helping us without any ulterior motive, to face up to the various challenges that lie ahead laid. but i pull the flags here
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are symbolic. they are the flags of the alliance of the health status. we do, namely, molly burkina, faso in nature. these are the countries that decided to show their fraternity towards us when you were under threat of getting the 4th flag. that completes these flags is the flag of our partner, the russians. everyone can see that the partnership with russia is a partnership that the people want to me and i see what you said. we would like these flags to be placed at every crossroads in the country. we rather work with the russians than with old partners who aren't serious. and from the us perspective, it's actions and decisions are founded on a claim. tomorrow authority often referred to as us exception. that is, in a claim that has been accepted by some and even rejected in varying degrees and parts of the african continent. even for my present, um donald trump has also had something to say about america's role in countries where they used to be powerful and not anymore. take a look at this lesson. american, african and asian dictate is
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a delighted to the us is last the moral authority to lecture them on the need for this interested, an independent judiciary. and the rule of law, of even as we speak of the u. s. is trying to negotiate agreements with the government tough news, a to leave behind a small contingent of us forces, even as a withdrawal has been issued. and maybe on the grounds have he been said back to the you is losing foot in the allies. is the result or if it's, if it's a to force africa's to chew side and no one else has for all right? are to correspond to no avail. you can go we, we thank you. all right, let's recap again for you. that breaking news. we're following the slovak in prime minister has been shot and wounded robert pizza. his team says he is in a life threatening condition. after being shot multiple times. the shooting happened following a local government meeting. the attacker has been detained,
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but as yet there is no word on any possible motives. there is tension in parliament after the news of robert fitz. so shooting. when men came from the smart party, came into the chamber and shouted at opposition, empties that it was their fault, and they were responsible. after that, a member of this, the vakio movement shouted at them, you are a public official behave accordingly. then again spoke to 2 people who were by robert fitz aside. when he was shot, i had just begun to shake his hand. the older man said, when the shots rang out, i almost went deaf, said the woman who did not want to give her name. she heard 3 or 4 shots. miss ortiz ran across river, joins made again in the studio. marina, the prime minister's own team says that pizza is in a life threatening condition, is clearly very serious. can you take us through today's events? yeah, absolutely. this all took place about a couple of hours ago and the town of hand logo, which is a 150 kilometers northeast of brought this lava. the prime minister was attending
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a meeting of the cabinet ministers of slovakia. then he came out. it was outside of a local house of culture. he came out to meet his supporters. after that, i would say that $4.00 to $5.00 shots were fired. of course, it was time that the prime minister fell to the ground. the security seemed gathered around him. let's be sort of websites, a sports into the car. of course people started playing and panicked and wanted to see from some of the shots, so that people in the salt and the screen there, you can see proofreading and panic. don't know what was happening. the suspect was detained. we are getting reports again unconfirmed at the moment that it's a man 71 years old. again, this far as the motives of fun, clear was all touch upon that in a little bit. right now we're getting a lot of world leaders expand, expressed in their shock and condemnation of over what happens. the prime minister was then the air lifted in a helicopter to a hospital and brought this lava. he was conscious upon arrival that spot though we're hearing from the local media there again,
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some reports are saying that he's in a stable condition. his seamless saying that their life threatening injuries, he was apparently saw 3 times. he's wounded in the abdomen and the arm as well as in the chest. so we're waiting to see on the status office. how we've heard from the attorney general so far off slovakia. this is what he had to say before the president's were waiting for the president of the like is to address the nation of course, but for now, this is what we have from this for a new general, a modern you, dear citizens. i consider today's attack on the prime minister of the slovak republic to be something unacceptable. and it is the culmination of those moods that are nurtured in society. it is a manifestation of hatred. it is an attack not only on a person, but also as a prime minister, gets an attack on the very essence of statehood. there will be an uncompromising response on the part of the authorities to this attack. and all actions will be
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taken to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act is fairly punished. i wish the prime minister of the slovak republic a speedy recovery. now again, we are expecting the pressing of slovakia to address the nation of we also heard from the progressive slovakia party. they are suspending all political activities for now and that's what we know for. and the political scene is lavon keyah at the moment force. there was a lot of speculation as to why this happened. that was not only in terms of security, how this was allowed to happen, but the mode says the, all of that person that $76.00 on one year old, apparently he was detained. i'm sure that they're questioning him right now. we're expecting to hear what that most of was, but already in the western media, we're seeing that they seem to think that it was because he loved russia. he loved vladimir fruits. and this is how they're describing that in the headlines. why are they saying that? well, that's because this is what i can prime minister. he's been in power by the way.
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this is not the 1st time he was elected last year, but he already had to spells as prime minister from 2006 until 2010. and then from 2012 until 2018, and this become no and the for his answer supply, key of with weapons, for example. also his anti microns policy. but the western media are focusing in particular. his love, as they call it for a lot of movements, and then this is what they're, how they're discussing. sky news, for example, as to why this happens. i joined by our movie, i'm list and explained it looking for some ice and clock to give us his thoughts. so what was the kind of that's very divisive into my case device within the user account. so, not surprising, but i mean that's the sort of event might take place because it's a very unhappy country. it's mostly lucky and not just on this basis, but on the basis of, of, of how the country is going in general store to more forward to every and future or
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more conventional wished european. it's incredible to hear that it's not surprising anymore that someone get shots if they share rushes points of view on a particular issue or a conflict in the world. but it's becoming more more normalized. but we are right now hearing from world liter set, cleaned them. and as in saying that this should not be allowed to happen. i mean, we are talking right now about a prime minister all the country. so of course, as they're looking into the how this was allowed to happen, security wise, they're also right now starting to discuss and debate that these situations that someone's point of view should not bring upon such a devastating attack. yeah, it seems to be that it should go without saying, well, of course we're going across the river. thank you. all right, let's get more reaction now from senior research fellow at the global policy institute, george semi valley george, happy to have you on with us. the so walk in,
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prosecutor general said the attack was a manifestation of hatred and blamed society for its rise. is that how you see it as well? it's very odd to say it's a of us. it is just early hours. um but uh without question. i mean the robust vehicle was a very controversial pick up and he has aroused the anger and then tiger is. i'm of the, i'm for a very powerful interest in your up with the nato. and so i'm not saying that you know, that they are responsible for it or anything like that, but not, not nonetheless, i fico has a little bit since since his return to power a few months ago has aroused a lot of um antagonism and what, what led to the shooting, what the motive of this person who this person is, we don't yet know but, but we do know that that has been
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a sustained lengthy media campaign against them using demonizing. the media is um pro to shake. who's the president has also been demonized, and these things do have an effect. yeah, i mean, a prime minister of a modern european nation shop multiple times in broad daylight. how could that even happen? well, that's a very good point. now of course, you know, back in the day, eastern central europe, the balkans assassinations what part call in the wasn't anything unusual. but these days he's eastern central europe. and the vocals are relatively quiet. and it's very unusual and for something like this to happen and fico, obviously didn't really have much of a security detail. i mean, you know, he's a man of the people here. this one does around uh like anyone else. uh,
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and it would never occurred to him that this kind of thing would happen. i mean, it was somebody else, you know, when you, you know, the, like a present of united states. so rather than macro and or whatever the norm is, the model of security is around them and nothing like that happens. but in this case the, you know, you just, just the, would probably just never go to into something like this to happen. so media has been quick to roll out their prime ministers links to russia and his and tell you frame sentiments. are they trying to link it to the attack? they think that's a likely theory as well. i think that so they, they don't like a fee go. they haven't liked him for a long time. they were very unhappy about his written. and if you recall, during the election, there was the kind of fever pitch of speculation. and during the last few days that he had been defeated, the indian defeated. so it came as unpleasant shock when he actually won quite comfortably. um, obviously you know,
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the fact that he has become aligned with big the lower band who before the fee goes arrival in, in that position, fee, or by and was alone in basically saying nato and you phone policy and ukraine is an absolute disaster. then trico comes along and now there are 2 voices within the you and they to say, this is a disastrous policy. so that, you know, cause cause some consternation. again, we don't know what you know led to this shooting, whether this link of this media campaign had an effect on this person, you know, could well be, but it did have an effect. you know, we've, we've seen that before. i got an assassination at times. clearly by somebody who was you know, a insane, but nonetheless, you know, you know, you know, this is a lot of propaganda and his, what width up into a, a sub and to a hatred.


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