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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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it obviously knows the fact that he is becomes align with big the lower band who before a fee goes arrival in, in that position, fee, or band was alone in basically saying nato and the policy on ukraine is an absolute disaster. then pre co comes along and now there are 2 voices within the you and they to say, this is a disastrous policy. so that, you know, cause cause some consternation to the game. we don't know what that, you know led to this shooting. whether this, think of this media campaign have an effect on this bus. so, you know, could well be, but it did have an effect. you know, we've, we've seen that before. i got an assassination attempts, clearly by somebody who was, um, oh, you know, are you insane? but nonetheless, you know, you know, you know, this is a lot of propaganda and his width up into a, a sub and to a hatred. and that expresses itself in violets. the what do you think what the
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reaction to the shooting? what do you think it will likely be both at home and abroad? get given because of use on things and how they different from different from the narrative that we've seen in the last. well it's, that's a very interesting question because i suspect that that will be a very sly. it has to be slight, i'll be over, but that'll be a slice suggestion. that if you go down the path that the fee goes, gone down, the victor or band has gone down, both of just bucking you, bucking nato of being, you know, no, not on sympathetic to a russian security concern. if you go down back, thought this might be your faith, this 11, you know that you had you had a moment ago. this person on sky news was suggesting, well, things are really bad in slovakia and they're very, i believe people are unhappy that they have this man, the prime minister. they're not happy with his policy on ukraine. so look what
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happens. now. obviously, you can't say that explicitly because that would be sanctioning violence, but i think it will be done subliminally. that'll be the message. hate. don't go down list, but you know, you might end up in the move so. so i think that that will probably be the, the, the kind of the, the, the supplemental media message in europe in the united states. did he have a lot of enemies? he talked about hell, who, you know, had to give the impression of he was a man of the people didn't have a lot of security around him in the way that someone like my crohn would would likely have it. and he only returned to the job last year. i mean, did he have people who would, would want him gone to permanently based based on his views you well i, i the, based on his views. i mean, i would have thought if the, if, if this were a professional hip job, then they would have to select the somebody. i'm more likely pin man than a 71 year old. so that it sounds to me like this was
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a person who had got very upset about feet go probably very upset about roster. very upset about your brain and expressed is frustration and rage in violence is that's what i think of it. if it was something you know, of the, you know, the, comes from an inmate a going back a long time, and therefore the be a professional hit man. i think it would be done much more effectively and much more of the smoothly. you don't get some 71 year old who was easily overpowered to do this. but i don't know. um i, you know, i, i think that that has been this sustained campaign against the, if you go ever since here it's onto a pallet and i think it's having the fact inevitably it hasn't effectively result in the united states. the effect of russia gave lately, the stereo russia gates,
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which led to the mass assassination attempt against the republican congressman, which the quote was led to the death of the, the, the car into a house majority leader. you know what people listen to this list kind of mine and i think propaganda again, you know, some people who are already unstable could push them over the edge. all right, george, send me all a senior research fellow global policy institute. george, thank you. thank you. and if you're just joining us, let's recap our breaking news that we're following here on our to you. this of ok in time, minister has been seriously wounded. after being shot, robert pico is said to be in a life threatening condition after being hit multiple times. the shooting happened following a local government meeting. the attacker has been detained, but as yet there is no word of any possible motives. so lucky as prosecutor general condemned to the attack and said, society was to blame my dear citizens by consider today's
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attack on the prime minister of the slovak republic to be something unacceptable. and it is the culmination of those moods that are nurtured in society. it is a manifestation of hatred. it is an attack not only on a person, but also as a prime minister. it's an attack on the very essence of statehood. there will be an uncompromising response on the part of the authorities to this attack. and all actions will be taken to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act is fairly punished. i wish the prime minister of the slovak republic a speedy recovery. well here's what is taken just after the moments of the attack, the prime minister was reportedly shot following a regional government meeting. he was air lifted back to the capital process law button taken to the hospital for surgery or i'm or pico is the prime minister of slovakia. it's his 3rd term in the role previously holding the rank from 2006 and then again from 2012 to 2018 is widely known as a critic of the western involvements in the ukraine. conflict. think of repeatedly
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came out against western a to cranes saying that it contributes to the death toll on the battlefield. the prime minister has also opposed anti russian sanctions, branding them as negative to slovak, and citizens for it. let's get some now analysis now and bring in our to contribute or rachel marston. rachel, what can you tell us about robert pico and his policies as well? he's always elected prime minister last october, but it wasn't his 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before. his populace, the naturalist positions, have a tendency to rival in the western establishment to say the least. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine, but has nonetheless said that so that he is military industrial complex can cash in on weapons sales to ukraine. that was actually voted even though it campaigned against it. but then after it was voted,
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he's been really against that ever since. so it seems like the actions are a little bit of a mitigation attempt to help out with the military industrial complex. probably maybe get them off of his back perhaps. so he doesn't make any enemies there, but at the same time he really doesn't seem to throw the ball the whole thing. but he also is sad that the. busy situation in ukraine kicked off as a result of violence against russia, phone people in the don't pass. so he really is putting in a few comments there, that risk rolling the establishment and he's kind of become known for that. and this will, that can't government. and he also said would not be sending any cash over to ukraine, citing corruption more recently. he reacted to french president a menu and that caused obsession of talking about sending potential future trips to crane by saying, look, i don't see that happening for us. and not only that,
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i don't really see how ukraine is slovak, is problem a okay. and i its locked in his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u, and support everything for peace and ukraine and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. we finish all the initial step 13 at today's meeting and became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the warren ukraine. i retreated that i do not believe in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after that, my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the wes, why did the russian present or the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagine mexico joined in military organization with russia. police, a decisive role. what would you do? this argument, these russian on your credit is not sovereign and it's entirely under us control,
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which is close to the new president. while he's throwing down a lot of inconvenient, curious, i guess you can say they're just the other day. pico is railing about the you to as an advisor on the tv during the visit. they are complaining about the blocks and tolerance of independent thought. like his, i guess, and in the wake of this assassination to time today, condolences were quick to roll in. so from some a fee goes allies. shocked by the shooting of my long time colleague, prime minister, robert fitz, so its locked you. i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family . i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him in his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me into serbia. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health us so the european union commission, president clean ursula vander line,
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denounced the act of violence against feed. so not sure where the wishes for a speedy recovery, where though the western process reaction has been kind of interesting if not predictable, qualifying feats those 1st, 1st and foremost, as an ally of russian present environment, food. and because of course, everything everywhere has to be related back to food and, and russia. britton's telegraph, reporting on the attack side in the headline that feed so high turns slow back. yeah. into one of russia's only allies. kind of like see, look what happens when you're prudence friend, which is really a 180 degree, turn or bare bach. 360 degree turn from their usual take interest or press that it's putin's enemies who get this kind of a treatment. now they're saying, well, it's his friends to we just can't win or take contributor. rachel marsden. rachel, thank you. a professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade. it's devonne diet, says pico, is known as one of the rare voices in europe calling for peace. the 1st
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reaction, the 1st impulse that i, that i had in my brain after listening to what happened is that this really sounds like a lot of. busy information, this is very suspicious, and i think that the burden will be on natal to prove that they are not somehow involved in this because out on but it's feed. so it is a lot loudly outspoken leader who is a question, one the election on the platform for the beast platform. he's i guess to walk. yeah . so the weapons to ukraine. he is against the war because the log in and set up the previous government. a lot of uh, worship and citizens, a lot of uh, self propelled how it serves. uh susan, uh, also 1300 uh at the air trust system and many other pieces of equipment
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and some feed. so came on the piece platform. she said she'll like us like us to stay out of this business. and that there should be negotiations about your grade that the war the war should stop immediately. all right, so the president vladimir putin is right now on board his presidential plan and heading east for his 1st trip abroad since last week's and i'll get ration. he'll touch down later in china for a 2 day visit. he is expected to visit, they tang and the north eastern city of har being there's plenty on the agenda from bi lateral cooperation to the war and ukraine and other key global issues are to use morag does via the acres that are in china. i had a visit, the one thing that you can see when you arrive in virginia is opportunity. it seems that big money's around of recording here and this year as well. my visit here is no exception. so a lot of my food. indeed, that is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of rush. and of course,
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he's said to meet with cheating, paying on the what quite interesting the vladimir put it will be joined by 2, both a full mouth and kind to ministers of defense of russia. the surgery show who and, and right below is of respect to these. it's uh, also other ministers. it's diplomats, so it's businessman and it's advise is that they are not travelling empty handed. they do have a big stack of documents ready to be signed. then many of them are probably out of commercial in nature. so what it basically translates is big money and big business deals are about to be signed to here. and of course, we will have to see which ones. exactly. but of course, the relationship between russia and china, what both countries have been trying to do for years now. they want to show an alternative to basically a western base to man i of doing things. 90 percent of all transactions between multiple and paging are done in the local currencies in rouble. and you want to
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look at the letter and put them on the lab reports personal relation, relationship with the west. i mean, remember he, there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court by having visiting china and of course, by shooting, paying the chinese lead of giving him a very warm welcome. he. yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signaling. it kind of shows it is very of a very in your face gesture towards western nations who have been trying to isolate russia and china is just showing, well, look at this, you, you don't get, you would say here and you won't get it your way. so of course it is very symbolic, it is very, some colleagues on both sides. both on the russian side was the russian president, picking no other nation in the world, but china, to visit and teaching things as the 1st 4 liter that he's about to see in person, off to his no duration, but also on behalf of china. again,
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show you the rest of the world. well, the chinese going to pursue its own independence politics and it will conduct business as it sees fit here inside of it, which has all the locals will tell you, is a city of 10 medium that was originally found the just over a 100 years ago, by russian construction workers, what building a railway it is they're surprised that they choose these safety is the 2nd venue. people like me if we can strip because it also borders 5 russian regions of the far east. and there is a rich proved gotten here for glad to be able to heal open a russian chinese expo appeared on regional cooperation. the full forum and regional cooperation the far east. you'll also visit the university where you'll have a conversation, a bit of a, a tool to chinese students, perhaps even take questions. this is like the because the visits the policy is his
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1st visit. since he is a little victory, and is no gratian again, this is something with being repeated for for several years now. relations between boston and china, our to historic high eighties. there's honestly a difficult to estimate to move out of the state. how far relations have come? they seem like many other countries, once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with google, it wants peace. it has put forward, but it was realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the west roads whereby you can't get everything at once. russia gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot beijing's vision's peace. god is much more base than real politics and that is looking about bushel ones looking about what you pay months and trying to come
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to touch. tried to pipe coleman got compromised, to establish the spot, and the long lasting piece vladimir people had said repeatedly, and he is once again reiterated that the chinese piece blind could well be. the foundation on which negotiations with you cried could take place amazing proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change the steps build on the idea that we need to forego the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine nor it's west and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal honest, an open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead,
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western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia. to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine, sponsor terrorist attacks. you know, territory when it comes to sight of russian relations you came at the end of the day use a mind to foot know they all face or well that may have 2 squads is a truss. and. 1 open dialogue, but there's of course much more a to it's a not year to date. russian chinese trade screwed on. 1 by almost 25 percent straight, is it about the pages? it's really a dollar. so there is certainly much further to do in motion. chinese relations and blood with the highlights. a look at the west economic predicament. look at the how
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the stumbling quite naturally. z, z, z, z, black lost the groove. now look at the way the russia and china a development. and he says the p, the russians pivots towards the east towards asia, has been proven to be historically the right decision for a company. now that breaking news, we're following from slovakia where the country is a prime minister, has been shot and wounded in an assassination attempt rubber if he goes, condition is said to be life threatening. he has been elected to the hospital where he is expected to undergo surgery. the shooting happened following a government meeting. the attacker is a local man and has been detained by law enforcement. his motives are now being investigated. robert pico is why they known as a critic of the western involvements in the ukrainian conflict countries. the president is preparing an address to the nations citizens.
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all right, let's get more on this now from the head of this of our, of institute, alexander markovich. alexander, within a matter of minutes of news of the shooting emerging, we were seeing reports in the western news media and linking it to fi goes pro russian stance. do you think there are good grounds to make it planes like that? are they jumping the gun here? well, it seems we know that's west the use outlets, the media mostly following orders, either from europe in 6 services or governments. we can guess that this was the very reason why this summation attempt took place. for example, the slow the government's. it also sets that the political opposition in slovakia is basically responsible for what happens to a goal that fits so. 2 and i guess, especially if you look at, says staunch anti globalist and patriots expense. so he was on the one hand against
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sort of fueling toward in ukraine and stopping the arguments, deliveries to the jefferson and the other mt also post the anatomy treaty of the world. health organization. so basically you could say lift dangerously because of that dense media, not only in australia and try many but in the whole of europe. and especially in slovakia, therefore um heavily texts. and they described to him as an agent offloading the a, put in as an enemy of european well use. and therefore this s as a nation to attempt happens because in the eyes of the global is the lead. so i'm just especially the leads of russell's everyone who's basically opposing their political agenda is not a human anymore and needs to be dealt with. and if we look,
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for example, that's the long history of state sponsored terror insights west and europe. especially operation claudio, for example, and um the terrible um coldwell period for example, especially in italy. we're also um political opponents or simply shots or even um hats, much worst estimates because of their opposition to west the liberal list of politics. i think it's only realistic to assume that he was actually shots and this estimation of time took place because your post weston ball politics and your credit. i do see. so voc you as a stable democracy. could you have ever imagined something like this happening there additional well, basically, until the election of go that fits all. slovaks here was marching in lock step
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together with bowling, with paris, with brussels in further fueling the war against russia and adopting global is policies. and basically the electron off a little bit fits so as for example, the electron all speaks to all about in hungary, i was actually a glimpse of thoughtful many europe. instead, it is possible to change the political course in europe on which democrat the mattress. so therefore, it is actually um, at the truck, for many novel european people who are not following the risk, the fall of a good time though, and also not following the global as the agenda. that's a political assassination, attempts like that one on will. that fits so to tap and, and i guess this estimation of the type only shows that's democracy itself is in things in europe. because if you're in a position politician and your openly opposing, um,
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do you all of this from washington or from brussels? obviously you have to, um your for your life and your life is actually in things that vito was shot in broad daylight despite having a security team around him. do you think this is a major security failing, or is it more of an indication of how difficult it is to keep high ranking officials protected as well? i would say that it is on one hand, on the one hand highlight things. the major difficulties of protecting high ranking politicians on the one hand, but on the other end, secret services all around europe can do such people's crimes. and especially after political experience tends to assess the initial experience in order to do so. so for example, you have a rock secret service is like, yeah,
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my 6 who's very trades and very well worse than such as the nation of times as the past shows. but also, for example, we have the ukranian s, b u, which is sponsored by the m i 600, especially the ca, in committing exactly such crimes sense. if you look, for example, at the past estimation of the time. so it's always some kind of fashion of the west to science, them for what gift m the orders. and then they do what washington brussels telling them and off towards washington and brussels can say, oh we had nothing to do with that. it was just the ukrainian so i think it will be very interesting who is really responsible for this political as estimation of the times. but of course, if you post the question we bono, the profits from this seamless drive, it's definitely those parties inside the west were openly calling for
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military to engineer crane. wants to fight until the last of training. and especially those who don't want a summer. in slovakia as our in hungary for example. so i'm europe, the media set on will be the next one on the list. and i guess there's this as a nation that time pro fits also. those political circles in europe wants to intimidate every one who is opposing the global. is the trend on staff for the eclipse accounts this uh, he was crying as an other act in the ongoing mental civil war in europe to unfortunately, as the festivals brought up seats, as shown, can also become bloody and very real. what can you tell us about how people in slovakia and society are likely to react to this? well, if we have a look on the public support for all that fits. so here was actually highly popular
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for opposing the nature of all policy. and also a lot of people in slovakia, most of the current population are actually set up about the nature wall policy and especially about using slovak slovakia in territory. as a staging ground floor folder, a tex um on ukraine. oh, basically for supporting the ukrainian wal machine and therefore i guess the upcoming european elections, i will see my new slow documents. walter again, solidarity for robot seats. so answers politics because i'm like, so i'm global as politicians who want war at every cost. most normal citizens in europe and he's also counseling just locks are against war because they don't want to be thrown into it meets grinder for the sole purpose of
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fluttering. the global is interior political again agenda forcing the prosecutor general blamed society for the rise of hatred. do you think that's fair? as well as 0, mainly see society as a combination of mainstream media off the secret services of a different country and also off. um, so it'd be globalized angles. i think it's definitely correct to call society responsible for these acts. but i guess mostly when you see political estimations like that one on robot fits of today taking place. mostly, it's not only society, but it's political actors as a secret services, as certain political couples and groups trying to
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further their own agenda with wireless and stuff for i guess we have to keep a close eye on the upcoming on the upcoming events. uh, regarding the search folder assessment, offer over the seats. so answers to every political motivations. right, well, leave it there. alexander markovich had a v so far of institute. thank you. for as israel celebrated its independence, they sold her as launched fireworks over the occupied gaza strip. the close rallies celebrate the dates for palestinian as a time of remembrance and reflection known as the not or catastrophe and arabic. it commemorates the forest to this place that of hundreds of thousands of palestinians
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from their homes and lands during this demolition of the state of israel ortiz maria, from ocean. it has been looking at how both sides mark this defining moments in their history. the israel's independence day is different. this year. they were in guys on the longest and prices israel has ever been wage and, and it's more than 7 decades long history has claimed more than 35000 palestinian lives in more than 7 months. these really army has lost more than 600 of its men with scores of others injured. and they swore continues with no sign of ending here under the shadow of the ongoing conflict. the additional story, many memories, today's relevant independence, say here has this president's residency is being attended only by families of outstanding soldiers through reeds, families, and the owner of mills. remember.


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