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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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time billions react the attempted assassination. the slovak in prime minister is shot in broad daylight as he leaves a meeting. he said to be in a life threatening condition in the uh, in the immediate aftermath of the attack. and despite no official word on potential motives, western media reports jump straight to the premier's links to russia and on the offensive russian forces. take another 2 villages and the hard top region as well as a frontline town and separate rosa as they continue to cement the recent paddle field games the
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i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we start with breaking news, the so back in 5 minutes or a said to be in a life threatening condition after being shot, robert pizza was hit multiple times. as he was leaving a local government meeting, the attacker was detained at the scene. although his motives are on claire, the prosecutor general condemned the attack and said, society is to blame a modern you do your citizens. i consider today's attack on the prime minister of the slovak republic to be something unacceptable. and it is the culmination of those moods that are nurtured in society. it is a manifestation of hatred. it is an attack not only on a person, but also as a prime minister. it's an attack on the very essence of statehood. there will be an uncompromising response on the part of the authorities to this attack. and all actions will be taken to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act is fairly
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punished. i wish the prime minister of the slovak republic, a speedy recovery. the here's for this taken just after the moments of the attack, the prime minister was reportedly shot following a regional government meeting. he was lifted it to the hospital for surgery rubber feet. so is the prime minister of slovakia. it is 3rd term in the role previously holding the rank from 2006 and then again from 2012 to 2018. robert pizza is widely known as a critic of the western involvement in the ukraine in conflict. he repeatedly came out against one's western aid to cranes saying that it contributes to the death toll on the battlefield. administer feed, so has also posed anti russian sanctions, branding them as negative to slovaks, citizens from war analysis, and spring and arctic contributor rachel mars, done. rachel,
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what do we know about robert pizza and his policies? small people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't those 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use a chief diplomat deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions, have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start. there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all, against ukraine's integration and to nato. he's been really vocal about that. he said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards rest, the phones in the don bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slow back he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapon sales to ukraine. because hey, why not?
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who's military industrial complex isn't right now. but ever since he's greenlit that the government greenwood that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and off his back. because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex, probably best to placate them. but he also said this, this was actually in government would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid to some extent. and he's cited corruption more recently, he reacted to french president a menu and that comes obsession of talking about some potential future troop deployment to ukraine. features said, hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see cream is full back use problem at all or okay. and i its locked in his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the issue and support everything for peace in ukraine and efforts to
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start these think oceans on ukraine. we finish all initial step 13 at today's meeting and became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mister prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of to warn you cream. i retreated that i did not believe you in a military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after that, my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the wes, why did the russian present or the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagine mexico joined in military organization with russia. police, a decisive role. what would you do this argument, these rational ukraine is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control, which is question about the new president. i am against the membership of ukraine in nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the
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other day pizza was railing about the u. 2 as an advisor on the tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks intolerance of independence thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some of feet goes political allies this as a nation attempt of prime minister robert pico shocking in stunning. who would have thought that such a brutal tech would happen in central europe would help with his speed of recovery and pray for him. there's great need for roberts, difficult install. viking in european politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time colleague prime minister, robert fitz, so as the voc yeah, i wish and much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him and his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serve you. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. your paying commission president ursula of
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underlined defacto queen of europe also denounced the act of violence. she also sent her best spots to the family and to feed so no wishes for a speedy recovery though. guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feats. those opponents were drumming up fear over. citizens voting for a fee to ally peter pelligrini, but well, people voted for him. anyway. the presidential election will decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pellegrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy which could have a devastating effect on slovakia. if you're not folks, you should probably serial and democracy. well now some of the features allies are straight up painting this attack on the 5 that was created by opposition.
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politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it mostly the bonnie ladies and gentleman wrote that fee. so it was not only the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also a friend on behalf of the political party submit a slight vac social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible terms. what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my deep discussed of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, you're spreading against robot beside nothing. what a gallows you have a rex. it full heavily. this anger this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressives for means high, all positions of the liberal media event needs assume stubborn. so the reaction of the western process has been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost, as an ally of russian president,
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binary pulse. and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to pretend and russia. nothing can exist and vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying, and the headline that feed, so head turns went back. yeah, into one of russia's only allies kind of like see, look what happens to you when you're putting friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be, it's proof as enemies who get this time treatment and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess it just really can't win. all right. are to contributor rachel marsden. rachel, thank you to let me discuss this more with rajiv dell grove, former indian investor in italy, romania and well, does that end up being? yeah, he said this kind of fatalities is becoming a trends in europe and certainly so people. oh, was not the only one in the world to put it in the conductor word. and so she went
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to the questions, different meanings, what to forces. giddings, sacrifice issues for the system issue the wireless from the moment a circumstance in many seduce investor news. so you can see the street, so this is a pseudo some folks of germany and phones and wireless by the use of those for some reason for it is unfortunately on his 4th check. it's good with them. there's major issues for those countries. let's get more on this now and discuss with scott bennett, former us army officer scott good to have you on with us. if you to, as we know, had been vocal opponents of anti russian sanctions. and it trains potential
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admission into nato, as well as against sending weapons to key f. as we learn more about the alleged attacker, do you think that fits those views, which many people in europe saw as controversial played at all in to this attack? oh yes, of course, if i was giving a military briefing, if i was back in the army, i would give it as follows. there are 2 possibilities. number one, a drain 71 year old, incapable of political ad application or change. he had a breaking point and that breaking point was triggered by a deluge of political and information warfare against russia as some kind of an aggressor against european society in slovakia and ambitions of becoming european and this individual popped off and engage in this activity.
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then the other possibility, of course, is that this is part of an operation that the western intelligence military secret services have planned or been a participant in like they've done in the assassination of, of john f. kennedy, which they used to patsy. and most of the research community has concluded that oswell was not responsible for the cat and kennedy assassination. there were 5 shooters, there's also see or on sir hon. who is blame for the robert kennedy assent. s nation that has been exposed is involving c. i massage, and i wouldn't be surprised and i'd be dare elect if i said, that's not a possibility that should be thoroughly examined, that this is part of a diplomatic warfare. remember, diplomatic warfare, information warfare, military warfare and economic warfare are all part of the strategic operations of the united states and nato,
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and in other countries. i think this whole of ocoee and prime minister was outspoken in his opposition to the nato ambitions of using ukraine as a, as a weapon against russia. and for that reason, he was seen as a threat. and they have initiated a variety of, of, uh, are scenarios where they are going to attempt to intimidate the rest of the rushes political allies into quietness into, uh, the timidity. and i think that's a very real possibility. and the beneficiaries of this, of course, are nato, then the nato, united nate, the united states, uh, is really matrix makes up the, the alliance against russia in this case. so i do think there's 2 possibilities that need to be looked at one to 71 year old who is a perfect candidate for this sort of an operation because of their rigidity
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mentally because of their age and also because of their training. if this person was a military veteran or had any sort of ties to that you could see the efficiency. but to the possibility of this being a direct intelligence operation for diplomatic warfare, i think is something that needs to be looked at. and the media, of course, is going to try and use this to galvanize european society again against russia and it's ambitions. they are always going to blame rusher for everything. this is an assigned of the mentally unstable minds. scott and said, so as we know how to serve this prime minister twice before this current term, what can you tell us about his appeal that has people attesting their vote to bring him back to lead? well, he was rational, he was reasonable. he was a man of peace. you wanted the world to evolve and grow and economically socially and politically. be tolerant of each other, just like president vladimir putin in the russian. people have slovakia and the
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soul of baki and people are certainly not opposed to that world. view and that's why i have a very strong suspicion that this was not a, any kind of an expression of the slovak, even people, or even a, a random psychopath. this was actually a very well calculated maneuver. it's very suspicious to me that the secret service gave so much space and time to allow the prime minister to be vulnerable. they did the same thing in the kennedy. assassination of the secret service slowed down the limousine and allowed kennedy to be hit for multiple points. this is a erie reminiscence of that. so i think the other thing to consider rachel is, are they preparing for a larger assassination of my crohn, a bite and a brief issue, neck to try and whip up a world war one scenario. it's very, very possible. so we have to be alert to all these multiple plans, so we're not caught off guard. last month, the country also voted for
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a new president who like feed. so is known for a pro russian stance. what do you think that says about the direction the country wants to go? and i think the country is with a reasonable, sane population, which ironically makes up. the majority of the european countries are viewing their political leaders, are increasingly insane and delusional. and on the payroll of people like george soros and these globalist organizations and that runs contrary to the traditional values of much of the former soviet republic countries. so i, i wouldn't be surprised if similar voices like the prime minister of slovakia. start rising and lot feel lithuania, the baltic states because there is something completely perverse or natural. in demonic, i would say about the agendas of these western a leaks that are trying to push climate change. homosexual transgender is bug eating a globalism. and in every color,
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this is why the western powers have been kicked out of africa is because of the immoral perversion that they've been trying to impregnate africa with. they've been trying to do this to ukraine and to a large degree of successfully created a frankenstein monster and they've been trying to do it to other countries. georgia, slovakia is an example. so i do think the people are rising up against this and that's causing the leads to begin to engage in these sort of assassination operations. and i think that's going to be concluded is the investigation proceeds . okay, we're gonna live with our scott bennett, former us army officer. scott, thank you for your, your time and your thoughts on this. thank you. well, i had of his upcoming trip to china tomorrow. the russian president met with his military top brass to discuss the latest frontline developments a new crime, bladder with it and underlines the need to work for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. mr. weiss, go above c o. o. troops are improving deposition in all areas. constantly every day
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and i will come back to this once again. they are fulfilling all the tasks set by the ministry of defense and the general stuff. but the more effectively you work on the line of contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully. but it made and comments as russian troops have taken control of 2 villages in the heart of region and the past 24 hours a bit of a clay. and you can see the adds to a dozen other towns and villages that have come under moscow's control and recent days. meanwhile, in his f, a rosa region, troops have also advanced into the town of robert tina the but the russian army is also push the green streams to the back along the front lines using heavy artillery to gain a greater foothold. with more details. here is our to move sweeney who just receiving confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of these major games on
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the possible field. over the last 24, i was watching policies have gain control of football care. and lucky on seeing the call called region, offering tent spots, it was like managed to push back the crating and on falls. he's managing to break through the front lines. but so it's still taking place in the key city of boltron square. both sides are exchanging all kind of re fi ukraine, you know, to ortiz, evacuated, people from that city last week that we're also hearing of games actually, that the russian on forces have taken control. now. all right, boston, of course, is that for rose your region. this is one of the cities where the ukraine it on forces my games one of the few places i did. so during that filed the counter offensive. now this is, comes a time when rush it on forces all pushing forward in the call conversion, in particular offensive hoping to relieve pressure on the,
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from the fold. it all done. vote on those regions of the bbc reported just last week stats that was defensive lines. simply didn't really exist, there was no areas of mind that we heard reports that you probably need on policies, surrendering really without even firing. i show and there's been a lot of criticism or by the lack of preparedness. uh, there's a questions also about where that money has gone to. of course q have was financing those regions to, to prepare for a russian offensive without money. seems to have disappeared. but it's been, he's ations of corruption. now we know that that has been heavy loss, is a 1000 men have seen either killed or wounded over the last 24 hours. now this happens a time when the us 60 or stay on. the blinking is made a surprise visit to capital. this is coming at a time when this was on the russian ministry of defense and talking about this uh
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buffers i to protect the people over some protection will protection to the people voted on vote on a boat road in particularly coming under intense attack. and in fact, since we've seen here, my phone has been picking with messages, warning of the evidence of royalty owner sought attached. the defenses on working overtime. simons have been slaving rapid eye in belgrade cities. we know that they have found a number of, oh, intercepted a number of drones you so that continuing to work to keep the people of belgrade and vote on those sites. the. the 76 anniversary of an aqua or catastrophe in arabic has been marked around the world. it refers to the forced expulsion of more than $700000.00 palestinians, and the 1st arrow is really war. people across the west bank had been gathering to remember what was the defining moment in their history. with more details as local journalists to mohammed dungy that after 1 o'clock there's somebody in the psalm
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and therefore a 70. busy second, 76 seconds to the number of the year kind of basses. and that's about the completely fault. here. there are hundreds of far as soon as he goes to all the went all the nice. we're just on the steps and he goes from what i sound there a speech to. there's because our speech nearby the here's of the see and the sections of the mission of seeing the ladies and brand new take on frame one. but i to the senior school there, right, that academy there we saw, but i see that flags to black, this nerd. so that's, that's the or t v or is it on, on from the back to the phone but it connected. is there a warehouse this year under the snow down the spine, you decide really man of the smart city suppressed much. 6 as it sounds are there, is there any water on the guys or continue forward back once the quantity is one to
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2 days when 55000 about the field of service in mind. there's all the inter, many policy right here who is about to walk surveys. where is this a guy's us and civil october right now is the bulk of the c as where's the display as the thing but know thing guys, this is something you guys are more than 100000 across you as well. also live together, slipped to egypt, and other countries around the neck of unprofessional. see, a more, a war son, the one that's covering 7060 years ago, also this condition taking a mess of those grants. that's a lot of the closing. don't as well as i get paid, but event from using money are also are those bank i just leave because the clothes and make their life a miserable and they affect their homes. are they affecting me physically to some of them? we have testing them a call on fields on the back of them or i could catch or so it is a terrible situation there by the city is to invite us it's commission that was
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funded by the impala like the vision of the new one. no one ever saw it was for the government to stop this. so if i lost the bicycles again, a sub this thing has to have those bang. memorization events haven't just been confined depaula sent itself and indonesia of the palace to embassy in the capital jakarta held a special ceremony from there. are these rebecca not to pull reports, the postilion embassy into a car that held a commemoration to remember the d and the fight that the palestinians still injured every day for their freedom against is there also oppression? standing together with the policy, the, an impass of or to in mean shout where the in foster of jordan to indonesia, the ambassador of syria community shot and representatives from the embassy of lab or not. some palestine and students who were granted scholarships in the 1st city of defense in jakarta also attended the ceremony under $76.00 and the 1st 3 often
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knock off the situation in palestine pills in comparison to the calamity that is still happening in gaza. 7 through 6 years of father cnn, all suffering from bon through with on till is no doubt come let's hobbin again does nowadays and lose spot. it's because of i'm not and that's why this is the sadness name. sadness this and not in 4 to 74 days. which have been it today. it's a y u. k. then for the creation saw bought it by usa on all the glasses need to shift desired is or drew from bill to con,
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to is to create it somewhere. and they choose by this line preference, interiors from indonesia. and most of them organizations also present it at the commemoration, including the in a nation. well, i'm a console. muhammad the and i got to lama taking the time in solidarity the the nation government once again underlined. it's support for palestinians as the government will keep pushing for a ceasefire in gaza and the freedom of palestine. today, as we gather here, the people and the government of the republic of indonesia affirm our support for our book. but i suppose to be in brothers and sisters, and we will continue to fight for an end is riley across it this in garza to end the occupation in palestine. and to fight for the freedom. i'll spell this time. we stand and solve your deputy with our brothers and sisters who continued to
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endure the injustices resulting from them. but since october 7, over 35000 p o has been killed, there are currently over 1000000 people in ross without enough food, water, and electricity to pro flight for their needs. this is something that the policy name and password to indonesia said that the world community has to build again to protect the lives of palestinians. that'd be going to be the food reporting from jakarta for our t. for now to right here in moscow where it's not so much i do as they do, that's as hundreds of couples are expected to get hitched over the next few days as part of a wedding festival. r t is the marina coast. reva grabbed her confetti and got a front row seat. the,
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this is a very old original way to get married, which is exactly will be. so couples are doing little actually walking down the aisle and warning the aisle it is. they are surrounded by strangers, who also decided to choose the historic and beautiful part to have their wedding ceremony. let's check it out. the around $400.00 couples are expect that's tied in knots by the end of the festival, which also offers lectures, master classes, concerts, the actual performances showcase of different why than rituals and wedding dishes. you name it all, culminating in the wedding flash small. it's really cool here. i didn't even expect them to dump like this to take place here with this such a huge box. i'm so happy. so all the couples are where and traditional garments
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from their region, because this is after all, a wedding festival parts of the russia regions exhibition, which celebrates the diversity of the biggest country in the world. and now we're approaching the big moments to say, i do the here at the russia exhibition, we have a big family celebration in the center of moscow. 151 couples to martinez. we have registered the marriage. that means 151. you families have a pay it we haven't opened that. those who registered that the brochure expedited food never get divorced. so we wish she'd be happy family holiday to ask for you. what is the
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perfect addition to the russians? agents exhibition which has been so popular among locals and tourists. visitors can now get acquainted with not only the various exotic landscapes from different parts of the country, but also get to see what the brides and grooms look like. what they wear and what they eat, as well as how they celebrate. so all that's left to do is say good, good. which means better and russian and problems couples to kits and other wedding to this and here which song find strange spots. it's supposed to make the 1st drink sweeter. marina costs for of a r t must go. oh, that's going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleagues were associate will be in next was morning by the
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