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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the the on a tempted fascination in broad daylight, i suppose, put back in 5 minutes to a short while leaving a meeting right now he is said to be in a life threatening condition and immediate off them off all the attack. and despite no official load of potential motives otherwise, the media reports are jumping straight to the premier is linked to russia, the at all in be offensive as our russian forces are taking another 2 villages. and the how to go for region is one of the front line town is that for an oil change and they continue to cement. they have reason to tackle field the
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. but it's been a busy few hours of breaking news here, and i'll change the national this out by the way, going to kind of updates for you're ready to go to have you with us. so the, so back in 5 minutes to it said right now to be in a life threatening conditions. he's been shot robot feats. so hit multiple times as he was leaving the local government meeting. now the attacker was detained at the same as what we understand, right? now, however, his motives are unclear. the prosecutor general, however, condemning the shooting actually saying that society is to blame a modern you do your citizens. i consider today's attack on the prime minister of the slovak republic to be something unacceptable. and it is the culmination of those moods that are nurtured in society. it is a manifestation of hatred. it is an attack not only on a person, but also as a prime minister. it's an attack on the very essence of statehood. there will be an uncompromising response on the part of the authorities to this attack. and all
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actions will be taken to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act is fairly punished. i wish the prime minister of the slovak republic, a speedy recovery, the hard his effort into taking just moments off of the attack as the i'm going to to was shot. he was heading toward his car. but we do understand. he was a slave to lift at the hospital for surgery. more details on this attack, all to contribute to rachel mazda. the people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't as 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before. talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use a chief diplomat deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start their. it's hard to know. he's 1st of all against ukraine's integration and to nato has been really
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vocal about that and said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards rest. the phones in the dog bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slow back he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not? who's military industrial complex isn't right now, but ever since he's greenlit that the government green with that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and off his back. because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex, probably best to placate done. but he also said this, this will actually government would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid to some extent. and he cited corruption more recently. he reacted the french president evaluated back homes, obsession of talking about some potential future troop deployment to you for and
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features said, hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see ukraine is full back use problem at all. okay, and i will walk you his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u. and support everything for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think associations on ukraine. but it's all initial step 13 at today's meeting, it became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of the crate. above all, it is a view of the war and ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe you in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagine mexico joined in military organization with russia. police, a decisive role. well, would you do this argument, these rational ukraine is not sovereign,
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and it's entirely under us control discussion about any president. i am against the membership of ukraine in nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country, it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the other day feats. it was railing about the you to as adviser on the tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks and tolerates independent thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some of feet goes political allies this as a nation attempt of prime minister robert. because shocking and stunning who would have thought that such a brutal tech could happen in central europe. we hope for his speedy recovery and pray for him. there's great need for roberts to go instill if i can in european politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time. colleague prime minister, robert fitz, so it's about, yeah, i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply
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shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him in his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serve you, dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. you are paying commission prizes. and ursula vander lined, defacto queen of europe also denounced the active violence. she also sent her best spots to the family and to feed so no wishes for a speedy recovery, though, i guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feats . those opponents were drumming up fear over citizens voting for a seat. so ally peter pelligrini but well people voted for him anyway. the presidential election will decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pellegrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy which could have
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a devastating effect on slovakia. here that folks you should probably theory on democracy. well now some of the seats as allies are straight up painting this attack on the vibe that was created by opposition. politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it. most of the bonnie ladies and gentleman enrollment fee. so is not only the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also a friend on behalf of the political parties to me, a slight back social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible times. what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my disgust of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, you're spreading against robot. besides, what a gallows. you have a rex it for him, this i n g a. this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressives for means high, all positions of the liberal media. and you just the reaction of the western process been interesting. it's not totally predictable. qualifying feats. so 1st
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and foremost as an ally of russian president, binary pulse. and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to pretend and russia. nothing can exist to vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying and the headline that feed. so head turns on vac. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be, it's perchance enemies who get this type of treatment. now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess it just really can't win. so we will gauging opinion also with the independent journalist live. i know he says robot feed, so it was a crucial and critical figure in european politics. robert siegel. what's the best hold with victoria obama? offer software interest in you don't want to put
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a phone to your opinion union because of the year as we have gone through west, off will show up on the land and show mission at the helm of this office for europe . this man is a key personality with victoria, hold on to, to bring all forward off to the european elections on a different position on the extreme left and, and many of the governments in place. i'll become becoming research completely crazy about russia for the moment. and so anybody who has a few black proven c co batch um, you know, russia is said to be taught to and that be ukraine situation can not be accepted the way washington is trying to impose the entry through brian to mantle is too big . we created a problem the assassination attempt has sent shock waves across europe. a year
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later, this also the russian president joining in with was of condemnation. i was indignant to learn about the attempt on the life of the prime minister of the slovak republic, robert fico, there are no grounds to this monstrous crime. i know robert fico is a courageous and strong minded man. i really hope that these qualities will help him to survive in this difficult situation. i ask you to convey to him, words of sincere support, as well as wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. let's get more of this right now. getting reaction from a gun to rebecca. m a. p for the ultimate, if a germany party or gunner, it's great to get you on the program. appreciate us spending some time with us during this breaking news. i don't want to, i don't want to jump to conclusions here. there's an awful lot of chapter online about motives and all sorts of things here when it comes to this, the attempted assassination in broad daylight. but i guess the fact of the matter is, i mean, he fits so when it comes to the european. finally, he's not exactly been a total team player. i mean, he's part of
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a small club with hungry inspect the order. but and both of them openly unhappy with the route that europe's taking. i mean, that's something as simple as that. but a target on his back as well. we don't know yet. i'm a lawyer by training. so on this matter i'm fairly cautious. but yes, of course is views of being a very conspicuous and uh, one of the avenues and absolutely has to explore here. uh, is it politically motivated? uh, the tech. uh, i've listened cassidy to what your reporters and commentators had said before, and all that is perfectly true is being the kind of sold in the flash of the you for quite a while. there's a very being very few attacks on very high level politicians of late. so it's obvious that bunch of look at the
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characteristics and mates the paper tray to a window king at today's assassination attempt. do you think you think that's more of what we're looking at? got it, i mean i'm, i'm getting a sense of hesitation from me on this. and typically when you hear me talking or you're guns of just firing here upon the full taste of whereas, but the yes, well, it's to, normally the situation is fairly clear cut. and i'm not normally mincing my word. the words, let's put it differently at if we look at germany, the official statistics as suggesting. the woods that indicate that mister tex are committed against green uh politicians. but if you look at those attacks that actually involve physical violence, you see that by far the largest number has been carry dodge against members of my own political party. so broadening the big chart to most of europe once you find is
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that there is certainly a preponderance of a tax on nation list or right wing leaders. and remarkably, there was much less willingness on the part of prosecuting also ortiz to act decisively. uh so, so i mean, i'm just just trying to get a clear picture on this myself and i, it's so hard and i, i get that done that. but are you more inclined to think that the motivation behind the shooting? is it more of an internal domestic political thing because, you know, the shooter apparently is some, some sort of liberal opposition member. he's apparently a poet. i mean, do you think we need to read some of his poems as well? i think the national and international associations, ah, so intertwined today that one cannot talk about the purely domestic. the fact, the speaker has been very outspoken on international affairs base relations to russia. and these be be outspoken in his criticism of mr. and mrs. funder line.
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at one of your a commentators quite appropriately called be on crowned queen of europe. so yes, i think we should look at this very carefully, please forgive me. i can't really say all that much more on this occasion until we have more information. won't be as low as 2 feet very closely and such information . well, i lodge, i totally appreciate that. i mean, considering your, your legal background and all of that. okay, proceed cautiously and i totally understand that and the media, i mean let me bring another angle here because if you look at what a lot of the west and media is doing right now, um they are very quickly in the headlines quoting out on faith. so the perceived with, according to pro russian stones, i don't know if he's pro russian, he's definitely very neutral. although he has been opposed to sending weapons to ukraine and he's easy, he's when he's, he's hopeful when it comes to cheap russian energy. but gigi think the western beauty has been right to,
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to cold out his perceived pro russian stats. make sure that'd be jumping to conclusions. no, i agree with you. yeah, absolutely. any stones that evinces any hesitation in calling russia the culprit behind almost anything happening in the west now is we interpreted or presented as pro russian. so you're quite right. say that's a neutral or cautious attitude. it would be interpreted as being pro russian. and what i'd say now and strikes us cautious would probably be betrayed. just put, rushing by the western media. yeah. well that, that's usually the way they, they turned into us things these days. no surprise bag on it. well said for that the, what do you think of the, um, the prosecuted general that blaming society for the rise of hate trade? is that, is that a fair assessment or is that a little bit of damage control perhaps as well? i don't know. i mean a, my recollection when i was at school
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a long time ago now, and there was still bull assassination of 10, some of a prominent politicians then today. so we haven't seen a general rise when he comes to assassination the 10. so i'm very prominent politicians law actually because they have so much more security surrounding them. but to blame it on society, it takes us back to politicians. why? if it's true, is society so dissatisfied with politicians? quite obviously, because the situation for most people in the west has been getting progressively worse. and mr. pico was one of the very few who prided himself of the considering the national interest. first. that's very rad now and the present malaise. we are in the, in the west basic terms of economics. and the migration situation is a reflection of the does. and especially the, i'm a comfortable you commission,
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not taking on bold, popular attitudes. we are governed by people who are competing against the people. well yeah, i mean, you know, it's hard, it's hard to be a patriot these days. you know, when you, when you do that you start getting trouble from brussels. you know, you're supposed to be part of the e channel one eagle family. right? well, not just in trouble with the g, u, a in germany. the situation is particularly deplorable. we're being persecuted by the media at the feet. lots of bogus court cases against members of my own party. we've seen to judgements this week 11 and these are the beach wednesday. and basically what you see in the west is that the law is instrumental in the eyes for this good purpose. yes. and very one side deeds attitude in a criminal prosecutions. and at the receiving end,
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you normally find the nationalist, patriotic politician. yeah, yeah. you know, i mean, i think, i think you make a good point that basically, you know, certainly politically speaking, if you don't go with the flow, you're going to be a mock man. you know, yeah, it's amazing. you're not allowed to think individually these days is all about this kind of quiet show mentality and strength and numbers when there's no strength in any of that. yeah, absolutely. the great liberal political c, a restaurant steel mill spoke about the tenant the, the majority of we now have a tenant a the oligarchy in the west. yeah, yeah, very well. is that indeed very well said, what is only getting updates as the story continues to break and use are now to international. done it back? isn't any people the alternative for germany potty joining us live during this breaking news? we appreciate your time and joke, how much pleasure. goodbye. well reporter elijah magneer. you said such and such a, such a nation attempt, i should say, right in the heart of yo or if it's a very wiring sign on
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a number of key levels. have a listen to the 1st question, always ask in the den delta assassination or a terrorist attack or whatever is clayborne now. so who benefits? and if we look at the history as to vac. yeah. and roberto pico, we see that a ration of the relationship with the you the personal between you still vodka and russia. the position officer vac? yeah. i guess supplying weapons and ammunition to ukraine and for ukraine to be a member of nato. i think these are pretty much of a law journalist all small deviation to stand against the that is the fact that prime minister, so a combination of strong motivation to assassinate the prime minister in the hop a few of these days. they say why some particular day when we see democracy,
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he's no longer really available in europe in the last couple of years. and so ahead of his upcoming trip to china tomorrow, the russian president met with his ministry top bronze to discuss the latest front line developments in ukraine was out of it put in underlining the need to work for a peaceful resolution to this construct. i'm actually sca months human the probably our troops are improving deposition in all areas constantly every day and i will come back to this once again. they are fulfilling all the tasks set by the ministry of defense and the general stuff. but the more effectively you work on the line of contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully. well, let me think comes as our russian troops are taking control of a tumult of images and the article free agent in the broader area of the past 24 hours. i do boy k, and the can see now that adds to
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a dozen other towns in the villagers that have come under most coast control and recent days. i mean, well, there's always a region troops of also advanced into the town of boston. wow. the russian army also pushing a ukrainian troops further back all along the front lines. a load of heavy artillery is helping to do so. more details now with a corresponding are we just receiving confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of these major games on the battlefield. over the last 24 hours, russian forces have gained control of football care and rookie on seeing the call called region, offering tent spots. it was like managed to push back the crating and on forces managing to break through the front lines. but so it's still taking place in the key city of boltron square. both sides are exchanging all kind of re fi ukraine, you know, doherty's evacuated people from that city last week that were also hearing of games
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. actually, the, the russian on forces have taken control. now, all right, boston out of course is that for rose your region. this is one of the cities where the ukraine it on 4th is my games. one of the few places i did so during that failed the counter offensive. now this is comes a time when rush it on, forces all pushing forward in the call corporation in particular offensive hoping to really pressure on the, from the fold. it all done vote on those regions of the pvc reported just last week . that's a, those defensive lines simply didn't really exist. there was no evidence that we're mind that we heard reports that you quite need on. policies were surrendering really without even 5 being i show and there's been a lot of criticism. oh, by the luck of preparedness, this be questions also about where that money has gone to. of course, kev was financing those regions to prepare for
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a russian offensive for that money seems to have disappeared. there's been accusations of corruption. now we know that that has been heavy losses if i was, and men have for, you know, either killed or wounded over the last 24 hours. now this happens a time when the us 60 or stay on. the blinking has made a surprise visit to cab. so this is coming at a time when this for his own, the russian ministry of defense. you're talking about this uh buffers are to protect the people over some protection, more protection to the people of the overall done voltage bell road in particular coming under intense attack. and in fact, since we've seen here, my phone has been picking with messages, warning of imminent rookie, almost all the time. the air defenses are working overtime. simons have been planning rapid. i in belgrade city, we know that they have down the number of o intercepted a number of a drones you said that continuing to work to keep the people of belgrade and vote
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on those sites. the 76 of us are the not about all catastrophe in arabic, is being marked worldwide trying to the fullest expulsion of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. it was back in the 1st hour of his ready war, people across the west bank of been gathering to remembered what was a defining moment in that history. more details now with this level journalist, here's mohammed the g. after 1 o'clock the 70 and the solve the default of 70. busy second, the 76 seconds to the number of the year, kind of boston stuff, and that's about the completely phone. there are, there are hundreds of far as soon as he got those to all the went all the nice. we're just on the stairs and he goes from what i stand there. a speech said there's because our streets nearby the are here's of the city and the sections of the mission of seeing the legs and bridge receipts. they confirm one part of the senior
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school, and i'd like to better tell me where we solved, but i see that flags to black. this match found this that's, that's the, the, or t, v or is it all on from the back to the phone. but if you actually, this is where hills is here under the snow down despite the. 1 really, man on the spot for the sub list, much who are here and the zip codes are they. is there any war? and the guys are continue a port back once the quadrant one to 2 days when 55000 about your field of service in line. there's all the inter, many policy as well. is that what surveys are and is this a guides us as of october, right? now is the buffer with that, what i see is where's the water meeting where displays the thing but know thing guys, this is something you guys are more than 100 or 1000 falls to as well. also live together slipped to egypt and other countries around the neck of unprofessional c. a more and your son,
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the one that pub in civic to succeed years ago. also this condition taking a mess of those bank. that's a lot of the closing, not old as well. as i get paid, but event about to and from using money are also are those bank i just leave because it clothes and make their life for me? what i will um they attack their homes. are they affecting me physically acute some of them? we have testing them a call some fields on the back of them or i could catch or so it is a terrible situation. a virus that was to invite us, it's condition that was funded by the info. like the vision of the human, but no one a brush or is the government to stop this? so if i lost the bicycle us again and stuff, but us thing has to have those bank a t a the can immersion events not just combined to palestine itself pretty far away indonesia, the palestinian embassy and the capital jakarta, holding a special ceremony of correspond today is rebecca and the people who the policy in an embassy into a car that held a commemoration to remember the d and the fight that the palestinians still and
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during every day for their freedom against is there also oppression? standing together with the policy the, an impass of or to in need shout where the in foster of jordan to indonesia, the master of syria community shot and representatives from the embassy of lab or not. some palestine and students who were granted scholarships in the 1st city of defense in jakarta, also attended a ceremony under $76.00 and the 1st 3 of the not by the situation and pals. time pills in comparison to the calamity that is still happening in gaza. 7 through 6 here, the policy you know, of suffering from gone through with on to is no doubt come. let's haben, her name does nowadays and lose spot. it's a because of i'm not and that's why this is the sadness
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name, sadness this and not in 4 to 7 for dates which have been it today to y u. k. then for the creation saw bought it by usa on all the glasses need to shift desired is or drew from bill to con, to is to create that somewhere. and they choose by this line preference, interiors from indonesia. and most of them organizations also present it at the commemoration, including the in a nation. well, i'm a console. muhammad the and i got to lama taking the time and solidarity the the nation. government once again underlined it support for palestinians as the government will keep pushing for a ceasefire in gaza and the freedom of palestine. today as we gather here,
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the people and the government of the republic of indonesia affirm our support for our but bless boasting and brothers and sisters. and we will continue to fight for an end is riley across it. this in garza to end the occupation in palestine and to fight for the freedom. i'll spell his time. we stand and solve the deputy with our brothers and sisters who continued to endure the injustice resulting from the net. but since october 7th, over 35000 p o has been killed, there are currently over 1000000 people in ross without enough food, water, and electricity to pro fight for their needs. this is something that the policy name and password to an anesha side that the world community has to be old again to protect the lives of palestinians. that'd be going to be the food reporting from
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jakarta for r t. laza is ready to ground forces have to enter the fi. now the red cross is open to field hospitals in the southern part of the enclave to cope with the humidity or in crisis, a lead. my colleague are rachel ruble discussing the plans with organizations a spokeswoman in jewish to them. are. we are the same as the whole months we, i still community raise are really, maybe all who is by the restrictions a as a place there was a last week. there are so many essential items needed to run through my school drugs for the treatment, the x ray machine loss, our teeth on the ground out of the need to provide a support to alleviate some of the continually increasing on the healthcare facility currently. uh, actually well over one.


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