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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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1000000000 people decide and billions react the attempted assassination in broad daylight as this put back in prime minister a short while leaving amazing set to be in a life threatening condition. in the immediate off the mazda of the attack, and despite no official load on potential motives west and media reports jump straight to the previous link to russia, and on the offensive best russian forces. taking another 2 villages in the heart of operation as well as in frontline tons of a separate orgy continuing to cement their on going daily. okay. the
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what a very well wasn't too, as we are continuing on breaking news coverage or not. you international at about 9 p. m locally here in moscow. so the slip, i can probably minister a said to be in a life threatening condition. he's been shot probably the feet. so was it multiple times? it was needing a local government meeting. the attacker was detained at the scene of the right. now their motives do remain on clear. he's in police custody. and the police are the, excuse me, the approximate a general has condemned the shooting. but actually saying society is to blame. it's mostly i'm trying to dear citizens. i consider today's attack on the prime minister of the slovak republic to be something unacceptable. and it is the culmination of those moods that are nurtured in society. it is a manifestation of hatred. it is an attack not only on a person, but also as a prime minister. it's an attack on the very essence of statehood. there will be an uncompromising response on the part of the authorities to this attack. and all
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actions will be taken to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act is fairly punished. i wish the prime minister of the slovak republic, a speedy recovery, the stories and photos are taken right off to the attack. there is basically being dragged off the security guys getting rid of the calm because the apartment is to what shot his. he was just heading to the kites. he was like a lift at the hospital for surgery. the more details on the incident, alexa had this over to want to contribute to his rachel marston. the people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't as 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use a chief diplomat deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions, have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start. there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all,
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against ukraine's integration and to nato. he's been really vocal about that. and said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards rest, the phones in the dog bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slow back he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not? who's military industrial complex isn't right now. but ever since he's greenwood that the government green with that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and office back because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex, probably best to placate done. but he also said this, this was actually government would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid, to some extent. and he cited corruption more recently and he reacted the french president evaluated back home succession of talking about some potential future
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troop deployment. to frame feet. so said, hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see ukraine is full back use problem at all. okay. and i will walk you his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. we do everything also as a part of the e. u and support efforts and for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think oceans on ukraine. the initial step o d, at today's meeting, became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the war in ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe you in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagine mexico joined in military organization with russia. police, a decisive role. what would you do this argument,
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these rational you credit is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control discussion about the new president. i am against the membership of ukraine in nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the other in a fee. so it was railing about the you to as are buys on the tv during your visit over there complaining that the blocks and tolerates of independence thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some of fee goes political allies. this as a nation attempt of prime minister rubbers. because shocking and stunning who would have thought that such a brutal tech would happen in central europe would help with a speedy recovery and pray for him. there's a great need for roberts, difficult in slovakia and in european politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time colleague, prime minister, robert fitz, so its locked you. i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him and his family. i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister
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robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him and his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serve you. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health, your paying commission president ursula of underlined defacto queen of europe, also denounced the act of violence. she also sent her best spots to the family and to feed so no wishes for a speedy recovery though. guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feet, so his opponents were drumming up fear over citizens voting for a fee to ally peter pelligrini, but well, people voted for him anyway. the presidential election will decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pellegrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy which could have a devastating effect on slovakia here that folks you should probably theory on
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democracy. well now, so i'm gonna see it says allies are straight up painting this attack on the vive. that was created by opposition, politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it. mostly the bonnie ladies and gentleman wrote that fee, so it was not only the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also a friend on behalf of the political party submit a slight vac social democracy and want to condemn in the strongest possible terms. what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my disgust of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, you're spreading against robot, please say, what a gallows. you have a rex. it for him, this anger, this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressive for me, ty, opposition to the liberal media. the reaction of the western process has been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost,
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as an ally of russian president, binary pulse and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to pretend and russia. nothing can exist. vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying, and the headline that feed, so head, turn one back. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be, it's fountains enemies who get this time treatment. and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess it just really can't win because a lot of college are coming out or the president elect office to the back. you condemning this attack is a, a grave threat to the countries democracy or an assassination attempt on the prime minister is a threat to everything that is adorned slovak democracy so far. if we expressed different political opinions with guns in the squares and not in polling stations,
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we endangered everything we have built together in 31 years of slovak sovereignty only now gazing reaction. now, ever since this shocking assassination attempt to place, we spoke with the level of policy. you introduce a drawer, send me away. he says a feat so provoked, a lot of i'm talking to him among his european colleagues, have a listen to this. the rubbish veto was a very controversial take up and he has aroused the anger. and then i going to is i'm of the, i'm for a very powerful interest in your, within nato. and so, and i'm not saying that you know, that they were responsible for it or anything like that. but not nonetheless, i fi code has a 0 percent since his return to power a few months ago has aroused a lot of um antagonism and what, what led to the shooting? what motives? what have this person who this person is?
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we don't yet know, but we do know that that has been a, a sustained a lengthy media campaign against them using demonizing. the media is protege was the president was also being demonized. and these things do have an effect. of course, this assassination of the time has sent shock waves across europe with the leaders and the russian president as well. joining in with was of condemnation. i was indignant to learn about the attempt on the life of the prime minister of the slovak republic, robert fico, there are no grounds to this monstrous crime. i know robert fico is a courageous and strong minded man. i really hope that these qualities will help him to survive in this difficult situation. i ask you to convey to him, words of sincere support, as well as wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. let's have a conversation about this now of course live to and from the part of tato, a legal on list for my new jersey, superior court judge and host of, of the judging freedom port. cassandra, i was just watching the,
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the other day made. i think he will on with, with a scott referral jimmy door will take more as a for catins albert, i was watching a chat you had in the past 48 hours was great or it was. thank you. every with scott ritter, who's a big fan of archie and who's the responsible for me being. i'm with you today. i see what i'm a fan with archie and how i wish the misguided president of the united states would allow artsy to return to new york where one set offices that flourished. well, that's right, kyla is a andrew, but the fact of the matter is you guys are not allowed to hear what we're saying here. and i'd say so i do apologize about that. listen, what do you think? i know there's been a lot of shock waves coming off this assassination attempt of the slow by president of preventative feats. oh wow. i just couldn't believe the footage myself. and yes, some people are saying that, well, you know, if you thought the political assassination attempts in central europe, what can find just to, to the k also the eighty's and ninety's you'll be, you'll be well shocked. i mean, are you surprised to hear this kind of hit happening again?
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i am. i am surprised at what happened. i am surprised that a lot of people are not surprised. i thought that the era of assassinations was over and maybe this is what we in america call a one off, you know, just one's one isolated outlier event by a crazy person. not something a orchestrated by a group, not the beginning of another series of, of assassinations. from my perspective, mr. freed so is and was a great man who stood up to the west and i hope that he recovers and can still do so. they shouldn't have to do so at the risk of his life. i know he was well protected. i don't know who the fellow was that shot him or how he got close enough to do what i guess we'll find that out shortly with the passage of time. yeah, i mean out of the report say the shooter is a member of the liberal opposition party. he's also supposed to be
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a poet and some report saying he was just different charted with fits those policies. but what level of different treatment do you have to be at to pull out a pistol and shoot the guys several times? i mean, like, i don't wanna, you know, really make a mountain out of a molehill here. but does it tell you something about the state of democracy in your when people are wielding guns rather than the votes? to make a political point. it tells you about the desperation of the west uh to the, to bring uh countries into conformity. uh, the uh, the, the demonizing of all things uh, russian. the demonizing of the president put in my podcast, judging freedom. the popularity of it is due in large measure to a rejection of that argument and to an exposition of the types of things that you talk about in r a t today, which are rarely heard. and i'm a veteran of the 30 years in american media. yeah,
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what we say on judging freedom is rarely heard in mainstream media in the united states today. and that is the western demonization of any freedom of speech which is articulated against ukraine and in favor of russia. yeah, you know, you make a great point. the you didn't, it was just, we had uh before my austria and a foreign minister on just other in the program count can i so when she said, you know, the world we've kind of found ourselves into today is black and white. if you go back to 911, you'll remember this bush said, you're either with us or you're with them. you know, these division lines are created. and now today that does seem to be this world of black and white. but when it comes to ukraine, you know, if you're not supporting the west with you, try and then apparently you're an awful, terrible, terrible person. but the fact of the matter is as a whole. now, the size of the narrative, and even the insulting book admitted just to have bought about a week or so ago that the actual conflict against russia started in 2014 when they
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were training ukrainian soldiers building faces in you, praying and getting ready for what they termed as the inevitable, but just quickly, just quickly as we, if i, if i may look thing. so he was known for being a bit of the phone and aside for some guys in europe, i mean, he was disappointed with the way europe's heading. he's being basically opposed to sending more weapons to ukraine. i think he's of patriot. he's often expressed his love and dedication for his country here. why is it dangerous today to be a leader like fits so who loves his country? who is a patriot, who perhaps will stand up and say no to main stream, big tasks. because mainstream dick tats, which includes the west, led by the us, which includes the main stream media in europe and in the u. s. has so demonized rusher. i'm kind of surprised happily so to hear what you said about young's stone and burg, i'm so sorry. i didn't go back to 2004, instead of 2014,
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but at least to use, acknowledging the ukranian and western american generated origins of the conflict in ukraine. loved people like faith, so should not fear to speak the truth. and one year handed the reins of government power, you should not fear to do the right thing in this case. the thing you believe that you were elected to do merely because that runs against the green of the prevailing authorities in the west. but unfortunately, that's the wherever we live in right now. but again, i have to say, i hope that this is just a one off and not the beginning of some series of, of catastrophic horrific events while. yeah, great. and then i appreciate you saying that andrew, what do you think? and before i let you go, it is so good to have you on. i really do appreciate your time on this. just heading back if i, if i can for a moment, you know, regarding ukraine in that there's so many dividing lines with, with forcing so many people to take one side or the other. i mean, last month us with us here did also have vote for
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a new president just like feet. so in the sense that he's also known for his what, what is not necessarily neutral, but it's really a bit more of a pro russian stones. right. and does that tell us about the direction that country one's to head? do you think the people's voice is off potentially being? or if the people in the west and i'm going to be in russia next month to see for myself, but a people in the west understood the prosperity and, and happiness and stability there is in russia. and that the american demon ization of vladimir putin is just the political off spring of the prevailing parties in the us. they might have an entirely different view. they would have an entirely different view about all of this. i hope to bring my pod cast to russia and showcase russian officials and ordinary folks. speaking freely about the state
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of affairs, the american public will hear things that they haven't heard before and that they don't hear from mainstream media over here. where you are part of a very small but very courageous group in the united states. andrew, who is basically not afraid to push back on the main street america, is on to take the narrative and to break it down as well. i want to say i'm a big fan of your work judging freedom is your part costs. and andrew, of course you are the full, my new jersey, superior court judge. i've seen you in the media for many, many years. it's great to get you on the program here at i'd say we wish you the best of luck and we hope to see you when you come to russia. thank you very be happy to work with you again, all the best looking forward. so thanks very much. well, we did hear from the head of the board off institute, alexander markovich, and he explained why this by prime minister was a top. it seems we know that western use outlets and media mostly following orders,
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either from european 6 services or governments. we can guess that this was the very reason why this estimation of times used to be took place. and i guess, especially if you look at suicide, staunch anti globalist and patriots expense. so he was on the one hand against throat of fueling to water in ukraine and stopping the arguments, deliveries to the confirmation. and the other hand to you also a post the mckreetee of the world health organization. so basically you could say lift dangerously because of that dense media, not only in australian try many, but in the whole of europe. and especially in slovakia, therefore um heavily attached to they described to him as an agent of allowing me to put him as an enemy of europe in well use. and therefore, this s as
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a nation attempt happened shifting gears or whatnot to you as our russian troops have taken control of a 2 villages in the heart of golf region and just a pause 24 hours of global. okay. and you can see adding to a dozen other 1000 villages that have come under most goes control very swiftly in recent days. move all this up at origin region troops. i've also advanced into the town of boston. oh wow. yeah. the russian novels that pushing your brand new entry was for the buy from the front lines using heavy artillery to gain a great a foothold. basically we'll get a few more details here are corresponded on this story is steve sweeney that we're just receiving confirmation from the russian ministry of defense of these major games on the possible field. over the last 24, i was looking for these have gain control of global care. i'm lucky on seeing the call co region offering tent spots. it was like managed to push back the crating and on forces managing to break through the front lines. but so it's still taking
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place in the key city of boltron square. both sides are exchanging all kind of re fi, ukraine, you know, to ortiz, evacuated, people from that city. last week. we're also hearing of games actually, that the russian on forces have taken control. now, all right, boston out of course, is that, but what was your region? this was one of the cities where the ukraine it on force is my games. one of the few places i did so during that failed the counter offensive. now this is, comes a time when rush it on forces all pushing forward in the concrete vision, in particular offensive hoping to relieve pressure on uh from the fold it all done . vote on those regions of the bbc reported just last week. that's a, those defensive lines simply didn't really exist. there was no evidence of mind that we heard reports that you created on policies were surrendering really without even firing. i show and there's been a lot of criticism. oh,
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by the lack of preparedness, this be questions also about where that money has gone to. of course, kev was financing those regions to prepare for a russian offensive for that money seems to have disappeared. there's been accusations of corruption. now we know that the has been heavy losses. 1000 men have been either killed or wounded over the last 24 hours. now this happens a time when the us 60 or stay on. the blinking has made a surprise visit to capital. this is coming out of time when this for his own, the russian ministry of defense is talking about this a buffers. i to protect the people over some protection, more protection to the people of belgrade, and vote on those belle grove, in particular coming under intense attractions. in fact, since we've been here, my phone has been picking with messages warning of the imminent rookie, almost all the tots. the defenses are working overtime. simons are being fleming's
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route. but i, in belgrade city, we know that they have down the number of o intercepted a number of drones you so that continuing to work to keep the people of belgrade and vote on those sites. the, the $76.00 anniversary of the not to buy or catastrophe, an arabic is being marked worldwide. it refers to the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of publish didn't use that wasn't the 1st our is ready will. of people across the west bank of and gathering to remember what was a defining moment in their history. more details, but this local journalist mohammed met you after 1 o'clock there somebody in the solve and therefore a 70. busy second, 76 seconds to the number of the year kind of boxes. and that's about the completely folder. here, they're a 100 to 5. as soon as you've got those files to the, we're just on the status of the people from what i say on there is beach said
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there's because timesheets made by the use of the city and the sections and the mission of things. ladies and birds receipts they confirm one, but i since the senior school and life of good academy, there we sort of see that flags back to florida. so that's, that's it. or do you hear me or is it on on from the back to the phone, but it connected because there were hills this year. are the snow down the spike. and they do decide really man of the smart cities of last month, who are here and as it sounds, are there any war? and the guys are continue for back once a year or 222 days. when 55000 about your field of service in mind. there's thousands of work into many policy idea and believes that's what surveys are and is this a guides us and civil october right now? is the ball for the seniors? where's the $1000000.00 words to place the thing but know thing guys,
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this is something you guys are more than 100000. fos to as well. also live together strip to egypt, and other countries around the, the neck of unprofessional food are more and more sung. the one that's covering 7060 years ago. also this condition taking a mess of those bank. that's a lot of the closing, not all the as well as i get it, but event bouncing from using my new role. so those bank i just leave because the clothes and make their life a miserable they attacked their homes. are they affecting me physically killed? some of them that came down a course on fields on the barrier them or i could catch or so it is the situation that everybody goes to to as the invite us. this commission that was funded by the info like the vision of the union, but no one ever i saw it was the government, me to stop this. so if i lost the bicycles, i guess the thing is to have those banks commemoration defense have not been confined just to palestine all the way in indonesia,
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the palestinian embassy in the capital costs and holding a special ceremony. a correspondent is rebecca put the policy in an embassy in jakarta health, a commemoration to remember the d and the fight that the palestinians still and during every day for their freedom against is there also oppression standing together with the policy the an impass of or 2 in name, shout where the in foster of jordan to indonesia, the master of syria community shot and representatives from the embassy of lab or not. some palestine and students who are granted scholarships in the 1st city of defense in jakarta. also attended a ceremony on the 76 and the 1st 3 of to knock off the situation and pals, time pills in comparison to the calamity that is still happening in casa 7 through 6 here. the policy, you know, of suffering from bon through with on to there's no doubt
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come much hub in and goes nowadays and whoo spot. that's because of i'm not and that's why this is the sadness name. sadness this and not the in 4 to 74 days. which have been it today it's at y, u. k. then for that isn't supported by usa on all the glasses need to shift desired is, or drew from beer to con 3 is to create that somewhere and they choose by this line preference, interiors from indonesia. and most of them organizations also present it at the commemoration, including the nation. well, i'm a console. muhammad the and i got to lama taking the time and solidarity the the
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nation. government once again underlined it's support for palestinians as the government will keep pushing for a ceasefire in gaza and the freedom of palestine. today as we gather here, the people and the government of the republic of indonesia for our support for our book. but i suppose seeing you in brothers and sisters and we will continue to fight for an end. it's riley. i processed this in garza to end the occupation in palestine and to fight for the freedom. i'll spell this time. we stand and sell your data to you with our brothers and sisters who continued to endure the injustices resulting from the enough. but since october 7, over 35000 people have been killed. that are currently over 1000000 people in ross without enough food, water, and electricity to provide for their needs. this is something that the policy name
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and password to an anesha side that the world community has to build again to protect the lives of palestinians. maybe gonna be the food reporting from jakarta for our t. yeah, but even nearly 8 decades on from the mass expulsion of out of state and some prominent is really politicians they, they actually want to say history repeat itself. the what you are doing here is the real solution. we can sit in the cabinet and press for action and russell, not compromise on ending the war, demanded targeted counter measures be taken, but in order to end the problem, so that the problem does not return. we need to things that must be done. one return to guys are now returning to our holy land, to encourage the residents to leave. this is the truth. this is the only way the public doing. you enjoy list at that. what time believes these days. some people in gaza are prepared to lay down their lives to stop history from repeating itself
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by uh, a remembrance of what happened in 1948, 7. so 6 years ago when palestinians were at uprooted from their homes in the towns and have not been able to return there. and what's happening and rough, i have a similar catastrophe. but this time, the pot of sydney and do learn their lesson and they're refusing to leave at a very high cost, which is that so many are dying because they're refusing to leave and accept these rarely suggestion that they should leave because they know if they leave they'll never come back. and so we have a 2nd catastrophe. and this one is not about people leaving and not being able to return, but this about not leaving and having to die. as a result, they sent people from the north to the south saying that say area, and then they start getting killed there. i have a friend who has moved 6 times in gaza and every time he moves he has to buy a new townsend and it took.


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