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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the change them on something, never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the attempted assassination in broad daylight is the prime minister of slovakia is in a critical condition after being shot 5 times point blank. in the immediate off the amount of the attack, then, despite no official load on potential load in the western media reports jumping straight to the premiums linked to russia. france, i'm old eyes are on the side of it persians, upcoming visit to china, to take a deep dive into the russian president's 1st trip abroad. since his re election or correspondents are in the
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continuing operating due to an oxy international with a lot of updates to our top story for you this our so the so that i can minister is that to be in a life threatening condition off to being shot in fact, just about 10 minutes ago, royce is confirming this feet. so a robot fits that was had multiple times. he was simply leaving a local government meeting in taco, detained a c, and his motives for the main time, remaining on clear of the president elect of sophia condemned. the attack is a great threat to the countries democracy of an assassination attempt on the prime minister is a threat to everything that is adorned slovak democracy. so far, if we express different political opinions with guns in the squares and not in polling stations, we endangered everything we have built together in 31 years of slovak sovereignty. the test i show you further chance i can just moments after the attack, right, that he's been whisked off to his car by security. probably mister was shot and see was heading towards the car. he was later and left at the hospital for surgery. we
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have a few more details on this incident. banassi contributor rachel marston, the people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't those 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before talking about rodeo. he's more like a fucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use a chief diplomatic deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions, have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start. there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all, against ukraine's integration and to nato. he's been really vocal about that. he said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards the rest of the phones in the dog mass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slovak he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not?
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who's military industrial complex isn't right now. but ever since he's greenlit that the government greenwood that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and off his back. because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex probably best to placate on. but he also said this, this will rocketing definitely would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid to some extent. and he's cited corruption more recently. he reacted to french president a menu or not codes of session of talking about some potential future troop deployment to ukraine. features said, hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see ukraine is back use problem at all. okay. and i, it will lock in his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u. and support efforts for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think
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associations on ukraine. we finish all initial step 13 at today's meeting and became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of the great. above all, it is a view of the war in ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe you in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014, after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by these. wes, why did the russian present or the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagined mexico joined in military organization with russia. police a decisive role. what would you do? this argument, these russian on your credit is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control. with discussion about the new president, i am against the membership of ukraine in nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. it is under the total influence and control of the united states, just the other in a fee. so it's really about the you to, as everybody's on the tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks
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and tolerates of independence thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some a seat goes political allies this as a nation attempting prime minister rubber. 3 coat with shocking and stunning who would have thought that such a brutal attack would happen in central europe. we hope for his speed of recovery and pray for him. there is a great need for roberts to go instead of i can in european politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time calling prime minister. robert fitz, so it's about yeah, i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him and his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serbia. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. your paying commission president are so of underlined. defacto queen of europe also denounced the active violence. she also
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sent her best spots to the family and to be so no wishes for a speedy recovery though. guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feet, so his opponents were drumming up fear over citizens voting for a fee. so ally peter pelligrini, but well people voted for him anyway. the presidential election will decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pelligrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy, which could have a devastating effect on slovakia here that folks you should probably serial and democracy. well now some of the features allies are straight up painting this attack on the vibe that was created by opposition. politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with that. most of the vonnie ladies and gentlemen role that fee so is not only the prime minister of the slovak republic but also off french. on behalf of the political party submit a slight vac social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible times.
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what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my deep discussed of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, you're spreading against robot, please say nothing. what a gallows you have a rex it full heavily this anger this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressive from means high all positions of the liberal media. the reaction of the western process has been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost, as an ally of russian president primary proves and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to putin and russia. nothing can existent as vacuum. all on its own, britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying and the headline that feed. so head turns back. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is
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a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be it's punch in the enemies who get this time treatment and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess i'm just really cameron. busy ready, a commentary from the russian farm entries, folks from one i'm out of the heart of a she could them, the tie couldn't pay tribute to the sort of back 5 minutes. we usually could not a solution dial. we strongly condemn the attack and wish the prime minister to recover as soon as possible. we know him as a friend of russia who in this dramatic historical time a turning point to the history of mankind and what is not afraid to express his point of view, which often does not coincide with the mainstream of the collective west. these are the official, was that i would like to say on behalf of the ministry of 4 and a fast, was it in there? got to the media. all right, let's get more on this right now, of course, and live to a former republican virginia state senator richard black, joining us and middle continued breaking news or an auction international and
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a very warm welcome to you. so this is a, a shocking story that really has sent over a very over vibrations across the political landscape, motors of your it. but it's also been handing the headlines in america. of course, it's a shopping assassination attempt, but i wanted to ask you because you know, freed. so he stage the political come back once again. last year he was actually comparing of what was considered to be a pro russian and see us message that was during his campaign. but 5 years ever since that victory. thousands of repeatedly riley the against his policies venting their. i'm good, now we see this, i mean, mr. black is, this is a wiring sign of the direction we're heading these days. i think what it is, sign off is that uh they have a global us who have been barked on this enormous ukrainian project that they see it potentially slipping away. they're, they're looking at the fact that the people in the west have turned against the war
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. they've begun to realize that that is not what it was portrayed to be at one point. at the same time, all along the front. in ukraine, the russian forces are, are beginning to break through the lines or stretch. so same way. there are so few troops that ukraine comes mobilized for long uh, on the front side it looks like only a matter of time before the ukrainian wind collapse and, and the war is done. the problem is that this ukrainian project must be kept afloat at least until the november presidential election to the united states . because otherwise, there will be an admission of enormous loss that will literally shake the foundations of the atlantic alliance. what we see, i think, is,
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is there's desperation to do any, by anything necessary to keep this project afloat. they're a very powerful financial interest involved. but the, from the outset, the stake. tremendous batch on their ability to 1st over throw the government of ukraine, which they did in 2014 and then to move forward and perhaps to overthrow the government of russia, which they attempted to get in favor. mm hm. so i think specified and potentially what we're seeing here is sort of a desperate grass power where we have, we have a prime minister of co sayings a lot. we're, we're cutting off further arm supplies to ukraine. we're not going to be involved
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in this war. and so here is really braking racks. yeah. and that is unacceptable within, within the day to alliance within the european union. yeah, i think it's a very fact comment. so when it comes to towing the main stream narrative, if you're not with us, you will then and so to speak, of the famous words of george w bush in the wake of 911 as i'm sure you remember, it's interesting to me, mister black, you know we're talking about this assassination attempt against this low back, 5 minutes to a new, immediately bring up the ukraine equation, which i think is very, very interesting in the wake of this attempted assassination or probably minister of the prime minister. they, it's, um, the comments coming out of ukraine against feats so well, really surprising to me, a lot of the comments that went on to social media from ukraine against 5 minutes of feed. so we're very supportive of the assassination of the times. a lot of people were perfect and you created was saying good do more things like this. this
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is what happens when you don't support t have. what did you, what do you make of that kind of commentary coming out of key of well, i think there's tremendous nervousness. yeah. and from, from ukraine and from elsewhere within the whole nato alliance. anybody who breaks ranch presents that thread. now slovak is a small countries in 5 and a half 1000000 people, but a, just their ability to add weight to what the prime minister or bottom of hungry has been doing, right? all of us instead of one, you don't have to. and then it becomes much easier to have a 3rd. we are seeing a tremendous push throughout europe, against all of the populace uprisings, the, because there's
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a fear that will have populace parties like the a f d party in germany. right? which know, we'll have an upsurge and we'll begin to take the side of the people of germany in this case for all the other countries. by the interest just representing the bureaucrats in brussels. they will begin to represent the people that the people of europe do not want war with russia. it's that simple. yeah, yeah. i, i also think misapplied with the people of europe will certainly many of them uh, slowly but surely waking up to the fact that they're just being lied to one such a regular basis, these main street narratives that are designed to co us and corrupt them. i'm so sick of it. i've just been in the news business to long high tests, but i wanted to ask you because you, you make a very, very good point. mr. black about populace policies looking to set, looking at that to make gains. we've got uh for 3 weeks now, 3 weeks i have some very crucial e u elections as you said, you know, a,
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if the in germany, for example, and, and other choose a more pro nationalist policies. the, you know, there's nothing wrong with being a patriot. there's nothing, nothing wrong with wanting the best for your country. i mean, yet a lot of countries, particularly in europe, a co was to toe one mainstream narrative or another. whether it be whether that be you, cradle or something else. and you do think there's a danger, mr. black of seeing any more political violence ahead of this upcoming side of crucial e u elections. do you think society did you think there's a, a calm before the storm and the brew? i wouldn't put up anything past. um, uh we were already saying with the a f d party and germany of all of a sudden they're all sorts of, of legal claims that you know, being made against the members who are running for office. that's right there. there's a, there's a crime against the a f d that one of their members has
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a russian spy on his staff. and it seems like a set up very similar to what we saw with the trump and ministrations. yeah. right . after selected, where they had, they had a range things, the f, b, i am in the united states, literally forged documents to get a search warrant to open up uh, access to all of the trunk, uh trumps. uh, uh, telephone conversations. and they use that to bring down the present or to attempt to bring down the process. so there is no limitation on what they will do. so office way they yes, as a nation is. here's the last of the last strong. we've seen similar things. check back in the, in the thirties and then earlier with the bolsheviks, we saw assassinations with the nazi party. we saw assassinations,
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political assassinations, but they will also the outside interest. mr. black, i'm so glad you brought us from history that because they were always outside plays . if you go, if you go back to, you know, the october revolution, you know what a 100 or more years ago now they were, they were western financial interests that were helping to finance a very young trotsky and lightning at that point. so it's fascinating, you know, the older i get, the more i kind of re read history and realize, wow, you know, the books i've read in school with like, totally corrupted. i wanted to ask you to just briefly, before i made mister black. it's interesting to tie this assassination attempt into ukraine. i think you have a very, very valid point. i think europe is becoming very fatigue. ready by this, the mainstream media has been telling a line that, that lensky is winning and he's gonna win. we just need to give him another 60 bill or another 50 bill, or a few more weapons. he's going to win this time. he's going to win this time, but you know, i want the west and mainstream political, immediate landscape that just, i mean, you know, is there a reason why it school,
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the em pile of lies? does it, does it surprise you in any way that people are waking up to the main stream narratives? you know, i think we can, we can be very grateful for social media. it has allowed the independent voices to be heard. and it's a, it's a new paradigm. you look at what's happening in the united states right now. we're, we're trying to block tick tock right here north because it boils down the fact that we want a we want to limit the voices. if, if somebody in china has a different opinion, why should it bother us? oh yeah. so yeah, you agree with it or you disagree, but uh they want, they want a monopoly on information. yeah. yeah, exactly right. you, you know everything, what it takes to control the narrative. richard black is the former republican
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virginia state center to joining us live or not to international amid all continued breaking news coverage. thank you so much for your time and claims your country. we appreciate it. thank you very much. thank you very much. what we did here from a former us army officer, scott bennett, on this story he shared with us his take on who was behind this assassination attempt against the slow back 5 minutes of if i was giving a military briefing, if i was back in the army i would give it as follows. there are 2 possibilities. number one, a drain 71 year old, incapable of political ad application or change. he had a breaking point. and that breaking point was triggered by a deluge of political and information warfare against russia as some kind of an aggressor against european society and slovakian ambitions of
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becoming european. and this individual popped off and engage in this activity. uh then the other possibility of course, is that this is part of an operation that the western intelligence military secret services have planned or been a participant in. and i wouldn't be surprised and i'd be narrow left if i said that's not a possibility. that should be thoroughly examined. that this is part of a diplomatic warfare that i put in right now on board his presidential plane and heading east. it's going to be his 1st trip abroad since last week's integration. touching down a bit later in china for a 2 day visit, expected to visit badging and the adults and city of harp and, and as a pregnancy of agenda from the bilateral cooperation to a well, the content in ukraine and other key global issues. i mean, breaks much open ottawa, here's what i've got to do. you have an ego of donald there in china, awaiting the russian. the one thing that you can see when you arrive in virginia is
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opportunity. it seems that big money's around of recording here. and this year as well, my visit here is no exception. so a lot of my food. indeed, that is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of russia. and of course, he is said to meet with shooting, paying on the what quite interesting the vladimir put it will be joined by 2, both a full mouth and kind to ministers of defense of russia. surgery show who and, and right below was of respect to these. it's uh, also other ministers. it's diplomats, it's businessman and it's advisors and they are not traveling empty handed. they do have a big stack of documents ready to be signed, then many of them are probably of commercial in nature. so what they basically translate as big money and big business deals are about to be signed here. and of course, we will have to see which ones exactly. but of course,
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the relationship between russia and china, what both countries that have been trying to do for years now. they want to show an alternative to basically a western base to man i of doing things. 90 percent of all transactions between most glen paging are done in the local currencies in rouble and you on. if you look at the letter and put them on the lab reports, personal relation, relationship with the west study, and remember he, there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court by him visiting china. and of course by shooting ping, the chinese leader giving him a very warm welcome. he yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signaling. it kind of shows it is very of a very in your face gesture towards western nations who have been trying to isolate russia and china is just showing, well, look at this, you, you don't get, you'll say here and you won't get it your way. so of course it is very symbolic,
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it is very simple, can on both sides, both on the russian side with the russian president picking no other nation in the world, but china, to visit and changing things. as the 1st 4 leader, he's about to see in person, off to his no duration, but also on behalf of china. again show you the rest of the world. well, the chinese going to pursue its own independence politics and it will conduct business as it sees fit here in cardboard, which has all the locals will tell you, is the safety of 10 medium that was originally found the just over a 100 years ago, by russian construction workers, what building a railway it is those surprised that they chose these safety is the 2nd venue people like to be approved in strip because it also both has 5 russian regions of the far east. and there is a rich program here for glad to be able to heal open a russian chinese expo. a forum on regional cooperation,
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the full forum and regional cooperation, the far east. you also visit the university where you'll have a conversation, a bit of a you a tool to try these students, perhaps even take questions. this is like liberty stood visits the boss, he is his 1st visit since his. 3 electrical victory, and there is no gratian. again, this is something with being repeat exists for, for several years now. relations between boston and china, our to historic high eighties. there's obviously difficult to estimate rules of the state. how far relations have come. they seem like many other countries, once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with google, it wants peace. it has put forward one of the most realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the width approach,
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where but you can't get everything at once. russia gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot. beijing's biggest piece plaid is much more based than real politics and that is located but bunch of bunch looking at what, what you k months. i trying to come to touch, tried to find common ground compromised to establish as the spot and the long last in peace vladimir people had said repeatedly and he is once again reiterated that the chinese piece blind could well be the foundation on which negotiations with you cried could take place. vision, proposes practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego with the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine,
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northwest and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine sponsored terrorist attacks. and now territory when it comes to sight of russian relations. ukraine at the end of the day is a minor footnote. they all based on well that may approve the squads is a trust. and. 1 open dialogue, but that's of course much more a to it's in that year to date. russian chinese trade has grown. 1 by almost
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25 percent tre does, it's about the closer, which is really a dollar so very shortly, much further to go emotion chinese relations and gladly a piece of the highlights. a look at the west economic predicament. look at the how they are stumbling, quite naturally, z, z, z, z, black, lost the groove. now look at the way the russia and china a development. and he says, the p, the russians pivots towards these towards asia, has been proven to be historically the right decision. as our president brewton is heading east as we speak, he's a just about an hour away from touching down in china. it's notable to remember that when china's later was re elected last year, his 1st state visit was to moscow. so we heard from a professor of the pirates of school technology and business in beijing, who said that the diplomatic gestures reflect how high the level of friendship is
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between both of those. next, for any countries, the 1st trip out to, you know, creation must mean that the relationship is most trash it. the special relationship is supported by the highly complementary economic structure between the 2 nations. so meeting between the question and the chinese leaders, we take a mean increased best impression. this means that the 2 countries we assure the world that their relationships and up from dimensionally affected by the rest impressions. well, china has nothing new to west and pressure to isolate russia, china seas, the importance to have is strong russia and for as a country to prospect china as main interest as the trade and will, she's china and russia to get a play and active role in the brakes countries in this shanghai cooperation
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organization in energy market a cause country payment system is an in response to the rising needs of a more low type. what i was trying to has especially helped as well to the bell enroll initiative to see the well has benefit unlocked from budget connectivity to either some 2 and more adequate financing. to do that, you can structure that needed by just the 2nd day of the russia is la, make world form in cars on has wrapped up at the event on the corresponding, had a chance to speak with the director of the top company from come a room she told us that her nation is actively looking for apartments at the for this is our 2nd attempt to attempt at from cause them. yeah. here to look a but invisible because in our country we need people to help us to grow. then that
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is the purpose of all our visits. yeah. there's a lot of growth right now in africa. it's a big focus for our european investors, americans and russians as well. and is this a positive thing? do you see a serious benefit from outward investments in to come a route and what are the areas that people are looking at? investing into the income only have the like the vision people that you have to know that anyway, the need invest or in many countries because our country is the how can make the leads. they have anything to develop a country. women like me need the supports, then you can have these who got house as the person you'd be good of. the community is pushing russian society women are at the top of many areas in.


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