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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the of the attempted assassination in broad daylight, the prime minister of slip out here is shot 5 times point blank. the country's defense minutes, according it political assault problems. it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally. in the immediate altima i'll be attacked. the slope i can say already administer says the government was, quote, politically motivated. the same time the west, the media remains fixated on, fix those friendship with russia. a lot of my food, in fact, you're down in china will be cover and want to head for the russian president when
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his 1st trip abroad city is free on. the breaking news continue 0, an aussie international. and before we joined our correspondent and brenda software, let's give you some updates because the slovak clement is to robot feet. so what shot multiple times as he was leaving the local government meeting, the attacker was arrested at the saying, the country's defense minister said the assassination attempt was politically motivated. hold on was that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally of the style. so the mama inform us the old, we received information from the operating doctors, the prime minister is in critical condition and his life is in danger. here still in the operating room. let's get more details now in cross to our correspondent
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bears. yes, and i can, yes. and can you bring us up to speed? what do we know? sofa robbery. first and foremost the status of the prime minister is currently critical. he is under surgery and we don't have much information as to how long that search a little less and what the outcome will be. but based on the statements provided early on the broadcast as well, we understand that this will continue throughout the night. so we will be following the developments in that respect, but taking a step back and a broader look at what really happened here. there's a little bit of controversy. the controversy is there, of course, because of the motivation behind the attack, the attacker was to be essentially a fairly old man who had no clear motive in the 1st place. he is known to be an officer who has penned a number of collected poems and speaking to some of the locals. they say that his poems had
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a great deal of racism and bigotry embedded in his, in, in his approach. so that kind of offers some light into the mindset of the attacker . but initially of course, the motive is not quite clearly understood whether it was political or anything else. but just looking at the statements coming from world leaders as well as government officials from slovakia, it suggests that it could very well be politically motivated. looking at for example, is the present, like computer better grand, he calls the attack on president attack against the democracy of slovakia as well as especially highlighting and emphasizing the importance of not resorting to violence at times of disagreements. and we also understand that the outgoing president up to about has essentially referred to the attack as brutal and ruthlessly heard from russian president vladimir put in who is called the attack. and it was conduct the attack for the most part. and then we've also heard from the un secretary general, who essentially went into details suggesting that the attack was uncalled for. and
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that piece should be a should set a precedent here. but just based on everything that we've read here, of course it offers one aspect, but local government officials suggest that the liberal media had some part to do with this, that are all that fits. those policies was also the reason behind it. looking at some of the information that was provided over the course of his last few terms, we understand that he served as a prime minister in each one, c, i in the years, 20062010 as well. later in the 20 times, and this is his 3rd term in office, and we understand that the prime minister has what some might refer to as an empty west pro russia position. however, looking at some of the, of course, the 1st things that he took into office is going to be a great deal of importance here. because before he was elected in 2023 as a, as a result of his election campaign said that he will do everything in his power to
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put an end to supplying arms to ukraine. and in the early days of his government, he did in fact immediately actually hold to the delivery of arms to ukraine. and at this resulted in, of course, thousands of people taken to the streets and protests to, to him and his policies. but we also understand the over the course of the last few weeks and months, the leadership of so walk, you essentially highlighted that this position that the government is taking is not necessarily pro russia or, and to west. but it's a matter of building a sovereign identity, solving foreign policy for the country. and this is of course, a trend that has been taken over the european block as a whole. we understand earlier this week, chinese presents choosing thing, visited france, serbian hungry, and his visit to serbia. there was a very similar sense of and by the serbians for example. they also said that we are trying to pursue a sovereign foreign policy. not something that necessarily contradicts the policies of the european union or the collective west. nato is also a great matter of discussion here, but something that could in one way or another, compliments of the existing policy. so there was
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a great deal of back and forth. we're going to have to wait for more statements from government officials to understand of course, of native of the motives behind the attack as well as the condition of the prime minister will betsy. so probably right in front as lava a correspondent guessing i think we heard earlier from midland over to a member of the european parliament forces like you the highlights what the motives may have been. have a blessed a. i probably wouldn't blame society for this effect. i think that most of the like citizens are where the peaceful people who don't agree. of course, are we decent at that? i think perhaps the ones who are to blame for this article additions and perhaps the journalist who fills up the hate amongst coming people and then less stable. people simply explode the gun and they start shooting at the politicians. so this is from the way to main reason. of course this as a nation at them to wheel has sort of thrown the political consequences on select
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politics because peace has never happened before. and this is where a critical situation. i think that one of the biggest outcomes of will, which we will have to change is to hate speech being sprayed by may seem protest or media against only think of openness because these hate speech from the media is the source of the fashion political things on in select society and we see the results, we see the result, we see the shooting on the streets on public representatives and discount these accepted anymore. or we don't know exactly about the reasons which were behind it and thought they were obviously political reasons. and it is very possible that one of the reasons that was also this recording team i totally amongst looks at designs . and i'm on an excellent a communications. please don't worry, come on to call for peace to call for canceling on production st. john's. also our party suppose decent road and so we go for counseling,
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other hand sanctions and we see that our political opponents are willing to take their fight against these opening to do very extreme actions. and as i said before, this has to stop because if they, it starts to shooting or to even killing people because of political opinions because of quoting for peace or calling for cancelling sanctions, which are destroying our industry. that so very unfortunate situation, which has to be stuff, this is some photo taken just moments off of the attack. the prime minister was shot his years trying to leave it was that, like i left at the hospital of a surgery, some commentary now with i want to contribute to rachel mazda. the people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't as 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use
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a chief diplomat deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions, have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start. there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all, against ukraine's integration and to nato. he's been really vocal about that. and said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards rest, the phones in the dog bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slow back he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not? who's military industrial complex isn't right now. but ever since he's greenlit that the government green with that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and office back because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex, probably best to placate done. but he also said this, this locking government would not be sending military aid over to ukraine,
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just humanitarian aid, to some extent. and he cited corruption more recently and he reacted the french president evaluated back homes. obsession of talking about some potential future troop deployment to frame feet. so said hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see ukraine is full back use problem at all. okay. and i, it's, we'll walk you his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. we do everything also as a part of the e. u, and support everything for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think associations on ukraine. we finished all initials to 13. at today's meeting, it became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of the crate. above all, it is a view of the war and ukraine. i retreated that i did not to leave you in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force in ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene,
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including the present and government under full russian control. now imagined mexico joined and military organization with russia place a decisive role. well, would you do this argument, these rational ukraine is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control discussion about any president. i am against the membership of ukraine and nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country, it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the other day feed. so it's railing about the you to as an advisor on the tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks and tolerates are independent thought like is a real problem. and uh, in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some a feet goes political allies this as a nation attempt of prime minister rubbers. because shocking and stunning who would have thought that such a brutal tech would happen in central europe. we help with a speedy recovery and pray for him. there's a great need for roberts to go in slovakia and in european politics. shocked by the
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shooting of my long time. colleague, prime minister, robert fitz, so a slovak yeah. i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him in his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serbia. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. you're paying commission. president ursula vander lined. defacto queen of europe also denounced the active violence. she also sent her guest spots to the family and to feed so no wishes for a speedy recovery, though i guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feats. those opponents were drumming up fear over citizens voting for a seat. so ally peter pelligrini but well people voted for him anyway. the presidential election will decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or
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joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pellegrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy which could have a devastating effect on slovakia. here that folks you should probably theory on democracy. well now some of the features allies are straight up painting this attack on the 5 that was created by opposition. politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it. most of the body, ladies and gentleman enrollment fee. so he's not already the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also a friend on behalf of the political parties to me, a slight back social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible times. what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my disgust of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, your spreading against robot. besides, what a gallows you have a rex it for him. this anger,
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this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressives for means high, all positions of the liberal media. you just the reaction of the western process been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost as an ally of russian president, binary pulse. and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to putin and russia. nothing can exist. vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying and the headline that feed. so head turns back. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be, it's perchance enemies who get this time treatment and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess it just really can't when we were getting more on this. and i was speaking with walmart, virginia state senate and mr. richard black. and he explains that this attack is
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a reflection of a deep up struggle inside, in your opinion. there's tremendous nervousness and from from ukraine and from elsewhere within the whole nature alliance. anybody who breaks ranch presents a threat. now slovak is a small countries used to conduct 5 and a half 1000000 people. but is just their ability to add weight to what the prime minister or mon hungry has been doing. all of us instead of one you don't have to, and then it becomes much easier to have a 3rd or anything say the ways that we are seeing a tremendous course. we're not gonna be $84.00 to throughout bureau against all of the popular shape or price range. the, because i think that there's a fear that we'll have the populace parties like the a f d party in germany. which, you know,
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we'll have an upsurge and we'll begin to take the side of the people of germany in this case for all of the other countries. but interesting. just representing the bureaucrats and brussels. they will began to represent the people that the people of europe do not want war with russia. it's that simple. we're already saying with the a f d party in germany. all of a sudden, they're all sorts of legal claims that you know, being made against the members who are running for office there. there's a, there's a crime against the a f d that one of their members has a russian spy on his staff. and so there's no limitation on the way they yes, estimation is here's the last of the last strong
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we've heard from a former officer in a foreign minister. can't recognize. so he joined the idea. she thinks that this attack is a reflection of the rhetoric that's been spreading across europe. haven't listen a, it's a climate of very bad wrestle. rick hands i, i shared his assessments that the climate of violence, that's climate has made impossible. any sort of civilized debate of different opinions we have in many central european countries, including germany and austria, white and black. that is no time. last row space for any grade. there is no space for any live friends that live. it's all about you or me when i saw the unfortunate very 1st reactions of bias um social media in ukraine at the bottom line or some of those posting flaws for the next. i mean it's, it's horrible. it's like, uh, in, in the, in a, in
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a kind of what wide west the game was next on the list to be executed. and the man who was arrested is 71 years old. you know, he's not the, he's not the young. uh, i'd say testosterone driven by roland guy. i know he's a 71 year old man who has had his life and he unfortunately sees no other way to channel his hatred, his emotions, whatever, maybe he, he has not had enough postings of, of hatred. so this is, this is a very, very deplorable situation because his tennessee, the, some of them get out of their computer or the room and, and they really secure gammons and get into the bloody actions. it's a black and a confrontation. it's has become even hysterical, highly emotional. i was,
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could speak of teenagers and other thoughts and it's even can become loving as receive with s as a nation of them. so i'm not, it's not, it's not a surprise. and if we pushed it further, who would see more and more, a kind of trends going out of the paula mans into the streets and that it becomes danger very dangerous for the general. all of us special operations come on to set the quiet pont out loud. he specifically now hit the presence of british ship special forces on the ground in ukraine during his recent interview with the associated press. the article was very quickly edited, but the way back machine remembers it'll do united states is taking a lot of lessons learned out of the experience in ukraine, mostly through the eyes of our u. k. special operations partners who not only have done that in their formations, but they've also learned very quickly that they needed the other elements of their
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joint force. he told the associated press in the interview after the article was edited, the official statement regarding persons presents in ukraine was certainly deleted, as well as the pod which earlier said that the washington is learning the lessons from its u. k. partners. the article, the size of an example given by the us army officials in which he stated the british commandos need help to quote, get them to understand the ways ships operate in the black sea and how they navigate. we gauge reaction with john, listen, strategic affairs expert. come in hon. i'll mostly you see that i have to be shipped from united states as you get that and get escalated the g, the whole scenario bar. and that's what i need to, and i keep getting them in us as they, uh, i'm gonna give them the, uh, you know, table. but basically gonna be part of the wall for me by the law. and that is very dangerous for the beast of the your be something was and it can be the, it is like a, i would say that you do the kind of approval cation for uh,
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this. yeah. i always said that many which many gospel c to speed america have us standard very do something for their favor. they would talk about the normal speed, but then maybe some of the degree decided them or something to explore american people. gracie or something to explore. do you understand of america and you're there to the standard of uh, you know, beautiful speech are different and they use their full rent, install any kind of information based on the fact that i do on their perception of the multi poto world before our eyes, russia is leading statesman to ride the trucking down the stairs, all 3 lands in china. it's the thought it was i meant boot is to day trip and his 1st trip abroad since last week's integration. find the only agenda from building bricks, the new soap road ukraine and the gaza. correspondents are in the region to companies
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. this is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of russia. and of course, he is said to meet with shooting, paying on the what quite interesting the vladimir put it will be joined by 2, both of full and kind to ministers of defense of russia. surgery show who and, and right below is of respect to these. it's uh, also other ministers, it's diplomats, it's businessman and it's advisors and they are not traveling empty handed. they do have a 6 stack of documents ready to be signed, then many of them are probably of commercial in nature. so what it basically translates is big money and big business deals are about to be signed here. there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court by him visiting china. and of course, by shooting paying the chinese leader, giving him a very warm welcome. he. yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signaling. it kind of shows it is very of a very in your face,
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gesture towards western nations who have been trying to isolate russia. these, these liberty stood visits for the past few years. he's 1st visit since he is a little victory. and there's no gratian again, this is something with being repeat exists for, for several years now. relations between boss and china, our to historic high eighties. there's honestly a difficult to over estimate was over state. how far relations have come. they seem like many other countries, once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with move, it wants peace, it has put forward, but it was realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the width approach where but you can't get everything a bunch rush. it gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot based, can propose as practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining
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from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego with the cold war mentality. unfortunately, neither ukraine, northwest and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of not season and to ukraine sponsored terrorist attacks and no territory when it comes to sight of russian relations ukraine at the end of the day use
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a mind to foot know they all based on well that may approve the squads is a trust and. 1 open dialogue, but that's of course much more a to it's a not year to date. russian chinese trade has grown up by almost 25 percent tre does. it's about the culture, which is really a dollar. so there is certainly much further to do in motion a chinese relations of blood. may i please in the highlights, a look at the west economic predicament. look at the how they are stumbling quite naturally. the d v. d lack lost the growth. now look at the way the russia in china a development, and he says the p, the russians pivots towards the east towards asia, has been proven to be historically the right decision,
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the mind, your business that's the take away from china is foreign ministry, which says that washington is politicking, trade with a tower of cit slots, around bashing size. it will defend its interest. it may policies you down to move in, keys to the west, keeps politicize and trade in economic issues. going to further increase tariffs against china and for only significantly push out the cost of important goods, causing american businesses and consumers to bear more losses and making american consumers pay a greater price. we urge the us to earnestly abide by w t o rules and immediately cancel the term increase against china, john. it will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests private assistance. right. let's take a look at these numbers because in a recent post on extra buys and okay, the big guy just published the cost that uncle sam is to you. if you want to buy an electric vehicle from china and that will cost you a 100 percent tax to bring it stated side and the list does go on. the american later side of the levy will make american goods competitive. suggesting the china,
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it was quote, cheating. china is relies on other n, a competitive factors as well. like forcing american companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china. i spent a lot of time sheets in early on i told the reason why my being unfair, which i know i'll try so look. so play by the savings if you want. it's not. comforters has cheated. and we've seen damage here in america over the years and certainly ahead of upcoming presidential elections that seems to bide in the state of mind is changed regarding tariffs, that is we had from a blogger and political analysts were alex reported by he says that washington engages in some bravo, on the handed techniques have a good listen to this is america using tariffs to try to shut down what we call competition. i thought competition was good america. that's which he build your business principles on. what here we have a prime example of america can compete. so let's bring on the tariffs,
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america has this game plan where they figure that if we put a tax or a tear up on an industry, it's going to protect an industry in north america. but in fact, they were very, it hurts the consumer. and this is a country in america of over 330 or 40000000 yourself. individuals that have been suffering high interest rates, the highest and 23 years. and as well, inflation that still is not under control. now these inflationary measures that they've tried to do to slow down inflation haven't worked so throwing extra tariffs and taxes on the products is going to fail very clear it has before and it will this time participate. all right, thanks for joining us. thrown off the international of us or is continuing online uh to call them telegram. gov and what is
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the the checking it reminds me that i'm late for very important date, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit hole and into a world of the russian time. the same rom just don't have to safe house become an engagement. it was the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground
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the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter lavelle. western relates endlessly declared. they are virtuous because of their so called values. the assault on the palestinians destroys the midst of their virtues and reveals they have no values at all. you know, this is the case when they say, i believe in free speech, but the prospect in palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal in media analyst in kitchener. we have roberts latina, he is a journalist, as well as author of settler colonialism in palestine and cashmere. and until


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