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tv   Documentary  RT  May 16, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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is this, is this argument, these rationale? ukraine is not sovereign and it's entirely under us control, which is the implications or the reaction throughout the world has been essentially condemnation. there been wishes of great health to the sidewalk in prime minister. but what we're looking at is within the early hours of the attack, russian president vladimir puts an express, expressed his condolences for the selection prime minister. and there's been also reactions from hungary, zip to oregon service audits on the route judge. and this also spans out to the un secretary general and they're having a great deal of reactions as well more so the russian foreign secretary, sorry for ministry, spoke to embody, is a hold of us also condemned to the attack. wishing that the prime minister does, of course, nurse himself back to health and a speedy recovery. but there's also been a great deal of rhetoric as well that the spokeswoman has discussed in a statement. and what the focus here is, of course there's been
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a great deal of opposition within the country, a great deal of opposition throughout the european block. essentially many people are blaming the liberal media for provoking this action, provoking this 71 year old man to take matters into his own hands. and this has been a matter of great concern for different reasons, but more importantly, what we're looking at right now is of course the shift within visa voc in states as well as the society. the spoke to him and of course, did continue to provide a little bit more details surrounding the nature of the attack and her thoughts on that matter. less than our years. the way it is, it is not as if we strongly condemn the attack, can wish the slovak prime minister speedy recovery. we know him is a friend of russia who is not afraid to express his point of view, which often does not coincide with the mainstream is the collective west. a monstrous rhetoric literally flooded the pro ukrainian information sphere. within moments of the attack would ensure of each the west has been cultivating that hateful rhetoric for his company media. as it stands,
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the position that the so walk in prime minister takes is an important one, but it doesn't end because we understand peter pettigrew need. so walk is president elect to will assume office is essentially within the, within the same lines as that of the still locked in prime minister. he beat his opposition candidates essentially highlighting and mentoring his position throughout the country, but throughout the european block as well. and this has been another matter of concern throughout the european block because may suggest that brussels will look for ways to punish the state of so locked you as well as its policies, but highlighting and emphasizing the trial it see that the slogan state wants to take a foreign policy that is independent not necessarily contradicting the european union or nato something that could in one form or another complement. the foreign policies of the greater blog is a matter of concern throughout slovakia and governments. and if this attack is not in just necessarily an attack on the leadership of the walk you but the direction of it wants to take as well. because we understand that this is a growing trend to throughout the european block. there's been similar trends
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throughout serbia. some of the transfer to a hungry, the chinese president earlier this week, met with the french president discussing the options of possibilities of working together. so this growing trend is not necessarily something new. what we're looking at is suboxone, as well as other countries within the european blog, are looking for some form of identity. it comes at a time, more importantly than ever that the european block is of, of course, questioning it's form policies, but questioning is identity more than anything else. yeah. right. so as indeed as oh is yeah, soon so far. thank you so much for that data. always get to those here. thanks again. now we've heard from melana over there. he's a member of the you of him paul, i'm going to put stuff back here. he speculated about the mood to might says that i wouldn't blame society for this effect. i think that most of the citizens are where the peaceful people who don't agree. of course, are we decent at that?
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i think perhaps the ones who are to blame for this, i thought, are full additions and perhaps journalist who feels of the hate amongst them when people and then less stable. people simply explode a gun and they start shooting at the politicians. so this is from the way to main reason the off coast is us as a nation at them to will, has very strong political consequences on select politics because peace has never happened before. and is where a critical situation. i think that one of the biggest outcomes, which we will have to change this to hate speech being sprayed by may seem protest or media against only think of openness because these hate speech from the media is the source of the fashion political things on in the flex society and we see the result. we see the result, we see the shooting on the streets on public representatives and discount these accepted anymore. well,
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her analysis on this story we spoke with full virginia is think center that rick should black. he said, the attack reveals deepest struggle within the european union. there's tremendous nervousness and from from ukraine and from elsewhere within the whole nato alliance. anybody who breaks range presents a threat. now, slovak is a small countries used to conduct 5 and a half 1000000 people. but is just their ability to add weight to what the prime minister or bottom of raise a certain doors, my oldest instead of one you don't have to. and then it becomes much easier to have a 3rd or anything say the ways that we are seeing a tremendous course. we're not gonna be $84.00 to throughout europe against all of the popular shit. yeah. our price range, the because i think that there's
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a fear that will have the populace parties like the a of the party in germany, which, you know, will have an upsurge. and we'll begin to take the side of the people of germany in this case for all of the other countries. but it's just representing the bureaucrats and brussels. they will begin to represent the people that the people of europe do not want more with russia. it's that simple. we're already saying with the a f d party in germany. all of a sudden they're all sorts of legal claims that you know, being made against the members who are running for office. there. there's a, there's a crime against the a f d that one of their members has a russian spy on his staff. and so there's no limitation on the way they. yes, some nation is, here's the last,
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the last strong cause i prime minister has a long push good piece to it was in russia and ukraine. is that the cause they began decade ago and quote, including the season classes, saw the motive able in the done by the end of the guns. he hasn't insisted that there must be a compromise from ukraine to end the fighting. i agreed about, but i'm much more on our website to talk c dot com, the u. s. s. 600000 people of fled for rafa is way to invade the city of in southern gaza, while most home around the world have condemned the is where the attacks south africa has moved from words to deeds, pushing the interests of a hold of doses. so stop the idea from committing genocide. the this
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is cause live in 2 opposite because the low you can go in and joe, how does that go with it to see it normally? can you tell us more about the south africa's request to the i c. j, please, a spell absolute same a raj as the is really come us will cross is the 7 months a mock renewed. negotiations will take place today and tomorrow with the international court of justice holding hearings of to discussing you. emergency misses for advice of africa. concerning is really minutes, the operations in the southern guides us the 2 on the left side. this of course, comes off to the 10th of may request a waste of last week. i demanded that the icy j. o da as well to withdraw its military operations. and the to the, to the left side, noting back to the military landscape in the last i had changed completely. and the hearings all as well. part of an ongoing case against the east. well, since the december of 2023, we saw that's because
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a petition to the i c j to investigate with that as well. had been committing genocide. o, as in guys the i'm not and following that, the i c j did issue provisional, mrs. the on old is the um, replaced, replaced the battery cables, the cave and the instructions the back to the i. c. k did not order as well to stop it submitted to operations. but in the gaza strip and right now pretoria says it's a request to be finds a very necessary to return to the court to speak and age and order on the prevention and punishment of the crimes in the gaza strip. is that it says that the fact that 1500000 people are now living in the city. i mean that's a full is really assault on that i thought what is a violate the pool is the off the genocide condition. so who needs to be done by the quotes i've listened to the south africa can see it is that it is imperative for the call to do more than to reach the rate that the state of e's real remains
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bound to fully comply with 8 supplications under the genocide convention, as the overwhelming evidence demonstrates the very man in which he is or what is the soonest mid, reparations, and rough, uh, and elsewhere. and gaza is itself genocide, or it must be ordered to stop. just as soon as the previous ruling civil countries, i've come forward to intervene in the case, i'm using a provision that allows 3rd parties to join in the proceedings and those country between the likes of libya. i'll give you a solid. yeah. they have yes as well. as the middle and even it's up to very recently. and the only countries that the only countries that have sofa vowed to, to support and intervene in the case um to support um as well as the gemini, which made that announcement even before the court handed down. it's a prior rulings, but each law has repeatedly said that it is acting in accordance with the international laws in does that. and he does even quote. so that's because genocide
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case baseless and has gone as far as the i q review, so that we talk about acting as the legal. i'm off for mazda and after this coming moment, we know that is really forced as a back believe. and bomb being around the gaza strip and classes of also slid a in north and, and seeing 2 areas which is really to put into to months ago. and as off we have to day, according to they use in nearly 600000 people have been displaced from the last box, including the ball to a 150000 people. but during the past 2 days, that's the agent meta and man not in which the international court of justice called for these hearings over. so that's because they just attempted a lot of experts say a the in fact the often said that the court is not likely to issue even stop or does a gaze to recently the yeah, it's very interesting the ones to watch for. so we really appreciate that update
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the number of the a good seeing. thank you. have a good one. thanks again. not lot. i was interested in doing this because china is a foreign ministry, has issued a warning to washington on a high import taxes stating that politicizing trade will ultimately hom, american consumers. and that beijing will always protect interest. move outs is you down to move into your, to the west gifts politicize and trade in economic issues. going to further increased tariffs against china. it will only significantly push out the cost of important goods, causing american businesses and consumers to bear more losses and making american consumers pay a greater price. we urge the us to earnestly abide by w t o rules and immediately cancel the term increase against china. john, it will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests. private assistance, right? yes and go button has the buttons to invite him, oppose a 100 percent. paris on the electric vehicles from china. there is also
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a 50 percent input duty on solar panels. that is, this slide him claiming to the poor green energy as a pillar of his elect tauriel campaign buttons this, the tyrus will make american products small competitive on the domestic market. china is relies on other and a competitive factory as well, like fortune american companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china. i spent a lot of time sheets in early on. i told the reason why my been unfair, which i know try so look. so play by the savings if you want. it's not. comforters has cheated. and we've seen damage here in america to by the sudden maintaining his position about the invalid tires 5 years ago. he said that the only walls in south of those taxes by washington are american citizens themselves, that we had from global and political out as alex report a far, he said, the us government is engaging in
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a deceitful fight and fix this is america using tariffs to try to shut down what we call competition. i thought competition was good america, that's what you build your business principles on. what here we have a prime example of america can compete. so let's bring on the tariffs. america has this game plan where they figure that if we put a tax or a tear up on an industry, it's going to protect an industry in north america. but in fact, they were very, it hurts the consumer. and this is a country in america of over 330 or 40000000 yourself. individuals that have been suffering high interest rates, the highest and 23 years, and as well, inflation that still is not under control. now these inflationary measures that they've tried to do to slow down inflation haven't worked so throwing extra tariffs
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and taxes on the products is gonna fail very clear it has before and it will this time participate in go. the process is kind of new hosting and intentionally to look for in the central city of cuz on now we have it's all they have on the boss of, of sierra leone. he still has about rushes about a visual influence in africa. specifically, he noted most his decision to reopen his embassy in seattle, in office several decades of being closed on the end of the soviet union of russia has always been an african let's say, during the soviet union, a rush have been the effecting states and russian to prop up the many of the soviet union. so this is just probably a return to database because a rush has always been in africa, iris as long as that very good relationship with african countries, including including how was at one point rush. i had an embassy in that,
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in sierra you, but the move, the embassy due to the war. and that just queen side that we the disintegration of the soviet union. but uh, you may know that uh, recently the form installed for rochelle has announced that, uh by the end of the yeah. do we be returning to m b rush? i am betsy bethanny, sierra young, and we can't wait because that was tried team. and i'm brought in the relationship between the 2 people between the serial unions and the russian, the minnesota and is the way the case had in russia. the duct, those india as account irons, politicians or do pretty much like myself. so it to be a good thing to have russia as a vary in price or country on the global stage, return that invest see to see a renew the the general,
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the us especially operations. colanda said the quite pop out loud haze was over the united, the presence of bridge special offers forces on the ground in ukraine in his recent interview with associate. and for us, he quickly edited that story in the united states is taking a lot of lessons learned out of the experience in ukraine, mostly through the eyes of our u. k. special operations partners who not only have done that in there for nations, but they've also learned very quickly that they needed other elements of their joint force. he told the associated press in the interview. also the school was edited. the officials saying that regarding burdens presidency, new grade was, did lead to, as well as the part which is that washington is learning lessons from the u. k. pon is then the index off a to 5 and then solve them given by the u. s. army official in which he stated that british commanders need assistance to quote,
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help them understand the way ships and the black sea navigates. we engaged reaction live journalist, cedric a says x, but i made on our most of the key the internet to be shipped from united states as you get that it get escalate the g, the whole scenario bar. and that is what i need to and i can see them and you guys have some understanding that i'm gonna give david the dollars, you know, a table for basically getting part of the wall then for me might be actually more. and that is very dangerous for the piece of the your be something was and it can be the, it is like a i would say that we do the kind of approval vision for this. yeah, i always said that many which many gospel see to see america. i have a view, a standard very do something for their favor. they would talk about freedom of speech, but then maybe some degree decides them or something to expos, american people crazy or something to explore,
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deal to stand on the format and go to your data. the standard. busy you know, beautiful speech are different and they use their full install, any kind of information we, can you fax them that edu or their perception? phone number is a form that says some of western countries are wanting to break the colonial habits . it's dave wants to influence us on, such as yes, they don't want insights us because many of these countries feel that they have influenced the water for the last of 70 ideas in the world order in western countries actually from the influence of oil for the last 20300. yes. so are they willing to, you know, how do expect someone who's been in the position to give up those or to happen so easily? and just showing up as minister doctor as j sean green is cds of complains and that's one particular enough speech fos. he said that india,
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lucy is very biased coverage in western press. remember earlier this, see all the canadian prime minister refuse to ingo, be enrolled in the model will be speaks the purchased leader on continue doing so i have the, the new jar, india still maintains that no evidence has been provided and has denied all the charges. us of your remember also key was in del loved to young monitor one now to seek separate to see double bonds, the bundle, a dual citizen of the us and canada. somebody was a designated data risk in india. somebody who ultimately threatens india and, and do need a shift very often. but the husband, by twisted as has been the coverage of the ongoing in general elections, has been in the coverage and the reaction from the west on the deal that he has signed with a wrong chombo hot bush. now, as soon as the deed was shot, assigned the indian shipping minister and go all the way to non of the country.
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remember, emily sanctioned by west? as soon as the deed was launched, the state of bossman to the us held a briefly, again in that briefing with doubts, meaning in doubt the went on to say that any guns were you doing business with the wrong code? fees, sanctions now dr. extraction color, basically 10 in the west, not to file a narrow mind when it comes to the deals that induct us with other countries. i did see some remarks which were me, but i think it's a question of, you know, communicating and convincing and, you know, getting people to understand that this was actually folded everybody's benefit. i don't think people should a gun, not all the, all right. then they have not done show in the past. so if you look at, even us is on that to do a good job of heart and the boss to do us has been appreciative up to 5 the job
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i've has a logic relevant. so know this particular deal, the job a hard pull to is extremely significant for both india and yvonne. this deal has been signed off for almost 2 decades after multiple by not for meetings, optic executive governments, government going after difficulties after troubles. finally, this d a decade long d has been signed by india and either ron, it's, this is very significant, the very important books we can do for multiple reasons. one, this is the fost international thoughts that in there would be due by the being that would be operating, managing well to it's basically very important once this board starts working, what is going to do is it's going to open a new markets for india, f e central asia, for example, that is also wonder capstone dined to treat it with its own box and as russia,
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then it's going to come down create to say, for example, send age too, god honest on this, this board and the boston box onto it strategically. you board the board and yeah, it's going to be heavily investing in a the company operating the sports will be spending around $1200000.00 to $1.00 of those on the board itself. it goes around to $15000000.00 around the board, b as the interest. so what's the sport for india? and the only 2 s winds dominos we've passed and you already have for you to use them to come. india. we continue with steve. iran around india have signed a deal concerning the trouble, our poor of any uh, entity, anyone concerned business uh, deals with their on they need to be aware of the potential risk that they're opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions being and i don't need any point out to yours, why the list is continuous, people can, you know, continue see,
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criticizing in there for the decisions it makes for its country for its people. on the other hand, the west will be off to india, india foster's drawing. you're going to be in the world. that just seems to me, you might think cold, but confusing relationship with the west is fine to say to the us, one way for india, eric garcia's and speaking to the local press. here i've been singing phrases about in there, and i think our relationship with, from very good to great last year, when you look at the historical number of visas that we put out, it's too strong. it's to vibrate up and say if you want to see the future come to india, if you want to feel the future come to india. and if you want to work on the future, come to india. and i have the great privilege of being able to do that. now, no matter how much reason we've gone e mails, we no matter how much go west we're trying to criticize in the what of the end of
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the math to do the india will not get influenced by what the west say as in the highlands of funding farm policy and india will do what was best for in the so i'm going to step, for example, during the more the, during the election speeches i've been seeing, i've been telling people that the substance of follows in the wall that are trying to influence the ongoing engine elections, but in the small items. so is the agent more time but something a bit closer to home. now, why is not so much i do as we all do. this has hundreds of couples and slides. it to get hitched over the coming days as part of a wedding festival and the russian capital o. k is marina costa grabbed her confetti and a front row seat of the
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. this is a very old to get married, which is exactly. well, these are couples are doing little actually walking down the aisle and warning the aisle is. they are surrounded by strangers who also decided to choose the historic and beautiful part to have their wedding ceremony. let's check it out. the around $400.00 couples are expected to tied in knots by the end of the festival, which also offers lectures nicer classes, concerts, the actual performances as showcase of different why didn't victuals and why didn't dishes, you name it all calm and aiding in the wedding flash small it's really cool here. i didn't even expect them to dump like this to take place here with this such a huge box. i'm so happy. so all the couples are where and traditional garments from
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their region, because this is after all, a wedding festival parts of the russia regions. the exhibition which celebrates the diversity of the biggest country in the world. and now we're approaching the big moments to say, i do. 2 the get out here at the russia exhibition, we have a big family celebration in the center of moscow. 151 couples simultaneously have registered the marriage. that means $151.00 new families have a pay it. we have an open to those who registered that rupture. expos will never get divorced. so we wish she'd be happy family holiday to ask for you. what is the
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perfect addition to the russian regions? exhibition which has been so popular among locals and tourists. visitors can now get acquainted with not only the various exotic landscapes from different parts of the country, but also get to see what the brides and grooms look like, what they wear and what they eat, as well as the how they celebrate. so all that's left to do is say good, good, which means better and russian and prompts couples to kits and other wedding tradition here, which some find strange spots. it's suppose to make the 1st drink sweeter marina call server. archie must go well, that route. so this, i will be back in the show just a couple of days. we'll see you then the,
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the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian nationalized, the vitamin who's in misa tried his present us using thing as a russian leda is amazing. his 1st state visit to his re election. this see it, that's what it is. the, the express has been going to relations and grab a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in
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national development. the problem is


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