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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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the, the, the russian nationalized the means it's friday and pray, season thing as a russian lead. it is amazing. his 1st state visit to his re election this year. that's what it is the, the express has been going to relations and grab a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. the. the problem is, uh, so back it is in critical division also being saw in broad daylight robot feet. so
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a is now for christmas eisen cleanings and the needs of the site, and the a type who is a politically motivated with them is that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well. and i can't cope with that internally. anyone says 600000 people have fled from wrap up in the city. me also, i feel presses it's case, as the international court of justice accusing is out of can i think, and the girl glossing from moscow every hour. of the day this is what i see. i'm really mommy headlines stories as the russian president and put in a have a fish. she met with his child, his counterpart and she's in pain. those that are made to the site is in front of
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the great whole of the people in the halls. amazing of the guy who's on wi fi during the event, as well as did some additional russian song, moscow evenings. also the reception the to do i did to the meeting both by the input tonight is the same thing. pray is that historically friendly relations between that kind of is and a relationship that has in jewel in to natural thoughts. i am very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as russian president, thank you very much for your invitation in march last year, immediately after you were elected ahead of the people's republic of china. you
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also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion, lay on consistent development of biological ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. sending the dear president food in my great friend, i welcome you to china on a state visit a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that he will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development over the past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia's relations have been forged under difficult conditions . they have withstood tests under changing international situations and it'll become a standard for relations between major states. i think i'll hold on a guys that i was at the welcoming with the chinese and russian lead is. let's take
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a look. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying. in fact, we have pretty much the front row seats over that you can see the motorcade probably in the distance. you have the motor case that is breaking both leaders here. they are pulling up shortly. they will be stopping by the cub. obviously we can see very well of luxurious dogs pulling into this square here. right next to the parliament. we're about to see both lead as latimer food and then changing things. sure to the police motor k to where they are as well,
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of course. but yeah, they have just pulled in, it is happening again live as i speak, a whole lot of my food and this is the 1st 4 and visit since his 5th, you know, duration as the russian president. clearly, a series symbolic events here for lot of my food and food china as well, given how much effort, western nations, the us, nato, and the you have put into isolating russia. this, the very reception here clearly shows uh, the level of respect and the rod at the level of size that both russia and china thing george. and we can hear the orchestra right now. they have just chewed in. obviously the ceremony has officially kicked off. we actually could hear because we have been standing by for quite a while. here we put a, the orchestra which is just below the if we could hear them practicing fountains
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both to russian and the on the check. any of these leaders are over there. you can see flat, i'm a poor do over the shaking hands with the chinese delegation. they have a lot to discuss just for you, just for context. a lot of my food in is anything but traveling alone here. a huge retinue of ministers advise is a businessman, all of them a company vladimir putin, including both the full amount on the current defense ministers of russia. circus showing go on and drape elusive respectively the he and they will be the expected to meet together with vitamin 40 with shooting pain. so clearly the issue of ukraine is on the table as the russian leaders trust. and then it's interesting quantities, agency, chinese news agency, he believes that the chinese piece initiative for ukraine could be in the foundation of the eventual agreement that well, sooner or later. rather,
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the latter uh will be signed between must go into it. but in fact, a lot of my food has stressed that the chinese approach is very, very preferable here. and over the, the ceremony continues. but again, the, the ukrainian, an issue is just to $4000.00 and the is just a 4th note on the agenda of today's visit, as i've mentioned, or both countries, they are both lead as broad as they are accompanied by large delegations. so it means lots of documents out on the table. many of them apparently are of commercial nature. so is that there's a 6 stack of papers about to be signed and whenever you arrive to be joining the chinese capital, it just, it, it, it has this feeling to it the, the opportunity is around every corner. the big money is around every corner. we are a little bit torn here between looking into the camera and just witnessing the sermon,
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which is avenue, liberty, and religion. from me. indeed, we could hear square, at the same time, bothering canada, which is very solemn. franky, i have quite a while and we can see over the god just indeed it looks like the ceremony. ready but the only big drummed is just to start doing that because we have a whole day at home negotiations between russia and china. again, a reminder, both nations have for the, for what the political, diplomatic and business are heavy weights. and then what i say heavy weights may not get well a so much action guy, a lot of clothes,
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either an amazing this cost of live now to, to host steve also that he's done, he is so save. isn't that quite a, an exciting time. i assume easy to lead to embracing each other and with a similar views, a similar mentality, not a, not by the culturally but tools of business, but does it look at what kind of reaction, what are your thoughts we use we use? so both need is choosing 8 of those countries, but when they're, when they, you know, when they're re elected, what does that signify as well uh, it signifies the desire to enhance their, uh, uh, no limit partnership, which i believe was, uh, was 1st instituted uh, in in 2022. um the ad would it between the 2 countries. and of course uh,
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as was indicated by that fine report. there's a lot on the table. uh, not the least of which is ukraine and, and china has expressed a 12 point up plan for helping to uh, to end that, that conflict which includes the talks piece talks and, and also of course, the energy trade. these are all things that are important to both countries and uh, i think um, you know, it's not a shock to me if you had asked me to predict who they might want to visit 1st in their 1st uh order of business. each of them i might have said they would, they would choose each other, and i, i think again, they're going to look to, to solidify and maybe even come up with a, a better ne, i don't that well they might not be a better name than no limits partnerships, but i think there are limits and maybe that's what they're going to discuss. all right, how to dave? some of those a lot. i'm not going to be there for a 2nd. we might try and get back to you. but let me put that as easily as i'm
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making a science of documents. i'm gonna just close life to that and for the 2nd mouse on the time. but we'll get back to the stomach of the know that essentially monia. but these are the signing ceremony associated to using neutral c for pointing to change . who to margaret mean global cool. most of the side i'm going to in jones isn't we don't inches going. use some seems to die shipments on this. here's what hold on quincy. the young person to do the seats in by so we got the time during the meeting put in if he does go to and there's no recalls that people were for republic of china and the russian federation on deepening the comprehensive partnership and strategic operation. but for whole progress ship entering new era in the context up to 70 percent of our 3 of us stablish and diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. the
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for the me signing the memorandum of understanding and hopefully get some flash. and we're not sure if we will, but if we do, we the that live now fine and exchange documents. so we didn't know exactly how many were assigned the mean. little the figures are in the forties and fifties and the thing to make biological agreements assigned to the the
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nephew i just saw in the us about both president president. uh okay, so uh see if we can see that on all sides. honestly is that both both need of finding a memorandums of understanding with this is a key, a key thing, but see with the level of hold on, hold on for the day on there. so you and i can so have a, a quick chat about this. what i'm seeing, i mean look kind of the west, you know, north west, some countries like, uh from see the i'd say so you know, england, even macro on the other day they kind of, they went over to china just isn't quite recently. and hello, when push seizing thing to move away from doing business with russia. when you see this on your screen, what kind of a message this, send it to, to the, i'm the head. do many of the, you know, power the world if you like, okay. well,
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again, i think it's, uh, it's the message of, of that know, limited partnership i'm, we're not sure exactly, or i'm not sure exactly what's in the documents that they're signing these. but i think that, you know, the united states when what your know, at our secretary state, went to china recently. one of the things he said was that we believe that china is sending over not military weapons, but the kind of components to russia that can be used for weapons against ukraine and, and, and, and once trying to, to stop that. china has denied that. but recently got a job, i'm the president of the thank you 12 chinese companies in relation to that. so i, i think china, while they're obviously proud and not afraid to move closer to russia and showing you, didn't want to. i also think that they're not willing to separate from the west. i think they liked the economic gains in the economic opportunities that the west
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presents to them yet. but trade with russia, as you know, as increased from 2022 to 2023. 1 of 25 percent citrate is up into doubled in the last 5 years between the 2 countries. the biggest oil supplier of to china is russia. so they're, they're dependent on each other. they get along with each other. and it is how far they'll go. i don't know, i'd like to see what's in the documents. yeah. now we've, we've had some, uh, some indication as to what sentences we'll be talking about. uh will know in more detail for, for when they're all signed away. see, but with some of the, the, the, the 2nd to some of the aspects that mostly just told us about was that it wasn't about all the, the essence of the they were given that they wasn't about emotion. steve, it was about the business business is important. to do, to bring was best for the people of each country. how when we look at the other
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countries around the world, how, how do they sort of do business, emotional them, but all the opinion as opposed to well practical? well i, i think it depends on the circumstances. i mean, you, you look at other countries, you look at, there's a lot of push back here for what you're buying. it has done by stopping uh, shipments of armies uh to, to is real. uh you want to call that emotional, you want to call that politics that he's, he knows you need some support from the, the pro palestinian factions for especially not the state of michigan. i mean i, i think it, it depends. the countries don't do business with each other change if they, if they have strong objections to as to what they consider to be violations of, or, or human rights violations. but on the other hand, countries do business with each other. many people in this country, many politicians in the united states believe that china commits human rights
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violations, upset that the, the wiggers in the end of the list goes on and on. yet american companies to do business with, with, with china. so it's, uh, sometimes it's hypocritical, not only for the united states, but for other nations as well. and they didn't even hands that sort of as the ins uncertainty doesn't it? when it comes to the products they've, i'm business, i want to see. so a assets of russia's assets being frozen overseas. i mean, in this modern day and a who is gonna put your farm is of in america and everything that one day that you might not get it back is, is really quite, quite so, but i wanna talk to steve a little bit about the, the chinese in russian, he is a, it's what is it discussed? so a corporation with the international organizations, including bricks and s to see of how much input do these organizations have in the emerging these multi photo?
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well, for me just, well, you know, i'm glad you said multi paula world multi polarity. that said that so that that's something that i don't think most people, at least in the west, are familiar with that term. i know i wasn't all that familiar with it. and of course what it, what it means is a world where it's not just one, maybe 2 countries that have all the power militarily, financially, economically, etc. it's spread out through various countries. um, so that's the claim goal of these 2 organizations. you mentioned bricks and the, the ceo of and now of course china and russia are both a members of both of those groups. there's going to be meetings with both of those groups in the near future. and you also have countries in their life or ran the india pakistan even egypt. 4 so, um, you know, again, i don't think it, it matters all that much to the west as much as it matters to the countries
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involved. uh but um, it is what it is and you know, any time any time the west sees russia and china and a ran together, i think there's, there's their concern. see before i let you go, and i really do appreciate talking to you obviously, you know, who just heard quite recently that the go button slide slammed more sanctions. a little terrorist if you like on china and the electric vehicle bus. so the market isn't usaa is usa sort of, uh, maybe isolating itself away from by have the rest of the world sanction is 5. so louis power, if this is if it's still running fucking itself into a corner and, and they might not have any friends at the end of all of this, how do you see things finding out? well, i mean they're, they're, they're doing, there's 2 countries that say you have of problems where it says, i mean, they have
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a big problem with china. because the, again, they, they believe china is helping to one extent or another. uh, with the rushes effort against ukraine. they also believe that uh that that, that china is not being forthright in that because we had the whole spike balloon episodes were over. the united states were separate balloons, which were a tribute to, to, to china. it says 5 vehicles that many politicians in the u. s. wanted by to do more some sooner. but this is some kind, you know, it's a political season. so now he's doing something, but i don't think the us isn't isolating itself. i think again, china will take this all right, one second, i'm going to cut you off the season. things totally missed different kind of in the and this one from 35 to going to the called. the 2 proves close attention by 1st silly me through the pricing and 10, no 5 russians. the rates wanting to develop ties with china. eyes are welcome.
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welcome to this effort to nitrate or crest, including we have held refrain, friendly and sensitive. talk soon, joey president, pushing issue in your life, vocal as your 5 and the g discounts the developmental by levels. your clients that we have going, seeking related over the 75 years old. 30 phlegmatic relations play. strange to opinions on the bi lateral charges on the agenda and on the relevant regional and international bush areas of mutual interest. we discussed from the development of the relations multi dimensional operation between our countries. we signed the joint statement between the p r a c and the rest of the pro ration total underpinning the relation uninstalled with hi caesar, that comprehensive partnership and strategic operation in going you are right in the context of both 73 percent of our freedom. establishing diplomatic relations to our grandson's human gym for a week of the weakness to the signing off a number of winter park mental entering my c,
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the documents we represent dole and use trunk. and, but as to that development of the, you know, right, relation space here with celebrates 70 percent of our 3 of establishing people. american relations between china and roswell, over the 3 quarters of a century, our relations overtime, hardship, some difficulty is uh, a through address, stronger. we shouldn't mention that after we have entered the new era, currently we are enhancing the level of by life alert relation to the owner and developing howard cooperation. the idea of centuries old friendship has reports in the minds of already sold lives in china. and russia certainly have shown an example of how interest state relations and new type can be built and how the relations between who the neighbors can be develop shit. all these became possible to the wrong phone, so you don't so like as both parties of change are committed to the following 5
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principles usage and for yourself. what single week of the 1st one based on mutual risk backs, when shopping for a judge on the willingness to support each other in the deep clean routing tress of both parties and to myself and presidents. and here, the idea that we have succeeded in coming up, we've been using this model for relationships with liens on to neighborly state based on the mutual respect equality around. so shown who jen, things which mutual support in the matters. i'll try you in for as i see and as concerned and sore. so it's count trees. so i seen your see, this is from the german see shipping to just onto the relations between our conference and can you era fulton, do you follow the idea of non confrontational and on the line for lation challenge?
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of course, you really draw consistently defend the mutual trasha risk back to us your hands chosen by our account tree. and we support each other on the path through the mutual prosperity. or if it's anything you codes or we wait till the 2nd principal within your uh, wait 40, she goes to the development of new york. it that's her eventually beneficial cooperation for last serve in volume. that's called wrote down. it's our trade serv, past $240000000000.00, shouldn't us dollars? let's see. e dance she pay which is almost a point 7 increase in from terrorism. we've basically area so you 10 years ago, which is an example of the well to thing called the relations mutually beneficial relations between our can't raise your presence. wouldn't deny, agree that there is a need to come up. probably could we have the points of conversions of our national
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interests. we must use all races and to just integrate these interest in our joint. and you'll have for cool it is important to continue top to mind pizelle truck charge for a compilation to continue to develop phase good dynamics and trade and then other areas. so to support the corporation in scientific research and to cooperate in your various industries, going to strengthen that type of capacity. so plants border checkpoints and to develop the by your supply chain long time. and we sure did for your to the sense result of friendship and to pass on this idea of friendship from one generation to another. china and russia are famous for is entering. he's 3 and culture and the words of push can then tell story. so read fights, common chinese families and traditional chinese culture such as badging. oprah,
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china is all problem or they're very popular among lewis, russian people currently part is really expand cultural. and so you may need to have an exchanges in the context of implementation of the russian chinese road map of humanitarian cooperation until things windows 30 on the present, the food and i announced upon the year and the years i've been waiting for the 20 to 25, thank you. see that you're in some pallets or a brush in china. you're going to implement your cultural advance to mean sophie intends. big changes are between the public tournaments, agents in the region to those countries to bring our people's closer to the 13th century. so this is into the time, this is all principles of war in the spirit of purchasing cooperation to, to develop an global governance charlie function, the way of where your ideas,
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where you're facing russia in china spend firmly for the you and san freaked international system. sir, and the world order based on the international law, we coordinate close lead our positions on such a platform. said the un that you 20 you turn the board in to eat previous is king to promote the all supporting order fellow. so that in to natalie, i'm very familiar with the true multiple guarantee. we're going to support each other to the context of the restaurant present in st in brakes. and he's here in the chinese presidency in the seo starting from the 2nd half of the year. go, jane, go. gotcha. she moved, we are going to print out, followed and inclusive found clothes are a compilation of high level, high quality, strong interests, self bringing together and strengthening the global south for sure,
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tennessee seen going prince phone number 5 to promote the political settlement and held the problem in the hot spots on the world seeking truth and justice fair and that's loving god and today's world through his ideal cold war mentality, dreams, the uni laughed, all like and so many local base implementation and the policy will train. these are threats to the global peace and to security of folded town trees. slow to put things on easily, preston, food and he, i buy from coolant pool. it's, i may know that there is no alternative to the set mind to tell that tell these teen in these rarely come see them go fine. there is no alternative to the solutions of how the 2 state solution for him along the phone. you to the end,
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the implementation only when resolutions you should from chip to that and from farms i'd say when you're gonna leave off in china, see practical settlement as the right way to resolve the premiums on price is trying. his stance in this regard is clear and single good, your range because the un charter norms respect for that, your show solver and teen to return with integrity falls the countries i am taking into consideration the concerns of all the countries and the establishment of the sustainable and visible security infrastructure, and we look forward to the establishment of the last name, paid some of the european continent. and we are ready to play our constructive role chiefly to the van in china. we say that sing allowance to isabel. it is how it's only a soil and ocean is spilled out, cuz there's our latest water shows only floods are. and what you did,
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these are 75 years of average, multi lateral friendship between russia and china. it's quite strong. and because talbert come all the difficulties and to resign you, the lights seemed to con, carry newheights as, as a lose starting point. so you're going to sending now. and so you say this new starting point of history, russian, china, we're here to come to our goal to work for the move. this is yeah, an hour to people's feeling you original sense ability to make the trunk contribution. sustaining last 2 years for work for the 1st part of our people's who is a magazine. this is been the payment here, a french them way just for the latest st gentlemen to her comrades. first of all, i would like to this thing, but it says that i get those can, that is president of the people's republic of china in all.


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