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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the key to the way the russian national. i have them by the media, chinese president, asian paying as it originally. there is an amazing ice both state and visit since his re election this year. that's why he didn't. so i says, congratulations and glasses. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. the
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progress of silva is in critical condition also being sought in broad daylight robot feats is renowned for criticizing creating the needs of already say the attack was politically motivated to comes uh it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background you all know that very well, and i can't cope with that internally. good sized, 600000 people of fled from rough up is ready to invade the city. meanwhile, south africa process is case and the international court of justice, excusing is a committee get the life almost. so this is all the international bring you live, top stories of the out. that's good stuff that we spoke with. ben, you made it in town, a professor at the parish school of technology and business. he said,
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put his visit to china has reflected the mutual respect ad, fruitful partnership between the 2 neighboring countries. this russian person has officially met, as i've said before, his ties council watched using paying the ceremony to place it in front of the great who of the people in the heart of beijing. the for more details as close lives the goes on all of these, i don't, he is now in beijing ego having some technical issues we want to back come out. the latest,
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if you would want go on to try is these have both side assign some of biological agreements. piece i go through that if you would a while . absolutely no. the 1st part of a lot of my food is and changing things. program here in bathing has just wrapped up the steps for what they set together in front of the press and both delegations, a number of documents. uh, basically the delegations signed about 10 documents in pretty much a variety of rooms of cooperation between moscow and beijing. be trade economy, the media or technology. so the russia and china are expanding its corporation and both leaders. they stressed that they can do so freely and that they don't feel
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that their hands are tied to buy anything. mainly because they have been able to almost completely teach the dollar in the bilateral transactions between moscow and paging. basically 90 percent over all transactions between the nations happened in local currencies. currencies being at the rubel or the you on. also international international affairs came into focus to like the conflict in gather that was something that changing thing. the chinese leaders spoke about on his trust that both russia and china c i to why he, and that they all the advocates over a to stage solution of that now. and i have a conflict in rushes, backyard. the conference in ukraine came into focus 2, but judging by a how much time, basically, how much time, latitude and changing ping gave to the subject. it only for us that this was a was basically the issue of the ukrainian conflict. 12 discussed and was both
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nations have been paying incredible attention to it. still, it has been moved to the sidelines of the agenda of this meeting, but they did stress that well basically, the chinese approach, the chinese piece initiative. russia sees it as a potential folk foundation for the eventual agreement. that key if and most go might sign in some future because right now there's no sign of the fighting. well, dying down any, any, any, any in any significant way. so there you have it also distressed multi polarity as the key to russia, china relations. in fact, it was there was an interesting quote by the latest base trust that they did show the rest of the world as to how by electro ties can be done as to how diplomacy
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can be done independently. and they did. so it made the unprecedented an unprecedented portion by the western nations to isolate russian basically, to the rail rushes international diplomatic efforts. and in general, uh, it was a very, in your face events, it is still ongoing. but just the way vladimir putin was greeted here in beijing. well, it did raise some eyebrows and we, well, we pretty much have the front row seats to observe the event we are in central badging. behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the
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front rows of about to meet both latimer food and changing, paying. in fact, we have pretty much the front row seats over that you can see the motorcade probably in the distance. you have the motor case that is bringing both leaders here. they are pulling up for shortly. they will be stopping by the cub. obviously we can see very well of luxurious sedans pulling into the square here, right next to the parliament. we about to see both leaders, latimer food and then changing things. sure thing, the police motor kate over there as well, of course, but yeah, they have just pulled in. it is happening again live as i speak, a whole lot of my food and this is the 1st 4 and visits since has 5th, no duration, as the russian president. clearly a fairy symbolic event here for a lot of my food and food china as well, given how much effort west of nations, the us, nato, and the you have put into isolating russia. this,
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the very reception here clearly shows uh, the level of respect and the rod at the level of size that both russia and china being george. and we can hear the orchestra right now. they have just 2. then obviously the ceremony has officially kicked off. we actually could hear because we have been standing by for quite a while. here we put here the orchestra, which is just to see if we could hear them practicing fountains both to russian and the on the chinese to the leaders are over there. you can see flat them are putting over the shaking hands with the chinese delegation. they have a lot to discuss just for you, just to context. a lot of my food in is anything but traveling alone here. a huge retinue of ministers advise is a business man. all of them, a company vladimir putin,
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including both the full amount on the current defense ministers of russia. circus showing go on and very below. so for us to it sounds like they, uh he and they will be the i expected to meet together with latin was quoting with shooting pain. so clearly the issue of ukraine is on the table as the russian leader stressed and then into each of the sink, while news agency, chinese news agency. he believes that the chinese piece initiative for ukraine could be in the foundation of the eventual agreement that well, sooner or later. rather, the latter will be signed between moscow and t if in fact a lot of food and his stress. but the chinese approach is very, very preferable here. and over the, the ceremony continues. but again, the, the ukrainian, an issue is just to $4000.00 and the is just a foot note on the agenda on today's visit, as i've mentioned, or both countries,
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they are both leaders abroad, that they are accompanied by large delegations. so it means lots of documents out on the table. many of them apparently are of commercial nature, so that there's a fix stack of papers about to be signed. and whenever you arrive to be joining the chinese capital, it just it, it's, it has this feeling to it that the opportunity is around every corner. the big money is around every corner. we are a little bit torn here between looking into the camera and just witnessing the sermon, which is happening literally religion. and indeed, we couldn't swear at the same time bothering canon just it was it wasn't very solemn.
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frankie i haven't quite awhile and we didn't see over the. ready god just the most likely ceremony. ready but it's only just starting that because we have a home negotiations between russia and china. again, as a reminder, both nations have for what the political, diplomatic and business heavy weights. and then what i say, heavy weights may not get in at least 5 with vend domain ciao. april, 1st of the part was school titan logged in minutes and you said put in a visit to try to has a refund to the mutual respect. i'm for full partnership between the 2 neighboring countries. well, let's use the prism putting breakdowns to being b. c. in china with the highest spending and for any countries the 1st trip of the
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information was needed. the relationship is the most treasured. in fact, the last time russia is also the 1st country, the chinese president of visits and up to present an operation. and this especially relationship is supported by the highly complementary economic structure of the 2 nations. how russia has uh, oil and not your truck come to products and china has a ride range of the shows. goods. indeed, china is rushed in, rushes, chase relationship is recorded the last 5 years. the table installed to 200 feet in us last year. and for this time uh, press the presidency and, and the person for the you discuss arriving of collaboration. uh, recently uh, present 14, uh, we received an interview by the state news agency in china saying that the collaboration we'll spend arriving in in industrial sectors in peaceful
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a nuclear power usage, the artificial intelligence and so one and we will be continue on coverage also. i'll put this in to china as the russian is expensive to have a busy schedule on his to day with it. so some tunes here for more updates the sit outside doesn't allow to you because somebody has an als at the prime is condition, has a stabilizer. it is still very serious, a b m, robot seats so of salt multiple times and underwent an urgent surgery to save his life. already say the assassination of the templates politically motivated. quote them is that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well, and i can't cope with that internally on federal claim for the initial information
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that we have suggested. there was a clear political motivation and that the decision was made shortly off to the presidential election. but also we have standing slowly on the edge of a civil war here is to take full comments of being made on social networks. so please, let's start this immediately and that is what is the attempted assassination of the prime minister is an explicit confirmation of it. so the man, so i'll see concert on the scene again, he is in a slow but capital rock. this though we have seen good to see and hear, but it is up to speed. what do we know so far? the currently what we know is earlier today the statement was released suggesting that the so that prime minister gain some sort of consciousness that he was responding to the directions or directives of the medical team. and the interior minister as took essentially provided as much information suggesting that his
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condition is now stable. and we have learned a little bit more about the settlements motivation behind the attack. we understand that reports are suggesting that the as a saying that has had control contradicting views over the course of the last few years in 2016 looking at his social media accounts and posts online suggests that he had a fall rights pro russian association with respect to the policies within the country, but much later towards 2022. there's been a shift in the savings demeanor suggesting that he decides decide with pro ukrainian and pro west and more liberal nuances with respect to policies within the country. and the european blog, which suggests that there has been some sort of political alignment with respect to the attack and as much has been said with respect to the statements provided by slovak lawmakers. they also suggest that the, the motive behind the attack was indeed political. it highlights a number of contradictions or in controversy with respect to the policies within
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the country and within the european block. what we understand right now is there are a number of policies that fits those governments has been pursuing over the course of the last few years, maybe even decades. at this point, we understand that the select prime minister served as prime minister over the course of 2006 to 2018 with periods in between where he did. in fact, we've also, so this is the 3rd term and the number of policy that he's currently positioning and supporting are not necessarily pro western or pro russian. but according to the statements by the parameters, they suggest that the position that's the luckiest aging is an independent and sovereign position, necessarily contradicting the views and policies of the european bluff. but independent policies. we understand that before the prime minister was elected into office, his campaign did include a great deal of the support for preventing and holding a munitions and deliveries to ukraine. and in october of 2023, one,
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the prime minister was elected. the government immediately halted for a deliveries and weapon deliveries to ukraine. this has been a matter of great contention between but his love as well as brussels. but looking at other issues, there are also a number of less liberal views, views or policies that brussels is trying to essentially impose on the slovak state . but there's also the matter of, of course, the european union, the nato alliance, and the contradictions and the controversies do continue. but as it stands right now, the position that is to walk us taking is crucial with respect to ukraine, as well as the general alliance of nato and the european union. let's lend our use to the saw a prime minister and what he has to say with respect to the who could i and i, it will lock in his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e u, and support efforts and for peace and ukraine and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. we finish all initial step 13 at today's meeting and
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became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the war in ukraine. i retreated that i do not believe in the military solution to this complex system asked for my done year in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present or the use of military force in ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagine mexico joined in military organization with russia place a decisive role. what would you do this argument, these russian on your credit is not sovereign and it's entirely under us control, which is cost you and have an identity president. so just some of the statements provided and the general policy and position of the country. second, there is a great deal to impact, but as a result of the attack state leaders worldwide issued their condemnation with respect to the attack, as well as support for the select prime minister. we understand that the early i was russian president vladimir putin issued his condolences and wish the so that prime minister uh,
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great house. there were also statements provided by hundreds leader of victor, oregon. uh serbian presidents uh, alexander of which is and the list does go on. but there's also been a statement from the russian foreign ministry spokesman money as a hold of a who essentially did wish of the prime minister, the best of health and a speedy recovery. but also highlighted some of the important nuances in which the attack took place and what really led to it focusing on the liberal narrative in the media as well. let's lender as to what she has to say. we usually to not assume we strongly condemn the attack and wish the slovak prime minister speedy recovery. we know him is a friend of russia who is not afraid to express his point of view, which often does not coincide with the main stream of the collective west. a monstrous rhetoric literally flooded the pro ukrainian information set within moments of the attack. and the west has been cultivating that hateful rhetoric. so he is. what is the tier to taking everything into consideration?
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the are broader implications as the market is a member of the european union is also a member of nato, but it has for time opposed as ukraine joining nato. there's been a great deal of discussion about the european block or nato sending troops to ukraine, but that's of as opposed to this position as well, time and time again. but there are other issues that have also been appeared a post, and that is it present like peter pan again, who is, is going to be assuming office soon. and his position is some of the about the still about prime minister. and this will have greater implications throughout the european union, as well as the boxes position within nato. so it's safe to assume that the events that took place and aren't going to necessarily enter and it will lead to greater discussion throughout the european block. yeah, it's going to be one to watch for a show. what really appreciate the update and the id cards, whatnot. the austin icon. thanks again. now we heard from milan over there, he's a member of the european parliament for a sub. okay. he's interested in news outlets on the part of the vision. was it
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blamed for the shooting as they have been feeling st. food along people? i wouldn't blame society for this effect. i think that most of our citizens are where the peaceful people who don't agree. of course, are we decent at that? i think perhaps the ones who are to blame for this, i thought, are full additions and perhaps journalists who feels of the hate amongst coming people and then less stable people simply explode a gun and they start shooting at the politicians. so this is from the way to main reason the off coast is us as a nation at them to will, has very strong political consequences on sort of politics because peace has never happened before. and this is where a critical situation. i think that one of the biggest outcomes of will, which we will have to change this to hate. speech being sprayed by may seem protest
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or media against only think of openness because these hate speech from the media is the source of the face on political things on in the flex society. and we see the result. we see the result. we see the shooting on the streets on public representatives and discount these acceptance anymore that we spoke who is a full month in new jersey, superior court judge and host of the johnston, freedom part costs and routing the opponents on a he said, and people, unless nobody if i tell you literally, just like slack is probably mansa, who was known for his famous dogs is all the issues. from my perspective, mister feed. so is, and was a great man who stood up to the west. and i hope that he recovers and can still do so mainstream. dick tad's, which includes the west, led by the us,
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which includes the main stream media in europe and in the us has so demonized pressure. i'm kind of surprised happily. so to hear what you said about young's stone and burg, i'm so sorry i didn't go back to 2004 instead of 2014, but at least to use acknowledging the ukranian and western american generated origins of the conflict in ukraine. but look, people like faith so should not fear to speak the truth and when you are handed the reins of government power, you should not fear to do the right thing. in this case, the thing you believe that you are elected to do merely because that runs against the green of the prevailing authorities in the west. but unfortunately, that's the wherever we live in right now. but again, i have to say, i hope that this is, is just a one off and not the beginning of some series of, of catastrophic horrific events. violence about 5 minutes. so as long push from face to face interview, i tell you grade,
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he has insisted the most we had come from i from beginning to end, the fighting, to read about love that much more on our website to see the on the right. it says here that we, you a says 600000 people, a friend from rafa. there's a tube in bay. the city in southern got a while, voices from around the world have condemned the is there any attack south africa's move from was tindy's pushing for the in the international court of justice to stop the idea of from committing gas. i valve the cause of the lawyer. rewards from jazz, but as the is really combustible, crosses a specific in mind to mock renewed negotiations will take place today and tomorrow, with the international court of justice. holding hearings to discussing new emergency misses, full advice of africa. concerning is really minutes. the operations in the southern guides us the 2 on the left side. this of course, comes off to the 10th of may request
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a waste. so that's the task demanded that the i c j or the as well to withdraw its military operations and the to the, to the left side, noting back to the military um landscape. in that i thought i had changed completely. and the hearings all as well. part of an ongoing case against these are also the december of 2023. we saw last week of petition to the i c. j to investigate with that as well. had been committing genocide o as in guys are not. and following that, the i to j did issue provisional, mrs. it's on old is the replaced. as i said last week, i also gave the instructions that the acetate did not. i'm all to israel to stop. it's monday to operations the in the gaza strip. and right now pretoria says a to request to be finds a very necessary to return to the court to speak and age an order on the prevention and punishment of the crimes in the gaza strip. in fact,
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it says that's the fact that 1500000 people now living in the city. i mean that's a full is really assault under that. so what is a violate? the pool is the of the genocide condition. so more needs to be done by the court. i will listen to this in south africa. can see it is that it is imperative for the call to do more than to reach the rate that the state of ease real remains bound to fully comply with 8 supplications under the genocide convention. as the overwhelming evidence demonstrates the very men in which he is or what is the soonest mitch reparations, and rough uh, and elsewhere and gaza is itself genocide, though it must be ordered to stop. and soon as the previous ruling of several countries, i've come forward to intervene in the case, i'm using a provision that allows 3rd party to join in the proceedings. and those countries include the lives of libya, even it's up to very recently. and the only country that has proof of bound to intervene in the case of the support as well is germany,
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which made that announcement even before the court handed down its prior readings. but these role has repeatedly said that it is acting in accordance with international move in gaza and has cool so that because genocide, caves baseless and it's even gone as far as accusing tutorials of acting as the legal. i'll come mazda and after some moments, we know that is really forces backing in palm beach around garza and spots up in the city of alaska. and classes of also i'm slid against the again in a northern and central areas which is really true. first into the months ago, and as off we yesterday, according to the new, in nearly 600000 people have been displaced from last night, including about a 150000 people. in the past 2 days specs and the budget men would speed international court of justice as called the for these we were hearing that so, but so that because they just attempted to, to full caesar off to hold it. some of this a complaint against somebody has some experts,
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could assume that the quote is not likely to issue even stop us or does a gaze, tennessee? well, the around some of this new, the i've always is. appliances i have you with us here and all to international will be back in about side. imagine we'll see that the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the checking and reminds me that i'm late for very important dates, which means it's time to slip down the rabbit hole and then to roll russian time, the the on october, the 18th. 2023. the up. do you have like he was taking? it says strategically important sites. now the code itself was carried out by the
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time the end of the $140.00 for gain of the russian. um, forces are unit carried out. the operation with no losses. last play. yes. it is the fuck up to do much. so we just put those, all of that. they need to put a new get something i'd have to test cuz we've got some sort of 16 does that. it rolls 10 with us or is it so it's it is. if you do or i'm, this is that to, to report on people comes always the mattress to move with in a session. no voice internet or sipping get the message for this month from location. jeff, i'm from will just,


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