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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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of my shell is called stretching, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the greeted with the russian national anthem, not available didn't mean for the chinese president seizing, think of the russian needed in beijing on his prostate and visit intensive relates and to see if it's not easy then, so it says congratulations. and a couple of days ago you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. to data is also signed a multitude of agreements on fade technology cold. so in other aspects of the
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biological and international corporation, the, the private so. so back a is in critical condition also being saw in broad daylight. global pizza is been down for christmas. i think when the leads authorities say, the a type of politically meant that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally. the, it's jessica and 11 am here in the russian capital. welcome wherever you catch him, the new though from today. this is ok. i'm so sorry. rush, i'm present running because it has officially met with his ties council. the season being held tubes at the great hall of the people in the heart of beijing,
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as the delegation assigned a roster of the documents to sign within corporation. within that countries with a focus on international trade the, to the there's also emphasize the importance of paving the way for a more multiple well daughter associated gentry try me as she is russia and china stand firmly for the u. n. centered international system in a world order based on international law, we coordinate closely or positions on such platforms as the u. n. and the g 20. we promote a multi lateral world order, true multi full arity. we also intend to promote a political settlement of problems in global hotspots, seeking truth justice and fairness. in today's world, there is still a cold war mentality, unilateral head gemini, black based confrontation and a policy of strength. these are a threats to global peace and security of all countries. i'm not sure what he wants to do to at least to negotiations have once again demonstrated that the approaches
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of russia and china to many international and regional problems of clothes or coinciding some of both countries pursue an independent foreign policy. we are working in solidarity to form a more just and democratic multi polar world order, which would be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council. as well as international law, cultural and civilizational diversity and the balance of interest as of all participants in the global community lead, milan safety is of why that stuff this live that with c t n correspond to the thanks so much for taking the time to join as exciting time is really motivated, puts in energy, i think that have side these by that. and so the agreement is off the holding, so it was invasion. but how do you assess the current level of relations between these 2 neighboring countries? well, thanks for having me and uh, i wanna use a boat from china is for
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a ministry that were uh, both the um for a minister and the spokes person has repeatedly said that, that the relationship between china and russia has become it's fine example for major countries and neighboring countries to treat each other with respect and candour. as you know about you, my aware this year also marks the symptom 5th anniversary of the diplomatic ties and for the past over 7 decades of the 2 countries have established for operation at all levels, including in the law enforcement, security, energy, investment, culture, economy, and trade i don't have ever since deep and the political mutual trust and firmly support each other, especially our issues concerning the interest such as sovereignty and security and development. and also, um chinese for a ministry earlier said that that been true. presidents have been keyed to the schools and the state department of the china are also ties. nobody has repeatedly
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set a bad the relationship between pager and moscow is maintained on the basis of non alliance documentation and not talking to any 3rd party. and both decided that they're strive to i for a long lasting friendship and to continue deepen their comprehensive, strategic partnership. and also i want to bring up with the interview that at present. well, i've been put in did with that trying to see when he was agency had opened his visit, visit, where he mentioned that the china of that the rest of trying the relations have reached an or time side despite a, a tough thing to national situations, adding that to the 2 nations should and will continue to strengthen size, adapt, sadie, you know that it can be and the bilateral relations can be reflected on the economy . you know, the bilateral trade reached a record of 240000000000. yes. dollars heating the target of $200000000000.00 ahead of schedule. and as a chinese for administered a has repeat the sand batch,
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you know, russian natural gas fields, numerous chinese households. and on the other hand, a chinese and manufacture automobile is also wrong on russian roads. and also this year, um and the next year out, including the next year, i believe, you know, the promotion of cultural and people to people exchanges is also a key part of their 75th anniversary celebration. so that means we're seeing more people to people. it just changes between the 2 nations and the inmates of excellent planes. are you pretty much covered? most of my questions, i think the some of the i like to ask is, i mean originally on the agenda we, we knew that there were going to be a handful of a man's of understanding sign. it seemed like total. so was so we didn't know the exact number, per se, but looking for the future. the thing for relation between russia and china i bought was expiring to the bricks as well. what was,
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what was the date for the to date is of a, of a setting. an example. as i mentioned earlier, you know, chinese foreign minister has repeatedly said that china, russia, right relations sit on the find samples for major country diplomacy. and also, you know, this is um, present, putting these 1st over see trip. since he takes off, i'd tell you king office early of this month. and i have to mention this, it has to be a sort of a tradition between the 2 presidents, you know, chinese presidents region being has visited russia and since 2013 through 23. you know, and the on the other, the other hand to present food and it has also visited china ever since a she, i took office you know, from 2014 to this year. so and also last time he was in china is for the belgian roads for him, for international cooperation. so based on the frequent x ranges between the 2 head up states and the 2 leaders august, the as says,
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all office do says the significance of the bible relations by the will. you know, bring a lot of pass up personalities of for the future preparations. and also we, but here are from china, from a chinese media that enjoined a statement on deepening china, russia, a comprehensive, strategic partnership. and the new era has to be signed between the 2 presidents. so i'm sure there are more populations and no matter in trade or in culture or economy or energy out are expecting to continue to deepen in the years to come. yeah, for sure. i is one to watch especially. so get all the details of what i have to do with that. thank you so much. c g t n, cause want done with your things again the the,
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the to that these items, the page during the greeting several, many as well as the additional and watching song last good evening. although the reception maternity didn't headed to it may take most by them and put it as easy. we praise the historically friendly relations between the countries upon the ship as in killed 2 international 5 times the by. i'm very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as a russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our country. so this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion layer on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic cooperation. sending the dear president food in my great friend, i welcome you to china on
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a state visit a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development over the past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia is relations have been forged under difficult conditions. they have withstood tests under changing international situations and they've become a standard for relations between major states. oh, see, hold on, hold on english. i was out of the world cooling set of money with the chinese. then russian lead is a 2nd. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2
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leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying. in fact, we have pretty much the front row seats over that you can see the motorcade probably in the distance. you have the motor case that is bringing both leaders here. they are pulling up for shortly. they will be stopping by the cub. obviously we can see very well of luxurious sedans pulling into this square here right next to the problem. and we about to see both lead as latimer food and then changing things. sure. to the police motor k, to where there as well, of course, but yeah, they have just pulled in. it is happening again live as i speak, a whole lot of the this is the 1st for and visit since his 5th, you know, duration as the russian president. clearly a fairy symbolic event here for
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a lot of my food and food china as well, given how much effort, western nations, the us, nato, and the you have put into isolating russia. this, the very reception here clearly shows uh, the level of respect and the rod at the level of the size that both russia and china being george. and we can hear the orchestra right now they have just to then, obviously the ceremony has officially kicked off. we actually could hear because we have been standing by for quite a while. here we put here the orchestra, which is just below the if we could hear them practicing fountains. both the russian and the on the child i need to believe is, are over there. you can see flat, i'm a prudent, over the shaking hands with the chinese delegation. they have a lot to discuss just for you, just for context. a lot of my food in is anything but traveling alone. he had
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a huge retinue of ministers advise as a business man, all of them, a company vladimir putin, including both the full amount on the current defense ministers of russia. circus showing go and, and drape elusive, respectively. the he and they will be the expected to meet together with latimer coating with shooting pain. so clearly the issue of ukraine is on the table as the russian leaders trust and an interview to the sink, while news agency, chinese news agency. he believes that the chinese piece initiative for ukraine could be in the foundation of the eventual agreement that well, sooner or later. rather, the latter, oh will be signed between moscow and key if but in fact a lot of food has stressed that the chinese approach is very, very preferable here. and over the, the ceremony continues. but again,
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the, the ukrainian, an issue is just to $4000.00 and the is just a foot note on the agenda of today's visit, as i've mentioned, or both countries, they are both lead as broad as they are accompanied by large delegations. so it means lots of documents out on the table. many of them apparently are of commercial nature. so is that there's a fix stack of papers about to be signed and whenever you arrive to be joining the chinese capital, it just, it, it, it has this feeling to it the, the opportunity is around every corner. the big money is around every corner. we are a little bit torn here between looking into the camera and just witnessing the sermon, which is avenue literally originally from me. indeed, we couldn't swear at the same time
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bothering can choose it was simple as a very solemn i'm reaching here that frankly i have quite a while and we can see over the god just indeed it looks like the ceremony. but it's only a big a drum, dis, just stock. see that because we have a full day at home negotiations between russia and china. again, as a reminder, both nations have for what the political, diplomatic, in business, heavy weights. and then what i say heavy weights may not get well, let's suppose live now to i enough time. danny is a senior fellow at the time he is taking time founding partner, the sense of a china on the wallet and chapman of asia narrative. i know thank you so much for taking the time to join us is that we saw from the to present an atmosphere of
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friendship rather than put in said the to the business line. but would you say that they were actually friends? and yeah, i think there's a level of trust between them. you can quite see it easily see it in the body language. they read each other very casually. it's not stiff and formal. they walk with each other. so i would say that things. but as leaders of 2 countries, they're obviously they're interested in the aims and goals of their particular nations. and that is also reflect that that's why it's about business. and that's why both sides have brought, as you put the heavy weights in the, you know, we, i mean, for, we always say, i mean, for us as a day we've always said that china is cooperation with russia. it is a big deal. i mean, the major ex was made a just trade close to $240000000000.00 of trade is to is russia
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important to china? oh, absolutely. i mean, right. you have to understand that washington is going to do everything in his power to try to poison the relationship between russia in the united. i mean russia and china, it's their goal. there's a concern that russian resources and geographical size in terms of the 11 time zones and access to the middle east. the stands europe, together with china's manufacturing pound is greater than the next 9 countries combined. and it's very important trade relations with a $120.00 plus countries where they're the primary trade of a relationship that this will somehow eclipse the united states. russia is number one and resources. china is number one in manufacturing. so you, what you see are across the gamut of international stations, this idea that there's some sort of junior partnership that is completely false,
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both cassandra, a tremendous amount to lose if they walk away from this relationship. and frankly, it is the only stable relationship that both have. they have a share, a land border of is especially for china is containment, long it's seaboard areas is just becoming too much. and for russia, obviously, it's going to be very difficult to go back to some sort of norm with 2 regimes, you in the united states that were intent on threatening and security as interest. so you, you might, as in the united states and the, there's been a lot of pressure as in that, from those sort of a size. especially if it was seizing things. if i have those back on russia, is that ever likely to be happy with that? i'm with these meetings, go on now. what kind of message does that send to uh, the us and your or more odd. i mean, it is quite clearly i shoot you
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a thing and saying, look, you know, we don't know. no one wants conflict. obviously, a lot of reporting has put a foot forward saying that they want, that russia wants to settle this issue. but you know, china is not going to walk away from its most important economic relationship. as i said, the synergy between the 2 countries is overpowering, and this is really what is threatening washington. they are in a conniption. they were very anxious to throw in europe under the bus to prevent, especially germany and russia are coming together for the same reasons they didn't, they fear german ability to produce. they're concerned about cheap gross resources giving an advantage to germany. but now they've created a job or not which they cannot control, and they cannot compete with a given their current trajectory, which is about building fences as opposed to and in canceling their competitiveness
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. hi. uh, you know, we, we saw recently that she's in pain minutes at the front. he perhaps got a, a tube into, uh, some advice from the french president and the european commission chief regardings of trade regulations. they probably will, and everybody's saying is cool, cool points in with moscow. but do you think times a change them a year, a global add on list? i want to get your intake on. perhaps if we go back 20 or 30 is of our country is more aggressive. i'm more sort of, i'm, you know, i'm a, i, i want to work alone or are we looking at a divided country by some countries are deciding to work together. and maybe the old colonial got a sticking to their own guns, i mean, always seeing and divide in the, in the world. oh, absolutely. i mean, new your asking your question, you already know the answer to, i mean they,
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the rest of the world that was not, there was the victims of colonial ization. they are, you know, they are no longer willing to just shut up and take whatever washington wants to be allowed. and that goes to europe as well. i mean, to say shows them, i mean, i'd say shelves of the, the region in africa where these kind of 5 countries have come together and said, we do not want to deal with friends anymore. why? oh, they discovered that they were selling for 80 euro, $0.80, euro yellow cake, that the french were then re selling for over $200.00 zeros for the same amount. is that, you know, we, we have all these ridges. um, yeah, we have no food. and this is and being echoed around the world. and what i have is a situation where russia and china shows that they do not. you do not have to knuckle under to american and european colonial superior, or that there are ways independently to grow your own nations. follow your own path
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and that therefore, it's given the hope to nations around the world, especially developing nations and you see it very clearly. look at south africa. their minister of foreign affairs is dress down in while he was there blinking, telling them quite clearly that you know, in south africa, is not going to be dictated to or play games with by washington. so it is a new era of the greatest fear that the us has and that europe has also is this idea that things are changing, as you pointed out, they want to keep, maintain the status, quote, maintain the income streams that came from their colonial empires. but that those moments have gone, and unfortunately, rather than responding to it by saying, look, we have to up our game and figure out how we can be competitive. they're saying that, so somehow the china is at fault for their inadequacies. remember,
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you go back in time in europe and america dominated, uh, uh, everything from finance to construction to manufacturing. there was no point at that time where they said it's unfair for us to be dominating the world. quite the contrary, they pass it off is we are superior to you and the results of our system and our people, and therefore you just take it. i know you make some extra important sign. it kind of leads me to by the next question, where we've recently seen uh, the united states, pos, these excess tasks on chinese electronic vehicles. and so the panels i think is over a 100 percent and we were reporting on it earlier today. but with this sort of attitude, is this, is this just joe biden, or will this change with, with the change you know, the god to no, i don't think so. i mean,
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it's quite likely that you know, well, i shouldn't say likely. it seems that joe biden is doing everything in his power to make sure that donald trunk gets elected. he's alienated young people over guys. he's certainly alienating corporate america over is high tariffs, remember, for them this isn't about or short term gain or loss. this is long term, you know, you, you already have, he's us ship companies saying that they have effectively lost their entire market in china because china is now able to produce themselves. they can't sell their products to china because the us government won't let them. and that means that all the new chips today are the old trips of tomorrow, and they're going to be less expensive. there's no reason why china is going to turn to america for chips made made in taiwan when they have their own capacity. so this, they're kissing a market good bind in terms of these, you know, tariffs that they're putting on this as an own goal. the fact is we need to
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transition to a greener society and that means more renewables saying that you want to pay more for that transition is not frankly. and the idea that you want your const, your, your people to pay more for electric cars when they can pay less when they're already suffering from what they believe is excess inflation due to government mismanagement. that's also very questionable. by now we can go into economics any day of the week with you and i, for sure side of that sent sent to the part of the things that i will know that with i mean with the rush of a population of excess of a 140000000 people costs a business between russia and china is, is going to be. so there's a, there's a market that china can tap into with a lot of these western countries that sort of, uh, you know, sanctioned, russia was a way to and that back on russia. and in fact,
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that remove the companies from russia. does a don't, don't you think they'll eventually want to come back? well, the going back just as a want to come back to china. but the question is, who needs, you know, at that juncture, people have gotten used to new brands delivering, as long as they are delivering the same quality. there's just no reason to go back the to those times, i mean the idea that you want to pay more for an american brand or a european brand when they've disrespected, you very hard to see. this is these, the wounds that are being created today will last a long, long time. that will lead to other issues in the future. and it's not one where it's rosie and everyone hugs it out and that's the end of it. it's been blood spilled. there have been, you know, bombs and bullets supplied. this is not a game and no one is going to forget for years to come. i the tongue and
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says that was amazing. honestly, great talking to you very insightful date and i'm tired of seeing yes said the tie, it's 2 pink time founding partner at the center of china and the world. i am the chaplain of asia narrative said thank you so much for your time. i to thank you that we will be of course, continued on coverage of fits this trip to china and other russian isn't. space is a, have a busy schedule on is to david the st. you in here on not to international the mounts of the news. some back, yeah, has announced that the private is condition that has stabilized, but it's still very serious of the p. m robot fits so was short multiple times and underwent an urgent surgery to save his life. authorities say the assassination
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attempt was politically motivated. i told them that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally. stupid whole thing for the initial information that we have suggests that there was a clear political motivation and that the decision was made shortly off to the presidential election. cut out the court, we have standing slowly on the edge of a civil war. here is to take full comments of being made on social networks. so please let stop this immediately and that is the attempted. assassination of the prime minister is an explicit confirmation of this will be the currently what we know is earlier today, the statement was released suggesting thoughts of the so that prime minister gain some sort of consciousness that he was responding to the directions or directives of the medical team and the interior minister as spoke essentially provided as much information suggesting that his condition is now stable. and we have learned a little bit more about the settlements motivation behind the attack. we understand
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that reports are suggesting that the as a saying that has had contradicting views over the course of the last few years in 2016. looking at his social media accounts and posts on mine suggests that he had a pro russian association with respect to the policies within the country. but much later towards 2022. there's been a shift in the savings demeanour, suggesting that he decides decide with pro ukrainian and pro western more liberal nuances with respect to policies within the country and the european block. which suggests that there has been some sort of political alignment with respect to the attack and as much has been said with respect to these statements provided by slovak lawmakers. they also suggest that the, the motive behind the attack was indeed political. the position that's to walk us taking is crucial with respect to ukraine, as well as the general alliance of nato. and the european union listened or used to the saw a prime minister and what he has to say with respect to frame. okay,
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and i is, will walk you his other and bigger problem as than ukraine's. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u and support efforts for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think associations on ukraine. we finish all initial start at 13, at today's meeting, it became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the war in ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe in the military solution to this conflict. taking everything into consideration to our broader implications as the market is a member of the european union is also a member of nato, but it has for time opposed as ukraine joining nato. there's been a great deal of discussion about the european blog coordinators sending troops to ukraine, but that's of as opposed to this position as well, time and time again. but there are other issues that have also been appeared a post, and that is it present like peter pan again, who is, is going to be assuming office soon, and his position is similar to that of the us about 5 minutes or, and this will have greater implications throughout the years.


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