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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the the greeted with the russian national anthem vladimir, who was inmates with chinese presidency to him pain as the rest of the there was in beijing on these 1st state visits since his re election this year. it's on an easy to express his congratulations from colorado to to a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you in the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. the department of stuff to the box here is in a critical condition of the being sold in broad daylight real benefits. so is
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renounced. the court decides, and you play it in the civil 40, so it'd be a talk was politically motivated. it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally. several top different lines for nathan countries take pause in protest since at least a luscious place to repair and spasm resemblance to the south of the western fox, who in t as a decade ago the a very warm welcome is 1 pm here in most sky. when you are watching nazi international with the very latest wells news on the days as always is great to have you with us. now i told the story, it's not a bad person is in china where it's 1st foreign business off to being really likes it as russians president this yeah, we're bringing you all the major updates from this to day events here on,
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on the international, the, the, the the, the, the stars, all things visit resume appears to the officially met with these chinese counts of policy. jim paying the help, folks at the great hold of the people in the house of badging, of the countries on stems were played during the greasing ceremony as well as the traditional russian song most sco evening off to the reception. the to lead is
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headed to a meeting, but it doesn't appear to non changing ping praised the historically friendly relations between the countries opposed to ship that is in viewed through international on time. the . i am very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as the russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go in badging later on, consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. finishing the dear president food in my great friend. i welcome you to china on a state visit. a couple of days ago,
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you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. over the past 3 quarters of a century, china and russia's relations have been forged under difficult conditions. they have withstood tests under changing international situations, and it'll become a standard for relations between major states. i think that location will find a raft of documents to strengthen cooperation between the countries with a focus on international trade. allstate correspondence equals dawn of reports from the event and they stepped forward. they sat together in front of the press and both delegations, a number of documents uh, basically the delegations signed about 10 documents in pretty much a variety of rooms of corporation between moscow and faith june the trade
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economy, the media or technology, the so the russia and china, expanding its corporation and both leaders, they stress that they can do so freely and that they don't feel that their hands are tied to buy anything. mainly because they have been able to almost completely fixed my laptop transactions between moscow and aging. basically 90 percent of all transactions between the nations happened in local currencies being at the rubel or the you on also the stress multi polarity as the see to russia. china relations. in fact, of course, there was an interesting quote by the leaders based stress that they did show the rest of the world as to how by electro ties can be done as to how diplomacy can be done independently associated gentry term issues. russia in china stand firmly
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for the un centered international system in a world order based on international law. we coordinate closely or positions on such platforms as the u. n. m. a g 20. we promote a multi lateral world order, true multi polarity. we also intend to promote a political settlement of problems in global hotspots, seeking truth justice and fairness. in today's world, there is still a cold war mentality, unilateral head, germany black face confrontation and a policy of strength. these are a threats to global peace and security of all countries. i'm not sure. what are you wants to do to release to negotiations have once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china to many international and regional problems is of close for coinciding some associates. both countries pursue an independent foreign policy. we are working in solidarity to form a more just and democratic multi polar world, or which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council. as well as international law,
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cultural and civilizational diversity and the balance of interest as of all or disabilities in the global community model. and they did. so i made the unprecedented an unprecedented portion by the western nations to isolate russian, basically, to the rail rushes international diplomatic efforts. and in general, uh, it was a very, in your face events, it is still ongoing, but just the way vladimir pooty was greeted here in may, june. well it did raise some eyebrows and we, well, we pretty much have the front row seats to observe the event we are in central badging. behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greece. the to lead is here, you can see the on the god, everything is very,
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very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting pain. in fact, we have pretty much the front row seats over that you can see the motorcade probably in the distance. you have the motor case that is bringing both leaders here. they are pulling up for shortly. they will be stopping by the cub. obviously we can see very well of luxurious dogs pulling into the square here right next to the problem and we about to see both lead as latimer food and then changing things shortly. the police motor cater where they're as well, of course, but yeah, they have to just pull then it is happening again live as i speak. so a lot of the this is the 1st for and visit since has no duration as the russian president. clearly, i use very symbolic events here for lot of my food and food china as well,
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given how much effort, western nations, the us, nato, and the you have put into isolating russia. this very reception here clearly shows uh the level of respect and the rod at the level of size that both russia and china things you're on the we can hear the orchestra right now. they have just to then obviously the ceremony has officially kicked off. we actually could hear because we have been standing by for quite a while. here we put here the orchestral, which is just below here, we could hear them practicing fountains, russian, and the on the chinese leaders are over there. you can see flat them are putting over the shaking hands with the chinese delegation. they have a lot to discuss just for you, just the context. a lot of my food in is anything but traveling alone here. a huge
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red new old ministers advise is a businessman, all of them, a company vladimir putin, including both the full amount on the current defense ministers of russia, a lots of documents on the table. many of them are practically all of commercial nature. we are a little bit torn here between looking into the camera and just witnessing the sermon, which is happening literally indeed, we couldn't swear at the same time bothering can just the green thing here that we didn't see over the god just looks like the ceremony. but it's only just starting that because we have
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a home the gold rush, china again to remind nations have a political diplomatic in business or have a way send them what i say. heavy weights may not get well that it, we discussed a lot of my opinions visit to china with fidgety and correspondent don't sure for. so i want to start with a quote from a chinese, from ministry, and also the chinese for a minister, where they have repeatedly said that the relationship has become a fine example for major countries in neighboring countries to treat each other with respect and candour. and also, you know, this year march, the assembly is 75th anniversary of the diplomatic ties and a for the over as for the past 7 decades, the, to establish a cooperation at all levels that including the law enforcement, security,
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energy and culture, economy and trade. and they have that as soon as decent the political new to trust and firmly supported each other, especially when it comes to issues concerning their core interests such as sovereignty. security, as well as other developments. and also a chinese for ministry has said, you know, the relations has med, a by the 2 presidents and the 2 presidents have, i think she to the smooth and to stay with the buttons to all the china rochelle ties, you know, um that china has repeatedly said that the relationship between the agent and mosque are, is maintained on the basis of the non elias, non confrontation and not or targeting any 3rd party. and both say that base flight for, and long lasting friendship and too deep and their comprehensive strategic partnership . and also i wanna bring up with the interview that present alignment, put in date with the china students on use agency. i had them his visits for he mentioned, and that russia, china relations have reached an old time. so i just find
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a top international situation. i think that the 2 countries will continue to sprint and ties well, we will be continuing our coverage of patients, trip to china. where is the russian need or is expected to have a busy schedule on his 2 day visits. he can stay tuned for more updates of the what's happening to buy the news. now slovakia has announced that the prime ministers condition has stabilized but it's still very serious. the prime minister robot fits. so we're salt multiple times and done with an urgent surgery to save his life. well, thirty's, said the assassination attempt was politically most evasive. to hold them is that it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well, and i can't cope with that internally. federal claim for the initial information that we have suggests that there was
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a clear political motivation and that the decision was made shortly after the presidential election cut out the court. we a, standing slowly on the edge of a civil war here is to take full comments of being made on social networks. so please let stop this immediately and that is the attempted. assassination of the prime minister is an explicit confirmation of this will be the whole currently what we know is earlier today, the statement was released suggesting thoughts of the sort of prime minister of gain, some sort of consciousness that he was responding to the directions or directives of the medical team and the interior minister as stuck essentially provided as much information suggesting that his condition is now stable. and we have learned a little bit more about the assailants motivation behind the attack. we understand that reports are suggesting that the as a saying that has had contradicting views over the course of the last few years in 2016 looking at his social media accounts and posts online suggests that he had a pro russian association with respect to the policies within the country,
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but much later towards 2022 there's been a shift in the savings demeanour suggesting that he decides decide with pro ukrainian and pro western more liberal nuances with respect to policies within the country. and the european blog, which suggests that there has been some sort of political alignment with respect to the attack and as much as been said with respect to the statements provided by slovak lawmakers. they also suggest that the, the motive behind the attack was indeed political. the position that somebody's taking is crucial with respect to ukraine, as well as the general alliance of nature, under your opinion, lessened or use to the saw our prime minister and what he has to say with respect to the great. okay, and i you to lock you his other and bigger problem is the new crane. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u and support everything for peace and ukraine and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. we finish all the initial step 19 at today's meeting and became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister
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of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the war and ukraine. i retreated that i do not believe in a military solution to this conflict. taking everything into consideration or broader implications as the market is a member of the european union is also a member of nato, but it has for time opposed ukraine joining nato. there's been a great deal of discussion about the european block or native sending troops to ukraine, but that's of as opposed to this position as well, time and time again. but there are other issues that have also been appeared as a post. and that is it present like a piece of head again who is, is going to be assuming office soon, and his position is similar to that of the still that prime minister. and this will have greater implications throughout the european union, as well as the boxes position within nato. so it's safe to assume that the events that took place in part going to necessarily enter and it will lead to greater discussion throughout the european block. we've heard from milan over a k member of the european paula been forced to knock here and he said,
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west the news outlets and politicians were to blame for the shooting thing is they've been feeling hatred among people. and i wouldn't blame society for this effect. i think that most of the citizens are where the peaceful people who don't agree of course are with this attack. i think perhaps the ones who are to blame for this i thought, are full additions. and perhaps the journalist who fills up the hate amongst coming people and then less stable people simply explode a gun and they start shooting at full station. so this is probably the main reason, of course, this assistant ation at them to wheel has sort of thrown political consequences on selective politics because this has never happened before. and this is where a critical situation. i think that one of the biggest outcomes we'll, which we'll have to change is to hate speech being sprayed by it may seem pro western media against a bully. think of openness because these hate speech from the media is the source
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of the fashion political things on in select society and we see the result. we see the result. we see the shooting on the streets on a public representatives and discount these acceptance anymore. the so much prime minister has long pushed but pays folks between russia and ukraine. he's in the system for them must be a compromise from ukraine to ends. the fine thing you can read about thoughts on much more on our website all see dot com, the full top diplomats from nato countries. they've been taking, pausing pros has since replacing their parents to be foreign ministers from the we both a states on the iceland has borne resemblance to the stalls of the west and back to interior of a decade ago. as according to russia's deputy ambassador to the you went to meet reporting on sky. nothing extraordinary. foreign us agents are leading the demonstrations abroad against the law on foreign agents. we will recall the same
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picture in ukraine and know how it ended and how ukrainian interests were trampled on. hopefully, the georgians have learned this lesson. who can imagine that a law could bring so much disorder, the support is that a balance? and what does it say? let's take a look and g o's, an independent media that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreigners or foreign countries, need to register as organizations bearing the interest of a foreign power. maybe that's why the foreign powers want the little girl, and i guess and here they are, the visits in georgia foreign ministers from a stony a lot to be a little a new and iceland. and they have a message when times are challenging. you can count on your friends times are
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definitely challenging. so are they diffusing the situation? no, they decided to drop by to encourage the protesters and direction the to origin parliament's, the 1st objective of us coming here. this is to express our support this other there with everyone who fights for judges, democratic, and european choice for judges. you will see and see what your deduction of this law negatively impacts georgia's progress on the path. the choice of the way forward is in george's hands. we urge the george and authorities to withdraw the law if adult to the local be used to silence media and civil society organizations that play a vital role in helping georgette on its way to e u. membership, one of the most moving moments of my political life. tonight, we're all georgians. what about the georgians who actually won this law and wants to protect their country from outside influence? the u. s. has a similar law insides that they are the ones who in vans at the warrant agents
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registration act. no one has an issue with that. yes. but in russia or georgia warrant transparency. all of a sudden it's a problem. why doesn't bother the why so much? because they want to or just pick a line and stick to it even if it's to its own detriments. i guess frankly, we think the process ignore the the actual law implements. it needs that standard and we hope to have more discussions to see any step on transparency, matching european norms as, as georgia goes forward. and we were promised that there would be the opportunity for this before the law is implemented. and i was very clear that there would be consequences if the law were implemented as it now stands. western officials in the crowd pro testers wave in european and american flags full. this looks and sounds familiar. it's because it is, this is exactly what happened in cuba when the government's voted in favor of size with russia instead of the
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e. u. western officials flew in to support the violent crowd. the violin crowd took over and promised a bright future me in the change of the government, early presidential on file of mandatory election. and the new european governments in greenville will sign an agreement with the european union. among the life won't ever ukrainian dignified european successful, fast forward 10 years. and the former qu, leader, is speaking from an undisclosed location wondering why so many ukrainians have fled the country jerk. and how did 650000 people over the conscription page? that's according to the commission. believe you granting territory. how do they leave? just explain this to me. how did they leave it going to be? this is what could the weight georgia if they're not careful and by them, i mean the pro testers. it may sound far fetched, but experts have been sound and the alarm for months now warning that another crew
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is in the works on september 29th. any disclosures ignored by the entire, with media, the as government run ready a free europe's russian language portal slow board and the overall to reveal the 3 for an alternatives had been summoned for questioning by the judge and secure with the service. no, generally assistant opposition elements prepared and might on style regime change scenario inability well, all the elements are definitely there right now including that in some us word. sanctions already being thrown around by europeans and americans, the george and government as being cornered and forced to reverse its decision. the president forced to what cans, as it's up to the parliament's will as cave or stick to its guns. and if it does stick so its guns, will these protests die down? or will they be used to only my done some points. so
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the one say $600000.00 people have fled from rafa as is where the troops invade the city and $7.12 voices from around the walls of condensed b is rarely a tax. south. africa has moved from words to deeds pushing for the international court of justice to stop the idea from committing genocide. i'll see correspondence going to be a con, gave reports from janice book as the is really combustible, crosses a specific in mind to mock renewed negotiations will take place today and tomorrow with the international court of justice. holding hearings to discussing new emergency misses for spice of africa. concerning is really minutes. the operations in the southern guides us the 2 on the left side. this of course, comes off to the 10th of may request a waste. so that's the task demanded that the i c j or the as well to withdraw its military operations and it to the team blackbox noting back to the military landscape in that i thought i had changed completely. and the hearings all as well
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. part of an ongoing case against these are also the december of 2023. we saw last week of petition to the i c. j to investigate with that as well. had been committing genocide o as in guys are not. and following that, the i to j did issue provisional, mrs. it's on old is the replaced. as i said last week, i also gave the instructions that the acetate did not order as well to stop it submitted to operations, which in the gaza strip. and right now the toria says it's a repeat to play, finds it very necessary to return to the court, to speak and age and order on the prevention and punishment of the crimes in the gaza strip. in fact, it says that's the fact that 1500000 people now living in the city. i mean that's a full is really assault under that. so what is a violate? the pool is the of the genocide condition. so more needs to be done by the court. i will listen to this self after you can see it is that it is imperative for the
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court to do more than to reach the rate that the state of each real remains bound to fully comply with its obligations under the genocide convention. as be overwhelming, evidence demonstrates the very many in which these are what is the soonest mid, reparations, and rough uh, and elsewhere. and gaza is itself genocide, though it must be ordered to stop. and soon the previous really civil countries i've come forward to intervene in the case, i'm using a provision that allows 3rd party to join in the proceedings of those country between the lives of libya, even it's up to very recently. and the only country that has proof of bound to intervene in the case of support as well is germany, which made that announcement even before the court handed down its prior readings. but these role has repeatedly said that it is acting in accordance with international move in gaza and has cool so that because genocide, cape bases, and it's even gone as far as the cues in pretoria of acting as the legal arm of
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mazda. and at this moment we know that it's really forces backing and mom being around god. since fox i've been sitting on the left side and classes of also i'm slid against the again in northern and central areas which is really tubes that 1st into the months ago. and as off we yesterday, according to the new, in nearly 600000 people have been displaced from alaska, including about a 150000 people in the past 2 days. specs and research in man, i would speak international court of justice as cold for these we were hearing that's over. so that's because they just attempted to, to full caesar off to hold it. some of this, a complaint against somebody has some excuse, could assume that to the quote is no likely to issue even stop us or does a gaze, tennessee. russia has been hosting an international economic forum with a focus on the muslim world. we heard from the head of an indonesian experience
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association who spoke about the vast prospects for investments as well. yeah. hey here. the whole dfcs pool and we are trying to develop our relationship between our countries. yes, and i think that in very short time we'll do indonesia is a very huge country and because the, the new nation, the number, why biggest country and will say country in the world. yeah. and in our region. yeah, in the got a c on it. there's a famous kind of country and 2, we have a very, very moving developing over, i'll wait to not make in the world for so many russian business and in the nation business one to enter to, to our congress us. and to develop our relationship between us. yeah. how many, thanks for joining us on the international this thursday. as always, plenty more of the latest on face can be found on our website on the top come off
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is that with more at the top of the, on the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? show your mind, anticipation for should be very careful about and personal intelligence at the point obviously is to trace a truck rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with the in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was on
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the it's the mara mass. oh yeah. wow. yeah. that'd be about now. sometimes when he doesn't know the face sometimes the he might not be a make me happy. i don't know why i don't pay my one time the the it is a war of neighbor against neighbor brother i.


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