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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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of the, the the the guy who did all, i'm ended on the,
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the, the, the, the disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to create breaking news. the not who tentative gone on the sla back in prime minister had been on the government policies including stopping on supplies to you frame that's according to the interior minister, the staging rolls out the red carpet. there's a lot of it. putin drops by for state visits, where he was met with a will welcome and the bullet was from his chinese count. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that he will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. history repeating itself as several top diplomats from nato
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countries join the anti government protest in georgia. pulse go to say that says worrying power. those 2 events in ukraine a decade ago. the a very well welcome to you is 5 pm here in moscow when you're working on see international with the lights, as well as news out. days as always is good to have you with us. or we start with breaking news this out on the latest on the assassination attempt to gauge the slovakia in prime minister. and the last, our top officials in the country have been holding a press conference on the interior minister said the gunman had been, i'm good at government policies, which included stopping on supplies to ukraine. or should i school on the impulse? but at each just, i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with
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the facts. and this was a summary of a statement made by they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine . but let's get more details. and alan cross lots of warranties. yes. and can, who joins those from hands low by in slovakia where the attack took place. yes, in good faith to see you. thanks for joining us. so the country's officials say that this assassination attempt was politically motivated. what more can you tell us on that of the, based off of the statements from a show, officials, we understand that there is a nation wide embargo on information related to the attacks. the officials of course did hence at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as these stipend statements have essentially considered. the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration
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the political divide within the country or so many media reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating the attack. but what we also understand is, of course, there is a general embargo on information that is being provided to the public, but there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change in ideal naji. what was once designated, a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then, many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that's of the arguments that they've been having has increased. that's become a little bit more violent than some uh for, for lack of a better word. so this submitted,
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so social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences as social media posts over the course of the last few months or years is also hinted to that as well. his position on ukraine is positioned within the country of suboxone in and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another tie into the assassination attempt. and that's very briefly take a look at what some of the social media posts have to say. what kind of slow the brotherhood is this is simply an aggressive commit to an attack. so they were times when called red steep out on this communist from the party. there were times when i threw stones at the russian tanks because they came to the greatest duplex face when the young mosca slope with prime minister has a good reputation abroad. and they'll just say directed at the hodge call of the. unfortunately, however, interesting days is government has to be labeled as a mafia state. is that association with the mafia is very irresponsible the so another matter we need to consider is of course
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the bulk is position within this geography. it's a member of the european union. it's a member of nato, and we understand that robot fits those policies or it's government has been quite vocal in putting a stop in and, and to arm supplies, and a to to ukraine is also taking into consideration. it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a great deal, a great list of essential policies that could have led to the attack, or at least given reason to some sort of some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, of the countries position over the course of the last couple decades is the slovakian permit. and so it has had some position within the government. she has been in politics since 1992. and since and up until this point has policies haven't changed much, and he has been elected into office time and time again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide
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a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people as, as to what the officials have saying that, that press conference that i gave you. the biggest tragedy, the pos that was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion disagree. middle conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves, presented his opinions as pacifists to become an extremist, take a gun and callously want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high as the back you. this was not a coincidence. so well, the visa is not so new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float, and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still won the vote on that?
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one more matter of great concern, just based on the statement that was provided by sebastian officials, highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boil into chaos so that the prospect of a civil war should be the last thing people should be considering. and taking into consideration the government and football can leadership, it is trying to seek some form of a solver inform policy and an identity for itself, something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance . and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind these statements attack an assassination attempt against the slovak informants. yes. and many types of britain is up to speed on. not that salty corresponded gas and cannot speaking to us live from as the vacuum. thank you. let me, while mine's been arrested into the us as the wrestling the security of the countries presidents, alexander ventures, we discussed, the power that was between the cases would serve to get american journalist the
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blogger, and translate to that'd be ocean knowledge. what is the, the costs of rhetoric from new york and union leaders and nato leaders as well as most corporate media painter target on him. i mean, just a couple of weeks ago, joseph beretta was saying, you know, we consider russia to be an existential threat. and yet there's a couple of members of the european council who disagree. now he didn't name any names, but he was blatantly obvious that it was hungry and football q. as soon as the shooting happened you had body showed, let's most notably saying, oh well, he was a pro russian populous then implying that he had it coming. and even later when they sort of step back and all of these leaders condemned assassinations is something that's horrible. and shouldn't be happening on principle. there was still a undercurrent of yeah, this is horrible, this is bad. but also don't even think about booking the official political line on ukraine. otherwise, something like this might happen to you. it's interesting because feed,
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so you're in for a minister, victor, or bon and so being present johnstone or what you're just sort of had a not quite a try them for it. but a very cordial relationship because they're all sort of decisions on the issue of ukraine and nato expansion and so on, so forth, in the all advocated peaceful solution and voltage send his sincere condolences and best regards and wishes for speed to speed recovery. and then this for him to me. pershing post on instagram here. this was a general original for your shows your nation. of course the serbian police are going to arrest them and take him in for questioning. i mean it's elementary and sort of caution a to do this. i mean you, you never know like, people could just be running their mouth for they could be serious. if i were or not, i would triple my security just in case because if this was an organizer packed by the establishment through a proxy, then he would be he would obviously be the next target. hating this or take
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partnership vladimir putin being given a warm welcome from his chinese cons policy agent paying the sauce has a 2 day state visit to china. edward, covering every inch off the trip right here on no see or the the, the stall to all phase, visit the pace and met. see jim thing outside the greys hold of the people in the hearts of badging. the, as the 2 leaders came face to face the national anthems of their respective
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countries round doubts. but it's not my uprooting, honest agent, being praised to be endearing relations between russia and china. i am very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china. you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion, lay on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. finishing the dear president food in my great friend. i welcome you to china on a state visit a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you
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will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development over the past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia is relations have been forged under difficult conditions. they have withstood tests under changing international situations, and it'll become a standard for relations between major states at that location and find a raft of documents to boost cooperation and trade policies. ego still and that has been following events for us as they stepped forward. they sat together in front of the press and both delegations, a number of documents, basically the delegations signed about 10 documents in pretty much a variety of rooms of cooperation between moscow and staging the trade economy, the media or technology, the so the russia and china expanding its corporation and both leaders, they stressed that they can do so freely and that they don't feel that their hands
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are tied to buy anything mainly because they have been able to almost completely ditch a dollar in the electronic transactions between moscow and aging. basically, 90 percent of all transactions between the nations happen in local currencies, being it the rubel or the you on also the stress multi polarity as see to russia. china relations. in fact, it was there was an interesting quote by the leaders based stress that they did show the rest of the world as to how by electro ties can be done as to how diplomacy can be done independently. so sure, gentry term issues, russia and china stand, certainly for the u. n. centric international system in a world order based on international law, we coordinate closely our positions on such platforms as the u. n. and the g 20. we promote
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a multi lateral world order. true multi polarity. we also intend to promote a political settlement of problems in global hotspots, seeking truth justice and fairness. in today's world, there is still a cold war mentality, unilateral head, gemini, black face confrontation, and a policy of strength. these are a threats to global peace and security of all countries to this is pretty good at least 3 months to do at least to negotiations have once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china to many international and regional problems of clothes or coinciding both countries pursue and independent foreign policy. we are working in solidarity to form a more just and democratic multi polar world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council. as well as international law, cultural and civilizational diversity and a balance of interest as of all of our disciplines in the global community. and they did so i made the an unprecedented,
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an unprecedented portion by the western nations to isolate russia and basically to the rail rushes international diplomatic efforts. and in general, uh, it was a very, in your face events, it is still ongoing. but just the way vladimir putin was greeted here in may, june. well, it did raise some eyebrows and we, well, we pretty much have the front row seats to observe the event may be growing rise of multiple hours. the on the emergence of new international groups like breaks from when i jerry and presidential candidate fix to all kinds the era of western dominance is over what's going on. now, the relationship between china and russia, we're seeing that situation where what the polarity has complicated for him, which means that people will not have a choice and become very besides be the ones who are lying needs certain. there are,
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they cannot be posted by the same with our cultural power anymore. when it's emergent technologies like your internet and the wrench right now, that's no awkward. you can really tell me like it just me in the past. certainly more and for us isn't, is dying these 2 i assume that we can cover and give a lecture your courses like cherry nar, which is through several times better than i mean the chart and fresh, fresh water table resting on legs that are basically out there. for, for karen, are it's a large box of, or fair quality and said there were new to the exploring to from the year. and so they are not senior positions inspector charts and i was there most needs and the internet and just being for lights, there's no way that francis and a bunch of attend china are what you'd want to to those selected. well, we'll be continuing on coverage of a lot of my parents in the visit to china with
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a punch schedule for the 2nd and final day of the president's trip to stay with on c. for all the latest updates, the most goes well owned of history, repeating itself, bounce off the key. diplomats from nato countries joined to the anti government protests. currently griffin, georgia, was of the bible. the hallmarks of what happened in ukraine a decade ago. meanwhile, the mayor of to place it has also lost out of the visits of the european delegation . this is not friendship. it is amity. it is an attempt to deepen polarization within the country. how would you imagine that if a foreign minister, for example, would go to europe on and speak at an opposition rally? what kind of approach is this? is this friendship and nothing extraordinary. foreign us agents are leading the demonstrations abroad against the law on foreign agents. we will recall the same
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pick to a new crane and know how it ended, and how ukrainian interests were trampled on. hopefully, the georgians have learned this lesson. who can imagine that a law could bring so much disorder? the support is that a balance? and what does it say? let's take a look. and g o's, an independent media that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreigners or foreign countries, need to register as organizations bearing the interest of a foreign power. maybe that's why the foreign powers want the little girl. and i guess and here they are versus in georgia foreign ministers from a stony, a lot to be a little area and iceland and they have a message when times are challenging. you can count on your friends times are definitely challenging. so are they diffusing the situation?
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no, they decided to drop by to encourage the protesters and threats and the george in parliament. the 1st objective of us coming here does is to express our support this other there with everyone who fights for judges, democratic and european choice for george's european future. deduction to this law negatively impacts georgia's progress on the path. the choice of the way forward is in george's hands. we urge the georgian authorities to withdraw the law if adult to the local be used to silence media and civil society organizations that play a vital role in helping georgette on its way to e u membership. one of the most moving moments of my political life tonight were all georgians. what about the georgians who actually want the slaw and want to protect their country from outside influence that us has similar law inside. they are the ones who in vans at the warrant agents registration act. no one has an issue with that. yes. but in russia or george at warrant transparency, all of
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a sudden it's a problem. why doesn't bother the why so much? because they want georgia to pick a lane and stick to it even if it's to its own detriments. i guess, frankly, we think neither of the process and nor the, the actual law implements it needs that standard that we hope to have more discussions to see any step on transparency, matching european norms as, as georgia goes forward. so we were promised that there would be the opportunity for this before the law is implemented. and i was very clear that there would be consequences if the law were implemented as it now stands. western officials in the crowd pro testers wave in european and american flags full. this looks and sounds familiar. it's because it is. this is exactly what happened in cuba when the government's voted in favor of size with russia instead of the e. u. western officials flew in to support the violent crowd. the violin crowd took
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over and promised a bright future. me, you know, the change of the government, early presidential and follow mandatory election and the new european governments in ukraine. there will sign an agreement with the european union among the life won't ever ukrainian dignified european successful, fast forward 10 years. and the former qu, leader, is speaking from an undisclosed location wondering why so many ukrainians have fled the country jerk. and how does the 650000 people over the conscription page that's according to the you commission based believe you craning territory. how do they leave this? explain this to me. how did they leave it going to be? this is what could the weight of georgia if they're not careful, and by them, i mean the pro testers. it may sound far fetched, but experts have been sound and the alarm for months now warning that another crew is in the works. on september 29th,
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any disclosure ignored by the entire was media. the as government run ready, a free europe's russian language portal level in the world, but revealed the 3 for an alternatives, had been summoned for questioning by the judge and secure with the service. no generally assistant opposition elements prepared and might on style regime change. scenario inability, well all the elements are definitely there right now including that in some us word, sanctions already being thrown around by europeans and americans, the george and governments as being cornered and forced to reverse its decision. the president wants to but can't as it's up to the parliament's will of cave or stick to its guns, and if it does stick, so it's guns. will these protests die down, or will they be used to only my done 2 points. so, knowing the cost for the party not so i saw stands british
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energy, john show looks 2 digits, business, a 9 to area on this, the international stays, the company must be held responsible for this of abuse. is that the less the nation schools miss interlacing? that'd be giving away company slide show a fast try to sell the access. the data is very dangerous and the job, my day is the certainty and the human rights of the people you mean by on the buying more abuse in the area. so nigeria, the test was supposed to be more only by the transaction they have for 20. don't about that is number one that isn't the 1st thing they should do. and they also have a patio and the photo essays manage of this environmental on other ways to make sure that there is a theater even showing the damage done by ship. how that weighted somebody's to the
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environment and that data. so the government has to that try election on the board and make sure that investigation on examination is done to make sure that the dash and other way companies the just run away from their that'd be by say their assets on thousands of nigerians have filed complaints against the company for disrupting the livelihoods as oil, somebody's operations continues to spill. well sell announced in 2021. today's plans to sell it so on. so oral and gas business in the west african country, nigerian oil spill monitoring agency, reported that the company is responsible for over $1100.00 leaks this past year. with that number just the fraction of the 10s of thousands over the past decade. mean, well, shell has blame this. hold on, sabotaged how as a does quotes, houses found shows claims convincing it rolls to the entity. john was in fact,
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responsible for the damage caused indonesia delta the company as old. it's pay around $15000000.00 to the communities, in fact to them while some was compensation human rights organizations. phase notes enough as locals continue to suffer from the environmental impacts close by shows pipeline leaks of the residence halls for room. i go in and out of who do i finally getting compensation, but there are thousands of all the villages indonesia delta in similar circumstances. and this case makes no difference to them as a result of oil, pollution, insights, mortality, indonesia. delta is twice as high as in the rest of the country. farmers and fishermen have lost their livelihoods. their report was a hundreds of thousands of had the livelihood so decimated with oil scenes spread far and wide from the side of the spills. its legs 2 grounds. what was the contamination on limited access to clean water sources in the region?
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the vice of nations estimates the consequences, require a $1000000000.00 cleanup. and i do re, and the rates of amnesty international highlights the effect on the local community a this interaction has been mentioned, damage is done to the environment and they made that by ship that we come back. it's a huge, wrong, huge damaged in terms of, uh, what, uh, uh many, you know, these have to be damaged to the extended uh, do you wanna come by and clean cover the water. and most of these communities give you a call. also the last few shipment loaded on that page, which means that they have to be at work in news news, the news all by any means. and that means that they can notify people who their environment. they're so it has been ported by it was being slowly so, so the,
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let me just and the areas of visiting the communities of the space in the united states. megabytes uh leave us and uh, something that we will be seeing communities. i'm definitely that didn't, don't my house was the assessment to, to know exactly what did this care of the find the damage done to the door by and by these way to come back looking to boost cooperation in economic educational, social and cultural space was supposed to get into a national full room with a focus on these nomic weld, a palestinian supreme judge who is attending sites. the event also has a platform to on the line and discuss major issues being experienced in the home lines of visiting delegates like the ongoing war in gaza. the system was, this is a very close feelings to the student. so we feed it here as we're feeling,
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but as the the, the, the ocean government, others have need be blue. it's just the suitability to the students who was as always, is just the situation in general. but his time is very critical in does a, in particular we are facing in my 2nd visit, commits i'm a sucker in it, in the midst of cut and goes. unfortunately the into the community, the only with this and the site without any in the reaction against this thursday, the and buddhist, i guess this continues to the d since the
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1948. and now we are asking for our sin be human rights. right? to have you with us here on the international this thursday coming your way. next is the latest episode of the cost of everything with christie. i all the that was more news in 30 minutes. see that's the guns and the right to bear arms are deeply ingrained in american society to the 2nd amendment of the constitution. but at the same time, in response to concern such as rising gun deaths and mass shootings, it is back in the national spotlight. a majority of americans say it is too easy to legally obtain a gun in this country and favor stricter gun laws. i am christie, i hear a lot.


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