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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 16, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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it isn't easy to get rid of us, it may walk out the door and get back through the window a. that's why african countries, molly niger burkina, faso child center, golf and tanisha to experience a revolution of conscience against the french and western colonization of the key with the rise and self awareness. here comes the revolution against the remnants of french will. he can we and also false does words or should any john show looks to ditch its business in nigeria. i'm just to get into nashville stays the company must be held responsible for the use of abuses that have left the nation sconce. miss interlacing, that'd be giving away company slide show the 1st try to sell their houses in that data is very dangerous. and the job, my day is the 70 and the human rights of the people you mean by on the buying more abuse in that area. so nigeria that doesn't work for us to move more only by
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that transaction that opportunity don't about that is number one that isn't the 1st thing they should do. and they also have a patio needed for las vegas manage on this environmental on other ways to make sure that there is a da surely damage done by ship. now that way, if somebody's to the bottom and see that the government has that transaction on the board and make sure that it gives you an examination, is going to make sure that the dash and the other way companies the just run away from their that'd be by say the assets, the plus thousands of nigerians has filed complaints against the company for this one thing, the likelihood says oil from these operations continues to spill well show announced in 2021 but it applies to so it's on show or and gas business in the west
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african country, and i do an oil spill motor to engage and see reported that the company is responsible for over 1100 leaks this past year. with that number just the fraction of the 10s of thousands over the past decade. me while show has blamed it all on sabotage. however, it does pull hazard phone shows, claims convincing it rules, but the editor joins was in size responsible for the damage. closed indonesia, delta, the company was ordered to pay around $15000000.00 to the communities affected in well, some were compensated human rights. organizations that say there's not enough, as locals continue to suffer from the environmental impacts caused by shows pipeline the residential for room uh, going in and out of who do i finally getting compensation. but there are thousands of all the villages indonesia delta in similar circumstances. and these case makes
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no difference to them. as a result of oil, pollution, insights, mortality, indonesia. delta is twice as high as in the rest of the country. farmers and fishermen have lost their livelihoods where he's happy with his hair on off the international coming up next is rick sanchez with the latest episode of direct impact on that was mornings and 30 minutes. the fellow and everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and there is a developing story that we are still following for you. it's out of western europe . it appears to be attempted assassination. of the yes, those are gunshots that you heard right there. the shooting victim is the prime minister of slovakia, who as you know, has been in the news now as a critic of sending aid to ukraine. in fact,
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he talked about it just recently. we're going to cover all of this for you. i'm rick sanchez. we're all over the story. let's get to it. the right, we're going to begin with what appears to be an assassination attempt of robert fisco. that's how you pronounce his name. i know many of you are going to see this name from time time. you said something to speak. oh, but it's not, it's pronounced fisco, a significant player in the european politics to say the very least, especially during the last year. we are told now that he is in a, as you might imagine, after seeing some of that video, just that short clip that we showed you moments ago, he is in a life threatening condition. right now we're going to re q this video. so you can see it before we put it up there. victor, you're going to see a man with a white shirt. he's a 71 year old. he's already been apprehended. he's going to come up. looks like on the right side of your screen. he comes up and, and then he started shooting at him. he's shooting in a, in a downward direction,
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apparently 4 to 5 shots. let's, let's watch this together. you see right there and they start to take them down. i don't know if you're able to see just as it comes into the frame. the fisco had just finished speaking. he was checking hands with people in the crowd. when this guy who looked like just another person in the crowd took out a gun and a shoot some uh let's, let's go through this and watch this one more time. can you make that out in the and then you can see how they start to pick them down . just go ahead victor. play that again. a there it is. the so that look that's, that's the moment that everyone's going to be watching now. and authorities watched after that they were able to apprehend the man. as you know, cisco is the prime minister of slovakia. why is he? why is slovakia so important?
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why does this incident become so important at this particular point in time? well, let's talk about that. let's talk about slovakia, there's the map you may have seen moments ago as we go through this. when the soviet union broke up, many of the satellite countries became independent as we all remember, right. in, in the case of czechoslovakia, it was really divided into right. one side became what something called the church republic. others like calling a church you and the other became slovakia, right? it has been for years, a country which has told the nato line but recently, and this is where this new story becomes important. recently following the election of, of fisco, robert fisco. uh, it changed with his pronouncement that he would no longer send arms to ukraine. and he essentially was disagreeing with nato and the mostly european position. basically this
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a disagreeing with nato's empty russian position. and in doing so, who's in joining? well, he's joining hungry is victor or bon and a growing list of dissenters who are saying, no, they're posing ukraine's entry into nato. well, also asking for truths in this conflict, they say this thing between russia and ukraine is ridiculous. we shouldn't be able to find an end to this thing. that's what he's arguing, right? that's what he was arguing up until he was almost shot. in fact, here's best go, making that declaration. this is the original one he made. we had this on our show here, direct impact just right after it happened when he made this statement right after he had been elected. here it is. usage of when i was going to use that show up and it will from idaho on this just now is i still have it up with the dc just asking you guys the crushes to use our b r e, which i'll just get out of the seat and i will call you, but i'm not positive you need my also started the switching asia. i'm really trying to blow you to who cries, give way. i cool what it was interesting to start off the whole such
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a little school, 3 not doing boss. i said, because that's how the running last time you hope channel who's getting out of the students that i knew kinds before. she still significant, which i gave was $82.00. that's a sure to accurate with that, but i so, so basically what he's saying, and what he's telling that reporter is what you don't know. the fact. i mean, i'm learning, there's a lot of things that are going on and you create that is not exactly the way it's being presented by washington and not exactly the way that it's being presented by nato. and that's this, that, that's the critical moment where he started to say something which was very different from the conventional wisdom that was taking place at the time all throughout the europe. so that, that kind of sets the table for you. a lot of people watching this and say ok, someone's been assessment is, who is this guy? and why is the important? that's kind of why he's important at this point. and we're going to be talking to an expert in just a little bit. who's going to relate more information, but uh okay, let's do this at this point. we've got 2 more pieces of video that i'm gonna share with you. and i also want to bring in my colleague manila chan to help us go go
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through this video manila if you could come up. and you saw the 1st video, we've got 2 more pieces of video now. i think what we're about to see here you and uh, is the aftermath of what happens after he shot where the people suddenly crowd the body. and then you see some of the secret service people try and literally lift them up and throw them into the back of a vehicle. so let's watch this. here it is, the so there he is in the middle of the and those are just civilians. by the way, those, those are just civilians that are, that are there on the ground. i think we may be able to cube some video now of him . his secret service and as security details, if we have that, i'm not sure. grabbing him and then throwing them in the back of the uh, in the back of the car. there it is. the 3rd is that there he is. now they're
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taking him, they're putting them in the back of a security and they're going to whisk him away. interestingly enough to roosevelt hospital named for the president of the united states during world war 2. and when it was, we watched this, your thoughts what you've learned. what's your reporting on this up to now? yeah, obviously it's hard to watch. right. rick. somebody getting gun down like that, obviously are everybody's thoughts and prayers, whether you like him or dislike him, but he survives, you know, that that was multiple gunshot wounds that he's now worth noting. this is feet. those 3rd go round as the premier. yeah. they had parliamentary elections last fall of 2023. it's found that his party, the, the snare s s d, as they're called winning and very quickly forming this coalition government and their forms. there hold platform this matter as the pledge to hold all military aid
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to ukraine. they also denied being pro russian. meanwhile, he have heard to the well, you correction you're de la rob is a dear friend. you could, you could be a good floor and not necessarily be on one side or the other. and i think this is the funny thing about this. i mean, the reason fisco has become suddenly someone known all throughout europe is because of this position in no way. are we at this point saying that this position had anything to do with his being right, shot or this assassination of that? right. it's, it's way too early for any type of conjecture. it would be irresponsible, and that's not what we're going to do. but it is noteworthy if not newsworthy, that this is the position that he has held. and he's a bit of a maverick and having that position up to now. so yeah, he look, he's not one that simply goes along to get along. right. he is a matter of sorts. he's very n o i o is no,
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he's very anti establishment motive. right. now, now we don't know at this point exactly why this person did this. you know, we're reading that there are reports coming out of the area. that's just a very tense time in, in, in the country. and this guy's very much a popular list. you know, you know, rick, it further to that. i mean, as i'm following this, as it's unfolding, i mean, there's still a lot to look into about who the shooter or the alleged shooter is. what his motives are. we don't, in this point. however, what we do know, even though that it shows a government has come out very clearly against support a more war, expanding the war in ukraine. we just see tweets coming from people like ursula vander land, the commission president. she has said, you know, she condemns this vile. it's actually called the violet tap on the prime minister. she condemned any violence and thoughts and prayers. the nato boss youngest
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oldenburg, same thing shocked and appalled by the shooting of the stores. when he said he watches them think, well, i'll lead recovery to whatever you can they say, right? yeah. to be fair. i'm not sure any of them made those declarations, but i guarantee you that their press secretary or their lawyers run something you know. i mean, i'm sorry, but at a time like this, what do you expect that these people who are going to say, who, by the way, did probably not necessarily like him or that's not fair to pro who didn't like the positions that he had taken. in fact, but let me add to that. i've got something else i want to share with you what, what makes him interesting is that he's the kind of new brand of european liter. i mean, this guy does not necessarily told the british line or the nato line. in fact, he almost appears to have a better understanding of the global sounds position held by countries like china and india, and brazil and russia. and this is not something most europeans gap, right? they all think it's all about washington and london and, you know, and, and,
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and paris. that's also why he doesn't hesitate. and just recently did so here he is criticizing his european neighbors for their ukraine strategy. let's take a listen. i need to start seeing. i need to put a honda on the west, seize them, and just waiting on this financial military assistance space sanctions degree is not able to result the military conflicts. they pulled a short match on the battlefield. a look, i'm no expert manila on, on european relations and what people in europe think uh i, it's tough enough for me to figure out what's going on here in washington in our own country. but i will tell you that this attitude, this proclamation that he made and the others he's made before that are, are, are not in keeping with the way most europeans think. right. yeah, i would say that this his government, the coalition government, he's able to form within weeks is reflective of how at least the slovak,
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young voter feels about all stuff. so i think that shows that they support his ideals and the smart cities position. and it's important to note that there is a more right wing populism that is kind of sweeping. europe near s s. d is actually populous left of explaining interest. so perhaps that lends some credibility to why they kind of lean over towards the global global view. not, not too different from some of the things that we're seeing in our own country as we prepare stories about both individuals on the left and the right. who sometimes seem to make more sense than those who are the conventional politicians or the quote unquote establishment politician manila, thank you. we've got a guest coming up in just a little bit and we're going to take a break. but when we come back, i want to return to the latest on slovakia with an expert on the region who also happens to be in that area. george sam,
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welly is going to be joining us. you see him there on the screen. he's an expert on this region and on the boat, slovakia, and hungry, where he is now. don't go away. george is going to join me in just a moment. the who seemed rom. just don't you have to see power to come to the application and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look for common ground the the to welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. joining us now is georgia,
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so i'm really a senior research fellow at the global policy institute, and he is joining us from hungry george. let's get to the details of this particular show that we are preparing right now is being produced uh hours before or i should say, uh, some of the, in other words, were going on a little bit early. so there's a possibility that the story will develop as we go by the time of errors. but from what we understand right now, he was shot several times. he was shot in the army shot in the leg. and of course, the biggest danger for him right now is the fact that he was also shot in the abdomen. they say he is in a life threatening condition. he's still at the hospital and we know that the person who shot him the sailor has been captured, but we really don't know much about him. is there anything you can add to any of that for us? a no, until we find out
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a little over about who is this to say look was what, what motivated him. so it's, it's irresponsible to speculate. it's clear. first of all, that a few scope was a very controversial vega. and even in the clips that you showed me, the things he said actually went beyond the stuff, the victim or buttons to think of or but has also been very critical of the nature of e u stance on ukraine. but his position was much more massive. hey, this will makes no sense. you know, it's damaging us damaging our economy and we need to bring it to. and then what physical was saying, however, was russians were killed by ukrainian fist. that's it's accurate of any clearly what happened to know this is it's an accurate account of what happened in 2014. but you can then see what he would have
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aroused an enormous amount of anger and hatred. and the media was being peddling, list of anger and hatred towards him. day of today, if you look at like political magazine. yeah. almost every day they publish them. they don't worry about them. they did a couple of days ago. he's a threat to freedom easy. i'll blowing democracies out and media freedom to slovakia. so it's an ongoing thing. and you know, we're just speculating here. you know, when you get somebody who is mentally unstable and you get hit with this sort of propaganda they ought to. they well, good for somebody over the hey said something saturday that i thought was very interesting. let me uh, let me read you what the reporting is on this just just recently, just a few days ago. apparently fisco said on uh, saturday day, uh, the only way to end russia's war against ukraine is for kia to give up some of its
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territory. and he reiterated his position, which is very different from the position being proclaimed by nato, the united states and other european countries. um, what do you make of that declaration of bought by fisco saturday? it is obviously correct and it's august realistic position. there's no other ways we can come to an end without ukraine who's giving off time show up out of his search rate is the grand had an opportunity back in april 2022, basically bringing awards without losing. and it's our to that, that's moment this box that, that, that's gone. so he was obviously things are listed. and again, you can see why that cause a lot of of distress among the people in slovakia, but people, there's
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a in europe. i mean that the of certainly an emotional attachment to ukraine. it's is gone just because of the psychotic in europe now. yeah, let's, let's watch this some of this video again. i think we have some of the aftermath of video that we played earlier. and i just want to capture it if we can, as, as you and i are having this discussion and victor, our director, is going to have that on in, in the background. because i'm just wondering from what we learned. he went and spoke at a cultural center. there it is. that's the cultural center. gave a short speech and he went out. people were waiting for him. he was a, he was embrace, he shook hands with people. he talked to them. but most politicians do, you know, uh, you know, kissing babies as we call it here in the united states. when this man just came out of nowhere with a gun and started shooting out of it. you, you say there is, there's the guy. and i counted at least 5 shots, you know, again that that's could be ricochets, you never know, but that's how many i counted when i watched the video. i just tried who put,
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put me in that head of the people who are living in that region now and, and why is there such attention? why is there so much anger i was reading before i went on the air that the media seems to be of elevating this are the am why as well as the geography slovakia had a bought a fund or a kind of explains why the hungry like you are actually a rather close a politically actually the geographically also very, very closely. and in the case of hungry, especially at the best, a real problem. there are a 150000 on gary and we're in ukraine. so the world has a very personal meaning for how long it ends and flows locked in. and they know that things get, you know, going, escalating in this sponsible way which is being peddled by the british and by the
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french a, by the polls that it's going to be hungry in slovakia to relatively small countries who are going to be the hardest hit because they're going to be in the middle, and they're not interested in what they have. no, they don't have a dog in this fight. they want this and but they that wants to, going to be in the heart of this kid. and let me go to them, it gives a hungry and hungry and nose it was dragged into too well was i didn't was the blues that i can both was right. so you have to give up an awful lot. satera trade in both will work. so they want to say out, but this is causing a lot of distress. i mean, we, yeah we, when we people like micro, openly talking about getting ascending french forces into your groups. the british we're only talking. yeah. you know, you know, the dispatcher will storm shadows, stop collisions without weapons. well, this disclosing regular things, i'd say because you know this, this is essentially moving inexorably towards will,
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between nature and so the idea that hungry to small countries are going to get absolutely pallet. oh, well, let me ask you this, cuz i'm curious in a case like this. uh, obviously in the united states, uh, sans the j f. k assassination. and perhaps the assassination is brother. usually the authorities co, a less f b i walks in. sometimes they get other federal authorities, local authorities, and they start, this is very, uh, a very well developed investigation as you know and nothing is left on turned and we can trust that they're going to give us a sense of what really happened here. the reason i ask you this question is, i know nothing about the authorities in a country like uh, slovakia. okay. can you share with us whether we can, whether there is a, going to be a credible investigation to determine what happened here? who did this, and whether that guy was alone, wolf,
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or whether he was sent by someone. as we learn more about what happened here regarding both of us, say, look at his motive. i don't know whether it will be credible, to be honest. i suspect the story will get is assailant um was a cracked block. you know, he's a, he has a history of mental problems and, and so i doubt whether they want to go and explore other avenues. that was a why that, a conspiracy. i don't know whether there was, but i suspect that the story will be, you know, let's try, i'm limited and just make it about this one guy who is a crack. but that's what happens. and i think that, you know, there's always the, the way the media spin this, you know, when it's a, a figure i'm on the left is live on the liberal left who gets
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a shot old and subjected to violence. then we get a big conspiracy. it's already, well, it was all trump and it wasn't because across the rhetoric the far right extreme right of a danger of ins and so on to. but if it goes the other way, then little is just the crack. but so the recommend you to remember what happens when the uh, that was the base game with the, the congressional getting baseball games and a number above the congress city, including steve police, the guard house majority leader who was bull was killed. and the person who did it was not any a bonus and a support. bob was picking up as a follow up rachel mad ludy rusher, gave conspiracies, and he was upset with rocks. and that's what his head strove. it well however, the me a down played the just this is a cracked his lou. the need to say is
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a spent a bit away. that boy it's old trunk. spivey was inspired by trumps hate and speech speaking of laughter. right. what's interesting about this is that orb on, i guess, you know, this whole left or right thing gets crazy. and i think sometimes we in the media pay way too much attention to it because there's a lot of people who have a little bit of both, including me and probably you. but it all gone, tends to be, uh, hungry is, or bon tends to be more to the right and physical tends to be more to the left. yet they both found themselves on most of not many of the same positions correct, or is a very peculiar because they say it on the right because of when it comes to it, you can nomics, you know, what summarize is what is or bands economics or bands economics is obviously hunger is a capital is convert, but the capital banking finance construction factors should be in the hands of home
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lands. he really doesn't want, you know, multi national corporations coming in, owning on gary and farm land, hunger industry on gary and buying some years in a financial success. so yes, it is a capitalist the social is, but he worked very much national ownership not, not, you know, it's individual be in the hands of. so it's small that from, from fisco. and they both obviously share views, only big growth, very hostile to immigration. they both have very conservative social views. marriage really bad. things like that. obviously them, you know, on the same page when it comes to foreign policy. so there is a batch. the difference between love. yeah. i mean, i think this goes probably more as a more socialist leaning with hold on the switch,
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which is why i like to say and we're out of time and i apologize for interrupting you. but uh, you know, as i tell many of my friends and colleagues in the media here in the united states and cnn, and nbc and all the other places that i've worked, you gotta stop getting so caught up with labels and party affiliations. and talk about the facts because that's more often than not where you're actually going to find the truth up. you are a pleasure to have on thanks you. thanks so much george. we appreciate your break. again, the, the story develops. we hope we but bring able to bring you up to date. obviously things will change. you might see some differences in the story. by the time that the show airs, we will continue to follow it and bring you up to date as we go here. that's our show, remember, always look outside your own box, choose as we say, don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. and i'll see you next to the,
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to the disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff and assistance to ukraine. breaking news, the man who turned his gun on the slovak in prime minister had been, i'm good at government policies, including stuffing on supplies to ukraine has, according to the interior minister, the and the aging rose out the red carpet as vladimir putin 12 to 5 for a state visit where he was met with a warm welcome and even wilma words from his chinese counted on a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to.


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