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tv   Documentary  RT  May 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
it's laura mass. oh yeah. wow. yeah. that'd be about now. sometimes when he doesn't know the face sometimes the he might not be able to make me happy. i don't know why i don't pay my rent on the weekend of the it is a war of neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother, father against the name get to wounded. i'm captured now just what is the legal status of these prisoners who have
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been fighting their fellow citizens within the borders of their own country? do they have any rights or protection against mistreatment the cause we will you back the we don't we do thing when we met the whole paying random allowance now the labels us and on that and then all the way up the notes. hey my, they will come mind that the amount game i do remember the c i d
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and we did the not did the and i'm a the okay, so what about that loud but we do not the oh is that we're all back then. all right, so now we need to we don't send the boeing model. so even though they fully de la, the one might not see may not be who made
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the man? no, no, no no. let me let me know the, the, the bending of like i know
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you guys in the group to my new my 99. i did a lot of uh like not totally great. i love the night i dr. young. well, i'm not really feeling around no problem. and then i go from there. yeah. hold on. no more loud mike, i'm gonna look pretty nice,
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but you know, i get that, that higher light thing, but they uh they, you know, they would, i would have to be nice but not at all for you to run a guy the guy not to get know the mean what i'll let him know the the window. no
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no no, hold on for the mirror, for the white one or himself and for the day and the fact that the time of the bundle might have had my pay not been left a my only upside into like that have got
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an apple that when he got home at lunch, i need to go pay my down and when you buy he was a child to be paid by not to the
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south, south my, my job. now the property here we go out. so late, they all got a little do they don't. uh, i know that the, the see, i'm not the my how we all are and how we got all the by the don't come from with
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the 3 love all multiple. now, by the way, i know that day about it will be don't be what let don't go book. i'm not the only game i do need to god love the folks at the so we can do the same thing. tell me the doodle sound. bako died the head go down, y'all go to the bathroom. then i come down with the the, with the bus on the way you walk out the inside the house and i just,
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i felt no me. what would that mean? the i'm doing the police on the nothing they don't enough to be late under the without a couple things. i'm a do not let me let me live a lot. so by unit we always the
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of those i yeah, i money own by the stuff in my seat on the you know, well, assuming that i know the
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of the 1918, the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and sign the humiliating harnesses of little girls. great britain and france, and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose
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greeks as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize this aggressive glance. for an intervention, provo, mass, indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd in order to bear down the enemy, a bank of the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front, with turkish patriot. at the end of august 1922. the 3rd army want a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doom living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions. in 1923, the loss on these treaty was signed. turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for
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millions of via press on the planet. the of the the lady to the new monday, the 12th of the lease fairly in the face. because they own got a law. we don't know yet, but the only the day. just see all on zillow and you why the the later come come late, the fema. we got to that. huh.
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safe. bog down the
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of the the how you go about forgiving people who did that to your wife if you can, if you can't tell you what we're talking
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about though, we like go, we go. yeah, we don't know how the other line navigate good by young to a good thing about a top. i love over how. why lie they 9 been us. lou, seeing a little bit off, got told what i'll look at the time with i know, full control over time trying to find you my how do we have him come to a beat? no titan mode? oh, we own a button for them. but what are you bike of
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the sound you pay now? oh wow. wow. wow. you can take it and help it out. yeah, yeah. so you're not sure. yeah. okay. what code of people to go back to 58 most of the time now. yep. come okay. now, how's the paper, but the come pay? no no, no choice. what don't we do here we get
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what they do. do that way. go now going. well, i looked at the door. i don't know the mean a good how what was going to go past the the man then they don't want to be
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let dr. young the top down down a new way to do you know what day now i'm talking about 40 people come
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feeding my lot longer a long can you be able to come to the go? i was wondering why do you know what crazy you know? tall, loved after not during the buddha, with video mess with the
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of the same i guess on cell number. now you're not dealing with all of these movie to be good on the balcony. so we would have to come by the way home. so this is the resting place. what i'd like to know is some of your fondest memories of your mom. know who i'm gonna have to always use. definitely. you can
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name the and the name poker with that, so you don't 1000. yeah. the guy in the meantime, see how names a little bit on the go we no, no, no, no. the why no home to google now. all of them down the hill, i named the little thing. yeah. go see my bill. he comes over. that's how my god, anybody else you there? let's go ahead and talk. now losing the new month over the road. i'm not the we come home found why i, i wonder how name level, let's say we got the bi life. last name goes down to florida. yeah. you go yeah. why not? how do we go? i'm top now. what do you think you can view a welcome. then go ahead and guide by your phone and let me know and you all what
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day you will be popular daniel, you'll be bob malcolm. boy, why philip, that all of you walk on y'alls don't don't. yeah. yeah, without a level name with the gum. we won't, will i the only the back now he goes all the lead to the a a a, a,
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[000:00:00;00] a, [000:00:00;00] the, me,
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a, [000:00:00;00] the, a recent shot. peter tied at the v. 0 body of those kinds of brackets umbrella. and then moving some quotes from us. it's a single hello zip i submitted for you. all you will was ma'am,
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is proposing it's tim actually moved from when you put this on your cell phone is fairly for the meal thing, but on unity contributing, does it weigh as little as what will the with the blood city to live? cuz they wouldn't do it, but in the us the facility we will see that such a government government offices when you saw my phone, i remember when i'm done it typical. i've moved, you should be sufficient for 5 days to eval dealer. to morrow in the group, let me put some my to the put avenue was a really initiative for 5 years. i brought it to the point unless the visiting of ne of suffering and my son is full time use
1:00 pm
other people to search it. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the to the login disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff and assistance to create. it is breaking news as our life went off the international us, the man who turned his gun on the slow like 5 minutes. it was an inquiry at government policies, including the stoppage of weapons supplies to the crane. that is, according to the interior minister, the


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