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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the login disagrees with the government doesn't agree. we stop and assistance to ukraine. it is breaking news but that well, he went off the international as the man who turned his gun on the slow back prime minister was angry at government policies, including the stuff age of the weapons and supplies to you crate that is that according to the interior minister to shoot who were staying at and t government protests in slovakia just a few weeks ago. a branding, government ministers, traitors, and collaboration. the paging rolling out the red carpet is item including job 5 for
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a state visit where he was met with a warm welcome and even pull my words from his chinese count. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. the we're looking at a busy hour here on out to you to national life, or must go with, i'll guess, standing by for an enlightening few shots. however, for right now, we started with breaking news as our hero and all to the very latest on the assassination attempt against the slovak, quite minister, that a press conference out of the interior minister said the gunman had been, i'm good at the government policies, including the stoppage of um, supplies to ukraine. why should i school on vehicles? but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented you with
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the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made by they say it was that he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine subtleties based off of the statements from us officials. we understand that there is a nation wide embargo on information related to the attacks. the officials of course did hint at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as the stipend segments of essentially considered the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration the political divide within the country or so many media reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating the attack. there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change. and i the all logy. what was once designated,
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a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then, many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that the arguments that they've been having has increased that's become a little bit more violent than some, uh for, for lack of a better word. so this immediate sort of social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences as social media posts over the course of the last few months or years. is also hensley to that, as well. is position on ukraine is position within the country of suboxone and, and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another tie into the assassination attempt. what kind of slow the brotherhood is this? he's simply an aggressive who committed an attack very well. the times when called rich kicked out on his communist from the party. there were times when i threw
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stones at the russian tanks because they came to like the rates us duplex face. when the young mosca this little bit prime minister has a good reputation abroad. and they'll just say directed at the heart call of the unfortunately, however, interesting days is government has to be labeled as a mafia state. is that association with the mafia is very irresponsible. another matter we need to consider is of course, the lock is positioned within this geography. it's a member of the european union. it's a member of nato, and we understand that robot fits those policies or it's government has been quite vocal in putting a stop and an end to farm supplies and a to to ukraine is also taken to consideration. it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a great deal, a great list of essential policies that could have led to the attack, or at least given reason to some sort, some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, the countries position over the course of the last couple decades is the slovakian permit or so it has had some position within the government see has been in
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politics since 1992. and since and up until this point has policies haven't changed much, and he has been elected into office time and time again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people. and it shows that i gave you the biggest tragedy of the past and was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement will conflict over opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves presented his opinions as passive, has to become an extremist, take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high as the back here. this was no coincidence. robot pizza is not the new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media,
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then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still won the vote on somebody for one more matter of great concern, just based on the statement that was provided by some auction officials highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boiled into chaos . so that is the prospect of a civil war should be the last thing people should be considering and taking into consideration. the government tends to lock you in leadership. it is trying to seek some form of a solver and foreign policy and an identity for itself, something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance . and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind these statements attack an assassination attempt against this will walk in prime minister as the fact is. and terry administer the field of questions from the press. he took aim at a b, b. c correspondent,
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saying that the investigation is aimed to uncover the facts of the mass of something. the bbc should check itself on. well, seemingly scrambling to avoid the alarm light, the tunnel was very quick to cut away from the live broadcast. but you will have to listen closely to this perhaps also using the bbc coordinator and the other one was more guessing surveys and make sure that it's kind of thing for the one that we are still missing for the agencies. like in order to prevent the conversation on the subject line was that we have seen why, but i mean, it is a bit difficult to predict some of the time. and so the information that a house about can interior minister speaking also we heard from the deputy prime minister and defense, the minister about the attack on yesterday. the prime minister who remains in hospital seriously ill with multiple gunshot wounds with several weeks before firing 5 short point blank of the prime minister, the government whose name is viewed item 2 and i was spotted at the protests in
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western split act. yes. you seen right there are holding a placard. he's being heard at the rally, challenging is support for ukraine. here we spoke with sweden based independent research, a greg simon's he size of the slow guy premiere is and i'm comfortable voice for south and west and talking to us to hear you. it says getting this present before the d u r vassal site. so i mean your crime is. busy to be an embarrassment for the us presidential elections, but i'm trying to hold off the name to the face of to be late sions, which is a very strange policy. but this is what lake drive. so the people like pizza and the whole bomb and others who oppose that put this. busy busy in jeopardy this plan. so i mean this is problematic for them, and this could well be an attempt to create tomorrow at night for the blades.
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uh sorry, this idea of this 5 roy raised in a rush. it comes up again. uh, and these different media accusations which the biggest thing, the slovak, you and the minor, but that's of the deliver of that information for a. and then of course, let's say it's example of a you are being laid is the stand up for self interest. the countries rather than some uh you with g r political guy, right tempest down here in moscow hailing that strategic partnership. so i didn't include him just being given a very warm welcome from his chinese account about gigi and ping. the thought of a 2 day state visit to china, we are covering every inch of the way the
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that's really good looking shots right now at the start of the visit, a lot of my uprooting met with those aging ping outside the great hold of the people that's in the heart of beijing, or the can hear them using your cell or fast to, to latest came face to face the national anthems of their respective countries run out about slugging and food, and then use aging thing appraising the enduring relationship between russia and the by i'm very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the
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occasion when i was re elected as a russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion, lay on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic cooperation. finishing the dear president food in my great friend. i welcome you to china on a state visit a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. over the past 3 quarters of a century, china and russia's relations have been forged under difficult conditions. they have withstood tests under changing international situations, and they've become
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a standard for relations between major states. it is time to take this conversation further. i'm drawing out by the associate professor with the department of diplomacy it uh most goes about chemo university. i've done that, but put off it is so good to get you in here. i'm so grateful to get a chance to pick your brain because what we're seeing right now with bruton back in china. what's amazing to me is that when, when both the russian and chinese leaders, when they go, but it's got the re election when they both, once they both came to see each other, that was a 1st trip abroad. what do you, what do you think that signifies? well, 1st of all, thanks for having me. and as for your question, i believe that it signifies that diplomacy far from being in total crisis. it is very alive and kicking because one of the key elements of diplomacy is reciprocity. so that's why, uh, well, china decided to, uh, use rushes, their 1st leg there for their 1st trip. ambrose,
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russia decided to also pay tribute to the way how they did that before. and that's why i've let them report and decided to go to china. ask his 1st trip abroad after soon after re election, but he's not alone there. he has this whole team of such a ministers and the to it's signifies that russian bureaucracy is very open to this strategic partnership. go his go. it's why. so he's got the old ministers, he's got the new ministers it's, it's a big kind of a guess, a shaking hands saying find the saying, you know, things with the good times and here, here, then you guys and then, you know, get to meet each other and you know, it's, it's, it's an a, it's just the, the, the relationship. but more importantly, the friendship between, between most kind of aging you, you can feel it called you when you see them together. you know that they're looking out for each other. well for sure. but at the same time, it isn't only about smiling and shaking hands. it's also about having us reaping
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certain results from this visit. you see how many a strategic documents are assigned during the official set of monies? this is exactly what brings this relations on a new level without the strategic documents we would be capable off of fixing some of you all the tasks or trying to promote i would really ations, which is why i believe that it isn't only about expressing friendship attitude towards one another. doable. so about working. well, of course, i mean, of course the, for the friendship. and then then all of the business ties, you know, what i think the foundation here, alexander is. it's all based upon mutual respect and that fret the bond of friendship. enables so much more to be accomplished between both the countries and of course, you know, we are watching this amazing emerging, multi polarity in the world these days. alexander, i mean, it, you know, i,
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i know you know your history. but if, if you go back to america, you can go back to eisenhower. kennedy bush book, junior clinton obama. they all talked about the new world order. they all talked about the new world order, but what we're seeing now, as far as i'm concerned, is a new new world, or this policy centric welled or with some people say, countries like russia, china and india are on the front line of this. please centric. well, now you can add fathers such as of gravity just like latin america, africa, different out of countries were also involved in this process that they are putting it into motion. i do agree with you on the fact that we are now living in a multiple a world. and this world order can be compared in a certain way to the table. as you see, the table that stands on only one leg is less stable. the one that stands on the 4 legs more stable in terms of physics. and that's why uh, china, russia, india,
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other breaks members, there are 10 of them. they really contribute to creating this new world, or the one that would be mutually beneficial. we don't necessarily si, fi, twice on every thing that we do. uh consider one another as partnership. as part of this, we are trying to, uh, develop public relations in ambiance of mutual respect. and i believe this is the most unfortunate about the new world order. yeah, i think you're, you know, they're right there and it's on a mutual respect, but, you know, when it comes to break. so let's just say that's when it comes to any family. there's always going to be getting fighting, things like, you know, you know, i wouldn't, i wouldn't the big bedroom all i want the big chair or whatever that, you know, whatever it is, any family is going to have its pick ups. and we know that in the bricks, family, as you said, as many members now, but they are reportedly 2 or 3 does have more countries looking to join this g and strategic family. but india and china sometimes not the best of friends,
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they're awesome. lagging things in the close to it that they have disagreements on, but russia, i certainly would call to try and bring both of those countries together under the canopy of brakes. how would you comment on that? i would go with a manageable competition. so if we develop on this idea of a family, when living in a family, you have your disagreements, but it doesn't mean that you will of leaves or slip in different bedroom sales. so you have to sort of how talk to one another. and the difference between the western countries, the way i mean, the western kept us and they were being union, is that, that they have this master slave relationship, which means that the united states of america will just say because my weight or highway and this is it and it can be compared to a family where i, one of the spouses are just trying to go ask he's or her partner to into 3
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doing something. yeah. when it comes to india, china, as i said, we have our own vision of the world of different global and regional challenges. but at the same time we talk to one another and we hear one another. yeah, and this is very for, this is it, you know, because some of the guess we've been having here and i'll tell you what when they talk about ukraine or politics in america, for example, that some of them say that we're in a situation now where society so divide, it is almost like black and white. and the old as a code of diplomacy with world leaders would sit down and shake hands and talk to each other. they're on as many countries today doing that as they used to be there was just divide and southern hemisphere is of the world today. and a lot of people are saying that, you know, when, when president she and i know i repeat myself. but when president g was re elected, he came almost straight to moscow and he said to boot, and we are seeing the biggest changes in 100 years and we are driving those changes
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. but it's a dangerous time as well. i like sign it because you have your standard hedge. i'm on and i hate to say it like that, but it's true today that is very intent an ottoman on keeping its multi national conglomerate grip on the world. but the world seems perhaps to be shaken. that'll trying to the developing nations, the global south i c s. c o, bricks. all we witness things, seismic shifts in the world today. alex on. absolutely this tectonic, a shift, so of geo politics. they are put into motion and ukraine. this situation in gaza strip. what is going on in asia pacific's, it is everything about the fact that the world we've been living in for so it may need a daycare is no longer with us. we are already on the threshold of a completely different new world order and china, russia, in the other countries are trying to show in this new era. at the same time,
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this process is very painful. just like any system of international relations. it must at 1st uh be no longer valid for us to create something new and it is well just like in life, you will never get to another chapter before finishing reading the previous watson . and this is exactly what we see not we are between the 2 chapters in the history of international did, i think is a great comment. alexander, i appreciated as you well know, you didn't bring wizards recently in front. so you've got a bit of electric from the french president of the european commission chief on a trade regulations. they keep saying that china is cheating and then washington is, you know, leveling most sanctions, they, they, they want to paging against cooperating with moscow. i do use things badging is listening, j g. think badging is willing to follow the orders of washington. well, in parlance of the russian foreign minister. certainly a lover of russia,
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just like china, india, or any other bricks country hate being lectured for electra any want. so i believe that this is not the way how a country not only france any other country, should establish their relations with such a great country region as china. and 1st of all, you have to somehow take into consideration that your own position, their own vision of van. uh, in terms of diplomatic advocates, instead of imposing your own view, you have to listen to your partner. and if the president lacrosse uh would be, could it be more of a split to bold to use a guest? i believe that instead of saying such these words about refraining from uh, developing any partnerships with russia, you would instead propose something. and uh, well, something instead. yeah,
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in exchange for that, but uh, there was nothing at all that we just words. yeah. i got to this is not how diplomacy is connected. when, when does she talk about how this is the plan which is conducted, you know, go to washington and you know, they like to refer to the axis of evil. it talked about north korea, iran, china roster and you know, the axis of evil. you know, they propagate these, these narratives. like, did you? well, let me ask you this. i mean, alex, obviously when it comes to j, a politics and a global chest for today, you're very switched on. i get that of the people in europe in america the way the western press speaks to them. they feel them full of angst and hatred and phobias and the fins sitting where you are not one network television. alexander, if you could address the people in europe and address those in america that are watching right now. what would you tell them about how the world is changing? well, 1st of all, i would like to say that being switched on. geo politics is my job is to provide
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you a what i do for a living. and i can simply have this child solved for talking to different of your opinions or american students that you would like to deliver to lectures and different universities at every single time. i have this come to the misunderstanding of the regal role of europe and international relations. so students or any other uh, citizens there. they believe that they live in a theater of off 19 of the 10th 20th century when europe was in the summit of their glory and they were actually the great powers of the day. now it is no longer so, and i believe the disco image that was depicted by the european uh, foreign minister that the europe as a certain uh bad the eyes. yeah. the garden, yes. and the garden and uh, surrounded by jangles, is not the way how you should,
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uh, to fix uh, for us, uh, on the borders between europe or russia, or i don't know, europe, kentucky. so i took a russia, northern african countries such as old jerry up many countries of latin america. they are at the moment. so in a certain way, even more advanced than here to be in congress in terms of lifestyle, in terms of diplomacy and the arts of diplomacy, in terms of how they express their opinions. i believe that this is a more civilized way from talking to one another. so i believe that you're a fee and so it should start changing because changing means life. when that person sees us to change means that he, well, it's already on the very shelf of listening to the desk. now for this, i like how you said the art of diplomacy. it's, it seems, according to some of that as an art that has been lost and perhaps thrown in the
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dustbin of history. i hope it comes back only in the west. i can surely assure you that uh, when it comes to dealings between countries within brakes. when they, in a shy of cooperation organization, when it comes to defensive regional platforms, seeing the middle east, africa, latin america, we see that the arts of diplomacy, it is, as i said, alive and kicking. yeah. yeah. it is only about the way how the west are conduct, things that are relations not only with the rest of the world, but also within the western. well, you know, like i said to you a little bit earlier, you know, it's a dangerous world. economically speaking, when you talk about gee way, can elements, for example, on the multinational conglomerates around the world as well. there are all these tentacles, and, you know, it's a conversation alexander book, and i have to have another time alex on the bumper off is the associate professor of the department of a pharmacy. it must go to some of the people university. great to talk to you.
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thank you very much for your time. thank you. thank you for the war in gaza has taken sad to say to the global religious congress underway in iran is being held in the country spiritual capital of much had its way off. east correspondent use of july. now reports from or senior village is connor's from different villages and different parts of the world have gathered annual and spiritual capital. mesh had under the auspices, overwhelms austin boards, the custodian of the final b, h. u. i. mom raised their mission to 45 gigs or face ties and engage in dialogues. i'm pressing original matters. central to their discussions is the shared value of justice across various face, which they believe is a remedy for many global crises, including the ongoing, is ready, offensive, and gaza. why we chose this specific question, a very global question, particularly after the case of the 2500 women and children with martin and actually so today, even in the west,
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people are really looking to do it justice. so we had one tons of papers coming from 35 countries from europe, from latin america, from africa. we have news here from the netherlands, from a spring, from where is the uh, united states. so i think this diversity is really important that some of them are not given muslims because the, the have the concern of just the participants say, because a conflict plan sends religious boundaries and is not limited to the most the world . they say, view unfolding humanitarian tragedy. the enclave is being a universal calamity that surpasses any religious doctrines. tolerance the consent, everybody know. does this illusion should be coverage to just say no.
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it's so easy to say no to the united states just of this don't fix the conflicts and guns are now spanning over 7 months and claiming the lives of more than $35000.00 palestinians as intensified with. there's really force is advancing. get to rough on the gas is last haven for approximately 300000 civilians. of the over 1000000000 seeking refuge there have evacuated following israel's orders. speaking of the gathering, give me a shot. it won't even president abraham raise the war. but if these atrocities persist, it would mark via w as well. john as law need the muslim world, but the entire world has come to realize that the design is regime is a tensor as to map this to my must be eradicated. for the sake of not any the region for the whole world to achieve peace and security today, this reality has been acknowledged world wide. what's even more tragic is the us support for these heinous crimes that it gets to the conference for the level of
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support provided by the us to as well as reached a critical threshold, particularly as well faces the risk of another humanitarian crisis and refer. they argue that without substantial financial and material aid from the united states is around what have not been able to go this far. and it's military operations in gaza as well just closer to a potentially catastrophic escalation and rough activists. your 1st day was to reconsider its support for telling me this stance. they argue has not only alienated most of nations, but it also ignited public outrage within the united states where students are leading a wave of public this cent declined. what they call the governments complicity. and because a crisis, i come from a tradition in which we go to the streets and protests that we ask for our rights. we give them to america. if you don't demand your rights, you'll be rolled over. that's the reality of united states america. we're in a typical times right now. and i believe that if the by the administration doesn't
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listen to the cries of the people in the street, not just the muslims, even young jewish people. that i doubt that he's gonna be re elected in november, export to or underscore a pivotal moment for washington. ward faces a mary cross roads continue with support for as well as the actions in gaza or he global outcry. and we evaluate it steps. they argue that the usaa steadfast, back getting cause of hold its global influence when even if so, citizens now condemning it's policy, they say the solution is choice for work. put aside the ambivalence. stop funding for the conflict. usability are too much hot. wrapping up the program for now here at out to you, the national life are most go with now 9 30 pm the backs the
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