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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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sometimes the login disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to create it is continuation of a breaking news here at all. change the national with the most of us, revealed the man who gone down the slovak quite minister, disagreed with the government's policy of refusing to the new price that is, according to the nation's interior minister. raging, rolling out the red carpet from july to my food in state visit ways met with a very warm welcome and kind words from his chinese count a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your presidential terms. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to create achievements in national development of several totally different amounts from nate. so countries joining the antique government, protested georgia,
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was it bad wiring power dials to the events of the us sponsored by them to when you create a decade at the time to be alive of just off the midnight here at most. go with so good to have so we continuing operate can use the ssl here or not to you because we keep getting updates on the latest. now the assassination attempt to consist low back prime minister press conference that was held by the interior minister said the gunman had been, i'm good at government policies, including the stoppage of supplies to your or should i school on vehicles. but at each just, i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made by they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine
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. but it also is based off of the statements from a show. officials, we understand that there is a nation wide embargo on informations related to the attacks. the officials of course, did hence at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as these step segments have essentially considered the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration the political divide within the country or so many media reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating via tech. there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that. over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change in ideal naji. what was once designated, a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then,
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many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that the arguments that they've been having has increased that's become a little bit more violent than some, uh for, for lack of a better word. so this immediate, so social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences. his social media posts over the course of the last few months or years has also hinted to that as well. his position on ukraine is positioned within the country of suboxone in and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another real tight into the assassination attempt. what kind of slot a brother such as this? he's simply an aggressive who committed an attack. very well at times when called rich kicked out on this combination from the party. there were times when i threw stones at the russian tanks because they came to like the rate's us duplex face went beyond most code. the slope of prime minister has a good reputation abroad and they'll just say directed at the hot call of the.
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unfortunately, however, interesting days is government has been labeled as a mafia state. is that association with the nausea is very irresponsible. another matter we need to consider is of course the voc is position within this geography. it's a member of the european union. it's a member of nato. and we understand that role that fits those policies or it's the government has been quite vocal in putting a stop and an end to farm supplies and a to to you. claimants also take into consideration, it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a crate to a great list of essential policies that could have led to the attack, or at least given reason to some sort, some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, of the countries position over the course of the last couple decades. is the slovakian permit us or has had some position within the government. she has been in politics since 1992. and since and up until this point has policies haven't changed much, and he has been elected into office time and time again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this
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is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people maybe to that i gave you the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself, presented his opinions as pacifists to become an extremist. take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high is the back. yeah, this was no coincidence. well, the visa is not so new pulled dition. these been named politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if you didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float, and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still won the vote on somebody floating?
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one more matter of great concern, just based on the statement that was provided by some auction officials highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boil into chaos so that the prospect of a civil war should be. the last thing people should be considering and taking into consideration the government tends to lock you in. leadership is trying to seek some form of a solver in foreign policy and an identity for itself. something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance. and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind the statements attack and assassination attempt against the slovak in prime minister. we discussed the attack on the slovak pm with a member of the german been to stock, and he told us as a defend, grows in europe. you, governments are ready to do what it takes to shut down the opposition. a diesel, lots and lots and some main politics. also, you was against the last 4 piece in the brain
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and he said to you, i'm going to move on to the live veterans and he was against the sentence. and this is contrary to the policy also that you can union. and maybe this was the reason he was shot stollins receipt rest of the speech and hate speech against the opposition and the phone e, as in john then orientation and see it on the stocks. and i can hear in the speeches, and this is a very, very bad situation if i could chose that. um yeah, the main apologies fell into the drum and the but i think all over europe, they don't want to get out of the power. and this is the reason they want
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to disturb the position and they want to cut down and so i'll position parties you, i really dish and, and you are and you do something against the dresser and the politics that you get this pressure and um yeah, it's this is so this situation all right, and just the past couple of hours of letting me put in, touching donald the next leg of his trip to the chinese city of hobbin. leah hailing the strategic partnership side improvement was given a very well welcome from his chinese counterpart at the start of his today's date. is it a china here at all to we are covering every step of the why the the
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the at the start of his visit, a lot of maybe we can met judging thing outside the great hold of the people in the honda of beijing. the, the leading to greeting each other, the national, i'm sense of the respective countries ringing out about the flooding and food. and then g, and king praise the enduring relationship between russia and china. i am very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as a russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year,
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immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china, you also visited muska. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion layer on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. finishing the dear president, put in my great friend, i welcome you to china on a state visit. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national developments over the past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia's relations had been forced under difficult conditions . they've withstood tests under change and international situations and have become standard for relations between major states as the chinese theater and the russian president pledge to deepen their strategic partnership on the multi polar world stage. cultural ties between moscow and beijing and continue to flourish as this
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out. and this report from this c g t n correspond, are there as much we could look forward to in the areas of collaborations and exchange. it is on the coastal funds between signing and russia. chinese presents shooting being read it. he's russian cancer, part of a lot of our preteen who is making these 1st a state visit since he's new term in office. this visit is expected to deepen by letter preparation to any areas of technology, space, exploration, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, as well as a cultural sectors. this concept is clear to and russia or celebrating the 7050 anniversary of diplomatic relations. a grandy ceremony withheld here in the chinese capital on the 1st day of your snow boots, visits china to officially kick off on that side. that russian q of culture from 2024 to 202520 co pay of culturally bands are scheduled or are needed the pipeline in both countries. this includes performances exhibitions,
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as well as movie screenings from china and russia. there's also the much anticipated international pops on competition, organized by russet, which sign it being a major production partner. it just says 200 bucks and ties gold back generations, cultural and people to people exchanges. i've always been very active with figures between the 2 countries. last year, 730000 impressions visited china following the easing the pen demik restrictions. there are currently 90000 students learning chinese in russia. chinese experts are working closely intends in width and russian specialists to restore that chinese whole of the catherine palace, which features extensive chinese laughter decorations, and as a testament to the influence of chinese art on russian culture during the reign of catherine the great this year for the 1st time moscow celebrated sundays from new here on a large scale william page and, and so in his ancient capital,
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she on people sole liberty, the russian holiday monthly meets with a variety of activities. in march this year, the 3rd to an advisor, music festival, kicked off a chattering program. currently the royal ballet theater of rush hour touring in china with a classic repertoire. slow lake. and i sit down with the founder and artistic director of the company. it's a ran a trip to silver for an exclusive interview. take a listen. w, as you had mentioned, initial show. welcome to our show. the theaters bring to this trend, a tourist one lake, which is one of the most revived valleys around the world. what are you brain personally to this interpretation of the classics? why like, our data makes every and staging very a life. we try to make a very dramatic every fees, all of that. but for months, every line over the quote and by that was made to not just to show
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a nice picture, but to tell the story. i'm sure during your tours in china, you visited many historical iconic sites around the country, which when struck you the most, many years ago, i used to visit some ratings. it isn't the great tool, the energy is about one great, lots of ancient years. are there in this place, you can feel a beauty of those ancient times, fame fires of those years. and if you were to choose one ballet or story from the west, which story would embody your represent the great wall of china. i suppose that a situation of the great will will be when you valley it is you for a to a secretary now the rate uh the premier will be in the winter in china. this valley is about a great woman. one of the greatest in russian history, she was a very strong, she made the country much more strong and all her lives like and seen in much. it
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was very bright, it was the red and useful. it was a story about fighting about love. she inspires every one to our days. so i suppose that they still re, can be of us a citation of the great hold because the great tool gives you that read energy of those in fire of times our body will ring this the same energy. how did you 1st learned about chinese culture or china in russia? we have lots of most, it's a tradition when you have a child or 2 or 3 years, you've already read to she and lots of books. uh, is a tradition for our people and lots of them. books, lots of say retail is about oh, genie's. oh, wonders the story of the red flower is history of law of russian,
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soviet soldier and the attorney's girl. when you read it, you can't forget that. and through that story you found your love for china and uh, yes, thank you very much. thank you for coming to us. you are the gaza now with dozens of bodies have been discovered in a sub up of kansas city. and the grim discovery coming after is ready for it has moved out of the area. we have this report from one local jobs or the physician. lot of that, i think so. so for the future of this, before, the last indigo didn't fit into this area as a, to a neighborhood. now these people, in addition to tens of thousands of other success, people to type in it based on the
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as you can see, everything these destroyed is original. how is it to his nose treats all houses of demolished here on the rock. it's right now mission and can to use the meanwhile, a timing report on his right, the actions in gaza as the universe you need to work for human rights as late bad that israel has clearly violated the un genocide convention. israel has
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committed a genocidal acts of killing, causing serious home to and inflicting conditions of loss calculated to bring about the physical destruction of palestinians in gaz protective group that forms a substantial part of the palestinian people. the report highlights the mass casualties that have a code in the enclave since october the 7th. if noticed that around 70 percent of homes there it will be destroyed. the report looked into gaza as humanitarian situation, the same quote, catastrophic hung up to assist those holes in other countries to refrain from being complicit in human rights. the tiny done colleagues said that's a challenge. washington can still be made to pull it support, assuming the american people's voice is actually heard. there's a lot of complexity to go around, but certainly the number 18, or any better is the united states. and in fact, you know, most palestinians understand this is the u. s. war against the palestinian people is much more so than it is and is rarely one. the truth is the american people are
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the last back stop to prevent worse from happening. i think there's still a chance to say guys of i do same by and then use the ministration or can be sway just to save their own political lives though, you know, i saw a report, i forget where it was, but essentially, you know, saying that the by the administration from top to bottom is living in a bubble. they're delusional about what's really happening. they're delusional about their phone numbers and about how the american people view this. but you know, it's our job to convince them that we will rep is we say on the street. we will remember in november. so i hope i hope we can change this in his recent trip to ukraine, off the handshake, the photo ups and even blankets rock stopped performance, playing base of the local public key of the us secretary started down to me, blake,
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and got to works. spinning the narrative, you spoke about corruption in ukraine and in typical fashion, blamed it all on winning on the battlefield. will prevent you pain from becoming part of russian winning the war against corruption will keep you crane from becoming like russia. no wonder who and sought to weaponized corruption ukraine. she noticed how powerful corruption can be and sewing division, and distrust undermining faith and government and its institutions. after all, these been fine tuning these tactics at home for nearly 25 years. however, according to her report released by the pen, the colleagues inspector general corruption room haines, very much in ukraine, cited the war, has created a field day of bribery opportunities for officials. in calf a corruption remains a persistent challenge for the ukrainian government perception of corruption and ukraine has declined significantly since 2013. but it still remains one of the
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least accountable governments in europe. the war has created new opportunities for bribes kickbacks, and inflated procurement costs, which are list ad orthodontal as drawing me out. he said there's simply no evidence that corruption in ukraine is all russia's full populace. this is an old neo con, talking point just goes back years at that is part of the us tendency to blame everything on russia and to excuse its own failures. but the fact is that corruption has been sky high in, in the ukraine since, since the fall, the soviet union, it's been out of control. it was a factor in the 2014 made on uprising. all right, it may have subsided, subsided since then, but it still is as very high levels, and there is simply no evidence whatsoever that this is the, this is rushers fault in any way,
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shape or form. the country is rife with corruption. so therefore, a lot of western age is being mislaid. by the way, there are, there are complaints from the battle of the battlefront. i around solve chomsky this, the town in uh, in north ukraine which is now the center of fear sliding. that the reason there were no defenses put up by the grain to prevent this kind of incursion is that uh, is that the phone the companies made or put the money and did not build the defenses that they were hired to build. so in this case, corruption is directly harming the ukrainian defense effort. and yet somehow it's all it's all put in schools. it's, that's ridiculous that it's very self serving. obviously, moscow has window of history repeating itself. it's off the key. different amounts from nato countries, joined the anti government protests college griffing, georgia. russia says it basil the whole months of what happened to getting the key
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of a decade ago key of ukraine. the us hope you're stated, my done to mean while the matter of to police the last house at the visit, all this, you are paying delegation. this is not friendship. it is m f. c. it is an attempt to deepen polarization within the country. how would you imagine that if a foreign minister, for example, would go to europe on and speak at an opposition rally? what kind of approach is this? is this friendship? nothing extraordinary. foreign us agents are leading the demonstrations abroad against the law on foreign agents. we will recall the same picture in ukraine and know how it ended and how ukrainian interests were trampled on. hopefully, the georgians have learned this lesson. who can imagine that a law could bring so much disorder, the
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support is that a balance? and what does it say? let's take a look and g o's, an independent media that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreigners or foreign countries, need to register as organizations bearing the interest of a foreign power. maybe that's why the foreign powers a want the little girl and i guess and here they are, the visits in georgia foreign ministers from a stony a lot to be a little a new and iceland. and they have a message when times are challenging. you can count on your friends times are definitely challenging. so are they diffusing the situation? no, they decided to drop by to encourage the protestors and threats and the george in parliament. the 1st objective of us coming here is to express our support this other there with everyone who fights for judges, democratic, and european choice for judges. you will see and see which of the adoption of this law negatively impacts george's progress on the path. the choice of the way forward
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is in george's hands. we urge the georgian authorities to withdraw the law if adult to the local be used to silence media and civil society organizations that play a vital role in helping georgette on its way to e u membership. one of the most moving moments of my political life tonight were all georgians. what about the georgians who actually want the slaw and want to protect our country from outside influence? the west has similar law. in fact, they are the ones who in vans at the warrant agents registration act. no one has an issue with that. yes. but in russia or georgia warrant transparency. all of a sudden it's a problem. why doesn't bother the why so much? because they want georgia to pick a lane and stick to it even if it's tooth on that from. and so i guess frankly, we think the process to know where the, the actual law implemented needs that standard that we hope to have more
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discussions to see any step on transparency, matching european norms as, as georgia goes for where we were promised that there would be the opportunity for this before the law is implemented and i was very clear that there would be consequences if a lot were implemented as it now stands. western officials in the crowd pro testers wave in european and american flags full. this looks and sounds familiar. it's because it is, this is exactly what happened in key when the government voted in favor of ties with russia instead of the u. western officials flew in to support the violent crowd. the violin crowd took over and promised a bright future. the change of the government early presidential and follow them and 3 election and the new european governments then ukraine. they will sign an agreement with the european union among the life won't ever ukrainian dignified
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european successful, fast forward 10 years. and the former qu, leader is speaking from an undisclosed location wondering why so many ukrainians have fled the country jerk. and how does the 650000 people over the conscription age? that's according to the commission. believe you craning territory, how do they leave? just explain this to me. how did they leave it going to be? this is what could the weight georgia if they're not careful and by them, i mean the protesters, it may sound far fetched, but experts have been sound in the alarm for months. now warning that another crew is in the works on september 29th, any disclosures ignored by the entire, with some media, the as government run ready of free. europe's russian language portal slow board and the robot revealed the 3 for an alternatives. had been summoned for questioning by the judge and secure with the service. no diddly, assistant opposition elements prepared and might on style regime change scenario
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inability. well, all the elements are definitely there right now including that in some us word. sanctions already being thrown around by europeans and americans, the george and governments as being cornered and force to reverse its decision. the president forbes, to what cans, as it's up to the parliament's will of cave or stick to its guns. and if it does stick so its guns, will these protests die down, or will they be used to only my done to point o marine the costs for the party? yeah, we discussed the latest developments with the full member of george's parliament. he told us that the west has long for golf and the meaning of the tom diplomacy, he uh, offered his own insight as to what he thinks the west in getting to really is. if it's a good though, somebody on those european ministers came to the protest in an attempt to pressure georgia and that fuel to the fire to reinforce the anti government crowds. this is
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a clear threat to george and 70. so both the governments and the people deem those supporting, it's our enemies. we simply cannot cool that countries partners off to sit junctions and this is an adequate reaction. this is an escapade icon. cool, with any other way for foreign diplomats to attend to protests like this. it is, i'm seeing people in the context of diplomacy of, into a governmental relations. they succeeded in doing the same in ukraine. so they believe they can afford to do it with the same play scripts during might dawn in 2014 by following the same chain of events. if you look at it closely, even the pictures and patterns of the same. however, georgia has already suffered through the select lolia and was sick and tired of it . now. i believe our experience will be enough to not step on to this mine field again. what's happening here is the united states wants to use your up to pressure georgia, since the brakes is gaining momentum, the bubble is about to bus. that is why all this happens. they tried to settle, mean you're on fire, but that's not enough. so they need
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a big war in the cold because has to handle projects that presented alternative to the american. him any. that's why they want to ho georgia into a civil war or something like that. i think everyone now understands that the west has overstepped full diplomatic and international norms in particular with the sanctions which are illegal. they see no boundaries but with the world changing. what they're doing now looks like the last effort to stop the ship from sinking. but i doubt that they can achieve anything. as the tables have already ton, georgie will survive this protest and other challenges and everything will go back to normal. soon. in october, we will hold elections. and with the newly obtained legitimacy, we will be able to take steps towards the real partners. i believe the breaks 3 plus 3 formats, a cetera is the direction georgia should be choosing the closest neighbors, should be our 1st priority. georgia is not, you are not geographically not mentally, not anyway. and what is happening right now does not seem like georgia.


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